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Basler Overcurrent Relay

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The BE1 -51TC Time Overcurrent Relay with Torque Control provides
the function of a torque controlled relay, but replaces the electro-
mechanical induction disc with a microprocessor for a new standard in
timing and control versatility.

• One relay can simultaneously monitor three phases plus neutral
Page 2
• All typical characteristic curves, including inverse, definite time
delays and BS142 functions are available.
• Isolated or non-isolated contact sensing available.
• Characteristics may be field selectable with optional switch.
Page 3
• BIT (Built-in-test) simplifies calibration and provides a quick opera-
tional check to confirm the integrity of outputs, LEDs, and targets.
• Pickup repeatability ±2%.
• Timing repeatability ±5%.
• Qualified to IEEE C37.90a-1974 Surge Withstand Capability Test.
Page 8
• Five year warranty.

Request Publication 9201200990


Request Bulletin SDA

BOX 269 ROUTE 143 HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS 62249, U.S.A. PHONE 618-654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351

TIME OVERCURRENT RELAYS fected by the torque control function. The relay begins
Time overcurrent relays provide phase and ground timing if the torque control contact is closed and the
fault protection for distribution circuits, generators, sensed current exceeds pickup. Reset occurs immedi-
transformers, and other major components of the ately if the contact opens.
power system. The relays need to be capable of a wide
range of pickup settings and characteristics in order to The instantaneous overcurrent function is not torque
coordinate properly with other protective devices in the controlled, and neutral sensing is not torque con-
power system. trolled.

The BE1-51TC Time Overcurrent Relay with Torque The BE1-51TC adds a new dimension by providing the
Control provides single or multiple phase current option of non-isolated contact sensing which elimi-
sensing within a single unit. The relay features a pickup nates the need for dedicated contacts to control the
setting range of 0.5 to 12 amperes and a variety of operation of this device. The BE1-51TC is also avail-
timing characteristics for proper coordination. An able with isolated dry contact sensing inputs.
optional selector switch may be included to allow
selection of the desired timing curve when the relay is The sixteen standard overcurrent timing functions in
installed or set. the time overcurrent relay provide a means to coordi-
nate with other protective devices, Table 1 illustrates
TORQUE CONTROL typical applications for the standard time overcurrent
It is often desirable to enable/disable a time overcurrent characteristic curves, An additional set of 16 timing
relay according to other system conditions. This is characteristics is available for extended timing require-
accomplished by inhibiting the operation of the time ments. These extended time characteristics are similar
overcurrent relay until another protective relay (such as to the standard curves except multiplied by a constant
a voltage, directional, or distance relay) closes its timing factor of 5.688.
output contact, thereby enabling the time overcurrent
The term “torque-controlled” comes from the way this An instantaneous output, individually adjustable for
was accomplished for electromechanical induction disc current level, may be specified as an aid in coordinat-
relays and serves as a functional description of a ing a relay scheme. (For single-phase styles, a second
similar operation by a solid-state relay. The time independent instantaneous function may be specified.)
overcurrent characteristics of the BE1-51TC are unaf-

Table 1 - Application Summary


FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION enabled at all times.) This contact must have a
The specifications on these pages define the many minimum rating of 0.05 A at 250 Vdc. Depending on
features and options that can be combined to exactly the selected option, the current through the contacts
satisfy an application requirement. A block diagram may be obtained from the relay itself (isolated contact
(page 4) is included to show how various standard sensing), or from a dc source with a voltage rating
features, as well as some of the options, relate to compatible to the relay’s power supply input range
each other. (non-isolated contact sensing).

INPUTS Power Supply Inputs

Current Sensing One of four power supply types may be selected to
In most models, two ranges are provided (HIGH/ provide internal operating power. These are described
LOW), each with its own pair of input terminals. Note: in Table 3.
Units with three-phase-and-neutral sensing do not
employ dual range current sensing inputs. The Type J K L Z*
current sensing input capabilities and burden are
shown in Table 2. Nominal 125 Vdc 48 Vdc 24 Vdc 250 Vdc
Table 2 - Sensing Burdens Voltage 120 Vac 230 Vac

Burden 14w 12W 10W 25w

25VA 60 VA

All ac references are 50/60 Hz.

*External modules required for contact sensing when type Z
power supply is specified.

