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DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis



DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis


Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page

This edition applies to Version 1 Release 12 of z/OS™ (5694–A01), and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
This edition replaces SC26-7525-04.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1995, 2010.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Eliminating DFSORT Installation as a Source of Error 4
Eliminating Your Invoking Program as a Source of
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Eliminating Your User Exit Routines as a Source of
Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About this document . . . . . . . . . ix Errors in Using Registers . . . . . . . . . 4
How to use this document . . . . . . . . . ix Errors in Using Main Storage . . . . . . . . 5
Required product knowledge . . . . . . . . ix Errors in Record Contents . . . . . . . . . 5
Referenced documents . . . . . . . . . . . x Being Aware of Data Management Rules . . . . . 5
Accessing z/OS DFSORT documents on the Internet x Correcting Common Errors . . . . . . . . . 6
Using LookAt to look up message explanations . . xi Common System Abends Related to Storage . . . 6
Miscellaneous System Abends . . . . . . . 7
How to send your comments to IBM xiii User Abends at Run Time . . . . . . . . . 9
If you have a technical problem . . . . . . . xiii Common Problems Reported by DFSORT Users . 9

Summary of changes . . . . . . . . xv Part 2. Messages and Codes . . . . 11

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-05 z/OS
Version 1 Release 12 . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Chapter 2. Message Considerations . . 13
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Printing Messages and Control Statements . . . . 13
Operational Changes that may Require User
Printing EFS Messages and Control Statements . . 14
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Writing Messages to the Master Console. . . . . 15
Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-04 z/OS
Finding DFSORT Control Statement Coding Errors 15
Version 1 Release 11 (PTFs - November 2009) . . xvii
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Operational Changes that may Require User Chapter 3. Informational and Error
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-04 z/OS
Version 1 Release 11 (PTFs - July, 2008) . . . . . xix Chapter 4. Diagnostic Messages. . . . 97
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Operational Changes that may Require User
Chapter 5. Return Codes and User
Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii
Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-03 z/OS Abends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Version 1 Release 10 . . . . . . . . . . . xxii DFSORT Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . 101
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xxii ICETOOL Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . 101
Operational Changes that may Require User ICEGENER Return Codes . . . . . . . . . 102
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii
Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-02 z/OS Part 3. Diagnosis Guide . . . . . . 105
Version 1 Release 8 (PTFs - April, 2006) . . . . xxv
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xxv
Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the
Operational Changes that may Require User
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix DFSORT Program . . . . . . . . . 107
Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-01 z/OS Developing Your Keyword String. . . . . . . 108
Version 1 Release 6 (PTFs - December, 2004) . . . xxx Constructing Keyword Strings . . . . . . . . 110
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . xxx Component Identification Keyword Procedure . . 111
Operational Changes that may Require User FMID Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . . 112
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiv Type-of-Technique Keyword Procedure . . . . . 112
Type-of-Application Keyword Procedure . . . . 113
Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures . . . . . 113
Part 1. Eliminating Common Sources Wait and Loop Keywords Procedure. . . . . 114
of Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 System Abend Keyword Procedure . . . . . 115
User Abend Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 115
Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources Message Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . 116
Incorrect-Output Keyword Procedure . . . . 116
of Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Performance Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 117
How to Get Messages . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Document Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 117
How to Get a Dump. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Module Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . 117

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 iii

Offset Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . . 119 Appendix A. Valid Input/Output
Message Variable Keywords . . . . . . . . 119 Options at User Exits—ICE044I. . . . 129
ICE061A Variable Keywords . . . . . . . 119
ICE117A Variable Keywords . . . . . . . 120
Appendix B. User Exit Return
Chapter 7. Searching the Problem Codes—ICE071A . . . . . . . . . . 131
Reporting Databases . . . . . . . . 121
Appendix C. Accessibility . . . . . . 133
Using assistive technologies . . . . . . . . 133
Chapter 8. Fixing or Bypassing the Keyboard navigation of the user interface . . . . 133
Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 z/OS information . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Fixing the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Bypassing the Problem . . . . . . . . . . 123 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Programming Interface Information . . . . . . 136
Chapter 9. Reporting a Problem . . . 125 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Part 4. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 127

iv z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

1. Keyword String Flowchart . . . . . . . 109 4. Finding the Wait State Bit in the PSW 115
2. Keyword String Syntax . . . . . . . . 111 5. Finding the Abend Address . . . . . . . 118
3. Finding the System Abend Code and the PSW 6. Finding the Module Name . . . . . . . 118
in the SYSUDUMP . . . . . . . . . . 114 7. Finding the Offset . . . . . . . . . . 119

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 v

vi z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
1. Referenced documents . . . . . . . . . x 6. Types of DFSORT Failures . . . . . . . 113
2. Getting a Dump . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7. Steps to Search the IBM Software Support
3. Common System Abends Related to Storage 6 Facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4. Miscellaneous System Abends. . . . . . . 7 8. User Exit Return Codes - ICE071A . . . . 131
5. Program Failure Resolution . . . . . . . 107

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 vii

viii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
About this document
This document is intended to help you:
v Eliminate common sources of errors. Part 1, “Eliminating Common Sources of
Error,” on page 1 explains how to get messages and dumps and how to identify
and eliminate various problems.
v Interpret the informational and error messages issued by DFSORT. Part 2,
“Messages and Codes,” on page 11 contains the messages returned from the
program, explains their meanings, and suggests appropriate responses.
v Diagnose a program failure that you suspect is caused by DFSORT. Part 3,
“Diagnosis Guide,” on page 105 is a step-by-step guide that will assist you in
searching for a solution and, if necessary, reporting the problem to the IBM
Support Center.

For information about the accessibility features of z/OS, for users who have a
physical disability, see Appendix C, “Accessibility,” on page 133.

How to use this document

The Diagnosis Guide is designed to help you solve problems you encounter when
running DFSORT. To use the information in this part most efficiently, first
determine whether the problem is caused by:
A user error
Read Chapter 1, “Eliminating Common Sources of Error,” on page 3, for
solutions to some of the most common errors users encounter when
running DFSORT.
A program error
Use the numbered steps listed in Chapter 6, “Resolving Failures in the
DFSORT Program,” on page 107, to describe the problem and to find out if
corrections for it are already available.

Required product knowledge

To use this document effectively, you should be familiar with the following
v Job control language (JCL)
v DFSORT and ICETOOL control statement syntax
v Data management
v Tape and disk hardware
v IBM support and how it is structured
v Diagnostic techniques

You should also be familiar with the information presented in the following related

Document Title Document Order Number

z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide SC26-7523
z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) SA22-7637
z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD) SA22-7638

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 ix

Document Title Document Order Number
z/OS MVS System Codes SA22-7626

Referenced documents
This document refers to the following documents:
Table 1. Referenced documents
Document title Order number
SMP/E Reference SA22-7772
z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis GY27-7618
z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC26-7408
z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets SC26-7410
z/OS MVS JCL Reference SA22-7597
z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler SA22-7608
Services Guide
z/OS MVS System Management Facilities SA22-7630
z/OS TSO/E Command Reference SA22-7782

z/OS DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide is a part of a more extensive
DFSORT library. These documents can help you work with DFSORT more

Task Publication Number
Planning For and Customizing z/OS DFSORT Installation and SC26-7524
DFSORT Customization
Learning to Use DFSORT z/OS DFSORT: Getting Started SC26-7527
Application Programming z/OS DFSORT Application SC26-7523
Programming Guide
Tuning DFSORT z/OS DFSORT Tuning Guide SC26-7526

Accessing z/OS DFSORT documents on the Internet

In addition to making softcopy documents available on CD-ROM, IBM provides
access to unlicensed z/OS softcopy documents on the Internet. To find z/OS
documents on the Internet, first go to the z/OS home page: http://www.ibm.com/

From this Web site, you can link directly to the z/OS softcopy documents by
selecting the Library icon. You can also link to the IBM Publications Center to
order printed documentation.

x z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Using LookAt to look up message explanations
LookAt is an online facility that lets you look up explanations for most of the IBM®
messages you encounter, as well as for some system abends and codes. Using
LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because in most
cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation.

You can use LookAt from these locations to find IBM message explanations for
z/OS® elements and features, z/VM®, z/VSE, and Clusters for AIX® and Linux®:
v The Internet. You can access IBM message explanations directly from the LookAt
Web site at www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/.
v Your z/OS TSO/E host system. You can install code on your z/OS systems to
access IBM message explanations using LookAt from a TSO/E command line
(for example: TSO/E prompt, ISPF, or z/OS UNIX® System Services).
v Your Microsoft® Windows® workstation. You can install LookAt directly from the
z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269) or the z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection
(SK3T-4271) and use it from the resulting Windows graphical user interface
(GUI). The command prompt (also known as the DOS > command line) version
can still be used from the directory in which you install the Windows version of
v Your wireless handheld device. You can use the LookAt Mobile Edition from
www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/lookatm.html with a
handheld device that has wireless access and an Internet browser.

You can obtain code to install LookAt on your host system or Microsoft Windows
workstation from:
v A CD in the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269).
v The z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T-4271).
v The LookAt Web site (click Download and then select the platform, release,
collection, and location that suit your needs). More information is available in
the LOOKAT.ME files available during the download process.

About this document xi

xii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
How to send your comments to IBM
We appreciate your input on this publication. Feel free to comment on the clarity,
accuracy, and completeness of the information or give us any other feedback that
you might have.

Use one of the following methods to send us your comments:

1. Send an email to mhvrcfs@us.ibm.com
2. Visit the Contact z/OS web page at http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/
3. Mail the comments to the following address:
IBM Corporation
Attention: MHVRCFS Reader Comments
Department H6MA, Building 707
2455 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400
4. Fax the comments to us as follows:
From the United States and Canada: 1+845+432-9405
From all other countries: Your international access code +1+845+432-9405

Include the following information:

v Your name and address
v Your email address
v Your telephone or fax number
v The publication title and order number:
z/OS DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
v The topic and page number related to your comment
v The text of your comment.
When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or
distribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any
obligation to you.

IBM or any other organizations will only use the personal information that you
supply to contact you about the issues that you submit.

If you have a technical problem

Do not use the feedback methods listed above. Instead, do one of the following:
v Contact your IBM service representative
v Call IBM technical support
v Visit the IBM zSeries support web page at http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 xiii

xiv z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Summary of changes
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of each change.

You might notice changes in the style and structure of some content in this
document—for example, more specific headings for notes, such as Tip and
Requirement. The changes are ongoing improvements to the consistency and
retrievability of information in DFSORT documents.

The "Readers' Comments - We'd Like to Hear from You" section at the back of this
publication has been replaced with a new section “How to send your comments to
IBM” on page xiii. The hardcopy mail-in form has been replaced with a page that
provides information appropriate for submitting readers comments to IBM.

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-05 z/OS Version 1 Release 12

This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-04.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

Improvements in Performance
DFSORT can now use memory object storage as intermediate work space or as an
extension of main storage. A memory object is a data area in virtual storage that is
allocated above the bar and backed by central storage. Using memory object
storage as intermediate work space is the preferred choice.

A new MOWRK installation and run-time option allows you to specify whether
memory object storage can be used for intermediate work space or as an extension
of main storage, as appropriate, or only as an extension of main storage.

The MOSIZE installation default will still limit the total amount of memory object
storage that can be used by a sort application.

Improved Diagnostics
DFSORT now provides additional information in new messages ICE248I and
ICE249I when message ICE083A, ICE254I or ICE258I is issued. These new
messages will assist with determining why DFSORT was unable to dynamically
allocate all of the requested disk work space and what corrective action may be

File size for Improperly Closed VSAM Data Sets

When a VSAM data set is opened for output by a program or utility, but not
closed properly, the statistics associated with the data set are not updated. This
may result in inaccurate file size information for the VSAM data set. When
possible, DFSORT will attempt to calculate a more accurate file size for such an
improperly closed VSAM fixed-length record data set.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 xv

Improved First Failure Data Capture
When an error message (ICExxxA) is issued and the message data set is available,
DFSORT will always display the ICE75xI, ICE8xxI and ICE9xxI diagnostic
messages, unless MSGPRT=NONE is in effect. This can improve first failure data
capture and remove the need to rerun the application to display diagnostic

Dynamic Allocation Improvements

DFSORT's dynamic allocation of work data sets has been enhanced to improve
reliability in situations where the disk work space requirements are larger than
expected. A new DYNAPCT installation and run-time option allows you to specify
additional work data sets to be allocated with zero space. DFSORT only extends
these data sets when necessary to complete a sort application. New message
ICE278I is issued if these additional work data sets are used.

Extended Address Volumes

DFSORT supports EAS-eligible data set types on Extended Address Volumes to the
extent that z/OS supports these data sets. With full track blocking, the maximum
number of 1048576 tracks can be used for a single work data set allocated in the
cylinder managed space on an Extended Address Volume. Without full track
blocking, less than 1048576 tracks may be used.

XTIOT, Uncaptured UCBs and DSAB Above 16 Megabytes Virtual

A program that invokes DFSORT, ICETOOL or ICEGENER can dynamically
allocate input, output and work data sets using the options for XTIOT, uncaptured
UCBs, and DSAB above 16 megabyte virtual. These data sets are supported to the
extent that z/OS supports them.

Note: A program that invokes DFSORT, ICETOOL or ICEGENER should not

allocate other data sets such as message, control, list, count, or symbol data
sets using the options for XTIOT, uncaptured UCBs, and DSAB above 16
megabyte virtual. These data set options are not supported and the data set
will not be recognized.

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:

Memory Objects
DFSORT's new shipped installation default of MOWRK=YES allows memory object
storage to be used as intermediate work space or as an extension of main storage,
as appropriate. MOWRK=YES can improve performance. If you want DFSORT to
only use memory object storage as an extension of main storage, as in previous
releases, you can set MOWRK=NO.

The MOSIZE installation default will still limit the total amount of memory object
storage that can be used by a sort application.

Incorrect Statistics Message for VSAM Copy

DFSORT now issues message ICE264I instead of message ICE255I when it detects
that the Catalog statistics are incorrect for a VSAM data set used as input for a
Copy application.

Additional Diagnostic Messages

To improve first failure data capture, diagnostic messages ICE75xI, ICE8xxI and
ICE9xxI will now be displayed for error situations (ICExxxA message issued)

xvi z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

unless MSGPRT=NONE is in effect. Any automated actions based on the presence
of diagnostic messages should be evaluated; these messages may now be present if
an error message is issued.

Dynamically Allocated Work Data Sets

DFSORT's new shipped installation default of DYNAPCT=10 increases the number
of dynamically allocated work data sets by 10 percent. These additional work data
sets are allocated with zero space and only extended if required to complete a sort
application. The availability of these additional work data sets can improve
reliability in situations where the disk work space requirements are larger than
expected. The DYNAPCT=n percentage can be changed at installation or run-time,
if appropriate. If you want DFSORT to behave as it did in prior releases, you can

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-04 z/OS Version 1 Release 11

(PTFs - November 2009)
This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-04.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

JOINKEYS Application
A new JOINKEYS application helps you to perform various "join" operations on
two files by one or more keys. A JOINKEYS application makes it easy to create
joined records in a variety of ways including inner join, full outer join, left outer
join, right outer join, and unpaired combinations. The two input files can be of
different types (fixed, variable, VSAM, and so on) and have keys in different

Three new control statements can be used for a JOINKEYS application. One
JOINKEYS statement is required for each input file to indicate the ddname of the
file, describe the keys, indicate whether the file is already sorted by those keys,
and so on. An inner join is performed by default, but a JOIN statement can be
used to specify a different type of join. A REFORMAT statement is used to describe
the fields from the two files to be included in the joined records, and optionally an
indicator of where the key was found ('B' for both files, '1' for file1 only or '2' for
file2 only).

The records from the two input files can be processed in a variety of ways before
and after they are joined.

A new JKFROM operand makes it easy to use a JOINKEYS application with a

COPY or SORT operator of ICETOOL.

DFSORT symbols can be used for fields and constants specified in the JOINKEYS
and REFORMAT statements and in the other DFSORT statements used with a
JOINKEYS application.

Date Field Conversions

Y2x, Y4x, TOJUL, TOGREG, WEEKDAY, DT and DTNS keywords for the BUILD
and OVERLAY operands make it easy to convert input date fields of one type to

Summary of changes xvii

corresponding output date fields of another type, and to convert a date field to a
corresponding day of the week in several forms.

The date field can be in either Julian or Gregorian form, with 2-digit or 4-digit
years, in CH, ZD and PD format. For example, C'ccyyddd', P'yymmdd',
Z'dddccyy', C'ccyymmdd', P'dddyy', and so on.

CH output date fields can also be displayed with separators. For example,
C'ccyy/ddd', C'mm-dd-ccyy', and so on.

The day of the week can be displayed as a 1 digit, 3 character or 9 character

constant. For example, C'4', C'WED' or C'WEDNESDAY' for Wednesday.

DFSORT symbols can be used for fields in date conversions.

MERGE Operator
MERGE is a new operator of ICETOOL that allows you to merge up to 50 input
files that are already in order by the same keys. MERGE makes it easy to include
DFSORT MERGE operations in your ICETOOL jobs.

Various options of MERGE allow you to define the ddnames for the input data sets
(FROM), the ddnames for the output data sets (TO), the MERGE and other
DFSORT control statements to be used for the MERGE operation (USING), and so

DFSORT symbols can be used in the DFSORT statements used with a MERGE

MERGEIN Alternate ddnames

A new MERGEIN operand can be specified on an OPTION statement in DFSPARM
or an extended parameter list to supply alternate ddnames for input data sets used
for a MERGE application. MERGEIN makes it easy to use any ddnames you like
instead of SORTINnn ddnames. You can specify up to 100 ddnames to be merged

New 24-Bit Parameter List Codes

DFSORT now accepts and processes the following as 24-Bit parameter list control
statement entry codes: X'0E', X'0F' and X'11'.

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:

New Reserved Word for Symbols

Y4x, where Y is uppercase and x is any character, is a new DFSORT/ICETOOL
reserved word which is no longer allowed as a symbol. If you used Y4x as a
symbol, you must change it. For example, if you used Y4T, you can change it to

MERGE ddname in Message ICE217A

When message ICE217A is issued for a MERGE application, DFSORT will now
display the actual ddname for the MERGE input data set rather than 'SORTINNN'.

Any automated actions based on the ICE217A message should be evaluated since
the ddname will change for a MERGE application

xviii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-04 z/OS Version 1 Release 11
(PTFs - July, 2008)
This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-03.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

Find and Replace

FINDREP is a new option that allows you to do various types of find and replace
operations on your records. FINDREP makes it easy to replace character or
hexadecimal input constants anywhere in your records with character, hexadecimal
or null output constants. For input and output constants of different lengths, bytes
after the replaced constants will be shifted left or right, as appropriate. For
fixed-length records, blanks will be filled in on the right as needed. For
variable-length records, the record length will be changed as needed.

FINDREP can be used in an INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement, or in an

IFTHEN clause, in the same way BUILD and OVERLAY can be used.

Various options of FINDREP allow you to define one or more input constants and
a corresponding output constant (IN, OUT), define one or more pairs of input and
output constants (INOUT), start and end the find scan at specified positions
(STARTPOS, ENDPOS), stop after a specified number of constants are replaced
(DO), increase or decrease the length of the output record (MAXLEN), define the
action to be taken if nonblank characters overrun the end of the record
(OVERRUN), and specify whether output constants are to replace or overlay input
constants (SHIFT).

DFSORT symbols can be used for constants specified with FINDREP

Group Operations
WHEN=GROUP is a new type of IFTHEN clause that allows you to do various
types of operations involving groups of records. WHEN=GROUP makes it easy to
propagate fields from the first record of a group to the other records of the group,
add an identifier to each record of the group, or add a sequence number to each
record of the group. These functions are useful by themselves, and can also
facilitate other types of group operations such as sorting groups, including or
omitting groups, and so on.

WHEN=GROUP can be used in IFTHEN clauses in an INREC, OUTREC or

OUTFIL statement in the same way WHEN=INIT can be used.

Various options of WHEN=GROUP allow you to use logical expressions to define

the beginning and end of a group (BEGIN, END), define the number of records in
a group (RECORDS), and define the fields, identifiers and sequence numbers to be
added to the records of each group (PUSH).

DFSORT symbols can be used for columns, fields and constants specified with
WHEN=GROUP clauses.

Summary of changes xix

DATASORT is a new operator of ICETOOL that allows you to sort data records
between header (first) records and trailer (last) records. DATASORT makes it easy
to sort the data records while keeping one or more header records and/or one or
more trailer records in place. DATASORT does not require an "identifier" in the
header or trailer records; it can treat the first n records as header records and the
last n records as trailer records.

Various options of DATASORT allow you to define the number of header records
and/or trailer records (HEADER or FIRST, TRAILER or LAST), the ddname for the
input data set (FROM), the ddname for the output data set (TO), and the SORT
and other DFSORT control statements to be used for the DATASORT operation

DFSORT symbols can be used for the number of header and trailer records
specified with DATASORT.

SUBSET is a new operator of ICETOOL that allows you to create a subset of the
input or output records by specifying that you want to keep or remove header
(first) records, trailer (last) records, or records with specific relative record
numbers. SUBSET makes it easy to keep or remove records based on these criteria.
SUBSET does not require an "identifier" or "sequence number" in the records to be
kept or removed.

Various options of SUBSET allow you to define the criteria (HEADER or FIRST,
TRAILER or LAST, RRN), the ddname for the input data set (FROM), the ddname
for the output data set to contain the records that meet the criteria and/or don't
meet the criteria (TO, DISCARD), whether the records that meet the criteria are to
be kept or removed (KEEP, REMOVE), whether the criteria are to be applied to the
input or output records (INPUT, OUTPUT), and DFSORT control statements to be
used for the SUBSET operation (USING).

DFSORT symbols can be used for the number of header and trailer records and for
the relative record numbers specified with SUBSET.

SELECT First n Duplicates

ICETOOL's SELECT operator now allows you to select the first n records with each
key or the first n duplicate records with each key. New FIRST(n) and FIRSTDUP(n)
options make it easy to select records representing "top" and "bottom" categories
(for example, the top 5 students in each class).

DFSORT symbols can be used for n with FIRST(n) or FIRSTDUP(n).

SPLICE with Non-Blank Fields

ICETOOL's SPLICE operator now allows you to create a single record for each key
by splicing the base record with every specified nonblank field from each overlay
record. A new WITHANY option makes it easy to collect information from
multiple records with the same key. You can now do a splice involving duplicate
records with nonconsecutive or missing WITH fields, something that could not be
accomplished previously with the existing WITHEACH option.

DISPLAY with Count

ICETOOL's DISPLAY operator now allows you to display counts in reports. New
COUNT('string'), EDCOUNT(formatting), BCOUNT('string') and
EDBCOUNT(formatting) options make it easy to print overall record count and

xx z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

break record count statistics in various forms in a report, similar to the existing
statistics for a report (overall total, maximum, minimum and average and break
total, maximum, minimum and average).

DFSORT symbols can be used for 'string' with COUNT('string') and


DISPLAY and OCCUR with Multiple and Multipart Titles

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to display up to three
title lines, each composed of up to three strings. The enhanced
TITLE('string1','string2','string3') option makes it easy to use multiple strings for
each title, including a combination of inline constants, and constants from DFSORT
symbols including system information. The use of up to three TITLE options
makes it easy to display multiline titles.

A new TLEFT option allows you to left justify the title lines instead of centering
them. A new TFIRST option allows you to only display the title lines on the first
page of the report instead of on every page of the report.

DFSORT symbols can be used for 'string1', 'string2' and 'string3' with

DISPLAY and OCCUR without Carriage Control

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to create reports
without carriage control characters and with RECFM=FB instead of RECFM=FBA.
A new NOCC option makes it easy to suppress the carriage control character. With
NOCC, a blank line is used instead of a page eject control character to separate
elements of the report.

COUNT in Output Record

ICETOOL's COUNT operator now allows you to create a count data set with an
output record containing the record count. New WRITE(countdd), TEXT('string'),
DIGITS(n) and EDCOUNT(formatting) options make it easy to create an output
data set with a record containing text and the record count in various forms.

DFSORT symbols can be used for 'string' with TEXT('string').

COUNT with Add and Subtract

ICETOOL's COUNT operator now allows you to add a value to, or subtract a
value from, the record count. New ADD(n) and SUB(n) options make it easy to
increase or decrease, respectively, the actual record count to get a resulting
modified record count. This is especially useful for dealing with data sets that
contain header and/or trailer records.

The resulting modified record count is displayed in the count message in

TOOLMSG and in the count data set, and used to determine if the criteria
specified by the existing EMPTY, NOTEMPTY, HIGHER(x), LOWER(y), EQUAL(v)
or NOTEQUAL(w) option is satisfied.

DFSORT symbols can be used for n with ADD(n) and SUB(n).

BLKSIZE Default for Input DUMMY

DFSORT will no longer terminate for a SORTIN DD DUMMY or SORTINnn DD
DUMMY statement with RECFM and LRECL, but no BLKSIZE. Instead, DFSORT
will use an an appropriate BLKSIZE to process the DUMMY data set successfully.

Summary of changes xxi

Note: If DFSORT's Blockset technique is not selected, DFSORT may still terminate
for a SORTIN DD DUMMY or SORTINnn DD DUMMY statement with

SKIP=0L Default for SECTIONS

DFSORT will no longer terminate when an OUTFIL SECTIONS field is not
followed by a keyword (SKIP, HEADER3, TRAILER3). Instead, DFSORT will use a
default keyword of SKIP=0L to process the sections successfully with no blank
lines between sections on the same page.

DFSORT symbols can be used for section fields.

SORTOUT=ddname Default for FNAMES

DFSORT will now use the ddname specified by a SORTOUT=ddname option in
DFSPARM, the ddname specified by a SORTOUT=ddname option in a parameter
list, or the ddname specified in a TO(ddname) option of an ICETOOL operator, as
the default ddname for an OUTFIL statement without a FNAMES or FILES option.

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:
v Prior to this PTF, an ICETOOL job with an operator (for example, SELECT) that
uses TO(ddname) and USING(xxxx) with //ddname and //xxxxOUT DD
statements and an OUTFIL statement without FNAMES or FILES, would treat
the ddname data set as a SORTOUT data set and the xxxxOUT data set as the
OUTFIL data set.
With this PTF, the same job will treat the ddname data set as the OUTFIL data
set and ignore the xxxxOUT data set. If you want to treat the xxxxOUT data set
as the OUTFIL data set, change your ICETOOL operator to use TO(xxxxOUT).
v Prior to this PTF, an OUTFIL statement with FTOV and IFOUTLEN=n would set
the LRECL of the OUTFIL data set and the length of each OUTFIL record to n.
With this PTF, the same situation will result in setting the LRECL of the OUTFIL
data set and the length of each record to n+4. If you want to set the LRECL of
the OUTFIL data set and the length of each OUTFIL record to n, change
IFOUTLEN to specify n-4.

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-03 z/OS Version 1 Release 10

This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-02.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

Installation Options
ICEPRMxx members in PARMLIB can now be used to specify changes to
DFSORT's installation options. Each ICEPRMxx member can contain options to be
changed for any or all of DFSORT's eight installation environments (JCL, INV, TSO,
TSOINV and TD1-TD4). Up to ten ICEPRMxx members can be activated by a
START ICEOPT started task command. The options in the activated members will
be merged with the ICEMAC defaults at run-time.

xxii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

A different ICEPRMxx member, or combination of ICEPRMxx members, for
different LPARs can be activated at IPL time by including a START ICEOPT
command in an appropriate COMMNDxx member in PARMLIB, or at any time by
issuing a START ICEOPT command from the console.

ICEPRMxx members are now the recommended way to change DFSORT

installation defaults since they are easier to use and more flexible then the old
method using the ICEMAC macro and usermods. However, the old method is still

The ICETOOL DEFAULTS operator can be used at any time to produce a report
showing the merged PARMLIB/ICEMAC installation default values for each
environment that will be used at run-time, as well as the active ICEPRMxx and
ICEMAC values.

VSAM Extended Address Volume

DFSORT now supports VSAM input and output data sets on Extended Address
Volumes to the extent that z/OS supports these data sets.

Improvements in Performance and Resource Usage and

Memory object sorting can now be used for DFSORT applications that use the
INREC, OUTREC or SUM functions.

The channel programs associated with DFSORT's input, output and work data sets
can now reside above 16 megabytes virtual.

Total storage usage for dataspace sorting can now be controlled with the EXPMAX,
EXPRES and EXPOLD installation options.

DFSORT now provides new fields ICEMNVLX, ICEMNVLY and ICEMNVLZ in its
SMF type 16 record to aid in tuning main storage usage.

The information DFSORT passes to the termination exit (ICETEXIT) now includes
setting ICEPTST flag bit 6 on if the phase TCB timings are not valid.

Syntax for Run-Time Parameters

DFSORT now allows additional syntactical forms for all of its PARM and control
statement run-time parameters. Any parameter of the form keyword=value can
now also be specified as keyword(value) or keyword=(value). Any parameter of
the form keyword=(list) can now also be specified as keyword(list).

Improved Diagnostics
DFSORT now provides additional information in messages ICE098I, ICE253I and
ICE254I to aid in diagnosing and correcting out-of-space conditions associated with
message ICE046A.

DFSORT now provides specific reason codes and associated documentation to aid
in diagnosing and correcting errors associated with the following messages:
ICE017A, ICE018A, ICE024A, ICE042A, ICE043A, ICE109A, ICE126A and ICE251A.

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:

Summary of changes xxiii

DFSORT ISPF and ISMF Panels Removed
The English and Japanese ISPF panels, and the ISMF Sort operator, have been
removed. These facilities are no longer available.

Installation Options
ICEPRMxx members are now the recommended way to change DFSORT
installation defaults since they are easier to use and more flexible then the old
method using the ICEMAC macro and usermods. However, the old method is still

Dataspace Sorting
The existing EXPMAX, EXPOLD and EXPRES installation options now apply to
dataspace sorting as well as to memory object sorting and Hipersorting

IOMAXBF Default Changed

The IBM-supplied default for the existing IOMAXBF installation option has been
changed from 33554432 (32 MB) to 35651584 (34 MB).

STIMER Option Ignored

The STIMER installation option, and the STIMER and NOSTIMER run-time
options, are now ignored. These options are no longer meaningful since DFSORT
now uses the TIMEUSED service rather than the STIMER service to monitor
processor time.

Previously, fields ICEDSBKA, ICEDSBKB and ICEDSBKC in the ICEDTEX macro
provided statistics on expanded storage pages available for dataspace sorting,
while fields ICEDSBTA, ICEDSBTB and ICEDSBTC provided total expanded and
central storage pages available for dataspace sorting. Since this level of DFSORT
and z/OS no longer supports expanded storage, fields ICEDSBKA, ICEDSBKB and
ICEDSBKC are no longer relevant and have been removed. If you have an
ICETEXIT program that uses fields ICEDSBKA, ICEDSBKB and ICEDSBKC, you
should remove any references to those fields (you can change your program to use
fields ICEDSBTA, ICEDSBTB and ICEDSBTC instead) and recompile your program
before using it with this level of DFSORT.

Output Data Set Allocation

Previously, if an allocation of 0 primary tracks was specified for a SORTOUT or
OUTFIL output data set, at least 1 primary track was allocated. In this release, if an
allocation of 0 primary tracks is specified for a SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set, 0
primary tracks will be allocated provided that:
v The application is a SORT
v An E35 exit is not specified
v No records are to be written to the output data set.

For this situation, if the output data set was allocated with 0 secondary tracks, it
will not have any space available. Thus, any subsequent attempt to add records to
that data set will fail with an out of space condition unless you explicitly specify a
space allocation for that data set.

xxiv z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-02 z/OS Version 1 Release 8
(PTFs - April, 2006)
This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-01.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

INCLUDE and OMIT Enhancements

COND now allows you to compare date fields in various formats to past and
future dates (relative to the date of your DFSORT run) using new DATEn+r,
DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r, DATEnP-r, Y'DATEn'+r and
Y'DATEn'-r constants. &DATEn+r, &DATEn-r, &DATEn(c)+r, &DATEn(c)-r,
&DATEnP+r and &DATEnP-r can be used as aliases for DATEn+r, DATEn-r,
DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r, respectively.

COND now allows you to test a field for numerics (field,EQ,NUM) or

non-numerics (field,NE,NUM) in character (FS), zoned decimal (ZD) or packed
decimal (PD) format.

COND now allows you to use &DATEn, &DATEn(c) and &DATEnP as aliases for
DATEn, DATEn(c) and DATEnP, respectively.

INREC and OUTREC Enhancements

PARSE and IFTHEN PARSE are new options that allow you to extract variable
position/length fields into fixed-length parsed fields defined as %nn fields. PARSE
gives you powerful new capabilities for handling variable fields such as delimited
fields, comma separated values (CSV), tab separated values, blank separated
values, keyword separated fields, null-terminated strings, and many other types.

You can use various PARSE options to define the rules for extracting variable fields
into up to one hundred %nn fixed-length parsed fields (%00-%99), and then use
these %nn fields where you can use p,m fields in BUILD, OVERLAY, IFTHEN
BUILD, IFTHEN OVERLAY and FIELDS. You can edit, convert, justify, squeeze,
translate, and do arithmetic with %nn fields.

you to use a new JFY option to left-justify or right-justify the data in a field. For a
left-justified field, leading blanks are removed and the characters from the first
nonblank to the last nonblank are shifted left, with blanks inserted on the right if
needed. For a right-justified field, trailing blanks are removed and the characters
from the last nonblank to the first nonblank are shifted right, with blanks inserted
on the left if needed.

Optionally for JFY, specific leading and trailing characters can be changed to
blanks before justification begins, a leading string can be inserted, a trailing string
can be inserted, and the output length can be changed.

you to use a new SQZ option to left-squeeze or right-squeeze the data in a field.
For a left-squeezed field, all blanks are removed and the characters from the first
nonblank to the last nonblank are shifted left, with blanks inserted on the right if

Summary of changes xxv

needed. For a right-squeezed field, all blanks are removed and the characters from
the last nonblank to the first nonblank are shifted right, with blanks inserted on
the left if needed.

Optionally for SQZ, specific characters can be changed to blanks before squeezing
begins, a leading string can be inserted, a trailing string can be inserted, a string
can be inserted wherever a group of blanks is removed between the first nonblank
and the last nonblank, blanks can be kept as is between paired apostrophes or
paired quotes, and the output length can be changed.

you to insert past and future dates (relative to the date of your DFSORT run) into
your records in various forms using new DATEn+r, DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r,
DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r constants. &DATEn+r, &DATEn-r,
&DATEn(c)+r, &DATEn(c)-r, &DATEnP+r and &DATEnP-r can be used as aliases
for DATEn+r, DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r,

you to use FL format to convert 4-byte or 8-byte hexadecimal floating-point values
to integer values.

you to use new TO=PDF and TO=PDC options to convert numeric values to PD
values with F or C for the positive sign, respectively. The TO=PDC option is
equivalent to the existing TO=PD option.

you to use &DATEn, &DATEn(c), &DATEnP, &YDDD=(abc), &YDDDNS=(ab),
&TIMEn, &TIMEn(c) and &TIMEnP as aliases for DATEn, DATEn(c), DATEnP,
YDDD=(abc), YDDDNS=(ab), TIMEn, TIMEn(c) and TIMEnP, respectively.

IFTHEN WHEN now allows you to compare date fields in various formats to past
and future dates (relative to the date of your DFSORT run) using new DATEn+r,
DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r, DATEnP-r, Y'DATEn'+r and
Y'DATEn'-r constants. &DATEn+r, &DATEn-r, &DATEn(c)+r, &DATEn(c)-r,
&DATEnP+r and &DATEnP-r can be used as aliases for DATEn+r, DATEn-r,
DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r, respectively.

IFTHEN WHEN now allows you to test a field for numerics (field,EQ,NUM) or
non-numerics (field,NE,NUM) in character (FS), zoned decimal (ZD) or packed
decimal (PD) format.

IFTHEN WHEN now allows you to use &DATEn, &DATEn(c) and &DATEnP as
aliases for DATEn, DATEn(c) and DATEnP, respectively.

OUTFIL Enhancements
BLKCCH1 is a new report option that allows you to avoid forcing a page eject at
the start of the report header; the ANSI carriage control character of '1' (page eject)
in the first line of the report header (HEADER1) is replaced with a blank.

BLKCCH2 is a new report option that allows you to avoid forcing a page eject at
the start of the first page header; the ANSI carriage control character of '1' (page
eject) in the first line of the first page header (HEADER2) is replaced with a blank.

xxvi z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

BLKCCT1 is a new report option that allows you to avoid forcing a page eject at
the start of the report trailer; the ANSI carriage control character of '1' (page eject)
in the first line of the report trailer (TRAILER1) is replaced with a blank.

SPLIT1R is a new option that allows you to write contiguous groups of records in
one rotation among multiple output data sets. A specified number of records is
written to each output data set and extra records are written to the last output data

PARSE and IFTHEN PARSE are new options that allow you to extract variable
position/length fields into fixed-length parsed fields defined as %nn fields. PARSE
gives you powerful new capabilities for handling variable fields such as delimited
fields, comma separated values (CSV), tab separated values, blank separated
values, keyword separated fields, null-terminated strings, and many other types.

You can use various PARSE options to define the rules for extracting variable fields
into up to one hundred %nn fixed-length parsed fields (%00-%99), and then use
these %nn fields where you can use p,m fields in BUILD, OVERLAY, IFTHEN
BUILD, IFTHEN OVERLAY and OUTREC. You can edit, convert, justify, squeeze,
translate, and do arithmetic with %nn fields.

you to use a new JFY option to left-justify or right-justify the data in a field. For a
left-justified field, leading blanks are removed and the characters from the first
nonblank to the last nonblank are shifted left, with blanks inserted on the right if
needed. For a right-justified field, trailing blanks are removed and the characters
from the last nonblank to the first nonblank are shifted right, with blanks inserted
on the left if needed.

Optionally for JFY, specific leading and trailing characters can be changed to
blanks before justification begins, a leading string can be inserted, a trailing string
can be inserted, and the output length can be changed.

you to use a new SQZ option to left-squeeze or right-squeeze the data in a field.
For a left-squeezed field, all blanks are removed and the characters from the first
nonblank to the last nonblank are shifted left, with blanks inserted on the right if
needed. For a right-squeezed field, all blanks are removed and the characters from
the last nonblank to the first nonblank are shifted right, with blanks inserted on
the left if needed.

Optionally for SQZ, specific characters can be changed to blanks before squeezing
begins, a leading string can be inserted, a trailing string can be inserted, a string
can be inserted wherever a group of blanks is removed between the first nonblank
and the last nonblank, blanks can be kept as is between paired apostrophes or
paired quotes, and the output length can be changed.

you to insert past and future dates (relative to the date of your DFSORT run) into
your records in various forms using new DATEn+r, DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r,
DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r constants. &DATEn+r, &DATEn-r,
&DATEn(c)+r, &DATEn(c)-r, &DATEnP+r and &DATEnP-r can be used as aliases
for DATEn+r, DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r,

Summary of changes xxvii

now allow you to use FL format to convert 4-byte or 8-byte hexadecimal
floating-point values to integer values.


and OUTREC now allow you to use new TO=PDF and TO=PDC options to convert
numeric values to PD values with F or C for the positive sign, respectively. The
TO=PDC option is equivalent to the existing TO=PD option.

you to use &DATEn, &DATEn(c), &DATEnP, &YDDD=(abc), &YDDDNS=(ab),
&TIMEn, &TIMEn(c) and &TIMEnP as aliases for DATEn, DATEn(c), DATEnP,
YDDD=(abc), YDDDNS=(ab), TIMEn, TIMEn(c) and TIMEnP, respectively.

INCLUDE, OMIT and IFTHEN WHEN now allow you to compare date fields in
various formats to past and future dates (relative to the date of your DFSORT run)
using new DATEn+r, DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r, DATEnP-r,
Y'DATEn'+r and Y'DATEn'-rconstants. &DATEn+r, &DATEn-r, &DATEn(c)+r,
&DATEn(c)-r, &DATEnP+r and &DATEnP-r can be used as aliases for DATEn+r,
DATEn-r, DATEn(c)+r, DATEn(c)-r, DATEnP+r and DATEnP-r, respectively.

INCLUDE, OMIT and IFTHEN WHEN now allow you to test a field for numerics
(field,EQ,NUM) or non-numerics (field,NE,NUM) in character (FS), zoned decimal
(ZD) or packed decimal (PD) format.

INCLUDE, OMIT and IFTHEN WHEN now allow you to use &DATEn,
&DATEn(c) and &DATEnP as aliases for DATEn, DATEn(c) and DATEnP,

Symbol Enhancements
A symbol can now be used for a %nn parsed field. For example, if Account,%01 is
defined in SYMNAMES, Account can be used for %01. A symbol for %nn can be
used in DFSORT control statements where %nn can be used. A symbol for %nn
results in substitution of %nn.

A symbol can now be used for an output column. For example, if Start_address,18
is defined in SYMNAMES, Start_address: can be used for 18:. symbol: can be used
in DFSORT control statements where c: can be used. A symbol for p or p,m or
p,m,f results in substitution of p: for symbol: (output column).

A symbol can now be used for a new system symbol string constant.
symbol,S'string' can be used to define a string containing any combination of
EBCDIC characters and system symbols you want to use to form a character string.
For example, if whererun,S' &JOBNAME. on &SYSPLEX' is defined in
SYMNAMES, whererun can be used for the resulting constant. You can use
dynamic system symbols such as &JOBNAME, &DAY, and so on, system-defined
static system symbols such as &SYSNAME, &SYSPLEX, and so on, and
installation-defined static system symbols specified by your installation in an
IEASYMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

A symbol for a system symbol string can be used in DFSORT and ICETOOL
control statements where a symbol for a character string can be used. DFSORT will
replace each system symbol in S'string' with its substitution text to create a
character string in the format C'new_string'.

xxviii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

ICETOOL Enhancements
DISPLAY now allows you to use FL format to convert 4-byte or 8-byte hexadecimal
floating-point values to integer values.

DISPLAY and OCCUR now allow you to use a new TBETWEEN(n) option to
specify the number of blanks between title elements (title, page number, date,

SELECT and SPLICE now allow you to use an INREC statement to reformat your
records before they are selected or spliced. All of the operands of the INREC
available with SELECT and SPLICE.

SORT and MERGE Enhancements

The maximum length for a PD or ZD sort or merge field has been raised to 256.

SUM Enhancements
The maximum position for the end of a sum field has been raised to 32752.

Other Enhancements
DFSORT supports large physical sequential data sets for input, output and work
data sets.

DSA can now be specified as a run-time option. This allows you to adjust the
maximum amount of storage available to DFSORT for dynamic storage adjustment
of individual Blockset sort applications when SIZE/MAINSIZE=MAX is in effect.

DFSORT now accepts and ignores zero values in the starting and ending address
of the RECORD statement image in the 24-bit Parameter List. You can set these
addresses to zero if you don't want to pass a control statement to DFSORT using
the third and fourth words of the parameter list .

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:

New reserved words for symbols

The following are new DFSORT/ICETOOL reserved words (uppercase only, as
shown), which are no longer allowed as symbols: DATE1..., DATE2..., DATE3...,
PDC and PDF.

If you used these words as symbols, you must change them to other words, such
as lowercase or mixed case forms (for example, Date1p, date3(/) or pdc).

FL Conversion
operator, can now convert FL (hexadecimal floating-point) values to integer values,
providing you are running in z/Architecture mode. If you use FL in INREC,
OUTREC, OUTFIL or DISPLAY when running in ESA/390 mode, FL will be
recognized and the error messages issued may be different than those issued
previously when FL was not allowed in INREC, OUTREC, OUTFIL or DISPLAY.

If you want to use FL in INREC, OUTREC, OUTFIL or DISPLAY, you must be

running in z/Architecture mode.

Summary of changes xxix

OUTREC Statement with SELECT or SPLICE
DFSORT will now issue error message ICE652A and terminate if an OUTREC
statement is used with ICETOOL's SELECT or SPLICE operator. This will make it
easier to identify this error condition.

Note: If ABEND is in effect, DFSORT will ABEND with U0652, but will not issue

If you want to reformat your records after SELECT or SPLICE processing, use an
OUTFIL statement rather than an OUTREC statement.

Summary of Changes for SC26-7525-01 z/OS Version 1 Release 6

(PTFs - December, 2004)
This document contains information that was previously presented in z/OS
DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide , SC26-7525-00.

The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new enhancements:

ICETOOL Enhancements
VERIFY operators now allow you to use larger numeric values for ON and BREAK
fields. PD, ZD and FS fields can now be up to 31 digits (or more in some cases). BI
and FI fields can now be up to 8 bytes (or more in some cases).

ICETOOL's RANGE operator now allows you to use larger decimal values for the
HIGHER(n), LOWER(n), EQUAL(n) and NOTEQUAL(n) options. These values can
now be up to 31 digits.


operators now allow you to use new UFF (unsigned free form) and SFF (signed
free form) formats for ON and BREAK fields. UFF extracts a positive numeric
value from a free form field (for example, ' $1234.56' is treated as +123456). SFF
extracts a positive or negative value from a free form field (for example, '(1,234.56)'
is treated as -123456).

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to use new DC1-DC3
(TOD date), DE1-DE3 (ETOD date), TC1-TC4 (TOD time) and TE1-TE4 (ETOD
time) formats for ON and BREAK fields. These new formats produce meaningful
representations of TOD and ETOD date and time values.

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to specify multiline
headings for the columns of your reports. You can specify one, two or three line
headings with the HEADER option.

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to use new edit masks
G1-G6 to display numeric values with 4 decimal digits in various ways.

ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators now allow you to use new
YDDD(abc) and YDDDNS(abc) options to insert the year (yyyy) and day of the
year (ddd) of your ICETOOL run into your titles in various forms.

xxx z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

ICETOOL's COUNT operator now allows you to use a new RC4 option to set
RC=4 (instead of RC=12) or RC=0 based on the count of records in a data set.

ICETOOL's SPLICE operator now allows you to use a new KEEPBASE option to
keep the base records as well as the spliced records.

ICETOOL's SPLICE operator now allows you to use new VLENMAX or

VLENOVLY options to set the length of spliced records to the maximum of the
base or overlay record length, or to the overlay record length.

OUTFIL Enhancements
OUTFIL now allows you to reformat records in one of the following three ways
using unedited, edited, or converted input fields and a variety of constants:
v BUILD or OUTREC: The existing OUTREC parameter, or its new alias of BUILD,
allows you to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one.
BUILD or OUTREC gives you complete control over the items you want in your
reformatted OUTFIL records and the order in which they appear. You can delete,
rearrange and insert fields and constants.
v OVERLAY: The new OVERLAY parameter allows you to reformat each record by
specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. Overlay lets you change
specific existing columns without affecting the entire record.
v IFTHEN clauses: The new IFTHEN clauses allow you to reformat different
records in different ways by specifying how BUILD or OVERLAY items are
applied to records that meet given criteria. IFTHEN clauses let you use
sophisticated conditional logic to choose how different record types are

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use larger numeric values for fields and decimal constants to be edited, converted
or used in arithmetic expressions. PD, ZD and FS fields, and decimal constants,
can now be up to 31 digits. BI and FI fields can now be up to 8 bytes.

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use new UFF (unsigned free form) and SFF (signed free form) formats for fields to
be edited, converted or used in arithmetic expressions.

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use new DC1-DC3 (TOD date), DE1-DE3 (ETOD date), TC1-TC4 (TOD time) and
TE1-TE4 (ETOD time) formats for fields to be edited, converted or used in
arithmetic expressions. These new formats produce meaningful representations of
TOD and ETOD date and time values.

