Gs 001
Gs 001
Gs 001
1. Biodiversity of the Andes 288
2. Fruits 288
2.1 General Information on Composition and Nutritional Value 288
2.2 Typical Use in Old Traditions 290
2.3 Reported Bioactive Potential 291
3. Seeds/Andean Grains 293
3.1 General Information on Composition and Nutritional Value 294
3.2 Typical Use in Old Traditions 305
3.3 Reported Bioactive Potential 307
4. Tubers and Roots 317
4.1 General Information on Composition and Nutritional Value 317
4.2 Typical Use in Old Traditions 323
4.3 Reported Bioactive Potential 325
5. Conclusions 331
References 331
Further Reading 343
The Andes is considered the longest continental mountain range in the world. It covers
7000 km long and about 200–700 km wide and an average height of about 4000 m. Very
unique plant species are endemic of this area including fruits (e.g., lucuma, cherimoya,
sweet pepino, sauco), roots and tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yacón, chicuru,
mashua, olluco, etc.), and seeds (quinoa, amaranth, tarwi, etc.). These crops have been
used for centuries by the native population and relatively recently have gained the
world attention due to the wide range of nutrients and/or phytochemicals they possess.
In this chapter, main Andean fruits, seeds, and roots and tubers have been selected and
detailed nutritional and functional information is provided. In addition, traditional and
current uses are provided and their bioactive potential is reported based on published
scientific literature.
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 84 # 2018 Elsevier Inc. 287
ISSN 1043-4526 All rights reserved.
288 David Campos et al.
2.1 General Information on Composition and
Nutritional Value
2.1.1 Cherimoya
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill) is a tree cultivated prior and during
the times of the Incas, dating back to 1200 BC in the inner valleys of Peru
and Ecuador. It is a subtropical fruit native to the Andes, with a thick green
peel and a creamy and sweet mesocarp. Its exceptional taste and flavor have
helped to increase its production in tropical and subtropical regions. Main
producers of cherimoya are Spain, Peru, and Chile, and small production
areas exist in California, Israel, and Madeira Island (Portugal) (Gonçalves
Alburqueque et al., 2016). In terms of nutritional composition, it contains
75.1 g water/100 g fresh weight (FW), 1.20 protein/100 g FW, 0.2 fat/100 g
FW, 22.6 g carbohydrates/100 g FW, and 2.4 g fiber/100 g FW. It
presents high content of sugars, moderate content of calcium and phospho-
rus (20 and 63 mg/100 g, respectively), and a good source of thiamine
(0.09 mg/100 g FW), riboflavin (0.16 mg/100 FW), and niacin (1.62 mg/
100 g FW). An ascorbic acid content of 3.30 mg/100 g FW has been
reported (Ministerio de Salud, 2009). Two acetogenins were reported in
the seeds: acetogenins, cherimolin-2, and almunequin (Cortes, Myint,
Dupont, & Davoust, 1993).
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 289
2.1.2 Lucuma
Pouteria lucuma Ruiz and Pav. is known as the “Gold of the Incas” or
“lucuma” (Fig. 1) and it is a food of ancient cultivation before the Incas
(Dini, 2011). It is a subtropical fruit from the Andean region of Peru, Chile,
and Ecuador that belong to the Sapotaceae family and to the genus Pouteria.
The chemistry and biological activities of this family were previously
reviewed (Silva, Simeoni, & Silveira, 2009) and as main constituents,
triterpenes, and flavonoids were reported besides their antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. Lucuma mesocarp is rich
in carbohydrates, protein, fiber mainly in the insoluble form, β-carotene,
vitamins, and minerals (Yahia, & Gutierrez-Orozco, 2011). Nutritional value
of lucuma flesh fruit is composed of (g/100 g FW): 72.3% water, 1.5% protein,
25.0% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat, and 1.1% fiber. Reported nutrient contents
correspond to: 16mg calcium/100 g FW, 26 mg phosphorus/100 g FW,
0.4 mg iron/100 g FW, 0.01 mg thiamine/100 g FW, 0.14 mg riboflavin/
100 g FW, 1.96 mg niacin/100 g FW, and 2.2 mg vitamin C/100 g FW
(Ministerio de Salud, 2009). In general, it is considered as a good source of
fiber, minerals, β-carotene, phenolics, and niacin.
Fig. 1 Andean fruits: (A) lucuma, (B) cherimoya, (C) sweet pepino, (D) goldenberry, and
(E) sauco.
290 David Campos et al.
husk, the size of marble with a pleasant taste and great source of vitamin C
(28 mg/100 g FW), vitamin A (0.15 mg/100 g FW), and vitamin E
(0.5 mg/100 g FW) (Ramadan & Morsel, 2003). Main nutritional compo-
nents are (g/100 g FW): 81% water, 13.3% carbohydrates, 1.1% fat, and
0.5% fiber. It also contains different minerals such as iron (1.3 mg/100 g
FW), magnesium (8 mg/100 g FW), potassium (170 mg/100 g FW), phos-
phorus (39 mg/100 g FW), and calcium (12 mg/100 g FW).
Sambucus peruviana H.BK is originary from the Andes but distributed
from Costa Rica to Argentina. It grows in temperate climates at altitudes
between 1200 and 3500 m above sea level (m.a.s.l) (Brack, 2012). The
flowers of S. peruviana contain butyrose composed of a terpene and a resin.
The bark contains an alkaloid known as sambucin together with a resin.
