49-Akm LBP2015
49-Akm LBP2015
49-Akm LBP2015
We propose a mechanism of highly focused, tunable and high-intensity terahertz (THz) radiation generation by frequency-
mixing of two super-Gaussian lasers with frequencies ω1, ω2 and wave numbers k1, k2 (laser profile index p > 2) in a
corrugated plasma in the presence of external static magnetic field B0 ẑ. In this process, a strong nonlinear
ponderomotive force is offered to the plasma electrons at frequency ω′ = ω1 − ω2 and wave number k′ = k1 − k2 by
laser beams. The ponderomotive force results in a strong, controllable nonlinear transverse oscillatory current,
which can be optimized by optimizing the external magnetic field, ripple parameters, and laser indexes. This
controllable current produces focused and intense THz radiation of tunable frequency and power along with a
remarkable efficiency ∼25%.
Keywords: Plasma; Radiation; Ripples; Terahertz
force of a laser pulse (Antonsen et al., 2007; Verma & et al., 2014) to the plasma electrons at frequency ω′ = ω1 −
Sharma, 2009; Varshney et al., 2014). In most of the ω2 and wave number k′ = k1 − k2, which is obtained as
schemes, the magnetic field has proved to be effective for en-
hancing the field of emitted radiations (McLaughlin et al., fω′ NL = − e2 2 )∗
1 · E
2000; Weiss et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2007). 2me ω1 ω2
It can be observed that most of the THz radiation genera-
e2 E01 E02 4py2p−1 (1)
tion schemes produce either lower average output power =− x̂ik ′ − ŷ
2me ω1 ω2 w2p
(sensitivity) or emit poorly focused radiations. Actually tun- 0
frequency-mixing of super-Gaussian (spatial) lasers and B0 ẑ, we (Malik et al., 2014) calculate nonlinear density per-
employ an external DC magnetic field in a corrugated (den- turbation (say, nω′ NL ) using equation of continuity and equa-
sity) plasma. Owing to the higher index of the lasers and tion of motion as
hence, an enhancement in the steepness in their spatial inten-
sity gradient, a stronger transverse ponderomotive force is re-
me c2 n0 ′ NL · f ′ NL × eB0 ẑ .
alized which drives a very high nonlinear current. This nω′ NL = iω ∇ · f ω′ + ∇ ω
iω′ (m2e c2 ω′ 2 − e2 B20 ) me c
strong, controllable nonlinear oscillatory current is the
source for generating THz radiation with tunable frequency,
power and focusing properties.
This nonlinear density perturbation produces a self-consistent
The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2,
space-charge potential f that leads to a linear density
we give analytical results of the electric field and efficiency
perturbation nω′ L using which we calculate using Piosson’s
of the emitted radiation due to nonlinear oscillatory current
equation as
developed as a result of frequency-mixing of two super-
Gaussian lasers of frequencies ω1, ω2 and wave numbers
· ∇f
m2e c2 ω2p ∇ ′
k1, k2 (profile index p > 2). Results and discussion are ω
nω′ L =
given in Section 3. Conclusions of the present paper are en- 4πe m2e c2 ω′ 2 − e2 B20
capsulated in Section 4.
Using equation of motion as
me ∂vω′ NL /∂t = fω′ + fω′ − e vω′ NL × B
0 under the com-
′ and magnetic field B0 ẑ,
bined effect of fω′ , fω′ = e∇f
Figure 1 shows the schematic for the THz generation scheme ω
in the corrugated plasma. We consider frequency-mixing of we calculate the nonlinear velocity of the electrons vω′ NL as
two super-Gaussian lasers (beam width w0 and the general-
ized profile index p) with frequencies ω1 and ω2 and wave e2 E01 E02 e(−(2y /w0 )) [T1 x̂ + T2 ŷ]ei(k x−ω t)
2p 2p ′ ′
vectors k1 and k2, linearly polarized along the y-direction vω′ NL = − , (3)
2m2e ω1 ω2 (ω′ 2 − ω2c )(ω′ 2 − ω2H )
[pump fields profile E j = ŷE0j e(y2p /w0 2p ) ei(kj x−ωj t) together
with j = 1, 2], and co-propagating along the x-direction in
a corrugated plasma having density n = n0 + n′ (n′ = nα where ωc = eB0/mec,
eiαx together with nα as the amplitude and α as the wave
⎡ ⎤
number of the corrugation) under the effect of magnetic field