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use a set field in the CHANGE option (for example,

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY and IFTHEN, now allows you to
restart the sequence number when the binary value of a specified field changes (for
example, SEQNUM,5,ZD,RESTART=(11,4)).

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use DATE, DATE=(abcd), DATENS=(abc), YDDD=(abc), YDDDNS=(ab), TIME,
TIME=(abc) and TIMENS=(ab) options to insert the date and time of your DFSORT
run into your records in various forms.

Summary of changes xxxi

OUTFIL OUTREC, as well as BUILD, OVERLAY, and IFTHEN, now allows you to
use new TO=ZDC and TO=ZDF options to convert numeric values to ZD values
with C or F for the positive sign, respectively. The TO=ZDF option is equivalent to
the existing TO=ZD option.

OUTFIL INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use larger FS values for compare
fields. These values can now be up to 32 digits.

OUTFIL INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use larger decimal constants for
comparison to BI and FI fields. Decimal constants can now be up to
+18446744073709551615 for comparison to BI fields. Decimal constants can now be
between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807 for comparison to FI

OUTFIL INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use new UFF (unsigned free
form) and SFF (signed free form) formats for compare fields. A UFF or SFF field
can be compared to a UFF, SFF, FS, CSL or CST field or to a decimal constant.

OUTFIL TRAILERx now allows you to use larger numeric values for statistical
fields (total, maximum, minimum, average). PD, ZD and FS fields, and decimal
constants, can now be up to 31 digits. BI and FI fields can now be up to 8 bytes.

OUTFIL TRAILERx now allows you to use new UFF (unsigned free form) and SFF
(signed free form) formats for statistical fields (total, maximum,minimum, average).

OUTFIL TRAILERx now allows you to use TO=fo and fo (to) options to convert
statistical fields (total, maximum, minimum, average) and counts to BI, FI, PD, ZD,
ZDC, ZDF or FS output values.

OUTFIL TRAILERx now allows you to use COUNT+n=(edit), COUNT+n=(to),

COUNT-n=(edit) and COUNT-n=(to) to add or subtract n from a count to be
edited or converted (for example, COUNT+1=(TO=ZD)).

OUTFIL HEADERx and TRAILERx now allow you to insert hexadecimal strings
(X'yy...yy' or nX'yy...yy') in your headers and trailers.

OUTFIL HEADERx and TRAILERx now allow you to use new YDDD=(abc) and
YDDDNS=(ab) options to insert the year (yyyy) and day of the year (ddd) of your
DFSORT run in your headers and trailers.

OUTFIL HEADERx and TRAILERx now allow you to use PAGE=(edit) and
PAGE=(to) to edit or convert the page number (for example,

INREC and OUTREC Enhancements

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to reformat records in one of the following
three ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields and a variety of
v BUILD or FIELDS: The existing FIELDS parameter, or its new alias of BUILD,
allows you to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one.
BUILD or FIELDS gives you complete control over the items you want in your
reformatted INREC or OUTREC records and the order in which they appear.
You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants.
v OVERLAY: The new OVERLAY parameter allows you to reformat each record by
specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. Overlay lets you change
specific existing columns without affecting the entire record.
xxxii z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
v IFTHEN clauses: The new IFTHEN clauses allow you to reformat different
records in different ways by specifying how BUILD or OVERLAY items are
applied to records that meet given criteria. IFTHEN clauses let you use
sophisticated conditional logic to choose how different record types are

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to use new UFF (unsigned free form) and
SFF (signed free form) formats for fields to be edited, converted or used in
arithmetic expressions.

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to use new DC1-DC3 (TOD date), DE1-DE3
(ETOD date), TC1-TC4 (TOD time) and TE1-TE4 (ETOD time) formats for fields to
be edited, converted or used in arithmetic expressions. These new formats produce
meaningful representations of TOD and ETOD date and time values.

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to use a set field in the CHANGE option.

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to restart the sequence number when the
binary value of a specified field changes.

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to use new TO=ZDC and TO=ZDF options to
convert numeric values to ZD values with C or F for the positive sign, respectively.
The TO=ZDF option is equivalent to the existing TO=ZD option.

INREC and OUTREC now allow you to use new DATE, DATE=(abcd),
DATENS=(abc), YDDD=(abc), YDDDNS=(ab), TIME, TIME=(abc) and
TIMENS=(ab) options to insert the date and time of your DFSORT run into your
records in various forms.

SORT and MERGE Enhancements

SORT and MERGE now allow you to use larger FS values for control fields. These
values can now be up to 32 digits.

SORT and MERGE now allow you to use new UFF (unsigned free form) and SFF
(signed free form) formats for control fields.

SORT and MERGE now allow you to use other characters besides '+' (plus) as a
positive sign in control field values for CSL, CST, ASL, and AST formats. A '−'
(minus) sign is treated as negative and any other sign (for example, blank) is
treated as positive.

INCLUDE and OMIT Enhancements

INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use larger FS values for compare fields.
These values can now be up to 32 digits.

INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use larger decimal constants for
comparison to BI and FI fields. Decimal constants can now be up to
+18446744073709551615 for comparison to BI fields. Decimal constants can now be
between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807 for comparison to FI

INCLUDE and OMIT now allow you to use new UFF (unsigned free form) and
SFF (signed free form) formats for compare fields. A UFF or SFF field can be
compared to a UFF, SFF, FS, CSL or CST field or to a decimal constant.

Summary of changes xxxiii

SUM Enhancement
SUM now allows you to use larger ZD values for sum fields. These values can
now be up to 31 digits.

Other Enhancements
For sort and copy applications with concatenated variable-length input data sets
for SORTIN, DFSORT now uses the largest LRECL it finds in the concatenation.

DFSORT now allows control statements in SYSIN and SORTCNTL to contain labels
up to 70 characters, and allows any character in the label. DFSORT now ignores
statements with a label followed only by blanks.

Operational Changes that may Require User Action

The following are operational changes that may require user action for existing
DFSORT/ICETOOL applications that use certain functions as specified:

Return Area for ICETOOL STATS Operator

In order to handle larger numbers, ICETOOL will now return 16-byte PD values
rather than 8-byte PD values in the return area for the STATS operator. If you have
programs that call ICETOOL and use the returned STATS values, change the DCs
for those values from PL8 to PL16 and recompile the programs before running
them against this level of DFSORT/ICETOOL.

16-Byte FS Fields
In order to handle larger FS fields (a sign and up to 31 digits), DFSORT and
ICETOOL will now treat a 16-byte FS field as having a maximum of 16 digits,
rather than 15 digits.

For ICETOOL's DISPLAY and OCCUR operators, ON and BREAK fields for
16-byte FS values may result in different formatting for the output reports. You can
use the new U15 formatting item to limit these values to 15 digits instead of 16
digits. For example, ON(11,16,FS,U15).

For INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL OUTREC, 16-byte FS values may be edited or
converted differently for output. You can use EDIT=(pattern) or LENGTH=n to
change the length of the output fields, if appropriate. For example,

TO=BI and TO=FI for 10-digit values

In order to handle larger numbers, INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL OUTREC will
create an 8-byte field instead of a 4-byte field when TO=BI or TO=FI is used for a
10-digit value. You can use LENGTH=n to change the length of the output fields, if
appropriate. For example, 11,10,ZD,TO=BI,LENGTH=4.

New reserved words for symbols

The following are new DFSORT/ICETOOL reserved words (uppercase only, as
shown), which are no longer allowed as symbols: DC1, DC2, DC3, DE1, DE2, DE3,
SFF, TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4, TE1, TE2, TE3, TE4, UFF, ZDC, and ZDF.

If you used these words as symbols, you must change them to other words, such
as lowercase or mixed case forms (for example, dc1 or Dc1).

xxxiv z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Part 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error
Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error 3
How to Get Messages . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Get a Dump. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Eliminating DFSORT Installation as a Source of Error 4
Eliminating Your Invoking Program as a Source of
Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Eliminating Your User Exit Routines as a Source of
Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Errors in Using Registers . . . . . . . . . 4
Errors in Using Main Storage . . . . . . . . 5
Errors in Record Contents . . . . . . . . . 5
Being Aware of Data Management Rules . . . . . 5
Correcting Common Errors . . . . . . . . . 6
Common System Abends Related to Storage . . . 6
Miscellaneous System Abends . . . . . . . 7
User Abends at Run Time . . . . . . . . . 9
Common Problems Reported by DFSORT Users . 9

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 1

2 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error
Some problems in running DFSORT are not caused by DFSORT failures, and using
the information in this section can save you time. This section explains how to get
messages and dumps as well as how to identify and eliminate problems caused by
errors in your installation of DFSORT, your calling programs, or your user exit
routines. The section also discusses other common errors.

How to Get Messages

When a message data set is required, but neither a SYSOUT DD statement nor an
alternative message data set ddname is provided, DFSORT can either terminate or
continue. Using the defaults with which it was delivered, DFSORT issues message
ICE158A to the console, and terminates with either a return code of 20 or a user
abend code of 158 (depending on the ERET, ABEND, or NOABEND option in
effect at run-time). You can change the installation default value with the
NOMSGDD installation option to allow DFSORT to continue even when a required
message data set is not supplied.

If you do not receive any DFSORT messages, make sure that you supply a message
data set, and resubmit your job using a SORTDIAG DD statement with a DUMMY
parameter. The SORTDIAG DD statement specifies that all messages, including
diagnostic messages (ICE800I through ICE999I), and control statements be printed.

You can provide either a SYSOUT DD statement or a DDNAME DD statement

(where DDNAME is the alternate message data set ddname specified at installation
or execution time with MSGDDN=ddname).

For example:

If you use a temporary or permanent message data set, it is best to specify a

disposition of MOD to ensure you see all messages and control statements in the
message data set. For example:

How to Get a Dump

To get a dump at an abend, use the JCL and program control statements shown in
Table 2. You get additional abend information when DFSORT’s ESTAE recovery
routine is in effect. At the beginning of each run, DFSORT establishes an ESTAE
recovery routine to trap system or user abends for Blockset and Peerage/Vale
applications. The ESTAE recovery routine remains in effect unless you use
installation option ESTAE=NO or run-time option NOESTAE to delete it.
Table 2. Getting a Dump
If you received Then use
A user or system abend code //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A
A condition code 16 //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 3

Eliminating Common Sources of Error

Table 2. Getting a Dump (continued)

If you received Then use
Note: If your program invokes DFSORT and does not pass the DFSORT return code to the
system, the listing’s condition code might not be the actual DFSORT return code. To
determine if the code in the listing is from DFSORT, find out how your program handles
return codes.

If you invoke DFSORT from a COBOL program, you might receive a COBOL
dump and a DFSORT dump. For the procedures in this manual, use only the
DFSORT dump.

If you are using PL/I, you must specify the NOSPIE and NOSTAE macro at run
time to ensure that you receive a DFSORT dump. If you do not, you might receive
only a PL/I dump.

Eliminating DFSORT Installation as a Source of Error

If you install a new DFSORT release or PTF, the standard DFSORT aliases will be
installed automatically. However, you must re-install any aliases you previously
installed that are affected by the new release or PTF. Otherwise, DFSORT might be
executing mixed levels of program modules, which can cause an abnormal end

Eliminating Your Invoking Program as a Source of Error

Main storage space can be a problem when you invoke DFSORT from another
program, especially if you use MAINSIZE/SIZE=MAX and invoke user exit E15 or
E35 (or, from COBOL, use an input or output procedure). In this case, you usually
receive a system ABEND 80A message.

If you invoked DFSORT from another program, and particularly if you opened a
file in your user exit routine, check that you specified a sufficiently large amount
of reserved storage with the RESALL, ARESALL, RESINV, or ARESINV run-time

For more detailed information on main storage, see z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide.

Eliminating Your User Exit Routines as a Source of Error

To eliminate your own routines or programs as possible sources of error, check the
use of registers, the main storage space allocated to the routines or programs, and
the record contents.

Errors in Using Registers

Make sure your routines or programs save and restore the appropriate registers. If
the routines or programs return to DFSORT with, for example, a different value in
register 12 the outcome is probably an abend.

Ensure that registers you use for loading or storing are not accidentally overlaying
DFSORT code or work areas. In this case, DFSORT might work without errors with
one technique but fail with another.

4 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Eliminating Common Sources of Error

For more detailed information on register usage, see z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide.

Errors in Using Main Storage

Check whether your routines need more main storage space than you have
allocated. Have you increased the size of your routines without increasing the
corresponding exit size on your MODS statement? A change in the size of your
user exit routines can lead to an abend in your own routine, or it can lead to
insufficient space for DFSORT.

You can see if too little space was left for sorting by studying the information in
messages ICE092I, ICE093I, ICE156I and ICE231I. If you did not receive any
messages, refer to “How to Get Messages” on page 3.

Similar situations can occur if the MAINSIZE/SIZE=MAX option is specified or

taken by default and a fairly large reserved value is passed to DFSORT through
the RESALL, ARESALL, RESINV, or ARESINV option or taken by default. Another
problem can arise if your E15 routine issues a GETMAIN without a corresponding
FREEMAIN at the end. This can be done indirectly, for example, by leaving a data
set open so that a buffer pool remains reserved.

For more detailed information, see z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide.

Errors in Record Contents

If the output records do not appear to contain the same data as the input records,
and either E15 or E35 has been used, check that your routine is handling register 1
correctly; especially, check that it is correct on return to DFSORT. If, for example,
you first load register 1 and then restore all registers (including register 1), register
1 probably has the wrong contents.

Also, if you first restore all registers and then try to load register 1 from a changed
base register, you might pass the wrong information to DFSORT.

Being Aware of Data Management Rules

Standard system data management rules apply to all data set processing. In
v Be aware that when using fixed standard record format for input data sets, the
first short block is treated like an End of Volume. See z/OS DFSMS Using Data
Sets, SC26-7410 for more details.
v Be aware that, in some cases, if a DD statement specifies a data set for output
that is extended to a second or subsequent volume, and another DD statement
within the same step requests the same data set, only the records on the first
volume will be read, and incorrect output will result.

Specifically, when a new output data set is allocated with a unit count and volume
count greater than one but specifies no volume serial numbers, one volume is
allocated. If a second or succeeding DD statement within the same step requests
the same data set, the same volume is allocated to it. If this job step extends the
output data set to more volumes, this new volume information is not available to
the second or succeeding DD statement.

Thus, you should not use different DDs for a data set to be used for output and
then input in the same step, unless that data set cannot be extended to a second or

Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error 5

Eliminating Common Sources of Error

subsequent volume, or is allocated with the guaranteed space attribute in the

storage class. See z/OS MVS JCL Reference, SA22-7597 and z/OS DFSMS Using Data
Sets, SC26-7410 for more details.

Correcting Common Errors

You can encounter abends or performance problems not caused by failures in the
DFSORT program. For example, your job might terminate abnormally because of
system errors beyond your control. Abends can also result from specifying
inadequate storage or incorrect storage parameters. You can sometimes improve
degraded performance by allocating resources differently.

This section lists abends you might encounter when running DFSORT, and
suggests ways of correcting the problems. Not every possible problem can be
listed, but the list includes those most commonly reported to IBM personnel. Use
the information here in conjunction with Part 2, “Messages and Codes,” on page 11
and z/OS MVS System Codes.

Common System Abends Related to Storage

Table 3 covers common system abend codes that might appear when abends result
from errors in storage parameters. The items are listed by system abend code. For
details on DFSORT’s use of storage and storage parameters, see z/OS DFSORT
Installation and Customization and z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide.
Table 3. Common System Abends Related to Storage
Abend Code Problem
106 There was not sufficient storage to load a module. Ensure that the
804 The amount of storage requested exceeded that available. Ensure that
878 User exits required more storage than was available. Ensure that the
values for each user exit size in the MODS statement and for
80A This abend can result from the following:
v A DFSORT job required more storage than was available. Ensure
that the values for REGION, MAINSIZE, SIZE, RESALL or RESINV
are sufficient.
v The '-1' flag required to mark the end of an extended parameter list
was missing. Include an F'-1' to mark the last item in the parameter
v The invoking program used AL3 to define addresses for DFSORT
control statements. Be sure to use full 4-byte addresses to prevent
DFSORT from “running off the end” while allocating storage.
D37 A SORTWK, SORTOUT, or OUTFIL data set was specified with
insufficient primary space allocation and no secondary allocation.
Increase the primary allocation, or include a value for secondary
E37 A SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set was allocated on a primary volume
that had either insufficient storage or excessive fragmentation, and no
secondary volume was specified. Specify more than one volume in the
VOLSER parameter for the SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set or
compress the volume to allow it to contain the full 16 extents.

6 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Common Errors

Miscellaneous System Abends

Table 4 covers other common system abend codes. The items are listed by system
abend code.
Table 4. Miscellaneous System Abends
Abend Code Problem
001 This abend can result from the following:
v The data control block (DCB) for SORTIN contained incorrect
LRECL or BLKSIZE data set attributes. Check the SORTIN DD
statement to ensure that the LRECL and BLKSIZE parameters are
v When a COBOL program invoked DFSORT:
– The SELECT or ASSIGN statement specified an incorrect file
name or DDNAME parameter.
– The SORTIN or SORTOUT files specified DCB attributes
different from those defined for the data set.
– The FD file description for SORTIN or SORTOUT files contained
inaccurate specifications (such as RECORD CONTAINS, BLOCK
002 This abend can result from the following:
v For variable-length record SORTOUT or OUTFIL data sets, the
record descriptor word was invalid (less than 4 bytes or greater
than 32 KB) or, for nonspanned records, was greater than the
specified block size.
v For fixed-length record SORTOUT or OUTFIL data sets, the LRECL
parameter was greater than the BLKSIZE parameter.
v Was greater than 32760 for a disk data set, or was greater than the
maximum block size supported by the access method for a tape
data set.
v Was not an integer multiple of the LRECL parameter for
fixed-length records, or was not at least four bytes longer than the
LRECL for variable-length records.

Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error 7

Common Errors

Table 4. Miscellaneous System Abends (continued)

Abend Code Problem
0Cx These abends can result from the following:
v Locale processing with a run-time library that contains down-level
dynamically loadable routines.
v An invalid PD or ZD sign (0-9) or digit (A-F) can result in a data
exception (0C7 ABEND) for SUM processing. An invalid PD or ZD
digit can result in a data exception for OUTFIL edit or statistics
processing. ICETOOL's DISPLAY or VERIFY operators can be used
to identify decimal values with invalid digits. ICETOOL's VERIFY
operator can be used to identify decimal values with invalid signs.
v A user exit passed back a variable-length record that was shorter
than the record descriptor word indicated.
v A user exit passed back a fixed-length record that was shorter than
the length specified in the RECORD statement (L2 for E15 and E32,
or L3 for E35).
v The contents of register 1 (and possibly other registers) used by
DFSORT were altered before returning to DFSORT. Ensure the
registers are restored before returning to DFSORT.
v The SORTLIB DD statement specified an incorrect library.
v The DEBUG CTRx option was in effect and the criteria were met.
v For COBOL:
– DISPLAY was used for COBOL messages, but the message data
set was missing. Supply a message data set DD statement. (See
the discussion of MSGDDN in z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide for an alternative solution.)
– An attempt was made to reopen an open data set, or a data set
was already open prior to executing the SORT USING statement.
– A STOP RUN or GOBACK statement was required but not
supplied; therefore, the COBOL program did not exit as
intended but processed the next instruction.
– Invalid logic was used in a sort I/O procedure (possibly using
the STOP RUN, GOBACK, CALL, or GO TO statements), or
PERFORM referred to a paragraph outside the section.
– The file name or DDNAME parameter of the SELECT/ASSIGN
statement was incorrect.
– The LINKAGE SECTION was specified incorrectly or misplaced.
– The PROCEDURE DIVISION USING statement gave an invalid
parameter list.
– An attempt was made to move data from the COBOL SD area
prior to execution of the SORT verb.
– The FD entry RECORD CONTAINS clause (LRECL) for the
USING data set is different than the SD entry RECORD
CONTAINS clause for the SORTWK data set.
213 This abend can result from the following:
v A specified data set was not found.
v Space for the SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set was not allocated.
v For COBOL:
– The file name or DDNAME parameter of the SELECT or
ASSIGN statement was incorrect.
– The SORT verb required the SORTLIB DD statement.
30A The SORTIN LRECL parameter was greater than the SORTOUT or
OUTFIL LRECL parameter (for VSAM data sets).

8 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Common Errors

Table 4. Miscellaneous System Abends (continued)

Abend Code Problem
513 For COBOL, the SORT USING statement was used with an input tape
data set that was already opened prior to invoking DFSORT.
806 DFSORT required a program, such as a user exit or invoking
program, during execution and was unable to find it. Correct the job
step or supply the necessary program.

ABEND 806, along with message “CSV003I REQUESTED MODULE

CEEBINIT NOT FOUND”, may occur if during locale processing
DFSORT does not have access to the library containing the
dynamically loadable routines. For example, the data set containing
these routines might be called SYS1.SCEERUN. If you are unsure of
the name of the data set, contact your system administrator.
813 The SORTIN, SORTOUT, or OUTFIL data set was tape, and the data
set name was incorrect or missing or DISP=MOD was specified
inappropriately for a tape data set.
913 For COBOL, the file name or DDNAME parameter of the SELECT or
ASSIGN statement was incorrect.
C03 A user exit opened data sets, but did not close them upon
C13 For COBOL, the file name or DDNAME parameter of the SELECT or
ASSIGN statement was incorrect.

User Abends at Run Time

DFSORT issues two types of user abends at run time:
v If ABEND or ABSTP is in effect and DFSORT terminates with an error message,
you receive a user abend. With installation option ABCODE=MSG (the supplied
default), the user abend code is equal to the error message (for example, U0046
for message ICE046A). With installation option ABCODE=n, the user abend code
is equal to n (for example, U0010 with ABCODE=10 for any error message). For
user abend codes that are error message numbers (ABCODE=MSG), you can
refer to the explanation for the corresponding message (for example, the
ICE046A Explanation for U0046).
For a tape work data set sort or conventional merge, user abend 0 can be issued
if DFSORT terminates with an error message and ABEND or ABSTP is in effect.
v If you receive a user abend with a code from 1000 through 1599, DFSORT
detected an error in its internal logic. The abend is issued in this case to prevent
infinite loops and to aid diagnosis of the problem. Please report such problems
to your IBM representative.
In some cases, you may be able to bypass a DFSORT user 1nnn abend by
making more storage available to DFSORT; try adding 32 KB by changing the
REGION parameter or the MAINSIZE or SIZE value. See z/OS DFSORT
Application Programming Guide for ways to specify MAINSIZE and SIZE.

Common Problems Reported by DFSORT Users

The situations below are problems that are frequently reported to IBM personnel.
v System messages indicate DFSORT is using more storage than specified in the
DFSORT parameters.
DFSORT treats its storage parameters (for example, TMAXLIM, MAXLIM,
SIZE, MAINSIZE) as flexible limits, and may, in fact, use more storage than
the specified limits in some cases to optimize performance or prevent

Chapter 1. Eliminating Common Sources of Error 9

Common Errors

termination. To avoid storage fragmentation, DFSORT might request all

storage allocated to it above and below 16 MB virtual, then release all storage
exceeding the specified limits.
DFSORT messages ICE092I and ICE093I list an estimate of the total amount
of storage used by DFSORT. DFSORT message ICE156I lists an estimate of
the storage used by DFSORT above 16 MB virtual. The difference between
the two is an estimate of the storage used by DFSORT below 16 MB virtual.
Message ICE231I lists an estimate of the storage used exclusively for OUTFIL
processing above and below 16 MB virtual.
v Elapsed time for executing sort jobs appears excessive.
To achieve the shortest elapsed time for sort jobs, DFSORT tries to select the
Blockset technique. Examine message ICE143I to see which technique was
used. If DFSORT did not select Blockset, code a SORTDIAG DD DUMMY
statement in the JCL to request a set of diagnostic messages and re-run the
job. Diagnostic message ICE800I reports a reason code indicating why
DFSORT did not select the Blockset technique. Correct the condition, if
Excessive elapsed time can also be the result of forcing DFSORT to sort a
large data set in a relatively small amount of storage. Ensure that you
provide sufficient storage for the data to be sorted as discussed in z/OS
DFSORT Application Programming Guide and z/OS DFSORT Tuning Guide.

10 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Part 2. Messages and Codes
Chapter 2. Message Considerations . . . . . 13
Printing Messages and Control Statements . . . . 13
Printing EFS Messages and Control Statements . . 14
Writing Messages to the Master Console. . . . . 15
Finding DFSORT Control Statement Coding Errors 15

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages . . 17

Chapter 4. Diagnostic Messages . . . . . . 97

Chapter 5. Return Codes and User Abends . . 101

DFSORT Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . 101
ICETOOL Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . 101
ICEGENER Return Codes . . . . . . . . . 102

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 11

12 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Chapter 2. Message Considerations
This chapter discusses the types of messages DFSORT produces and explains how
to print messages and control statements, write messages to the master console,
and find control statement coding errors.

DFSORT produces three types of messages:

v Critical error messages, which report and describe problems requiring
programmer action to correct (explained in Chapter 3, “Informational and Error
Messages,” on page 17).
v Informational messages, which provide information only and require no
programmer action (explained in Chapter 3, “Informational and Error
Messages,” on page 17).
v Diagnostic messages, which provide additional information useful in debugging
and tuning (explained in Chapter 4, “Diagnostic Messages,” on page 97).

Different messages might be issued for the same error situation, depending upon
which DFSORT technique is used.

See z/OS DFSORT Installation and Customization for:

v Information on the installation options discussed in this section
v Descriptions of the following messages issued by the ICEOPT started task
command: ICEP500I, ICEP501I, ICEP502I, ICEP503I, ICEP504I, ICEP505I,
ICEP506I, ICEP507I, ICEP508I, ICEP509I, ICEP510I and ICEP511I
v Descriptions of the messages issued during the expansion of the ICEMAC macro
and message modules.

PARM options and program control statement options are explained in z/OS
DFSORT Application Programming Guide.

Printing Messages and Control Statements

You can select the type of messages you want written to the message data set
during installation or at run time. Messages ICE097I and ICE158A are written only
to the master console.

If installation option NOMSGDD=QUIT is in effect, you must provide a DD

statement using the name of the alternate message data set specified during
installation or at run time, or a SYSOUT DD statement. Otherwise, DFSORT
terminates with a return code of 20.

The following list outlines the hierarchy for message and control statements for the
Blockset and Peerage/Vale sorting techniques. SORTDIAG DD, MSGPRT, and LIST,
as they are used here, represent all methods of specifying the appropriate function.
For example, FLAG (I) in the EXEC PARM field is equivalent to MSGPRT=ALL,
and installation option DIAGSIM=YES is equivalent to specifying a SORTDIAG DD
statement for every job.

| Note: When an error message (ICExxxA) is issued and the message data set is
| available, DFSORT will display the diagnostic messages (ICE75xI, ICE8xxI
| and ICE9xxI) even if they are not requested (by DIAGSIM=YES or a

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 13

Message Considerations

| SORTDIAG DD). This can improve first failure data capture and remove the
| need to rerun the application to display diagnostic messages.
SORTDIAG DD statement
Prints all messages (including diagnostic messages); prints control statements.
A message data set DD statement should be provided.
When SORTDIAG DD is specified, Blockset error messages that are normally
suppressed are printed. This may result in an error message being printed for a
run that is actually successfully completed by another technique (as indicated
by a return code of 0 or 4).
MSGPRT=ALL and LIST in effect
Prints all messages except diagnostic messages; prints control statements. A
message data set DD statement should be provided.
MSGPRT=ALL and NOLIST in effect
Prints all messages except diagnostic messages; does not print control
statements. A message data set DD statement should be provided.
Prints only critical error messages; prints control statements. A message data
set DD statement should be provided.
Control statements are not printed if MSGPRT=CRITICAL is in effect and
DFSORT is dynamically invoked using the 24-bit parameter list.
Prints only critical error messages; does not print control statements. A
message data set DD statement should be provided.
MSGPRT=NONE in effect
Does not print messages; does not print control statements.

Printing EFS Messages and Control Statements

Both the Extended Function Support (EFS) program and its exit routines (EFS01
and EFS02) can send messages to DFSORT for printing. The EFS program can send
messages to DFSORT for printing at Major Call 1, 2, 3, or 4. EFS01 and EFS02 can
only send messages to DFSORT for printing at Major Call 4. DFSORT prints EFS
messages to the message data set, but does not write messages to the master

Use the MSGPRT option to control the printing of messages returned by the EFS
program. Use the LISTX and NOLISTX options to control the printing of control
statements returned by the EFS program; use these two options in the same way
you use LIST and NOLIST to control printing of DFSORT control statements.
LISTX and NOLISTX can be used independently of LIST and NOLIST. When a
SORTDIAG DD statement is specified, LISTX is used. If no verb request list is
returned at Major Call 1, NOLISTX is used.

See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for more information about
Extended Function Support.

14 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Message Considerations

Writing Messages to the Master Console

You can select the type of messages to be written to the master console with the
MSGCON installation option:


ALL Specifies that all messages except option-in-effect messages

| (ICE127I through ICE133I, ICE235I and ICE236I) and diagnostic
messages (ICE800I through ICE999I) are written to the master
CRITICAL Specifies that only critical messages are written to the master
NONE Specifies that messages are not written to the master console.

Console message choices are independent of the message data set choices.
Messages ICE097I and ICE158A are written only to the master console. Inclusion of
a SORTDIAG DD statement has no effect on console messages.

Because of the addition of the job name and the step name, some DFSORT
messages can be truncated from the right when they are written to the master

Messages returned by an EFS program cannot be written to the master console.

Finding DFSORT Control Statement Coding Errors

DFSORT scans control statements for syntax and content errors, such as invalid
operators, operands, or operand values, missing operands, and missing or invalid

As explained in “Printing Messages and Control Statements” on page 13 and

“Printing EFS Messages and Control Statements” on page 14, DFSORT prints
messages and control statements as requested by the SORTDIAG DD statement,
MSGPRT, LIST, and LISTX operands. The following paragraphs assume that
messages and control statements are to be printed.

DFSORT scans each control statement for errors, and prints an error message for
the first error detected. Scanning stops at the first error, and then continues with
the next control statement. If DFSORT detects an error, it usually terminates after
all the control statements are scanned. However, in some cases, detection of an
error by the Blockset technique results in the use of another technique that could
avoid termination, and, in other cases, Blockset terminates immediately without
completing control statement scanning.

If an error is associated with a specific operator, operand or value for a control

statement in DFSPARM, SYSIN, and SORTCNTL, DFSORT prints a marker ($)

Chapter 2. Message Considerations 15

Message Considerations

directly below the control statement near the error. If an error is associated with a
specific control statement, DFSORT prints the error message directly below the
marker line or control statement.

If an error is associated with a specific control statement returned by an Extended

Function Support (EFS) program, the EFS program can return a message to be
printed with that control statement. The associated message must be returned at
the same time the control statement is returned to DFSORT. The EFS program can
also return an offset pointing to the error found in the control statement. DFSORT
uses this offset to place a marker ($) below the control statement. Any message
associated with the control statement is printed directly below the marker line or
control statement. See the z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for more
information about Extended Function Support.

16 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages
DFSORT messages can appear within your printed output or on the master
console. The formats are:

For printed messages

ICEnnns c text

For console messages

ICEnnns c jjjjjjjj.ssssssss text

Where Represents
nnn Message number.
s Severity code. Values for s are:
A Critical error message; requires programmer action.
I Informational message; usually requires no programmer action.
c Diagnostic trace character. This character is usually not needed, but might
be requested by your IBM representative for diagnostic purposes.
jjjjjjjj Job name.
Step name.
text Message text.

Programmer response: Use one of the following

recommended valid methods for continuing a
5694-A01, Z/OS DFSORT VvRrr - hh:mm
ON day mmm dd, yyyy -
v Break the previous line at a comma-blank or
Explanation: Identifies the following for this DFSORT semicolon-blank or colon-blank before column 72
run: and start the continuation line in column 2-71
v DFSORT version level (v) and release level (rr) v Break the previous line at column 71, put a nonblank
v Time as hours (hh) and minutes (mm) in column 72 and start the continuation line in
v Day of the week (day) column 16.
v Date as month (mmm), day of the month (dd) and
See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
year (yyyy)
other valid methods of continuing a statement.
System action: None.
Programmer response: None. ICE002I DUPLICATE OR CONFLICTING
xxxxxxxx STATEMENT
ICE001A TEXT BEGINS IN WRONG COLUMN Explanation: The same operation definer, or mutually
exclusive operation definers (SORT and MERGE, or
Explanation: Critical. A continuation line started in
INCLUDE and OMIT), appeared more than once in the
column 1.
same source (for example, SORTCNTL).
System action: The program terminates.
System action: DFSORT does not analyze duplicate or

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 17

Informational and Error Messages

conflicting statements. The first one encountered is v A control statement must contain an operation
used. definer followed by a blank on the first line.
Programmer response: No action is necessary, if the
parameters on the duplicate (second and subsequent) ICE006A OPERAND DEFINER ERROR
control statements are not needed. Otherwise,
Explanation: Critical. The first operand of a control
consolidate the parameters from the duplicate control
statement did not begin on the same line as the
statements into a single control statement.
operation definer, or an operand or operand value was
not valid, or a required operand was not specified.
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. A continuation line was
Programmer response: Check for statements with
indicated by the previous line ending with a comma, or
invalid operands, invalid operand values, missing
with a nonblank entry in column 72, but no line
operands, or no operands.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check for an overflow of
Explanation: Critical. A control statement contained an
parameters into column 72 or a missing continuation
error in syntax.
System action: The program terminates.
ICE005A BLANK NEEDED IN COLUMN 1 OR Programmer response: Check the control statements
OPERATION NOT DEFINED for syntax errors. Some of the more common syntax
CORRECTLY errors are:
v Unbalanced parenthesis
Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors was
v Missing comma
v Embedded blank
v An operation definer, that is, ALTSEQ, DEBUG, v Invalid format type
MODS, OMIT, OPTION, OUTFIL, OUTREC, v Invalid constant
| RECORD, REFORMAT, SORT or SUM,, started in v Continuation of DFSPARM PARM options using the
column 1 instead of column 2. An operation definer continuation column.
must be preceded by at least one blank in column 1. v Symbol used where it is not allowed
v A control statement did not contain one of the valid v Parsed field (%nn) used where it is not allowed.
operation definers.
v A control statement did not contain an operation ICE008A FIELD VALUE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM
definer followed by a blank on the first line. ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS
v A DFSPARM PARM was continued using the
Explanation: Critical. A specified parameter value was
continuation column.
too long. Most parameter values have a maximum
v A continuation line followed a line with an error. length of eight characters, but some can have longer or
v A control statement passed by a parameter list shorter maximum lengths.
contained a label.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check control statements for
Programmer response: Check that each control parameter values that are too long. Refer to the
statement contains a valid operation definer and description of each parameter to verify the maximum
follows the syntax rules for the source of the control length for its values.
statements (DFSPARM, SYSIN, SORTCNTL, parameter
list) including:
v An operation definer in a control statement in SYSIN STATEMENT
or SORTCNTL must be preceded by at least one
blank or by a label and at least one blank. Explanation: Critical. All control statements have been
processed and either:
v A control statement in DFSPARM or a parameter list
v No SORT or MERGE control statement or OPTION
must not start with a label.
COPY statement was found, or
v An operation definer in a control statement in v A 24-bit parameter list did not contain a SORT or
DFSPARM must be preceded by at least one blank. MERGE control statement.
v A DFSPARM PARM parameter must appear on one
System action: The program terminates.

18 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Make sure that the 24-bit control statement for the errors indicated in the
parameter list contains a SORT or MERGE control explanation and correct the errors.
statement. If you are not using a 24-bit parameter list,
make sure you have supplied a SORT or MERGE
control statement or an OPTION COPY statement.
Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
of the following reasons:
v An input data set contained an invalid RDW or
v A record passed to DFSORT from user exit E15 or
Explanation: Critical. On an OPTION control E35 contained an invalid RDW.
statement, one of the following errors was found: v A variable-length record was too short to contain all
v A keyword was specified twice. fields or, if Blockset was not selected, shorter than
v A keyword and a variation of it were both specified. L4.
CKPT and CHKPT are variations, as are FILSZ and v A record did not contain the first byte of the first
SIZE. control field when VLSHRT was in effect and
v A keyword and its opposite were both specified. Blockset was not selected.
EQUALS and NOEQUALS are examples of this.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: If the records are valid but too
Programmer response: Check the OPTION control short to contain all fields, use the VLSCMP option
statement for the errors indicated in the explanation (INCLUDE, OMIT) or VLSHRT option (INCLUDE,
and correct the errors. OMIT, SORT, MERGE) to prevent DFSORT from
terminating. Otherwise, take one or more of the
following actions:
DEFINER v Check that the input data set contains valid BDWs.
v Check that the input data set and all records passed
Explanation: Critical. A SORT, MERGE, or SUM
from exits contain variable-length records with valid
control statement did not contain the FIELDS operand.
System action: The program terminates. v Decrease L4 if it is too large.
Programmer response: Check for a SORT, MERGE, or v Check the input data set and all records inserted at
SUM control statement that does not have the FIELDS user exits E15 and E35 to see that all records contain
operand. all fields.
v Remove any records that are too short.
ICE013A INVALID SORT OR MERGE v Check your E15 and E35 routines and correct any
Explanation: Critical. An invalid keyword operand
If ICETOOL was used, check each ON field of the
was detected on a SORT or MERGE control statement.
failing operator for incorrectly specified displacement
System action: The program terminates. (position) or length.
Programmer response: Make sure the SORT or
You can use the ICETOOL STATS operator with
MERGE control statement does not contain an invalid
ON(VLEN) to show the length of the shortest variable
keyword operand.
length record. You can use the ICETOOL DISPLAY
operator with ON(VLEN) to show the length of each
ICE014A DUPLICATE SORT OR MERGE variable length record.
Explanation: Critical. On a SORT or MERGE control ICE016A INVALID FIELDS OPERAND VALUE
statement, one of the following errors was found:
Explanation: Critical. The FIELDS operand of a SORT
v A keyword was specified twice.
or MERGE statement contained an invalid f or s value
v A keyword and a variation of it were both specified.
in a p,m,s or p,m,f,s field.
CKPT and CHKPT are variations, as are FILSZ and
SIZE. System action: The program terminates.
v A keyword and its opposite were both specified.
Programmer response: Check for invalid f and s
EQUALS and NOEQUALS are examples of this.
values in the control fields.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check the SORT or MERGE

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 19

Informational and Error Messages

4. Ensure that each position is equal to or greater than

rsn 5. Ensure that each bit position and bit length is
between .0 and .7.
Explanation: Critical. A position (p) or length (m) in a
6. Ensure that each bytes.bit length is equal to or
SORT or MERGE control field is invalid. rsn is the
greater than 0.1.
reason code associated with the error. The reason code
helps you determine the specific cause of the error. 7. Ensure that the position plus length is less than or
Reason code values (rsn) are as follows: equal to 32753.
1. A length (m) was less than the minimum allowed 8. Specify NOVLSHRT or reduce the complexity of the
for the specified format (f). For example: control fields.
SORT FIELDS=(11,1,PD0,A) 9. Reduce the total length of the control fields.
2. A length (m) was greater than the maximum FORMAT - REASON CODE IS rsn
allowed for the specified format (f). For example:
Explanation: Critical. A field in a SORT, MERGE,
* FOR AN FS FIELD or OUTFIL statement has an invalid format or no
format. rsn is the reason code associated with the error.
3. A bytes.bit position (p.x) or length (m.y) was
The reason code helps you determine the specific cause
specified but the format (f) was not BI. For example:
of the error. Reason code values (rsn) are as follows:
* BI MUST BE USED WITH A POSITION OF 7.2 statement has a field with an invalid format. For
4. A position (p) was 0, or a bytes.bit position (p.x) example:
was 0.x. For example: SORT FIELDS=(5,4,NG,A)
5. A bit position (.x) or bit length (.y) was greater than
2. An INCLUDE or OMIT operand of an OUTFIL
7. For example:
| statement or JOINKEYS statement, or an IFTHEN
MERGE FIELDS=(11,5.8,BI,A) WHEN, BEGIN or END operand of an INREC,
* .8 IS GREATER THAN THE MAXIMUM OF .7 OUTREC, or OUTFIL statement, has a field with an
invalid format or has a field without a format. For
6. A length (m) was 0, or a bytes.bit length (m.y) was example:
0.0. For example:
7. A position (p) plus length (m) was greater than OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT2,
32753. For example: IFTHEN=(WHEN=(21,2,EQ,35,2),
* 32751 + 3 = 32754 IS GREATER THAN 3. A SORT, MERGE, SUM, INCLUDE, or OMIT
* THE MAXIMUM OF 32753 FOR POSITION+LENGTH statement without a FORMAT=f operand, or with
8. VLSHRT was in effect and control fields were too an invalid FORMAT=f operand, has a field without
complex. a format (that is, p,m instead of p,m,f). For example:
9. The total length of the control fields was greater SORT FIELDS=(5,4,BI,A,21,2,D)
than the maximum allowed. * FORMAT IS MISSING FOR SECOND FIELD
System action: The program terminates. SUM FIELDS=(12,2)
Programmer response: Take the action for the * FORMAT IS MISSING FOR SUM FIELD
indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows: 4. D2 format was specified in the INCLUDE or OMIT
| operand of an OUTFIL statement or JOINKEYS
1. Ensure that each length is valid for its specified | statement, or in the IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or
format. END operand of an INREC, OUTREC, or OUTFIL
2. Ensure that each length is valid for its specified statement. For example:
format. INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(21,2,D2,EQ,C’AB’),
3. Ensure that BI format is used with each bytes.bit OVERLAY=(21:C’OK’))
position or length. * D2 IS INVALD FOR WHEN

20 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages


* D2 IS INVALID FOR OUTFIL INCLUDE Explanation: Critical. An invalid keyword was found
5. More than 112 SORT or MERGE fields were in a RECORD control statement.
specified, and Blockset was not selected.
6. CSF, FS, UFF, SFF, Y2x or PD0 format was specified System action: The program terminates.
for SORT, MERGE or SUM and Blockset was not Programmer response: Check for invalid keywords.
selected. For example:
Explanation: Critical. RECORD TYPE was not
System action: The program terminates. specified for a tape work data set sort or Conventional
Programmer response: Take the action for the merge application that uses one of the following:
indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows: v VSAM input
1. Ensure that the format for each field in the SORT, v an E15 exit that supplies all of the input records
MERGE, SUM, INCLUDE, and OMIT statements is v an E32 exit that supplies all of the input records.
System action: The program terminates.
2. Specify p,m,f for each field in the INCLUDE, OMIT,
WHEN, BEGIN and END operands, and ensure that Programmer response: Specify RECORD TYPE=F or
the format for each field is valid. RECORD TYPE=V as appropriate.
3. Ensure that each field in the SORT, MERGE, SUM,
INCLUDE and OMIT statements has a format by ICE022A RECORD FORMAT NOT F, V OR D
specifying p,m,f or FORMAT=f with p,m, as
appropriate. Explanation: Critical. The TYPE operand of a
4. Use the D2 format in an INCLUDE or OMIT
| RECORD control statement or JOINKEYS control
statement rather than in an INCLUDE or OMIT
| statement contained an invalid value.
operand, or replace the D2 format with a valid System action: The program terminates.
format in the INCLUDE, OMIT, WHEN, BEGIN or
END operand. Programmer response: Check that the TYPE operand
| value on the RECORD statement or JOINKEYS
5. Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to | statement is F, FB, V, VB, D, or DB. Check also for a
get message ICE800I, which indicates the reason conflict between the SORTIN/SORTOUT DCB RECFM
Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove the parameter and the RECORD control statement.
condition preventing the use of Blockset.
Alternatively, reduce the number of SORT or
MERGE fields to 112 or less. ICE023A NO LENGTH OPERAND
6. Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to Explanation: Critical. The input record length was not
get message ICE800I, which indicates the reason available. A RECORD statement with an L1 or L2 value
Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove the is required when an E15 or E32 user exit supplies all of
condition preventing the use of Blockset. the input records, or when a temporary empty VSAM
Alternatively, do not use a CSF, FS, UFF, SFF, Y2x or data set defined without a RECSZ value is used for
PD0 format. input.
This message can also be issued if input processing is
ICE019A MEMBER NAME NOT SPECIFIED FOR bypassed because of a previous error.
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. A data set indicated by the
specified ddname is partitioned, but the member name Programmer response: Check for:
was missing. v A missing RECORD statement
System action: The program terminates. v A RECORD statement without a LENGTH operand
or without an L1 value
Programmer response: Ensure that a member name is
v A missing SORTIN DD statement or SORTINnn DD
specified for each partitioned data set or PDSE defined
for the indicated ddname. If the ddname is a
concatenation of data sets, then ensure that each v A temporary empty input VSAM data set defined
partitioned data set or PDSE in the concatenation has a without a RECSZ value
member name specified with it.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 21

Informational and Error Messages

not selected, rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD

statement to get message ICE800I, which indicates the
reason Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove
Explanation: Critical. A specified or calculated record the condition preventing the use of Blockset.
length was greater than the maximum length DFSORT
could process. The record length can be one of the
v Input record length: Can be obtained from the L1 or Explanation: Critical. The program has compared the
L2 value of the RECORD LENGTH operand, from count of input records and output records (shown in
the RECORDSIZE value for a VSAM input data set, message ICE054I), taken into account the number of
or from the LRECL of a non-VSAM input data set. records inserted or deleted (shown in message
v Reformatted record length: Can be obtained from the ICE055I), if any, and found a discrepancy.
INREC statement or OUTREC statement.
v Output record length: Can be obtained from the L3 The message is issued when the entire output data set
value of the RECORD LENGTH operand, from the has been written. The message is suppressed if
RECORDSIZE value for a VSAM output data set, or NOCHECK was in effect and you had an E35 user exit
from the LRECL of a non-VSAM output data set. and no SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set.
System action: The program terminates.
Note that for VSAM data sets processed as
variable-length, the record length is increased by 4 Programmer response: The most probable cause is
bytes since DFSORT prepends an RDW to each record. that you have not specified a SORTOUT or OUTFIL
data set, have specified E35, and from your E35 routine
have passed a return code of 8 (do not return) too
rsn is the reason code associated with the error. The
early, when there are still output records remaining. If
reason code helps you determine the specific cause of
this is the case, you can avoid receiving this message
the error. Reason code values (rsn) are as follows:
by specifying OPTION NOCHECK. If this is not the
1. An input record length was greater than 32767. case, examine any user exit routines (especially E15 and
2. An input record length for fixed-length records E35) for possible return code or other errors.
was greater than 32760.
If a COBOL-invoking program contains an output
3. An input record length for variable-length procedure, make sure the RETURN statement is
unspanned records was greater than 32756. iterated until the AT END condition is executed. This
4. An output record length was greater than 32767. occurs the next time the RETURN statement is executed
5. An output record length for fixed-length records after the last record was returned to you.
was greater than 32760. If the iteration of the RETURN is controlled by a
6. An output record length for variable-length PERFORM statement, the PERFORM logic should be
unspanned records was greater than 32756. controlled by the execution of the AT END clause of
7. A reformatted record length was greater than the RETURN statement.
32767. It is possible but less likely that the error was caused
8. A reformatted record length for fixed-length by an internal sort problem.
records was greater than 32760.
9. A reformatted record length for variable-length ICE026I SMF RECORD NOT WRITTEN TO
unspanned records was greater than 32756. THE SMF DATA SET (RC=nn)
10. Blockset was not selected and the specified or
Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned
calculated minimum record length (L4) was greater
from system management facilities (SMF). nn is the
than the specified or calculated maximum record
return code from the SMFWTM macro, in decimal.
length (L2).
11. Blockset was not selected and the specified or System action: The SMF type 16 record is not
calculated minimum record length (L4) was greater successfully written.
than the specified or calculated average record Programmer response: Have your system programmer
length (L5). determine whether SMF is properly initialized on your
12. Blockset was not selected and the specified or system by referring to z/OS MVS System Management
calculated average record length (L5) was greater Facilities (SMF) for the meaning of the return code from
than the specified or calculated maximum record SMFWTM.
length (L2).
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Ensure that specified and
calculated record lengths are not greater than the
maximum length DFSORT can process. If Blockset was

22 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

System action: The program terminates.

MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH Programmer response: Make sure that the MODS
control statement does not contain errors that resulted
Explanation: Critical. If ddname is blank, then:
in the specification of an invalid program user exit
v The OUTREC or INREC length exceeded 32767
number. Numbers that can be specified are E11, E15,
bytes, or
E16, E17, E18, E19, E31, E35, E37, E38, E39, and E61.
v if INREC was specified, a SORT, MERGE, OUTREC,
or SUM field was defined as extending beyond the
maximum reformatted record length. Restriction: For a merge-only application, you can only
v otherwise, a SORT, MERGE, INREC, OUTREC, SUM, specify exits E31, E35, E37, E38, E39, and
INCLUDE, or OMIT field was defined as extending E61.
beyond the maximum input record length
Otherwise, ddname indicates the first data set in the
OUTFIL group for which either: Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
v an OUTFIL field was defined as extending beyond of the following reasons:
the maximum OUTFIL input record length, or v A user exit was defined twice in a MODS control
v the OUTFIL output record length exceeded 32767 statement.
bytes v An E15, E18, E35, or E39 user exit was specified both
in the invoking program parameter list and in a
System action: The program terminates. MODS statement.
Programmer response: Check all relevant control System action: The program terminates.
statements for incorrectly specified field position or
length values. Check the record statement for Programmer response: Check MODS statement for
incorrectly specified length values. multiply defined user exits.

If an EFS field is specified in the SORT or MERGE

control statement, make sure the position begins within ICE031A INVALID MODS OP CHAR
the record. Explanation: Critical. A parameter of a MODS control
If ICETOOL is used, check each ON field of the failing statement contained an invalid character.
operator for incorrectly specified position or length System action: The program terminates.
values, and for a DISPLAY, OCCUR, RANGE, STATS,
UNIQUE, or VERIFY operator, check that the LRECL of Programmer response: Check the parameters of the
the FROM data set is at least 4. MODS control statement for a length field containing
something other than numeric data, a source or name
field beginning with something other than an
ICE028A TOO MANY EXITS alphabetic character, or containing a special character
Explanation: Critical. A MODS statement specified other than $, @, or #.
more than the maximum number of user exits.
System action: The program terminates. ICE032A EXIT E61 REQUIRED

Programmer response: Make sure that routines are Explanation: Critical. A SORT or MERGE control
specified for valid user exits only, and that each exit is statement defined a control field to be modified by a
associated with only one routine. Exits that can be user-written routine (this was done by specifying E for
specified in the MODS statement are E11, E15, E16, E17, the control field sequence indicator), and user exit E61
E18, E19, E31, E35, E37, E38, E39, and E61. was not activated by a MODS control statement.
System action: The program terminates.
Restriction: For a merge-only application you can only
specify exits E31, E35, E37, E38, E39, and Programmer response: Check for conflicts in the
E61. SORT or MERGE and MODS statements with respect to
E and E61.


Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one INDICATOR E REQUIRED
of the following reasons:
v An incorrect user exit was specified on a MODS Explanation: Critical. User exit E61 was activated and
control statement. no control fields were specified for user modification
v A user exit in the sort or intermediate merge phase (an E control field sequence parameter was missing on
of the program was specified for a merge a SORT or MERGE control statement).
application. System action: The program terminates.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 23

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Check for conflicts in the

ICE036I B=a
SORT or MERGE and MODS statements with respect to
E and E61. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
IBM software support personnel.
Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
of the following reasons: IBM software support personnel.
v An incorrect number of parameters followed an
operand defined on a MODS control statement.
v SYSIN was specified as the third parameter for a
user exit whose fourth parameter was N or C. Explanation: This message gives an estimate of the
v For those user exits pre-link-edited by the user maximum number of records that can be sorted using
(fourth parameter was N or C, or null), the third the intermediate storage and main storage available to
parameter (library ddname) was different for two or DFSORT for the current application. The number
more exits. replaces n in the text of the message as shown above.
v An invalid value was specified for the fourth Nmax is calculated assuming that 2400-foot tapes are
parameter of the statement. used. For variable-length records, the value is based on
v E15=COB or HILEVEL=YES was specified and E15 maximum record length.
was specified with T as the fourth parameter.
v E35=COB or HILEVEL=YES was specified and E35 System action: None.
was specified with T as the fourth parameter. Programmer response: None.
v S was specified for the fourth parameter, but the user
exit was not E11 or E31.
System action: The program terminates. ADD AT LEAST nK BYTES
Programmer response: Make sure that: Explanation: Critical. There was not enough main
v Each exit operand of the MODS statement is storage available for DFSORT to run, or main storage
specified using correct syntax. was fragmented.
v SYSIN is not specified for any user exit with the
fourth parameter as N or C. System action: The program terminates.
v T has not been specified as the fourth parameter for Programmer response: The message gives an estimate
an E15 or E35 user exit along with E15=COB or of how much more main storage is needed. Add at
E35=COB, respectively, or HILEVEL=YES. least that amount to the main storage already allocated
v S has not been specified for the fourth parameter for to the program by recoding the REGION parameter or
an user exit other than E11 or E31. the MAINSIZE/SIZE value (see z/OS DFSORT
v The dynamic link-edit parameters (SYSIN, T, and S) Application Programming Guide for ways to specify this).
have not been specified for a copy application.
v The third parameter is specified if S or T is used for | For a JOINKEYS application, you may need to use
the fourth parameter. | REGION=0M.
v The third parameter is specified for a conventional This message may sometimes be issued again even
merge or tape work data set sort. after you have provided more storage because DFSORT
re-estimates the amount of storage it needs at several
ICE035A DUPLICATE MODS ROUTINE points in the program.
OPERAND Storage requirements can be reduced by decreasing
Explanation: Critical. The same user-written routine either the input block size or the number of
was used for more than one user exit in a DFSORT intermediate storage areas. See also messages ICE092I,
program phase, or two or more routines had the same ICE093I, ICE156I and ICE231I.
name. Make sure that storage allocation is permitted above 16
System action: The program terminates. MB virtual and enough storage is available above 16
MB virtual to load the DFSORT modules.
Programmer response: Make sure that the MODS
control statement does not use duplicate names. If you are using OUTFIL processing, increase the
REGION value or decrease the number of OUTFIL data
sets or their block sizes; do not increase the

24 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

1. VSAM and non-VSAM input data sets were

specified for a merge application. Example:
Explanation: Critical. There were not enough work SORTIN01 is a VSAM data set and SORTIN02 is a
data sets to allow your application to run. This can non-VSAM data set. SORTIN01 and SORTIN02 are
occur when work data sets are on tape. In a merge-only non-VSAM data sets and SORTIN03 is a VSAM
application, this message can result from incorrectly data set.
specifying one or more input data sets (SORTIN01, and 2. Concatenated VSAM and non-VSAM input data sets
so forth) or from using an E32 user exit without were specified. Example: SORTIN has a non-VSAM
specifying the number of data sets. data set followed by a VSAM data set. SORTIN has
two VSAM data sets followed by a non-VSAM data
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Make sure that the DD 3. A DUMMY, NULLFILE, spool, pipe, or HFS data
statements do not contain errors. For a sort using tape set, an HFS file or an invalid device type was
work files, the SORTWKdd numbers must be in specified for a work data set, or both tape and disk
sequence, starting with SORTWK01, and at least three work data sets were specified. Example: SORTWK01
work data sets must be assigned to the program. For a is an HFS data set.
Conventional merge application, make sure that the 4. Blockset was not selected and a pipe data set was
numbers for the SORTINnn DD statements are in specified for input or output. Example: SORTIN is a
sequence, starting with SORTIN01. pipe data set but Blockset could not be used.
5. DFSORT was invoked by the ICEGENER facility,
but SYSIN (or the alternate ddname for SYSIN) was
ICE041A N GT NMAX not DUMMY. Control was automatically transferred
Explanation: Critical. The exact number of records to the IEBGENER system utility. Example:
specified in a FILSZ or SIZE operand was greater than ICEGENER with //SYSIN DD *.
the maximum sort capacity calculated by the program. 6. The QNAME parameter was specified on an output
DD statement. Example: SORTOUT with
System action: The program terminates. QNAME=NAME1.
Programmer response: Check all FILSZ or SIZE 7. An HFS data set (not an HFS file) was specified for
operands for errors. If all operands are correct, check input or output. Example: SORTIN is an HFS data
DD statements for an error in assigning work data sets. set.
If DD statements are correct, assign more work data System action: The program terminates.
sets to the program.
Programmer response: For the data set associated
with the indicated ddname, take the action for the
ICE042A UNIT ASSIGNMENT ERROR: ddname - indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows:
1. Use only VSAM data sets, or only non-VSAM data
Explanation: Critical. An error was detected for the sets, but not both.
data set associated with the indicated ddname. The 2. Use only a single VSAM data set, or concatenated
following information is displayed in the message: non-VSAM data sets.
v ddname: The input, output or work ddname (for 3. Remove the work data sets or use only valid work
example, SORTIN, SORTOUT or SORTWK01). data sets.
v rsn: The reason code associated with the error. The 4. Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to
reason code (listed below) helps you determine the get message ICE800I, which indicates the reason
specific cause of the error. Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove the
condition preventing the use of Blockset.
Note: The ddname and reason code are not displayed Alternatively, do not use a pipe data set for input or
for a tape work data set sort or conventional output.
merge application. In this case, the message will
5. If you do not need to use any IEBGENER control
appear as:
statements, use DUMMY for SYSIN (or the alternate
ICE042A UNIT ASSIGNMENT ERROR ddname for SYSIN). If you do need to use
IEBGENER control statements, no action is
These techniques should be avoided by not necessary.
using tape work data sets for a sort or by 6. Do not use the QNAME parameter on the output
removing the condition preventing the use of DD statement.
Blockset indicated by the reason code displayed
in message ICE800I when a SORTDIAG DD 7. Do not use an HFS data set for input or output; you
statement is specified. can use an HFS file for input or output.

Reason code values (rsn) are as follows:

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 25

Informational and Error Messages

larger than the maximum allowed. Example: The

SORTIN data set was created with LRECL=X.
ddname attribute - REASON CODE IS rsn
3. Input data sets have mixed fixed length and
Explanation: Critical. An error associated with a variable length record formats, or mixed valid and
record format, record length or block size was detected, invalid record formats. Examples: Concatenated
or a conflict between these attributes was detected. The SORTIN data sets have RECFM=FB and
following information is displayed in the message: RECFM=VB. The SORTIN01 data set has
v ddname: The input or output ddname for the RECFM=V and the SORTIN02 data set has
associated data set (for example, SORTIN for a single RECFM=FB. Concatenated SORTIN data sets have
or concatenated input data set used for a copy or RECFM=VB and RECFM=U.
sort application, SORTIN01 or SORTIN02 for an 4. A variable length spanned input data set was
input data set used for a merge application, found after a variable length unspanned input
SORTOUT for an output data set, OUT1 for an data set. Example: Concatenated SORTIN tape data
OUTFIL output data set, and so on). sets have RECFM=VB and RECFM=VBS.
5. Fixed length input data sets have different record
v attribute=RECFM: The error is associated with a
lengths. Examples: Concatenated SORTIN data sets
record format. The record format can be set or
have RECFM=FB with LRECL=100 and
derived from a RECFM value or a RECORD TYPE
RECFM=FB with LRECL=80. The SORTIN01 data
value, or defaulted based on other attributes. The
set has RECFM=FB with LRECL=100 and the
record format can be fixed length (for example,
SORTIN02 data set has RECFM=FB with
RECFM=F, RECFM=FB or TYPE=F) or variable
length (for example, RECFM=V, RECFM=VB,
6. The record format is fixed length and the block
size is smaller than the record length or is not a
v attribute=LRECL: The error is associated with a multiple of the record length. Example: The
record length. The record length can be set or reformatted fixed record length is 1200 from
derived from an LRECL value, a RECORD LENGTH OUTREC BUILD=(11,1200) and the SORTOUT data
value, a VSAM RECORDSIZE value or the set has BLKSIZE=25000.
reformatted record length, or defaulted based on 7. An input tape data set with the largest block size
other attributes. was not the first data set, and the block size for
v attribute=BLKSIZE: The error is associated with a that data set was not available in the DD
block size. The block size can be set or derived from statement, from DFSMSrmm, or from a tape
a BLKSIZE value, or defaulted based on other management system using ICETPEX. Example:
attributes. Concatenated SORTIN tape data sets are
v rsn: The reason code associated with the error. The unmanaged: the first data set was created with
reason code (listed below) helps you determine the RECFM=FB, LRECL=80 and BLKSIZE=32720 and
specific cause of the error. the second data set was created with RECFM=FB,
LRECL=80 and BLKSIZE=262080.
8. Input and output data sets have mixed fixed
Note: The ddname, attribute, and reason code are not
length and variable length record formats, or
displayed for a tape work data set sort or
mixed valid and invalid record formats. Examples:
conventional merge application. In this case, the
The SORTIN data set has RECFM=FB and the
message will appear as:
SORTOUT data set has RECFM=VB. The
SORTOUT data set has RECFM=F or RECFM=U.
These techniques should be avoided by not 9. The record format is fixed length and the output
using tape work data sets for a sort or by record length is larger than the input record length
removing the condition preventing the use of or reformatted record length. Examples: The
Blockset indicated by the reason code displayed SORTIN01 data set has RECFM=FB and LRECL=80
in message ICE800I when a SORTDIAG DD and the SORTOUT data set has LRECL=100. The
statement is specified. SORTIN01 data set has RECFM=FB and
LRECL=80, the reformatted record length is 60
Reason code values (rsn) are as follows: from OUTREC BUILD=(1,60) and the SORTOUT
1. A fixed length output data set has a block size data set has LRECL=80.
smaller than the record length, or a variable length 10. The record format cannot be determined or is not
output data set has a block size smaller than the valid for DFSORT processing. Examples: The
record length plus four. Example: The record SORTIN data set has DUMMY or NULLFILE but
length is 1000 and BLKSIZE=800 is specified on does not have RECFM=value. The SORTOUT data
the SORTOUT DD statement. set has RECFM=U.
2. The record length cannot be determined, 11. The track capacity of the device for the output
LRECL=X was specified, or the record length is data set was smaller than the block size for the

26 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

output data set. Example: The SORTOUT data set length record formats (for example, RECFM=VB
is allocated on a 3350 and has BLKSIZE=32000. and RECFM=VBS). Do not use a data set with
12. The block size cannot be determined or is not RECFM=U.
valid for DFSORT processing. Examples: The 4. Ensure that a variable length spanned input data
SORTIN DD statement has DUMMY or NULLFILE set (for example RECFM=VBS) is not preceded by
but does not have BLKSIZE=value. The block size a variable length unspanned input data set (for
of the first SORTIN data set cannot be determined example, RECFM=VB).
13. The record format is variable length and the
5. Ensure that all of the fixed length input data sets
OUTFIL output data set has a fixed length record
have the same record length. If appropriate, use
format, or OUTFIL parameter FTOV or VLFILL is
fixed input data sets padded to the largest record
specified and the OUTFIL output data set has a
fixed length record format. Examples: SORTIN has
RECFM=VB, OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT1 is specified, 6. Let DFSORT set the output data set block size,
and OUT1 has RECFM=FB. SORTIN has specify BLKSIZE=value with a value equal to or
RECFM=FB, OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT2,FTOV is larger than the record length and a multiple of the
specified and OUT2 has RECFM=F. SORTIN has record length, or use an existing data set with a
RECFM=VB, OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT3, block size that is valid for the record length, as
VLFILL=C’*’,BUILD=(70) is specified and OUT3 appropriate.
has RECFM=FB. 7. Use managed tapes, or specify BLKSIZE=value,
14. The record format is fixed length and the OUTFIL with a value equal to the largest block size, in the
output data set has a variable length record first input DD statement.
format, or OUTFIL parameter VTOF or CONVERT 8. Ensure that all of the input data and output data
is specified and the OUTFIL output data set has a sets have fixed length record formats (for example,
variable length record format. Examples: SORTIN RECFM=FB), or that all of the input and output
has RECFM=FB, OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT1 is data sets have variable length record formats (for
specified, and OUT1 has RECFM=VBS. SORTIN example, RECFM=VB and RECFM=VBS). If you
has RECFM=VB, OUTFIL want to convert from fixed length input records to
FNAMES=OUT2,VTOF,BUILD=(5,60) is specified variable length output records, use an OUTFIL
and OUT2 has RECFM=VB. statement with FTOV. If you want to convert from
15. The input data set with the largest block size was variable length input records to fixed length
not the first input data set. Example: SORTIN01 output records, use an OUTFIL statement with
has BLKSIZE=15000 and SORTIN02 has VTOF and BUILD.
BLKSIZE=20000 and Blockset could not be used.
16. A data set with RECFM=F has a block size that is 9. Ensure that the SOLRF parameter is in effect. Use
not equal to the record length, or the first input INREC or OUTREC to pad the output records to
data set has RECFM=F and is followed by a data the needed length. Let DFSORT set the output
set with a different block size. Example: SORTOUT record length, specify LRECL=value with a value
has RECFM=F, LRECL=80 and BLKSIZE=160. equal to the reformatted record length, or use an
existing data set with a record length equal to the
System action: The program terminates. reformatted record length, as appropriate.
Programmer response: For the data set associated 10. Ensure that the record format is available and is
with the indicated ddname, and the indicated attribute, valid for DFSORT processing (for example,
take the action for the indicated reason code value (rsn) RECFM=F, RECFM=FB, RECFM=VB,
as follows: RECFM=VBS). Do not use RECFM=U. Specify
RECFM=value on the DD statement, if
1. Let DFSORT set the output data set block size,
appropriate, and especially for a DUMMY or
specify BLKSIZE=value with a value that is valid
NULLFILE data set. Specify RECORD
for the record length, or use an existing data set
TYPE=value, if appropriate, and especially for a
with a block size that is valid for the record
VSAM input data set.
length, as appropriate.
11. Ensure that the output data set block size is equal
2. Do not use a data set with LRECL=X. Ensure that
to or smaller than the track capacity for the device
the record length is available, and is not larger
on which the output data set resides.
than 32767 or the maximum allowed for the record
format. Specify LRECL=value on the DD 12. Ensure that the block size is available and is valid
statement, if appropriate, and especially for a for DFSORT processing. Specify BLKSIZE=value
DUMMY or NULLFILE data set. on the DD statement, if appropriate, and especially
for a DUMMY or NULLFILE data set.
3. Ensure that all of the input data sets have fixed
length record formats (for example, RECFM=FB), 13. If you want to use FTOV or VLFILL, ensure that
or that all of the input data sets have variable the OUTFIL output data set has a variable length
record format or no record format. If you want to
convert from variable length input records to fixed

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 27

Informational and Error Messages

length output records, use VTOF and BUILD and DFSORT was able to read in before it used all of the
ensure that the OUTFIL output data set has a fixed available intermediate storage.
length record format or no record format.
14. If you want to use VTOF or CONVERT, ensure The amount of intermediate storage required can vary
that the OUTFIL output data set has a fixed length depending on many factors including:
record format or no record format. If you want to v The amount of Hiperspace DFSORT is able to use at
convert from from fixed length input records to the time the sort is run
variable length output records, use FTOV and v The amount of main storage available
ensure that the OUTFIL output data set has a v The degree of randomness of the records to be sorted
variable length record format or no record format. v The values specified (or defaulted) for options such
15. Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to
get message ICE800I, which indicates the reason
v The amount of padding required for short records
Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove the
when VLSHRT is in effect.
condition preventing the use of Blockset.
Alternatively, specify BLKSIZE=value, with a value System action: The program terminates.
equal to the largest block size, in the first input
DD statement. Programmer response: Take one or more of the
following actions:
16. Ensure that data sets with RECFM=F have a block v If dynamic allocation was used, refer to message
size equal to the record length, or specify ICE254I (if issued) for more information.
RECFM=FB in the first input DD statement. v If JCL work data sets were used, increase the amount
of work space available to DFSORT.
ICE044I EXIT Enn INVALID OPTION v If message ICE118I was received, refer to message
ICE253I for more information
Explanation: An invalid input/output option was v If you are sorting variable length records, refer to
passed to DFSORT at user exit E18, E19, E38, or E39. message ICE098I for more information.
The nn value in the above message text is replaced by v If appropriate, increase the amount of main storage
the number of the user exit at which the error occurred. available to DFSORT using the options
System action: The invalid option is ignored. MAINSIZE/SIZE or the JCL option REGION.
Increasing the amount of main storage available to
Programmer response: Check the parameter list DFSORT can help DFSORT use less intermediate
passed by the user-written routine against the table in storage. Avoid running a large sort in a small
Appendix A, “Valid Input/Output Options at User amount of main storage as this can degrade
Exits—ICE044I,” on page 129 before rerunning the performance and increase intermediate storage
application. An x in the table indicates an option that is requirements. In some cases, a small amount of main
allowed with the user exit in question. storage can force DFSORT to perform an
intermediate merge as indicated by message ICE247I;
ICE045I END SORT PH refer to ICE247I for more information on the
consequences of an intermediate merge and how to
Explanation: The sort (input) phase completed avoid it.
successfully. This message appears only when the v If VLSHRT was in effect and the total size of all
BALN or POLY tape technique was used. control fields was significantly larger than the
average LRECL for the data set, you may be able to
reduce the amount of work space required by
reducing the total size of the control fields.
Explanation: Critical. DFSORT was not able to
complete processing with the intermediate storage
available (Hiperspace or disk work data sets). For work
data sets with secondary allocation allowed, DFSORT
overrides system B37 abends and continues processing; RCD COUNT OFF
this message is issued only when no more space is Explanation: Critical. Installation option FSZEST=NO
available in Hiperspace or on any allocated work data was specified or defaulted, and the number of records
set. received was NOT equal to the value specified in the
FILSZ=x or SIZE=y option in effect.
Note: DFSORT uses only the first volume of
multi-volume work data sets. The SPECIFIED field contains the value specified in the
FILSZ=x or SIZE=y option. The RECEIVED field
contains the actual number of records in the input data
The count n is either an approximation of the number
sets (for SIZE=y) or the actual number of records to be
of records or is the total number of records that
sorted or merged (for FILSZ=x). See the explanation of

28 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

SIZE=y or FILSZ=x on the OPTION statement in the

z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for details.
Explanation: Critical. The current record leaving the
System action: The program terminates.
intermediate or output phase was not in collating
Programmer response: Make sure that the FILSZ=x or sequence with the last record blocked for output.
SIZE=y value is accurate. Message ICE047A can be
System action: The program terminates.
suppressed by specifying installation option
FSZEST=YES, or by using FILSZ=Ex, SIZE=Ey, Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming
FILSZ=Ux, or SIZE=Uy, thus ensuring that the value support. If message ICE143I indicates the Blockset
will be treated as an estimate. technique was selected, specifying OPTION
NOBLKSET temporarily may allow you to bypass the
If an E15 or E32 exit passes all of the records (no
DFSORT error.
SORTIN or SORTINxx), use FILSZ=x rather than
Explanation: DFSORT exceeded the calculated sort
Explanation: This message lists the number of records
capacity while processing the input data set, and user
read by DFSORT from the input data sets, and the
exit E16 was specified.
number of records written to SORTOUT or used as
System action: The user-written routine at E16 is input for OUTFIL processing. The numbers replace n in
entered. | the text of the message as shown above. For a
| JOINKEYS subtask, the OUT field is zero; the number
Programmer response: No response necessary. (The
| of joined records is displayed in message ICE421I for
number of records sorted is equal to the NMAX
| the main task. For a Conventional merge application, if
calculated by DFSORT. See message ICE038I.)
an exact file size was not specified, the IN field is zero;
if an exact file size was specified, it appears in the IN

Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by If DEBUG CTRx was used and Blockset was not
IBM software support personnel. selected, the n values could be meaningless.
For a tape work data set sort or Conventional merge
ICE050I END MERGE PH application, record counts that exceed 4294967295 will
be displayed as asterisks.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
IBM software support personnel. System action: None.
Programmer response: If you are using user exit E15
ICE051A UNENDING MERGE or E35 and have any reason to suspect that you are
“losing” or “gaining” records, check message ICE055I.
Explanation: Critical. There was not enough main The sum of RECORDS IN plus INSERT should always
storage or work data set space available for DFSORT to be equal to the sum of RECORDS OUT plus DELETE.
run with. If it is not, you should also receive message ICE025A.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Assign more intermediate ICE055I INSERT n, DELETE n
storage or main storage and rerun the job. Reverse Explanation: The number of records inserted or
sequence files can require more space. deleted (prior to OUTFIL processing, if used) replaces
the values shown as n in the above format.
ICE052I END OF DFSORT If DEBUG CTRx was used and Blockset was not
Explanation: The program completed. selected, the n values could be meaningless.

System action: Returns control to the operating For a tape work data set sort or Conventional merge
system or invoking program. application, record counts that exceed 4294967295 will
be displayed as asterisks.
Programmer response: None.
System action: None.
Programmer response: See message ICE054I.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 29

Informational and Error Messages


Explanation: Critical. A required DD statement was
not supplied. This message appears for: Explanation: Critical. The intermediate record created
v Sort or copy applications without a SORTIN DD by DFSORT from the input record was either less than
statement or E15 user exit 18 bytes or more than 32756 bytes when work units
v Merge applications without a SORTINnn DD were tape (indicated by DEVICE) or was too large for
statement or E32 user exit the assigned work data set device with the indicated
| v Merge applications without a specified OPTION ddname. The error can exist for other devices in
| MERGEIN ddname or with an OPTION MERGEIN addition to the one indicated.
| ddname also used for SORTOUT.
System action: The program terminates.
v Sort, merge, or copy applications without an E35
user exit, a SORTOUT DD statement or an OUTFIL Programmer response: If the intermediate record is
data set. too small, redefine input record length to at least 18
v Tape work data set sort applications without a bytes. If the length is too large, assign work data set
SORTIN DD statement or a SORTOUT DD statement devices with larger track capacity.
| ddname or a missing OPTION SORTIN or OPTION If EQUALS is in effect, the maximum record length is
| SORTOUT ddname. reduced by 4 bytes.
v CKPT in effect with no work data set specified
v Conventional merge applications without a ICE060I INVALID ddname PARAMETER
SORTIN01 DD statement (Conventional merge
ignores SORTIN1) or a SORTOUT DD statement. Explanation: A PARM parameter specified in the
v A DD statement for a specified or defaulted OUTFIL ddname data set contained an error. If a parameter was
ddname was not present. specified more than once, the first entry was used (if
| v A DD statement for a specified JOINKEYS F1 or F2 valid).
| ddname was not present. The F1 ddname is System action: Processing continues. Invalid and
| SORTJNF1 (or ccccJNF1 if SORTDD=cccc is in effect) duplicate parameters are ignored.
| if FILE=F1 or FILES=F1 is specified. The F2 ddname
| is SORTJNF2 (or ccccJNF2 if SORTDD=cccc is in Programmer response: No action is necessary. For
| effect) if FILE=F2 or FILES=F2 is specified. later runs, be sure that the optional parameters are
valid. Valid PARM parameters are described in z/OS
System action: The program terminates. DFSORT Application Programming Guide.
Programmer response: Check the DD statements for
errors. ICE061A I/O ERROR, DD ddname, DEV address,
If you are using an ICETOOL operator (for example, ECB completion code, CSW status bytes,
COPY) with a USING(xxxx) operand, be sure to use SENSE sense bytes
FNAMES=ddname for any OUTFIL statements you Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
specify in xxxxCNTL. of the following reasons:
v The job control statements incorrectly specified
ICE057A SORTIN NOT SORTWK01 record length or blocking information for the data set
located on the device indicated by the DEV field in
Explanation: Critical. A work data set other than the message.
SORTWK01 was assigned to the same tape drive as v A permanent error occurred during an I/O operation
SORTIN. on the indicated device.
System action: The program terminates.
The most likely causes include:
Programmer response: Check the DD statements for v The output data set of a merge, copy, or ICEGENER
errors. application is the same as one of the input data sets.
v An output data set is the same as another output
v Hardware-related error.
Explanation: Critical. SORTOUT was specified on the
same tape drive as a work data set. System action: If no user options are specified, the
program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Make sure that the DD
Programmer response: Check the DD statements for statement for the data set assigned to this device
errors. contains the correct DCB information. In a merge
application, if the device in error holds an input data
set, make sure that the DCB information (except for

30 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

BLKSIZE) specified in the SORTIN01 DD statement

correctly describes the data in this device.
Explanation: Critical. DFSORT was unable to delete
If ICE061A contains ECB=41 and CSW=0006, and you
either itself or a user exit routine. This message appears
receive an accompanying IOS000I simulated I/O error
only when user exit routines are used.
message, you could be experiencing a missing interrupt
time-out on the corresponding channel due to a large System action: The program terminates.
data transfer. If this is the case, either reduce the value
Programmer response: Make sure that the user exit
set for the IOMAXBF installation option or raise the
routines are not modifying the DFSORT code and
missing interrupt handler (MIH) value for the device
information areas, and rerun the job.
associated with the error.
If the error persists, you can bypass it, in some cases,
by specifying the NOBLKSET option temporarily to
force DFSORT to use a different sorting technique.
Explanation: Critical. The end of the SYSIN data set
was found before all needed user exit modules were
read or the end of the SYSIN data set was not found
Explanation: Critical. The linkage editor found a after all specified modules were read.
serious error.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response:
Programmer response: Check that all the DD v Check that the MODS statement specifies the correct
statements used by the linkage editor are included routines.
(SYSPRINT, SYSLIN, SYSUT1, and SYSLMOD), and v Make sure the SYSIN data set contains all user exit
that they are correct. routines specified by the MODS statement, and no
If the DD statements are correct, make sure that:
v Check for misplaced job control language statements,
v All user routines in libraries are valid object decks or
especially preceding a user exit routine on SYSIN.
load modules.
v Make sure nothing follows the last object deck in
v All user routines in the system input stream (SYSIN)
are valid object decks.
v Modules to be link-edited together do not contain
duplicate entry point names. ICE066I APROX RCD CNT n
v A SORTLIB DD statement is specified if a tape work
Explanation: Sort capacity was reached. The count n is
data set or conventional merge is used and the
an approximation of the number of records DFSORT
SORTLIB=SYSTEM installation option is specified.
can handle with the available work data sets.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Respond as indicated in the
Explanation: Critical. An error occurred while trying
accompanying message, ICE046A.
to open the data set with the indicated ddname.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check for any of the following: PARM OR INVOKED PARMLIST
v A missing or invalid DD statement
Explanation: An error was found in the PARM field
v Conflicting DCB information; for example, the
parameters of the EXEC statement, or in the optional
records are fixed-blocked, but the block size is not a
parameters of the parameter list passed to DFSORT
multiple of the record length
using ATTACH, LINK, or XCTL. If a parameter was
v Concatenated mixed disk/tape or tape-only input
specified more than once, the first entry was used (if
without a DCB BLKSIZE parameter for the tape data
set containing the largest block size
v Concatenated, fixed-length input with different System action: Processing continues. Invalid and
LRECL specifications duplicate parameters are ignored.
v Data sets required for dynamic link-editing cannot be
opened. Programmer response: No action is necessary. For
later runs, be sure that the optional parameters are
valid. Valid parameters are described in z/OS DFSORT
Application Programming Guide.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 31

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Rerun the job with a

SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I,
which indicates the reason Blockset could not be used.
If possible, remove the condition preventing the use of
Explanation: Critical. During a merge, a data set was Blockset. Blockset treats a '−' (minus) sign as negative
found to be out of sequence. and any other sign (for example, '+' (plus) or blank) as
positive. If you must use tape work data sets or
If Blockset was selected: conventional merge, use '+' for all of the positive signs
| v If input was not supplied through exit E32, ddname in your CSL, CST, ASL and AST data.
| is the ddname associated with the data set which
| was found to be out of sequence.
| v If input was supplied through user exit E32,
| SORTINnn identifies the file which was found to be Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
| out of sequence. 00 signifies the first input file, 01 the of the following reasons:
| second, and so on. 1. If xxxxxxxx is CSECT, the CSECT name of the user
exit specified for a dynamically linkedited user exit
If Blockset was not selected: was incorrect.
2. If xxxxxxxx is not CSECT, it is a member name
| v If input was not supplied through exit E32,
specified in the MODS statement that could not be
| SORTINnn is the ddname associated with the data
found in the appropriate library data set.
| set which was found to be out of sequence.
| v If input was supplied through exit E32, SORTINnn System action: The program terminates.
| identifies the file which was found to be out of Programmer response: For case 1, change the CSECT
| sequence. 01 signifies the first input file, 02 the name to be the same as the member name specified in
| second, and so on. the MODS statement.
System action: The program terminates. For case 2:
Programmer response: If a user-written routine was v If you specified an exit ddname for the member,
modifying the records, check the routine thoroughly. It make sure the member is present in the library data
should not modify control fields at user exit E35. If a set with that ddname.
user-written routine is not being used, make sure that v If you did not specify an exit ddname for the
all input data sets have been sorted on the same control member, make sure the member is present in a
fields, in the same order, and that they all have a library identified by the STEPLIB/JOBLIB or link
similar format. Check whether you have also received library.
message ICE072I.
If input was supplied through user exit E32, check your ICE071A INVALID RETURN CODE FROM EXIT
routine to make sure records are passed to the merge Enn [RC=x, CASE=id]
from the correct file. Explanation: Critical. An E15, E16, E32, or E35 user
If you were reading in variable-length VSAM records exit passed back an invalid return code to DFSORT.
through user exit E32, check the format and accuracy of The user exit can be part of an invoking program, such
the record descriptor word (RDW) you built at the as a COBOL input or output procedure.
beginning of each record. nn is the number of the user exit that passed back
If Blockset was not selected, rerun the job with a return code x.
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I, x is the return code passed to DFSORT from the user
which indicates the reason Blockset could not be used. exit; it prints as the decimal equivalent of the 32-bit
If possible, remove the condition preventing the use of value in register 15.
id is an identifier that helps you determine why return
code x is invalid and what the valid return codes are
ICE069A INVALID SIGN for the situation.
Explanation: Critical. For a tape work data set sort or System action: The program terminates.
conventional merge, the first byte of signed numeric
data with leading separate sign (that is, CSL or ASL Programmer response: Check the exit number (nn),
data), or the last byte of signed numeric data with return code (x), and case identification (nn) against the
trailing separate sign (that is, CST or AST), did not table in Appendix B, “User Exit Return
contain a valid sign character of '+' (plus) or '−' Codes—ICE071A,” on page 131. Change your user exit
(minus). to pass an appropriate valid return code (that is, one
marked with an x in the table) for the identified
System action: The program terminates. situation. As shown in the table, installation option
EXITCK=WEAK can be used to avoid this message and

32 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

continue processing for certain invalid return codes the format of the RDW you are building at the
from the E15 and E35 user exits. beginning of each record.
In a COBOL-invoking program containing an input or For case 2, if the Blockset technique was selected, you
output procedure, check that control passes through the may be able to run the application by specifying
end of the input procedure before the output procedure OPTION NOBLKSET.
is entered, and through the output procedure before the
You can use the ICETOOL STATS operator with
sort is ended.
ON(VLEN) to show the length of the longest variable
Also check that the user exit did not overlay register length record. You can use the ICETOOL DISPLAY
15, for example, by inadvertently including the register operator with ON(VLEN) to show the length of each
in a load multiple (LM) instruction. variable length record.
For complete details of how return codes are For case 3, either reduce the record lengths, or replace
interpreted in various situations for the E15, E16, E32, the tape work data sets with disk work data sets so the
and E35 user exits, see the chapter on using your own Blockset technique can be used.
user exit routines in the z/OS DFSORT Application
For case 4, ensure that OPTCD=Q is specified on all
Programming Guide. In particular, see the detailed tables
ASCII tape input DD statements.
in the section on the E15/E35 return codes and
EXITCK. For case 5, ensure that all RDWs and BDWs are valid.


Explanation: A RECORD statement specified a Explanation: The L1 value for the LENGTH parameter
minimum record length (L4) that cannot contain all of the RECORD statement was not the same as the
fields specified in the SORT, MERGE, INCLUDE, OMIT, LRECL value for SORTIN or SORTIN01, or the L3
INREC, OUTREC, or SUM statements. value was not the same as the SORTOUT LRECL value.
For VSAM, the equivalent of LRECL is maximum
System action: The L4 value is adjusted. Processing
System action: Processing continues with the L values
Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: For subsequent runs, check all
the record lengths. Take special note of the L2 value. If
Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one you did not specify one, it defaulted to the value you
of the following reasons: specified for L1 (and was not overridden by the LRECL
1. A variable length record was larger than the value). If the L2 value was too small, it could have
maximum length specified or defaulted. caused your application to terminate at any of a
2. The sum of the record length and the control field number of points, and the error can be difficult to
lengths was larger than 32767 bytes. detect.
3. For a tape work data set sort, a variable length
The input record type and maximum record length is
record was larger than 32752 bytes (or 32748 with
shown in message ICE088I or ICE089I. If you have
EQUALS in effect).
variable-length input records, check that the L1 value
4. OPTCD=Q was not specified on the DD statement
specified is actually a maximum.
for an ASCII tape input data set.
5. An invalid RDW or BDW was found. The output record type and maximum record length is
shown in message ICE090I or ICE091I. If you have
System action: The program terminates.
variable-length output records, check that the L3 value
Programmer response: For case 1, check the input specified is actually a maximum.
both at E15 and E35, if used, and in SORTIN. Then
delete the extra long records or increase the SORTIN or
ICE075A VSAM CB ERROR (nn) AT aaaaaa
SORTOUT DD statement DCB LRECL value or the
RECORD statement L1, L2, or L3 value, as appropriate. Explanation: Critical. aaaaaa represents the storage
address of the control block at which the error was
If you are using INREC or OUTREC, check that a
detected. nn is the VSAM return code, in decimal, from
SORTOUT DD LRECL value or L3 value is at least as
a VSAM macro.
large as the reformatted output record length.
System action: The program terminates, unless the
If you have VSAM records, remember that they are
error is detected during close, when the program tries
increased in length by the 4-byte record descriptor
to close all remaining VSAM data sets before
word (RDW) added when they enter DFSORT. If you
are inserting or modifying records through E15, check

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 33

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Macro v An empty data set is used for input, but
Instructions for Data Sets for the meaning of the error NVSAMEMT is in effect.
code and, if possible, take appropriate action. v Concatenated VSAM data sets are used.
v The same VSAM data set defined without REUSE is
ICE076A VSAM INPUT ERROR i (nnn) ddname used for both input and output, but RESET is in
Explanation: Critical. i is either P (physical) or L
(logical), describing the type of error encountered for
the data set with the indicated ddname. nnn is the ICE079A VSAM CLOSE ERROR (nnn) ddname
VSAM feedback code (RPLERRCD) from a GET macro,
Explanation: Critical. nnn is the VSAM CLOSE
in decimal.
ERROR return code (ACBERFLG), in decimal, for the
System action: The program terminates. data set with the indicated ddname.
Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using System action: The program terminates.
Data Sets or z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data
Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using
Sets for the meaning of the error code and, if possible,
Data Sets or z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data
take appropriate action.
Sets for the meaning of the error code and, if possible,
take appropriate action.
Explanation: Critical. i is either P (physical) or L
Explanation: All records were sorted in main storage
(logical), describing the type of error encountered. nnn
or data space. Work data sets were not used.
is the VSAM feedback code (RPLERRCD) from a PUT
Hiperspace was not used.
macro, in decimal. The ddname of the data set in error is
given, if available. System action: None.
System action: The program terminates. Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using
Data Sets or z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data ICE081A FIRST COMMUNICATION AREA
Sets for the meaning of the error code and, if possible, SPACE EXCEEDED
take appropriate action.
Explanation: Critical. The complexity of the
A VSAM logical error, reason code 8, can occur for a application caused dynamic areas and routines to
non-empty KSDS, RRDS, or VRRDS output data set if exceed the total fixed amount of storage allowed for
NORESET is in effect, or if the data set is defined them in the first communication area. This situation
without the REUSE option. normally occurs due to specification of one or more of
the following (in approximate order of importance):
A VSAM logical error, reason code 12, can occur if the
v A large number of SORT, MERGE, INREC, or
output data set is a KSDS and either the VSAM keys
OUTREC fields
are not in ascending binary sequence or there are
v Use of an E61 user exit
duplicate keys. If so, ensure that the keys are in
v Use of the VLSHRT option
ascending binary sequence and that there are no
v Use of the NOSZERO option
duplicate keys.
v Use of an ICETEXIT routine
Refer to z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide v Very large records.
for more information about VSAM data sets. v An EFS program requesting statements with a large
number of fields.
ICE078A VSAM OPEN ERROR (nnn) ddname System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. nnn is the VSAM OPEN ERROR Programmer response: Reduce the complexity of the
return code (ACBERFLG) in decimal, for the data set application. For example, reduce the number of SORT
with the indicated ddname. fields or specify OPTION NOVLSHRT, if possible.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Macro
Instructions for Data Sets for the meaning of the error Explanation: No more work data set tracks were
code and, if possible, take appropriate action. available; therefore, the tracks allocated for CKPT were
given back to the sort work data sets.
Some of the more common reasons for a VSAM OPEN
error are as follows: System action: The program continues, but no
checkpoints are taken.

34 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Increase the work space | v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
allocation for the next run.
Explanation: This message identifies the access
method used for the identified data set.
Explanation: Critical.
System action: None.
v If xxxx is 064K:
Programmer response: None, unless you have any
The work space needed for each work data set
problems reading or writing the data set. If EXCP was
exceeds the limit of 64K tracks for a single, physical
used, you can force DFSORT not to use EXCP by
data set. Dynamic allocation could not be attempted.
specifying BSAM on the DEBUG control statement or
v If xxxx is not 064K: as an EXEC PARM.
DFSORT attempted to dynamically allocate work
data sets using the DYNALOC, DYNSPC, and
DYNALLOC values in effect. Dynamic allocation
failed; xxxx indicates the failure code returned by the
system's dynamic allocation facility. See z/OS MVS
Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for Explanation: Critical. The complexity of the
an explanation of the failure code. application caused dynamic areas and routines to
exceed the total fixed amount of storage allowed for
Two commonly received return codes are: them in the second communication area. This situation
normally occurs due to specification of one or more of
0218 The device type is defined to the system, but
the following (in approximate order of importance):
the requested device has insufficient space
v A large number of SORT, MERGE, INREC, or
available. For example, the device type is
OUTREC fields
defined to the system but no devices of that
v Use of an E61 user exit
type have been installed, or all devices of that
v Use of the VLSHRT option
type are mounted as private.
v Use of the NOSZERO option
021C The device type is not defined to the system. v Use of an ICETEXIT routine
For example, SYSDX was specified instead of v A large number of SUM fields.
SYSDA. v A large number of OUTFIL fields.
System action: The program terminates.
However, in a DFSMS environment, the return code is
usually 970C regardless of the specific error Programmer response:
encountered. v If n is not zero, increase the REGION value by at
least n KB, and ensure that the MAINSIZE value in
System action: The program terminates. effect is at least 200 KB.
Programmer response: v If n is zero and the MAINSIZE value in effect is less
than 200 KB, increase the MAINSIZE value to at least
v If xxxx is 064K:
200 KB.
Use the DYNALLOC=(,n) parameter to increase the v If n is zero and the MAINSIZE value in effect is at
maximum number of work data sets (n) such that least 200 KB, reduce the complexity of the
the work space needed for each work data set does application. For example, reduce the number of sort
not exceed 64K tracks. fields or specify OPTION NOVLSHRT, if possible.
v If xxxx is not 064K:
Ensure that work data sets can be dynamically ICE088I jobname.stepname.procstepname, INPUT
allocated. LRECL = n, BLKSIZE = n, TYPE = t

If message ICE118I was received, specify FILSZ=En Explanation: Gives current job name, step name,
with a reasonably accurate estimate of the number of procedure step name, and information related to the
records to be sorted. If you cannot specify FILSZ=En, input records when SORTIN or SORTINnn is present:
use DYNSPC=n to decrease the primary space v LRECL is the largest logical record length of the
allocated. input data sets.
v BLKSIZE is the largest block size (non-VSAM) or
| For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed largest control interval size (VSAM) used by
| parameters as follows: DFSORT.
v TYPE is the record format of one of the input data
| v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task. sets, and can be one or more of the following:
| v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask. – F - fixed-length input records

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 35

Informational and Error Messages

– V - EBCDIC or ASCII variable-length input System action: None.

Programmer response: None.
– B - blocked records
– S - standard for fixed-length records or spanned
for variable-length records ICE092I MAIN STORAGE = (x,y,z)
– A - ANSI control characters.
Explanation: Gives information related to the use of
System action: None. main storage for this DFSORT application:
Programmer response: None. x The main storage value specified (subject to
the SIZE/MAINSIZE limit), or supplied by
ICE089I jobname.stepname.procstepname, INPUT
LRECL = n, TYPE = t y The main storage theoretically available to
DFSORT, considering the MINLIM value
Explanation: Gives the current job name, step name,
specified when the program was installed.
procedure step name, and information related to the
input records when all input is supplied by user exit z The main storage actually available to
E15 or E35 or when input is VSAM and DFSORT DFSORT, after any other program took what it
cannot obtain the control interval size: needed from the region (invoking program or
v LRECL is the logical record length of the input exit routines).
v TYPE is F for fixed-length input records, or V for The value for z is not meaningful if the
EBCDIC or ASCII variable-length input records. storage taken by the invoking program or user
exit is greater than REGION or
System action: None. SIZE/MAINSIZE.
Programmer response: None.
The x, y, and z references to main storage apply to the
total storage above and below 16 MB virtual.
TYPE = t [(SDB)] System action: None.

Explanation: Gives information related to the output Programmer response: None, unless DFSORT
records when SORTOUT is present: subsequently terminated abnormally. In that case, check
v LRECL is the logical record length of the output the z value to see how much storage was really
records. available to DFSORT. If space was the problem, you
v BLKSIZE is the block size (non-VSAM) or control have probably also received message ICE039A. If
interval size (VSAM) of the output data set. storage was heavily fragmented, the result might
v TYPE is the record format of the output data set and instead be a system 80A abend in either DFSORT or
can be one or more of the following: one of your own routines.
– F - fixed-length output records You can need considerably more than the normal
– V - EBCDIC or ASCII variable-length output minimum if the region is fragmented.
– B - blocked records
– S - standard for fixed-length records or spanned ICE093I MAIN STORAGE = (MAX,y,z)
for variable-length records Explanation: Gives information related to the use of
– A - ANSI control characters. main storage for this DFSORT application:
v (SDB) indicates that the system-determined optimum
block size was used. MAX The value MAX was in effect.

