Planet Issues
Planet Issues
Planet Issues
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. read a text for specific information;
2. understand text structure;
3. use the new vocabulary in new contexts;
4. identify environmental issues;
5. offer possible solutions to environmental problems.
- to review and improve the students’ vocabulary range;
- to activate the Ss’ knowledge of the world and of the language;
- to encourage students’ to communicate freely and spontaneously during the activities;
- to develop students’ speaking and writing competences.
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
The teacher enters the classroom, greets the students and starts asking them different
questions in order to get acquainted with them and to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Activity 1 (5 minutes)
They go on to page 60, where they are going to have some reading comprehension
activities. First, students are asked to look at the title and describe using their previous
knowledge what Antarctica is like. If necessary the teacher may help them using different
questions (‘What’s the weather like there’, ‘What animals are living there?’,etc) .Then, they have
a look at the list of words from Ex 1b. The teacher reads out the list of words and explains/elicits
the meaning of any unknown words.