ω′ 2 ω′ 2 − ω2c + ω2c ω2p 4py
ωc ω′ 2 + ω2p − ω2c
B0 ẑ. T1 = ⎣ + ⎦
The spatial gradient in the laser intensities offers a strong c w2p
nonlinear ponderomotive force (Malik & Malik, 2013; Malik
⎡ ⎤
iω′ ωc ω′ 2 + ω2p − ω2c 4py2p−1 ω′ 2 ω′ 2 − ω2c + ω2c ω2p
T2 = ⎣ − ⎦,
c iω′ w0 2p
together with ωH = ω2p + ω2c . The nonlinear current
Jω ≡ −(1/2)n′ evω′ NL comprises the contribution from non-
Fig. 1. Schematic representation for the THz generation in the corrugated
plasma. linear perturbations in the electron density nω′ NL and linear
High-intensity THz generation in the plasma with DC magnetic field 521
$ $
density perturbation nω′ L due to the self-consistent space- $ E0y $
$ $
charge potential f produced by nω′ NL. Hence, the current den- $E $
sity $ ⎡⎧ ⎫ ⎤$$
Jω is obtained as $ ⎨inα eω2p E02 ω2 (ω2−ω2c )+ωc 2 ω2p ⎬ 4pyp−1
$ ω ω 2 $
$ ⎢ − 2 2 ⎥
c p $
$ ⎢⎩ ⎭ c(ω −ωH ) ⎥$$ ⎥
$ x ⎢ 4n0 me c ω1 ω2 (ω −ωH ) ω −ωc
2 2 2 2 2 w 0
× e(−2y /w0 2q )
Here ω ≡ ω′ = ω1 − ω2 and k = k1 − k2 + α
We calculate the THz field using Maxwell’s equations
along with the current Jω as Here
" #
∇ + 4πiω Jω − ω εE
· E)
− ∇2 E
= 0. ω2 εxy 2
∇( (5) ε yy + − k 2
c2 c2 c2 εxx
In the presence of magnetic field, the electric permittivity of is a required phase-matching condition for maximum mo-
the plasma evolves into a tensor quantity ε with its compo- mentum transfer from the lasers to the plasma electrons.
nents as From Eq. (7), it is observed that the resonant emission of
THz radiations is achieved at ω ≈ ωH ≡ ω2p + ω2c . Since
ω2p kTHz ≠ k′ , a proper tuning of these wave numbers is also
εxx = εyy = 1 − ,
(ω2 − ω2c ) required for the resonant excitation of the THz radiation.
This tuning is achieved with the help of corrugation
iωc ω2p (wave number α) in the plasma density (as k = α + k′ ), peri-
εyx = −εxy = , odicity (repetition) of which can be obtained from the phase
ω(ω2 − ω2c )
matching condition as
$ $
$2π$ 2πc
ω2p |λcorru | = $$ $$ = ⎧ %⎫ .
εzz = 1 − 2 , α ⎪ & 2 ⎪
⎪ &
ω ⎨ & ω2 − ω2p − ω2 ω2c ⎪ ⎬
ω− '
⎪ ω2 − ω2p − ω2c ⎪ ⎪
and εxz = εzx = εzy = εyz = 0. Equation (5) governs the THz ⎩ ⎭
radiation emission. Assuming fast phase variation of the field
we put E
E, =E 0 (x, y) ei(kx−ωt) in Eq. (5) and separate out the The dependence of λcorru on ωc reveals that the magnetic field
x-and y-components of E. The normalized transverse compo- plays a vital role in realizing the resonant/phase-matched ex-
nent of E gives the THz field E0y as citation of the THz radiation at the frequency ω ≅ ωH by
photo-mixing of the lasers.
Finally, we calculate ηω as the ratio of average energy den-
∂2 E0y ∂E0y ω2 ε2xy
+2ik + 2 εyy + −k E0y
2 sities of the emitted THz radiation to that of the input lasers
∂x2 ∂x c εxx and that of the emitted THz radiation as follows (Rothwell &
⎡⎧ ⎫ ⎤ Cloud, 2009):
⎨ inα eω2p E02 ω2 (ω2 −ω2c )+ω2c ω2p ⎬ 4pyp−1 ω ω 2 ⎡ ⎤
⎢ c ⎥
⎢ ⎩4n m c2 ω ω (ω2 −ω2 )ω2 −ω2 ⎭ w p − c(ω2 −ω2 ) ⎥
⎢ 0 e 1 2 0 ⎥ px2 2(1/2p) ℜ1 2 ⎢ 2
ω2 ℜ3 2 ⎥
H c
⎥ ⎢ 8pℜ2 ⎥
=⎢ ⎧ ⎥ ηω = ⎢ 2 (4−1/p) Γ(2 − 1/2p) + Γ(1/2p)⎥,
⎢ ⎨ in eE ω 2 ω2 +ω2 −ω2 ⎬ ⎥ 4k Γ(1/2p) ⎣w0 2
2 1 ⎦
⎢ α 02 c p p c ω 4py ωc ωp ⎥
p−1 2
⎣+ − ⎦ 4pc2 22p
⎩4n0 me c2 ω1 ω2 (ω2 −ω2H ) ω2 −ω2c ⎭ c w0 p ω(ω2 −ω2H )
× e(−2y /w0 )
2p 2q
nα eωω2p E02
ℜ1 = ,
In order to solve Eq. (6), we neglect second-order term 4n0 mc2 ω 1 ω2 (ω
2 − ω2H ) ω2 − ω2c
and put
" # ω2 (ω2 − ω2c ) + ω2c ω2p ω2c ω2p ω2 + ω2p − ω2c
εxy 2
ε + −k 2
=0. ℜ2 = + ,
εxx ω ω ω2 − ω2H
522 A.K. Malik and K.P. Singh
and Figure 3 shows that the THz field amplitude attains a maxi-
mum value at a particular value of y/w0. For example, the
ωc ω2p ω2 (ω2 − ω2c ) + ω2c ω2p THz radiation is focused at y/w0 = 0.72 in the case of super-
ℜ3 =
− ωc ω2 + ω2p − ω2c , Gaussian lasers of index 2 ( p = 2), at y/w0 = 0.84 in the case
ω ω − ωH
2 2 2
of lasers of index 3 and at y/w0 = 0.89 in the case of lasers of
index 4. Moreover, the transverse profile becomes more sym-
where Γ is the usual gamma function.