System action: None. y The main storage theoretically available to

DFSORT, considering the TMAXLIM or
Programmer response: None. MAXLIM values specified when the program
was installed.
ICE091I OUTPUT LRECL = n, TYPE = t z The main storage actually available to
Explanation: Gives information related to the output DFSORT, after any other program took what it
records when neither SORTOUT nor an OUTFIL data needed from the region (invoking program or
set is present (that is, when all output records are user exit routines). RESALL and RESINV are
deleted by user exit E35): not considered.
v LRECL is the logical record length of the output The value for z is not meaningful if the
records. storage taken by the invoking program or user
v TYPE is F for fixed-length output records or V for exit is greater than REGION or
EBCDIC or ASCII variable-length output records. SIZE/MAINSIZE.

36 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

The y and z references to main storage apply to the

total storage above and below 16 MB virtual.
System action: None.
Explanation: Indicates the processed (p) and expected
Programmer response: None, unless DFSORT (e) average record length in bytes for the
subsequently terminated abnormally. In that case, check variable-length records processed by sort, that is, the
the z value to see how much storage was really number of bytes in the variable-length records
available to DFSORT. If space was the problem, you (including the record descriptor word) divided by the
probably also received message ICE039A. If storage number of records. The number of records includes all
was heavily fragmented, the result might instead be a records received, added and not deleted during
system 80A abend in either DFSORT or one of your DFSORT input processing.
own routines.
p is based on the number of bytes and records actually
You can need considerably more than the normal processed. e is based on DFSORT's determination of the
minimum if the region is fragmented. average record length it expected taking into account
various factors such as the AVGRLEN value, the
estimated input file size, the FILSZ value, and so on.
If DFSORT terminated before completing the input
Explanation: A DFSORT SMF record was requested, phase, p is based on the number of bytes and records
but system management facilities (SMF) was not active processed up to the point of failure.
in the system.
System action: None.
System action: Writing of the SMF record to the
DFSORT SMF data set is bypassed. Programmer response: Take appropriate action
depending on whether or not DFSORT issued message
Programmer response: Have your system programmer ICE046A:
determine if SMF is properly initialized on your
system. v ICE046A: If p is greater than e, specify AVGRLEN=n,
where n is greater than or equal to p and is a
reasonably accurate estimate of the average record
OPERAND v No ICE046A: If p is significantly different from e,
Explanation: Critical. An OPTION control statement specifying AVGRLEN=n with a reasonably accurate
contained an invalid keyword operand. estimate of the average record length can prevent
DFSORT from overallocating or underallocating
System action: The program terminates. dynamic work space. p was the actual average record
Programmer response: Make sure that the OPTION length for this run. If future runs will process
control statement does not contain an invalid keyword approximately the same amount of data and number
operand. For valid keywords, refer to z/OS DFSORT of records, consider specifying AVGRLEN=p.
Application Programming Guide.
See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
additional information about parameters you can use to
ICE096I SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY FROM B37 provide accurate information to DFSORT that can
ABEND(S) FOR WORK DATA SET(S) prevent overallocation or underallocation of dynamic
Explanation: DFSORT successfully recovered from one work space (FILSZ, AVGRLEN, DYNSPC, and so on).
or more system B37 abends. These abends occurred Also, see the following messages, if issued: ICE253I,
when DFSORT attempted to allocate more disk space ICE254I, and ICE258I.
than was available on one or more work data sets.
| For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed
System action: Processing continues. | parameters as follows:
Programmer response: None. | v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task.
| v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask.
Explanation: A system B37 abend occurred when ICE099A BLDL FAILED FOR ddname DATA SET
DFSORT attempted to allocate more disk space than
Explanation: Critical. An error was detected during
was available on a work data set. This message is
member verification when the identified data set was
issued only to the master console.
defined as a member of a partitioned data set or a
System action: Processing continues. PDSE. The BLDL system function was used for
verification. The most likely cause is that the member
Programmer response: None.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 37

Informational and Error Messages

was not found in the data set.

System action: The program terminates. STATEMENT OPERAND

Programmer response: Ensure that the specified Explanation: Critical. A SORT, MERGE, or SUM
partitioned data set or PDSE member exists. control statement contained an invalid keyword

ICE101A xxxxxxxxxxxx STATEMENT NOT System action: The program terminates.

Programmer response:
Explanation: Critical. The control statement indicated v Make sure that the SORT, MERGE, or SUM control
by xxxxxxxxxxxx is not supported for the technique statement does not contain an invalid keyword
used (tape work data set sort or Conventional merge). operand.
xxxxxxxxxxxx is replaced by INCLUDE/OMIT, SUM, v Make sure that FIELDS=COPY and FORMAT=f are
INREC, or OUTREC. not both specified for the SORT or MERGE control
System action: The program terminates. v Make sure that FIELDS=NONE and FORMAT=f are
Programmer response: Rerun the job with a not both specified for the SUM control statement.
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I. v Make sure that the D1 format is not specified in the
ICE800I indicates the reason Blockset could not be FORMAT=f operand.
used. If possible, remove the condition preventing the
use of Blockset. Alternatively, remove the indicated ICE106A DUPLICATE INCLUDE OR OMIT
Explanation: Critical. An INCLUDE or OMIT control
ICE102A MISSING COND OPERAND DEFINER statement contained a duplicate keyword operand.
Explanation: Critical. An INCLUDE or OMIT control System action: The program terminates.
statement did not contain a logical expression
definition. Programmer response: Check the INCLUDE or OMIT
control statement for a duplicate keyword operand.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check the INCLUDE or OMIT ICE107A DUPLICATE, CONFLICTING, OR
control statement for lack of a logical expression MISSING INREC OR OUTREC
definition (COND operand). STATEMENT OPERAND
Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors was
ICE103A INVALID INCLUDE OR OMIT found in an INREC or OUTREC statement:
v An operand, other than IFTHEN, was specified
Explanation: Critical. An INCLUDE or OMIT control twice. Example:
statement contained an invalid keyword operand. INREC BUILD=(5,4,C’***’,40:X),BUILD=(1,60)
System action: The program terminates. v PARSE, FIELDS, BUILD, OVERLAY or FINDREP was
specified with IFTHEN or IFOUTLEN. Example:
Programmer response:
v Make sure that the INCLUDE or OMIT control OUTREC FINDREP=(IN=C’ONE’,OUT=C’TWO’),
statement does not contain an invalid keyword IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,OVERLAY=(25:C’YES’))
v Make sure that the D2 format is not specified in the and FINDREP, BUILD and OVERLAY, BUILD and
FORMAT=f operand. FINDREP, or OVERLAY and FINDREP were
specified. Example:
STATEMENT OPERAND v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN was not specified.
Explanation: Critical. An INREC or OUTREC control
statement contained an invalid keyword operand. OUTREC IFTHEN=(OVERLAY=(10:C’A’))
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=INIT,
System action: The program terminates.
WHEN=(logexp), or WHEN=NONE was specified
Programmer response: Make sure that the INREC or without PARSE, BUILD, OVERLAY, or FINDREP.
OUTREC control statement does not contain an invalid Example:
keyword operand. INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(5,1,CH,EQ,C’1’),HIT=NEXT)

38 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=GROUP was

specified without BEGIN, END or RECORDS, or
without PUSH. Example:
INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=GROUP,BEGIN=(9,2,CH,EQ,C’NO’)) Explanation: Critical. A SUM control statement
contained a duplicate keyword operand.
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=(logexp),
WHEN=ANY, or WHEN=NONE was specified with System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Check the SUM control
statement for a duplicate keyword operand.
was specified with BEGIN, END, RECORDS or Explanation: Critical. A position (p) or length (m) in a
PUSH. Example: SUM field is invalid. rsn is the reason code associated
OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,PUSH=(9:5,8)) with the error. The reason code helps you determine
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=GROUP was the specific cause of the error. Reason code values (rsn)
specified with PARSE, BUILD, OVERLAY or are as follows:
FINDREP. Example: 1. The length (m) was invalid for the specified format
OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=GROUP,BUILD=(9:5,8)) (f). For example:
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=INIT was preceded SUM FIELDS=(21,3,FI)
by an IFTHEN clause with WHEN=(logexp),
2. A position (p) plus length (m) was greater than
32753. For example:
* 32751 + 3 = 32754 IS GREATER THAN
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=GROUP was
preceded by an IFTHEN clause with
WHEN=(logexp), WHEN=ANY or WHEN=NONE. 3. A position (p) was 0 or a length (m) was 0. For
Example: example:
PUSH=(8:SEQ=2))) 4. A position (p) plus length (m) was greater than 4093
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=NONE was and Blockset was not selected. For example:
followed by an IFTHEN clause with WHEN=INIT, OPTION NOBLKSET
WHEN=(logexp), or WHEN=ANY. Example: SUM FIELDS=(4092,2,BI)
v The first IFTHEN clause with WHEN=ANY was not System action: The program terminates.
preceded by an IFTHEN clause with
Programmer response: Take the action for the
WHEN=(logexp). Example:
indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows:
1. Ensure that each length is valid for its specified
format. For BI and FI, length must be 2, 4, or 8
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=ANY and without bytes; for PD, length must be 1 through 16 bytes;
HIT=NEXT was followed by an IFTHEN clause with for ZD, length must be 1 through 31 bytes; for FL,
WHEN=ANY. Example: length must be 4, 8 or 16 bytes.
OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(5,1,CH,EQ,C’1’), 2. Ensure that the position plus length is less than or
OVERLAY=(10:C’A’),HIT=NEXT), equal to 32753.
OVERLAY=(10:C’B’),HIT=NEXT), 3. Ensure that each position and each length is equal
IFTHEN=(WHEN=ANY, to or greater than 1.
OVERLAY=(28:C’ABC’)), 4. Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to
IFTHEN=(WHEN=ANY,BUILD=(1,80)) get message ICE800I, which indicates the reason
System action: The program terminates. Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove the
condition preventing the use of Blockset.
Programmer response: Check the INREC or OUTREC Alternatively, ensure that the position plus length is
control statement for the errors indicated in the less than or equal to 4093.
explanation and correct the errors.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 39

Informational and Error Messages

v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for an

edit field was less than 2 or greater than 8 for PD0.
Explanation: A SUM control statement was specified v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for an
and VERIFY was in effect, but the Blockset technique edit field was greater than 8 for BI or FI, 16 for PD,
was not selected. VERIFY with SUM is not supported 31 for ZD, 32 for CSF/FS or 44 for UFF or SFF.
by the other techniques.
v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for an
System action: Processing continues with NOVERIFY edit field was not 4 for DT1, DT2, DT3, TM1, TM2,
in effect. TM3, or TM4.
Programmer response: Rerun the job with a v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for an
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I. edit field was not 8 for DC1, DC2, DC3, TC1, TC2,
ICE800I indicates the reason Blockset could not be TC3, TC4. DE1, DE2, DE3, TE1, TE2, TE3, or TE4.
used. If possible, remove the condition preventing the v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for an
use of Blockset. edit field was not 4 or 8 for FL.
v %nn,H or %nn,F or %nn,D was specified.
ICE111A REFORMATTING FIELD ERROR v More than 31 digits or 44 characters were specified in
an edit pattern.
Explanation: Critical. The FIELDS, BUILD, OVERLAY,
IFTHEN BUILD or IFTHEN OVERLAY operand of an v SIGNz (where z is not S) was specified with Mn or
INREC or OUTREC statement, or the OUTREC, BUILD, without EDIT or EDxy.
OVERLAY, IFTHEN BUILD or IFTHEN OVERLAY v x, y, or z in EDxy or SIGNz were the same character.
operand of an OUTFIL statement, contained an invalid v The value for LENGTH was greater than 44.
column, separator, position, length, keyword, pattern,
v NOMATCH was specified after p,m or %nn rather
sign, constant or value. Some common errors are:
than after CHANGE.
v A 0 value was used.
v The length for a lookup input field was greater than
v A null value was used where it was not permitted. 64 with character or hexadecimal find constants, or
v A null string, pattern, or sign was used. greater than 1 with find bit constants.
v A column was greater than 32752, or was followed v The length for a lookup output field was greater
by another column. than 64.
v A position plus length was greater than 32753. v The length for a find constant was greater than the
v DATE=(abcd) or DATENS(abc) was specified with a, lookup input field length.
b or c not M, D, Y or 4, with M, D, Y or 4 specified v A find constant was not a character, hexadecimal, or
more than once, or with Y and 4 both specified. bit constant.
v YDDD=(abc) or YDDDNS=(ab) was specified with a v The length for a set constant or set field (m for p,m
or b not D, Y or 4, with D, Y or 4 specified more or FIXLEN=m for %nn) was greater than the lookup
than once, or with Y and 4 both specified. output field length.
v TIME=(abc) or TIMENS=(ab) was specified with ab v An invalid character was specified in a find bit
not 12 or 24. constant, or the number of bits for a find bit constant
| v DT=(abcd) or DTNS=(abc) was specified with a, b or was not 8.
| c not M, D, Y or 4, with M, D, Y or 4 specified more v A set constant was not a character or hexadecimal
| than once, or with Y and 4 both specified. constant.
v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for a v The length for a sequence number was greater than
hexadecimal field was greater than 16376. 16.
v A repetition factor was greater than 4095 for a v The value for START was greater than 100000000000.
separator, or a character or hex constant was longer v The value for INCR was greater than 10000000.
than 256 bytes.
v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for a
v An invalid digit or an odd number of digits was RESTART field was greater than 256 bytes.
specified for a hexadecimal constant.
v A position without length (p without m) was
v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for a specified for OVERLAY or IFTHEN OVERLAY.
Y2 format field was not 2 for Y2C, Y2Z, Y2P, Y2S or
v A / was specified for OVERLAY or IFTHEN
Y2PP, or 1 for Y2D, Y2B or Y2DP, or 3–6 for Y2T,
Y2W, Y2TP or Y2WP, or 2–3 for Y2U, Y2X, Y2UP or
Y2XP, or 3–4 for Y2V, Y2Y, Y2VP or Y2YP. System action: The program terminates.
| v The length (m for p,m or FIXLEN=m for %nn) for a Programmer response: Correct the invalid value.
| Y4 format field was not 7-8 for Y4T or Y4W, 4 for
| Y4U or Y4X, or 5 for Y4V or Y4Y.

40 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

comparison is needed, specify run time option

Explanation: A SUM control statement was specified
and EQUALS was in effect, but the Blockset technique
was not selected. EQUALS with SUM is not supported
by the other techniques. Explanation: Critical. Storage was fragmented, the
reserved storage value was too large, or the sizes of the
System action: Processing continues with NOEQUALS
user exits were too large compared to the total storage
in effect.
available to DFSORT.
Programmer response: Rerun the job with a
Main storage refers to the storage below 16 MB virtual.
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I.
ICE800I indicates the reason Blockset could not be System action: The program terminates.
used. If possible, remove the condition preventing the
use of Blockset. Programmer response: Add more main storage in 32
KB increments by recoding the REGION parameter or
ICE113A COMPARISON FIELD ERROR Application Programming Guide for ways to specify
Explanation: Critical. The COND operand of an
INCLUDE or OMIT statement, or the INCLUDE or If routines are used at user exits, their size should be
| OMIT operand of an OUTFIL statement or JOINKEYS added to this minimum value. For efficient sorting,
| statement, or the IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or END allow at least 50 percent more storage than the
operand of an INREC, OUTREC, or OUTFIL statement, minimum required.
contained an invalid position, length, format, constant,
or mask. This message can be issued again even after you have
provided more storage because DFSORT re-estimates
System action: The program terminates. the amount of storage it needs at several points in the
Programmer response: Make sure that all fields and
constants are specified correctly. Make sure that the Storage requirements can be reduced by decreasing
position plus the length of each field does not exceed either the input block size or the number of work data
32753. Make sure that a shift-out (X'0E') is not sets. See also message ICE092I or ICE093I.
embedded within double-byte data in a character

ICE114A INVALID COMPARISON Explanation: Critical. DFSORT was not able to

complete processing with the available disk or tape
Explanation: Critical. One of the following situations work data sets. For disk work data sets with secondary
exists: allocation allowed, DFSORT overrode system B37
v The COND operand of an INCLUDE or OMIT abends and continued processing; this message was
statement, or the INCLUDE or OMIT operand of an issued only when no space was available on any
| OUTFIL statement or JOINKEYS statement, or the allocated work data set.
IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or END operand of an
INREC, OUTREC, or OUTFIL statement, contained Note: DFSORT uses only the first volume of
an invalid field-to-field, field-to-mask, or multi-volume work data sets.
field-to-constant comparison, or used a field with
NUM that was not FS, CSF, PD, or ZD. The amount of work data set space required can vary
v FORMAT=SS was specified after COND in an depending on many factors, including:
INCLUDE or OMIT statement. v The amount of main storage available
v Locale processing was required, but a character (CH) v The degree of randomness of the records to be sorted
field to binary (BI) field comparison was specified. v The values specified (or defaulted) for options such
Locale processing does not support the comparison as FILSZ/SIZE and DYNALLOC.
of a CH to BI field.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Take one or more of the
Programmer response: Make sure that all of the following actions:
comparisons are valid. If you specified FORMAT=SS v If appropriate, increase the amount of main storage
after COND in an INCLUDE or OMIT statement, available to DFSORT by using the options
respecify it before COND. DFSORT's locale processing MAINSIZE/SIZE or the JCL option REGION.
might eliminate the need for CH to BI comparisons. See Increasing the amount of main storage available to
z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
information relating to locale processing. If a CH to BI

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 41

Informational and Error Messages

DFSORT can help DFSORT use less work data set If dynamic allocation of work space is used, DFSORT
space. Avoid running a large sort in a small amount allocates the primary space according to the DYNSPC
of main storage. value in effect. This can result in an underallocation or
v If dynamic allocation was used, check that the values overallocation, possibly leading to wasted space or an
for options DYNALLOC and FILSZ/SIZE were out-of-space condition, respectively. Performance may
appropriate. If necessary, specify these options. also be degraded.
v If JCL disk work data sets were used, increase the
System action: None.
amount of disk work space available to DFSORT.
v If tape work data sets were used, check that all reels Programmer response: None required, unless you
contained full-length tapes. (A bad tape may appear receive message ICE046A or ICE083A, in which case
short because of many write errors.) If all reels you should specify FILSZ=En with a reasonably
contained full-length tapes, rerun the application and accurate estimate of the number of records to be sorted.
specify more work data sets. If you receive message ICE046A with dynamically
allocated work space and you cannot specify
FILSZ=En, use DYNSPC=n to increase the primary
ICE117A I/O ERROR, jobname, stepname, unit
space allocated. If you receive message ICE083A and
address, device type, ddname, operation
you cannot specify FILSZ=En, use DYNSPC=n to
attempted, error description, last seek address
decrease the primary space allocated.
or block count, access method. (SYNADAF)
You may want to specify FILSZ=En even if you don't
Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
receive message ICE046A or ICE083A, because doing so
of the following reasons:
may improve resource usage and performance.
v The job control statements incorrectly specified
record length or blocking information for the data set | For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed
located on the device indicated by the “unit address” | parameters as follows:
field in the message. | v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task.
v A permanent error occurred during an I/O operation
on the indicated device. | v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask.
| v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
The most probable cause is a hardware-related error.
Note: FILSZ=E0 is ignored.
System action: If no user options are specified, the
program terminates.
Operator response: If the “error description” field in FIELD
the message does not contain
“WRNG. LEN. RECORD” Explanation: Critical. A sum field in a SUM control
statement overlapped a control field in a SORT or
MERGE control statement.
run the job again with the indicated unit offline, using
an alternative unit or volume in its place at run time. System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Make sure that the DD Programmer response: Make sure that the sum fields
statement for the data set assigned to this device in the FIELDS operand of the SUM control statement
contains the correct DCB information. In a merge do not overlap control fields in the FIELDS operand of
application, if the device in error holds an input data the SORT or MERGE control statement.
set, make sure that the DCB information (except for
BLKSIZE) specified in the SORTIN01 DD statement
correctly describes the data in this device. ICE120I EXIT Enn IGNORED
Explanation: User exit E14 or E2n was specified in the
ICE118I UNKNOWN FILE SIZE - FILSZ=EN MODS statement, as identified in the message by Enn.
MAY IMPROVE RESOURCE USAGE Exit Enn is not supported and cannot be entered.
AND PERFORMANCE System action: The Enn operand is checked for correct
Explanation: DFSORT could not determine the input syntax, but the user exit is not used.
file size, and the number of records was not supplied Programmer response: Optional. Correct the MODS
by a FILSZ or SIZE value, that is, the input file size is statement by removing the identified Enn operand.
unknown. Generally, DFSORT can automatically
determine the input file size. However, in a few cases,
such as when an E15 supplies all of the input records ICE121A FILE SIZE IS TOO LARGE
or when information about a tape data set is not Explanation: Critical. The amount of data to be sorted
available from a tape management system, DFSORT exceeded a DFSORT implementation limit for the
cannot determine an accurate file size. maximum number of records that can be sorted.
DFSORT cannot handle the amount of data regardless

42 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

of environmental factors, such as the amount of work Programmer response: Make sure that the sum fields
data set space provided. Specific implementation limits in the FIELDS operand of the SUM control statement
include: do not overlap the RDW.
1. Variable-length records - 4294967295 records
2. EQUALS in effect - 4294967295 records
3. VLSHRT in effect - 2147483647 records
4. Blockset technique not selected - 2147483647 records Explanation: Critical. A sum field in a SUM control
statement overlapped another sum field.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: For cases 1 through 3, perform
the sort on subsets of the data set containing less than Programmer response: Make sure that the sum fields
the indicated maximum number of records. Then merge in the FIELDS operand of the SUM control statement
the sorted subsets into a single data set. do not overlap.
For case 4, rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD
statement to get message ICE800I, which indicates the ICE126A INCONSISTENT REFORMATTING
reason Blockset could not be used. If possible, remove FOR {*INREC|*OUTREC|ddname}:
the condition preventing the use of Blockset. REASON CODE rsn, IFTHEN n
Alternatively, perform the sort on subsets of the data
set containing less than the indicated maximum Explanation: Critical. The FIELDS, BUILD, or IFTHEN
number of records. Then merge the sorted subsets into BUILD operand of an INREC or OUTREC statement, or
a single data set. the OUTREC, BUILD or IFTHEN BUILD operand of an
OUTFIL statement, contained a field that was
inconsistent with the format (fixed or variable) of the
ICE122A keyword VALUE INVALID input or output records, or with other fields.
Explanation: Critical. The numeric value specified for OUTFIL data sets for which VTOF or CONVERT is
the indicated keyword exceeded the DFSORT used have variable-length input records and fixed
processing limit of 562949953421311 records (Blockset length output records. OUTFIL data sets for which
selected) or 2147483647 records (Blockset could not be FTOV is used have fixed-length input records and
used). variable-length output records.
System action: The program terminates. The following information is displayed in the message:
Programmer response: Specify a numeric value for the v *INREC if the error is associated with an INREC
indicated keyword that is less than the processing limit. statement. *OUTREC if the error is associated with
an OUTREC statement. ddname if the error is
associated with an OUTFIL statement.
v rsn: The reason code associated with the error. The
Explanation: CKPT or CHKPT was specified in the reason code (listed below) helps you determine the
SORT or OPTION control statement for a sort specific cause of the error.
application, IGNCKPT=YES was specified during v n: 0 if the error is not associated with an IFTHEN
installation, and the Blockset technique was selected. clause. Otherwise, n identifies the number of the
The Blockset technique does not support the automatic IFTHEN clause associated with the error (starting at
checkpoint/restart facility, so the CKPT or CHKPT 1 for the first IFTHEN clause).
option was ignored.
System action: The program continues, but no The statement and operand associated with the error
checkpoints are taken. are identified as follows:
v *INREC and n=0 indicates that the FIELDS or BUILD
Programmer response: Specifying NOBLKSET on the
operand of the INREC statement caused the error.
OPTION control statement will allow you to take
checkpoints, except in cases where only the Blockset v *OUTREC and n=0 indicates that the FIELDS or
technique can be used (for example, when an OUTFIL BUILD operand of the OUTREC statement caused
control statement is specified). the error.
v ddname and n=0 indicates that the OUTREC or
BUILD operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the
error. ddname identifies the first data set in the
associated OUTFIL group.
Explanation: Critical. A sum field in a SUM control v *INREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD
statement overlapped the record descriptor word operand of the INREC statement caused the error. n
(RDW) for variable-length record processing. identifies the number of the associated IFTHEN
System action: The program terminates. clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in
the INREC statement).

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 43

Informational and Error Messages

v *OUTREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD OUTFIL VLFILL=C’*’

operand of the OUTREC statement caused the error.
n identifies the number of the associated IFTHEN Note: VLFILL cannot be used with an IFTHEN or
clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in OVERLAY operand.
the OUTREC statement). 7. An OUTREC or BUILD operand did not specify any
v ddname and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD input or separation fields.
operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the error. Example (fixed-length input):
ddname identifies the first data set in the associated OUTFIL OUTREC=(//)
OUTFIL group. n identifies the number of the
associated IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first System action: The program terminates.
IFTHEN clause in the OUTFIL statement).
Programmer response: Take the action for the
indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows:
Reason code values (rsn) are as follows: 1. Specify an IFTHEN operand with an IFOUTLEN=n
1. An IFOUTLEN=n operand was specified without operand.
an IFTHEN operand.
2. The last position was specified without a OVERLAY=(21:C’N’)),
corresponding length for fixed-length input records. IFTHEN=(WHEN=NONE,OVERLAY=(21:C’Y’))
Examples (fixed-length input): 2. Specify the last position with a corresponding
INREC BUILD=(1,5,6X,8)
or Example (fixed-length input):
3. For variable-length input records, the last position OUTFIL FNAMES=O1,
was specified without a corresponding length for OUTREC=(1,20,28,40),FTOV
one, but not all, of the FIELDS or BUILD operand 3. Specify the last position without a corresponding
of the INREC statement, the FIELDS or BUILD length for the INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL
operand of the OUTREC statement, or the OUTREC statements, or specify the last position with a
or BUILD operand of an OUTFIL statement corresponding length for the INREC, OUTREC, and
(without a VTOF or CONVERT operand): OUTFIL statements, as appropriate.
Examples (variable-length input): Examples (variable-length input):
INREC FIELDS=(1,20,31) INREC FIELDS=(1,20,31)
or or
OUTREC BUILD=(1,20,31,10) OUTREC BUILD=(1,20,31,10)
OUTFIL BUILD=(1,25,27) OUTFIL BUILD=(1,20,5X,21,10)
4. A column overlapped the previous output field in 4. Ensure that columns do not overlap previous fields
the reformatted record. in the reformatted record.
Example (fixed-length input): Example (fixed-length input):
IFTHEN=(WHEN=(81,8,ZD,EQ,+1), IFTHEN=(WHEN=(81,8,ZD,EQ,+1),
BUILD=(3,20,20:C’ABC’)) BUILD=(3,20,25:C’ABC’))
5. A VTOF or CONVERT operand was specified 5. Specify an OUTREC or BUILD operand with the
without an OUTREC or BUILD operand for VTOF or CONVERT operand.
variable-length input record to fixed-length output Example (variable-length input):
record conversion in an OUTFIL statement.
Example (variable-length input): 6. Specify an OUTREC or BUILD operand with the
Example (variable-length input):
Note: VTOF cannot be used with an IFTHEN or
OVERLAY operand.
7. Specify an input or separation field.
6. A VLFILL=C'x' or VLFILL=X'yy' operand was
specified without an OUTREC or BUILD operand Example (fixed-length input):
for variable-length input records in an OUTFIL OUTFIL OUTREC=(//,X)
Example (variable-length input):

44 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

are not meaningful for all applications (for example,

HIPRMAX applies to a sort application, but not to a
copy or merge application.)
For information on where the options can be specified
Explanation: See ICE133I.
and on the order of override, see z/OS DFSORT
| Application Programming Guide. Message values for
ICE128I OPTIONS: | ICE127I through ICE133I are as follows:
x 'Y' for YES; 'N' for NO
MSGDDN=b n A decimal value representing bytes
Explanation: See ICE133I. a 'RC16' or 'ABEND'
b 'SYSOUT', or the alternate ddname for the
ICE129I OPTIONS: VIO=x,RESDNT=c, message data set
VERIFY=x,CHALT=x,DYNALOC=d, c 'ALL' for eligible DFSORT modules loaded
ABCODE=j into LPA; 'NONE' for eligible DFSORT
modules not loaded into LPA. DFSORT
Explanation: See ICE133I. automatically determines the RESDNT status;
you cannot override this status nor specify it
as an option.
RESALL=n,RESINV=n,SVC=g, d 'N' for NO, or (y,n) where y is the dynamic
CHECK=x,WRKREL=x,OUTREL=x, allocation device name and n is a decimal
CKPT=x,COBEXIT=f value for the number of data sets
Explanation: See ICE133I. e 'SHORT' , 'FULL' , or 'NO'
f 'COB1' or 'COB2'
ARESINV=n,OVERRGN=n,CINV=x, g A decimal value representing the SVC number,
CFW=x, DSA=t or '109A' for SVC 109 using the alternate SVC
Explanation: See ICE133I.
h EFS program name, or 'NONE'

ICE132I j ‘MSG', or a decimal value representing the

ABCODE number
EFS=h,EXITCK=k,PARMDDN=q, p A decimal value representing megabytes, or

Explanation: See ICE133I. q ‘DFSPARM', or the alternate ddname for the

DFSPARM data set

ICE133I OPTIONS: HIPRMAX=p, r A decimal value representing megabytes, or

VLLONG=x, VSAMIO=x,MOSIZE=r s 'RC0', 'RC4', or 'RC16'
| Explanation: Messages ICE127I through ICE133I, t A decimal value representing megabytes
| ICE235I and ICE236I indicate the options in effect for a
Blockset sort, copy, or merge application or a System action: None.
Peerage/Vale sort application. Programmer response: None.
When DFSORT is invoked by JCL, these options can Notes:
come from the EXEC PARM field, the SYSIN data set,
the DFSPARM data set, or the installation defaults.
| 1. Do not expect the values in ICE127I through
When DFSORT is invoked dynamically, these options
| ICE133I, ICE235I and ICE236I to be identical to the
installation-option values selected at your site. You
can come from the SORTCNTL data set, the DFSPARM
can use the ICETOOL DEFAULTS operator to show
data set, the invocation parameter list, or the
all the installation option values.
installation defaults.
| 2. Messages ICE131I, ICE133I and ICE236I are printed
DFSORT can change the options due to conflicting only for Blockset.
specifications or for performance reasons. Some options

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 45

Informational and Error Messages

System action: None.

Programmer response: To optimize performance and
Explanation: n is the total number of bytes “sorted”;
minimize wasted disk space for future runs, change
that is, the number of bytes in records for which
your JCL to use cylinder allocation for the indicated
control field processing was performed. The following
work data set.
insert/delete/alter processing is performed before
control field processing and is taken into account when
determining n: SORTIN, SKIPREC, STOPAFT, E15, and ICE137A VSAM INPUT ERROR i (nnn) text from
INCLUDE/OMIT. Other processing that can affect the VSAM SYNAD
number of bytes actually manipulated by DFSORT (for
example, INREC) is done after control field processing, Explanation: Critical. i is either P (physical) or L
and is not taken into account when determining n. (logical), describing the type of error encountered. nnn
is the VSAM feedback code from a GET macro, in
If the input data includes incomplete spanned decimal, and is followed by the VSAM SYNAD
segments, they will be eliminated before "sorting". message.
However, these incomplete spanned segments may be
taken into account when determining n, in order to System action: The program terminates.
avoid impacting performance. If you want to ensure Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using
that n does not reflect incomplete spanned segments, Data Sets or z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data
you can eliminate them with copy, and sort the Sets for the meaning of the error code and, if possible,
resulting data. take appropriate action.
System action: None.
Programmer response: None. ICE138A VSAM OUTPUT ERROR i (nnn) text

ICE135A [SORTIN=ddname|SORTOUT=ddname] Explanation: Critical. i is either P (physical) or L

MATCHES POSSIBLE WORK (logical), describing the type of error encountered. nnn
DDNAME is the VSAM feedback code from a PUT macro, in
decimal, and is followed by the VSAM SYNAD
Explanation: Critical. The ddname specified for message.
OPTION statement operand SORTIN or SORTOUT in
DFSPARM or in the extended parameter list was System action: The program terminates.
ccccWKdd, ccccWKdd, ccccDKd, or ccccDKdd. cccc is the Programmer response: Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using
specified or defaulted value for the SORTDD operand Data Sets or z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data
and d is any character. These ddnames can be used for Sets for the meaning of the error code and, if possible,
work data sets and thus cannot be used as input or take appropriate action.
output ddnames. For example, each of the following
OPTION statements in DFSPARM will result in this
OPTION SORTIN=SORTDKA Explanation: Critical. An attribute specified for the
OPTION SORTDD=ABCD,SORTIN=ABCDWK2 VSAM data set with the indicated ddname is not
OPTION SORTDD=ABCD,SORTOUT=ABCDDKW1 supported by DFSORT. DFSORT supports the following
System action: The program terminates. attributes:
v If Blockset is selected: SPAN, KSDS, ESDS, RRDS,
Programmer response: Specify a ddname for SORTIN
or SORTOUT that cannot be used for a work data set.
For example, none of the following OPTION statements v If Blockset is not selected: SPAN, KSDS, ESDS, and
in DFSPARM will result in this error message: RRDS
OPTION SORTOUT=MYOUT System action: The program terminates.
OPTION SORTDD=ABCD,SORTIN=MYIN Programmer response: Remove any unsupported
OPTION SORTDD=ABCD,SORTOUT=SORTWK1 attributes, other than VRRDS, from the indicated
VSAM data set. To use the VRRDS attribute, you must
remove any condition preventing the use of Blockset.
ICE136I SPACE FOR ddname WAS READJUSTED Rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD statement to get
TO CYLINDERS message ICE800I, which indicates the reason why
Explanation: The indicated work data set was not Blockset could not be used.
allocated in cylinders. DFSORT adjusted its usage of
the allocated space to cylinders and could have skipped
several tracks in the primary extents of the data set.

46 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

for incorrect spanned records.

Explanation: A DD statement for ddname (the
Explanation: An alternate parameter data set was specified alternate message data set) was not found.
specified with the indicated ddname. This message SYSOUT was used instead.
separates the listing of its parameters (control
statements or PARM parameters) from the listing of System action: Processing continues; messages are
control statements specified from other sources: written to SYSOUT.
v The SYSIN DD statement Programmer response: If you want to use an alternate
v The SORTCNTL DD statement message data set, provide a DD statement for ddname.
v The invoking parameter list.

The data set's parameters are listed only if LIST is in ICE143I t a TECHNIQUE SELECTED
effect (see message ICE128I). Explanation: t indicates the DFSORT technique chosen
for the run, and a indicates the application chosen for
A parameter in a statement other than the OPTION or the DFSORT technique. Message values are as follows:
DEBUG control statement completely overrides the
same or corresponding control statement in other t BLOCKSET – disk work data set sort,
sources. standard merge or copy
PEERAGE — disk work data set sort
A DEBUG control statement in the alternate parameter VALE — disk work data set sort
data set overrides only the same or corresponding CONVENTIONAL — tape work data set sort
parameters in a DEBUG control statement in the other or nonstandard merge
sources. This selective override does not affect the other
parameters in a DEBUG control statement in the a SORT
alternate parameter data set or the other sources. MERGE
An OPTION control statement in the alternate
System action: None.
parameter data set overrides only the same or
corresponding parameters in an OPTION, SORT, or Programmer response: None required. However, if
MERGE control statement in the other sources. This Blockset was not selected, you may want to remove the
selective override does not affect the other parameters condition preventing the use of Blockset. Rerun the job
in an OPTION, SORT, or MERGE control statement in with a SORTDIAG DD statement to get message
the alternate parameter data set or the other sources. ICE800I, which indicates the reason Blockset could not
be used.
See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
complete details on the order of override.
System action: None.
Explanation: Critical. The complexity of the
Programmer response: None. application caused dynamic areas to exceed the storage
allowed for them.
ICE141A SPANNED RECORD ON ddname System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Reduce the number of
Explanation: Critical. A spanned record on the summary fields.
indicated data set could not be properly assembled.
This message was issued for one of the following
v A segment length was greater than the LRECL. Explanation: Critical. The DFSORT installation
v A segment length was less than 4 bytes. defaults for your site indicate that SVC nnn is the
v The total length of segments was greater than the DFSORT SVC. SVC nnn is not compatible with the
LRECL. DFSORT release currently running. Either SVC nnn is
v Segments are blocked incorrectly for VBS data sets for a release of DFSORT other than this one, or SVC
(that is, a first and a last segment are in the same nnn is a non-DFSORT SVC.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Report this message to your
Programmer response: Check the indicated data set

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 47

Informational and Error Messages

system programmer. It indicates that the DFSORT SVC

was incorrectly installed.
Explanation: Critical. SORTINnn or SORTWKdd data
sets were concatenated.
STATEMENTS FOLLOW System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: When a data set specified with a DD Programmer response: Use separate DD statements
statement for xxxxCNTL is present, this message for SORTINnn or SORTWKdd data sets.
separates the listing of its statements from the listing of
the statements specified in the parameter list. The
statements for xxxxCNTL (if any) and the parameter
list (if any) are listed only if LIST is in effect (see
message ICE128I).
Explanation: SYS1.PARMLIB member IFAPRDxx does
A statement other than OPTION or DEBUG in the
not define DFSORT as a feature licensed for use on this
xxxxCNTL data set completely overrides the same or
system, or an error was encountered while registering
corresponding statement in the parameter list.
DFSORT for use on this system.
A DEBUG statement in the xxxxCNTL data set
System action: The program terminates.
overrides only the same or corresponding operands in
a DEBUG statement in the parameter list. This selective Programmer response: If the return code (x) is 12, the
override does not affect the other operands in a reason code (y) is 4, and you are licensed to use
DEBUG statement in the xxxxCNTL data set or DFSORT, then you need to update the IFAPRDxx
parameter list. member of parmlib. See z/OS Planning for Installation
for information about adding the appropriate entry to
An OPTION statement in the xxxxCNTL data set
overrides only the same or corresponding operands in
an OPTION, SORT, or MERGE statement in the After you have added the appropriate entry to
parameter list. This selective override does not affect IFAPRDxx, you must activate it by using a SET PROD
the other operands in an OPTION, SORT, or MERGE command or by IPLing the system.
statement in the xxxxCNTL data set or parameter list.
(OPTION statement operands LIST, NOLIST, LISTX, For any other return and reason codes, contact the IBM
SORTIN, and SORTOUT are not used if specified in the
For complete details on the order of override, see z/OS MERGE, INCLUDE, OMIT OR SUM
DFSORT Application Programming Guide. STATEMENT FIELDS

System action: None. Explanation: The VLSHRT option was in effect, and
one or more of the following situations exists:
Programmer response: None. v An INREC or OUTREC statement was specified.
v A copy application was specified without an
INCLUDE or OMIT statement.
v More than one control field was specified, and
Blockset was not selected.
v The application had EFS processing in effect, and an
Explanation: Critical. The OPTION statement operand EFS01 or EFS02 user exit routine was supplied by the
SORTOUT was specified for a Conventional merge, or EFS program.
the operand SORTIN or SORTOUT was specified for a v Locale processing was required for sort or merge
tape work data set sort, or ICETOOL was used for a fields.
tape work data set sort.
System action: Processing continues; VLSHRT is not
System action: The program terminates. used for SORT, MERGE, INCLUDE, OMIT or SUM
statement fields, but is used for OUTFIL INCLUDE or
Programmer response: Remove the SORTIN or
OMIT parameter fields, if specified.
SORTOUT operand. You can use the SORTDD operand
of the OPTION statement to provide alternate ddnames Programmer response: None, unless message ICE015A
for SORTIN and SORTOUT. or ICE218A was received, in which case you can either
respecify your fields to be within the shortest record in
If ICETOOL was used, do not use tape work data sets.
the input data set, or use equivalent OUTFIL
parameters (for example, the INCLUDE and OUTREC
parameters of OUTFIL instead of the INCLUDE and
OUTREC statements) for the application.

48 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

If Blockset was not selected, rerun the job with a v Use an INREC or OUTREC statement with multiple
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I, IFTHEN clauses to "OR" sets of conditions together,
which indicates the reason Blockset could not be used. and set a "flag" after the end of each record that
If possible, remove the condition preventing the use of satisfies a condition. Use an OUTFIL statement to
Blockset. keep (INCLUDE) or delete (OMIT) the records which
have the flag on, and then remove the flag.
ICE151A TOO MANY {*INCLUDE|*OMIT| In the following example, the input data set has
*INREC|*OUTREC|ddname} IFTHEN n RECFM=FB and LRECL=80. a1 to an and b1 to bn
CONDITIONS represent relational conditions. We use an INREC
statement to set a 'Y' flag in position 81 after the end
Explanation: Critical. The complexity of the conditions of each record for which any specified condition is
in a COND, INCLUDE, OMIT or IFTHEN WHEN, true. We use an OUTFIL statement to INCLUDE the
BEGIN or END operand caused dynamic areas to records with a 'Y' in position 81, and then we remove
exceed the storage allowed for them. The specific cause the flag so the output records have the same length
of the error is identified as follows: as the input records.
v *INCLUDE indicates that the COND operand of the //MULT EXEC PGM=ICEMAN
| INCLUDE statement, or the INCLUDE operand of a //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=*
JOINKEYS statement, caused the error. n is 0. //SORTIN DD DSN=...
v *OMIT indicates that the COND operand of the //SORTOUT DD DSN=...
| OMIT statement, or the OMIT operand of a
| JOINKEYS statement, caused the error. n is 0. * If a1,OR,a2,OR,...,an is true,
v ddname and n=0 indicates that the INCLUDE or * set flag in 81 to ’Y’.
OMIT operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(a1,OR,a2,OR,...,an),
error. ddname identifies the first data set in the OVERLAY=(81:C’Y’)),
associated OUTFIL group. * If b1,OR,b2,OR,...,bn is true,
* set flag in 81 to ’Y’.
v *INREC indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or IFTHEN=(WHEN=(b1,OR,b2,OR,...,bn),
END operand of the INREC statement caused the OVERLAY=(81:C’Y’)),
error. n identifies the number of the associated * If none of the conditions is true,
IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN * set flag in 81 to ’N’.
clause in the INREC statement). IFTHEN=(WHEN=NONE,OVERLAY=(81:C’N’))
* If the flag in 81 is ’Y’, include the
v *OUTREC indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN
* records.
or END operand of the OUTREC statement caused OUTFIL INCLUDE=(81,1,CH,EQ,C’Y’),
the error. n identifies the number of the associated * Remove the flag byte.
IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN OUTREC=(1,80)
clause in the OUTREC statement). /*
v ddname and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN,
caused the error. ddname identifies the first data set RC=n
in the associated OUTFIL group. n identifies the
number of the associated IFTHEN clause (starting at Explanation: The application was successfully
1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the OUTFIL processed, but overflow occurred for one or more pairs
statement). of summary fields. DFSORT set a return code of 0 or 4
as indicated by n. DFSORT only set a return code of 4
System action: The program terminates. if OVFLO=RC4 was in effect and summary fields
Programmer response: Reduce the number of overflowed.
conditions, or the size of the constants, in the COND, System action: Summation continues for pairs of
INCLUDE, OMIT or IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or END records for which overflow does not occur. Summation
operand that caused the problem. Alternatively, you is not performed for pairs of records for which
may be able to avoid reducing the number of overflow would occur; the original records are left
conditions, or the size of the constants, by using one of unchanged. DFSORT passes back a return code of n
the following techniques: unless it sets a higher return code for some other
v If NOSZERO is in effect and you can treat numeric reason.
–0 and +0 values as signed (that is, different) for this
application, use the SZERO option. Programmer response: If appropriate, redesign the
records so that summary fields do not overflow, or, if
v If possible, rewrite the conditions to use substring possible, use INREC to increase the size of the
comparison tests (see z/OS DFSORT Application summary fields (see z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide for details) Programming Guide ), or specify the OVFLO=RC0,
OVFLO=RC4, or OVFLO=RC16 run-time option to

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 49

Informational and Error Messages

provide a different return code for this situation.

Explanation: A MODS statement contained one of the
Explanation: Critical. An E15 or E35 user exit written v E15=COB without a corresponding E15 operand
in COBOL was specified, but is not supported for the v E35=COB without a corresponding E35 operand.
technique used (tape work data set sort or
System action: Processing continues. The EXEC
Conventional merge).
parameter E15=COB or E35=COB is ignored.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Specify an E15 or E35 operand
Programmer response: Rerun the job with a on a MODS statement or remove the EXEC parameter.
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I.
ICE800I indicates the reason Blockset could not be
used. If possible, remove the condition preventing the
use of Blockset. Alternatively, remove the COBOL user Explanation: Critical. Issued only to the master
exit. console to indicate that installation option
NOMSGDD=QUIT was used and a message data set
was required, but not specified. Corresponds to
DFSORT return code 20.
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. STOPAFT was in effect but is
not supported for the technique used (tape work data Programmer response: Specify a DD statement for the
set sort). message data set, using the ddname specified by
MSGDDN (if any) or SYSOUT.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Use disk work data sets, if
possible, or remove the STOPAFT option.
Explanation: Critical. Module ICECOB2 was not
installed as part of DFSORT. An E15 or E35 user exit
routine written in COBOL was to be used and
COBEXIT=COB2 was in effect. Module ICECOB2 is
Explanation: A MERGE control statement was required for COBEXIT=COB2.
specified and STOPAFT or SKIPREC was in effect.
System action: The program terminates.
Neither STOPAFT nor SKIPREC can be used with
MERGE. Programmer response: Ask your system programmer
to ensure that module ICECOB2 is available.
System action: Processing continues; STOPAFT or
SKIPREC is ignored.
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: Critical. The COPY function was
specified but could not be processed. rsn is the reason
16-MEGABYTE = (y,z)
code associated with the error. The reason code helps
Explanation: Supplies information on the amount of you determine the specific cause of the error. Reason
storage available above 16 MB virtual: code values (rsn) are as follows:

y The maximum amount of main storage 1 The SORTIN or SORTOUT data set was BDAM.
available to DFSORT above 16 MB virtual.
2 FREE=CLOSE was specified (ICEGENER).
z The actual amount of main storage available to
3 An attempt to open a data set caused a system
DFSORT above 16 MB virtual, after DFSORT
has released the ARESALL and ARESINV
space. 4 The SORTIN or SORTOUT data set resided on an
unsupported device.
This message is only printed when Blockset is selected.
5 ASCII tapes had the following parameters:
System action: None.
Programmer response: None. BUFOFF¬=L

50 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

(LABEL=AL or OPTCD=Q) and RECFM¬=D and module, thus resulting in a loop.

System action: The program terminates with user
6 An attempt to read the DSCB for the SORTIN abend 163.
data set caused an error.
Programmer response: Ensure that the name being
7 An attempt to read the DSCB for the SORTOUT used for the GENER installation option is an alias of
data set caused an error. the IEBGENER module and not an alias of the
ICEGENER module.
8 The SORTIN data set had keyed records
9 User labels were present (ICEGENER).
10 A MODS statement Exx operand had SYSIN in
Explanation: Critical. ESTAE was in effect and an
the third parameter or T or S in the fourth
abend occurred after the installation exit ICETEXIT was
parameter (that is, dynamic link-editing was
called but before control was returned to DFSORT.
x The abend type, either S for system or
Note: For ICEGENER, SYSUT1 is equivalent to U for user
SORTIN and SYSUT2 is equivalent to SORTOUT.
nnnn The abend code
System action: The program terminates.
System action: None.
Programmer response: Correct the situation indicated
Programmer response: Notify your system
by the reason code (rsn).
programmer that the installation exit, ICETEXIT, has
abended so that they can determine the cause of the
ICE161A COBEXIT=COB2 AND COBOL E15 abend and correct the error. You might need to rerun
AND E35 EXITS WERE FOUND the job with a SYSUDUMP DD statement to get an
abend dump. With ESTAE in effect, DFSORT tries to
Explanation: Critical. COBEXIT=COB2 was in effect; call ICETEXIT (if it has not been called already) after
therefore, separately compiled COBOL E15 and E35 an earlier abend. In this case, only the information
user exits were not allowed together for COPY about the first abend appears in the dump. Rerun the
processing. job with DEBUG ABSTP to get the dump for the
System action: The program terminates. secondary abend.