Table 3 - Power Supply Options

Time overcurrent output contacts, as well as auxiliary
and optional instantaneous output contacts, are rated
as follows:

120/240 Vac- make 30 A for 0.2 seconds, carry 7 A
continuously, break 7 A.
250/240 Vdc - make and carry 30 A for 0.2 seconds,
carry 7 A continuously, break 0.1 A.
500 Vdc - make and carry 15 A for 0.2 seconds, carry
7 A continuously, break 0.1 A.

120/200 Vat. 125 Vat, 250 Vdc - break 0.1 A (L/R =


Tap Selector
Selection of the time overcurrent pickup point is
facilitated by a lo-position selector. This, together with
the TAP CAL control described below, allows conve-
nient and precise settings for all phase elements
simultaneously. A similar set of controls indepen-
Contact Sensing Inputs
dently adjusts neutral pickup (if neutral element is
Each phase of the relay is enabled by an external
contact. (The neutral and instantaneous functions are


Figure 1 - Functional Block Diagram

TAP CAL Control Time Dial

This control adjusts the time overcurrent pickup point This pair of thumbwheel selectors determines the time
between the TAP selector settings. When the TAP delay between the sensing of a phase overcurrent
CAL control is fully CW, the actual pickup point will condition and the closing of the output contacts. The
be within ±5% of the indicated TAP selector setting. time delay may thus be selected over the range of 00
to 99, as shown on the Characteristic Curves (Figures
Time Overcurrent Pickup ±2% of pickup 3 through 16). For relays with extended timing range,
Measuring Accuracy setting the actual time delay will be approximately 5.7 times
the value shown in the curves.

Time Overcurrent Pickup Better than 95% of Time Delay Accuracy ±5% of the characteristic
Dropout Ratio pickup level. curve value.


Timing Indicator control provides the pickup point adjustment for an
A light emitting diode (LED) indicates when the sensed additional instantaneous output relay (INST 2). (This
current exceeds the time overcurrent pickup setting - option is only available on single-phase units.)
assuming that the overcurrent condition occurs on an
enabled phase. Time Current Characteristic Curve Selector
Two options permit selecting, by means of a 16-
Power Indicator position switch directly behind the front panel, as
A front panel LED illuminates to indicate that the power many as fifteen timing functions. They are identified as
supply is providing the internal operating voltages. Zl and 22 in the style chart.

Target Indicators Option Zl includes the functions illustrated in Figures

Targets may be specified to indicate which phase (or 3 through 11, while Option 22 includes those illus-
neutral) initiated the overcurrent condition, and which trated in Figures 3 through 9 plus the BS142 functions
function was instrumental in causing an output (i.e., of Figures 12 through 16. Extended timing, when
TIME, INST 1, or INST 2). Either current operated or specified, applies to all Zl and 22 functions.
internally operated targets may be selected for the
function targets. The element targets (i.e., the phase Push-to-Energize+Output Pushbutton
and neutral indicators) are always internally operated. The Push-to-Energize pushbutton facilitates testing by
energizing the timed output relay (and auxiliary relay if
A current operated target requires a minimum current present). This is accomplished by inserting a thin non-
of 0.2 A in the trip circuit, and is rated at 30 A for 1 conducting rod through a hole in the front panel.
second, 7 A for 2 minutes and 3 A continuously. The
internally operated function target should be selected If an instantaneous relay is present, a second push-
if the relay has normally closed output contacts. button is similarly provided to energize it. A third
When targets are specified, the Push-to-Energize push-button energizes the Instantaneous 2 relay (if
option described below is included. present).

OPTIONS The Push-to-Energize option is supplied whenever

In addition to the range of choices indicated above, targets are selected.
the following optional features may be specified.
Power Supply Status Output
Instantaneous Overcurrent The power supply status output relay has a normally
An instantaneous overcurrent output may be specified. closed (NC) output contact. This relay is energized
Included is a front panel control that covers an adjust- upon power-up, thus opening its NC contact. Normal
ment range of 1 to 40 times the phase overcurrent relay operating voltage maintains the power supply
pickup point as selected by the TAP selector and TAP status output relay continually energized and its
CAL controls. When this point is exceeded, the Instan- output contact open. However, if the power supply
taneous 1 output relay energizes (Figure 2). output voltage falls below the requirements for proper
operation, the power supply status output relay
For relays having two or three-phase-with-neutral deenergizes, thus closing the NC output contact.
sensing, an independent control adjusts the neutral
instantaneous overcurrent pickup point. When this SURGE WITHSTAND CAPABILITY
point is exceeded, the INST 1 output relay energizes.
Qualified to IEEE C37.90a-1974 Surge Withstand
Instantaneous Overcurrent ±2% of pickup setting Capability Test.
Pickup Measuring Accuracy.
Instantaneous Overcurrent Better than 98% of
Pickup Dropout Ratio pickup level.
Operating Temperature
-40°C (-40°F) to +70°C (+158°F)
Instantaneous 2
When Option l-2 is selected, an additional independent
Storage Temperature
-65°C (-85°F) to +100°C (+212°F)


Shock Case
In standard tests, the relay has withstood 15g in each Size S1 (doubled ended) for single-phase units.
of three mutually perpendicular axes without structural Otherwise Size M1 (doubled ended) for all multi-
damage, or degradation of performance. phase units.

