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Client:: Roshan Kejariwal NEC No-14859 Civil A

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School Building


Roshan Kejariwal
NEC No-14859 civil A

May, 2019
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2. Data and Assumptions ................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Design Loads................................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Materials Properties .................................................................................................... 4
2. Analysis and Design of Structure ........................................................................................ 5
2.1. Finite Element Modeling ............................................................................................. 5
2.2. Model participating mass ratios.................................................................................. 6
2.3. Base Reaction .............................................................................................................. 7
2.4. Load Combinations...................................................................................................... 7
2.5. Analysis Results ........................................................................................................... 8
2.6. Beam and Column Design ........................................................................................... 8
2.7. Foundation Design ...................................................................................................... 8
2.8. Slab Design .................................................................................................................. 9
3. Conclusion and Recommendation...................................................................................... 9
4. Annexes ............................................................................................................................ 10

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1.1. General
The structure is RC framed and two story school building. The building is regular in plan
and elevation.

1.2. Data and Assumptions

Building Type Educational building
Land Area sqft
Plinth Area sq ft
Total Area
Building Shape Regular
Type of Structure RCC Framed Structure
Stories 2
Story Height 3.15m
Total Height 9.3m
Soil Type II (IS 1893_Part 1: 2002)
Seismic Zone Factor, Z 0.36
Importance Factor, I 1.5
Response reduction 5
factor, Rcoefficient, Ah
Seismic 0.135
Column Size 400 mm X 400 mm
Beam size Tie Beam: 300 mm X 300 mm,
Floor Beam: 300mm X 450mm
Slab Thickness mm,mm
Live Load in rooms 3kN/m2
Live load in Verandah 4kN/m2
Live load in Staircase 4kN/m2
Live load in Roof 2kN/m2
Reinforcement grade for Fe500
main bars
Reinforcement grade for Fe500
stirrupsof Concrete
Grade M20 for all structural concrete
Fundamental time period 0.3Sec
of building
Soil Bearing Capacity 120KN/m2(Assumed to be
verified before construction)

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1.3. Design Loads
Live Load (Based on IS 875_Part 2: 1987):

Rooms : 3 kN/m2

Verandah : 4 kN/m2

Staircase : 4 kN/m2

Roof : 2 kN/m2

Dead load (Based on IS 875_Part 1: 1987):

Unit weight of Brick : 20kN/m3

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25 kN/m3

Earthquake Load (Based on IS 1893: 2002 part 1):

IS 1893:2002 Response Spectrum


IS 1893-DBE
0.3 IS-1893-MCE
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time Period, Sec.

Figure 1-1 IS 1893: 2002 Response Spectrum


Importance factor, I = 1.5

Response Reduction Factor, R = 5
Soil Type = Type II (Medium soil)

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1.4. Materials Properties
Grade of concrete : M20

Grade of Steel for main bars : Fe500

Grade of steel for stirrups : Fe500

Unit weight of Concrete : 25 kN/m3

Unit Weight of Steel : 78.5 kN/m3

Unit weight of brick masonry : 20kN/m3

Young’s modulus of concrete, E : 5000√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 22360 𝑁⁄𝑚𝑚2

Poisson’s ratio for concrete : 0.2

Poisson’s ratio for steel : 0.3

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2.1. Finite Element Modeling
Finite element model has been prepared in ETABS 2016. Beams and frames were modeled
as frame element while slabs were modeled as shell element. Material properties and loads
were assigned as mentioned above. Rigid diaphragm for concrete slab was assigned at each
floor level.Figure 2-1shows the finite element model of the building, modeled with

Figure 2-1 Finite element model of the building in ETABS 2016

Preliminary dimension of the structural elements are as follows:

Column Size: 400 mm X 400 mm
Beam Size: Tie Beam: 300mm x 300 mm
All floors beam: 300mm x 450 mm
Slab thickness: 150 mm
Brick masonry wall: 230 mm and 111 mm