Programmer response: When COBEXIT=COB2 is in

effect, use either a COBOL E15 user exit or a COBOL ICE165I TOTAL DATA SET TRACKS
E35 user exit for copy applications, but not both. ALLOCATED: a, TRACKS USED: b
Explanation: This message gives work data set space
ICE162I ICEIEXIT CHANGED ONE OR MORE usage information for the sort run. Message values are

Explanation: The initialization exit (ICEIEXIT) was a Total primary and secondary disk work space
used to change one or more of the options that apply allocated and available throughout sort processing
to your application. DFSORT used the changed options (in tracks). This space is not available for use by
| where appropriate. Messages ICE127I through ICE133I, other applications.
| ICE235I and ICE236I indicate which options DFSORT b Total primary and secondary disk work space
used. actually used during sort processing (in tracks).
System action: None.
Note: In some cases, DFSORT may free up
Programmer response: No action is necessary. If JCL-specified work space if it is determined that
appropriate, see your system programmer for an the space is not needed for the sort.
explanation of the changes made with the ICEIEXIT
routine. System action: None.
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: Critical. This message, issued only to the FIELDS IS FROM ssss TO eeee
master console, indicates the DFSORT ICEGENER
Explanation: Indicates the starting year (ssss) and
facility attempted to transfer control to the IEBGENER
ending year (eeee) for the century window to be used
module, but the DFSORT installation option for that
in conjunction with the specified Y2 format fields.
name was the same as the name for the ICEGENER

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 51

Informational and Error Messages

System action: None example, if you are using XSUM as follows:

Programmer response: None //S1 EXEC PGM= ICEMAN
Explanation: A FORMAT=f operand was specified on //SYSIN DD *
in which p,m,f was used for all of the fields. For SUM FIELDS=NONE,XSUM
example: /*
You can use this ICETOOL job instead:
System action: f from p,m,f is used for each field. f
from FORMAT=f is not used for any of the fields.
Programmer response: Optional. Remove FORMAT=f, //DFSMSG DD SYSOUT=*
or remove any or all f values in FIELDS that match the //SORTIN DD DSN=...
f value in FORMAT=f. For example, the SORT //SORTOUT DD DSN=...
statement above could be changed to either of the
following SORT statements to eliminate the ICE170I SELECT FROM(SORTIN) TO(SORTOUT)-
SORT FIELDS=(5,4,CH,A,12,2,PD,A,21,8,BI,D) /*

SORT FORMAT=BI,FIELDS=(5,4,CH,A,12,2,PD,A,21,8,D) Related reading: You can also perform additional

functions with ICETOOL's SELECT
ICE171I SORTOUT LRECL OF x IS DIFFERENT operator that are not available with
RC=n Programming Guide for complete
details of ICETOOL's SELECT
Explanation: The application was successfully operator.
processed, but the SORTOUT LRECL (x) and
SORTIN/SORTINnn LRECL (y) were not equal.
DFSORT set a return code of 0 or 4 as indicated by n. ICE173I NO RECORDS FOR THE SORTOUT
DFSORT only sets a return code of 4 if: DATA SET - RC=n
v PAD=RC4 was in effect and x was larger than y Explanation: The application was successfully
(LRECL padding), or processed, but there were no records for the SORTOUT
v TRUNC=RC4 was in effect and x was smaller than y data set, as indicated by an OUT count of 0 in message
(LRECL truncation). ICE054I. DFSORT set a return code of 0 or 4 as
indicated by n. DFSORT only sets a return code of 4 if
System action: Processing continues and DFSORT NULLOUT=RC4 was in effect, but there were no
passes back a return code of n, unless it sets a higher records for the SORTOUT data set.
return code for some other reason.
System action: Processing continues and DFSORT
Programmer response: If appropriate, change the passes back a return code of n, unless it sets a higher
LRECL of SORTOUT or SORTIN/SORTINnn so that the return code for some other reason.
LRECLs are equal, or specify the PAD=RC0, PAD=RC4,
or PAD=RC16 run-time option to provide a different Programmer response: If appropriate, change the
return code for this situation. application to produce records for the SORTOUT data
set. Alternatively, specify the NULLOUT=RC0,
NULLOUT=RC4, or NULLOUT=RC16 run-time option
ICE172A XSUM IS NOT SUPPORTED - USE to provide a different return code for this situation.
Explanation: Critical. XSUM was specified on the ICE174I NO DATA RECORDS FOR AN OUTFIL
SUM statement. DFSORT does not support the XSUM DATA SET - RC=n
parameter provided by a competitive sort product to
write records deleted by SUM processing to a Explanation: The application was successfully
SORTXSUM DD data set. processed, but there were no data records for one or
more OUTFIL data sets, as indicated by a DATA count
System action: The program terminates. of 0 in message ICE227I. DFSORT set a return code of 0
Programmer response: If you are using SUM or 4 as indicated by n. DFSORT only sets a return code
FIELDS=NONE with XSUM, you can perform the same of 4 if NULLOFL=RC4 was in effect for an OUTFIL
function with ICETOOL's SELECT operator. For data set, but there were no data records for that
OUTFIL data set.

52 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

System action: Processing continues and DFSORT support. You can bypass the use of system-determined
passes back a return code of n unless it sets a higher block size for this application by specifying either
return code for some other reason. SDB=NO or a BLKSIZE value on the DD statement for
the output data set.
Programmer response: If appropriate, change the
application to produce records for the relevant OUTFIL
data sets (which you can identify by a DATA count of 0 ICE178I REALLOCATING VIO SORTWK DATA
in message ICE227I). Alternatively, specify the SETS TO REAL SORTDK DATA SETS
run-time option on the relevant OUTFIL statements to
Explanation: SORTWKdd data sets specified in the
provide a different return code for this situation.
JCL were allocated on virtual devices (VIO). Because
the VIO=NO installation option was specified or
ICE175I ATTEMPT TO REALLOCATE VIO defaulted, DFSORT will attempt to reallocate the
WORK DATA SETS TO REAL SORTWKdd data sets as SORTDKdd data sets using
RESULTED IN VIO devices of the type indicated by device.
Explanation: Since VIO=NO was in effect, DFSORT System action: Processing continues; DFSORT
attempted to reallocate work data sets to real (non-VIO) attempts to reallocate the data sets.
devices, but could not. Since the reallocated data sets
Programmer response: If appropriate, allocate the
were directed to VIO again, DFSORT continued
SORTWKdd data sets on real devices to avoid
processing with the VIO work data sets, and issued this
warning message. The use of VIO for work data sets is
not recommended because:
v It prevents the use of large format data sets ICE179A RESOURCES WERE UNAVAILABLE
v Performance might be degraded since DFSORT's
DATA SETS (xxxx)
Memory Object, Hiperspace, and Dataspace functions
already exploit processor storage to avoid DASD I/O Explanation: Critical. SORTWKdd data sets specified
to work datasets. in the JCL were allocated on virtual devices (VIO).
Because the VIO=NO installation option was specified
System action: Processing continues using the VIO
or defaulted, DFSORT attempted to reallocate the
work data sets. Large format data sets are not used.
SORTWKdd data sets as SORTDKdd data sets using a
Programmer response: No action is necessary. If real device of the type indicated in message ICE178I.
appropriate, verify that the DFSMS Automatic Class The reallocation failed; xxxx indicates the failure code
Selection (ACS) routines do not force DFSORT work returned by the system's dynamic allocation facility. See
data sets to VIO. z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services
Guide for an explanation of the failure code.
ICE176A service SERVICE ERROR (x-y) Two commonly received return codes are:
Explanation: Critical. The indicated system service 0218 The real device type is defined to the system,
failed when DFSORT called it. Message values are as but the requested device has insufficient space
follows: available. For example, the real device type is
defined to the system but no devices of that
x The return code from the service, in decimal.
type have been installed, or all devices of that
y The reason code from the service, in decimal, type are mounted as private.
or zero if unavailable.
021C The real device type is not defined to the
System action: The program terminates. system. For example, 3380 was specified
instead of 3390.
Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming
However, in a DFSMS environment, the return code is
usually 970C regardless of the specific error
ERROR (x-y)
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. DASD Calculation Services
Programmer response: Ensure that the VIO
returned an unexpected return or reason code when
SORTWKdd data sets can be reallocated on the real
DFSORT called it to determine the optimum block size
device indicated in message ICE178I, or if appropriate,
for an output data set.
allocate the SORTWKdd data sets on real devices to
System action: The program terminates. avoid reallocation.

Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming Alternatively, specify installation option VIO=YES (can

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 53

Informational and Error Messages

degrade performance). See z/OS DFSORT Installation v NORESET is in effect

and Customization for details on the VIO installation v The VSAM data set is not defined with REUSE
System action: The program terminates.

ICE180I HIPERSPACE STORAGE USED = nK Programmer response: If you want to sort the VSAM
BYTES data set in-place, ensure that VSAMIO and RESET are
in effect, and that the VSAM data set is defined with
Explanation: n is the number of Kilobytes of REUSE. Otherwise, ensure that the indd DD and outdd
Hiperspace storage used during this sort. If n is zero, DD statements do not specify the same VSAM data set.
Hiperspace storage was not used.
Programmer response: None. WITH EQUAL KEYS IS n
Explanation: n is the number of records sorted having
ICE181A HIPERSPACE READ ERROR (xx) equal control keys.
[yyyyyyyy] System action: None.
Explanation: Critical. The HSPSERV SREAD service Programmer response: None.
request for a Hiperspace read failed. xx is the HSPSERV
return code (in decimal). yyyyyyyy is the reason code
(set only when the return code is 8). ICE185A AN xnnnn ABEND WAS ISSUED BY
System action: The program terminates. AN EXIT (PHASE m y)
Programmer response: Refer to the HSPSERV service Explanation: Critical. DFSORT detected a system or
| documentation in the z/OS MVS Programming: user abend while it's ESTAE routine was in effect. The
| Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for a abend may have been issued by DFSORT, another
description of HSPSERV return codes and reason codes. program that called DFSORT, or a user exit called by
If possible, take appropriate action. DFSORT. Although DFSORT detected the abend,
The use of Hiperspace can be bypassed by specifying DFSORT is not necessarily the cause of the abend.
HIPRMAX=0 on the OPTION control statement. This message gives details about the abend as follows:
x The abend type, either S for system or U for
nnnn The abend code
Explanation: Critical. The HSPSERV SWRITE service
request for a Hiperspace write failed. xx is the This message gives details about DFSORT's application
HSPSERV return code (in decimal). yyyyyyyy is the mode (if known at the time of the error) and phase at
reason code (set only when the return code is 8). the time DFSORT detected the abend.
System action: The program terminates. m S, M, or C for a Blockset sort, merge, or copy,
Programmer response: Refer to the HSPSERV service respectively. m is P when the Peerage/Vale
| documentation in the z/OS MVS Programming: technique was used. m can also be blank if the
| Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for a abend occurred before DFSORT determined
description of HSPSERV SWRITE return codes and the application type.
reason codes. If possible, take appropriate action. y Phase number 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
The use of Hiperspace can be bypassed by specifying System action: The program terminates.
HIPRMAX=0 on the OPTION control statement.
Programmer response: Use the information in the
abend dump to determine if DFSORT, a calling
ICE183A CONDITIONS NOT MET TO USE THE program, or a user exit caused the abend, and take
SAME VSAM DATA SET FOR indd appropriate action.
AND outdd
For system abends, see the appropriate systems codes
Explanation: Critical. The indd DD statement and document.
outdd DD statement both specified the same VSAM
data set, but one of the following conditions prevented User abends are program specific. If Unnnn is reported
DFSORT from using the same VSAM data set for input in the message, nnnn in the range 1000-1675 or 2222
and output: may or may not have been issued by DFSORT. nnnn
v The application is a copy or merge outside that range was not issued by DFSORT.

v NOVSAMIO is in effect

54 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

Explanation: Critical. An error was detected or an Explanation: Critical. DFSORT's primary technique,
abend occurred; however, the sort, copy, or merge was Blockset, could not be used due to the reason indicated
completed successfully. The SORTOUT data was by reason code rsn, the meaning of which is
written successfully or an E35 user exit disposed of all documented in message ICE800I.
of the output records. The SORTOUT data set written
Blockset was required to handle one of the following
by DFSORT was closed successfully.
situations which cannot be handled by DFSORT's
System action: The program terminates with the secondary techniques:
abend code. v LOCALE processing
v OUTFIL processing
Programmer response: The SORTOUT data set can be
| v JOINKEYS processing
used (provided the system did not delete it) even
| v MERGEIN processing
though the program terminated abnormally. Because of
| v Y2x, Y2xx, Y4x, PD0, FS, CSF, UFF, or SFF format
the error, one of the following DFSORT functions below
was not completed successfully:
IFOUTLEN processing
v The writing of final and statistical messages
v INREC or OUTREC processing with one of the
v The writing of an SMF record, if appropriate
v The calling of a termination exit, if present
– p,m,HEX
v The closing of data sets, releasing of space, and other
– p,HEX
cleanup functions.
Explanation: The running level of DFSORT did not – p,TRAN=ALTSEQ
match the installed level of the DFSORT SVC. This – p,m,f
incompatibility had no effect on the DFSORT run if the – p,m,lookup
SVC was not needed. If the SVC was needed, the run – p,m,JFY=(...)
could have terminated with a system abend code of – p,m,SQZ=(...)
56D or other failure. DFSORT uses the SVC with – %nn or %n
certain disk devices and to write the SMF record. See – SEQNUM
z/OS DFSORT Installation and Customization for more – DATE1, DATE1(c), DATE1P, DATE2, DATE2(c),
information about installing the SVC. Message ICE816I DATE2P, DATE3, DATE3(c), DATE3P, or +n and -n
was also printed if DFSORT abended trying to call the variations (for example, DATE1-20 or DATE3P+20)
SVC. – DATE4, DATE, DATE=(abcd), DATENS=(abc),
System action: Processing continues. YDDD=(abc) or YDDDNS=(ab),
– TIME1, TIME1(c), TIME1P, TIME2, TIME2(c),
Programmer response: Ask your system programmer TIME2P, TIME3, TIME3P, TIME, TIME=(abc), or
to check that the DFSORT SVC is installed properly for TIMENS=(ab)
this level of DFSORT and that the correct routing code – +n
for the SVC is selected. If necessary, rerun the job with – –n
a SORTDIAG DD dummy statement to get message – (...)
ICE816I. v A VSAM extended addressability data set
v To set the SORTOUT LRECL from the L3 length
BYTES length or the INREC length, with SOLRF in effect
v an FL format sort field with NOSZERO in effect
Explanation: n is the number of Kilobytes of data v VLLONG in effect and SORTOUT present
space storage used during this sort. If n is zero, data v VSAMEMT in effect for a sort or merge with VSAM
space storage was not used. input
System action: None. v The same VSAM data set was specified for both
input and output
Programmer response: None. v An HFS file was specified for input or output
v A tape data set with a block size greater than 32760
bytes was specified for input or output
v SDB=LARGE or SDB=INPUT was in effect and
DFSORT selected a block size greater than 32760
bytes for a tape output data set
v VLSHRT in effect with a SUM statement

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 55

Informational and Error Messages

v Position plus length for a control field exceeded 4093 dummy statement to get message ICE816I.
v Position plus length for a summary field exceeded
v ICETOOL called DFSORT for an operation involving Explanation: User exit Enn (E15 or E35)
SORTOUT, and NULLOUT=RC16 is in effect inappropriately passed DFSORT a return code of 0, 4,
v DB2 Utilities called DFSORT. 12 or 20. Because EXITCK=WEAK was in effect, the
v INCLUDE or OMIT processing with NUM invalid return code was accepted and interpreted as a
v A 33 to 256 byte PD, ZD, CSL, CST, CLO, CTO, ASL valid return code. See z/OS DFSORT Application
or AST format merge field Programming Guide for an explanation of how DFSORT
v A 256 byte PD format sort field with NOSZERO in interprets E15 and E35 return codes when
effect EXITCK=WEAK is in effect.
| v A program dynamically allocated DFSORT input,
| output or work data sets using the options for This message is issued once for E15 if it passes one or
| XTIOT, uncaptured UCBs, or DSAB above 16 more inappropriate return codes to DFSORT or once for
| megabyte virtual. E35 if it passes one or more inappropriate return codes
System action: The program terminates.
System action: Processing continues.
Programmer response: Correct the situation indicated
by the reason code (rsn) so Blockset can be used. Programmer response: None.
Alternatively, you can remove the source of the
requirement to use Blockset. However, this will result ICE193I ICEAMx INVOCATION
in the use of a less efficient technique. ENVIRONMENT IN EFFECT - ICEyyy
ICE190A ddname DYNALLOC CALL FAILED - Explanation: ICEAMx indicates the invocation
RETURN CODE x AND REASON installation environment in effect for this run as
CODE y follows:
Explanation: Critical. For the data set with the v ICEAM1 - batch JCL directly invoked environment
associated ddname, the DYNALLOC SVC failed while v ICEAM2 - batch program invoked environment
attempting to obtain the pathname for an HFS file, or
v ICEAM3 - TSO directly invoked environment
while attempting to determine if the data set was an
HFS data set. x and y are the return code and reason v ICEAM4 - TSO program invoked environment
code, respectively, from the DYNALLOC SVC.
ICEyyy indicates the time-of-day installation
System action: The program terminates. environment (ICETDx) or invocation installation
Programmer response: Refer to the explanation for environment (ICEAMx) selected for this run. The set of
DYNALLOC Return Codes in z/OS MVS Programming: installation defaults for the selected installation
Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information environment are used for the run.
about the indicated return code and reason code. If
possible, take appropriate action. An ICETDx installation environment can be selected
only if:
v It is specified by the ENABLE parameter of the
ICEAMx installation environment in effect for the
run-time environment, and
Explanation: An input, output, or work data set was v It specifies a day and time range that includes the
on a cached disk control unit, but the DFSORT SVC day and time of the run (as listed in DFSORT's
was either not installed on the system or installed ICE000I message)
incorrectly. DFSORT did not use its SVC to set the
optimal caching mode for the data set, which could If an ICETDx installation environment is not selected,
have lengthened DFSORT's elapsed time. Message the ICEAMx installation environment in effect for the
ICE816I was also printed if DFSORT abended while run-time environment is selected.
trying to call the SVC.
System action: Processing continues. Note: You can use ICETOOL's DEFAULTS operator to
list merged PARMLIB/ICEMAC defaults in effect
Programmer response: Have your system programmer for each installation environment.
check to see that the DFSORT SVC has been installed
properly for this level of the DFSORT program and that System action: None.
the correct routing code for the SVC has been selected.
Programmer response: None.
If necessary, rerun the job with a SORTDIAG DD

56 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

System action: Processing continues. DEBUG

EQUCOUNT is not used.
Programmer response: To use EQUCOUNT for this
Explanation: Critical. OVFLO=RC16 was in effect and
application, at least one work data set must be
a pair of summary fields overflowed.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Redesign the records so that | ICE199I MEMORY OBJECT STORAGE USED
summary fields do not overflow, or if possible, use | AS MAIN STORAGE = nM BYTES
INREC to increase the size of the summary fields (see
z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide).
| Explanation: n is the number of megabytes of memory
Alternatively, specify the OVFLO=RC0 or OVFLO=RC4
| object storage DFSORT used as main storage during
run-time option to override OVFLO=RC16 so summary
| this sort. If n is zero, DFSORT did not use memory
overflow will be allowed for this application.
| object storage as main storage during this sort.
System action: None.
ICE196A SORTOUT LRECL OF x IS DIFFERENT Programmer response: None.
Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors PROGRAM IS cccc
Explanation: cccc is the identifier passed by the calling
v PAD=RC16 was in effect and the SORTOUT LRECL program for this invocation of DFSORT.
(x) was larger than the SORTIN/SORTINnn LRECL
(y) System action: None.
v TRUNC=RC16 was in effect and the SORTOUT Programmer response: If appropriate, use cccc to
LRECL (x) was smaller than the SORTIN/SORTINnn relate this set of DFSORT messages to the call to
LRECL (y). DFSORT that passed this identifier.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Change the LRECL of ICE201I RECORD TYPE IS x - DATA STARTS
are equal. Alternatively, specify the PAD=RC0, Explanation: Indicates whether DFSORT processes the
PAD=RC4, TRUNC=RC0, or TRUNC=RC4 run-time input records as fixed-length (without an RDW) or
option to override PAD=RC16 or TRUNC=RC16. variable-length (with an RDW).
v For fixed-length record processing, x is F and y is 1.
ICE197I ONE OR MORE INCOMPLETE Because the input records are processed without an
SPANNED RECORDS DETECTED RDW, the data starts in position 1. Positions in your
AND ELIMINATED - RC=n control statements should be specified accordingly.
Explanation: The application was successfully v For variable-length record processing, x is V and y is
processed, but one or more incomplete spanned records 5. Because the input records are processed with an
was detected. DFSORT set a return code or 0 or 4, as RDW in positions 1-4, the data starts in position 5.
indicated by n, according to whether SPANINC=RC0 or Positions in your control statements should be
SPANINC=RC4 was in effect. specified accordingly.

System action: Processing continues and DFSORT System action: None.

passes back a return code of n unless it sets a higher Programmer response: None, unless you are using
return code for some other reason. Incomplete spanned VSAM input, or supplying all input with an E15 or E32
records are eliminated and valid records are recovered. exit, and the selected record type is not what you want
Programmer response: If appropriate, specify the DFSORT to use. In that case, specify RECORD TYPE=F
run-time option to provide a different return code for
this situation. ICE202I SYSUT2 LRECL OF x IS DIFFERENT
ICE198I DEBUG EQUCOUNT CANNOT BE Explanation: The ICEGENER application was
USED WITHOUT WORK DATA SET successfully processed, but the SYSUT2 LRECL (x) and
Explanation: DEBUG EQUCOUNT was not used for SYSUT1 LRECL (y) were not equal. ICEGENER set a
this variable-length-record Blockset sort because no return code of 0 or 4 as indicated by n. ICEGENER
work data set was supplied. only set a return code of 4 if:

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 57

Informational and Error Messages

v Installation option GNPAD=RC4 was specified and x

was larger than y (LRECL padding), or
v Installation option GNTRUNC=RC4 was specified
and x was smaller than y (LRECL truncation). Explanation: Critical. NULLOUT=RC16 was in effect,
but there were no records for the SORTOUT data set, as
System action: Processing continues and ICEGENER
indicated by an OUT count of 0 in message ICE054I.
passes back a return code of n unless it sets a higher
return code for some other reason. System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: If appropriate, change the Programmer response: Change the application to
LRECL of SYSUT1 or SYSUT2 so that the LRECLs are produce records for the SORTOUT data set.
equal. Alternatively, specify the NULLOUT=RC0 or
NULLOUT=RC4 run-time option to override
Explanation: The application was successfully
processed, but one or more records had short SUM
summary fields, that is, a summary field extended Explanation: Critical. NULLOFL=RC16 was in effect
beyond the end of the variable-length record. for one or more OUTFIL data sets for which there were
no data records, as indicated by a DATA count of 0 in
System action: Records with short summary fields are
message ICE227I for those OUTFIL data sets.
excluded from summation, that is, if either one of a
pair of records being summed has a short SUM field, System action: The program terminates.
the records are left unsummed and neither record is
Programmer response: Change the application to
produce records for the relevant OUTFIL data sets
Programmer response: If records with short summary (which you can identify by a DATA count of 0 in
fields have equal control fields and summation of these message ICE227I). Alternatively, specify the
records is required, redesign the records to eliminate NULLOFL=RC0 or NULLOFL=RC4 run-time option on
short summary fields. the relevant OUTFIL statements to override
DETECTED ON ddname - RC=16 ICE210I xxxx USED, LRECL = n, BLKSIZE = n,
TYPE = t [(SDB)]
Explanation: Critical. SPANINC=RC16 was in effect
and a spanned record in the indicated data set was Explanation: Gives attribute and access method
incomplete. information for the OUTFIL data set with the indicated
ddname, as follows:
System action: The program terminates.
v xxxx shows the access method used: EXCP, BSAM, or
Programmer response: Delete all incomplete spanned VSAM.
records from the indicated data set. Alternatively, v LRECL=n shows the logical record length.
specify the SPANINC=RC0 or SPANINC=RC4 run-time v BLKSIZE=n shows the block size (non-VSAM) or
option to override SPANINC=RC16; DFSORT can then control interval size (VSAM).
eliminate incomplete spanned records and recover valid v TYPE=t shows the record format where t is one or
records for this application. more of the following format indicators:
– F - fixed-length records
– V - EBCDIC or ASCII variable-length records
ICE205A CONTROL WAS NOT PASSED TO – B - blocked records
ICETEXIT – S - standard for fixed-length records or spanned
Explanation: Critical. Control was not passed to for variable-length records
ICETEXIT because an error occurred while collecting – A - ANSI control characters
statistical information for the termination installation v (SDB) shows that the system-determined optimum
exit (ICETEXIT). block size was used.

System action: The program terminates. System action: None.

Programmer response: Notify your system Programmer response: None.

programmer of the problem.

58 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

the number of the associated IFTHEN clause

(starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the
INREC statement).
Explanation: This OUTFIL statement did not have any v *OUTREC and n>0 indicates that a change field in an
of the following operands: FNAMES, FILES, IFTHEN BUILD or IFTHEN OVERLAY operand of
STARTREC, ENDREC, SAMPLE, INCLUDE, OMIT, the OUTREC statement caused the error. n identifies
SAVE, PARSE, OUTREC, BUILD, VTOF, CONVERT, the number of the associated IFTHEN clause
VLFILL, OVERLAY, IFTHEN, FTOV, VLTRIM, REPEAT, (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the
v ddname and n>0 indicates that a change field in an
BLKCCT1 or REMOVECC. For compatibility, this
an OUTFIL statement caused the error. ddname
OUTFIL statement was treated as an "old" OUTFIL
identifies the first data set in the associated OUTFIL
statement and all of its operands were ignored.
group. n identifies the number of the associated
System action: Processing continues, but OUTFIL data IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN
sets are not associated with this OUTFIL statement. If clause in the OUTFIL statement).
the Blockset technique is not selected, control statement
System action: The program terminates when the first
errors could result from continuation of this OUTFIL
change field is encountered for which a match is not
Programmer response: None, unless this is not an old
Programmer response: Correct the lookup table
OUTFIL statement, in which case valid operands from
specified with the CHANGE parameter, or use the
the list above should be specified.
NOMATCH parameter to specify a constant, input
field, or parsed field to be used as the output field if a
ICE212A MATCH NOT FOUND FOR match is not found. The use of a constant such as
{*INREC|*OUTREC|ddname} IFTHEN n NOMATCH=(C'**') can be helpful in identifying all
CHANGE FIELD: {POSITION p|PARSE fixed field values or parsed field values for which a
x} match is not found.
Explanation: Critical. In the FIELDS, BUILD,
operand of an INREC or OUTREC statement, or the OPERAND
Explanation: Critical. An OUTFIL control statement
IFTHEN OVERLAY operand of an OUTFIL statement, a
contained an invalid keyword operand.
CHANGE parameter was specified without a
NOMATCH parameter and a fixed field (p,m) value or System action: The program terminates.
parsed field (%x) value did not match any of the find
constants. Programmer response: Make sure that the OUTFIL
control statement does not contain an invalid keyword
POSITION p indicates that a fixed field (p,m) did not operand.
match any of the find constants. p is the starting
position of the input field. PARSE x indicates that a
parsed field (%x) did not match any of the find ICE214A DUPLICATE, CONFLICTING, OR
The specific cause of the error is identified as follows:
Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors was
v *INREC and n=0 indicates that a change field in the found in an OUTFIL statement:
FIELDS, BUILD or OVERLAY operand of the INREC v An operand, other than IFTHEN, was specified
statement caused the error. twice.
v *OUTREC and n=0 indicates that a change field in Example:
the FIELDS, BUILD or OVERLAY operand of the
OUTREC statement caused the error. OUTFIL STARTREC=5,STARTREC=10
v ddname and n=0 indicates that a change field in the OMIT and SAVE were specified.
OUTREC, BUILD or OVERLAY operand of an
OUTFIL statement caused the error. ddname identifies Example:
the first data set in the associated OUTFIL group. OUTFIL INCLUDE=ALL,SAVE
v *INREC and n>0 indicates that a change field in an v VTOF and CONVERT were specified.
IFTHEN BUILD or IFTHEN OVERLAY operand of Example:
the INREC statement caused the error. n identifies OUTFIL VTOF,CONVERT
and VLFILL were specified.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 59

Informational and Error Messages

Example: Example:
was specified with IFTHEN or IFOUTLEN. IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,BUILD=(1,80))
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=GROUP was
preceded by an IFTHEN clause with
were specified. IFTHEN=(WHEN=GROUP,RECORDS=3,
Example: v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=NONE was
OUTFIL BUILD=(1,20),OVERLAY=(10:C’A’) followed by an IFTHEN clause with WHEN=INIT,
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN was not specified. WHEN=WHEN=(logexp), or WHEN=ANY.
Example: Example:
WHEN=(logexp), or WHEN=NONE was specified v The first IFTHEN clause with WHEN=ANY was not
without PARSE, BUILD, OVERLAY, or FINDREP. preceded by an IFTHEN clause with
Example: WHEN=(logexp).
specified without BEGIN, END or RECORDS, or IFTHEN=(WHEN=ANY,BUILD=(1,80))
without PUSH v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=ANY and without
Example: HIT=NEXT was followed by an IFTHEN clause with
BEGIN=(9,2,CH,EQ,C’NO’)) Example:
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=(logexp), OUTFIL IFTHEN=(WHEN=(5,1,CH,EQ,C’1’),
WHEN=ANY, or WHEN=NONE was specified with OVERLAY=(10:C’A’),HIT=NEXT),
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=INIT, System action: The program terminates.
WHEN=(logexp), WHEN=ANY, or WHEN=NONE Programmer response: Check the OUTFIL control
was specified with BEGIN, END, RECORDS or statement for the errors indicated in the explanation
PUSH. and correct the errors.
specified with PARSE, BUILD, OVERLAY or
FINDREP. Explanation: Critical. One of the following, which is
supported only by the OUTFIL control statement, was
specified on an INREC or OUTREC control statement:
v For an IFTHEN clause, WHEN=INIT and BUILD operand
with / were specified v A VTOF or CONVERT operand
Example: v An FTOV operand
OUTFIL IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,BUILD=(1,25,/,26,25)) v A VLFILL=byte operand
v For an IFTHEN clause, BUILD with / and v A VLTRIM=byte operand
HIT=NEXT were specified. System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: If a / was specified, use a / in
BUILD=(1,25,/,26,25),HIT=NEXT) statement instead. If a VTOF, CONVERT, or
v An IFTHEN clause with WHEN=INIT was preceded VLFILL=byte operand was specified, use the same
by an IFTHEN clause with WHEN=(logexp),

60 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

operand and BUILD in an OUTFIL statement instead. specify an LRECL up to 32767 bytes if you also specify
For example: RECFM=VBS.
OUTFIL BUILD=(1,60),FTOV If variable-length records are longer than the LRECL of
the OUTFIL data set, you may be able to use the
If an FTOV or VLTRIM=byte operand was specified, VLTRIM=byte parameter of the OUTFIL statement to
use the same operand and BUILD or IFTHEN BUILD shorten them. For example, VLTRIM=C' ' will remove
in an OUTFIL statement instead. For example: trailing blanks from the records.
If variable-length output records are longer than the
LRECL of the SORTIN data set, the first data set in the
concatenation does not have the largest LRECL as
ICE216A TOTAL LENGTH OF CONTROL required. Either specify the data set with the largest
FIELDS AND SUM FIELDS IS TOO LRECL first in the SORTIN concatenation, or specify
LONG LRECL=n as a parameter on the SORTIN DD statement
where n is equal to or greater than the length of the
Explanation: Critical. The total length of the SORT or
longest record.
MERGE control fields and SUM summary fields is too
long for DFSORT to process, or the complexity of the If variable-length records from an E15, E32, or E35 exit
application caused dynamic areas to exceed the storage are longer than the corresponding Ln value, correct the
allowed for them. Note that locale processing can RDW or Ln value, as appropriate.
significantly decrease the total length of the SORT or
You can use the ICETOOL STATS operator with
MERGE fields DFSORT can process.
ON(VLEN) to show the length of the longest
System action: The program terminates. variable-length record. You can use the ICETOOL
DISPLAY operator with ON(VLEN) to show the length
Programmer response: Remove one or more control
of each variable-length record.
fields or summary fields, or make them shorter.


FOR [ddname] FIELDS
FOR {ddname|E15|E32|E35}
Explanation: Critical. A variable-length record was
Explanation: Critical. A variable-length record was
shorter than 4 bytes, or was too short to contain all
larger than the maximum length specified or defaulted.
specified fields. The values shown in the message are
The values shown in the message are as follows:
as follows:
v n is the length of the variable-length record
v n is the length of the variable-length record
v m is the maximum length specified or defaulted
v m is 4 or the minimum length needed for all fields
v ddname indicates that the variable-length record, read
from a SORTIN (sort or copy) or SORTINnn (merge)
v if ddname is blank, the short record was detected
data set or to be written to the SORTOUT or OUTFIL
during non-OUTFIL processing. Otherwise, the first
data set, had a length greater than the LRECL
data set in the OUTFIL group for which the short
| specified or defaulted. For SORTINnn, SORTIN,
record was detected is indicated by ddname.
SORTOUT, or OUTFIL, the actual ddname is shown.
v E15 indicates that an E15 exit passed a System action: The program terminates.
variable-length record with a length greater than the
Programmer response: If a variable-length record was
L2 value specified or defaulted
too short to contain all INREC, OUTREC, or OUTFIL
v E32 indicates that an E32 exit passed a
fields, use an INREC or OUTREC statement with
variable-length record with a length greater than the
operands OVERLAY or IFTHEN as appropriate, or an
L1 value specified or defaulted
OUTFIL statement with operands OVERLAY, IFTHEN,
v E35 indicates that an E35 exit passed a
or BUILD and VLFILL=C 'x' or VLFILL=X 'yy' as
variable-length record with a length greater than the
appropriate, to prevent DFSORT from terminating.
L3 value specified or defaulted
If the variable-length record was too short to contain all
System action: The program terminates.
SORT, MERGE, or SUM fields, use the VLSHRT option
Programmer response: If variable-length records are to prevent DFSORT from terminating.
longer than the LRECL of the SORTOUT or OUTFIL
If a variable-length record was too short to contain all
data set and you want to truncate long records to the
INCLUDE or OMIT fields, use the VLSCMP or
LRECL, use the VLLONG option. Keep in mind that
VLSHRT option to prevent DFSORT from terminating.
the use of VLLONG causes data at the end of long
records to be lost. | This message can be issued in the JOINKEYS F1 or F2
If variable-length output records are longer than 32757
| subtask for an INCLUDE or OMIT statement specified
bytes for the SORTOUT or OUTFIL data set, you can
| in JNFnCNTL or for an INCLUDE or OMIT operand

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 61

Informational and Error Messages

| specified on a JOINKEYS statement. An INCLUDE or

| OMIT statement specified in JNFnCNTL will be
| displayed in the subtask. An INCLUDE or OMIT
*OUTREC|ddname} IFTHEN n
| operand specified on a JOINKEYS statement will be
| displayed in the main task. If you specify an INCLUDE
| or OMIT statement in JNFnCNTL, you can also specify Explanation: Critical. An error was detected in a
| VLSCMP in JNFnCNTL if appropriate. If you specify an COND, INCLUDE, OMIT, or IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN
| INCLUDE or OMIT operand on the JOINKEYS or END operand. The specific cause of the error is
| statement, you can specify VLSCMP in DFSPARM if identified as follows:
| appropriate. v *INCLUDE indicates that the COND operand of the
See the Programmer Response for message ICE015A for | INCLUDE statement, or an INCLUDE operand of a
additional information. | JOINKEYS statement, caused the error. n is 0.
v *OMIT indicates that the COND operand of the
| OMIT statement, or an OMIT operand of a
| JOINKEYS statement, caused the error. n is 0.
v ddname and n=0 indicates that the INCLUDE or
Explanation: The indicated ddname was specified OMIT operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the
previously in an OUTFIL statement in this source. The error. ddname identifies the first data set in the
OUTFIL specifications are not used for this ddname, associated OUTFIL group.
although they may be used for other ddnames in this
v *INREC indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN or
OUTFIL statement that have not been previously
END operand of the INREC statement caused the
specified in this source.
error. n identifies the number of the associated
This message is only printed for the first 128 duplicate IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN
ddnames found. clause in the INREC statement).
System action: Processing continues. The first OUTFIL v *OUTREC indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN, BEGIN
ddname encountered in a source is used (unless or END operand of the OUTREC statement caused
overridden by the use of the same ddname in an the error. n identifies the number of the associated
OUTFIL statement in a higher source). IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN
clause in the OUTREC statement).
Programmer response: No action is necessary if the v ddname and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN WHEN,
OUTFIL processing specified for the duplicate ddname BEGIN or END operand of an OUTFIL statement
is not needed. Otherwise, correct the ddname conflicts. caused the error. ddname identifies the first data set
in the associated OUTFIL group. n identifies the
ICE220A ddname COULD NOT BE USED - number of the associated IFTHEN clause (starting at
REASON CODE IS rsn 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the OUTFIL
Explanation: Critical. The OUTFIL data set associated
with the indicated ddname could not be processed. rsn One of the following errors was detected:
is the reason code associated with the error. The reason v the length for a field with a format other than SS
code helps you determine the specific cause of the was greater than 256
error. Reason code values (rsn) are as follows: v the length for a PD field not used with NUM was
1 An attempt to OPEN the OUTFIL tape data set 256
to retrieve its attributes failed. v the length for a PD0 field was less than 2 or greater
than 8
2 The OUTFIL data set resided on an v the length for a CSF or FS field not used with NUM
unsupported device. was greater than 32
3 An attempt to read the DSCB for the OUTFIL v the length for a UFF or SFF field was greater than 44
data set failed. v the length for a CSL, CST, ASL, or AST field was 1
v the decimal constant for an FI field was greater than
4 The OUTFIL data set was BDAM. +9223372036854775807 or less than
System action: The program terminates. -9223372036854775808
v the decimal constant for a BI field was greater than
Programmer response: Correct the situation indicated 18446744073709551615 or less than +0
by the reason code (rsn). v the number of digits (including leading zeros) in the
decimal constant for an FI or BI field was greater
than 31
v the length for a Y2 field was not 2 for Y2C, Y2Z, Y2P
or Y2S, or 1 for Y2D or Y2B, or 3–6 for Y2T or Y2W,
or 2–3 for Y2U or Y2X, or 3–4 for Y2V or Y2Y

62 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

v a Y2 field was compared to another Y2 field with a

different number of non-year digits
v a Y2 field was compared to a Y constant with a Explanation: Critical. The LINES, HEADER1,
different number of non-year digits TRAILER1, HEADER2, TRAILER2, or SECTIONS
v a Y2 field other than Y2S, Y2T or Y2W was parameter of an OUTFIL statement contained an
compared to Y'LOW', Y'BLANKS' or Y'HIGH' invalid column, report element, position, length,
v a Y2 field was compared to a constant that was not a format, keyword, pattern, sign, or constant. Some
Y constant. common errors are :
v A 0 value was used.
m indicates the number of the relational condition in v A null value was used where it was not permitted.
which the error was found (starting at 1 for the first v A null string, pattern, or sign was used.
relational condition). For example, in v A column was greater than 32752, preceded / or n/
INCLUDE COND=(5,2,CH,EQ,8,2,CH,OR, (new line), or was followed by another column.
11,257,BI,EQ,301,257,BI) v A column overlapped the previous output field in
the report record (a missing new line (/ or n/) to
the second relational condition (after the OR) has the end the current report record and start the next one
error described in the first bullet above, so m is 2. can cause this error).
v A position plus length was greater than 32753.
System action: The program terminates. v DATE=(abcd) or DATENS(abc) was specified with a,
b or c not M, D, Y or 4, with M, D, Y or 4 specified
Programmer response: Correct the field length or
more than once, or with Y and 4 both specified.
constant in error in relational condition m.
v YDDD=(abc) or YDDDNS=(ab) was specified with a
or b not D, Y or 4, with D, Y or 4 specified more
ICE222A n BYTE FIXED RECORD LENGTH IS than once, or with Y and 4 both specified.
NOT EQUAL TO m BYTE LRECL FOR v TIME=(abc) or TIMENS=(ab) was specified with ab
ddname not 12 or 24.
v The length for an input field or section break field
Explanation: Critical. The LRECL specified or
was greater than 256 bytes.
retrieved for the fixed-length OUTFIL data set was not
v A repetition factor was greater than 4095 for a blank,
equal to the computed length of the output records for
character string, or hexadecimal string report
that data set. You cannot use the LRECL value to pad
element, or greater than 255 for a blank lines report
the OUTFIL records or to truncate the records produced
element or a section skip line count.
v A character or hexadecimal constant was longer than
256 bytes.
IFTHEN PUSH operand processing. The values shown
v An invalid digit or an odd number of digits was
in the message are as follows:
specified for a hexadecimal string.
v n is the computed length of the output records for
v The length for a statistics field was greater than 8 for
the OUTFIL group
BI or FI, 16 for PD, 31 for ZD, 32 for CSF/FS, or 44
v m is the specified or retrieved LRECL of the OUTFIL
for UFF or SFF.
data set
v The length for a statistics field was not 4 or 8 for FL.
v ddname indicates the OUTFIL data set for which
v More than 31 digits or 44 characters were specified in
padding or truncation was required
an edit pattern.
System action: The program terminates. v SIGNz (where z is not S) was specified with Mn or
without EDIT or EDxy.
Programmer response: Take one of these actions as v x, y, or z in EDxy or SIGNz were the same character.
appropriate: v The value for LENGTH was greater than 44.
v Do not set the LRECL explicitly. Instead, let DFSORT v The value for LINES was greater than 255.
set the LRECL to the computed record length. v A section break field was not followed by SKIP,
v If you are using IFTHEN operands, specify HEADER3, or TRAILER3.
IFOUTLEN=m. (Remember to allow an extra byte for v A statistics field was specified in HEADER1,
OUTFIL report data sets for the ANSI carriage HEADER2, or HEADER3.
control character unless you specify the REMOVECC v HEADER3, TRAILER3, SKIP, or PAGEHEAD was
operand.) specified more than once after a section break field.
v If you are not using IFTHEN operands, ensure that System action: The program terminates.
the computed length for the BUILD, OVERLAY, or
FINDREP operand, or the specified MAXLEN length Programmer response: Correct the invalid value.
for the FINDREP operand, is equal to m. (Remember
to allow an extra byte for OUTFIL report data sets
for the ANSI carriage control character unless you
specify the REMOVECC operand.)

