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Dynamic Evolving Neuro Fuzzy Systems of PDF

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1 January 2014
ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

Dynamic Evolving Neuro Fuzzy Systems

of Qualitative Process
Tharwat O. S. Hanafy1,2 , Ayman A. Aly1,3 and Kamel A. Shoush1,2
Faculty of Engineering, Taif University, 888, Taif, Saudi Arabia,
Computers and Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azher University, Egypt,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, 71516, Assiut, Egypt.

Abstract— Qualitative modeling is one promising approach process knowledge into models of these processes like they are
to the solution of difficult tasks automation if qualitative found e.g. in process or manufacturing industries as well as in
process models are not available. This contribution automotive systems [2].
presents a new concept of qualitative dynamic process Modeling is achieved using a particular class of dynamic neuro
modeling using so called Dynamic Adaptive Neuro fuzzy fuzzy systems where the nonlinear static characteristics of the
Systems. In contrast to common approaches of Adaptive process and-in contrast to common approaches [1]-as well its
Neuro Fuzzy modeling [1], the dynamic system is dynamics are represented in the neuro fuzzy domain. To be
completely described in the neuro fuzzy domain: the neuro more specific, Fig. 1 shows an autonomous first order dynamic
fuzzy information about the previous state is directly neuro fuzzy system. The rule base may consist of rules like.
applied to compute the system’s current state, i.e. the IF yk-1 is “small” Then yk is “big”.
delayed neuro fuzzy output is feedback to the input without Linguistic terms like “small” are modeled by neuro fuzzy sets.
defuzzification. Knowledge processing in such dynamic The knowledge propagation is carried out by a neuro fuzzy
neuro fuzzy systems requires a new inference method, the inference method. Since the neuro fuzzy output is feed back
inference with interpolating rules. This yields the without a prior defuzzification, the linguistic information about
framework of a new systems theory the essentials of which the system is completely modeled in the neuro fuzzy domain.
are given in further section of the paper. First, an As a consequence, a new inference scheme has to be derived for
identification method is presented, using a combination of the following reasons: An inference method is expected to
linguistic knowledge. Next, a stability definition for evaluate a set of neuro fuzzy rules corresponding to the human
dynamic neuro fuzzy systems as well as methods for way of approximate reasoning. Human beings are able to
stability analysis is given. Finally, a neuro fuzzy process only such neuro fuzzy sets that might be properly
model-based neuro fuzzy controller design method is adjoined to linguistic values. Therefore, only these kinds of
developed. The identification of real problems and neuro interpretable neuro fuzzy sets are appropriate inputs of neuro
fuzzy controller design for inverted pendulum system fuzzy systems. Since the neuro fuzzy output of a dynamic neuro
demonstrate the significance of the new systems theory. fuzzy system has to be processed by the inference in subsequent
steps, it has to be guaranteed that the inference maps
Index Terms—ultrasonics, motors, multi-degree of freedom, interpretable neuro fuzzy inputs onto an interpretable neuro
multilayered piezoelectric actuators. fuzzy output.
In the sequel, neuro fuzzy numbers with triangular shaped
membership functions, which are often used to characterize
1. Introduction linguistic values like “small” or “big”, will be used as
interpretable neuro fuzzy sets.
The analysis and control of complex plants often requires the
Conventional reasoning methods like “max-min- inference”[3]
introduction of qualitative process models since quantitative,
do not generate an interpretable neuro fuzzy output. Therefore,
namely analytical process models are not available. An
a new neuro fuzzy inference method, the “inference with
examination of the quantitative and qualitative paradigms will
interpolating rules” was developed which is outlined in the
help to identify their strengths and weaknesses and how their
second section. This method is the central element of a new
divergent approaches can complement each other. However,
system theory covering processes represented by a set of neuro
human experts as operators usually are capable of
fuzzy rules. Within the scope of this systems theory an
accomplishing control tasks, taking into consideration only
identification procedure is developed in the second section.
imprecise knowledge about the process which may describe by
Measurements as well as heuristic knowledge are used to
a set of rules like IF valve is “open wide” THEN liquid level is
determine a linguistic representation of the process dynamics.
“rising fast”
After that, the stability definition for dynamic Neuro fuzzy
Thus, the behavior of an operator analyzing or controlling a
Systems is given and approach for stability analysis is briefly
process stimulates the new approach of neuro fuzzy modeling,
systems analysis, and controller design pursued in this
contribution. The new concept allows integrating qualitative

