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Where there is Faith

I believe in faithfulness Where there is faith

I believe in giving to myself for There is a voice calling, "keep walking"
You're not alone in this world
someone else Where there is faith
I believe in peace and love There is a peace like a child sleeping
I believe in honesty and trust but Hope everlasting in He who is able to
it's not enough bear every Burden, to heal every hurt in
my heart
For all that I believe may never It is a wonderful, powerful place
change the way it is Where there is faith
Unless I believe Jesus lives
Where there is Faith

There's a man across the sea Where there is faith

Never heard the sound of freedom ring, There is a voice calling, "keep walking"
Only in his dreams You're not alone in this world
There's a lady dressed in black, In a Where there is faith
motorcade of cadillacs, Daddy's not There is a peace like a child sleeping
coming back Hope everlasting in He who is able to bear
Our hearts begin to fall every Burden, to heal every hurt in my
And our stability grows weak heart
But Jesus meets our needs if only we It is a wonderful, powerful place
believe Where there is faith
Where there is Faith

Oh, oh, oh where there is faith (x4)

Where there is faith
There is a voice calling, "keep walking"
You're not alone in this world
Where there is faith
There is a peace like a child sleeping
Wonderful, powerful place
Where there is faith
Where there is faith.
Over and Over

 I've stood on the bank of a wide raging river

Trusting that I'd get across
I've made my way through some valleys and deserts, Believing
I'd never get lost
 I've been at the foot of what felt like Mt. Everest
Knowing I'd have the strength for the climb
'Cause through every trial, each test and temptation
One thing is sure every time
Over and Over

 Over and over, again and again, God is faithful
 Over and over, again and again
Through it all He's made me able
To stand and survive, to come through alive
When it sure looked like I couldn't win
Jesus is with me so I claim the victory
Over and over again
Over and Over

 If you ask me why I have no hesitation

God does what he says he will do
I'd simply say every battle has taught me
There's nothing He won't help me through
 So why should I dwell on the hardships and struggles
When I look just beyond them I see
The way this will end is with great celebration
Deep in my heart I believe
Over and Over

 Over and over, again and again, God is faithful
 Over and over, again and again
Through it all He's made me able
To stand and survive, to come through alive
When it sure looked like I couldn't win
Jesus is with me so I claim the victory
Over and over again
If you knew Him

I walked by the tomb of buddha

Looked inside and saw his bones,
Traveled on to see mohammad
Still wrapped up in his grave clothes,
Then I journeyed to the garden,
Where old Joseph left Him lay,
The precious lamb
God's own begotten
He was no longer in that grave
If you knew Him


If you knew him like I know him,

You would know that He's alive,
If you felt him like I feel him,
Resurrection deep inside
You'd know he's living
And death has died
If you knew Him

If your standing in the darkness

Come and step into the light,
His Nail pierced hands reach out to help you,
To pull you safe from death to life,
Friend I too have stood where you stand,
How Could I trust in things I see?
But just one step in His direction
Then in love He ran to me
If you knew Him

CHORUS You ask me how I know He lives,

If you knew him like I know him, He lives within my heart…
You would know that He's alive,
If you felt Him like I feel him, If you felt him like i feel him
Resurrection deep inside Resurrection deep inside,
You'd know He's living You‘d know He’s living
And death has died And death has died….
Death has died...
I’ve come too far

 I've come too far to look back again

There is nothing behind me
All the pleasures I used to love
Have all faded from view
 There's a new day ahead for me
My heartache is over
I left it at calvary
Where my new life began
I’ve come too far

 I've come too far to look back

My feet have walked through the valley
I've climbed mountains, crossed rivers
Desert places I've known
But I'm nearing the home shore
The redeemed are rejoicing
And heaven's angels are singing
I've come too far to look back
I’ve come too far

 Look around, there's unhappiness

Some see no reason for living
Life will give you a broken dream
Full of heartache and fear
 Turn around, don't look back again
Face the new day before you
Place your heartache in Jesus' hand
He will mend broken dreams
I’ve come too far

 I've come too far to look back

My feet have walked through the valley
I've climbed mountains, crossed rivers
Desert places I've known
But I'm nearing the home shore
The redeemed are rejoicing
And heaven's angels are singing
I've come too far to look back
I’ve come too far

But I'm nearing the home shore
The redeemed are rejoicing
And heaven's angels are singing
I've come too far to look back
 Too far to look back
Are you ready?

 The hour is approaching when the souls of man will hear.