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 63

Informational and Error Messages

v n is less than m + 4 for a variable-length record data

v n is greater than the track capacity of the device on
which the data set resides
Explanation: Critical. The OUTFIL report specified for
System action: The program terminates.
the OUTFIL data set associated with ddname cannot be
produced because either: Programmer response: Change the block size to a
v the OUTFIL data set is VSAM, or valid value.
v the record format specified or retrieved for the
OUTFIL data set does not contain 'A' (ANSI carriage
control characters). ICE227I ddname : DELETED = n, REPORT = n,
DATA = n
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: For the OUTFIL data set associated with
Programmer response: If the OUTFIL data set is ddname, lists the number of OUTFIL input records
VSAM, it cannot be used for a report. If the OUTFIL deleted (that is, not written to this data set) and the
data set is non-VSAM, take one of the following number of report and data records written.
v Let DFSORT set the RECFM appropriately. System action: None.
v Specify a RECFM that includes 'A'. Programmer response: None.
v Specify the REMOVECC parameter on the OUTFIL
statement so 'A' is not needed in the RECFM.
ICE228I ddname : TOTAL IN = n, TOTAL OUT =
ICE225A ddname : LRECL = n IS INVALID
Explanation: For the OUTFIL data set associated with
Explanation: Critical. The specified or computed ddname, lists the number of OUTFIL input records and
LRECL (n), for the OUTFIL data set associated with the number of OUTFIL output records (report plus
ddname, is invalid for one of the following reasons: data) written.
v LRECL=X was specified (n will be 32768)
v n is less than the minimum allowed: 1 (not a report) System action: None.
or 2 (report) for a fixed-length record data set or 5 Programmer response: None.
(not a report) or 6 (report) for a variable-length
record data set
v n is greater than the maximum allowed: 32760 for a ICE229A ddname : LINES = n IN EFFECT, BUT m
fixed-length record data set, 32756 for a LINES REQUIRED
variable-length record data set, 32767 for a spanned Explanation: Critical. For the OUTFIL group whose
record data set or 32752 for a VSAM variable-length first data set is associated with ddname, the value
record data set specified or defaulted for LINES (n) is too low to
System action: The program terminates. contain the number of lines (m) required for the
maximum of:
Programmer response: If LRECL=X was specified, v The HEADER1 lines
specify the actual maximum LRECL instead. If the v The TRAILER1 lines
LRECL is less than the minimum allowed, increase it. If v The sum of all lines for HEADER2, TRAILER2,
the LRECL is greater than the maximum allowed, HEADER3s, and TRAILER3s, and the data lines and
decrease it. blank lines produced from an input record.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Set LINES=n to a value equal
Explanation: Critical. The specified or computed block to or greater than m, or reduce the number of lines
size (n), for the OUTFIL data set associated with required.
ddname, is invalid for one of the following reasons (m
is the associated LRECL):
v n is less than the minimum allowed: 1 (not a report) ICE230A n BYTE HEADER/TRAILER RECORD
or 2 (report) for a fixed-length record data set or 9 LENGTH EXCEEDS m BYTE LRECL
(not a report) or 10 (report) for a variable-length FOR ddname
record data set Explanation: Critical. The specified, retrieved, or
v n is less than m for a fixed-length record data set computed LRECL for the OUTFIL data set was less
v n is not a multiple of m for a fixed-length record data than the computed length for the report records for that
set data set. The values shown in the message are as
v n is not equal to m for an unblocked fixed-length follows:
record data set

64 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

v n is the computed length of the report records for the

OUTFIL group
v m is the specified, retrieved, or computed LRECL of
the OUTFIL data set
v ddname indicated the OUTFIL data set for the report Explanation: Critical. An OUTFIL statement was to be
passed to an EFS program or an EFS program passed
System action: The program terminates.
back an OUTFIL statement. DFSORT does not allow
Programmer response: Use the BUILD, OVERLAY, OUTFIL statements to be processed by an EFS program
IFTHEN, or IFOUTLEN operand to force a length for that requests them, and does not allow an EFS program
the data records that is longer than any report record, to change other statements passed to it into OUTFIL
and either let DFSORT compute and set the LRECL, or statements.
ensure that the computed LRECL is equal to the
System action: The program terminates.
existing or specified LRECL. (Remember to allow an
extra byte in the LRECL for the ANSI carriage control Programmer response: Change the EFS program such
character, unless you specify the REMOVECC that it does not request OUTFIL statements or change
parameter.) other statements it requests into OUTFIL statements.
For example, if your data records are 40 bytes, but your
longest report record is 60 bytes, you could use an ICE234A STARTREC, ENDREC, SAMPLE OR
OVERLAY parameter such as: REPEAT VALUES ARE
Explanation: Critical. Specified values were
DFSORT will then set the LRECL to 81 (1 byte for the inconsistent in one of the following ways:
ANSI carriage control character plus 80 bytes for the
v The n value of ENDREC=n is less than the n value of
length of the data records), and pad the data records
with blanks on the right.
The n value of ENDREC=n must be equal to or
greater than the n value of STARTREC=n. Example:
ICE231I STORAGE USED FOR OUTFIL : STARTREC=10,ENDREC=10 to process record 10, or
BELOW 16M = x, ABOVE 16M = y STARTREC=10,ENDREC=20 to process records 10-20.
Explanation: Gives information related to the main v The n value of SAMPLE=n or SAMPLE=(n,m) is 1,
storage used exclusively for OUTFIL processing. x is which would result in processing every record
the storage used below 16 MB virtual and y is the instead of a sample of records. Example: SAMPLE=1.
storage used above 16 MB virtual. The n value of SAMPLE=n or SAMPLE=(n,m) must
System action: None. be equal to or greater than 2. Example: SAMPLE=2
to process records 1, 3, and so on, or SAMPLE=(10,2)
Programmer response: None. to process records 1, 2, 11, 12, and so on.
v The n value of REPEAT=n is 1, which would result
ICE232A ddname: SPLIT, SPLITBY, SPLIT1R OR in no repetitions. Example: REPEAT=1.
REPEAT CANNOT BE USED FOR A The n value of REPEAT=n must be equal to or
REPORT greater than 2. Example: REPEAT=5 to repeat each
output record five times.
Explanation: Critical. For the OUTFIL group whose
first data set is associated with ddname, a SPLIT, System action: The program terminates.
SPLITBY, SPLIT1R, or REPEAT parameter was specified
along with one or more report parameters (LINES, Programmer response: Specify consistent values for
SECTIONS or NODETAIL). The records of a report
cannot be repeated, or split among a group of OUTFIL ICE235I OPTIONS: NULLOUT=a
data sets.
| Explanation: Issued in conjunction with messages
System action: The program terminates. | ICE127I through ICE133I and ICE236I to indicate the
Programmer response: Remove either the SPLIT, | options in effect.
SPLITBY, SPLIT1R, or REPEAT parameter or the report | a 'RC0', 'RC4', or 'RC16'
| See ICE133I for more information.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 65

Informational and Error Messages

v c: was specified for an OVERLAY, IFTHEN

OVERLAY, or IFTHEN PUSH item with a value for c
| Explanation: Issued in conjunction with messages which was less than 5. Example:
| ICE127I through ICE133I and ICE235I to indicate the PUSH=(3:SEQ=5)
| options in effect.
System action: The program terminates.
| a A decimal value representing a percentage, or
| 'OLD' Programmer response: Specify c: with a value of 5 or
more for the first OVERLAY, IFTHEN OVERLAY, or
| b ‘Y’ for YES; ‘N’ for NO IFTHEN PUSH item. Ensure that c is 5 or more for any
other c: values you specify. Example:
| See ICE133I for more information. OVERLAY=(8:C’ABC’,1,2,HEX,25:5C’*’)


Explanation: Critical. The indicated function cannot be
Explanation: Critical. For variable-length record
used because it requires z/Architecture mode, but you
processing, the OVERLAY, IFTHEN OVERLAY, or
are running in ESA/390 mode. z/Architecture mode is
IFTHEN PUSH operand of an INREC, OUTREC or
required for the following functions:
OUTFIL statement specified an item that overlapped
v FL (hexadecimal floating-point) conversion to integer
the record descriptor word (RDW). Only data bytes,
with the INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement.
which start at position 5 for variable-length records, can
v FL (hexadecimal floating-point) conversion to integer
be overlaid. The specific cause of the error is identified
with the DISPLAY operator.
as follows:
v *INREC and n=0 indicates that the OVERLAY System action: The program terminates.
operand of the INREC statement caused the error. Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
v *OUTREC and n=0 indicates that the OVERLAY the error was detected. Remove the function or switch
operand of the OUTREC statement caused the error. to z/Architecture mode.
v ddname and n=0 indicates that the OVERLAY
operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the error. ICE243A PARSED FIELD DEFINITION ERROR
ddname identifies the first data set in the associated
OUTFIL group Explanation: Critical. The PARSE operand of an
INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement contained an
v *INREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN
invalid or incorrect definition for a parsed field. One of
the following errors was found:
statement caused the error. n identifies the number of
v More than 2 digits was specified for a parsed field
the associated IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the
definition (for example, %001 instead of %1 or %01).
first IFTHEN clause in the INREC statement).
A parsed field must start with % and must have 1
v *OUTREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN digit, 2 digits or no digits.
OVERLAY or IFTHEN PUSH operand of the v FIXLEN was not specified for %nn or %n.
OUTREC statement caused the error. n identifies the v FIXLEN, ABSPOS, ADDPOS, SUBPOS or PAIR was
number of the associated IFTHEN clause (starting at specified more than once.
1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the OUTREC v ABSPOS and ADDPOS, ABSPOS and SUBPOS, or
statement). ADDPOS and SUBPOS were specified.
v ddname and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN OVERLAY v FIXLEN, ABSPOS, ADDPOS or SUBPOS was
or IFTHEN PUSH operand of an OUTFIL statement specified with a value of 0 or a value greater than
caused the error. ddname identifies the first data set 32752.
in the associated OUTFIL group. n identifies the v A null string was used.
number of the associated IFTHEN clause (starting at v A character or hexadecimal constant was longer than
1 for the first IFTHEN clause in the OUTFIL 256 bytes.
statement). v An invalid digit or an odd number of digits was
specified for a hexadecimal string.
The error is one of the following: v An invalid keyword was specified.
v c: was not specified for the first OVERLAY, IFTHEN System action: The program terminates.
OVERLAY, or IFTHEN PUSH item so the default of
1: was used for that item. Example: Programmer response: Check the PARSE operand for
the errors indicated in the explanation and correct the

66 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

The following are some examples of using %nn parsed

fields correctly:
* %00 defined in PARSE and used in BUILD.
Explanation: Critical. A %nn parsed field was defined INREC PARSE=(%00=(FIXLEN=IO,ENDBEFR=C’,’)),
previously (for example, %03 was defined twice), a BUILD=(%00)
%0n parsed field was defined previously as a %n
parsed field (for example, both %3 and %03 were * %01 defined in WHEN=INIT clause and used
defined), or a %n parsed field was defined previously * in WHEN=(logexp) clause.
as a %0n parsed field (for example, both %03 and %3 * %02 defined in WHEN=(logexp) clause
were defined). Each %nn (including %n and %0n) * and used in that clause.
parsed field must only be defined once in all PARSE
operands of the INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL FIXLEN=8))),
statements. IFTHEN=(WHEN=(5,1,CH,EQ,C’A’),
System action: The program terminates. PARSE=(%02=(STARTAFT=C’(’,
Programmer response: A $ marks the duplicate parsed BUILD=(%01,%02))
field. Use unique %nn parsed fields (%00-%99).
* %03 defined and used for OUTFIL OUT1.
* %04 defined and used for OUTFIL OUT2.
Explanation: Critical. An OVERLAY, BUILD, FIELDS PARSE=(%04=(FIXLEN=8,ENDBEFR=C’:’)),
or OUTREC operand, or an IFTHEN OVERLAY or OVERLAY=(31:%04)
IFTHEN BUILD suboperand, of an INREC, OUTREC or
OUTFIL statement specified a parsed field (%nn) that The following are some examples of using %nn parsed
was not previously defined for use with that operand fields incorrectly:
or suboperand. %nn parsed fields must be defined and * %00 used in BUILD, but defined in PARSE
used as follows: * after BUILD.
%nn parsed field must be defined in the INREC PARSE=(%00=(FIXLEN=IO,ENDBEFR=C’,’))
statement in a PARSE operand that precedes the
OVERLAY, BUILD or FIELDS operand. * %02 used in WHEN=NONE clause but not defined
v %nn used in OUTREC OVERLAY/BUILD/FIELDS: * in that clause or in a WHEN=INIT clause
The %nn parsed field must be defined in the OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(5,1,CH,EQ,C’A’),
OUTREC statement in a PARSE operand that PARSE=(%02=(STARTAFT=C’(’,
precedes the OVERLAY, BUILD or FIELDS operand.
The %nn parsed field must be defined in the same BUILD=(1,20,%02))
OUTFIL statement in a PARSE operand that precedes
the OVERLAY, BUILD or OUTREC operand. * %03 used in OUTFIL for OUT2, but defined
The %nn parsed field must be defined in the INREC OUTFIL FNAMES=0UT1,INCLUDE=(8,1,CH,EQ,C’A’),
statement in an IFTHEN PARSE suboperand of a PARSE=(%03=(FIXLEN=IO,ENDBEFR=C’,’)),
WHEN=INIT clause, or in an IFTHEN PARSE OVERLAY=(21:%03)
suboperand of the same clause, before the OVERLAY OUTFIL FNAMES=0UT2,SAVE,
or BUILD suboperand.
v %nn used in OUTREC IFTHEN OVERLAY/BUILD: System action: The program terminates.
The %nn parsed field must be defined in the
OUTREC statement in an IFTHEN PARSE Programmer response: A $ marks the incorrectly used
suboperand of a WHEN=INIT clause, or in an %nn parsed field. Define the %nn parsed field correctly.
IFTHEN PARSE suboperand of the same clause,
before the OVERLAY or BUILD suboperand. ICE246A SORT CAPACITY EXCEEDED -
The %nn parsed field must be defined in the same
OUTFIL statement in an IFTHEN PARSE suboperand Explanation: Critical. Blockset was not selected, and
of a WHEN=INIT clause, or in an IFTHEN PARSE DFSORT was not able to complete processing with the
suboperand of the same clause, before the OVERLAY intermediate storage available (disk work data sets).
or BUILD suboperand. For work data sets with secondary allocation allowed,
DFSORT overrides system B37 abends and continues
processing; this message is issued only when no more

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 67

Informational and Error Messages

space is available on any allocated work data set.

Note: DFSORT uses only the first volume of | WORK DATA SETS
multi-volume work data sets.
| Explanation: Provides information on the total disk
The amount of intermediate storage required can vary | work space DFSORT attempted to allocate dynamically
depending on many factors including: | when it was unable to allocate all of the work space it
v The amount of main storage available | requested. x indicates the total megabytes of disk work
v The degree of randomness of the records to be sorted | space DFSORT attempted to allocate. y indicates the
v The values specified (or defaulted) for options such | total number of work data sets used for the allocations.
as DYNALOC, DYNAUTO, DYNSPC, FILSZ/SIZE, | x/y is the amount of free space that must be available
AVGRLEN, or DYNALLOC | on at least y volumes for DFSORT to allocate all of the
v The amount of padding required for short records | work space it requested.
when VLSHRT is in effect. | System action: None.
System action: The program terminates. | Programmer response: Verify that there are enough
Programmer response: Take one or more of the | candidate volumes with the required free space to
following actions: | satisfy the work data set space requests. If necessary,
v If appropriate, increase the amount of main storage | increase the number of work data sets used for
available to DFSORT using the options | dynamic allocation to reduce the required disk space
MAINSIZE/SIZE or the JCL option REGION. | for each.
Increasing the amount of main storage available to
storage. Avoid running a large sort in a small | xMB OF DISK WORK SPACE ON y
amount of main storage. | WORK DATA SETS
v If dynamic allocation was used, ensure that the
values for the options DYNALOC, DYNAUTO, | Explanation: Provides information on the total disk
DYNSPC, DYNALLOC, FILSZ/SIZE, and AVGRLEN | work space DFSORT successfully allocated dynamically
are appropriate. If necessary, specify these options or | when it was unable to allocate all of the work space it
change their values. | requested. x indicates the total megabytes of disk work
v If VLSHRT was in effect and the total size of all | space DFSORT successfully allocated. y indicates the
control fields was significantly larger than the | total number of work data sets used for the allocations.
average LRECL for the data set, you may be able to
| System action: None.
reduce the amount of work space required by
reducing the total size of the control fields. | Programmer response: Verify that there are enough
v If JCL work data sets were used, increase the amount | candidate volumes with the required free space to
of work space available to DFSORT. | satisfy the work data set space requests. If necessary,
| increase the number of work data sets used for
| dynamic allocation to reduce the required disk space
| for each.
Explanation: Because the amount of virtual storage
ICE250I VISIT http://www.ibm.com/storage/
available to DFSORT was a small fraction of the
amount of data to be sorted, DFSORT required
additional intermediate merge passes over the data to
perform the sort. Such intermediate merge passes often Explanation: The DFSORT website at
result in significant performance degradation with a http://www.ibm.com/storage/dfsort is an important
consequent increase in intermediate storage source of information about DFSORT. It contains
requirements. papers, examples, online documents, news, tips,
techniques and more that can help you get the most
System action: Processing continues using
out of DFSORT.
intermediate merge passes as required.
System action: None.
Programmer response: Increase the amount of virtual
storage available for the sort. For information and Programmer response: Optional. Visit the DFSORT
guidelines for optimizing virtual storage, refer to website to see what it has to offer.
"Run-Time Considerations" z/OS DFSORT Tuning Guide.

68 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

Reason code values (rsn) are as follows:

{*INREC|*OUTREC|ddname}: 1. The first field was a separation field, or the first
REASON CODE rsn, IFTHEN n field was preceded by a column other than 1:.
Explanation: Critical. For variable-length records, the
FIELDS, BUILD, or IFTHEN BUILD operand of an
INREC or OUTREC statement, or the OUTREC, BUILD OUTREC BUILD=(8:1,20)
or IFTHEN BUILD operand of an OUTFIL statement,
did not start with positions 1 to 4 for the RDW (record OUTFIL BUILD=(1:C’ABCD’)
descriptor word) or did not contain any data bytes after
2. The first field was a position without a length.
the RDW. The operand must start with 1,4 or 1:1,4 or
1,n or 1:1,n (with n greater than 4) and must be
followed by an input field (for example, 1,8,11,5) or a INREC BUILD=(1)
separation field (for example, 1:1,8,12:C’A’)
Remember that the first data byte starts in position 5 3. The first field did not start with 1. Example:
after the RDW in positions 1-4.
The following information is displayed in the message: BUILD=(2,8,3X,21,5,HEX))
v *INREC if the error is associated with an INREC 4. The first field has a length less than 4. Example:
statement. *OUTREC if the error is associated with INREC BUILD=(1,3,10:X)
an OUTREC statement. ddname if the error is
5. The first field is modified or edited. Examples:
associated with an OUTFIL statement.
v rsn: The reason code associated with the error. The
reason code (listed below) helps you determine the OUTREC BUILD=(1,9,PD,M11)
specific cause of the error.
v n: 0 if the error is not associated with an IFTHEN OUTFIL PARSE=(%01=(ENDBEFR=C’,’,FIXLEN=5)),
clause. Otherwise, n identifies the number of the BUILD=(%01)
IFTHEN clause associated with the error (starting at 6. 1,4 is the only field. Example:
1 for the first IFTHEN clause). OUTREC BUILD=(1,4)

The statement and operand associated with the error System action: The program terminates.
are identified as follows: Programmer response: Take the action for the
v *INREC and n=0 indicates that the FIELDS or BUILD indicated reason code value (rsn) as follows:
operand of the INREC statement caused the error. 1. Specify 1,4 before the separation field. . Examples:
v *OUTREC and n=0 indicates that the FIELDS or INREC FIELDS=(1,4,4X)
BUILD operand of the OUTREC statement caused
the error. OUTREC BUILD=(1,4,8:5C’*’)
v ddname and n=0 indicates that the OUTREC or
BUILD operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the OUTFIL BUILD=(1,4,C’ABCD’)
error. ddname identifies the first data set in the 2. Specify 1,n with n equal to or greater than 4 as the
associated OUTFIL group. first field. Examples:
v *INREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD INREC BUILD=(1,4,5)
operand of the INREC statement caused the error. n
identifies the number of the associated IFTHEN OUTREC BUILD=(1,8,9,10)
clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in 3. Specify 1,n with n equal to or greater than 4 as the
the INREC statement). first field. Example:
v *OUTREC and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,
operand of the OUTREC statement caused the error. BUILD=(1,8,3X,21,5,HEX))
n identifies the number of the associated IFTHEN 4. Specify 1,n with n equal to or greater than 4 as the
clause (starting at 1 for the first IFTHEN clause in first field. Example:
the OUTREC statement).
INREC BUILD=(1,4,10:X)
v ddname and n>0 indicates that an IFTHEN BUILD
5. Specify 1,4 before the modified or edited field.
operand of an OUTFIL statement caused the error.
ddname identifies the first data set in the associated
OUTFIL group. n identifies the number of the
associated IFTHEN clause (starting at 1 for the first
IFTHEN clause in the OUTFIL statement).

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 69

Informational and Error Messages

INREC BUILD=(1,4,1,4,HEX) amount of data, consider specifying FILSZ=Ep. See

z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
OUTREC BUILD=(1,4,5,9,PD,M11) information about the FILSZ parameter and factors
that can cause a difference between p and e (E15,
OUTFIL PARSE=(%01=(ENDBEFR=C’,’,FIXLEN=5)), INCLUDE/OMIT, unmanaged tape, and so on).
6. Specify at least one input field or separation field See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
after 1,4. Examples: additional information about parameters you can use to
INREC BUILD=(1,4,X) provide accurate information to DFSORT that can
prevent overallocation or underallocation of dynamic
OUTREC FIELDS=(1,5) work space (FILSZ, AVGRLEN, DYNSPC, and so on).
Also, see the following messages, if issued: ICE098I,
DEFAULTS | For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed
| parameters as follows:
Explanation: For this run, installation options from
| v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task.
one or more ICEPRMxx members in PARMLIB were
merged with the defaults for the selected installation | v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask.
module indicated in message ICE191I. DFSORT used | v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
the merged installation defaults where appropriate.
Programmer response: No action is necessary. You can
use the DEFAULTS operator of ICETOOL to display the
merged installation defaults, the ICEPRMxx PARMLIB Explanation: The work data set space DFSORT was
options, and the ICEMAC defaults. able to dynamically allocate for this sort application
was not sufficient for the application to complete.
DFSORT's determination of the required space takes
into account various factors such as the estimated input
file size, the average record length, the FILSZ value, the
Explanation: Indicates the processed (p) and expected AVGRLEN value, and so on.
(e) records sorted. The number of records includes all
records received, added and not deleted during Note: DFSORT uses only the first volume of
DFSORT input processing. multi-volume work data sets.
p is based on the number of records actually processed. System action: None.
e is based on DFSORT's determination of the total
Programmer response: You should investigate why
number of records it expected taking into account
DFSORT could not dynamically allocate all of the space
various factors such as the estimated input file size, the
it required. You may need to increase the number of
FILSZ value, and so on.
work data sets or the available space in the volume
If DFSORT terminated before completing the input pool for the work data sets. You should ensure that
phase, p is based on the number of records processed DFSORT is provided accurate file size (FILSZ=En) and
up to the point of failure. average record length (AVGRLEN=n) information.
System action: None. See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
additional information about parameters you can use to
Programmer response: Take appropriate action
provide accurate information to DFSORT that can
depending on whether or not DFSORT issued message
prevent overallocation or underallocation of dynamic
work space (FILSZ, AVGRLEN, DYNSPC, and so on).
v ICE046A: If p is greater then e, specify FILSZ=En, Also, see the following messages, if issued: ICE098I and
where n is greater than or equal to p and is a ICE253I.
reasonably accurate estimate of the number of
records to be processed. | For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed
| parameters as follows:
v No ICE046A: If p is significantly different from e,
specifying FILSZ=En with a reasonably accurate | v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task.
estimate of the number of records to be sorted can | v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask.
prevent DFSORT from overallocating or | v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
underallocating dynamic work space. p was the
actual number of records processed for this run. If
future runs will process approximately the same

70 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages


Explanation: The work data set space DFSORT was
Explanation: DFSORT could not be certain that the able to dynamically allocate for this sort application
data set information provided by Catalog was correct was not the optimal amount. DFSORT's determination
| for this sort application. The catalog entry for this data of the optimal space takes into account various factors
set indicated that the component was not closed such as the estimated input file size, the average record
properly and the statistics for the data set are invalid. length, the FILSZ value, the AVGRLEN value, and so
Generally, DFSORT can automatically determine the
input file size. However, in a few cases, such as when
Note: DFSORT uses only the first volume of
the catalog statistics are invalid, DFSORT may not be
multi-volume work data sets.
able to determine an accurate file size.
System action: None.
System action: None.
Programmer response: You should consider
Programmer response: None required, unless you
investigating why DFSORT could not dynamically
receive message ICE046A or ICE083A, in which case
allocate all of the space it requested. Although DFSORT
you should specify FILSZ=En with a reasonably
can often complete successfully with less than the
accurate estimate of the number of records to be sorted.
optimal work data set space, a failure is more likely if
You may want to specify FILSZ=En even if you don’t the work space requirements are greater than expected.
receive message ICE046A or ICE083A, because doing so You may want to increase the number of work data
may improve resource usage and performance. sets or the available space in the volume pool for the
work data sets. You should ensure that DFSORT is
For more information regarding the cause of the invalid
provided accurate file size (FILSZ=En) and average
statistics, or the steps necessary to correct the statistics,
record length (AVGRLEN=n) information.
see the "STA: Statistics Group" section of z/OS DFSMS
Access Method Services for Catalogs, SC26-7394. See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
additional information about parameters you can use to
provide accurate information to DFSORT that can
prevent overallocation or underallocation of dynamic
work space (FILSZ, AVGRLEN, DYNSPC, and so on).
| Explanation: For this DB2 Utility run, DFSORT will Also, see the following messages, if issued: ICE098I and
| execute code that is eligible to use the IBM System z ICE253I.
| Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) subject to its
| For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply any needed
| availability.
| parameters as follows:
| System action: None. | v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task.
| Programmer response: None. | v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask.
| v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
| Explanation: Critical. A system error occurred or an Explanation: Critical. The PUSH operand of an
| abend was requested while DFSORT was executing a INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement contained an
| Service Request Block (SRB) eligible to use the IBM invalid column, position or length, as follows:
| System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP). a, b, c
v A 0 value was used.
| and d provides information to help IBM diagnose the
| failure. v A column was greater than 32752, or was followed
by another column.
| System action: The program terminates. v An input position plus length was greater than
| Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming 32753.
| support and provide the values displayed for fields a, v The length for a SEQ or ID field was greater than 15.
| b, c and d. v An output field was beyond position 32767.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Correct the invalid column,
position or length.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 71

Informational and Error Messages

v ddname indicates that a FINDREP operand in an

OUTFIL statement caused the error; ddname
Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors was identifies the first data set in the associated OUTFIL
found in the FINDREP operand of an INREC, OUTREC group.
or OUTFIL statement:
System action: The program terminates.
v A 0 value was used.
Programmer response: If you want to truncate
v A null value was used where it was not permitted.
nonblank characters that overrun the end of the record,
v IN or INOUT was not specified. specify OVERRUN=TRUNC. If you do not want to
v INOUT, IN, OUT, STARTPOS, ENDPOS, DO, truncate nonblank characters that overrun the end of
MAXLEN, OVERRUN or SHIFT was specified more the record, increase the length of the record using
than once. MAXLEN=m with a value for m equal to or greater
v INOUT was specified with IN or OUT. than the maximum length record to be created by
v IN was specified without OUT, or OUT was specified
without IN.
v An input constant was specified without a matching | ICE264I ddname STATISTICS MAY be
output constant in INOUT. | INCORRECT
v A repetition factor was 0 or greater than 256 for a | Explanation: DFSORT could not be certain that the
character string or hexadecimal string. | data set information provided by Catalog was correct
v The total length of a single or repeated character or | for this copy application. The catalog entry for this data
hexadecimal constant was greater than 256 bytes. | set indicated that the component was not closed
| properly and the statistics for the data set are invalid.
v An invalid digit or an odd number of digits was
specified for a hexadecimal string. | System action: None.
v The value for STARTPOS, ENDPOS or MAXLEN was | Programmer response: None required. For more
greater than 32752. | information regarding the cause of the invalid statistics,
v The value for DO was greater than 1000. | or the steps necessary to correct the statistics, see the
| "STA: Statistics Group" section of z/OS DFSMS Access
System action: The program terminates.
| Method Services for Catalogs.
Programmer response: Check the FINDREP operand
for the errors indicated in the explanation and correct
the errors.
Explanation: A SYMNAMES data set was specified,
but was empty (that is, it contained no statements).
Symbol substitution will not be performed.
System action: Processing continues without symbol
Explanation: Critical. OVERRUN=ERROR was
specified or defaulted for the FINDREP operand of an
INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement, and processing Programmer response: If symbol substitution is
of the find/replace constants caused nonblank needed, add appropriate SYMNAMES statements to the
characters to overrun the end of the maximum of n specified SYMNAMES data set or specify a non-empty
bytes allowed for the output record. This can occur SYMNAMES data set.
when an output constant is longer than an input
constant (for example, INOUT=(C'A',C'XYZ')), or when
the length of the record to be created by FINDREP is
less than the length of the original record (for example,
when the input record is 80 bytes and MAXLEN=50 is Explanation: Critical. The SYMNAMES statement has
used to decrease the length of the record). one of the following errors:
The specific source of the error is identified as follows: v The symbol starts with a number (0-9) or a hyphen
v *INREC indicates that a FINDREP operand in the
INREC statement caused the error. v The value contains an invalid parsed field. A valid
parsed field must be %nn (nn is 00 to 99) or %n (n is
v *OUTREC indicates that a FINDREP operand in the
0 to 9).
OUTREC statement caused the error.
v The symbol or value contains an invalid character.
The valid characters are uppercase letters (A-Z),
lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), the number

72 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

sign (#), the dollar sign ($), the commercial at sign v The value contains a number longer than 31
(@), the underscore(_), and the hyphen (-). significant digits.
v The symbol, keyword or value is null (for example, v The constant contains a string longer than 64
symbol,,5,CH). characters.
v The symbol, keyword or value is followed by or System action: The program terminates.
contains an invalid delimiter.
Programmer response: Specify a symbol, value or
v p or m in p,m or p,m,f is 0 or greater than 32752 or
string that is less than or equal to the allowed limit.
contains a non-numeric character.
v q in POSITION,q is 0 or greater than 32752 or
contains a non-numeric character. ICE274A NEXT POSITION TO BE USED FOR *
v symbol in POSITION,symbol references a symbol
that was not previously defined or which was Explanation: Critical. The SYMNAMES statement
previously defined without a valid position (for specifies an asterisk (*) for p requesting that the next
example, a symbol for a constant). position be used for p. However, the next position is
v n in SKIP,n is 0 or greater than 32752 or contains a greater than the limit for p of 32752.
non-numeric character. Calculation of the next position will be discontinued
v The decimal constant contains a non-numeric once a SYMNAMES statement error has been detected.
character other than a leading plus sign (+) or minus Therefore, ICE274A is only issued once and only if a
sign (-). previous SYMNAMES processing error was not
v An equal sign (=) is specified for p, m or f, but the detected.
previous position, previous length or previous format, System action: The program terminates.
respectively, was not established.
v f in p,m,f is not a valid format. The valid formats are Programmer response: Specify a value for p that is
AC, AQ, ASL, AST, BI, CH, CLO, CSF, CSL, CST, less than or equal to 32752. You can do this directly by
CTO, DC1, DC2, DC3, DE1, DE2, DE3, DT1, DT2, specifying a number for p or indirectly by specifying *
DT3, D1, D2, FI, FL FS, LS, OL, OT, PD, PD0, SFF, SS, for p and ensuring that the next position is less than or
TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4, TE1, TE2, TE3, TE4, TM1, TM2, equal to 32752. See z/OS DFSORT Application
TM3, TM4, TS, UFF, Y2B, Y2C, Y2D, Y2DP, Y2P, Programming Guide for an explanation of how the next
Y2PP, Y2S, Y2T, Y2TP, Y2U, Y2UP, Y2V, Y2VP, Y2W, position is set.
| Y2WP, Y2X, Y2XP, Y2Y, Y2YP, Y2Z, Y4T, Y4U, Y4V,
| Y4W, Y4X, Y4Y and ZD, and lowercase or mixed case ICE275A DUPLICATE SYMBOL
Explanation: Critical. The symbol was used in a
v x in ALIGN,x is not a valid alignment. The valid
previous SYMNAMES statement. A symbol can only be
alignments are H, F, D, h, f and d.
used once in SYMNAMES.
v The character constant, system symbol constant,
hexadecimal constant, or bit constant does not have System action: The program terminates.
an ending apostrophe after the string. Programmer response: Remove or rename one of the
v The hexadecimal constant is null (X'') or contains an duplicate symbols.
odd number of digits (for example, X'123').
v The hexadecimal constant contains an invalid ICE276A RESERVED WORD - NOT ALLOWED
character. The valid characters are 0-9, A-F and a-f. FOR SYMBOL
v The bit constant is null (B'') or contains a number of
Explanation: Critical. The SYMNAMES statement
bits that is not a multiple of 8 (for example, B'1010').
specifies a DFSORT/ICETOOL reserved word for the
v The bit constant contains an invalid character. The symbol. Reserved words cannot be used for symbols.
valid characters are . (period), 0 and 1. The reserved words are as follows (uppercase only as
System action: The program terminates. shown): A, AC, ADD, ALL, AND, AQ, ASL, AST, BI,
Programmer response: Correct the symbol, value or CTO, D, DATE, DATE1, DATE1..., DATE2, DATE2...,
syntax error. DATE3, DATE3..., DATE4, DC1, DC2, DC3, DE1, DE2,
DE3, DIV, DT1, DT2, DT3, D1, D2, E, F, FI, FL, FS, H,
Explanation: Critical. The SYMNAMES statement has PD0, SEQNUM, SFF, SS, SUB, SUBCOUNT,
one of the following errors: SUBCOUNT15, TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4, TE1, TE2, TE3,
v The symbol is longer than 50 characters. TE4, TIME, TIME1, TIME1P, TIME2, TIME2P, TIME3,
| VLEN, X, Y2x, Y2xx, Y4x, Z, ZD, ZDC, and ZDF, where

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 73

Informational and Error Messages

n is 0-9 and x is any character.

System action: The program terminates. FOLLOW

Programmer response: Use a symbol that is not one of Explanation: This message is followed by a listing of
the reserved words, such as a lowercase or mixed case the original ICETOOL operator statements before they
version of the word being used. For example, you are transformed by symbol processing. The operator
could use Valcnt (which is not a reserved word) instead statements listed are from TOOLIN or the calling
of VALCNT (which is). program's parameter list as indicated by message

| ICE278I x WORK DATA SETS WERE System action: None.

Programmer response: None.
| Explanation: DFSORT initially intended to use only x
| work data sets for this sort application. However, the
| work space requirements for the sort were Explanation: DFSORT or ICETOOL successfully
| unexpectedly larger than anticipated, so DFSORT used processed the SYMNAMES statements. ICETOOL will
| y additional work data sets. transform operators as necessary using symbol
substitution. DFSORT will transform control statements
| System action: None. as necessary using symbol substitution. Any operators
| Programmer response: Verify that DFSORT has the or control statements with substitution errors will be
| correct file size information to allow it to accurately shown after ICE282I.
| calculate the initial amount of work space needed. See
System action: None.
| messages ICE098I and ICE253I for additional
| information. Programmer response: None.


Explanation: Critical. During symbol substitution
Explanation: Critical. DFSORT or ICETOOL detected processing, one of the following errors was found in a
one or more errors while processing SYMNAMES control statement or operator:
statements. v A specified symbol was not defined in SYMNAMES.
System action: The program terminates.
Note: Symbols are treated as case-sensitive: Frank,
Programmer response: Correct each error indicated by FRANK, and frank are three different
a previous error message (ICE272A through ICE276A). symbols. Be careful to use symbols in control
statements and operators exactly as they are
source FOLLOW v A specified symbol was longer than 50 characters.
Explanation: This message is issued for each source v A specified symbol started with an invalid character
specified. It is followed by a listing of the original or with a delimiter. Examples:
DFSORT control statements before they are transformed SORT FIELDS=(.Sym1,A)
by symbol processing. Source can be one of the * .Sym1 is invalid. FIELDS=(Sym1,A) is valid.
following: INREC FIELDS=((Sym1)
* ((Sym1) is invalid. FIELDS=(Sym1) is valid.
v DFSPARM or the ddname specified by the
PARMDDN installation option v A specified symbol contained an invalid character.
SUM FIELDS=(New-Field)
v xxxxCNTL * New*Field is invalid. New_Field is valid.
v PARMLIST * New-Field is valid.
System action: None. * A%B is invalid.
Programmer response: None.
Note: A symbol with an invalid character cannot be
defined in SYMNAMES.
v A specified symbol was followed by an invalid
delimiter. Examples:

74 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

SUM FIELDS=(Sym1 ) cylinders for this application.

* (Sym1 ) is invalid. FIELDS=(Sym1) is valid.
* Sym1/ is invalid. OUTREC=(Sym1,/) is valid. ICE287A ONE OR MORE ERRORS
v A delimiter was misplaced. Examples:
* (,Sym1) is invalid. ON(Sym1) is valid. Explanation: Critical. DFSORT or ICETOOL detected
VERIFY ON((5,4,PD) one or more errors during symbol substitution
* ((5,4,PD) is invalid. ON(5,4,PD) is valid. processing.
* (5,4,PD)) is invalid. ON(5,4,PD) is valid. System action: The program terminates.
v A syntax error caused a value to be misinterpreted as Programmer response: Correct each error indicated by
an undefined symbol. Example: a previous error message (ICE283A or ICE284A).
EDIT is misinterpreted as an undefined symbol | OUT OF RANGE FOR DATE
because an equal sign is missing. The following is | CONVERSION
| Explanation: For a date conversion operation using
| TOJUL, TOGREG, WEEKDAY, DT or DTNS, an invalid
System action: The program terminates. | input date was used.
Programmer response: Correct the symbol, syntax or | A date value is considered invalid if any of the
delimiter error. | following range conditions are not met:
| v yy must be between 00 and 99
ICE284A SYMBOL SUBSTITUTION CAUSES | v ccyy must be between 0001 and 9999
OPERAND TO OVERFLOW COLUMN | v mm must be between 01 and 12
| v dd must be between 01 and 31, and must be valid
Explanation: Critical. The operand contained a | for the year and month
symbol. Substitution of the value for the symbol caused | v ddd must be 001 to 366 for a leap year, or between
the operand to exceed 72 characters if the line was not | 001 and 365 for a non-leap year.
continued or 71 characters if the line was continued.
ICETOOL operators must be contained in columns 1-72, | A date is also considered invalid if the input field is a
so the transformed operand cannot be processed by | CH/ZD special indicator of binary zeros, blanks or
ICETOOL. | binary ones, and the output field is PD.
System action: The program terminates. | System action: Asterisks are printed for each invalid
Programmer response: Use a symbol or value that | output value. The message is only issued once.
will not cause the operand to overflow column 72. If | Processing continues.
necessary, change the value in the SYMNAMES | Programmer response: Check for output values
statement for the symbol. | containing asterisks and ensure that the input date
| value is valid and that you are not converting a
ICE285A BLOCKSET IS REQUIRED FOR WORK | CH/ZD special indicator of binary zeros, blanks or
DATA SETS ON VOLUMES WITH | binary ones to a PD value.
Explanation: Critical. One or more JCL or dynamically | ICE289A UNSUPPORTED EXTENDED
allocated work data sets was allocated on a device with | ATTRIBUTES FOR ddname
more than 17476 cylinders. Blockset is the only | Explanation: Critical. Extended attributes for the data
DFSORT technique that supports the use of such | set associated with the indicated ddname are not
devices for work data sets, but Blockset was not | supported by the system on which DFSORT is running.
selected. | A data set with extended attributes is described with
System action: The program terminates. | format 8 and 9 DSCBs (Data Set Control Blocks) in the
| VTOC and may contain extents that are allocated in the
Programmer response: Rerun the job with a | Extended Addressing Space (EAS) where tracks are
SORTDIAG DD statement to get message ICE800I, | described by 28-bit cylinder numbers.
which indicates the reason Blockset could not be used.
If possible, remove the condition preventing the use of | System action: The program terminates.
Blockset. Alternatively, ensure that work data sets are | Programmer response: Use this data set with DFSORT
not allocated on devices with more than 17476

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 75

Informational and Error Messages

| on a system that supports the data set's extended

| attributes.
| Explanation: Critical. One of the following errors was
| found:
| v On a JOINKEYS, JOIN or REFORMAT statement, a
Explanation: Indicates the average record length (n) in | keyword was specified twice.
bytes for the variable-length records processed by sort
| v On a JOINKEYS statement, more than one of
when Blockset was not selected, that is, the number of
| FILE=F1, FILES=F1, F1=ddname, FILE=F2, FILES=F2
bytes in the variable-length records (including the
| or F2=ddname was specified.
record descriptor word) divided by the number of
records. The number of records includes all records | v On a JOINKEYS statement, INCLUDE and OMIT
received, added and not deleted during DFSORT input | were both specified.
processing. | System action: The program terminates.
n is based on the number of bytes and records actually | Programmer response: Check the JOINKEYS, JOIN or
processed. | REFORMAT control statement for the errors indicated
If DFSORT terminated before completing the input | in the explanation and correct the error.
phase, p is based on the number of bytes and records
processed up to the point of failure. | ICE402A JOINKEYS STATEMENT FOR Fn WAS
System action: None. | REQUIRED, BUT NOT FOUND

Programmer response: None. However, specifying | Explanation: Critical. A JOINKEYS application was
AVGRLEN=n with a reasonably accurate estimate of | requested by a JOINKEYS, JOIN or REFORMAT
the average record length can prevent DFSORT from | statement, or a JKFROM operand (ICETOOL COPY or
overallocating or underallocating dynamic work space. | SORT), but a JOINKEYS statement for file F1 or file F2,
| as indicated, was not found.
| For a JOINKEYS operation, you can supply
| AVGRLEN=n, if needed, as follows: | System action: The program terminates.
| v In DFSPARM for the JOINKEYS main task. | Programmer response: Supply two JOINKEYS
| v In JNF1CNTL for the JOINKEYS F1 subtask. | statements; one for F1 (with FILE=F1, FILES=F1 or
| F1=ddname) and another for F2 (with FILE=F2,
| v In JNF2CNTL for the JOINKEYS F2 subtask.
| FILES=F2 or F2=ddname).


| Explanation: n is the number of megabytes of memory | FOUND
| object storage DFSORT used as intermediate work
| Explanation: Critical. The indicated required keyword
| space during this sort. If n is zero, DFSORT did not use
| was missing for the indicated control statement as
| memory object storage as intermediate work space
| follows:
| during this sort.
| v For a JOINKEYS statement, FILE=F1, FILES=F1,
| System action: None. | FILE=F2, FILES=F2, F1=ddname or F2=ddname must
| Programmer response: None. | be specified.
| v For a JOINKEYS statement, FIELDS must be
| specified.
| REFORMAT STATEMENT OPERAND | v For a JOIN statement, UNPAIRED must be specified.
| v For a REFORMAT statement, FIELDS must be
| Explanation: Critical. An invalid keyword operand | specified.
| was detected on a JOINKEYS, JOIN or REFORMAT
| control statement. | System action: The program terminates.
| System action: The program terminates. | Programmer response: Specify the indicated keyword
| for the indicated control statement.
| Programmer response: Make sure the JOINKEYS,
| JOIN or REFORMAT control statement contains only
| valid keyword operands. | ICE404A REFORMAT STATEMENT WAS
| Explanation: Critical. A JOIN statement with an ONLY
| operand was not specified, so a REFORMAT statement

76 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

| is required. However, a REFORMAT statement was not | all of the keys in the JOINKEYS FIELDS operand is less
| found. | than or equal to 4080 bytes.
| System action: The program terminates.
| Programmer response: Either specify a JOIN
| statement with the ONLY operand, or specify a
| REFORMAT statement, as appropriate. | Explanation: Critical. A MERGE FIELDS=(p,m,s,...)
| statement was found for the main task of a JOINKEYS
| application in SYSIN, SORTCNTL, DFSPARM or a
| parameter list. A MERGE function cannot be used with
| System action: The program terminates.
| Explanation: Critical. The keys (p,m,s) specified in the
| FIELDS operands of the JOINKEYS statements for F1 | Programmer response: Replace the MERGE
| and F2 did not match in one or more of the following | FIELDS=(p,m,s,...) statement with a MERGE
| v The two FIELDS operands have different numbers of | or SORT FIELDS=(p,m,s,...) statement, as appropriate.
| keys. For example, FIELDS for F1 has two keys and
| FIELDS for F2 has three keys. | ICE409A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR
| v Corresponding keys in the two FIELDS operands | JOINKEYS APPLICATION - ADD AT
| have different lengths. For example, the second key | LEAST nMB
| for F1 has a length of 5 and the second key for F2
| has a length of 6.
| Explanation: Critical. DFSORT could not get the
| additional nMB of storage needed for this JOINKEYS
| v Corresponding keys in the two FIELDS operands | application.
| have different orders. For example, the third key for
| F1 has ascending order (A) and the third key for F2 | System action: The program terminates.
| has descending order (D). | Programmer response: Add at least nMB to the
| System action: The program terminates. | storage available to DFSORT (for example, increase the
| REGION size).
| Programmer response: Ensure that the FIELDS
| operands of the JOINKEYS statements for F1 and F2
| have the same number of keys, and that corresponding | ICE410A JOINKEYS APPLICATION
| keys have the same length and order. | TERMINATED - SEE ddname

| ICE406A JOINKEYS STATEMENT FIELD ENDS | Explanation: Critical. This message is issued by
| AFTER POSITION 32752 | subtask1 (for file F1) or subtask2 (for file F2) of a
| JOINKEYS application to indicate that the main task
| Explanation: Critical. The last byte of the key (p,m,s) | terminated. ddname is the ddname associated with the
| in a JOINKEYS FIELDS operand ended beyond | message data set for the main task.
| position 32752. Each key must end at or before position
| 32752 (position plus length must not be greater than | System action: The program terminates.
| 32753). For example, 32752,1,A is valid because it ends | Programmer response: See the messages in the
| at position 32752, but 32752,2,A is invalid because it | indicated ddname data set for information about the
| ends at position 32753. | main task. Correct the error that caused the main task
| System action: The program terminates. | to terminate.

| Programmer response: Ensure that each key in the

| JOINKEYS FIELDS operand ends at or before position | ICE411I THIS IS THE JOINKEYS MAIN TASK
| 32752. | FOR JOINING F1 AND F2
| Explanation: Indicates this is the main task for a
| ICE407A JOINKEYS STATEMENT HAD TOTAL | JOINKEYS application. The main task processes the
| KEY LENGTH GREATER THAN 4080 | joined records from input files F1 and F2 and writes the
| BYTES | output.

| Explanation: Critical. The total length of all of the | System action: None.
| keys (p,m,s) in a JOINKEYS FIELDS operand exceeded | Programmer response: None.
| the limit of 4080 bytes.
| System action: The program terminates.
| Programmer response: Ensure that the total length of
Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 77
Informational and Error Messages

| Explanation: The FIELDS operand of the REFORMAT | Explanation: Critical. A JOINKEYS or REFORMAT
| statement has a position without a length (p without | statement specifies a field which ends beyond the
| m) as its last field, but the first field does not include | maximum record length. The information displayed in
| the RDW (1,n with n equal to or greater than 4). For | the message is as follows:
| example, the REFORMAT statement is: | v the ddname of the input file with the field in error.
| REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:5,8,F2:1,20,F1:15) | v the file (F1 or F2) with the field in error.
| v the type of field in error as follows:
| instead of:
| – KEY to indicate a field in the FIELDS operand of a
| REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:1,8,F2:1,20,F1:15)
| JOINKEYS statement.

| or the REFORMAT statement is: | – INCLUDE to indicate a field in the INCLUDE

| operand of a JOINKEYS statement.
| REFORMAT FIELDS=(?,F1:1,4,5)
| – OMIT to indicate a field in the OMIT operand of a
| instead of: | JOINKEYS statement.

| REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:1,4,?,F1:5)
| – REFORMAT to indicate a field in the FIELDS
| operand of a REFORMAT statement.
| System action: The program terminates. | v the position (p) at which the field ends.
| Programmer response: Include the RDW (1,n with n | v the maximum record length (n) which the ending
| equal to or greater than 4) in the first field, or do not | position exceeded
| use a position without a length, as appropriate.
| System action: The program terminates.


| Programmer response: Ensure that all fields specified
| in JOINKEYS and REFORMAT statements are
| contained within the maximum record length indicated.
| Explanation: Critical. The FIELDS operand of the
| REFORMAT statement has a position without a length
| (p without m) as its last field, but has one of the
| following errors:

| v F1: is used for the first field (which includes the | Explanation: Critical. The maximum length (n) of the
| RDW), but F1 does not refer to a TYPE=V file. | joined records for a JOINKEYS application, as defined
| v F2: is used for the first field (which includes the
| by the REFORMAT statement or by default if a
| RDW), but F2 does not refer to a TYPE=V file.
| REFORMAT statement was not specified, exceeds the
| maximum length (m) of 32760 for TYPE=F records or
| v F1: is used for a position without length field, but F1 | 32767 for TYPE=V records.
| does not refer to a TYPE=V file.
| v F2: is used for a position without length field, but F2
| System action: The program terminates.
| does not refer to a TYPE=V file. | Programmer response: Reduce the maximum length
| of the joined records so it does not exceed the
| For example, SORTJNF1 for F1 has RECFM=FB and | maximum length of 32760 for TYPE=F records or 32767
| SORTJNF2 for F2 has RECFM=VB and the REFORMAT | for TYPE=V records.
| statement is:
| Note that the maximum LRECL for RECFM=VB records
| REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:1,20,F2:5,6,15) | is 32756 and the maximum LRECL for RECFM=VBS
| records is 32767; if you want RECFM=VBS records,
| instead of: | ensure that RECFM is specified appropriately for the
| REFORMAT FIELDS=(F2:1,4,F1:1,20,F2:5,6,15) | output data set.

| System action: The program terminates.

| Programmer response: Ensure that the file (F1 or F2) | SUBTASK FOR ddname1 - SEE
| used for the first field, and for each position without | ddname2 MESSAGES
| length field, is a TYPE=V file.
| Explanation: Indicates DFSORT is using a subtask to
| process the Fn (F1 or F2) file for a JOINKEYS
| application. ddname1 is the ddname associated with
| the input file for the subtask. ddname2 is the ddname
| associated with the message data set for the subtask.