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

The third section focuses on a new design strategy for neuro

fuzzy controllers. This new approach enables the synthesis of
neuro fuzzy controllers exclusively based on qualitative
process knowledge. Finally, in the fourth section the main
characteristics of the new Systems theory are demonstrated for
an inverted pendulum system. First, the process is identified.
Then, the resulting neuro fuzzy system model is applied to
neuro fuzzy Controller.
Yields the process model. In eq. (2), the integral over the error
2. Identification of Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems membership function defines a measure of its fuzziness[11].
Identification of dynamic neuro fuzzy systems requires the The identification is carried out in two steps. First, the
transfer of crisp process measurements into the domain of significant delays of the input and the output of the process are
neuro fuzzy modeling. An identification procedure for dynamic determined to fix the structure of the neuro fuzzy model.
neuro fuzzy systems can be developed based on the inference Second, the rule base of the neuro fuzzy process model is
with interpolating rules Fig (1) illustrates the identification identified
concept. The delayed inputs and outputs of the process are used minimizing eq.(1) and eq. (2).
as inputs of the neuro fuzzy inference (serial- parallel
structure). The neuro fuzzy error is calculated following 2.1 Determining the structure of Dynamic Neuro fuzzy
Zadeh’s extension principle as the difference between the crisp Systems
process output and the neuro fuzzy model output: The significant delays of the neuro fuzzy model can be
determined applying a procedure similar to nonlinear system
identification algorithms represented by neural nets [5;7]:

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

Tangent planes of the systems nonlinearity are estimated on

different points of the operating domain. To calculate the
tangent planes, matrices are built up from measurements. Using
data of the output with a delay exceeding the process’ order
results in rank deficient matrices. Hence, the maximum
required delay of the outputs of lower than maximum order can
be determined from the tangent planes. These are parallel to
axis spanned by insignificant delayed outputs [7].
2.2 Identifying the Rule base
To illustrate the basic ideas of the identification procedure of For Neuro fuzzy Systems with multiple inputs the center
the rule base, it sufficient to consider the static Neuro fuzzy equation is the piecewise multilinear interpolation function
System depicted in Fig. 3. It can be shown that the center of the spanned by the centers of the neuro fuzzy premises and the
neuro fuzzy output of the inference only depends on the centers neuro fuzzy conclusion [5]. Thus, in case of a single input
of the neuro fuzzy inputs [5;5]. This relationship is expressed system the center equation is a piecewise linear interpolation
by the center equation. function. Fig. 3 shows an optimization result. Obviously, four
rules had to be
In the first step, the center equation is

Identified. Therefore, the centers of four premises search strategies may not applicable. For systems of higher
c(P1),….,c(P5) and four conclusion c(C1),….,c(C5) were order, evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied
found. The center equation is the linear interpolation function [5].
f(c(E)) spanned by c(P1),….,c(P5) and c(C1),….,c(C5).
Because of the unsteadiness of the gradient of J1 gradient-based

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

Having determined the centers of the premises and conclusions, system 1 which is stable since the output converges to the neuro
the shapes of the membership functions are determined in the fuzzy number with the center 0, the left foot –2 and the right
next step with a methodology developed in [5]. This approach foot +2. Fig. 8 depicts the neuro fuzzy output resulting from a
guarantees a minimum fuzziness of the error by minimizing eq. crisp initial state y0=2. The output membership functions of
(2) under consideration of the straggling of the measurements. system 2 shown in Fig. 9 cause an unstable system behavior.
Fig. 5 shows in extension of Fig. 4 the neuro fuzzy output Ŷ Although the center of the output converges to 0 for any initial
computation for a given crisp input e0 using the identified state, it’s left and right foot moves to infinity (Fig. 10). Since
neuro fuzzy model. Due to the crisp input, the neuro fuzzy the output becomes fuzzier with every step, the specificity of
output of the model is equivalent to the interpolating the output vanishes for k→∞.
conclusion. The left and right foot of the interpolating These simple examples suggest the following stability
conclusion are calculated using L(IC)=gl(e0) and r(IC)=gr(e0) definition for Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems: An equilibrium
respectively. gl(e) and gr(e) are piecewise multilinear point of a Dynamic Neuro Fuzzy System marked by a crisp
interpolation functions spanned by the left and right feet of the value R0 is stable if
conclusion membership functions, L(c1),….., L(c5) and • R0 is an asymptotically stable equilibrium point for the center
r(c1),….., r(c5), respectively, and the centers of the premise of the output c(Yk)
membership functions c(p1),…., c(p5). IF the crisp input e0 • The feet of the neuro fuzzy output stay in a bounded
belongs to the measurements, i.e. e0 =ei, the membership environment of R0.
values of the corresponding measured crisp output yi is always In the examples above R0=0 marks the equilibrium point.
greater than zero: e0= ei →μŶ(yi)>0. System 1 has a stable equilibrium point, whereas the
Thus, the neuro fuzzy model output might be interpreted as a equilibrium point of system 2 is unstable. Since it is sufficient
possibility distribution [8]. to examine the mapping of the crisp parameters of the neuro
Finally, it has to be emphasized the in general linguistic fuzzy input onto the crisp parameters of the neuro fuzzy output,
knowledge is applied in combination with the measurements. conventional methods for the stability analysis of nonlinear
On the one hand, linguistic knowledge may be used for systems can be applied. If all interpolating premises defined on
situations where no measurements are available. On the other yk-1,…., yk-n are fuzzier than the interpolating conclusion with
hand, rules given by human experts can be taken as starting the same center defined on yk, it is only necessary to analyze
conditions for the optimization procedure. For example, the the mapping of the centers of the neuro fuzzy input onto the
starting conditions for the optimization whose results are neuro fuzzy output[5].
illustrated in Fig. (4) are the centers of the four premises and With a constant neuro fuzzy Uk results a discrete nonlinear
conclusions of the respective rules. system described
by the center equation
3 Stability Analysis of Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems c(Yk)=f(c(Yk-1),………, c(Yk-n))
With the centers c(Yk), c(Yk-1),………, c(Yk-n) of the neuro
To show the typical behavior of Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems fuzzy output Yk and its delays Yk-1,………, Yk-n. To analyze
and to obtain an appropriate stability definition, it is sufficient such a system, methods based on common stability analysis
to consider two a simple autonomous Neuro fuzzy System approaches may be used. The “Convex Decomposition”[9;10]
represented by the following two rules: as an efficient numerical stability analysis method and an
IF yk-1 is “negative” Then yk is “positive” approach based “integral Ljapunov Function”[11] have been
IF yk-1 is “positive” Then yk is “negative” successfully applied t Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems.
The membership functions defined on the input domain are Considering first order Dynamic Neuro fuzzy Systems, the
shown in Fig.(6). Depending on the output membership region of attraction of an equilibrium point can even be
functions, the system exhibits different dynamic behavior. analytically determined [5;12].
Given the output membership functions of Fig. 7, we obtain

