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My Song of Jesus "Who Am I": Felamae D. Fuentebella BSRT 1-B September 12, 2018

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Felamae D.

Fuentebella BSRT 1-B September 12, 2018

My Song of Jesus
“Who Am I”

Who am I, that the lord of all the earth Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would care to know my name Would look on me with love
Would care to feel my hurt? And watch me rise again?
Who am I, that the bright and morning star Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would choose to light the way Would call out through the rain
For my ever wandering heart? And calm the storm in me?

Not because of who I am Not because of who I am

But because of what you've done But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are But because of who you are
And you've told me who I am
I am a flower quickly fading I am yours
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean I am yours
A vapor in the wind I am yours
Still you hear me when I'm calling Whom shall I fear, whom shall I fear?
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling 'Cause I am yours
And you've told me who I am I am yours.
I am yours


This song reminds anyone who hears this that God is the greatest love of all. It was like God is reminding
me that I was his and no reason to doubt. Even though we always commit mistakes and we sometimes
having doubts of his love, still there's always a God whose willing to lead us to the right path. He always
accepts us for who we are. We sometimes question God why he is doing it to us and sometimes put us
in the dark not telling that he don't love us anymore. But God show us that He is the light and savior in
the times when we feel that no one seems to care of for us. God is willing to do everything and risk his
life and his son to make us feel safe on His hand. He is also the best lover for the reason that He never
hurt and leaves us. That's why if we encounter a lot of struggles and challenges in our life, we need to
think that He has given that to us because He know that we can surpass it and God won't left us behind.
If you encounter problem in life just pray to him and ask for his guidance for what you should do
because God will not leave you seeing you suffer. We are thankful that we have God the savior of all and
God whose the reason why we are all here right now. This song tells us that you are His and you are not
alone. I couldn't imagine “who am i” without God in my life. “Not because of who i am, but because of
what you've done. Not because of what I’ve done, but because of who you are.” We are loved, like a
father loves his child and we are God’s children.
Danica P. Bo-oc BSRT 1-B September 12, 2018

My Song of Jesus
“Power of Your Love”

Lord I come to You The knowledge of Your love

Let my heart be changed, renewed As You live in me
Flowing from the grace Lord renew my mind
That I've found in You As Your will unfolds in my life
Lord I've come to know In living every day
The weaknesses I see in me By the power of Your love
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Hold me close Bring me near
Let Your love surround me Draw me to Your side
Bring me near And as I wait
Draw me to Your side I'll rise up like the eagle
And as I wait And I will soar with You
I'll rise up like the eagle Your Spirit leads me on
And I will soar with You In the power of Your love
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
Lord unveil my eyes In the power of Your love
Let me see You face to face


This song is really a wonderful song it is about how much He loves us so much that he gave his only
begotten son to save us. Even though we are so unworthy he still gave his only precious son to die in the
calvary to redeem us. This song brings inspiration and hope to surpass the challenges that come our
way. That no matter what happen God is with us to always help us and guide us in everything that we
do. God’s love is immeasurable and endless. He gave us the perfect love. Also this song is very powerful
because you can do everything by the power of love. Example is when you’re in love to a person even if
that person hurt you still you are willing to risk everything for the one you love. Just like when it comes
from God because even your enemies you can forgive because of his love. He is the example of love that
has no end, no limit, priceless, and you don't wait for a return, just give it fully with all your hearts. He is
a loving God, the most high, and we cannot comprehend his thoughts and ways because he is too great
and his love is unfailing. He knows the desires of our heart and his plan is the best for us. Let God be the
center of everything because in him we can surely say that we are safe in his hand. We can give glory to
him by trusting and wholeheartedly obey him. We must not do things which we know that it is wrong.
And this song is trying to say that we must love each other and must not judge each other because after
all because of the love God for us we are here now. And even if we people are sinners God didn't judge
us so there's no reason to judge other also. You don't need any kind of leisure, nothing matters but love.
And the power of love can make you crazy, a fool and you can be happy for the rest of your life with
God’s love and mercy we can live life to the fullest and nothing could replace the love of God that
completes our whole being.
Rufa Mae Llorca BSRT1-B September 12, 2018

My Song of Jesus

We pray for blessings As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
We pray for peace All the while, You hear each desperate plea
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep And long that we'd have faith to believe
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for your mighty hand to ease our suffering When friends betray us
All the while, your hear each spoken need When darkness seems to win
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears What if my greatest disappointments
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to Or the aching of this life
know You're near Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
We pray for wisdom Are your mercies in disguise
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love


I choose this song because this song open up my mind that God is the greatest blessing I would ever
have in my life. We as human we always want blessing in material thing but the truth is God give us
blessing in all his ways, sometimes our problems and struggle give us the courage to ask for the
guidance of the Lord. He will never give us something that we will not overcome. Everyone may leave us
but God will never leave us nor forsake us. His plan is always the best. All the struggles in this world is
just temporary because one day we will be with the Lord as what he has promise. Sometimes we cry for
anger if our prayer is not answer immediately, because God is giving his timing if it is really for us or we
don’t deserve what we our asking. Everything we ask in prayer we should have faith on it.

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