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Figure 2-2 Wall load

2.2. Model participating mass ratios

TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY Sum UX Sum UY RZ Sum RZ
Modal 1 0.383 0.3306 0.3636 0.3306 0.3636 0.1172 0.1172
Modal 2 0.349 0.4349 0.4273 0.7655 0.7909 0.0091 0.1264
Modal 3 0.277 0.1056 0.0707 0.8711 0.8616 0.7309 0.8572
Modal 4 0.2 0.0000302 0.0817 0.8712 0.9433 0.0671 0.9243
Modal 5 0.195 0.0691 0.0001 0.9403 0.9434 0.0002 0.9245
Modal 6 0.167 0.0001 0.0004 0.9403 0.9438 0.0102 0.9347
Modal 7 0.145 0.0258 0.0074 0.9661 0.9512 0.0096 0.9443
Modal 8 0.141 0.0001 0.0407 0.9662 0.9919 0.0105 0.9548
Modal 9 0.138 0.0338 0.0081 1 1 0.0452 1
Modal 10 0.055 0.000002784 0 1 1 0.000002998 1
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Modal 11 0.003 0 0 1 1 0 1

2.3. Base Reaction

TABLE: Base Reactions
Load Case/Combo FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
eqx 1 -1185.9139 0 0 0 -7345.3836 12292.2785
eqy 1 0 -1185.9139 0 7345.3836 0 -20588.3076

2.4. Load Combinations

Different load combinations are made as per IS code and critical one is selected for
design of the member.

Load Combination for Concrete Design:

Comb. Name Combination

DCon1 1.5DL
DCon2 1.5 (DL + LL)
DCon3 0.9 DL + 1.5EQX
DCon4 0.9 DL - 1.5EQX
DCon5 0.9 DL + 1.5EQY
DCon6 0.9 DL - 1.5EQY
DCon7 1.2 (DL + LL + EQX)
DCon8 1.2 (DL + LL - EQX)
DCon9 1.2 (DL + LL + EQY)
DCon10 1.2 (DL + LL - EQY)
DCon11 1.5 (DL + EQX)
DCon12 1.5 (DL – EQX)
DCon13 1.5 (DL + EQY)
DCon14 1.5 (DL – EQY)

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2.5. Analysis Results

Figure 2-2Bending Moment Diagram along Y Combination DCon3

Figure 2-3Bending Moment Diagram along X for Combination DCon3

2.6. Beam and Column Design

Reinforcement output from ETABS2016 and manual calculation for beam and columns are
attached in Annex.

2.7. Foundation Design

Based on bearing capacity of soil, foundation sizes and reinforcement were calculated in
separate Excel sheet, which is attached in Annex.

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2.8. Slab Design
Slab design was prepared separately in MS-Excel and also checked with the SAFE 2014
result. Manual design is attached in Annex.


Analysis and design of the public building was prepared based on IS Codes. For analysis and
design ETABS 2016 software was used. Whenever was necessary to check ETABS result,
manual calculations were also performed. M20 grade of concrete and Fe500 grade rebar
were used for analysis and design. Seismic analysis and design was performed based on IS
1893: 2000 for concrete. For detailing of reinforcement SP 34 and Ductile Detailing Code IS
13920 were used. The building was designed to meet the required performance level
expected by of IS Code for residential building purpose.

We greatly recommend to use standard quality of construction materials and regular

supervision during construction by the qualified Engineer.

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Annex1: Foundation Design

Annex2: Slab Design

Annex3: Staircase Design

Annex4: Beam and Column Design

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Annex-1: Foundation Design

Isolated Footing

1 Footing Size Design

Load Pu 1009 KN
Design Load P 740 KN

Moment in x dir Mux 10 KN-m

Moment in y dir Muy 5 KN-m

Column size cx 400 mm

cy 400 mm

SBC q 120 KN/sqm

Footing Size required A req 6.17 sqmm

L 2.60 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 2.60 meters
Area Provided A prvd 6.76 meters

Zx 2.93
Zx 2.93

Net upward pressure Nup 113 KNm2

Footing Size OK

2 Slab Design
lx 1.100
ly 1.100

Bending Moment in x dir Mx 102 KN-m

Bending Moment in y dir My 102 KN-m

Concrete fck 20 MPa

Steel fy 500 MPa

Minimum Depth Required dmin 196

Depth Provided D 500 mm

Clear Cover c 50 mm
Effective Cover d' 56 mm
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Effective Depth d' 444 mm

Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
207 c/c 367 c/c
547 sqmm c/c
207 c/c 367 c/c
547 sqmm c/c

Ast across x direction 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 754 sqmm

Ast across y direction 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 754 sqmm

3 One Way Shear along x direction

Vu1 289 KN
ζv 0.250 MPa

ζc 0.263 MPa
Vc1 304 KN

One Way Shear Check OK

4 One Way Shear along y direction

Vu1 289 KN
ζv 0.250 MPa

ζc 0.263 MPa
Vc1 304 KN

One Way Shear Check OK

5 Two Way Shear

Vu2 1024 KN
ζv 0.683 MPa

ks*ζc 1.118 MPa

Vc1 1676 KN

Two Way Shear Check OK

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L= 2.60 meters


B= 2.60 meters

500 mm

200 mm

12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c

Isolated Footing

1 Footing Size Design

Load Pu 763 KN
Design Load P 560 KN

Moment in x dir Mux 10 KN-m

Moment in y dir Muy 5 KN-m
Page 13 of 28
Column size cx 400 mm
cy 400 mm

SBC q 120 KN/sqm

Footing Size required A req 4.66 sqmm

L 2.30 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 2.30 meters
Area Provided A prvd 5.29 meters

Zx 2.03
Zx 2.03

Net upward pressure Nup 111 KNm2

Footing Size OK

2 Slab Design
lx 0.950
ly 0.950

Bending Moment in x dir Mx 75 KN-m

Bending Moment in y dir My 75 KN-m

Concrete fck 20 MPa

Steel fy 500 MPa

Minimum Depth Required dmin 168

Depth Provided D 500 mm

Clear Cover c 50 mm
Effective Cover d' 56 mm
Effective Depth d' 444 mm

Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
212 c/c 377 c/c
533 sqmm c/c
212 c/c 377 c/c
533 sqmm c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Minimum Ast required across y direcion

Ast across x direction 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 754 sqmm

Ast across y direction 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 754 sqmm

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3 One Way Shear along x direction

Vu1 193 KN
ζv 0.189 MPa

ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 266 KN

One Way Shear Check OK

4 One Way Shear along y direction

Vu1 193 KN
ζv 0.189 MPa

ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 266 KN

One Way Shear Check OK

5 Two Way Shear

Vu2 760 KN
ζv 0.507 MPa

ks*ζc 1.118 MPa

Vc1 1676 KN

Two Way Shear Check OK

L= 2.30 meters


B= 2.30 meters

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500 mm
200 mm

12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c

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FOOTING NO. L=B D do d/2
60,84,108,132 2.6m 500mm 250mm 225mm
40,64,88,112, 136, 160,36, 156,56, 80, 104, 2.3m 450mm 250mm 200mm
8,12,16,32, 128,180,184,115,119,139,143,163,167,187,191 1.8m 400mm 200mm 175mm
52,76 1.2m 350mm 200mm 150mm

REINFORCEMENT 12 DIA AT 150mm c/c both sides

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Annex-2: Slab Design
456: 2000

1. Data
Material :
Concrete Grade
20 N/mm2
(fck) =
Reinforcement Steel
500 N/mm2
Grade (fy)

Short Span = Lx = 3.73 m
Long Span = Ly = 3.96 m

Effective Cover = 15 mm

Boundary Two edges

Condition = discontinuous
(Critical support

Load :
Floor Finish Load
1 kN/m2
Live Load wL = 2 kN/m2

2. Calculation
Aspect ratio =
Ly/Lx =
Slab designed
Two Way Slab

Bending Moment
(Table 26 of IS 456-2000)
x support = 0.0507 For short span support moment.
x span = 0.0381 For short span span moment.
y support = 0.047 For Long span support moment.
y span = 0.035 For Long span span moment.