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

4 Neuro Fuzzy Model Based Neuro fuzzy Controller Design determined. Consequently, the center equation of the neuro
This section outlines a new neuro fuzzy controller synthesis fuzzy controller is determined from the center equation of the
approach using a qualitative (neuro fuzzy) process model. In neuro fuzzy process model. For a dynamic neuro fuzzy system
Fig (11), the structure of the controlled neuro fuzzy system is of order n, the center equation is given by
depicted. The plant is modeled by the second order Dynamic c(Yk)=f(c(Yk-1),……, c(Yk-n), c(Uk-δ),…. c(Uk-m)).
Neuro fuzzy System. The controller determines the control c(Yk),c(Yk-n), c(Uδ),…. c(Uk-m) represent the centers of the
signal Uk from the neuro fuzzy model output Yk and the neuro fuzzy inputs
command variables Wk. As mentioned above, the center of the and outputs and their delay. δ is the difference order of the
neuro fuzzy model output exclusively depends on the centers of center equation. To deduce the center equation of the neuro
the inference inputs. Therefore, the center of the output can fuzzy controller, approaches for controller synthesis of
only manipulated by the center of control signals. Thus, given time-discrete nonlinear systems can be applied. In [5] the center
the center of the neuro fuzzy model output and the center of the equation is determine by input/output linearization. The
command an appropriate crisp control signal can be

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

problem of handling a zero dynamics which may occur when IF Yk-1 = A and Uk-1=X Then Yk=AX
using this methods is discussed [5;13]. IF Yk-1 = B and Uk-1=X Then Yk=BX
The example depicted in Fig. (11) Demonstrates the basic ideas
of the neuro fuzzy model based controller synthesis. The under
lying set of rules is