A mighty shout resounding in the sky.
In power and great glory King Jesus will appear, and take His
children home to paradise.
It will be a celebration, for the ones who chose His name, but
total separation, for the ones who turned away.
Are you ready?

 Are you ready for the trumpet?

Are you ready for the call?
Soon the angels will assemble to usher in the Son of God.
Will He come and find you faithful?
Will He know your name at all?
Every moment brings us closer.
Are you ready for the call?
Are you ready?

 The Bible speaks of two men, who were standing in the field.
Where one is taken and one is left behind.
Two women in the kitchen one goes and one remains.
So get your house in order while there's time.
In the cross there is salvation, through the blood there is a
way, to secure your destination on that resurrection day.
Are you ready?

 Are you ready for the trumpet?

Are you ready for the call?
Soon the angels will assemble to usher in the Son of God.
Will He come and find you faithful?
Will He know your name at all?
Every moment brings us closer.
Are you ready for the call?
Are you ready?

There's an urgency to reach the world. Will He come and find you faithful?
We have no time to waste. Will He know your name at all?
For within the heart of mortal man the Every moment brings us closer.
burning question now is raised... Are you ready for the call?
Will He come and find you faithful?
Are you ready for the trumpet? Will He know your name at all?
Are you ready for the call? Every moment brings us closer.
Soon the angels will assemble to usher in Are you ready for the call?
the Son of God. For the call?
If that isn’t love

 He left the splendor of If that isn't love the ocean is dry,

heaven, There're no stars in the sky
Knowing His destiny And the sparrow can't fly!
Was the lonely hill of If that isn't love then heaven's a
Golgotha, myth,
There to lay down His life There's no feeling like this,
for me. If that isn't love.
If that isn’t love

 Even in death He If that isn't love the ocean is dry,

remembered There're no stars in the sky
The thief hanging by His And the sparrow can't fly!
side; If that isn't love then heaven's a
He spoke with love and myth,
compassion There's no feeling like this,
Then He promised him If that isn't love.
I will Praise Him

 When I saw the

I will praise Him
cleansing fountain I will praise Him
Open wide for all my Praise the Lamb for sinners slain
sins Give Him glory all ye people
I obeyed the spirits For His blood can wash away
wooing each stain
When he said "Wilt thou
be clean"
I will Praise Him

 Then God's fire upon the I will praise Him

altar I will praise Him
Of my heart was set Praise the Lamb for sinners slain
aflame Give Him glory all ye people
I shall never cease to For His blood can wash away each
praise Him stain
Glory, Glory to His Oh, Glory! Glory to His name!
Marvelous Grace

 I was in prison, locked up in

For grace marvelous grace, I
chains sin held me captive
needed grace to pardon and
To sorrow and pain, years of
make me whole
frustrations as love passed
Grace marvelous grace flows
me by
from above with infinite love
Until the Master heard my
Marvelous grace
hearts cry
Marvelous Grace

 I was downhearted I was Oh it was grace marvelous

broken inside praying for grace,
mercy with I needed grace to pardon and
Nowhere to hide, there was a make me whole
solace searching for me Grace marvelous grace flows
 Grace everflowing that set my
from above with infinite love
soul free
Marvelous grace
Marvelous Grace

 I am forgiven Grace, Grace God's Grace grace

I am redeemed that will pardon and cleanse
A brand new creation within
 He saved me and gave me a Grace, Grace God's Grace grace
reason to sing that is greater than all our sins

Grace marvelous grace flows from above with infinite love

Marvelous Grace, Marvelous Grace, Marvelous Grace
His life for mine

 His heart was broken, mine was mended

He became sin, now I am clean
The cross he carried bore my burden
The nails that held him set me free
His life for mine

 His life for mine, his life for mine

How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine
His life for mine

 His scars of suffering brought me healing

He spilled his blood to fill my soul.
His crown of thorns made me royalty
His sorrow gave me joy untold
His life for mine

 His life for mine, his life for mine

How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine
His life for mine

 He was despised and rejected, stripped of his garments and oppressed

I am loved and accepted and I wear a robe of righteousness

 His life for mine, his life for mine

How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me (like me)
What love divine, he gave his life for mine
Word of God Speak

I'm finding myself at a loss for words

And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
Word of God Speak

Word of God speak That you're in this place

Would you pour down like Please let me stay and rest
rain In your holiness
Washing my eyes to see Word of God speak
Your majesty
To be still and know
Word of God Speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You

Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice
Word of God Speak

Word of God speak That you're in this place

Would you pour down like Please let me stay and rest
rain In your holiness
Washing my eyes to see Word of God speak
Your majesty
To be still and know

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