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5th Medical Fraud - Final

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5th Annual

Midwest Medical Fraud Symposium

JUNE 13, 2019

Presented by

The Office of the Indiana Indiana Chapter of the National

Attorney General’s Medicaid Society of Professional
Fraud Control Unit Insurance Investigators

Indiana Government Center South, Auditorium
302 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204

The following accreditations have been applied for:

CLEs in Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin and Kentucky
Indiana’s Law Enforcement Training Board Credit

The purpose of the Symposium is to provide a live educational and networking forum for private and public
sector personnel engaged in the investigation of and defense against medical provider fraud. Our
educational focus this year will be on increasing attendees’ working knowledge of fraud-related issues
pertaining to Qui Tam/RICO actions; Dental Fraud; Emerging Issues involving Fraud, Waste & Abuse in
Medical Claims; Analytics; Ethics; Drug Diversion and Government; Injection Fraud; DME Fraud and a
Prosecution Panel providing an open forum for discussion on current fraud issues. In addition, the
Symposium will serve as an opportunity for cross-discussion and networking between private and public
sector personnel as well as between Claims, SIU, Medical, Legal and other personnel representing or
providing services to Healthcare, Casualty and Workers Compensation insurers.

The Indiana Chapter of the National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators

(NSPII) and the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) would like to thank the following
underwriting sponsors for their support.
Seminar Schedule

*Please arrive early to allow time to pass through building security

7:45 am – 8:30 am Registration / Sign-In

8:30 am – 8:40 am Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:40 am – 10:00 am General Session 1

10:10 am – 11:30 am Breakout Topics 1, 2 and 3

11:30 am – 12:30 pm Lunch / Additional Announcements

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Breakout Topics 4 and 5

1:40 pm – 3:00 pm Breakout Topics 6, 7 and 8

3:10 pm – 4:30 pm General Session 2 (Panel)

4:30 pm – 4:40 pm Thank You and Closing Remarks

Session Descriptions

General Session 1: Civil Recovery Actions in Major Medical Fraud Rings

8:40 am – 10:00 am
During this presentation, the audience will be introduced to federal and state
fraud civil recovery statutes. Using case examples, the attendee will learn how
to establish the essential elements of Civil RICO and Qui Tam “Whistleblower”
statutes. This course will also provide the audience with knowledge of how to
avoid pitfalls and “knockout punches” that have derailed major fraud
investigations and cases. Successful civil prosecution of a provider-fraud case
often begins with SIU identification of fraudulent treatment and billing patterns.
This presentation will explore best practices in major medical fraud ring
Michael R. Parker
Managing Partner, Parker, LLP

Topic 1: Dental Fraud – Recurring Themes and Red Flags

10:10 am – 11:30 am
The discussion will center on those dental service codes frequently and
historically associated with dental fraud. An understanding of these service
codes and the associated “Red Flags” should help investigators spot
potential fraud and aid in their future investigations. The importance of
obtaining accurate legible clinical records and radiographs as well as
computer-generated clinical and scheduling records will be discussed as
well as the difficulties found reviewing computer generated patient records.

Charles Poland, III, DDS

Topic 2: Emerging Issues Involving Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Medical Claims
10:10 am – 11:30 am
During this session we will address the following areas:
 Brief primer on Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
 PT Claims Issues
 E/M Claims Issues
 Surgical Claims
 DME Issues and Home Health Claims

Michael D. Miscoe, JD, CPC, CASCC, CUC, CCPC, CPCO, CPMA, CEMA, AAPC Fellow
Session Descriptions

Topic 3: An Investigative Analytics Partnership: How Better Analysis

Leads to Better Investigations
10:10 am – 11:30 am
This presentation will demonstrate how investigative analytics can help drive
a medical fraud investigation to a successful conclusion. They will share how
their prior medical billing and claims experience enhances field investigation
and tactical (reactive) reports, as well as demonstrating how Certified
Professional Coders can help identify and mitigate fraud/waste/abuse by
medical providers through strategic (proactive) reporting. During the
presentation, speakers will discuss ways to maximize the utilization of internal
and external data sources, trend identification, and ways to make positive
financial impact through recovery, restitution, and prevention of future leakage.

Amy Christiansen, CPC, FCLS Liberty Mutual Ins. David Dow, AIC,CIFA, CPC, FCLS Liberty Mutual Ins.

Lunch – 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Topic 4: Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: How Vigilance and Adherence to
Ethics Laws and Best Practices Improve your Investigation
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Those persons charged with investigating suspected fraudulent activities –

including investigators, claims personnel and attorneys – improve their
investigations and outcomes when they understand and rely on sound
theory and practice regarding a myriad of ethical considerations in the
investigative process. This talk will focus on some of those considerations
and how to put them into practice during any investigation.

