Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
D. Learning Objectives Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to…
a. Cognitive a. define relations and functions, a. define linear function using its a. define and illustrate the a. a. define and
b. Affective dependent and independent points, equation. meaning of a slope in the line. illustrate the
c. Psychomotor
variable, domain and range. b. locate the domain and range b. characterize the graph of a meaning of a slope
of a linear functions linear function in terms of its in the line.
b. recognize the difference c. transform linear function to intercept. b. characterize the
between relations and standard form of linear c. graph a linear function given graph of a linear
functions, dependent and function and vice versa. (a) any two points; (b) the x – function in terms of
independent variable, domain and y – intercepts; (c) the its intercept.
and range. slope and a point on the line c. graph a linear
function given (a)
any two points; (b)
c. demonstrate understanding the x – and y –
about relations and functions. intercepts; (c) the
slope and a point
on the line
III. LEARNING Relations and Functions Linear functions Graph of linear functions Graph of linear functions
A. References
1. T.G. pages
2. L.M. pages
3. Additional Laptop, projector Laptop, projector, IM’s Laptop, projector, IM’s Laptop, projector, IM’s
B. Other Learning Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics
A. Reviewing previous Present an activity in preparation to the Give an activity regarding the previous Give a brief review on plotting points. Give an activity regarding
lesson or presenting new topic. topic. the previous topic.
the new lesson
B. Establishing a 1. Give more exmaples. 1. Give examples on plotting 1. Give more
purpose for the 1. Site and example on relations 2. Let the students solve some some points. exercises for better
lesson and how it represented. example for them to exercise 2. Let the students practice on understanding.
2. Give example on functions and and master on the topic. plotting points and give them 2. Let the students
elaborate how it differs on 3. Call some volunteer students more examples for better graph some
relations. to answer some example on understanding. equations.
3. Give more examples about the board and let them 3. Call some students to show 3. Call some students
relations and functions and explain their work. their work on the class. and present their
identify also the independent work in the class.
and dependent variables and
how they differ with each
C. Presenting Teacher will present examples of The teacher will give equations on The teacher demonstrates on how the The teacher give more
examples/instances relations and functions, independent linear functions. graph of linear functions is. examples on the graph of
of the new lesson and dependent variables, domain and linear functions.
D. Discussing new 1. Ask the students some 1. Show the students on how to 1. Ask the students to watch 1. Give them
concepts and questions related to the topic. solve linear functions. some video clips on graphing additional example
practicing new skills 2. Have them analyze on how it 2. Let them realize the linear functions. for better
#1 differentiated. importance of these in the 2. Have them analyze essence in understanding.
real – life situations. learning it. 2. Let them answer
series of example
for mastery of
E. Discussing new 1. Group discussions: Let the 1. Group discussion: Let the 1. Think Pair Share: Let the 1. Board work: Let the
concepts and students solve the domain and students compare their work students show their work to students to graph
practicing new skills range of the given equations. to their classmates and their classmates for them to examples on the
#2 discussed. discussed with each other. board.
F. Developing Mastery 1. Have them share their ideas 1. Have them share their ideas 1. Have them share their 1. Have developed
and knowledge regarding the and thoughts on how to solve knowledge on how to graph their skills in
topic. linear functions. linear functions. graphing.
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making Students will answer the following The students the can solve the The students can graph linear The students can graph
generalizations and questions: equations and discussed their answer functions. linear functions.
abstractions about 1. Are all relations functions? in the class.
the lesson 2. Are all functions relations?
3. How and Why.
I. Evaluating Learning Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the
exercises found on the book and can exercises found on the book and can exercises found on the book and can following exercises found on
explain their work. explain their work. explain their work. the book and can explain
their work.
J. Additional activities
for applications or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. Which difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
School Malaubang Integrated School, District 9 Grade Level 8
Junior High School Teacher HONELYN R. SAGURAN Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Daily Lesson Log Week Number Quarter 4th Quarter
5. Evaluating Learning The students solve the following The students solve the following The students solve the following The students solve the following
exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and can
can explain their work. can explain their work. can explain their work. explain their work.
