5th Medical Fraud - Final
5th Medical Fraud - Final
5th Medical Fraud - Final
Presented by
Indiana Government Center South, Auditorium
302 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
The purpose of the Symposium is to provide a live educational and networking forum for private and public
sector personnel engaged in the investigation of and defense against medical provider fraud. Our
educational focus this year will be on increasing attendees’ working knowledge of fraud-related issues
pertaining to Qui Tam/RICO actions; Dental Fraud; Emerging Issues involving Fraud, Waste & Abuse in
Medical Claims; Analytics; Ethics; Drug Diversion and Government; Injection Fraud; DME Fraud and a
Prosecution Panel providing an open forum for discussion on current fraud issues. In addition, the
Symposium will serve as an opportunity for cross-discussion and networking between private and public
sector personnel as well as between Claims, SIU, Medical, Legal and other personnel representing or
providing services to Healthcare, Casualty and Workers Compensation insurers.
Topic 2: Emerging Issues Involving Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Medical Claims
10:10 am – 11:30 am
During this session we will address the following areas:
Brief primer on Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
PT Claims Issues
E/M Claims Issues
Surgical Claims
DME Issues and Home Health Claims
Michael D. Miscoe, JD, CPC, CASCC, CUC, CCPC, CPCO, CPMA, CEMA, AAPC Fellow
Session Descriptions
Amy Christiansen, CPC, FCLS Liberty Mutual Ins. David Dow, AIC,CIFA, CPC, FCLS Liberty Mutual Ins.
Topic 4: Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: How Vigilance and Adherence to
Ethics Laws and Best Practices Improve your Investigation
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
This presentation will focus on the Controlled Substances Act and federal
regulations against diversion of controlled substances by prescribers,
pharmacies and other medical professionals. We will discuss the roles of
federal and state agencies in conducting investigations of suspected drug
diversion. The presentation will invite discussion of whether, and how, drug
diversion investigations may overlap with and address fraudulent conduct
identified in a private insurance setting.
Eric Babbs, DAG
Special Assistant
United States Attorney Co-Presenter: Emily Batteiger, Diversion Investigator
Indianapolis District Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration
So you’ve got this medical fraud case you’ve been investigating, seems like forever. You believe
very strongly that the case warrants criminal prosecution. What now? The members of this panel
will provide insights into the proper packaging of a medical fraud case for law enforcement review
and/or presentation to a Prosecutor for further pursuit. Each panelist will provide information
regarding some of the issues they have pursued, how they feel such issues are best documented
and what made those cases easier for them to accept. The floor will then be open to questions
from and dialogue with the audience.
Cindy Cho, Esq. Assistant Mr. Mark Sakalares, NICB Janna Skelton, Esq.
United States Attorney Supervisory Special Agent Marion County Prosecutor’s Office