Jessica Krug, Esq.

MFCU Deputy Director
Session Descriptions

Topic 5: Drug Diversion and Government Investigations

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

This presentation will focus on the Controlled Substances Act and federal
regulations against diversion of controlled substances by prescribers,
pharmacies and other medical professionals. We will discuss the roles of
federal and state agencies in conducting investigations of suspected drug
diversion. The presentation will invite discussion of whether, and how, drug
diversion investigations may overlap with and address fraudulent conduct
identified in a private insurance setting.
Eric Babbs, DAG
Special Assistant
United States Attorney Co-Presenter: Emily Batteiger, Diversion Investigator
Indianapolis District Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration

Topic 6: Needle, Needle – Who Gets the Needle? Answer: Everybody!

1:40 pm – 3:00 pm
Examination of the possible fraudulent utilization of needle injections found
in pain clinics. Bringing patients to a pain clinic via van, and then performing
multiple unnecessary services including trigger point injections and billing
these as facet joint injections, epidural injection, or a joint injection. Then
taking the patients back to their home/facility and purchasing lunch for them.
Provide patients with injections of lidocaine combined with steroids which at
times will provides temporary relief of various joint and muscle pain. Although
the injections given to the patients were superficial, they were billed falsely to
Frank Kousaie, MD
Summa Akron City the insurance companies as facet joint injections, paravertebral injections,
Hospital, Summa sacroiliac nerve injections, sciatic nerve injections, and various other nerve
Barberton, Summa
Wadsworth blocks. Utilization of a TENS unit for a trial of an indwelling epidural
stimulator. Utilization of a fictitious, non-existent imaging unit for the
completion of the nerve blocks. Radio frequency ablations performed without
any radio frequency machine. Utilization foreign medical graduates, nurse
practitioners, and physician’s assistants to fill out fictitious superbills in order
to fraudulently report injections were done.
Session Descriptions

Topic 7: Chiropractic (UN) Just Enrichment

1:40 pm – 3:00 pm
This presentation begins with the education and licensure requirements for
the Chiropractic Doctorate degree. The attendee will gain insight into the
preparedness of the chiropractic graduate and a modest understanding of
diagnosis coding, treatment coding, documentation and medical
compliance. This course will review the purpose, goals and documentation
requirements for the common therapy modalities. The attendee will learn
the purpose, goals and documentation requirements for common
procedures such a chiropractic manipulation and rehab exercises. This
course will cover the concept of delegation of authority and the risks and
potential fraud when therapy is delegated by the chiropractor to the
Lawrence Stolar, DC chiropractic assistant.
Medical Compliance and
Insurance Consultants

Topic 8: Durable Medical Equipment Fraud Overview

1:40 pm – 3:00 pm
The presentation will cover common DME fraud schemes and strategies
for investigation. An emphasis will be placed on orthotic braces as
insurance companies have seen a massive increase in fraud in this area.

Greg Burri, Senior

Investigator, Special
Investigations Unit, Humana
Session Descriptions

General Session 2: Medical Fraud Prosecution: A Multi-State Panel Discussion

3:10 pm – 4:30 pm

So you’ve got this medical fraud case you’ve been investigating, seems like forever. You believe
very strongly that the case warrants criminal prosecution. What now? The members of this panel
will provide insights into the proper packaging of a medical fraud case for law enforcement review
and/or presentation to a Prosecutor for further pursuit. Each panelist will provide information
regarding some of the issues they have pursued, how they feel such issues are best documented
and what made those cases easier for them to accept. The floor will then be open to questions
from and dialogue with the audience.

Cindy Cho, Esq. Assistant Mr. Mark Sakalares, NICB Janna Skelton, Esq.
United States Attorney Supervisory Special Agent Marion County Prosecutor’s Office

Samuel J. Kirk, CFE Principal John J. Walz, Deputy Chief of

Asst. Attorney General Special Prosecutions Bureau,
Ohio Attorney General’s Office Illinois Attorney General’s Office.
Please register by clicking on the following link:
Please complete one registration per registrant.

 Deadline: The seminar registration deadline is June 5, 2019

No refunds will be issued after this date.

 Early Bird Pricing Deadline: April 30, 2019

PRICING - Lunch included

 General Admission: $100; Early Bird $85

 NSPII/IASIU: $90; Early Bird $75

 Insurance Company Personnel: $80; Early Bird $65

 Public Agency Personnel: $15

Inquiries: Please direct questions or requests for more information to:

Lisa Sweatland at (317) 373-1536


Joel Abbey at (317) 349-9799


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