metrical about the y-axis for the case of higher index lasers
and peak value of the THz field amplitude is increased
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION with laser index p. The peak field and the collimation of
the emitted radiation are further enhanced by increasing mag-
The steep corrugations in the density that are constituted at
netic field. The effect of magnetic field becomes more impor-
closer distances are suggested for obtaining strong THz radi- tant for the higher index lasers, where we can obtain the
ation (Antonsen et al., 2007). Equation (7) shows that the ra-
radiation of highest intensity at a desired position by chang-
diation with larger field is obtained for the case of higher
ing the index. This is attributed to the higher cyclotron
amplitude corrugation (higher nα). This is attributed to the motion of the electrons in the presence of stronger magnetic
more number of electrons which contribute to excitation of
the strong nonlinear current Jω .
Equation (8) shows that the present scheme of frequency-
Figure 2 shows that the THz amplitude is highest for ω/ mixing of two super-Gaussian lasers is very effective, where
ωP ≈ 1.3, that is, near the resonance condition ω ≈ ωH.
the efficiency of about 0.25 can be obtained (Fig. 4) if a com-
Moreover, the role of index (parameter p) of super-Gaussian
bination of the lasers of higher index and a strong magnetic
lasers in getting stronger radiation is evident from the figure, field is used. It can be inferred from the comparison of
where higher THz field amplitude is obtained for the higher
Figure 4 with Figures 2 and 3 that in the situation of
index. Actually for the higher index lasers, a stronger nonlin-
higher efficiency, the THz radiation field is stronger and
ear current Jω is realized due to the stronger force fω′ in the
more focused. This is evident from all the figures that
presence of sharp gradient in the lasers’ intensity. This gradi- unlike other investigators (Carr et al., 2002; Wu et al.,
ent is higher in the case of lasers with smaller beamwidth 2007; 2008; Kim et al., 2008), we can get the THz radiation
(w0). Hence, the THz field of higher amplitude is achieved at a desired position along with its tunable power and fre-
when the lasers of smaller w0 are used (Fig. 2). A point to quency with the application of an external magnetic field
be noted in the present scheme is that the THz field and proper choice of index of the super-Gaussian lasers.
∼107 V/cm for the laser intensity ∼1014 W/cm2 is higher Jiang et al. (2011) demonstrated a scheme of THz generation
than the field obtained in other schemes (Hamster et al., scheme based on difference frequency generation by stacking
1994; Loffler et al., 2000; Jiang et al., 2011; Malik & the GaP plates. In their scheme, the conversion efficiency is
Malik, 2011; Carr et al., 2002; Leemans et al., 2003; Dai comparable with our model, but the emitted THz field is
et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2007; Thomson et al., 2007; Wu much lower than the emitted field in the proposed model.
et al., 2007; 2008; Kim et al., 2008). Wu et al. reported a scheme of THz generation from the
The most striking feature of the proposed photo-mixing laser wake-field in the inhomogeneous magnetized plasma
scheme is the tuning of power and focus (transverse profile: in which conversion efficiency of the THz radiation is pro-
y/w0) of the emitted THz radiation with the help of index of portional to the laser intensity when it is less than 1018 W/
the lasers and magnetic field. In this regard, it is clear from cm2 and it reaches about 10−5 when the intensity of the
laser is approximately 1019 W/cm2 (Wu et al., 2007). Kim
Fig. 2. Variation of the normalized peak THz electric field with index (pa- Fig. 3. Transverse profile ( y/w0) of the THz radiation with as a function of
rameter p) of the lasers and beamwidth (w0), when x = 100c/ωp, ω1 = 2.4 × magnetic field (B0) and the index of laser beams, when w0 = 0.05 mm, x =
1014 rad/s, ωp = 2 × 1013 rad/s, ωc/ωp = 0.2, nα/n0 = 0.2, y/w0 ≈ 0.7, and 100c/ωp, ω$ 1 ∗=$ 2.4 × 10 rad/s, ωp = 2 × 10 rad/s, nα/n0 = 0.1, ω/ωp =
14 13
$ ∗$
$v2 $ = 0.3c. $ $
1.45, and v2 = 0.3c.
High-intensity THz generation in the plasma with DC magnetic field 523
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