78 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

| System action: None. | using a DD statement for the indicated ddname.

| Programmer response: See the messages in the
| indicated ddname2 data set for information about the | ICE421I JOINED RECORDS: COUNT=n
| subtask.
| Explanation: Indicates the number (n) of joined
| records passed as input to the main task of a
| FOR ddname
| System action: None.
| Explanation: Indicates this is a subtask used to
| process the Fn (F1 or F2) file for a JOINKEYS
| Programmer response: None.
| application. The subtask passes the needed Fn fields to
| the main task. ddname is the ddname for the input file | ICE422I JOINKEYS STATEMENT FOR Fn
| associated with the subtask. | FOUND PREVIOUSLY - THIS
| System action: None. | STATEMENT IGNORED

| Programmer response: None. | Explanation: A JOINKEYS statement for the indicated

| file (F1 or F2) was found previously in this source (for
| example, SYSIN) or in a higher source (for example,
| ICE418A JOINKEYS Fn SUBTASK FOR ddname1 | DFSPARM is higher than SYSIN). The second and
| TERMINATED - SEE ddname2 | subsequent JOINKEYS statement for F1 or F2 in the
| MESSAGES | same source or in a lower source is ignored.
| Explanation: Critical. This message is issued by the | System action: None.
| main task of a JOINKEYS application to indicate that
| the subtask used to process file Fn (F1 or F2)
| Programmer response: Correct the conflicting
| terminated. ddname1 is the ddname associated with
| JOINKEYS statements, if appropriate.
| the input file for the subtask. ddname2 is the ddname
| associated with the message data set for the subtask. | ICE423A REFORMAT STATEMENT FIELD ENDS
| System action: The program terminates. | AFTER POSITION 32767

| Programmer response: See the messages in the | Explanation: Critical. The last byte of a field (p,m) in
| ddname2 data set for information about the subtask. | a REFORMAT FIELDS operand ended beyond position
| Correct the error that caused the subtask to terminate. | 32767. Each field must end at or before position 32767
| (position plus length must not be greater than 32768).
| For example, 32767,1 is valid because it ends at
| ICE419I JOINED RECORDS: TYPE=x, | position 32767, but 32767,2 is invalid because it ends at
| LENGTH=n | position 32768.
| Explanation: Indicates the record type (F or V) and | System action: The program terminates.
| maximum record length (n) of the joined records
| passed as input to the main task of a JOINKEYS
| Programmer response: Ensure that each field in the
| application.
| REFORMAT FIELDS operand ends at or before position
| 32767.
| System action: None.
| Programmer response: None. | ICE424A ddname (Fn) KEY IS OUT OF
| ICE420A COULD NOT ALLOCATE ddname FOR | Explanation: Critical. The SORTED operand was
| Fn MESSAGES - SUPPLY DD | specified without the NOSEQCK operand on the
| STATEMENT | JOINKEYS statement associated with the indicated
| ddname for file F1 or F2. DFSORT checked the records
| Explanation: Critical. For a JOINKEYS application, a
| of the indicated file and found a record out of sequence
| required message data set was not found and could not
| for the keys specified in the FIELDS operand of the
| be dynamically allocated. A DD statement for the
| JOINKEYS statement.
| indicated ddname was required for the messages
| associated with the subtask for the F1 or F2 file. A DD | System action: The program terminates.
| statement for that ddname was not found, so DFSORT
| attempted to dynamically allocate a SYSOUT=*
| Programmer response: Remove the SORTED operand
| message data set. However, the message data set could
| from the JOINKEYS statement for the indicated file (F1
| not be allocated.
| or F2) to force DFSORT to sort that file by the specified
| keys.
| System action: The program terminates.
| Programmer response: Supply a message data set

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 79

Informational and Error Messages


| F1 and F2. For example, if you received this error with
| these control statements:
| Explanation: Critical. The indicated ddname was used | JOINKEYS F2=IN2,FIELDS=(21,4,A)
| on the JOINKEYS statements for both file F1 and F2 | REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:1,20,F2:5,30)
| (for example, one JOINKEYS statement has F1=IN1 and
| the other JOINKEYS statement has F2=IN1). Different | and the maximum duplicates for a single F1 key is less
| ddnames must be used for the two files. | than the maximum duplicates for a single F2 key, use
| System action: The program terminates. | these control statements instead:
| Programmer response: Change the F1, F2 or FILE | JOINKEYS F2=IN1,FIELDS=(11,4,A)
| operand in one or both of the JOINKEYS statements to | REFORMAT FIELDS=(F2:1,20,F1:5,30)
| use different ddnames for the two files.
| Explanation: Critical. A JOINKEYS, JOIN or
| Explanation: Critical. For a JOINKEYS application, the | REFORMAT statement was specified for an ICETOOL
| SORTDD value for the main task and the TASKID | operator other than SORT or COPY. A JOINKEYS
| value for a subtask resulted in the same four character | application is only allowed for a SORT or COPY
| prefix indicated by cccc (for example, SORTDD=MYF1 | operator, not for any of the other operators.
| and TASKID=MY both result in a prefix of MYF1).
| Different prefixes must be used for the main task and | System action: The program terminates.
| the subtasks. | Programmer response: Redesign the application to not
| System action: The program terminates. | use JOINKEYS, JOIN or REFORMAT with ICETOOL
| operators other than SORT or COPY.
| Programmer response: Change the SORTDD operand
| for the main task, or the TASKID operand for the
| subtask, to use different prefixes. ICE600I DFSORT ICETOOL UTILITY RUN

| ICE427A verb STATEMENT CANNOT BE USED Explanation: Indicates the start of the ICETOOL run.
| WITH JOINKEYS SUBTASK System action: None.
| Explanation: Critical. For a JOINKEYS application, a Programmer response: None.
| OUTREC, REFORMAT or SORT statement was found
| subtask2. These statements cannot be used for a ENDED - RETURN CODE: nn
| JOINKEYS subtask. Explanation: Indicates the end of the ICETOOL run
| System action: The program terminates. and the highest return code encountered. Message
ICE602I gives the return code for each operation.
| Programmer response: Remove all statements that
| cannot be used for a JOINKEYS subtask from System action: None.
| JNF1CNTL or JNF2CNTL. Programmer response: None if nn is 00. Otherwise,
check the ICE602I messages for non-zero return codes
| ICE428A TOO MANY DUPLICATES OF ONE and take the action indicated.
| KEY IN ddname (F2)
| Explanation: Critical. The F2 file associated with the ICE602I OPERATION RETURN CODE: nn
| indicated ddname contained more duplicates for a Explanation: Indicates the return code for this
| single key than DFSORT could process with the storage operation.
| available.
System action: If nn is greater than 04, this operation
| System action: The program terminates. was terminated due to an error.
| Programmer response: If possible, increase the storage Programmer response: None if nn is 00, or if nn is 04
| available to DFSORT (for example, try specifying and message ICE651I was issued. Otherwise:
| REGION=0M). Alternatively, if the maximum v If nn is 04, match the identifier in message ICE606I
| duplicates for a single key in file F1 is less than the or ICE627I for this operation to the same identifier in
| maximum duplicates for a single key in file F2, reverse DFSORT message ICE200I (in the DFSMSG data set)

80 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

to find the set of DFSORT messages for this v Mutually exclusive operands were used. Example:
operation. If appropriate, correct the condition that BLANK and PLUS for DISPLAY or WITHEACH and
caused the return code of 4 indicated in the relevant VLENOVLY for SPLICE.
DFSORT informational message. v A numeric value was too low or too high. Example:
v If nn is 12, check the error messages for this LINES(9) or LINES(1000)
operation in the TOOLMSG data set and correct the v A string was not enclosed in apostrophes. Example:
indicated errors. HEADER(Revenue), HEADER(’Revenue),
v If nn is 16, match the identifier in message ICE606I HEADER(’Revenue"), or HEADER("Revenue")instead of
or ICE627I for this operation to the same identifier in HEADER(’Revenue’)
DFSORT message ICE200I (in the DFSMSG data set) v A string exceeded the character limit allowed.
to find the set of DFSORT messages for this Example:
operation. Correct the error indicated in the DFSORT
error message. TITLE(’This string is longer
than the limit of 50 characters
for TITLE’)
Note: In your ICETOOL statement, the entire
Explanation: The information requested for this operand must be on one line.
operator was printed in the list data set with the v A parameter was specified incorrectly. Example:
indicated ddname. If the operation was terminated, the DATE(DMY) instead of DATE(DMY.)
list data set can be incomplete. v NOHEADER was used when HEADER(NONE) was
required. Example: HEADER(’Name’) NOHEADER instead
System action: None.
Programmer response: None. v Mutually exclusive items were specified within an
operand. Example: DATE(YM4/) instead of DATE(YMD/)
or DATE(DM4/)
v A formatting item was specified for an operator
other than DISPLAY or OCCUR. Example:
Explanation: Critical. The statement contained an
error in an operand (keyword, parameter) or a SELECT ON(1,5,ZD,A1) instead of
delimiter was incorrect or missing. Some common SELECT ON(1,5,ZD)
errors are: v A symbol was specified where it is not allowed.
v A keyword or parameter was misspelled. Example: Example: LINES(Max_Lines) instead of LINES(50)
ALLDUP instead of ALLDUPS v Too many 9's were specified in the pattern for
v A keyword was used with an operator for which it is E'pattern'. Example:
not valid. Example: NOSIGN was used with an ON(VALCNT,E'999-999-999-999-999-9') instead of
operator other than VERIFY. ON(VALCNT,E'99-999-999-999-999-9')
v A parameter or value was used with a keyword for v Too many characters were specified in the pattern for
which it is not valid. Example: VSAMTYPE(U) E'pattern'. Example:
instead of VSAMTYPE(F) or VSAMTYPE(V).
ON(VALCNT,E'*999**999**999**999**999*') instead of
v The cccc value for USING(cccc) was SYSc or was not
four characters. Example: USING(ABC) instead of
v A required parameter was missing. Example:
USING(ABCD) or USING(SYS1) instead of
ON(25,5) instead of ON(25,5,ZD)
v A parameter was specified where it isn't allowed.
v A left or right parenthesis was missing. Example:
Example: WITH(25,5,ZD) instead of WITH(25,5)
FROM IN instead of FROM(IN)
v A blank was used inside a parentheses. Example: System action: This operation is terminated.
FROM( IN) instead of FROM(IN) Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
v A continuation indicator (-) was used incorrectly. the error was detected. Correct the error.
Example: TO(OUT1,- instead of TO(OUT1,OUT2) -
v Parameters were not separated by a comma or
semicolon. Example: ON(3:5:ZD) instead of ICE605A REQUIRED DD STATEMENT NOT
ON(3,5,ZD) or ON(3;5;ZD) FOUND: ddname
v A numeric value was specified incorrectly. Example:
Explanation: Critical. A DD statement for the
ON(0,3,ZD) instead of ON(1,3,ZD) or LIMIT(+1)
indicated ddname was not present. The ddname was
instead of LIMIT(1)
required because:
v An operand that can be specified only once per
v It was DFSMSG.
operator was specified more than once. Example:
v It was TOOLIN and the ICETOOL Parameter List
COPY TO(OUT1) TO(OUT2) instead of
Interface was not used.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 81

Informational and Error Messages

v It was specified in the FROM, TO, LIST, or DISCARD System action: None.
operand for this operator.
Programmer response: You can use the information in
v USING(xxxx) was specified for this operator.
this message to determine the result of this call to
System action: If the ddname was TOOLIN or DFSORT. If DFSORT terminated, use the call identifier
DFSMSG, ICETOOL terminates without performing any to find the set of DFSORT messages for this call (in the
operations. Otherwise, this operation is terminated. DFSMSG data set), and correct the error indicated in
the DFSORT error message.
Programmer response: Supply a DD statement for the
indicated ddname.
| ICE606I DFSORT CALL nnnn FOR Explanation: Indicates the field to which the statistics
| {COPY|SORT|MERGE} FROM in subsequent messages ICE608I, ICE609I, and ICE648I
| {ddname1|JKFROM|MERGEIN} TO apply. (p,m,f) or (VLEN) is a field you specified for this
| {ddname2|E35 EXIT|OUTFIL} USING STATS operator.
| xxxxCNTL
System action: None.
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: Supplies information about a specific call
to DFSORT for this operation as follows:
ICE608I MINIMUM: snnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,
nnnn The call identifier for this call to DFSORT. You
MAXIMUM: snnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
can match nnnn to the same nnnn in DFSORT
message ICE200I in the DFSMSG data set to Explanation: Indicates the minimum and maximum
find the set of DFSORT messages for this call for the field indicated in the ICE607I message
to DFSORT. preceding this message. Each value consists of a + or -
sign and 15 decimal digits (padded with zeros on the
COPY The DFSORT copy function was used.
left as needed). If the values could not be determined
SORT The DFSORT sort function was used. due to an error (as indicated in a previous message),
asterisks were printed for the values.
| The DFSORT merge function was used.
Note: ICE648I messages are printed for the minimum
ddname1 and maximum values (instead of ICE608I) if
The ddname of the data set that was copied or either value contains more than 15 significant
sorted. digits, or if LMSG is specified.
| JKFROM System action: None.
| A JOINKEYS application was used.
Programmer response: None unless asterisks were
| MERGEIN printed for the values, in which case you should correct
| A MERGE operator was used the error indicated by the previous error message for
this operation.
| The ddname of the data set resulting from the If you want all of the minimum and maximum values
| copy, sort or merge. displayed with 31 digits, specify the LMSG keyword
for this STATS operator.
ICETOOL's E35 user exit was used.
ICE609I AVERAGE: snnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,
TOTAL: snnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Either OUTFIL data sets were produced or an
E35 user exit routine was used to dispose of Explanation: Indicates the average and total for the
all the output records field indicated in the ICE607I message preceding this
message. Each value consists of a + or - sign and 15
decimal digits (padded with zeros on the left as
| The ddname of the DFSORT control data set
needed). If a value could not be determined due to an
| used for the copy, sort or merge.
error (as indicated in a previous message), asterisks
COMPLETED were printed for the value.
DFSORT did not detect any errors preventing
completion of this ICETOOL operation. Note: ICE648I messages are printed for the average
and total values (instead of ICE609I) if either
value contains more than 15 significant digits, or
DFSORT detected an error which prevented
if LMSG is specified.
completion of this ICETOOL operation.
System action: None.

82 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: None unless asterisks were

printed for a value, in which case you should correct
the error indicated by the previous error message for
this operation. Explanation: Critical. The indicated keyword was
required for this operator, but was not specified. The
If you want all of the average and total values
required keywords and their operands for each
displayed with 31 digits, specify the LMSG keyword
operator are:
for this STATS operator.
(p,m,f)|(VLEN)}: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn v COUNT
Explanation: Indicates the count of unique values for – EMPTY, NOTEMPTY, HIGHER, LOWER, EQUAL,
this field, printed as 15 decimal digits (padded with or NOTEQUAL if RC4 is specified
zeros on the left as needed). (p,m,f) or (VLEN) is the – WRITE if TEXT, DIGITS, EDCOUNT, or WIDTH is
field you specified for this UNIQUE operator. specified
System action: None. v DATASORT
Programmer response: None. – HEADER or TRAILER
ICE611A TOTAL FOR {(p,m,f)|(VLEN)} – LIST
– FROM, ON, and LIST
Explanation: Critical. The total for the indicated – BREAK if BTITLE, BTOTAL, BMAXIMUM,
exceeded the number of digits (nn) allowed for it. nn is specified
31 for STATS, or 15 or 31 for DISPLAY, depending on – COUNT if EDCOUNT is specified
the number of digits allowed for the total. – BCOUNT if EDBCOUNT is specified
System action: This operation is terminated. | v MERGE
| – FROM and USING
For a STATS operator, asterisks are printed in ICE648I v MODE
messages for the average and total for this field. – STOP, CONTINUE, or SCAN
For a DISPLAY operator, asterisks are printed for this
field in any BAVERAGE, BTOTAL, AVERAGE, or
– ON(p,m,f), ON(p,m,HEX), or ON(VLEN)
TOTAL lines requested.
Programmer response: If nn is 15, specify an Ndd or – FROM and ON
Udd formatting item large enough to prevent overflow – HIGHER, LOWER, EQUAL, or NOTEQUAL
of the total (that is, use an appropriate Ndd or Udd v SELECT
value between 16 and 31). – FROM and ON
If nn is 31 and you need the average or total for this
field, use the STATS or DISPLAY operator for subsets of
the data set that do not cause the total to overflow. Use
the statistics for the subsets to determine the needed
statistics for the field.
Explanation: Printed in SCAN mode to indicate that – FROM and ON
no errors were found in the statement. v SUBSET
System action: DFSORT is not called in SCAN mode. – FROM
Programmer response: If SCAN mode was entered – KEEP or REMOVE
due to an error while in STOP mode, correct the error. – INPUT or OUTPUT
If SCAN mode was entered due to a MODE SCAN v UNIQUE
statement, replace it with a MODE STOP or MODE – FROM and ON
CONTINUE statement. v VERIFY
– FROM and ON
System action: This operation is terminated.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 83

Informational and Error Messages

Programmer response: Supply the indicated keyword

or operand.
Explanation: Critical. The number of records
processed by ICETOOL for this operation was greater
Explanation: Critical. The first keyword in the than 999999999999999.
statement was not a valid operator. The valid operators
System action: This operation is terminated.
| MERGE, MODE, OCCUR (or OCCURS), RANGE, Programmer response: Perform the operation on
SELECT, SORT, SPLICE, STATS, SUBSET, UNIQUE, and subsets of the data set containing less than
VERIFY. 999999999999999 records.
A common cause of this error is a missing hyphen (-)
on the previous line to indicate continuation. ICE618A INVALID (p,m,f) VALUE - RECORD:
System action: This operation is terminated.
Explanation: Critical. ICE618A and ICE649A identify
Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
an invalid decimal value in a specified field. One of the
the error was detected. If an invalid operator was used,
following was found:
replace it with a valid operator. If this is a continuation
v An invalid digit (A-F) in a field specified for a
line, use a hyphen after the last operand on the
previous line.
v An invalid sign (0-9) in a field specified for a
ICE615A DDNAME USED MORE THAN ONCE: VERIFY operator (NOSIGN was not specified).
(p,m,f) is a field you specified for this operator.
Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
of the following reasons:
The invalid value was found in record number
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (prints as 15 decimal digits padded
as a ddname in a FROM, TO, LIST, or DISCARD
with zeros on the left as needed). For a DISPLAY,
operand for this operator.
RANGE, STATS, or VERIFY operator,
v The indicated ddname was found more than once in a
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is the input record number (that is,
FROM, TO, LIST, or DISCARD operand for this
the relative record number). For an OCCUR operator,
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is the sorted record number, and
v USING(xxxx) was specified and xxxxCNTL was used
thus may not be useful.
in a FROM or TO operand for this operator.
System action: This operation is terminated. h...h in the ICE649A message that follows this ICE618A
message is the invalid value in hexadecimal.
Programmer response: A $ marks the duplicate
ddname. Replace it with a ddname that is unique for System action:
this operation and that is not TOOLIN, TOOLMSG, v For a DISPLAY operator with an invalid BREAK
DFSMSG, or SSMSG. value, this operation is terminated.
v For a DISPLAY operator with an invalid ON value,
asterisks are printed for this value in the data line
and in any statistics lines requested. If this incorrect
value causes the limit for decimal values to be
Explanation: Critical. The statement overran column reached, this operation is terminated after the current
72, or a string contained unmatched quotes. record is printed in the list data set. Otherwise,
processing continues.
System action: This operation is terminated.
v For an OCCUR or RANGE operator, this operation is
Programmer response: Recode the statement to end at terminated.
or before column 72. Continuation can be indicated by v For a STATS operator, asterisks were printed in
a hyphen (-) after the operator or any operand. For messages ICE608I, ICE609I or ICE648I for minimum,
example: maximum, average, and total for this field.
SORT FROM(INDD) - v For a VERIFY operator, if this bad value caused the
USING(ABCD) - limit for invalid decimal values to be reached, this
TO(OUTPUT1,OUTPUT2,OUTPUT3) operation is terminated. Otherwise, processing
Ensure that all quotes are matched as this message can Programmer response: Correct the invalid digit or
also result from unmatched quotes in a string, for sign in the identified field. The VERIFY or DISPLAY
example, TITLE(’Status Report). operator can be used to print all the invalid values and
their relative record numbers.

84 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages


Explanation: Critical. This message was issued for one
Explanation: Critical. One of the following conditions of the following reasons:
was detected in the parameters of an ON or BREAK v Continuation was indicated by a hyphen (-) after the
operand: last operand in the last line of the TOOLIN data set,
v The format was invalid. Example: ON(10,2,CST) or but the continuation line was not found.
BREAK(10,2,FL) v A parameter list statement area did not contain an
v The format was not allowed for this operator. operator statement.
Example: VERIFY ON(10,2,BI) v Continuation was indicated by a hyphen (-) in the
v The length was not within the range allowed for the last line of a parameter list statement area, but the
format and operator. Example: STATS ON(10,9,BI) continuation line was not found.
v ON(VLEN) was specified for a VERIFY operator.
System action: This operation is terminated.
v ON(NUM) was specified for an operator other than Programmer response: Supply the continuation line.
v ON(VALCNT) was specified for an operator other
v ON(p,m,HEX) was specified for an operator other KEYWORDS EXCEEDED
than DISPLAY or OCCUR. Example: UNIQUE Explanation: Critical. Too many keywords of the
ON(5,4,HEX) indicated type were specified for this operator.
v The length was not within the range allowed for
ON(p,m,HEX). Example: ON(5,1001,HEX) The maximum number of HEADER fields is 20 for a
v BREAK(p,m,HEX) was specified. Example: DISPLAY operator or 10 for an OCCUR operator.
BREAK(5,4,HEX) The maximum number of WITH operands is 50 for a
System action: This operation is terminated. SPLICE operator.

Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which The maximum number of TITLE operands is 3 for a
the error was detected. Correct the error. DISPLAY or OCCUR operator.
The maximum number of RRN operands is 300 for a
GREATER THAN max | The maximum number of FROM operands is 10 for a
Explanation: Critical. A specified field extended | MERGE operator
beyond the maximum position (max - 1) allowed for The maximum number of ON fields for each operator
this operation. is:
System action: This operation is terminated. v DISPLAY - 20
v OCCUR - 10
Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which v RANGE - 1
the error was detected. Change the position or length v SELECT - 10
so that the field ends at or before position max - 1. v SPLICE - 10
v STATS - 10
COMPLETED System action: This operation is terminated.
Explanation: A call to DFSORT for this operation Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
resulted in a return code of 16. However, because the the error was detected. Reduce the number of indicated
error was detected by DFSORT after ICETOOL's E35 keywords for this operator to the maximum allowed. If
user exit completed its processing, the error did not necessary, use additional operators to handle all the
prevent the completion of this ICETOOL operation. required fields.
System action: None.
Programmer response: None required, but you can ICE624A MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TO
examine the DFSORT messages in DFSMSG to DDNAMES EXCEEDED
determine the error detected by DFSORT and correct it Explanation: Critical. Too many TO ddnames were
if appropriate. specified for this operator. The maximum number of
TO ddnames for each operator is:
v COPY - 10

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 85

Informational and Error Messages

v DATASORT - 1 COPY The DFSORT copy function was used.

| v MERGE - 10
SORT The DFSORT sort function was used.
v SELECT - 1
v SORT - 10 ddname1
v SPLICE - 1 The ddname of the data set that was copied or
v SUBSET - 1 sorted.
System action: This operation is terminated. ddname2
The ddname of the data set resulting from the
Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
copy or sort.
the error was detected. Reduce the number of TO
ddnames for this operator to the maximum allowed. E35 EXIT
Use additional operators to handle all the data sets ICETOOL's E35 user exit was used.
OUTFIL data sets were produced
Explanation: Critical. The data set with the indicated DFSORT did not detect any errors preventing
ddname could not be opened. This occurred either for completion of this ICETOOL operation.
the data set specified for TOOLIN, SYMNAMES or
SYMNOUT, or for the data set whose ddname was TERMINATED
specified in the LIST operand for this operator. DFSORT detected an error which prevented
completion of this ICETOOL operation.
System action: If the ddname is TOOLIN,
SYMNAMES, or SYMNOUT, ICETOOL terminates System action: None.
without performing any operations. Otherwise, this Programmer response: You can use the information in
operation is terminated. this message to determine the result of this call to
Programmer response: Ensure that the attributes of DFSORT. If DFSORT terminated, use the call identifier
the data set (record format, record length, block size) to find the set of DFSORT messages for this call (in the
conform to the rules for that type of data set. See the DFSMSG data set), and correct the error indicated in
ICETOOL chapter (TOOLIN or LIST operand data set) the DFSORT error message.
or Symbols chapter (SYMNAMES or SYMNOUT) in
z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for ICE628I RECORD COUNT: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
information on the rules.
Explanation: Indicates the number of records
processed by ICETOOL (prints as 15 decimal digits
ICE626A LIMIT FOR INVALID VALUES padded with zeros on the left as needed).
If ICETOOL completed the operation successfully, this
Explanation: Critical. The limit for the number of count reflects the number of records in the input data
invalid decimal values specified by the LIMIT operand set or in the subset of the input data set selected by
(or defaulted to 200) was reached for this DISPLAY or DFSORT statements (for example, INCLUDE). If an
VERIFY operator. ADD operand was specified for a COUNT operator, the
System action: This operation is terminated. count will reflect addition of the specified value. If a
SUB operand was specified for a COUNT operator, the
Programmer response: Correct the invalid decimal count will reflect subtraction of the specified value, but
values indicated in the ICE618A and ICE649A will not be reduced below 0.
messages, or set a higher LIMIT value.
If ICETOOL did not complete the operation
successfully, this count reflects the number of records
ICE627I DFSORT CALL nnnn FOR processed before an error was detected that caused
{COPY|SORT} FROM ddname1 TO ICETOOL to terminate processing of this operation.
{ddname2|E35 EXIT|OUTFIL}
{COMPLETED|TERMINATED} System action: None.

Explanation: Supplies information about a specific call Programmer response: None.

to DFSORT for this operation as follows:
nnnn The call identifier for this call to DFSORT. You ICE629A HIGHER AND LOWER VALUES
can match nnnn to the same nnnn in DFSORT EXCLUDE ALL RECORDS
message ICE200I in the DFSMSG data set to Explanation: Critical. The values specified for
find the set of DFSORT messages for this call HIGHER and LOWER excluded all records from the
to DFSORT. range. For example, HIGHER(5) and LOWER(6) define
a range of 5 < value < 6, which excludes every value.

86 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

System action: This operation is terminated. Programmer response: Provide a return area of m
bytes (or more) for this operation and set the return
Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
area length appropriately.
the error was detected. Specify values for HIGHER and
LOWER that define a valid range.
Explanation: Critical. A value for the indicated FS or
Explanation: Indicates the processing mode to be used
CSF field had 32 digits, or a value for the indicated
for subsequent operators as follows:
UFF or SFF field had 32 or more digits, exceeding the
v STOP mode - set at the beginning of the run and
limit of 31 digits.
when a MODE STOP statement is processed. Stops
subsequent operations if an error is detected (by System action: This operation is terminated.
entering SCAN mode).
Programmer response: Limit all FS, CSF, UFF, and SFF
v CONTINUE mode - set when a MODE CONTINUE
data values for this operation to 31 digits. The
statement is processed. Continues with subsequent
DISPLAY operator with CH format can be used to
operations if an error is detected.
visually identify the values with 32 digits.
v SCAN mode - set when an error is encountered in
STOP mode and when a MODE SCAN statement is
processed. ICETOOL statements are checked for ICE635A NUMBER OF HEADER KEYWORDS
errors, but DFSORT is not called to perform the DOES NOT MATCH NUMBER OF ON
operations. KEYWORDS
System action: None. Explanation: Critical. There was not a one-to-one
correspondence between the HEADER keywords and
Programmer response: If SCAN mode was set due to
the ON keywords. For example, two HEADER
an error while in STOP mode, correct the error.
keywords were specified with three ON keywords.
System action: This operation is terminated.
{(p,m,f)|(VLEN)}: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Programmer response: Specify one HEADER('string')
or HEADER(NONE) keyword for each ON keyword.
Explanation: Indicates the count of values within the
specified range for this field (prints as 15 decimal digits
padded with zeros on the left as needed). (p,m,f) or ICE636A INVALID VALUE IN DFSORT ICEyyy
(VLEN) is the field you specified for this RANGE INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT
Explanation: Critical. A value in the indicated
System action: None. DFSORT installation environment (ICEyyy) could not
be interpreted by ICETOOL. This indicates an
Programmer response: None.
installation problem. Any or all of the values printed
can be incorrect.
STATEMENTS: source Note: ICETOOL cannot detect all possible invalid
values in the ICEyyy environment; it only prints
Explanation: Indicates whether ICETOOL statements
this message for the first invalid value it detects.
were processed from TOOLIN or from the calling
program's PARMLIST (parameter list). Statements are System action: '> > INVALID < <' is printed in the list
processed from TOOLIN unless the ICETOOL data set for the invalid value, and all subsequent
Parameter List Interface is used. processing for this operator is terminated.
System action: None. Programmer response: Have your system programmer
check that the ICEMAC macro and the DFSORT
Programmer response: None.
modules (especially ICEPRML, ICETOOL and
ICEMCDU) were installed correctly and that the
ICE633A RETURN AREA IS n BYTES, BUT m ICEMAC installation modules (ICEAM1, ICEAM2,
ICETD4) were generated correctly and are at the same
Explanation: The length of the return area (in bytes)
level as the DFSORT modules.
as indicated in the calling program's parameter list was
too small to contain all of the information to be
returned for this operation. A return area of m bytes is
System action: This operation is terminated.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 87

Informational and Error Messages

in bytes 1 through 3, use instead (1,8,PD,U09), or

ON(4,5,PD) with BLANK, to reduce the column
width from 16 bytes to 10 bytes.
– Reduce the number of ON fields, especially if the
Explanation: Critical. BTOTAL or TOTAL operand is used.
v For a DISPLAY or OCCUR operator without NOCC: – Reduce BETWEEN(n).
The calculated record length for the indicated list – Reduce INDENT(n).
data set was greater than 2048 or the maximum
– Remove STATLEFT.
width specified. n is the total bytes required in the
list data set record for the carriage control character, – Reduce TBETWEEN(n).
the title lines (resulting from specified title elements), v For a COUNT operator, remove the WIDTH operand
column widths (resulting from specified ON, and let ICETOOL set the width, or if you need to set
HEADER, PLUS, BLANK, TOTAL, BREAK, BTITLE, the WIDTH explicitly, increase its value to n or
and BTOTAL operands), and blanks before and greater.
between title elements and columns (resulting from
STATLEFT operands). m is the value specified for the ICE638I NUMBER OF RECORDS RESULTING
WIDTH operand, or 2048 if WIDTH was not FROM CRITERIA: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
specified. Explanation: Indicates the count of records produced
v For a DISPLAY or OCCUR operator with NOCC: as a result of the specified criteria, for example,
The calculated record length for the indicated list ALLDUPS (prints as 15 decimal digits padded with
data set was greater than 2047 or the maximum zeros on the left as needed).
width specified. n is the total bytes required in the v For an OCCUR operator, the count indicates the total
list data set record for the title lines (resulting from number of records in the list data set.
specified title elements), column widths (resulting v For a SELECT or SPLICE operator, the count
from specified ON, HEADER, PLUS, BLANK, indicates the total number of records in the outdd
TOTAL, BREAK, BTITLE, and BTOTAL operands), data set.
and blanks before and between title elements and System action: None.
columns (resulting from specified INDENT,
TBETWEEN, BETWEEN, and STATLEFT operands). Programmer response: None.
m is the value specified for the WIDTH operand, or
2047 if WIDTH was not specified. ICE639A INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE -
v For a COUNT operator with WRITE: ADD AT LEAST nK BYTES TO
The calculated record length for the indicated output REGION
data set was greater than the maximum width Explanation: Critical. ICETOOL could not get the
specified. n is the total bytes required in the output additional n KB of storage needed for this operation.
data set record for the count line (resulting from
specified TEXT, DIGITS and EDCOUNT operands). System action: This operation is terminated.
m is the value specified for the WIDTH operand. Programmer response: Increase the REGION by at
System action: This operation is terminated. least n KB. In some cases, more than n KB are required
to meet all the storage requirements for ICETOOL and
Programmer response: DFSORT for this operation.
v For a DISPLAY or OCCUR operator:
If m is less than 2048 without NOCC or less than ICE640A INVALID FORMATTING ITEM
2047 with NOCC, either remove the WIDTH operand
and let ICETOOL set the width, or if you need to set Explanation: Critical. An ON(p,m,f,formatting),
the WIDTH explicitly, increase its value to n or ON(VLEN,formatting), ON(NUM,formatting),
greater. EDCOUNT(formatting), or EDBCOUNT(formatting)
operand for this DISPLAY operator, or an
If m is 2048 without NOCC or 2047 with NOCC,
ON(p,m,f,formatting), ON(VLEN,formatting) or
take one or more of the following actions:
ON(VALCNT,formatting) operand for this OCCUR
– Use formatting items or the PLUS or BLANK operator, or an EDCOUNT(formatting) operand for this
operand. For example, use ON(21,18,ZD,U19) COUNT operator, contained an invalid formatting item
instead of ON(21,18,ZD) with TOTAL to change as follows:
the column width from 32 bytes to 20 bytes. v The formatting item was not /x (/x can be /D, /C,
– Reduce the length of one or more HEADER /K, /DK, /CK, /M, /G, /KB, /MB, or /GB),
strings. L'string', F'string', T'string', E'pattern', NOST, LZ,
– Reduce the length of one or more ON fields. For Ndd, Udd, or a valid mask (mask can be A0-A5,
example, if an ON(1,8,PD) field always has zeros B1-B6, C1-C6, D1-D6, E1-E4, F1-F5, or G1-G6).

88 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

v /x, F'string', E'pattern', LZ, NOST, Ndd, Udd, or a

mask was specified for a character field.
v /x or NOST was specified for ON(NUM,formatting) Explanation: n indicates the line length and the
or for OCCUR. LRECL for this DISPLAY or OCCUR list data set,
v /x, NOST or Ndd was specified for determined as follows:
BREAK(p,m,f,formatting), EDCOUNT(formatting), or v n if WIDTH(n) was specified
EDBCOUNT(formatting). v 121 if NOCC and WIDTH(n) were not specified and
v More than one /x was specified, more than one the calculated line length was less than or equal to
mask was specified, Ndd and Udd were both 121
specified, or L'string', F'string', T'string', E'pattern', v the calculated line length if NOCC and WIDTH(n)
Udd, or Ndd was specified more than once. were not specified and the calculated line length was
v L'', F'', T'' or E'' was specified. greater than 121
v F'string' or a mask was specified with E'pattern'. v 120 if NOCC was specified, WIDTH(n) was not
v dd for Ndd or Udd was not two digits from 01 to 31. specified, and the calculated line length was less than
v dd for Ndd or Udd was greater than 15 for or equal to 120
ON(NUM,formatting) or ON(VALCNT,formatting). v the calculated line length if NOCC was specified,
v dd for Udd was greater than 15 for WIDTH(n) was not specified, and the calculated line
EDCOUNT(formatting) or EDBCOUNT(formatting). length was greater than 120.
System action: This operation is terminated. System action: None.
Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which Programmer response: None.
the error was detected. Correct the error.
ICE644A {VALUE|TOTAL} FOR {(p,m,f)|(VLEN)}
Explanation: Critical. The indicated system service Explanation: Critical. A value for the indicated
failed when ICETOOL called it. Message values are as ON(p,m,f) or ON(VLEN) field (DISPLAY or OCCUR) or
follows: BREAK(p,m,f) field (DISPLAY), or the total for the
x The return code from the service, in decimal. indicated ON(p,m,f) field, exceeded the number of
y The reason code from the service, in decimal, digits (n) you allowed for it. n is the number of digits
or zero if unavailable. allowed for the value or total as determined from the
length and format of the field, or the Ndd or Udd
System action: This operation is terminated.
formatting item you specified.
Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming
System action:
v For a DISPLAY operator with an overflowing BREAK
value, this operation is terminated.
v For a DISPLAY operator with an overflowing ON
value, asterisks are printed for this value in the data
Explanation: Critical. The release level (xxxx) of line and in any statistics lines requested. Processing
DFSORT does not match the release level (yyyy) of the continues.
indicated module. If the module is 'ICEPRML' , that v For a DISPLAY operator with an overflowing total,
module, which is used to process ICEPRMxx members asterisks are printed for the total. Processing
in PARMLIB was not at the same release level as the continues.
DFSORT modules being used for the run. If the module
v For an OCCUR operator with an overflowing ON
is 'ICEAM1' , 'ICEAM2', 'ICEAM3' , 'ICEAM4' ,
value, this operation is terminated.
'ICETD1' , 'ICETD2', 'ICETD3' or 'ICETD4', the ICEMAC
macro used to compile that installation module was not Programmer response: Specify an Ndd or Udd
at the same release level as the DFSORT modules being formatting item large enough to prevent overflow of
used for the run. the value or total (that is, use an appropriate Ndd or
Udd value between n+1 and 31).
Note: This message is only printed for ICEPRML or for
the first installation module with a release level
that does not match the DFSORT release level.
System action: This operation is terminated.
Explanation: Critical. The number of digits (n)
Programmer response: Have your System allowed from the Ndd, Udd , or DIGITS(n) item you
Programmer ensure that the release level of the specified was too small, as follows:
DFSORT modules matches the release level of the v (NUM) indicates a record number for this DISPLAY
indicated ICEPRML or installation module. operator exceeded the number of digits you allowed
for it.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 89

Informational and Error Messages

v (VALCNT) indicates a value count for this OCCUR printed for the AVERAGE and TOTAL values, in which
operator exceeded the number of digits you allowed case you should correct the error indicated by the
for it. previous error message for this operation.
v COUNT indicates a count for this COUNT operator,
If you want all of the minimum, maximum, average
or an overall count or break count for this DISPLAY
and total values displayed with 31 digits, specify the
operator, exceeded the number of digits you allowed
LMSG keyword for this STATS operator.
for it.
System action: This operation is terminated.
ICE649A HEX VALUE: h...h
Programmer response: Specify an Ndd or Udd
Explanation: Critical. Displays the invalid value
formatting item, or a DIGITS(n) operand, large enough
associated with preceding message ICE618A. h...h is the
to prevent overflow of the record number, value count,
invalid value in hexadecimal. See the Explanation of
overall count or break count (that is, use an appropriate
message ICE618A for details
Ndd, Udd, or DIGITS value between n+1 and 15).
System action: See the System Action of message
ICE618A for details.
RC=12 SET Programmer response: See the Programmer Response
of message ICE618A for details.
Explanation: Critical. EMPTY, NOTEMPTY,
was specified for this COUNT operator. Because the ICE650I VISIT http://www.ibm.com/storage/
record count met the specified criteria, RC=12 was set dfsort FOR ICETOOL PAPERS,
for this COUNT operation. EXAMPLES AND MORE
System action: The operation is terminated. Explanation: The DFSORT website at
http://www.ibm.com/storage/dfsort is an important
Programmer response: None.
source of information about DFSORT's ICETOOL utility.
It contains papers, examples, online documents, news,
ICE647I RECORD COUNT DOES NOT MEET tips, techniques and more that can help you get the
CRITERIA - RC=0 SET most out of ICETOOL.
Explanation: EMPTY, NOTEMPTY, HIGHER(n), System action: None.
LOWER(n), EQUAL(n), or NOTEQUAL(n) was
Programmer response: Optional. Visit the DFSORT
specified for this COUNT operator. Because the record
website to see what it has to offer.
count did not meet the specified criteria, RC=0 was set
for this COUNT operation.
System action: None.
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: RC4 and EMPTY, NOTEMPTY,
ICE648I statistic: was specified for this COUNT operator. Because the
snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn record count met the specified criteria, RC=4 was set
for this COUNT operation.
Explanation: Indicates the minimum, maximum,
average or total for the field indicated in the ICE607I System action: Processing continues and ICETOOL
message preceding this message. statistic is MINIMUM, passes back a return code of 4 unless it sets a higher
MAXIMUM, AVERAGE or TOTAL. Each value consists return code for some other reason.
of a + or - sign and 31 decimal digits (padded with
Programmer response: None.
zeros on the left as needed).

Note: An ICE608I message is printed for the minimum ICE652A OUTREC STATEMENT FOUND BUT
and maximum values (instead of ICE648I NOT ALLOWED - USE OUTFIL
messages) if both values contain less than 16 STATEMENT INSTEAD
significant digits, unless LMSG is specified. An
Explanation: Critical. A DFSORT OUTREC statement
ICE609I message is printed for the average and
was specified for this DATASORT, SELECT, SPLICE, or
total values (instead of ICE648I messages) if both
SUBSET operator, but you cannot use an OUTREC
values contain less than 16 significant digits,
statement with DATASORT, SELECT, SPLICE, or
unless LMSG is specified.
System action: None.
System action: The operation is terminated.
Programmer response: None unless asterisks were
Programmer response: If you want to reformat the

90 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

output records produced by this DATASORT, SELECT,

SPLICE, or SUBSET operator, use one or more OUTFIL
statements as explained in z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide, instead of an OUTREC statement.
Explanation: Critical. A DFSORT SORT statement was
found for a SUBSET operator with DISCARD(savedd)
and INPUT operands, but you cannot use a SORT
statement with these SUBSET operands.
System action: This operation is terminated.
Explanation: Critical. Either:
v a SUBSET operator was used and a DFSORT Programmer response: Remove the SORT statement or
SKIPREC, STOPAFT or COND operand was DISCARD(savedd) operand, or change the INPUT
specified, or operand to an OUTPUT operand, as appropriate.
Alternatively, use two SUBSET operators, one with
v a DATASORT operator was used and a DFSORT
REMOVE and INPUT operands, a SORT statement, and
STOPAFT operand was specified.
no DISCARD(savedd) operand, and the other with
KEEP and INPUT operands, a SORT statement, and no
You cannot use STOPAFT with SUBSET or DATASORT. DISCARD(savedd) operand.
You cannot use SKIPREC or COND with SUBSET.
System action: The operation is terminated. | ICE657A TOO MANY FROM DDNAMES FOR
Programmer response: If appropriate, use an OUTFIL | MERGE
statement with INCLUDE, OMIT, STARTREC, ENDREC | Explanation: Critical. The maximum of 50 FROM
or other operands to remove unwanted records after | ddnames was exceeded for this MERGE operation.
they are processed by SUBSET or DATASORT.
| System action: This operation is terminated.
ICE654A SORT FUNCTION IS REQUIRED FOR | Programmer response: A $ marks the point at which
DATASORT OPERATION | the error was detected. Reduce the number of FROM
| ddnames for this MERGE operator to 50 or less. Use
Explanation: Critical. A DFSORT SORT statement was | additional MERGE operators to handle all of the data
not found for this DATASORT operator, but you must | sets required.
supply a SORT statement with DATASORT.
System action: The operation is terminated. | ICE658A MERGE FUNCTION IS REQUIRED
Programmer response: Specify a SORT statement in | FOR MERGE OPERATION
the xxxxCNTL data set corresponding to the | Explanation: Critical. A DFSORT MERGE statement
USING(xxxx) operand for this DATASORT operator. | was not found for this MERGE operator, but you must
Ensure that the SORT statement is not overridden by | supply a MERGE statement with a MERGE operator
an OPTION COPY statement.
| System action: This operation is terminated.
ICE655I COUNT RECORD WRITTEN IN | Programmer response: Specify a MERGE statement in
ddname DATA SET - LENGTH IS n | the xxxxCNTL data set corresponding to the
BYTES | USING(xxxx) operand for this MERGE operator. Ensure
| that the MERGE statement is not overridden by a SORT
Explanation: The record containing the count was | statement, an OPTION COPY statement, or a MERGE
written in the output data set with the indicated | FIELDS=COPY statement.
ddname. n indicates the record length and the LRECL
for the output data set, determined as follows:
v n if WIDTH(n) was specified ICE700A EFS PROCESSING IS NOT
v the calculated length of the count record if SELECTED
WIDTH(n) was not specified.
Explanation: Critical. EFS processing is not supported
System action: None. for the technique selected (tape work data set sort or
Programmer response: None. Conventional merge).
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Rerun the job with SORTDIAG
DD statement to get the reason for the revert from
message ICE800I. Remove the cause of the revert or do
not use EFS processing by specifying EFS=NONE.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 91

Informational and Error Messages

BY pppppppp AT MAJOR CALL n BY ppppp OF EFS PROGRAM pppppppp
Explanation: Critical. Termination of the DFSORT run Explanation: Critical. Termination of the DFSORT run
was requested by EFS program pppppppp at Major Call was requested by a user exit routine generated by EFS
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. program pppppppp.
System action: If the termination was requested at ppppp is one of the following names:
Major Call 1, the program terminates. If the termination
EFS01 The SORT/MERGE user exit routine.
was requested at Major Call 2 through 5, DFSORT
scans all remaining control statements and then the EFS02 The INCLUDE/OMIT user exit routine.
program terminates.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Refer to the message issued by
EFS program pppppppp for the error description. Programmer response: Refer to the message issued by
the user exit routine generated by EFS program
Explanation: Critical. EFS program pppppppp returned CONTROL STATEMENTS FOLLOW
an invalid return code to DFSORT at Major Call 1, 2, 3,
4, or 5. Explanation: When control statements are specified in
the invoking parameter list or control statements are
System action: If the invalid return code was returned specified with the DD statement for SYSIN or
at Major Call 1, the program terminates. If the invalid xxxxCNTL, this message separates the listing of those
return code was returned at Major Call 2 through 5, control statements from the listing of the control
DFSORT scans all remaining control statements and statements returned by an EFS program.
then the program terminates.
A control statement returned by an EFS program
Programmer response: Check the EFS program completely overrides the corresponding control
thoroughly and ensure that the return code is either 0 statement in the parameter list, or in SYSIN or
or 16. xxxxCNTL. (OPTION control statement operands EFS,
ignored if returned by an EFS program.)
For complete details on the order of override, see z/OS
Explanation: Critical. The ppppp-generated user exit
DFSORT Application Programming Guide.
routine, EFS01 or EFS02, of EFS program pppppppp
returned an invalid return code to DFSORT. System action: None.
System action: The program terminates. Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: Check the EFS-generated user
exit routines thoroughly and ensure that the return ICE707A EXIT E61 IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR
code returned by EFS01 is either 0 or 16 and that the EFS FIELDS
return code returned by EFS02 is 0, 4, or 16.
Explanation: Critical. The SORT or MERGE control
statement defined a control field to be processed both
ICE704A LOAD FAILED FOR EFS PROGRAM by an EFS program and an E61 user exit routine.
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. EFS program pppppppp could not
be loaded. Programmer response: Check the SORT or MERGE
control statement for errors resulting in the
System action: The program terminates. specification of a D1 field format type with an E field
sequence type.
Programmer response: Check that EFS program
pppppppp is installed.
Explanation: Critical. A SORT/MERGE control field or
an INCLUDE/OMIT compare field was to be processed
by an EFS program, but the EFS program was not
activated by the EFS option, nor was a verb request list
returned at Major Call 1.

92 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

System action: The program terminates.