Vibration Weight
In standard tests, the relay has withstood 2g in each of Single-phase 13.0 lb max net
three mutually perpendicular axes swept over the range Three-phase 17.0 lb max net
of 10 to 500 Hz for a total of six sweeps, 15 minutes Two-phase-and-neutral 17.0 lb max net
each sweep, without structural damage or degradation Three-phase-and-neutral 17.4 lb max net
of performance.

Figure 2 - Typical Instantaneous Function Response Time

Figure 3 - B1 Short Inverse Figure 4 - B2 Long Inverse Figure 5 - B3 Definite Time

Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves


Figure 6 - B4 Moderately Inverse Figure 7 - B5 Inverse Figure 8 - B6 Very Inverse

Figure 9 - B7 Extremely Inverse Figure 10 - B8 I2T Figure 11 - Timing Types C1 through C8

I2T with Limits #1 through #8

Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves, continued



Figure 12 - E2 Long Inverse Figure 13 - E4 Inverse (1.3) Figure 14 - E5 Inverse (2.9)

(British Standard 142) Curve (British Standard 142) Curve (British Standard 142) Curve

Figure 15 - E6 Very Inverse Figure 16 - E7 Extremely Inverse

(British Standard 142) Curve (British Standard 142) Curve


CONNECTIONS, continued

Figure 17 - Control Circuit Connections

Figure 18 - Contact Sensing Connections

(for Relays with Power Supply Types J, K, and L)

Figure 19 - Single Phase and Three Phase

(Current Sensing Types K and G)

Figure 20 -
Three-Phase-With-Neutral Figure 21- Two-Phase-and-Neutral
(Current Sensing Type H) (Current Sensing Type K)

CONNECTIONS, continued

Figure 22 - Contact Sensing Connections Using Modules (Only for Relays with Type Z Power Supply)

MODEL NUMBER (E) All output contacts are normally open.
BEl-51TC Time Overcurrent Relay with Torque
Control. (B5) Inverse time overcurrent function.

STYLE NUMBER (J) Internal operating power is obtained from an

The style number appears on the front panel, drawout external 125 Vdc or 100/120 Vac source.
cradle, and inside the case assembly. This style
number is an alphanumeric combination of characters (A) All targets are internally operated. Push-to-
identifying the features included in a particular unit. Energize pushbuttons are included when targets are
The sample style number below illustrates the manner
in which the various features are designated. The (1) One Instantaneous Overcurrent element.
Style Number Identification Chart (page 12) defines
each of the options and characteristics available for (C) Isolated contact sensing.
this device.
(1) Normally open auxiliary output contacts operate
SAMPLE STYLE NUMBER Gl E-B5J-Bl Cl F concurrently with the time overcurrent output relay.
The style number above describes a BE1-51TC Time
Overcurrent Relay with Torque Control having the (F) The relay case is configured for flush mounting.
following features:
NOTE: Description of a relay must include both the
(G) 3-phase current sensing. model number and complete style number.

(1) 0.5 to 12 ampere time overcurrent pickup range.


Designate the model number, followed by the com- The following standard accessories are available for
plete style number: the BE1-51TC Time Overcurrent Relay with Torque
Style Number: Test Plug
Order test plug, Basler Electric part number 10095.
Complete the style number by selecting one feature (Two plugs may be required for complete testing
from each column of the Style Number Identification capabilities).
Chart and entering its designation letter or number in
the appropriate square. (Two squares are used to Extender Board
indicate time delay characteristics.) All squares must The extender board will permit troubleshooting of the
be completed. PC boards outside the relay cradle. Order Basler part
number 9 1655 00 100.

ROUTE 143, BOX 269, HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS U.S.A. 62249 P.A.E. Les Pins, 67319 Wasselonne Cedex FRANCE
PHONE 618-654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351 PHONE (33-3-88) 87-1010 FAX (33-3-88) 87-0808
http://www.basler.com, info@basler.com

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