Similarly, the leaves contain an alkaloid (Minagri, 2017).
and total flavonoids (44.7 epicatechin equivalents/100 g). The most abundant
carotenoid was lutein, with values ranging from 129 to 232 μg/100 g. The
highest L-ascorbic acid content (4.41 mg/100 g) was found in the peel of Perry
Vidal cultivar. In comparison to other Andean fruits, cherimoya presents a
low content of ascorbic acid (4–6 mg/100 g FW) but an intermediate content
of total phenolics and hydrophilic DPPH antioxidant activity (323 83 mg
GAE/100g FW and 23 6 μmol Trolox g1 FW, respectively) (Vasco,
Ruales, & Kamal-Eldin, 2008).
2.3.2 Lucuma
Fuentealba et al. (2016) characterized the primary (e.g., sugars and organic
acids) and secondary (e.g., phenolics and carotenoids) and in vitro antioxi-
dant and antihyperglycemic properties of Rosalia, Montero, and Leiva 1
lucuma biotypes. Significant differences were found in these metabolites
and functional properties related to biotype and ripeness stage. Results
showed significant amounts of sugars (119.4–344 mg total sugars g1 DW)
and organic acids (44.4–30.0 mg g1 DW) and functional associated com-
pounds such as ascorbic acid (0.35–1.07 mg g1 DW), total phenolics
(0.7–61.6 mg GAE g1 DW), and total carotenoids (0.22–0.50 mg
β-carotene g1 DW). Important in vitro antioxidant and antihyperglycemic
properties were also reported for this emblematic fruit.
comparable to other fruits rich in vitamin C such as banana passion fruit and
guava (63–93 and 74–84 mg ascorbic acid/100 FW).
S. peruviana known as sauco is an Andean wild berry rich in anthocyanins
and with a significant content of total phenolics of 33.2 0.5 mg GAE g1
DW and hydrophilic antioxidant activity (154.7 5.7 and 361.3 23.6
μmol TE g1 DW DPPH and ORAC, respectively). This hydrophilic
antioxidant potential is much higher than in other Andean fruits such as
tuna (Opuntia ficus indica), guinda (Prunus serotina), and granadilla (Passiflora
ligularis) but slightly lower than tumbo (Passiflora mollisima, 174.3 2.3 and
205.0 18.1 μmol TE g1 DW DPPH and ORAC, respectively) (Chirinos,
Pedreschi, Rogez, Larondelle, & Campos, 2013). This berry is mainly
processed into marmalade and used in the bakery industry.
The most representative indigenous food grains from the Andean
region in South America are quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), cañihua
(Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.), and
lupin or tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) ( Jacobsen, Mujica, & Ortiz,
2003) (Fig. 2). Although quinoa, cañihua, and amaranth are similar to
cereals due to their starchy edible seeds and physical appearance, botani-
cally they are known as pseudocereals which are dicotyledonous species
different to the monocotyledonous true cereals (Poaceae family) and in
294 David Campos et al.
general, their nutritive value in terms of protein content and quality is bet-
ter than the cereal species (Das, 2016; Shewry, 2002). In contrast, the
Andean lupin (L. mutabilis) is a legume (Fabaceae family) (Haq, 1993),
regionally important due to its high seed protein and oil contents
(Atchinson et al., 2016).
These grains have been domesticated and cultivated since pre-
Columbian times and the increase of scientific evidence in relation to their
nutritional and bioactive characteristics is revealing that Andean grains rep-
resent important sources of macro- and micronutrients along with a myriad
of health-relevant phytochemicals with potential for their application in
worldwide food nutrition and security.
National Institute of Health— Ruales and Nair Miranda, Vega-Gálvez, Quispe-Fuentes, Nascimento et al.
Reference Perú (2009) (1993) et al. (2012) (2014)
Variety/ Sweet quinoa blanca Variety 40,057 Ecotypes: NR
Ecotype Latinreco Ancovinto, Cancosa, Cáhuil, Faro,
Regalona, Villarica
Country of Peru Ecuador Chile Argentina
Sampling Puno Quito North-altiplano, center, and south Jujuy
Ca 129.5 874 77.1–211.3 49.6
Fe 6.0 81 4.8–7.2 6.16
Mg NR 2620 150.9–166.7 222.1
P 254.5 5350 285.1–526.4 527.6
K NR 1201 1672.8–2325.6 748.6
Na NR 22 17.1–23.4 <LoQ
Zn 3.7 36 2.7–5.0 3.3
Cu NR 10 0.7–1.5 0.66
NR: Not reported. LoQ: limit of quantification.
298 David Campos et al.
with celiac disease. Same research group later reported that daily intake of
50 g of quinoa during 6 weeks may be safe for celiac patients (Zevallos
et al., 2014).
The fat contents in Andean quinoa varieties range from 4.1 to 7.1 mg/
100 g EP (Table 1) with higher unsaturated: saturated fatty acid ratios
(4.9–6.2) than most edible oils such as soy-bean oil (3.92), corn oil
(4.65), and olive oil (0.65) (Ruales & Nair, 1993; Valcárcel-Yamani &
Da Silva Lannes, 2012). Linoleic acid (C18:2) is the major unsaturated fatty
acid, followed by oleic acid (C18:1) and linolenic acid (C18:3) whereas
palmitic acid (C16:0) is the predominant saturated fatty acid (Miranda,
Vega-Gálvez, Martinez, et al., 2012; Ruales & Nair, 1993; Villa, Russo,
Kerbab, Landi, & Rastrelli, 2014).