The premises A, B and C are known from the rule set

IF Yk-1 = C and Uk-1=X Then Yk=CX representing the process behavior, whereas the crisp
IF Yk-1 = A and Uk-1=Z Then Yk=AZ conclusions uA, uB and uC are calculated using eq.(3). Thus, the
IF Yk-1 = B and Uk-1=Z Then Yk=BZ conclusion of the first rule is given by
IF Yk-1 = C and Uk-1=Z Then Yk=CZ
The premises A, B and C are defined for the delayed output
yk-1 and the premises X and Z are defined for Uk-1. The
conclusions AX,……, CZ defined on yk are assumed not to be Due to the singletons used as conclusions, crisp controller
fuzzier than one of the premises A, B or C. Therefore, it is inputs lead to a crisp control output. Only for the crisp inputs
sufficient to consider the mapping of the centers c(Yk-1) and c(A), c(B), and c(C) the evaluation of the controller rule set
c(Uk-1) onto the center c(Yk). Using the inference with using the inference with interpolating rules yields the same
interpolating rules to evaluate the neuro fuzzy rule set, it can be output as the crisp control law eq.(3). If c(Yk) is somewhere
shown [5;12] that between these particular values, the controller output is
c(Yk) =r(c(Yk-1))+h(c(Yk-1)). c(Uk-1) determined by interpolation. It might be necessary to add more
Holds. Assuming h c((Yk-1))≠0 c(Yk-1), the control law rules if the characteristic of the neuro fuzzy controller differs
too much from the nonlinear characteristics of the neuro fuzzy
control law eq.(3). With the inference with interpolating rules,
the neuro fuzzy rule set resulting so far may be used to design a
neuro fuzzy controller; the neuro fuzzy rule set resulting so far
Ensures that the center of the output c (Yk) reaches a desired may be used to design a neuro fuzzy controller. Due to the crisp
equilibrium point yR within a single step. Without a bounded conclusions, a defuzzification is not required for crisp inputs of
control signal, the region of attraction equals the domain of the controller. Because of the piecewise multilinear center
definition. Due to the maximum difference order (δ=n=1) a equation, such a controller has characteristics consisting of
zero dynamics dose not occur [5;13]. However, in practical regions where multilinear functions are defined. However, we
applications a bounded control signal must be considered. obtain a controller with the same characteristics if the neuro
Now, a region of attraction of the equilibrium point might be fuzzy rule set is evaluated with the conventional
determined using a Lyapunov function, e.g. sum-prod-inference combined with a center of singletons
V(c(Yk))=(c(Yk)-yR)2 defuzzification. Only the premise membership functions have
Thus, the first step of the controller design is to formulate the to be manipulated in the following way: the centers of all
control law eq. (3). Next, the region of the attraction of the premises are kept but the feet are moved to the centers of the
desired equilibrium point is determined considering the bounds adjacent premises [5]. The result is a neuro fuzzy rule set with
of the control signal. From eq. (3), an adequate manipulation triangular membership functions for the premises and
variable might be calculated for each center c(Yk) of the singletons for the conclusions. This set of rules is used for a
previous determined region of attraction. neuro fuzzy controller, which can be evaluated with
We start with the neuro fuzzy controller rule set well-known methods. Thus, the final tuning of the controller in
IF Yk =A Then Uk=uA the closed loop with the real process might be accomplished
IF Yk =B Then Uk=uB with common software tools.
IF Yk =A Then Uk=uC

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

5 Identification and Control of an Inverted Pendulum

The considered inverted pendulum system is depicted in Fig.
(12). Input and output of the process are the force and the angle
of the pendulum, respectively.

dynamic neuro fuzzy model a neuro fuzzy controller with 55

In the first step, the structure of the neuro fuzzy process model rules was designed following the procedure outlined in section
is identified Fig. 12. The identification of the rule base was 4. The resulting closed system is given in Fig. (14 a, b, c).
carried out in the second step and yielded 35 rules. From the

ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) http://www.researchpub.org/journal/jac/jac.html

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Kamel A. Shoush is associate professor in

Authors: Bibliography the Electrical Engineering Department-
Faculty Of Engineering- AL-Azhar
Tharwat Owiss Hanafy received his doctoral
University- Cairo – Egypt. He received his
degree in Computer engineering from Azhar B. Sc. And M. Sc. Degrees from AL-Azhar
University, Computers and System Eng. Dept. University- Cairo – Egypt in 1986 and 1993
2007. He is a lecturer in the Department of respectively. And his Ph. D. degree from
Computer engineering, Azhar University, AL-Azhar University- Cairo – Egypt in
Egypt. His research interests cover, Expert 1998 after having worked for two years in
Systems, Fuzzy Systems, Neuro Fuzzy “Gerhard-Mercator-Universität–esamthoch
Systems, Neuro Fuzzy Controllers, Neuro schula Duisburg” - Duisburg/Germany.
Fuzzy Modeling, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Now, he is an Associate Prof in the Taif
Inference System (ANFIS), CANFIS, University, College of Engineering,
Electrical Engineering Department, Saudi
Ayman A. Aly is the head of Mechatronics Arabia. His Areas of interest Intelligent
Section at Taif University, Saudi Arabia Systems Applications For Power Systems
since 2008. Prior to joining Taif Optimization And Control.
University, He is also one of the team who
established the “Mechatronics and
Robotics Engineering” Educational
Program in Assiut University in 2006. He
was in the Managing and implementation
team of the Project “Development of
Mechatronics Courses for Undergraduate
Program” DMCUP Project- HEEPF Grant
A-085-10 Ministry of Higher Education –
Egypt, 2004-2006.
The international biographical center in
Cambridge, England nominated and
selected Ayman A. Aly as the International
Educator of the year 2012.Also, Ayman A.
Aly nominated and selected for inclusion in
Marquis Who's Who in the World, 30th
Pearl Anniversary Edition, 2013.
In additions to 5 text books, Ayman A. Aly
is the author of more than 75 scientific
papers in Refereed Journals and


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