BE1 25bull7
BE1 25bull7
BE1 25bull7
Sync-Check Relay
The BE1-25 Sync-Check Relay monitors the voltages on both sides of a circuit
breaker and determines that proper phase angle and voltage exist prior to closing the
circuit breaker.
• Phase angle limit is adjustable over the range of 1 to 99 degrees.
• Time delay is adjustable over a range of 1 to 99 cycles or 0.1 to 99 seconds.
• Voltage monitoring circuits provide independent determination of bus and line
voltage levels for selectable closing conditions.
• Voltage difference provides additional verification of proper breaker closing
• Expandable phase window option provides the capability to quickly close critical
system ties under emergency conditions.
• Separate sync and voltage monitor output contacts are available.
• Optional external selection of voltage conditions.
• Qualified to the requirements of APPLICATIONS
– IEEE C37.90.1-1989 Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Page 2
Protective Relays and Relay Systems
– IEEE C37.90.2-1987 Standard Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to
Radiated Electromagnetic Interference (RFI) from Transceivers
• UL Recognized under Standard 508, UL File #E97033. Pages 4 - 6
• Gost R certified per the relevant standards of Gosstandart of Russia.
• Five year warranty.
Page 7
P. O. BOX 269 HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. 62249 PHONE 618-654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351 4-10
The primary application of this relay is in situations that nection between two parts of a power system, and
require verification that synchronism exists prior to supervision of fast transfer schemes where fast pickup
closing a circuit breaker. These include the paralleling and dropout of the phase measuring circuit and
of a generator to a system, reestablishing an intercon- required.
General permitted to close. The allowable phase angle is adjust-
The basic BE1-25 is a solid state synchronism check able over the range of 1 to 99 degrees. The time delay
relay, designed to permit breaker closure only after the requirement is adjustable over either of two ranges: 1 to
specified phase angle conditions have been verified 99 cycles, 50/60 Hz (using the bus frequency as the
and the condition satisfied for a specified time period. reference); or, 0.1 to 99 seconds (using the internal
The design provides for ease of setting the phase angle crystal reference). (See Figure 1).
and time period requirement through front panel
thumbwheel switches. The design also includes up to An optional target may be specified to indicate opera-
five optional voltage measuring circuits to verify various tion of the sync-check function.
line and bus voltage conditions prior to permitting
breaker closure. In order to control the operation of the relay, one
additional input (in addition to the Bus and Line poten-
The BE1-25 Sync-Check relay is designed to measure tials and power supply) is required. This input defines
the phase angle between the monitored single phase the position of the circuit breaker. If the breaker is open
voltages on the line and bus sides of a breaker and the relay will perform its function. When the breaker
verify this angle is less than or equal to the front panel closes this input changes state and deenergizes the
setting. If the measured angle has met this criteria for output. This input uses a contact of the breaker (52b) to
the time period defined by the front panel setting, the define position. Two configurations of this input's
output relay is energized and the breaker will be circuitry – Isolated contact sensing and Nonisolated
contact sensing – provide additional flexibility to the
control/protection circuit designer. With isolated contact
sensing, the relay monitors a current through a dedi-
cated contact. With non-isolated contact sensing, the
relay senses the presence of voltage at its input due to
the closure of a non-dedicated contact.
Voltage Monitoring
To supplement the basic sync-check function of the
BE1-25, optional voltage measuring circuits may be
included. These include magnitude measurements of
the line and bus inputs, which may be used by the
voltage monitoring logic to determine whether the input
is live, dead or overvoltage. CONDITION switches,
either on the voltage monitor card or external to the
relay, determine the desired relay response to these
voltage conditions. MODE switches are included on the
voltage monitor card to define the desired mode of
operation for the Dead Bus/Bus Not Overvoltage (DB/
OV) measuring elements. One MODE switch is pro-
vided for each voltage input so that the operation of the
relay can be tailored to the specific application.
DESCRIPTION, continued
When the MODE switches are in the NOT OVERVOLT- With this logic, when the MODE switches are in the
AGE position (down), the two measuring elements Normal Position, a DEAD level is defined as a moni-
associated with each input establish separate dead/live tored voltage level below the DEAD reference setting. A
and not-overvoltage reference levels for the input LIVE level is defined as a monitored voltage above the
signal. (See Figure 2). LIVE reference setting.
CONDITION switches provide the means of selecting When the MODE switches are in the NOT OVERVOLT-
the desired action to be taken by the BE1-25 relay. AGE position, a DEAD level is defined as a monitored
Switch selections include: Live Line/Live Bus (Sync- voltage less than the LIVE reference setting, a LIVE level
Check only), Live Line/Dead Bus, Dead Line/Live Bus, is defined as a monitored voltage greater than the LIVE
and Dead Line/Dead Bus. When any of the selected reference setting and less than the NOT OVERVOLT-
voltage conditions have been satisfied, the voltage AGE reference setting. The input is considered to be
monitor circuit will energize either the sync-check Overvoltage when it exceeds this reference setting.
output relay, or the separate (optional) voltage monitor
output relay. (It is installed when specified by the style This flexibility allows the relay to be used to permit
number). closing a generator breaker onto a dead bus, as well
as, preventing closure if the bus voltage is too high.