Assumed overall depth D = 125 mm OK

Effective depth d = D - Eff. Cover = 110 mm
Selfweightwself = 25 x
3.125 kN/m2 ( Density of concrete assumed 25 kN/m 3)
D/1000 =
Total load = w =
6.125 kN/m2
Factored load = wu = 1.5 x
9.188 kN/m2
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Factored Bending Moments = Coefficient x wu x

Mu = 0.87 fyAst d (1 - Astfy / bdfck) (Clause G-1.1 of IS 456-2000)
(mm2/ m)
Mux support= 6.491 kN m 140.10
Mux span= 4.875 kN m 104.36
Muy support= 6.020 kN m 129.63
Muy span= 4.483 kN m 95.77

Minimum Astreq = 0.12% of 1000 x D = 150 mm2 per meter

Reinforcement Provided:
Short Span
10 Dia at 150 c/c Ast= 334.9 OK
Short Span
10 Dia at 150 c/c Ast= 334.9 OK
Long Span
10 Dia at 150 c/c Ast= 334.9 OK
Long Span Span: 10 Dia at 150 c/c Ast= 334.9 OK

4. Check for Deflection:

Basic L/d = 26 (Clause 23.2.1 of IS 456-2000)
2.00 (Figure 4 of IS 456-2000)
factor =
d req as per deflection control= Lx / (Basic L/d x Modification 71.
factor)= 80
d required < so, OK

5. Check for
Factored Shear Force Vu = wu x Lx/2 = 17.15 kN
Nominal Shear Stress (v)
0.156 N/mm2
= Vu/ bd=
(Clause of IS 456-
k= 1.30 for D = mm
125 2000)
0.3 (Table 19 of IS
c= 0.386 N/mm2 for pt = 100Ast/bd = 04 456-2000)
Permissible shear stress =
kc = 0.502
N/mm2 > v SAFE

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Annex-3: Staircase Design
Total height 2.00 m
Length(span) 4.90 m
Tread 300.00 mm
Riser 155.00 mm
Live Load&FF 7.00 kN/m2
fcu 20.00 N/mm²
fy 500.00 N/mm²
cover 25.00 mm
L/d basic ratio 26.00
Lt/L(stair flight) 0.80
h 220.00 mm
As provided 1600.00 mm²/m
Provide : T16-140

LOADING & MOMENT (Considered 1m width)

(T2 +R2) = 5.29 m
(Actual slant length)
Weight of waist & steps = 35.14 kN
Live load = 34.30 kN
Design load,F = 104.08 kN

Mult = 76.50 kNm

M/bd² = 2.24
fs = 217.23
fu = 1.24
= 1.24
Allowable, L/d = 37.09
Actual, L/d = 26.49 OK

M = 76.50 kNm
d = 185.00 mm
K = 0.11
Z = 0.85 d
= 0.85 d
As = 1112.19 mm²/m
Asmin = 330.00 mm²/m
So,Asreq = = 1112.19 mm²/m

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Annex-4: Beam and Column Design

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Beam Reinforcement Detail

Type of Size of
S.N. Dir At support At center
beam beam
Top Bottom Top Bottom

3–16Φ +3-
3–20Φ 3–16Φ 3–20Φ
First floor X-dir 16Φ(Ex)
1 300x450
beam 3–16Φ +3-
3–20Φ 3–16Φ 3–20Φ
Y-dir 16Φ(Ex)

3–16Φ +3-
3–20Φ 3–16Φ 3–20Φ
X-dir 16Φ(Ex)
Second floor
2 300x450 3–16Φ +3-
beam 3–20Φ 3–16Φ 3–20Φ
Y-dir 16Φ(Ex)

3–16Φ +3-
3–16Φ 3–16Φ 3–16Φ
Stair cover X-dir 12Φ(Ex)
3 300x450
beam 3–16Φ +3-
3–16Φ 3–16Φ 3–16Φ
Y-dir 12Φ(Ex)

In secondary beams (230x350mm), 3-16 Ø @top and 5-16 Ø @bottom

In all beams, 8mm Ø stirrups @ 100 mm C/C (at ends) & @ 150 mm C/ C(at centre)

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Table 1: Summary of Design of Column

Concrete = M20 Rebar = HYSD 500

S.N. Grid Location Size All Floors Stirrups

8mm Ø stirrups
@ 100 mm C/C
(at top and
4-20 Ø+8- bottom) & @
1 1,2,3,4 400 x 400 150 mm C/C (at
16 Ø
mid height) in all

8mm Ø stirrups
@ 100 mm C/C
(at top and
4-25 Ø+8- bottom) & @
2 5,6 400 x 400 150 mm C/C (at
20 Ø
mid height) in all

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