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Dance Performance: Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

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Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

100-90pts 90-80 pts 80-70pts 70-60 pts 60-50 pts

Knowledge of Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Memory of the routine and Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates Demonstrates some Remembers a few of
execution of the moves excellent knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of the steps/ movements
looks true to the moves the choreography. choreography. Keeps choreography. Keeps choreography, but and tries, but looks
that were choreographed. and does it well. up with group. Few up with group. Some unsure of some lost and out of sync
errors, however it errors(3-5 errors) movements. with others.
does not interfere with causing brief pause in Sometimes hesitates/
performance. performance. watches others and
makes several errors

Technical skills Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Pointing toes, back straight,
arm placement is not Dance performed with Dance performed with Dance performed with Only some Although remembers
sloppy, moves are executed great attention to attention to details of attention to most understanding of some of dance, little
smoothly. quality of movement, technique, has details of technique, technical elements (ie. attention paid to how
body position, attained proficiency in but hasn't attained footwork, quality of movements are done
placement on stage dance style. proficiency in dance movements, body or other details of
and other details of style yet. Some positions) dance.
dance. Also technical errors. demonstrated in
demonstrates an performance.
understanding of
dance style.

Performance Skills Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Projection of eye contact
and cheerful facial The dancer draws the The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer is not very
expressions with the judge in to want to communicates with communicates with generally focused, but focused on making
judges. The dancer is watch them and is audience/judges audience/judges only some attempt eye contact,
confident with movements. able to engage the through eye contact through eye contact made to grab concentrated or
audience completely and facial and body and facial and body attention of the judges committed to
through their expression. Is able to expression. with eye contact and performance.
performance. A true engage the judges. Occasionally loses good facial
joy to watch! focus. expression.

Rhythm/Tempo Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Staying on count and with
the beats of the music. Shows a complete Accurate in beat, Generally accurate in Shows a basic Attempts to keep a
understanding of tempo, rhythms of beat, tempo, rhythms understanding of rhythm, but gets off
tempo and beat and dance sequences of dance sequences tempo and beat, but beat and speeds up or
stays on rhythm throughout the most of the time. falls behind and/or falls behind often.
throughout the dance. speeds up in places or Doesn't follow beat in
dance. makes errors in music.
Poor Fair Good
10 pts 8 pts 6 pts

Quality of Content Poor Fair Good

Chapter content is not accurately portrayed. Chapter content is accurately Chapter content is accurately portrayed as
portrayed as either effective or either effective or ineffective.
Incomplete coverage of the topic. A student ineffective.
who wanted to develop this skill would not Complete coverage of the topic. A student
find this presentation to be effective. Adequate coverage of the topic. could develop multiple aspects of the skill
A student would need to do with this resource.
more research to develop this

Quality of Scenario Poor Fair Good

Scenario was not realistic, inappropriate for Scenario was realistic and class- Scenario was realistic, class-appropriate,
class, or poorly developed. appropriate, well-developed.

Scenario failed to incorporate course Course concepts could be Scenario clearly incorporated course
concepts. identified. concepts.

Organization Poor Fair Good

Presentation was not well-organized. Presentation was fairly well- Presentation was well-organized.
The transitions between the role-plays and The transitions between the role-plays and
the narrator and other presentation The transitions between the the narrator and other presentation
components were poor. role-plays and the narrator and components flowed smoothly.
other presentation components
flowed smoothly at most times.

Impact Poor Fair Good

Presentation failed to engage the student Presentation engaged the Presentation fully engaged the student
audience. student audience. audience.

Presentation would not be helpful to Presentation may provide some Presentation would be helpful to students
students. helpful information to students. in developing skills.

Presentation would be difficult for students Students who follow the advice Presentation would be easy for students to
to use. in the presentation could learn from.
develop skills with additional
research. Students who follow the advice in this
presentation would be effective.

Presentation Skills Poor Fair Good

None of the presenters spoke with Most presenters spoke with All presenters spoke with appropriate eye
appropriate eye contact, volume, tone, use appropriate eye contact, volume, contact, volume, tone, use of pauses, and
of pauses, and gestures. tone, use of pauses, and gestures.
None of the presenters appeared prepared All presenters were well-prepared and
or confident. Most presenters were well- spoke with confidence.
prepared and spoke with

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