Voltage Difference Expandable Window
Another voltage monitoring function may be included An Expandable Window option is available to enable a
to monitor the vector voltage difference between the local operator, through a switch, or a remote dispatcher,
two inputs. This function provides an internal backup through the supervisory control system to expand the
to the voltage monitoring and sync-check functions to preset phase angle window by a preprogrammed ratio
prevent the closure of a generator breaker if this under emergency conditions. Under normal conditions
difference is too great even though the phase angle the phase angle setting is determined for a distribution
and voltage level monitoring circuits indicate proper or transmission line breaker by the calculated angular
closing conditions have been met. See Figure 3. difference that will exist for expected load flow through
the total system. Under emergency conditions, the load
A separate contact output may be included with the flow throughout the system may result in an excessive
voltage monitoring option when selected by the style phase angle separation across the controller breaker.
number. This contact may be used in the breaker
closing circuit to provide a separate supervised In order to reestablish load on a previously faulted line
closing circuit or indication of the existing voltage quickly, it may be necessary to expand the allowable
conditions to the supervisory control system. phase window. With this option, closing a contact input
to the relay expands the preset phase setting by a
Push-to-Energize Output preprogrammed multiple. Programming the multiple to
Push-to-Energize Output push buttons are available 2 or 3 is accomplished by moving a jumper on the
and provide a means of verifying external output circuit card. Opening the contact input restores the
wiring without the inconvenience of having to test the phase angle limit to the front panel setting.
entire relay in the panel for this wiring check. These
optional push buttons are provided for each isolated For a generator breaker the phase angle setting is
output function within the relay. They are accessible determined by the maximum phase difference that can
from the front of the relay and actuated by inserting a be tolerated by the generator when connected to the
small nonconductive rod through the metal cover of system. An excessive angle can result in excessive
the cradle assembly. mechanical forces in the generator and its associated
mountings. This option is not suggested for use in
generator applications.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION User-supplied contacts perform the following functions.
The specifications on these pages define the many Breaker (52b) - Form B auxiliary contact of the control-
features and options that can be combined to satisfy an ler breaker used to determine the state of the breaker.
application requirement. The block diagram, Figure 4,
illustrates how various standard features, as well as the Extend Phase Angle Option - Form A contact causes
options, function together. the Phase Acceptance Angle to widen by a factor or 2
or 3 (depending upon the position of a field adjustable
INPUTS jumper).
Voltage Sensing (Phase Angle Measurement) Remote Switching Option - Four sets of user-supplied
Standard system potential transformers (PTs) with 120V form A contacts allow external control of the relay's
nominal secondaries supply the Sync-Check Relay's response to various live/dead conditions. Without this
input transformer with single-phase line and bus option, control is obtained by DIP switches on voltage
voltage. The voltage sensing inputs are capable of monitor board.
160% of nominal voltage continuously, and operate with
a maximum burden of 1 VA over the voltage range of 80 Power Supply Status Output
to 130V, 40 to 70 Hz. The power supply output relay is energized and its NC
output contact is opened when power is applied to the
Contact Sensing relay. Normal internal relay operating voltage maintains
The Sync-Check Relay monitors the state of external the power supply status output relay in a continuously
user-supplied contacts. These contacts must have a energized state with its output contact open. If the
minimum rating of 0.05A at 250 Vdc. Depending on the power supply output voltage falls below the require-
selection option, they current through the contacts may ments of proper operation, the power supply output
be obtained from the relay itself (isolated contact relay is deenergized, closing the NC output contact.
sensing), or from a dc source with a voltage rating
equal to the relay's power supply input (non-isolated Power Supply
contact sensing). One of our power supplies may be selected to provide
internal operating power. These are described in Table
1. The burden is given in Table 2.
line, dead bus, and dead line limit levels. These controls
Type O P R T* provide continuous adjustment over the range of 10 to
Nominal 48 Vdc 125 Vdc 24 Vdc 250 Vdc 135 Vac. Four condition switches determine the closing
Voltage 120Vac 240 Vac conditions that the relay will recognize. Response time
is 50 msec or less.
* External modules required for contact sensing when type T power supply is specified.
The style number BE1-25M1EA6PN4R0F describes a BE1-25 Synch Check Relay having the following features:
(M) - Sensing Input Type - Single-phase voltage
(1) - Sensing Input Range - 120 Vac nominal 1-99° phase setting
(E) - Output - Sync-check, NO
(A6) - Timing - 0.1 to 99 seconds
(P) - Power Supply - 125 Vdc or 100/120 Vac external power source
(N) - Target - None
(4) - Option 1 - Nonisolated contact sensing
(R) - Option 2 - Line and bus voltage monitor with voltage difference,
and PC board mounted switches
(0) - Option 3 - None
(F) - Option 4 - Semi-flush mounting
The following accessory is available for the BE1-25 Sync-Check Relay.
Test Plug
To allow testing of the relay without removing system wiring, order two test plugs, Basler Electric part number 10095.
Printed in U.S.A.