Reported levels of total dietary fiber in quinoa (7.3–14.1 g/100 g EP)
(Table 1) are comparable to those found in wheat (12.2 g/100 g EP;
USDA, 2017) and around 78%–90% of dietary fiber is insoluble and is
mainly composed of galacturonic acid, arabinose, galactose, and xylose
(Lamothe, Srichuwong, Reuhs, & Hamaker, 2015; Repo-Carrasco-
Valencia & Serna, 2011).
Contents of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are
superior to cereal grains such as wheat, corn, and rice (Nowak et al.,
2016). As shown in Table 2, Andean quinoa varieties have generally high
concentrations of potassium and phosphorus whereas iron contents
(4.8–81.0 mg/100 g dry basis) are comparable or higher than those found
in wheat (5.0 mg/100 g dry basis), corn (3.0 mg/100 g dry basis), and
rice (0.9 mg/100 g dry basis) (USDA, 2017). Variability on the mineral con-
tent is significantly influenced by the cultivar, origin along with the soil
type, and its mineral composition (Miranda, Vega-Gálvez, Quispe-Fuentes,
et al., 2012).
Vitamins C, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin) have been
found in several quinoa ecotypes from Chile (Miranda, Vega-Gálvez,
Quispe-Fuentes, et al., 2012) whereas Ruales and Nair (1993) additionally
reported folic acid and vitamin A in quinoa seeds from Ecuador along with a
high content of γ-tocopherol among detected tocopherols with vitamin
E activity. Moreover, γ- and α-tocopherols (797.2 and 721.4 ppm, respec-
tively) have been also detected in Peruvian quinoa seeds (cultivar Huancayo)
(Repo-Carrasco, Espinoza, & Jacobsen, 2003). Levels of vitamin B6 and
total folate found in quinoa can cover the nutritional requirements for chil-
dren and adults and contents of these vitamins along with vitamin B2 are
higher than those from oat and barley ( James, 2009). However, data on
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 299
vitamin contents are still limited considering the wide diversity of quinoa
germplasm from Andean countries.
Quinoa also contains bitter compounds called saponins which are con-
centrated in the seed hull and should be removed before consumption
( Jacobsen et al., 2003). Contents may vary between 0.02% and 1.1% and
depending on the concentrations, there are sweet and bitter quinoa varieties
(Bastidas et al., 2016; Filho et al., 2017). Some treatments have been pro-
posed to eliminate saponins without significantly affecting its nutritional
value (Filho et al., 2017). In this regard, an infant food from quinoa
(debittered for saponin elimination) showed a good nutritional quality
and increased the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1, low levels are related
to malnutrition) in undernourished preschool children after 15 days of intake
compared to the control group (Ruales, Grijalva, Lopez-Jaramillo, &
Nair, 2002).
for adults (Villa et al., 2014). The amaranth protein has also a well-balanced
amino acid pattern but some references have indicated leucine as a limiting
amino acid according to its chemical score (Valcárcel-Yamani & Da Silva
Lannes, 2012). The most dominant proteins in Amaranthus spp. and
Chenopodium spp. are albumins and globulins with low or not detected
levels of prolamins ( Janssen et al., 2017). Therefore, these pseudocereals
may also represent nutritionally important alternatives to rice or other
gluten-free cereals for the design of diets targeted for celiac people (Mota
et al., 2016). The validation of this property through human studies as
investigated for quinoa would be important to establish the safe dose for
daily intake among celiac population (Zevallos et al., 2012).
The fat contents (5.1–7.0 mg/100 g EP) (Table 3) in cañihua and Andean
amaranth are similar to values shown for quinoa (Table 1) and are higher
than those found in common cereals such as rice and wheat (Nascimento
et al., 2014). The fat fraction of cañihua is mostly composed by unsaturated
fatty acids (71.4%) with high levels of linoleic acid (39.2%), followed by
oleic acid (29.8%) and the saturated palmitic acid (22.8%) (Villa et al.,
2014). Similarly, A. caudatus fat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (73%) being
linoleic (47.8%) and oleic acids (23.7%) the most relevant (Alvarez-Jubete,
Arendt, & Gallagher, 2009).
Andean amaranth and cañihua have shown higher contents of calcium,
iron, and phosphorus than rice and comparable ranges of iron to those of
wheat (Nascimento et al., 2014; Villa et al., 2014). In addition, higher iron
contents than quinoa have been reported in these two pseudocereals (Repo-
Carrasco-Valencia, Encina, et al., 2010). In a study with A. caudatus culti-
vated in Argentina, authors highlighted that this grain exhibited a high
contribution to the recommended daily dietary intake for minerals, and it
was even higher than quinoa in case of calcium, iron, and zinc
(Nascimento et al., 2014). Thermal processing such as boiling can negatively
affect the mineral content of these grains although the in vitro availability is
improved (Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Encina, et al., 2010).
Unlike quinoa, cañihua and amaranth seeds do not require prior treat-
ment before their use ( Jacobsen et al., 2003). However, Rastrelli, De
Simone, Schettino, and Dini (1996) detected triterpene saponins in cañihua
seeds that may give bitter taste to the grain but in a lesser extent than in the
case of quinoa. Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Encina, et al. (2010) have indi-
cated that cañihua is commonly consumed without the outer seed coat
where saponins are more concentrated. This reduces the total dietary fiber
content from 25 to 12.6 g/100 g dry basis; however along with amaranth and
302 David Campos et al.
quinoa, these pseudocereals are still good sources of dietary fiber (Repo-
Carrasco-Valencia et al., 2009; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Encina,
et al., 2010).