6. Additional activities for
applications or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. Which difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
School Malaubang Integrated School, District 9 Grade Level 8
Junior High School TICS
Daily Lesson Log Week Number Week 1 Quarter 1
H. Learning Objectives Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to… Learner will be able to…
d. Cognitive d. define relations and functions, d. define linear function using its d. define and illustrate the d. a. define and
e. Affective dependent and independent points, equation. meaning of a slope in the line. illustrate the
f. Psychomotor
variable, domain and range. e. locate the domain and range e. characterize the graph of a meaning of a slope
of a linear functions linear function in terms of its in the line.
e. recognize the difference f. transform linear function to intercept. e. characterize the
between relations and standard form of linear f. graph a linear function given graph of a linear
functions, dependent and function and vice versa. (a) any two points; (b) the x – function in terms of
independent variable, domain and y – intercepts; (c) the its intercept.
and range. slope and a point on the line f. graph a linear
function given (a)
any two points; (b)
f. demonstrate understanding the x – and y –
about relations and functions. intercepts; (c) the
slope and a point
on the line
IX. LEARNING Relations and Functions Linear functions Graph of linear functions Graph of linear functions
C. References
4.T.G. pages
5.L.M. pages
6.Additional Laptop, projector Laptop, projector, IM’s Laptop, projector, IM’s Laptop, projector, IM’s
D. Other Learning Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics
K. Reviewing previous Present an activity in preparation to the Give an activity regarding the previous Give a brief review on plotting points. Give an activity regarding
lesson or presenting new topic. topic. the previous topic.
the new lesson
L. Establishing a 4. Give more exmaples. 4. Give examples on plotting 4. Give more
purpose for the 4. Site and example on relations 5. Let the students solve some some points. exercises for better
lesson and how it represented. example for them to exercise 5. Let the students practice on understanding.
5. Give example on functions and and master on the topic. plotting points and give them 5. Let the students
elaborate how it differs on 6. Call some volunteer students more examples for better graph some
relations. to answer some example on understanding. equations.
6. Give more examples about the board and let them 6. Call some students to show 6. Call some students
relations and functions and explain their work. their work on the class. and present their
identify also the independent work in the class.
and dependent variables and
how they differ with each
M. Presenting Teacher will present examples of The teacher will give equations on The teacher demonstrates on how the The teacher give more
examples/instances relations and functions, independent linear functions. graph of linear functions is. examples on the graph of
of the new lesson and dependent variables, domain and linear functions.
N. Discussing new 3. Ask the students some 3. Show the students on how to 3. Ask the students to watch 3. Give them
concepts and questions related to the topic. solve linear functions. some video clips on graphing additional example
practicing new skills 4. Have them analyze on how it 4. Let them realize the linear functions. for better
#1 differentiated. importance of these in the 4. Have them analyze essence in understanding.
real – life situations. learning it. 4. Let them answer
series of example
for mastery of
O. Discussing new 2. Group discussions: Let the 2. Group discussion: Let the 2. Think Pair Share: Let the 2. Board work: Let the
concepts and students solve the domain and students compare their work students show their work to students to graph
practicing new skills range of the given equations. to their classmates and their classmates for them to examples on the
#2 discussed. discussed with each other. board.
P. Developing Mastery 2. Have them share their ideas 2. Have them share their ideas 2. Have them share their 2. Have developed
and knowledge regarding the and thoughts on how to solve knowledge on how to graph their skills in
topic. linear functions. linear functions. graphing.
Q. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
R. Making Students will answer the following The students the can solve the The students can graph linear The students can graph
generalizations and questions: equations and discussed their answer functions. linear functions.
abstractions about 4. Are all relations functions? in the class.
the lesson 5. Are all functions relations?
6. How and Why.
S. Evaluating Learning Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the following Let the students solve the
exercises found on the book and can exercises found on the book and can exercises found on the book and can following exercises found on
explain their work. explain their work. explain their work. the book and can explain
their work.
T. Additional activities
for applications or
H. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
I. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
J. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
M. Which difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
N. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
School Malaubang Integrated School, District 9 Grade Level 8
Junior High School Teacher HONELYN R. SAGURAN Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Daily Lesson Log Week Number Quarter 4th Quarter
11. Evaluating Learning The students solve the following The students solve the following The students solve the following The students solve the following
exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and exercises found on the book and can
can explain their work. can explain their work. can explain their work. explain their work.
12. Additional activities for
applications or remediation
H. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
I. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
J. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
K. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
L. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
M. Which difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?