Programmer response: Check the SORT/MERGE or PARAMETERS FROM ddname - SYSIN
INCLUDE/OMIT control statements for errors resulting OR xxxxCNTL/PARAMETER LIST
in the specification of a D1 or D2 field format type. CONTROL STATEMENTS FOLLOW
Check that the EFS option has been specified.
Explanation: When returned parameters are specified
v The SORTCNTL DD statement, or
Explanation: Critical. A SORT/MERGE control field or v The invoking parameter list
an INCLUDE/OMIT compare field was to be processed
by an EFS program, but the EFS program did not
and are specified with the DD statement indicated by
return an address to EFS01 or EFS02.
ddname, this message separates the listing of the
ppppp is one of the following names: requested data set's parameters from the former
EFS01 The SORT/MERGE user exit routine.
EFS02 The INCLUDE/OMIT user exit routine. See z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for
details on the order of override.
System action: The program terminates.
System action: None.
Programmer response: Check the SORT/MERGE and
INCLUDE/OMIT control statements for errors resulting Programmer response: None.
in the specification of a D1 or D2 field format type.
Check the EFS program and ensure that it returns an
address to EFS01 or EFS02.
Explanation: Critical. Language Environment
initialization failed.
pppppppp System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. The control statement aaaaaaaa Programmer response: Contact IBM for programming
requested by EFS program pppppppp contained a syntax support.
error. DFSORT could not determine the true length of
the requested control statement or option.
System action: The program terminates. name
Programmer response: Respond as indicated in the Explanation: Critical. Indicates that the designated
accompanying message ICE007A. active locale could not be loaded and gives its name.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: If the indicated locale name is
that of an IBM supplied locale, DFSORT must have
access to the run-time library containing the
dynamically loadable routines. For example, the data
Explanation: When returned control statements are set containing them might be called SYS1.SCEERUN. If
specified in the invoking parameter list and with the you are unsure of the name of the data set where the
DD statement for xxxxCNTL, this message separates compiled locale load modules are installed at your
the listing of requested control statements from both location, contact your system administrator.
If the indicated name is that of a user defined locale,
If all returned control statements came from either DFSORT must have access to the load library
SORTCNTL or the parameter list, message ICE711I was containing it.
not printed; only ICE706I was printed.
For complete details on the order of override, see z/OS ICE715A LOCALE PROCESSING CONFLICTS
DFSORT Application Programming Guide. WITH keyword
System action: None. Explanation: Critical. Locale processing cannot be
used with the function or feature indicated by the
Programmer response: None.
keyword shown. See z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide for details on locale processing and
the function or feature indicated.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 93

Informational and Error Messages

System action: The program terminates. Programmer response: Reduce the number or length
of SORT or MERGE control fields that require locale
Programmer response: If D1, D2, or EFS is the
indicated keyword, take one of the following actions:
v Specify run-time option EFS=NONE to use locale
processing without EFS processing. (Locale ICE721A A COMPARE FIELD CONTAINS AN
processing might eliminate the need for an EFS INVALID CHARACTER
Explanation: Critical. Locale processing of a compare
v Specify run-time option LOCALE=NONE to use EFS
field detected that a character in the compare field is
processing without locale processing.
not defined in the active locale.
If CHALT is the indicated keyword, take one of the System action: The program terminates.
following actions:
Programmer response: Ensure that the correct locale is
v Specify run-time option NOCHALT to use locale
the active locale in effect or correct the invalid
processing without alternate sequence processing for
CH fields. (Locale processing might eliminate the
need for alternate sequence processing.) If alternate
sequence processing is needed for a particular field, ICE722I ACTIVE LOCALE name WAS USED
specify AQ for that field instead of CH. FOR LOCALE PROCESSING
v Specify run-time option LOCALE=NONE to use
alternate sequence processing for CH fields without Explanation: Indicates that DFSORT used locale
locale processing. processing and gives the name of the active locale.
Locale processing is used for:
v SORT or MERGE character (CH) control fields
If INREC is the indicated keyword, take one of the
v INCLUDE or OMIT character (CH) compare fields
following actions:
v INCLUDE or OMIT character or hexadecimal
v Use the OUTREC statement or the OUTREC operand
constant to character (CH) compare field
of the OUTFIL statement instead of the INREC
statement to allow locale processing.
v Specify run-time option LOCALE=NONE to use the
INREC statement without locale processing. Note: Locale processing is not used for IFTHEN
WHEN constants or compare fields.
If E61 is the indicated keyword, take one of the System action: None
following actions:
v Eliminate the E61 exit, and change E to A or D for Programmer response: None
each field, to use locale processing without E61
processing. (Locale processing might eliminate the ICE725A LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT
need for an EFS program.) SERVICE ERROR (nnnn)
v Specify run-time option LOCALE=NONE to use E61
processing without locale processing. Explanation: Critical. Language Environment services
returned an unexpected feedback code for a service call
used by DFSORT. nnnn is the error message number of
ICE716A A CONTROL FIELD CONTAINS AN the feedback code.
System action: The program terminates.
Explanation: Critical. Locale processing of a control
field detected that a character in the control field is not Programmer response: Take one or more of the
defined in the active locale. following actions, as appropriate:
v Check that all SORT, MERGE, INCLUDE, or OMIT
System action: The program terminates.
CH fields contain valid character data values.
Programmer response: Ensure that the correct locale is v Contact IBM for programming support. The error
the active locale in effect or correct the invalid message number can be used to reference Language
character. Environment Run-Time Messages in Locale Processing.

Explanation: Critical. For a SORT or MERGE Explanation: Critical. DFSORT's locale processing
statement with control fields that require locale routine could not be loaded.
processing, the complexity of the application caused
dynamic areas to exceed the storage allowed for them. System action: The program terminates.

System action: The program terminates. Programmer response: Contact your system

94 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Informational and Error Messages

programmer to ensure that DFSORT's locale processing

support has been installed.


Explanation: Critical. A SYMNAMES data set was
specified indicating that symbol processing is to be
performed. However, an EFS program was also
specified. EFS processing and symbol processing cannot
both be used.
System action: The program terminates.
Programmer response: Use EFS processing or symbol
processing, but not both.

ICE750I DC a TC b C c DSVd KSZ e VSZ f

Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

ICE751I aa-bbbbbb ...

Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

ICE752I FSZ= a b IGN = c d AVG = e f WSP = g

h DYN = i
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

ICE753I FWK=(a,b) SWK=(c,d) TWK=(e,f)

RWK=(g,h) TOTAL=(i,j) BLK=k
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

ICE754I ab
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

ICE755I abc
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

Chapter 3. Informational and Error Messages 95

Informational and Error Messages

96 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 4. Diagnostic Messages
The following diagnostic messages can appear when a SORTDIAG DD statement is
present, or when installation option DIAGSIM=YES is in effect.

63 Too many control fields were specified or

control fields were too large.
64 Too many control fields were specified or
Explanation: DFSORT's most efficient technique,
control fields were too large.
Blockset, could not be used for this application. rsn is
the reason code associated with the error. The reason 65 A SORTWKdd data set was not present.
code helps you determine the specific cause of the
error. Reason code values (rsn) are as follows: 66 An INREC statement was specified and EFS01
was in effect.
1 A critical message was issued.
74 An E61 user exit was specified and VLSHRT
5 BDAM was indicated in the SORTIN DD was in effect.
75 A MODS statement Exx operand had SYSIN in
6 BDAM was indicated in the SORTIN data set the third parameter or T or S in the fourth
label. parameter (that is, dynamic link-editing was
7 BDAM was indicated in the SORTOUT DD
Note: Blockset cannot be used to process BDAM data
10 A DUMMY or spool SORTWKdd data set was sets.
System action: None.
12 An attempt to OPEN a data set caused a
system error. Programmer response: None. However, for improved
performance, correct the situation indicated by the
16 The SORTIN or SORTOUT data set resided on reason code (rsn) so Blockset can be used.
an unsupported device.
17 A SORTWKdd data set resided on an | ICE801I a: b c
unsupported device (such as tape).
| Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
22 ASCII tapes had the following parameters: | the IBM Support Center.
or Explanation: t indicates the DFSORT technique that
was in control:
and BUFOFF[=0. BLOCKSET Disk work data set sort, standard
merge, or copy
23 An attempt to read the DSCB for the SORTIN
data set caused an error. PEER/VALE Disk work data set sort
24 An attempt to read the DSCB for the CONVENTIONAL
SORTOUT data set caused an error. Nonstandard merge or tape work
data set sort.
28 An E18 or E38 user exit was specified with a
tape SORTIN(nn) data set.
The indicated technique was not necessarily the
47 The NOBLKSET option was specified. technique ultimately selected (see message ICE143I).
48 The CKPT run-time option and the System action: None.
IGNCKPT=NO installation option were
specified. Programmer response: None.

58 Dynamic tape SORTWKdd data sets were

requested. ICE804I ddname EXCP COUNT: n
Explanation: If the ddname is OUTFIL, lists the total

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 97

number of EXCPs performed, using the EXCP access
ICE8201 RL=a B=b IL=c IS=d IB=e RM=f EM=g
method, to all OUTFIL data sets. Otherwise, lists the
BA=h IX=i OX=j
number of EXCPs performed, using the EXCP access
method, to the data set associated with the indicated Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ddname. the IBM Support Center.
System action: None.
ICE821I BN=a X=b TO=c SN=d G=e
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE822I BN=a X=b G=c PN=d BT=e TO=f
Explanation: Indicates the job name and step name for
the DFSORT run. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
System action: None.
Programmer response: None.
ICE823I BN=a X=b G=c TO=d BT=e
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: A call to the DFSORT SVC resulted in a
ICE824I PE=a RP=b CX=c CO=d C0=e CR=f G=g
system abend. nnn is the abend code. It occurred when
the SVC was not available to DFSORT because of
improper installation or because the wrong version of Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the SVC was installed. Because DFSORT continued the the IBM Support Center.
run as if the abend had not occurred, this message was
issued to assist system programmers in determining the
ICE825I GP=a SA=b X=c
reason why the SVC was not available. DFSORT runs
more efficiently with cache devices if the SVC is Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
available. See z/OS DFSORT Installation and the IBM Support Center.
Customization for further information.
System action: None. ICE826I BN=a X=b RM=c
Programmer response: Ask your system programmer Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
to check that the DFSORT SVC is installed properly for the IBM Support Center.
this level of DFSORT and that the correct routing code
for the SVC is selected.
ICE827I RD=a BL=b BY=c

ICE818I LOCATE CALL FAILED Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: A call to the LOCATE SVC failed while
DFSORT was attempting to obtain information about
an input or output data set. ICE854I abc

System action: Processing continues without the Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
information from LOCATE. This can result in one of the IBM Support Center.
the following situations:
v DFSORT cannot accurately estimate the input file ICE855I a : TX=b, R=c, L=d, B=e, BL=f, BR=g,
size (message ICE118I indicates this situation).. DCT=h, VS=i, RU=j, SB=k
v DFSORT cannot obtain the input record length. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
v An OPEN error may occur if a VSAM output data the IBM Support Center.
set is defined without REUSE, and RESET is in effect.
Programmer response: None required. If DFSORT ICE857I C=a, LA=b, DA=c, LB=d, DB=e, MB=f,
cannot accurately estimate the input file size, refer to CB=g, UB=h
the Programmer Response for message ICE118I. If
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
DFSORT cannot obtain the input record length, specify
the IBM Support Center.
an L1 value in the LENGTH parameter of the RECORD
statement. If a VSAM OPEN error occurs, specifying
NORESET may eliminate the OPEN error.

98 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

ICE858I LA=a, DA=b, AA=c, BA=d, CP=e, TA=f ICE887I CSES a,b,c ES d,e,f
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. the IBM Support Center.

ICE859I LB=a, DB=b, AB=c, BB=d, CP=e, RS=f, ICE888I INI01 a AXI01 b W1 c INI03 d AXI03 e
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. the IBM Support Center.

ICE860I F=a, P=b, M=c, B=d ICE889I CT=a, SB=b, L=c, D=defg, CCW=hijk
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. the IBM Support Center.

ICE880I QP=a QA=b HI=c LI=d MI=e TZ=f ICE891I a WMAIN, b CMAIN, c CALLOC, d
N1=g N2=h SZ=i HN=j SCN, e BA, f AZ, g BZ, h QC, i CZ, j
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE881I EQ=a DX=b D2=c D3=d D4=e AS=f
SA=g SB=h SC=i HN=j ICE892I a RIN b BLI c BLO d RUN e BUN f
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE882I a PLE b
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE883I IX=a, IFC=b, INC=c, OX=d, OFC=e,
ONC=f, CRT=g, NCR=h
ICE894I a STR b MOR c IPB d OPB e CYL f MN
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE884I a b AVK c AVR d
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. the IBM Support Center.

f | HSZ=e, HM=f, HN=g
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center. the IBM Support Center.

Chapter 4. Diagnostic Messages 99

| ICE898I OMAX=a, NMAX=b, TMAX=c, ICE992I RA a WR b TR c
| ENQT=d, HU=e, BUN=f, MD=g,h,
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
| DU=i, DR=j, HN=k
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE995I PN=a, HN=b
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ICE899I HSR=a, HSW=b, HRE=c, HWE=d,
the IBM Support Center.
HRP=e, HWP=f, HWM=g, HNM=h
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ICE996I ESM=a, ESO=b, ESR=c, ESP=d, ESS=e,
the IBM Support Center.
CES=f, HSZ=g
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ICE900I CON=a, MUV=b, VOL=c, ENU=d,
the IBM Support Center.
SBK=e, SRC=f, VEM=g
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ICE997I HWSP=a, HMAX=b, HES=c, ASV=d,
the IBM Support Center.
EQ=e, HN=f
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
ICE901I ab...
the IBM Support Center.
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.
ICE902I 0aIbc...
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by the IBM Support Center.
the IBM Support Center.

ICE905I a : RF=b, LR=c, BLK=d, BCT=e

Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.


Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
the IBM Support Center.

| ICE920I Z a S1 b S2 c EN d ZI e
| Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
| the IBM Support Center.

| ICE921I WLM aaaaaaaa RC=b, RSN=cccccccc

| Explanation: DFSORT diagnostic message for use by
| the IBM Support Center.

100 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 5. Return Codes and User Abends
DFSORT Return Codes
For successful completion, DFSORT passes back a return code of 0 or 4 to the
operating system or the invoking program.

For unsuccessful completion due to an unsupported operating system, DFSORT

passes back a return code of 24 to the operating system or the invoking program.

For unsuccessful completion with NOABEND in effect, DFSORT passes back a

return code of 16 or 20 to the operating system or the invoking program.

For unsuccessful completion with ABEND in effect, DFSORT issues a user abend
with the appropriate code as specified by the ABCODE installation option (either
the error message number or a number between 1 and 99).

For additional information on DFSORT User Abends, see “User Abends at Run
Time” on page 9.

The meanings of the return codes that DFSORT passes back (in register 15) are:
0 Successful completion. DFSORT completed successfully.
4 Successful completion. DFSORT completed successfully, and:
v OVFLO=RC4 was in effect and summary fields overflowed, or
v PAD=RC4 was in effect and the SORTOUT LRECL was larger than the
v TRUNC=RC4 was in effect and the SORTOUT LRECL was smaller than the
SORTIN/SORTINnn LRECL (LRECL truncation), or
v SPANINC=RC4 was in effect and one or more incomplete spanned records
was detected, or
v NULLOUT=RC4 was in effect and there were no records for the SORTOUT
data set, or
v NULLOFL=RC4 was in effect and there were no data records for an
OUTFIL data set
16 Unsuccessful completion. DFSORT detected an error that prevented it from
completing successfully.
20 Message data set missing. Installation option NOMSGDD=QUIT was in
effect and neither a message data set DD statement nor a SYSOUT DD
statement was provided.
24 Unsupported operating system. This operating system is not supported by
this release of DFSORT.

ICETOOL Return Codes

ICETOOL sets a return code for each operation it performs in STOP or CONTINUE
mode and passes back the highest return code it encounters to the operating
system or the invoking program.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 101

Return Codes

For successful completion of all operations, ICETOOL passes back a return code of
0 or 4 to the operating system or the invoking program.

For unsuccessful completion due to an unsupported operating system, ICETOOL

passes back a return code of 24 to the operating system or invoking program.

For unsuccessful completion of one or more operations, ICETOOL passes back a

return code of 12, 16, or 20 to the operating system or the invoking program.

The meanings of the return codes that ICETOOL passes back (in register 15) are:
0 Successful completion. All operations completed successfully.
4 Successful completion. All operations completed successfully. Either:
v RC4 was specified for an ICETOOL COUNT operator and the record count
met the specified criteria, or
v DFSORT passed back a return code of 4 for one or more operations. See
“DFSORT Return Codes” on page 101 for details.
12 Unsuccessful completion. ICETOOL detected one or more errors that
prevented it from completing successfully. Messages for these errors were
printed in the TOOLMSG data set.
16 Unsuccessful completion. DFSORT detected one or more errors that
prevented ICETOOL from completing successfully. Messages for these errors
were printed in the DFSMSG data set.
20 Message data set error. The TOOLMSG DD statement was not present or the
TOOLMSG data set was not opened.
24 Unsupported operating system. This operating system is not supported by
this release of DFSORT.

ICEGENER Return Codes

ICEGENER can use either IEBGENER or the DFSORT copy function. However, for
unsuccessful completion due to an unsupported operating system, ICEGENER
passes back a return code of 24 to the operating system or the invoking program,
without using either IEBGENER or DFSORT copy.

If ICEGENER transfers control to IEBGENER, IEBGENER passes back its return

code to the operating system or the invoking program.

If ICEGENER uses the DFSORT copy function:

v For successful completion, ICEGENER passes back a return code of 0 or 4 to the
operating system or the invoking program.
v For unsuccessful completion with NOABEND in effect, ICEGENER passes back
a return code of 12 (changed from 16) to the operating system or the invoking
v For unsuccessful completion with ABEND in effect, DFSORT issues a user abend
with the appropriate code as specified by the ABCODE installation option (either
the error message number or a number between 1 and 99).

The meanings of the return codes that ICEGENER passes back (in register 15) are:
0 Successful completion. ICEGENER completed successfully.
4 Successful completion. ICEGENER completed successfully, and:

102 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Return Codes

v Installation option GNPAD=RC4 was specified and the SYSUT2 LRECL

was larger than the SYSUT1 LRECL (LRECL padding), or
v Installation option GNTRUNC=RC4 was specifed and the SYSUT2 LRECL
was smaller than the SYSUT1 LRECL (LRECL truncation), or
v SPANINC=RC4 was in effect and one or more incomplete spanned records
was detected, or
v NULLOUT=RC4 was in effect and there were no records for the SORTOUT
data set, or
v NULLOFL=RC4 was in effect and there were no data records for an
OUTFIL data set
12 Unsuccessful completion. DFSORT detected an error that prevented
ICEGENER from completing successfully.
24 Unsupported operating system. This operating system is not supported by
this release of DFSORT.

Chapter 5. Return Codes and User Abends 103

Return Codes

104 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Part 3. Diagnosis Guide
Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT
Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Developing Your Keyword String. . . . . . . 108
Constructing Keyword Strings . . . . . . . . 110
Component Identification Keyword Procedure . . 111
FMID Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . . 112
Type-of-Technique Keyword Procedure . . . . . 112
Type-of-Application Keyword Procedure . . . . 113
Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures . . . . . 113
Wait and Loop Keywords Procedure. . . . . 114
System Abend Keyword Procedure . . . . . 115
User Abend Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 115
Message Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . 116
Incorrect-Output Keyword Procedure . . . . 116
Performance Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 117
Document Keyword Procedure . . . . . . 117
Module Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . 117
Offset Keyword Procedure . . . . . . . . . 119
Message Variable Keywords . . . . . . . . 119
ICE061A Variable Keywords . . . . . . . 119
ICE117A Variable Keywords . . . . . . . 120

Chapter 7. Searching the Problem Reporting

Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Chapter 8. Fixing or Bypassing the Problem 123

Fixing the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Bypassing the Problem . . . . . . . . . . 123

Chapter 9. Reporting a Problem . . . . . . 125

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 105

106 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program
To resolve a program failure, you describe the problem with a set of keywords,
called a keyword string. The IBM Support Center (or you, if you have a tool such as
Info Access) uses the keyword string to search an IBM software support database,
such as the Software Support Facility or the Early Warning System, to determine
whether an authorized program analysis report (APAR) has already been recorded.

An APAR contains information explaining how to fix or bypass the error. This
might be a program temporary fix (PTF), an APAR fix, or a bypass.

If an APAR has not been recorded, the IBM Support Center personnel might ask
you to obtain messages or a dump to provide information beyond the keyword
string you developed.

Use Table 5 to resolve a program failure.

Table 5. Program Failure Resolution
Step Action
1 Read and follow the directions in Chapter 1, “Eliminating Common Sources of
Error,” on page 3, to first eliminate your own user exit routines, calling
programs (if you have any), and other factors as a source of error.

If the source of error is not your own routines or calling programs, go to step
2 Follow the instructions in “Developing Your Keyword String” on page 108.
Each of the keywords in the string describes one aspect of a program failure
and makes the search argument more specific. The more precise your
keyword string, the more selective the search, and the fewer problem
descriptions there are to evaluate.

You need messages or a dump to develop most keyword strings. If you did
not receive messages or a dump, read “How to Get Messages” on page 3, and
Table 2 on page 3.

When you complete your keyword string, go to step 3.

3 Follow the instructions in Chapter 7, “Searching the Problem Reporting
Databases,” on page 121. The search determines whether the problem has
been reported previously.

If the problem has already been reported, go to step 4.

If the problem has not been reported, go to step 5.

4 If the problem has already been reported, you will be instructed to apply a
PTF or APAR fix or to bypass the problem until a PTF or APAR fix is
available. See Chapter 8, “Fixing or Bypassing the Problem,” on page 123.
5 If the problem has not been reported, follow the instructions in Chapter 9,
“Reporting a Problem,” on page 125, to report the problem.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 107

Developing Keyword String

Developing Your Keyword String

This section helps you to develop a keyword string to describe your program
failure. The keyword string is used to search an IBM software support database,
explained in Chapter 7, “Searching the Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.
The number of keywords within a keyword string depends on the type of failure
being described. The types of failures include:
System abend
User abend
Incorrect output

Before contacting the IBM Support Center for assistance, ensure that your keyword
string contains all the required keywords for your particular type of failure.

Figure 1 on page 109 shows the steps you need to follow, depending on the type of
failure you describe. The following are the keywords you might need to use:
Keyword When required
Component Identification Always required
FMID Always required
Type-of-Technique Required for all except document errors
Type-of-Application Required for all except document errors
Type-of-Failure Always required
Module Required for system abend, user abend, wait, and
Offset Required for system abend, user abend, wait, and
Message Variable Required for messages ICE061A and ICE117A
Order Number Required for document error

Begin with “Constructing Keyword Strings” on page 110 and follow the procedures
until the keyword string is developed and you are instructed to use it as a search

108 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Developing Keyword String


ID Keyword


Document Yes

Type of

Type of

Type of

Wait or System User Message Incorrect Performance Documen-

Loop Abend Abend Output tation

Yes No Yes Abend Abend Yes

Wait Bit Code n22 Code<1000
On? ? ?

No No


Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

ICE061A No Order
Module or ICE117A Number


Offset Variable
Keyword Keywords


Figure 1. Keyword String Flowchart (Part 1 of 2)

Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 109

Constructing the Keyword String Correctly


? Preparation

Apply the


Figure 1. Keyword String Flowchart (Part 2 of 2)

Constructing Keyword Strings

Use Figure 2 on page 111 to help you construct the keyword string to describe
DFSORT program failures.

To use the diagram:

1. Choose the type of keyword.
2. Start from the left.
3. Continue to work from left to right.
4. When you encounter parallel elements in one line, make a choice.
5. Type uppercase letters and special characters exactly as given.
6. Replace lowercase letters with the appropriate data.
7. Your statement is complete when you reach zero, on the right side.

110 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Component Identification Keyword Procedure

Wait/ 0 5740SM105 Rxxx PEERVALE ICEname OFFSETn 0

System 0 5740SM105 Rxxx PEERVALE ABENDnnn ICEname OFFSETn 0

0 5740SM105 Rxxx PEERVALE ABENDnnnn ICEname OFFSETn 0

Message 0 5740SM105 Rxxx PEERVALE MSGICEnnnA A
(All messages) CONVENTIONAL

ddname ECB nn CSW nnnn SENSE nnnn

(ICE061A or ICE117A) A ddname OP nn 0
error description

Incorrect SORT
Output MERGE

Performance SORT
0 5740SM105 Rxxx PEERVALE PERFM 0

Documen- 0 5740SM105 Rxxx DOC order number 0


Figure 2. Keyword String Syntax. If you receive message ICE061A or ICE117A, fill in the second part of the message
string. Otherwise, stop the keyword string at the message number.

Component Identification Keyword Procedure

The DFSORT component identifier is the first keyword in the search argument.
This number identifies the product within the IBM software support database.
1. The component identification keyword is nine characters. For DFSORT, this
keyword is 5740SM105.
2. The keyword string so far is:


3. Go to “FMID Keyword Procedure” on page 112, to determine the current

release level keyword for DFSORT.

Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 111

FMID Keyword Procedure

FMID Keyword Procedure

The function modification identifier (FMID) keyword used with the component
identification keyword narrows the search. The FMID shows the release of
1. Get the FMID from the control data set (CDS) list. To locate the FMID, find the
module called ICEMAN in the list of module names. The FMID is on the same
line as the ICEMAN module.
The FMID format is:
| For example, the FMID for z/OS DFSORT V1R12 is HSM1K00.
2. Record the FMID keyword in the following format:
where ccc is the last three characters of the FMID.
| For V1R12 problems, you now have the following keyword string:

| 5740SM105 RK00

| K00 identifies the DFSORT base FMID HSM1K00.

To identify DFSORT feature-related FMID information, see z/OS DFSORT
Installation and Customization.
3. If the problem seems to result from incorrect or missing information in a
DFSORT publication, go to “Document Keyword Procedure” on page 117.
If the problem is not in a DFSORT publication, go to “Type-of-Technique
Keyword Procedure.”

Type-of-Technique Keyword Procedure

The next keyword in the keyword string specifies the sort, merge, or copy
technique being used when the failure occurred.

You need a message for this procedure. If you did not receive any messages, see
“How to Get Messages” on page 3.
1. Find out which technique was used by looking at the diagnostic trace character
in the last message you received from DFSORT.
There is a diagnostic trace character in all DFSORT messages. The format of a
DFSORT message is:
ICEnnns c text
Where Represents
nnn The error message number
s The severity code (which can be either A for error messages or
I for information messages)
c The diagnostic trace character
text An explanation of the message
Each technique is associated with a set of diagnostic trace characters:

Trace character Keyword

0 through 9 or A through I BLOCKSET
J through Z PEERVALE

112 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Type-of-Technique Keyword Procedure

Trace character Keyword


For example, if you received message ICE085A 1, the 1 means the Blockset
technique. The keyword string so far would be:

| 5740SM105 RK00 BLOCKSET

2. Go to “Type-of-Application Keyword Procedure.”

Type-of-Application Keyword Procedure

The next keyword shows whether you were doing a sort, merge, or copy when the
error occurred.
1. Record what you were doing when the error occurred.
If you were using DFSORT to:
v Sort data, add SORT to the keyword string.
v Merge data, add MERGE to the keyword string.
v Copy data, add COPY to the keyword string.
For example, if you were sorting data, the keyword string so far would be:


2. Go to “Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures.”

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

It is very important that you determine the type-of-failure keyword correctly. Use
Table 6 to find the procedure that best describes your problem.
Table 6. Types of DFSORT Failures
Type of Failure Description Messages and Codes Procedure Name
Wait Unexpected program System completion code is “Wait and Loop Keywords
suspension. n22 (where n is any Procedure” on page 114.
hexadecimal digit).
Loop Uncontrolled program System completion code is “Wait and Loop Keywords
repetition. n22 (where n is any Procedure” on page 114.
hexadecimal digit).
System Abend Abnormal termination of System completion code is “System Abend Keyword
DFSORT. not n22 (where n is any Procedure” on page 115.
hexadecimal digit), or zero.
User Abend Abnormal termination of User completion code is not “User Abend Keyword
DFSORT. zero. Procedure” on page 115.
Message Errors identified by or Error message is in the “Message Keyword
associated with DFSORT form ICEnnnA. Procedure” on page 116.
error messages.
Incorrect Output Unexpected, missing, or Not applicable “Incorrect-Output Keyword
incorrect output not Procedure” on page 116.
associated with a message.
(Use this keyword only
when no other keywords
seem appropriate.)

Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 113

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

Table 6. Types of DFSORT Failures (continued)

Type of Failure Description Messages and Codes Procedure Name
Performance Performance degradation. Not applicable “Performance Keyword
(Use this keyword only Procedure” on page 117.
when you are sure that this
is not a wait or loop
Documentation Severe incorrect or missing Not applicable “Document Keyword
information in DFSORT Procedure” on page 117.

Wait and Loop Keywords Procedure

Because the wait and loop symptoms are often indistinguishable, the WAIT and
LOOP keywords are included in the same type-of-failure procedure.

If your job enters a wait or loop, the system terminates the job and gives you a
system abend code n22, where n is any hexadecimal digit. Common examples are
122, 222, and 322.

You need a dump for this procedure. If you did not receive a dump, see Table 2 on
page 3.
1. Find the program status word (PSW) in the dump. See Figure 3.

system abend code


JOB SORTA STEP WAIT TIME 162253 DATE 91039 ID = 000 CPUID = 230202333081 PAGE 0001


PSW AT ENTRY TO ABEND 07802000 001269D2 ILC 2 INTC 000A

ASCB 00F70730
+0 ASCB C1E2C3C2 FWDP 00F67C88 BWDP 00F781E0 CMSF 00000000 SVRB 005ED130 SYNC 000C72E6
+18 IDSF 00000000 TNEW 005AF300 CPUS 00000001 IDSQ 001D0019 IODP 00000161 RESV 00000000
+30 LDA 005EF548 RSM 00F705D8 CSCB 00F8BF48 TSB 00000000 EJST 00000005 XJST 06079A00
+48 EWST 9707A4D3 XWST 19E75C60 JSTL 00000005 ECB 805ED7E0 UBET 9707A358 TLCH 00000000
+60 DUMP O05ECD9O FW1 FFFF0100 TMCH 00000000 ASXB 005EF300 FW2 02C60000 SRBS 00000000
+78 VSC 00000016 RCTP 005EDA68 LOCK 00000000 LSQH 00000000 QECB 00000000 MECB 00000000
+90 OUCB OOF8BE6O OUXB 00F68D48 FMCT 003B0000 XMPQ 00000000 IQEA 00000000 RTMC 00000000
+A8 MCC 00000000 JBNI O0FEO7FO JBNS 00F8BF58 SRQ 00000000 VGTT 00000000 PCTT O07A7CA0
+C0 SMCT 00000007 SWTL 0000283B SRBT 00000000 ATME 01673A00 LSMQ 00000000 LSPL 00000000
+D8 TCBS 00000001 TCBL 00000000 WPRB OOFEEAO8 SRDP 61FFFF6O LOCI 00000000 CMLH 00000000
+F0 CMLC 00000000 SSCM 00000000 ASTE 005C4620 LTOV 005E6F80 ATOV 005ECC50 ETC 00000000
+108 LXR 00000000 STKH 005EEA18 GQEL 005C4620 LQEL 002712F0 GSYN 00000000 XTCB 005AF300
+120 FW3 00000000 GXL 00000000 EATT 00000000 EAT1 5120FC00 INTS 9707A4C4 INTl 34655E80
+138 FW4 00000000 RCMS 00000000 IOSC 00000002 PKXC 008001F4 NSQA 00000000 ASM 00F70608
+150 RESV 00000000 TCME 00000000

Figure 3. Finding the System Abend Code and the PSW in the SYSUDUMP

2. Check whether the wait state bit (bit 14) of the PSW is on or off (see Figure 4
on page 115).

114 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

07802000 001269D2 PSW in the SYSUDUMP

To locate bit 14, divide the PSW into bits

BIT 0-11 12—15 16—63

PSW 078 D 2000001269D2

BITS 12 13 14 15 If BIT 14 is 0, wait state bit is off

1 1 0 1 If BIT 14 is 1, wait state bit is on

Figure 4. Finding the Wait State Bit in the PSW

3. If the wait state bit is on, use the keyword WAIT. If the wait state bit is off, use
the keyword LOOP.
4. For the example in Figure 4, you would have the following keyword string:


5. The next keyword is the module’s name. Go to “Module Keyword Procedure”

on page 117.

System Abend Keyword Procedure

Use this procedure when DFSORT terminates abnormally and when you receive a
nonzero (except n22) system completion code. If the completion code is n22 (where
n is any hexadecimal digit), go to “Wait and Loop Keywords Procedure” on page

You need a message for this procedure. If you did not receive any messages, refer
to “How to Get Messages” on page 3.
1. Record the system abend code in the following format:

where nnn is the system abend code.

For example, if your system message contained ABEND=S0C1 U0000, you
would have the following keyword string:


2. The next keyword is the module’s name. Go to “Module Keyword Procedure”

on page 117.

User Abend Keyword Procedure

Use this procedure when DFSORT terminates abnormally and when you receive a
nonzero user completion code.

You need a message for this procedure. If you did not receive any messages, refer
to “How to Get Messages” on page 3.
1. Look at the user completion code.
v If the code is less than 1000, it corresponds to a DFSORT error message. Go
to “Message Keyword Procedure” on page 116.
v If the code is equal to or greater than 1000, continue with step 2.
2. Record the user abend keyword in the following format:

Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 115

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

where nnnn is the user abend code.

For example, if your system completion message contained ABEND S000
U1004, your keyword string so far would be:


3. The next keyword is the module’s name. Go to “Module Keyword Procedure”

on page 117.

Message Keyword Procedure

Use message keywords when an error is described by, or associated with, a
DFSORT error message.
1. Locate the DFSORT error message in the message data set.
The error message format is:
ICEnnnA c text
Where Represents
nnn The error message number
c The diagnostic trace character
text An explanation of the error
2. Using the ICEnnnA part of the message, record the message keyword in the
following format:

where nnn is the error message number.

For example, if you received the error message ICE061A, the keyword string
would be:


3. If you received message ICE061A or ICE117A, go to “Message Variable

Keywords” on page 119.
If you did not receive either message ICE061A or ICE117A, your message
keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching the Problem
Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

Incorrect-Output Keyword Procedure

Use the incorrect-output procedure when DFSORT:
v Generates unexpected output
v Fails to generate expected output
v Generates incorrect output

Do not use this procedure if the problem is associated with an error message. Use
the message keyword procedure instead.
1. Use INCORROUT as your type-of-failure keyword.
You now have the following keyword string:


2. The incorrect-output keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7,

“Searching the Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

116 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

Performance Keyword Procedure

Performance problems might be related to system tuning. Use this keyword when
the performance problem cannot be corrected by system tuning.
1. Record the actual performance and the expected performance.
2. Use PERFM as your type-of-failure keyword.
You now have the following keyword string:


3. The performance keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching

the Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

Document Keyword Procedure

Use this keyword when a problem seems to be caused by incorrect or missing
information in a DFSORT publication.

If the documentation problem is not severe, use the reader’s comment form
(attached to the back of the manual that is causing the problem) to suggest
corrections or improvements to the publication.

If you consider the problem a severe one, build the keyword string as follows:
1. Use DOC as your type-of-failure keyword.
You now have the following keyword string:

| 5740SM105 RK00 DOC

2. Use the order number on the cover of the document as your next keyword. The
order number is of the form ccnn-nnnn-dd. Include ccnn, nnnn, and dd, but omit
the hyphens. dd is the edition number.
For example, if you found a documentation error in z/OS DFSORT Application
Programming Guide, your keyword string would be:

| 5740SM105 RK00 DOC SC26752305

3. The Document keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching

the Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

Module Keyword Procedure

If your program terminated abnormally or entered a wait or loop, your next
keyword in the keyword string is the name of the module in control when the
failure occurred.

You need a dump for this procedure. If you did not receive a dump, see Table 2 on
page 3.

If you invoke DFSORT from a COBOL program, you might receive both a COBOL
dump and a DFSORT dump. For this procedure, use only the DFSORT dump.

If you are using PL/I, you must specify the NOSPIE and NOSTAE macro at run
time to ensure that you receive a DFSORT dump. If you do not, you might receive
only a PL/I dump.

You need the abend address to obtain the module’s name:

Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 117

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

1. Find the program status word (PSW) in the dump, and note the instruction
address, which is the last 31 bits of the PSW.
See Figure 5 for an example. The last 31 bits of the PSW (that is, 22D417F2) is
the instruction address.

JOB SORT1 STEP S1 TIME 150902 DATE 07085 ID = 000


PSW AT ENTRY TO ABEND 078D2000 A2D417F2 ILC 02 INTC 0001

| |
| instruction length code
instruction address

Figure 5. Finding the Abend Address

2. Obtain the abend address by subtracting the instruction length code (ILC) from
the instruction address.
22D417F2 instruction address
− 2 instruction length code
22D417F0 abend address
3. Go to the abend address and scan backward until you find, on the right side of
the dump, the closest name of the form:
ICEname Z/OSv.rr
where ICEname is the module name and Z/OSv.rr is the version and release.
| In Figure 6, ICEIPFT Z/OS1.12 is the closest module name, version, and release.

22D41700 D3C9C3C5 D5E2C5C4 40D4C1E3 C5D9C9C1 D3E24060 ... *LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF*
22D41720 40C9C2D4 40F5F6F9 F460C1F0 F140C3D6 D7E8D9C9 ... * IBM 5694-A01 COPYRIGHT IBM CORP*
22D41740 4B40F1F9 F7F36B40 F2F0F0F8 40404040 40C3D6D7 ... *. 1973, 2008 COPYRIGHT WATSO*
22D41760 D540D440 C3D6D5D5 C5D940C9 D5C34B40 F1F9F8F3 ... *N M CONNER INC. 1983 *
22D41780 40C1D3D3 40D9C9C7 C8E3E240 D9C5E2C5 D9E5C5C4 ... * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ICEIPFT *
22D417A0 E961D6E2 F14BF1F2 F0F361F1 F661F0F9 40F0F84B ... *Z/OS1.1203/16/09 08.46 BASE *
22D417C0 41C0F000 4190C800 41909800 D23ADCD0 DCD192CF ... *..0...H...q.K..}.Jk.........{.K.*
22D417E0 1000C33C 4110100A 5010DB48 92C9D182 0000D9EE ... *..C.....&...kIJbj.R...{.m.M..0Kq*

abend address is 22D417F0

Figure 6. Finding the Module Name

If you cannot find the module name, the problem might not be with DFSORT.
In this case, call your IBM Support Center.
4. Use the module name as the keyword. For this example, the keyword string
would be:


Check to see that the version and release that appears after the module name is
current. If the version and release is not current, ensure DFSORT has been
installed correctly.
5. The next keyword shows the offset. See Figure 7 on page 119.

118 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

Offset Keyword Procedure

If your program terminated abnormally or entered a wait or loop, your next
keyword in the keyword string after the name of the module is the offset keyword.

To determine the offset:

1. Subtract the address of the first byte of the module from the abend address.
The first byte of the module is the byte where the characters 'LICENSED' begin,
just before the module name you found earlier by scanning the right side of the
dump (as described in “Module Keyword Procedure” on page 117). If
'LICENSED' does not appear, the first byte is the beginning of the module
22D417F0 abend address
22D41700 module address
F0 offset
In the example in Figure 7, the address of the module ICEIPFT is 22D41700,
and the abend address previously found is 22D417F0. Therefore, the offset is

module address is 22D41700


22D41700 D3C9C3C5 D5E2C5C4 40D4C1E3 C5D9C9C1 D3E24060 ... *LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF*
22D41720 40C9C2D4 40F5F6F9 F460C1F0 F140C3D6 D7E8D9C9 ... * IBM 5694-A01 COPYRIGHT IBM CORP*
22D41740 4B40F1F9 F7F36B40 F2F0F0F8 40404040 40C3D6D7 ... *. 1973, 2008 COPYRIGHT WATSO*
22D41760 D540D440 C3D6D5D5 C5D940C9 D5C34B40 F1F9F8F3 ... *N M CONNER INC. 1983 *
22D41780 40C1D3D3 40D9C9C7 C8E3E240 D9C5E2C5 D9E5C5C4 ... * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ICEIPFT *
| 22D417A0 E961D6E2 F14BF1F2 F0F361F1 F661F0F9 40F0F84B ... *Z/OS1.1203/16/09 08.46 BASE *
22D417C0 41C0F000 4190C800 41909800 D23ADCD0 DCD192CF ... *..0...H...q.K..}.Jk.........{.K.*
22D417E0 1000C33C 4110100A 5010DB48 92C9D182 0000D9EE ... *..C.....&...kIJbj.R...{.m.M..0Kq*

abend address is 22D417F0 - offset is F0

Figure 7. Finding the Offset

2. Record the offset keyword using the following format:


where n is 1 to 4 digits and contains no leading zeros.

For example, the keyword string for a system abend 0C1 would look like this:


3. The keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching the Problem

Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

Message Variable Keywords

If your problem is for message ICE061A or ICE117A, you need to add a message
variable keyword to your keyword string. Below are two sets of variable
keywords. Add to your keyword string the set of variables that correspond to your
message number.

ICE061A Variable Keywords

1. If you received message ICE061A, add to your keyword string the following
four keywords from the message:
Chapter 6. Resolving Failures in the DFSORT Program 119
Type-of-Failure Keyword Procedures

a. The ddname as follows:

v For an input data set, use “SORTIN”
v For a work data set, use “SORTWK”
v For an output data set, use “SORTOUT”
b. ECBnn (where nn is the completion code)
c. CSWnnnn (where nnnn are the status bytes)
d. SENSEnnnn (where nnnn are the sense bytes)
For example, if you received the message
ICE061A 0 I/O ERROR, DD SORTWK04, DEV 6C0, ECB 41, CSW 0020, SENSE 0000

the keyword string would be:


| SENSE0000

2. The message keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching the

Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

ICE117A Variable Keywords

1. If you received message ICE117A, add to your keyword string the following
three keywords from the message:
a. The ddname as follows:
v For an input data set, use “SORTIN”
v For a work data set, use “SORTWK”
v For an output data set, use “SORTOUT”
b. OPnn (where nn is the operation attempted)
c. The error description (In the message, the error description appears between
the operation attempted and the last seek address or block count.)
For example, if you received the message
ICE117A J I/O ERROR NEW117, SORT1, 354, DA,
SORTOUT, 0E OP, UNKNOWN COND., 00000007000100, EXCP

the keyword string would be:


Because ICE117A is issued only for the Peerage/Vale technique, the

type-of-technique keyword in the above example is now PEERVALE.
2. The message keyword string is now complete. Go to Chapter 7, “Searching the
Problem Reporting Databases,” on page 121.

120 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 7. Searching the Problem Reporting Databases
After you complete your keyword string, you are ready to search the IBM Software
Support Facility to determine if an APAR has already been recorded.
Table 7. Steps to Search the IBM Software Support Facility
Step Action
1 Search the IBM software support data base for your keyword string by using
a search tool, such as Info Access, or by calling the IBM Support Center for

If the problem has been reported before, a correction might already be

available. This correction could be a PTF, an APAR fix, or a bypass.
2 If you find a set of APAR closing descriptions, compare the APAR closing
descriptions in the IBM software support data base with your problem.
3 If you find an APAR that matches your problem, correct your problem by
applying the PTF, APAR fix, or bypass described in the APAR. See Chapter 8,
“Fixing or Bypassing the Problem,” on page 123.
4 If you cannot find an appropriate APAR, try varying your search argument:
1. Drop one keyword at a time starting from the right until you get to the
type-of-application keyword.
2. If your type-of-failure keyword is LOOP, WAIT, or PERFM, try searching
with one or both of the other two. Sometimes what seems like a WAIT
state might actually be a LOOP or a PERFM problem.

If you cannot find an appropriate APAR using either technique, go to

Chapter 9, “Reporting a Problem,” on page 125.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 121

Searching the IBM Software Support Data Base

122 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 8. Fixing or Bypassing the Problem
Fixing the Problem
Apply the appropriate PTF or APAR fix using SMP/E. If you are running DFSORT
resident, you must re-IPL with CLPA to enable the fix, unless you are using
Dynamic LPA.

For more information, see SMP/E User's Guide.

Bypassing the Problem

This list describes some actions you can take that might allow you to bypass a
v If the problem is related to I/O for SORTIN, SORTOUT, or OUTFIL, try using
the BSAM run-time option.
v If the problem is related to storage, try adding 32 KB by changing the REGION
parameter or the MAINSIZE or SIZE run-time option. System 0C4 and DFSORT
user 1nnn abends are sometimes related to storage problems and can be
bypassed in this way.
v If the problem is with the Blockset technique, try using the NOBLKSET
run-time option TEMPORARILY to force DFSORT to use a different technique.
For more information, see “Type-of-Technique Keyword Procedure” on page 112.

Note: OPTION NOBLKSET should NOT be used as a permanent solution, because

it can significantly degrade performance.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 123

Fixing or Bypassing the Problem

124 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Chapter 9. Reporting a Problem
Follow these instructions to report a problem to the IBM Support Center.

Step Action
1 Gather the information.
1. Have the following information ready when you report a problem:
v Customer number
v Current service level (PTF list and list of APAR fixes applied)
v The keyword string developed to search the IBM software support
v Processor number (serial model)
2. Also have the following documents ready to assist in analyzing the
v Source code (assembler or compiler listings) and load module for any
user routines or invoking program.
v A listing of the job control language (JCL), DFSORT control statements,
and all messages. You can use a SORTDIAG DD statement to obtain all
messages, including diagnostic messages.
v A listing of the symbols information if a SYMNAMES DD statement
was specified. You can produce this listing by specifying a SYMNOUT
DD statement.
v A copy of the input data set in machine-readable form.
v A list of the installation defaults selected at your site. You can produce
this list by using the DEFAULTS operator of ICETOOL with the same
step, job, or link library used for the job associated with this APAR. See
z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide for complete details of the
v A dump from the failing run of DFSORT.
2 Contact the IBM Support Center.

After gathering the information, contact the IBM Support Center for
assistance in resolving the problem. If the difficulty is an IBM problem, the
representative will assist you in preparing an APAR.
3 Submit APAR documentation.

When submitting material for an APAR to IBM, carefully pack and clearly
identify any tapes that contain application source programs, job stream data,
data sets, or libraries.

Each tape must have the following information attached and visible:
v The APAR number assigned by IBM
v A list of data sets on the tape (for example, application source program,
JCL, data, and load modules)
v Data on how the tape was created:
– The exact JCL listing or the list of commands used
– The record format and block size used for each data set
– Tape labeling
– The recording mode and density

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 125

126 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Part 4. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 127

128 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
Appendix A. Valid Input/Output Options at User
An x in the table indicates an option that you can use with the user exit in

Option E18 E19 E38 E39

SYNAD x x x x
EXLST x x x x
Cannot be used if input is concatenated on unlike devices.
For merge applications.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 129

Valid Options at User Exits—ICE044I

130 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Appendix B. User Exit Return Codes—ICE071A
An x in the table indicates a valid return code that your user exit can pass back for
the given situation. All other values (those not marked with an x and those not in
the table) are invalid for the given situation.

End of input (EOI) is indicated by a zero in the first word of the parameter list
passed to your exit.
Table 8. User Exit Return Codes - ICE071A
Valid Return Codes
Enn Case EXITCK Situation 0 4 8 12 16 20*
E15 W1 WEAK Without SORTIN X X X X X X
E15 S2 STRONG With SORTIN before EOI X X X X X X
E15 W2 WEAK With SORTIN before EOI X X X X X X
E15 W3 WEAK With SORTIN after EOI X X X X X X
E16 16 N/A N/A X X X
E32 32 N/A N/A X X X
E35 S0 STRONG Without SORTOUT or OUTFIL before EOI X X X
E35 W0 WEAK Without SORTOUT or OUTFIL before EOI X X X X X X
E35 W1 WEAK Without SORTOUT or OUTFIL after EOI X X X X X X
Note: * Only applies to COBOL E15 and COBOL E35

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 131

User Exit Return Codes—ICE071A

132 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Appendix C. Accessibility
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major
accessibility features in z/OS enable users to:
v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard
v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the user
interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for
specific information when using such products to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E
Primer, z/OS TSO/E User's Guide, and z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol Ifor information
about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe how to use
TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF
keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to
modify their functions.

z/OS information
z/OS information is accessible using screen readers with the BookServer/Library
Server versions of z/OS books in the Internet library at:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2010 133

134 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
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The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material
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Programming Interface Information

This publication primarily documents information that is NOT intended to be used
as Programming Interfaces of DFSORT.

This publication also documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the
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136 z/OS V1R12.0 DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide

Program Number: 5694-A01

Printed in USA


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