Regarding vitamins, major tocopherols found in a Peruvian cañihua
(white cultivar) were γ-tocopherol (788.4 ppm) followed by α-tocopherol
(726.0 ppm) (Repo-Carrasco et al., 2003). In contrast, β- and α-tocopherols
(47.8 and 61.6 ppm, respectively) were major vitamin E isomers found in an
Ecuadorian sample of A. caudatus, and γ- and δ-tocopherol were detected in
lower concentrations (Bruni et al., 2001). Vitamins C and those of
B complex such as niacin, niacinamide, pyridoxine, and riboflavin have been
reported in raw seeds of A. caudatus although the analyzed amaranth sample
was grown in an environment different from the Andean area (Gamel,
Linssen, Mesallam, Damir, & Shekib, 2006). Still limited information exists
about the vitamin contents and profiles of cañihua and amaranth, specifically
the caudatus Andean species.
In consideration to the high nutritional potential of Andean
pseudocereals for the design of gluten-free diets, investigations on the var-
iability of their macro- and micronutrients as affected by the different tech-
nological processes, and the potential interactions with the other food
ingredients are critical and necessary.
raffinose, sucrose, and verbascose (Carvalho et al., 2005; Gross et al., 1988).
These compounds are not digested by human enzymes and are flatulence-
causing agents (Piotrowicz-Cieslak, Michalcyk, & Gorecki, 2004).
Studies related to the determination of vitamin profiles and contents of
Andean lupin are limited. Boschin and Arnoldi (2011) only detected
γ-tocopherol in a cultivar from Ecuador (Andino 450) and levels
(10.3 mg/100 g of seed weight) were generally higher than contents found
in other Lupinus species (L. albus and L. angustifolius). The vitamin E activity
of L. mutabilis was lower (1.03 mg/100 g of seeds) than soybean (1.83 mg/
100 g of seeds) but higher than Phaseolus species (0.30–0.31 mg/100 g of
seeds) and L. culinaris (0.62 mg/100 g of seeds).
L. mutabilis has some nutritional advantages when compared to soybean
since small amounts of trypsin inhibitors, phytates, tannins, and saponins have
been detected in this legume (Schoeneberger, Gross, Cremer, & Elmadfa,
1982). However, L. mutabilis has also toxic and bitter compounds such as
quinolizidine alkaloids (lupanine, D-lupanine, sparteine, 3-hydroxylupanine,
13-hydroxylupanine, and 4-hydroxylupanine as major alkaloids) with total
values that may range from 0.007 to 4.5 g/100 g dry basis (Carvajal-Larenas
et al., 2016). Several treatments have been proposed for eliminating alkaloids
and oligosaccharides in Andean lupin such as breeding techniques, germina-
tion processes, soaking in boiling water followed by a continuous water wash
for up to 15h, and in general these treatments increased the nutritional value
uemes-Vera, Peña-
of L. mutabilis seeds and derivatives (Gross et al., 1988; G€
Bautista, Jimenez-Martı́nez, Dávila-Ortiz, & Calderón-Domı́nguez, 2008;
Villacres et al., 2015).
16.8 to 32.9 mg/100 g dry basis, respectively. Major phenolic acid in cañihua
was ferulic acid whereas vanillic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, and p-coumaric
acids were detected in minor concentrations (Repo-Carrasco-Valencia,
Hellstr€om, et al., 2010). Additionally to these phenolic acids, protocatechuic
and sinapic acids were found in Andean amaranth samples (Repo-Carrasco-
Valencia, Hellstr€ om, et al., 2010). Cañihua ecotypes also had high flavonoid
contents (46.1–144.3 mg/100 g dry basis) (mainly quercetin) comparable to
those found in quinoa (36.2–72.6 mg/100 g dry basis) whereas no flavonoids
were found in amaranth (Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Hellstr€ om, et al., 2010).
Similarly, Ranilla, Apostolidis, et al. (2009) reported high quercetin deriv-
atives concentrations in an autoclaved cañihua sample from Peru along with
high in vitro antioxidant capacity whereas the phenolic content and antiox-
idant capacity of Peruvian amaranth (autoclaved) was low.
Squalene, a triterpenoid and key intermediate in cholesterol biosynthesis
with potential for cholesterol reduction, has been detected in two varieties
(Oscar blanco and Victor red) of A. caudatus grown in Bolivia and greatly
contributed to the in vitro lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity (Conforti
et al., 2005). In addition, methanol extracts of these amaranth varieties
exhibited in vitro antidiabetic activity through the inhibition of the
α-amylase enzyme (28%–50.5% at 25 μg/mL of concentration). Among
phytosterols detected in the unsaponifiable fat fractions of cañihua and ama-
ranth, stigmasterol has been reported as the main sterol in cañihua whereas
chondrillasterol was the most abundant in Andean amaranth (Bruni et al.,
2001; Villa et al., 2014).
Some animal studies have revealed the antihypercholesterolemic effects
with potential for the prevention of coronary heart diseases of A. caudatus
grains or its plant derivatives. The intake of a diet including extruded
A. caudatus flour (Oscar blanco variety, from Peru) for 21 days significantly
decreased the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations while
the triglycerides contents were 50% lower in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
compared to the control treatment (Plate & Ar^eas, 2002). Such positive
effects were likely attributed to the dietary fiber, squalene, and protein in
amaranth (Plate & Ar^eas, 2002). In another study, hydroalcoholic extracts
of A. caudatus (stems, leaves, and flowers) showed antihypercholesterolemic
and antiatherogenic effects associated with the reduction of serum lipids and
oxidative stress markers in high cholesterol-fed rabbits (Kabiri, Asgary, &
Setorki, 2011).
