1000 Watts Room Heater: A Mini-Project Report On
1000 Watts Room Heater: A Mini-Project Report On
1000 Watts Room Heater: A Mini-Project Report On
Submitted by
Bachelor of Technology In
Electrical Engineering
This is to certify that seminar report entitled
In this report we have extended our efforts to elucidate as to how this particular Room
Heater was fabricated. The various components involved into making this project are
also shown and briefed. The project makes use of a basic Earthen Pot which owing to its
high heat resilience capacity was made into use. A 1000 Watt Nichrome Heating
Filament was used for the same. The cylindrical earthen pot was perforated in order for
the heat generated in the vicinity to spread in its near surroundings. The perforations
were made with the help of a Drilling Machine. As shown in the pictures below, the
small perforations at the near edges were for mounting small 4 mm screws over which the
heating filament was kept hold and the middle holes were performed for the purpose of
For the purpose of disseminating the generated heat or warmth to its surroundings, a
basic CPU Fan is also employed. The CPU fan is a 22V (Volts) DC Brushless Motor.
The brushless motor runs on a nominal voltage rating and holds good for less usage of
electric supply. The brushless motor is run with the help of a Computer Adaptor which
rectified and converted the initial voltage level to a level which could safely be made into
use for the operation of the brushless DC Motor.
The Project assembly consists of components which are totally environment friendly and
majority of the materials employed are re-used items which further supports that the
project not only holds good for conserved environment purposes but also to account for
its cost-effective measures. The Project can be held easily owing to its less weight and
also space friendly considering the factor that it takes an area approximately equal to that
of a water bottle or other household items. The project contains an earthen pot assembly,
perforated holes along with the nichrome wire being fenced all around the circumference
of the cylindrical pot as shown. On the internal side of the cylindrical assembly, the two
ends of the nichrome wire are connected to a 2.5 mm2 Cu(Copper) wire to supply the
current to the nichrome Wire. The assembly is then covered by another hemispherical
earthen pot which holds the CPU Fan over it so as to eject the heat generated inside the
assembly in its near surroundings.
Each component provided with the total assembly and the operating mode stills are
shown in further pages. The actual operation results were extrapolated with precise
timings and measurements and the results obtained for prolonged periods of time showed
no loss or damage to the heating filament or any other component. It took rather 20
minutes or more to effectively warm the near surroundings of the room it was operated in.
The CPU Fan or the Brushless DC motor (as likely to be called in Technical terms) was
powered with the help of an Adaptor pin of a laptop. The copper wires were further
connected into a 3 pin socket and were thus powered.
Electric heaters have been around for decades as a source of heat in homes to
provide warmth to us. One of the reason for their popularity is because of lower cost
to purchase and easy maintenance compared to other sources of heat.
The Room Heater is based on the principle of Electric Heating. Electric heating is a
process in which electrical energy is converted to heat energy. Common applications of
electric heating include space heating, cooking, water heating and industrial processes.
However, in this project only Space Heating is being employed. An electric heater is
an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat.
The heating element inside every electric heater is an electrical resistor, and works on the
principle of Joule Heating: an electric current passing through a resistor will convert that
electrical energy into heat energy. Most modern electric heating devices
use nichrome wire as the active element; the heating element. These wires can go to very
high temperatures and create excruciating burns if got contact with a human. There are
various modes of Space Heating. Amongst those Space heaters, the principle of
Convection Heater is used in this particular Room Heater.
Principle: The heating element heats the air in contact with it by thermal conduction. Hot
air is less dense than cool air, so it rises due to buoyancy, allowing more cool air to flow
in to take its place. This sets up a convection current of hot air that rises from the heater,
heats up the surrounding space, cools and then repeats the cycle.
In order to spread the generated heat to its surroundings, a CPU Fan is employed. The
CPU fan is a 22V (Volts) DC Brushless Motor. The brushless motor runs on a nominal
voltage rating and holds good for less usage of electric supply. The brushless motor is
run with the help of a Computer Adaptor which rectified and converted the initial voltage
level to a level which could safely be made into use for the operation of the brushless DC
Motor. This Fan spreads the heated air around the cylindrical pot to its near surroundings
and helps warm the place it is kept in.
1. www.instructables.com