A comprehensive review of the potential functionality of amaranth
grains has evidenced that investigations are more focused on other
314 David Campos et al.
plant-based foods (Rosales et al., 2011). Thus, more research is needed for
proper characterization of the carotenoid profile of Andean lupin diversity.
Important beneficial effects of consumption of L. mutabilis on type-2 dia-
betes risk factors have been reported by few human studies. The oral admin-
istration of cooked and debittered lupin flour significantly reduced the blood
glucose levels in individuals diagnosed with type-2 diabetes but in a lesser
extent in subjects with dysglycemia and when consumed raw lupin flour
(Baldeón et al., 2012; Fornasini et al., 2012). Moreover, the intake of a
healthy lupin-based snack with the conventional type-2 diabetes treatment
(with metformin) showed good hyperglycemia control in diabetic individ-
uals (Baldeón et al., 2017). Quinolizidine alkaloids and lupin protein frac-
tions may explain such effects. However, the exact in vivo mechanism
along with the potential interaction of the other health-relevant lupin com-
pounds such as oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids still
remains unknown.
The bioactivity of other Lupinus species has been more extensively
reported compared with information available for L. mutabilis. The
antiinflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial activities have been
investigated in L. angustifolius, L. albus, L. campestris, and L. luteus (Del
Carmen Millán-Linares, Bermúdez, del Mar Yust, Millán, & Pedroche,
2014; Lampart-Szczapa et al., 2003; Martı́nez-Villaluenga et al., 2009). Fur-
thermore, the hydrolysis of L. luteus proteins produced bioactive peptides
that showed significant inhibitory activities against the angiotensin
I-converting enzyme relevant for hypertension management (Boschin,
Scigliuolo, Resta, & Arnoldi, 2014). L. mutabilis may also show potential
in relation to above beneficial effects; therefore, more research focused
on the in vitro and in vivo bioactivity of Andean lupin is necessary.
Andean mountains, where natives used its tubers as food and as a folk
Regardless of the maca product, postharvest drying of maca is carried out
in an artisanal way in the production places before other type of processing
(extrusion, milling, extraction–atomization, etc.) is applied. Briefly, envi-
ronmental drying is carried out for approximately 60–90 days in extreme
temperature conditions ranging from 10 to 15°C. These extreme environ-
mental conditions together with the handling procedures during harvest and
postharvest can have a significant effect on the final bioactive compounds
content in maca (Yábar, Pedreschi, Chirinos, & Campos, 2011). Recently,
artisanal plastic houses have been implemented to dry the product with a
significant reduction in the drying time to 20–25 days and better preserva-
tion of some bioactive compounds such as glucosinolates (Campos et al.,
unpublished results).
Fresh maca contains 80% water while dehydrated maca contains 8.87%–
11.6% protein, 1.09%–2.2% lipid, 54.6%–60.0% carbohydrates (23.4%
sucrose, 1.55% glucose, 4.56% oligosaccharides, and 30.4% polysaccharides),
8.23%–9.08% fiber, 4.9%–5.0% ash, and an energy content of 663 kJ/100 g
(Dini, Migliuolo, Rastrelli, Saturnino, & Schettino, 1994; Valentová et al.,
2006; Yu & Jin, 2004). It contains a good amino acid profile as compared to
the FAO–WHO standard. It contains 18 amino acids and 7 are essential
(no tryptophan present). A good ratio of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids
(0.76) is present in maca. The phytosterol fraction is composed of 45.5%
β-sitosterol, 27.3% campesterol, 13.6% ergosterol, 9.1% brasicasterol, and
4.5% Δ7,22 ergostadienol. A good content of minerals such as Fe, Mn,
Cu, Zn, Na, K, and Ca with values of 16.6, 0.8, 5.9, 3.8, 18.7, 2050,
and 150 mg/100 g DW, respectively, is reported (Dini et al., 1994).
Maca biodiversity is less compared to other Andean crops such as yacon,
mashua, oca, olluco, etc. (Fig. 3). Thirteen different ecotypes presenting
color differences (white, cream, yellow, pink, red, violet, purple, gray,
and back) have been reported. The most commercial biotype corresponds
to the yellow one. Red maca contains a higher protein and potassium con-
tent but less reducing sugars, Fe and riboflavin than the black one while the
yellow one contains intermediate values (Yllescas, 1994). The color of the
different ecotypes is correlated to the content of bioactive compounds and
biological activity (Clement et al., 2010; Gonzales et al., 2006).
4.1.2 Yacon
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is an Andean crop from the humid moun-
tains of Peru and Bolivia and it got extended to the north and south of
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 319
Fig. 3 Andean roots and tubers: (A) maca, (B) oca cultivars, (C) olluco, (D) mashua cul-
tivars, and (E) yacon roots.
the humid Andean clives and to the dry inter Andean valleys even up to the
coast. Its original habit corresponds to highlands from the south of Colombia
to the north of Argentina at altitudes of 1800 and 2800 m.a.s.l in temperate
hilly climates. It easily adapts to a diversity of climates and soils from sea level
up to 3500 m.a.s.l (Seminario, Valderrama, & Manrique, 2003).
Yacón production in the Andean region and other countries has
increased due to the presumed medicinal properties of both roots and leaves
(Genta, Cabrera, Grau, & Sanchez, 2005). Yacon roots have a high water
content of 83%–90%, followed by its carbohydrate content representing
90% of the DW of the roots. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) represent
50%–70% of the carbohydrates and the rest is composed of sucrose, fructose,
and glucose (Asami, Minamisawa, Tsuchiya, et al., 1991; Campos et al.,
2012). Yacon FOS are of low degree of polymerization (2–10) with a glu-
cose molecule in the nonreducing extreme. Its FOS and sugar composition
are dependent on genetic diversity and pre- and postharvest factors.
Very few studies exist regarding the biodiversity of yacon. Grau and Rea
(1997) reported that most of the Yacon germoplasm diversity can be found
in the eastern Andean slopes of Peru and Bolivia. Mansilla, López, Blas,
Chia, and Baudoin (2006) reported the molecular variability of a Peruvian
collection of 30 accessions and concluded that most of the variability is found
in the central region of Peru. Lebeda et al. (2003) analyzed 25 genotypes
cultivated in Checz Republic in terms of morphological, weight, incidence
of plagues and pytopathologies, DNA content, polymorphism of isoen-
zymes, sugars, FOS, and phenolic compounds in leaves. A significant
variation in tuber shape, weight, and content of glucose, fructose, sucrose,
320 David Campos et al.
oligofructans, and phenolics was found, the same was concluded for DNA
content. The phenolic compounds and FOS content are dependent on
botanical origin, morphological traits, and polymorphisms of individual
genotypes (Lachman, Fernández, Viehmannová, Šulc, & Èepková, 2007).
Campos et al. (2012) found great variability in the contents of bioactive
compounds and antioxidant activity of 35 yacon accessions. Overall, among
the 35 accessions of yacon, the FOS content was inversely correlated with
reducing sugars, while total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were
positively correlated.
Yacon roots contain important quantities of phenolic compounds.
Campos et al. (2012) reported values of 7.9–30.8 mg of chlorogenic acid
equivalent (CAE) g1 DM while Yan et al. (1999) reported values close
to 38 mg CAE g1 DM and values of 5.7–3.5 mg of gallic acid equivalent g1
DM. Main identified antioxidant phenolics correspond to chlorogenic and
caffeic acids and their derivatives. A high correlation between AC and TPC
(r ¼ 0.89, P < 0.01) was found (Campos et al., 2012), being indicative that
phenolic compounds are mainly responsible for the antioxidant capacity
of yacon roots.
4.1.3 Oca
Oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), also known as oqa, apilla, uncha, ibia, and
cuiba, is a tuber domesticated in the Andean region at altitudes between
2800 and 3000 m.a.s.l (Roca, Ynouye, Manrique, Arbizu, & Gomez,
2007). Oca is mainly grown in the highlands of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia,
but is also found in some parts of Chile, Argentina, Colombia, and
Venezuela, and it has been introduced in New Zealand over a century
ago (National Research Council, 1989). The shape of the tuber ranges from
ovoid to cylindrical and claviform forms and its surface color varies from
white to cream, yellow, orange, pink, and purple. More than 1000 acces-
sions exist.
Oca present high water content (>80%) and a very low energy density in
the fresh material. The nutritional value of oca is comparable to potato, but
variation in nutritional properties among genotypes exists. Oca tuber is con-
sidered as a good source of carbohydrates (83%–88.8% of DW; or 10.41% of
FW) and its protein, fat, and fiber contents ranged from 3.0% to 8.4%, 0.5%
to 1.0%, and 1.4% to 5.1% DW, respectively; with a starch content of 56.8%
DW and an rate of insoluble: soluble fiber of 23.6:1. Also, oca tuber presents
as predominant sugars, sucrose, followed by glucose (21% and 3.6%, DW)
and it is a good source of calcium and iron (130.1 and 98.45 mg/100 g, DW)
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 321
(Flores et al., 2003; Gross et al., 1989; King & Gershoff, 1987; León-
Marroú, Villacorta González, & Pagador Flores, 2011; Valcárcel-Yamani,
Rondán-Sanabria, & Finardi-Filho, 2013). Gross et al. (1989) reported that
the native Andean tuber: oca, ulluco, and mashua constitute sources of
highly digestible carbohydrates. Oca starch presents ellipsoidal and oval
granules forms and, amylose contents, granule size, and gelatinization tem-
perature that varies between 22.4% and 33.0%, 10 and 100 μm, and 60.8
and 64.0°C, respectively (Cruz, Ribotta, Ferrero, & Iturriaga, 2016;
Hernández-Lauzardo, Mendez-Montealvo, Velázquez del Valle, Solorza-
Feria, & Bello-Perez, 2004; Valcárcel-Yamani et al., 2013). Flores et al.
(2003) reported antinutritional factors such as soluble oxalates which are
degraded by solar exposure of the tubers for few days. Levels of oxalates
in oca ranging from 80 to 220 mg soluble oxalate/100 g FW and concentra-
tion up to 500 μg kg1 are responsible of the bitter taste of the tuber
(Sangketkit, Savage, Martin, Mason, & Vanhanen, 1999; Savage,
Mason, & Vanhanen, 2008). One hundred and sixty-nine cultivars of oca
from the International Potato Center germoplasm bank were evaluated
and the content of oxalates corresponded to 62.7–430.9 mg/100 g FW,
being most of them soluble (48.2 and 396.3 mg/100 g. FW). Sun exposure
for 8 days resulted in a decrease of more than 50% of the oxalate content
(Campos et al., unpublished results). Oxalate content of the oca tubers
remains stable by boiling or steaming, but increased by baking because of
loss of moisture content from the tubers. Bioavailability of oxalate in baked
oca appears to be similar to that in spinach, but the bioavailability varies
among individuals and depends on other constituents of a combined meal
(Albihn & Savage, 2001).
4.1.4 Ulluco
Ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas) (or olluco, ulluku, melloco, chigua, ruba,
papa lisa o lisas, ulluma, and ulluca) is another important Andean crop. Its
distribution in the Andean Region is similar to oca tuber. It commonly
grows at altitudes of 2800–3800 m.a.s.l, in places somehow protected of
low temperatures but this tuber has adapted to lower altitudes (Roca
et al., 2007; Roca & Manrique, 2005). Tubers varies in shapes (cylindrical,
ovoid, and spherical) and in colors (white, yellow, pink, orange, magenta, or
red or with red spots on a yellow background) (Flores et al., 2003).
Consumer panelists preferred the red tubers (Busch et al., 2000). Some
varieties present a larger quantity of mucilage and so must be boiled before
preparation. The nutritional value of ulluco is also variable, thus presents
322 David Campos et al.
carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and fiber contents from 73.5% to 84.2%, 8.5%
to 15.7%, 0.1% to 1.4%, and 0.5% to 5.0% DW, respectively, and among the
main sugars are glucose, fructose, and sucrose (13.1, 11.1% and 6.08% DM,
respectively) (Gross et al., 1989; King & Gershoff, 1987). Also, ulluco starch
(64.96% DW) has been studied. Ulluco starch granules present ellipsoid,
oval, conical, and prismatic shapes, with length up to 32.09 μm, and amylose
content and gelatinization temperature ranged from 20.4% to 26.4% and
62.7–67.8°C, respectively (Cruz et al., 2016; Valcárcel-Yamani et al., 2013).
4.1.5 Mashua
Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruı́z & Pavón) (or isañu, cubio, añu, maswa)
is also a tuber crop indigenous to the Andean highlands and is of economic
value as a food and medicinal crop. It grows between 2800 and 4000 m.a.s.l
and its geographical distribution goes from Colombia up to Bolivia (Roca
et al., 2007). It ranks fourth in importance in the Andean region after pota-
toes, oca, and olluco (National Research Council, 1989). Among Andean
tubers, mashua shows the highest yield, grows easily, it is highly tolerant
to cold temperatures and it is unaffected by poor management. Mashua is
also a valuable crop because it is resistant to many insects, nematodes, fungi,
and other pathogens (Grau, Ortega, Nieto, & Hermman, 2003). This resis-
tance is correlated to the content of glucosinolates present in the tuber.
Mashua tubers have shapes ranging from conical to carrot-like and tubers
vary in color from white to yellow with occasionally variants that are purple
or red. Often, the peel is mottled or striped with red or purple; especially
bellow the eyes (National Research Council, 1989). Mashua tubers contain
carbohydrates, starch, protein, fat, and fiber contents of 69.7%–85.8%,
41.35%, 6.9%–15.7%, 0.1%–1.0%, and 4.8%–8.6% DW and a total sugar
content of 27.7% DW. In addition, insoluble fiber (in DW) reaches a value
of 10.55% respect to 6.85% and 7.22% presents in oca and ulluco tubers
(Gross et al., 1989; King & Gershoff, 1987; Valcárcel-Yamani et al.,
2013). Mashua tuber presents important contents of vitamin C in compar-
ison to other tuber crops, with values reported of 480 mg/100 g DW or
77.5 mg/100 g FW (Collazos, 1996; Sperling & King, 1990) as well as carot-
enoids (9 μg β-carotene/100 g DW).
More than 100 accessions have been recognized but probably many
more exist given the great variability of the genotypes in terms of shape
and color. This variability in terms of color and shape seems to be correlated
to the content of bioactive compounds. Among 84 evaluated genotypes,
phenolic compounds varied between 5.5 and 16.7 mg GAE g1 DW,
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 323
4.2.2 Yacon
There is evidence about the use of Yacon by the pre-Incas and Inca cultures.
Chronicles that date back to 1615 mentioned Yacon as one of the 55 plants
cultivated in the Andes (Zardini, 1991). Yacon is traditionally consumed
fresh or dehydrated. Fresh yacon is very refreshing due to its high content
of water. In limited instances and Peruvian locations, it is consumed as jam or
chicha (alcoholic beverage). It can prevent tiredness and cramps due to its
high content of potassium reason why native people consume it during long
walks (a person can consume between 500 and 1000 g fresh Yacon). This
level of consumption does not produce toxic effects, except for few occa-
sions when flatulence can occur due to the high content of FOS
(Seminario et al., 2003). The Andean communities solar dry the tubers to
324 David Campos et al.
4.2.4 Mashua
In Bolivia and some parts of Peru, people eat cooked and frozen mashua
soaked in sugarcane syrup (thayacha). Also, mashua tubers are exposed to
the sun to increase their sweetness and reduce odor due to cyanide content
(Roca et al., 2007).
Mashua has many uses in the folk medicine of the Andean region.
Mashua diets are reputed to have beneficial effects on liver and kidneys
and to alleviate prostate and urinary disorders and also it is regarded as a
diuretic agent ( Johns, Kitts, Newsome, & Towers, 1982). Mashua uses
include also treatment of skin ulcers, diabetes, dengue, and malaria fever
and postpartum recovery (National Research Council, 1989; Rea, 1984)
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 325
Table 8 Summary of Some Studies That Evaluate the Consumption of Maca in Animals
Species Property
Rats Increase sperm count and sperm motility
Increase male sexual behavior
Small effect on rat male sexual behavior
Prevent testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia Reversed
Neuroprotective effects
Protects against UV radiation
Antioxidant status, lipid, and glucose metabolism
Mice Increase male sexual behavior
Increase embryo survival
Prevent testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia
Increase number of offsprings
Improve memory and learning
Guinea Increase number of offsprings
Fish Nutritional
Increase embryo survival
Bulls Improve sperm quantity and quality
Unaffected mating behavior
Fuente: Adapted from Gonzales, G.F. (2012). Ethnobiology and ethnopharmacology of Lepidium
meyenii (Maca), a plant from the Peruvian highlands. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative
Medicine, 2012, 193496.
maca ecotypes (yellow, red, and black) and reported that black maca dis-
played a higher beneficial effect on sperm counts and epididymal sperm
motility. In this study, aqueous extracts obtained by severe heat treatment
(boiling conditions for 120 min) were employed and could have affected
negatively some bioactive compounds. Gasco et al. (2007) working with
male rats during 84 days and fed with yellow red and black maca extracts
(obtained at boiling conditions for 60 min), reported improved sperm count
in the epididymis and vas deferens; red maca affected sperm count only in the
vas deferens. The authors concluded that maca acts as a modulator of sperm
count at the reproductive tract level. Clement et al. (2010) reported that
whole maca supplementation improved sperm quantity and quality of bulls
to a certain degree, while mating behavior appeared unaffected. Others stud-
ies have demonstrated that oral administration of aqueous or ethanolic
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 327
4.3.2 Yacón
The bioactive potential of Yacon is related to the FOS and phenolic anti-
oxidants present. Yacon is a particularly abundant source of β-(2! 1)
fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which are considered prebiotic. FOS are fer-
mented selectively by many bifidobacteria, also lactobacilli, which for their
part are held to be probiotic (Pedreschi et al., 2003).
Genta et al. (2009) studied the effect of the consumption of Yacon syrup
on obese and slightly dyslipidemic premenopausal women during 120 days
at daily doses of 0.14 and 0.29 g of FOS/kg/day. A significant decrease of
body weight, waist circumference, and body mass index was reported. Addi-
tionally, a decrease in fasting serum insulin and homeostasis model assess-
ment index was observed. Syrup Yacon consumption increased
defecation frequency, feeling full. Levels of glucose and lipids were not
altered but a positive effect on LDL cholesterol in serum was observed.
Genta et al. (2005) evaluated the subchronic (4 months) effect of the admin-
istration of a dietary supplement of Yacon flour in normal Wistar rats at
levels of 340 and 6800 mg Yacon flour/kg weight. No toxicological or
nutritional effects were observed. Yacon root consumption showed no
hypoglycemic activity in normal rats and resulted in significantly reduced
postprandial serum triacylglycerol levels in both doses assayed.
de Moura, Caetano, Sivieri, et al. (2012) studied the influence of Yacon
on induced carcinogenesis with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in rats after
4 weeks induction with DMH. Rats were fed with a control diet or with a
diet containing different concentrations of atomized Yacon extract (0.5%
and 1%, respectively) and a symbiotic mixture composed of 1% Yacon
and Lactobacillus casei (2.5 1010 CFU g1) during 13 weeks. Results indi-
cate that Yacon and Yacon plus L. casei intake may reduce the development
of chemically induced colon cancer. Stimulatory effects of yacon FOS on Ca
intestinal absorption, bone mineral retention, and structural properties in the
femoral midshaft of Wistar rats fed ad libitum with diets supplemented with
yacon flour, have also been reported (Lobo, Colli, Eliana, & Tullia, 2007).
The prebiotic effect of yacon FOS was tested in vivo with a guinea pig
model. A diet rich in yacon FOS promoted the growth of bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli, resulting in high levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the
cecal material and enhancement of cell density and crypt formation in cae-
cum tissue, being indicative of colon health benefits (Campos et al., 2012).
Even when most of the reported works of the beneficial effects of Yacon are
attributed to the prebiotic effect of FOS, it is also possible that the presence
of other beneficial effect such as fiber and phenolic compounds also
Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers 329
contribute to the health benefits. It has also been reported that yacon roots
are rich in phenolic compounds, mainly chlorogenic (caffeoyl-quinic) acid
and other caffeic acid derivatives (Takenaka et al., 2003; Yan et al., 1999).
Andean fruits, seeds, and tubers represent a rich source of nutritional
and functional compounds. This region is characterized by its biodiversity.
Thus, very marked differences in the content and type of nutrients and bio-
actives are encountered in different genotypes/accessions. A lot of effort has
been invested in the last decades to characterize main nutrients and bioac-
tives and some in vitro bioactive properties in many of these Andean fruits,
seeds, and tubers. However, more in vivo and clinical studies are needed.
Additionally, many of these crops are gaining attention in trend gastronomy,
which open the possibility for these crops to be known and commercialized
internationally. Factors beyond genetics, environmental, and crop manage-
ment on nutritional and bioactive potential, such as postharvest technologies
and processing should be further explored.
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