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08/2011 User information

999715002 en-GB Method statement

Climbing formwork K


The Formwork Experts

Introduction User information Climbing formwork K


© by Doka Industrie GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

2 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction

4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
6 Eurocodes at Doka
8 Doka services

10 System description
10 Product description
11 System overview
12 Possible formwork systems
13 Structural design

14 Assembly instructions
14 Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with
Folding platforms K
16 Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with
Folding brackets K
18 Erecting the formwork
22 Anchoring on the structure
29 Starting up
32 Suspended platform
34 Subsequent casting sections
37 Plumbing & aligning the formwork
38 Resetting by crane

42 General remarks
42 Transporting, stacking and storing

46 Component overview

999715002 - 08/2011 3
The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K

Elementary safety warnings


User target groups Planning

● This User Information booklet (Method Statement) is ● Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
aimed at everyone who will be working with the Doka work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
product or system it describes. It contains informa- modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
tion on the standard design for setting up this sys- get to and from these workplaces via safe access
tem, and on correct, compliant utilisation of the sys- routes!
tem. ● If you are considering any deviation from the
● All persons working with the product described details and instructions given in this booklet, or
herein must be familiar with the contents of this man- any application which goes beyond those
ual and with all the safety instructions it contains. described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
● Persons who are incapable of reading and under- culations must be produced for checking, as well
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- as supplementary assembly instructions.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus-
tomer. Rules applying during all phases of
● The customer is to ensure that the information mate-
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book- the assignment:
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating ● The customer must ensure that this product is
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are available to all erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for
users, and that they have been made aware of them its intended purpose under the direction and super-
and have easy access to them at the usage location. vision of suitably skilled persons with the authority to
● In the relevant technical documentation and form- issue instructions.
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace These persons' mental and physical capacity must
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or
the Doka products safely in the usage situations drugs.
shown. ● Doka products are technical working appliances
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance which are intended for industrial/commercial use
with national OH&S (occupational health and safety) only, always in accordance with the respective Doka
rules throughout the entire project and to take appro- User Information booklets or other technical docu-
priate additional or alternative workplace safety pre- mentation authored by Doka.
cautions where necessary.
● The stability of all components and units must be
ensured during all phases of the construction work!
Hazard assessment ● The functional/technical instructions, safety warn-
ings and loading data must all be strictly observed
● The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- and complied with. Failure to do so can cause acci-
menting, implementing and continually updating a
dents and severe (even life-threatening) damage to
hazard assessment at every job-site. health, as well as very great material damage.
This document serves as the basis for the site-spe-
cific hazard assessment, and for the instructions ● Fire-sources are not permitted anywhere near the
given to users on how to prepare and utilise the sys- formwork. Heating appliances are only allowed if
tem. It does not substitute for these, however. properly and expertly used, and set up a safe dis-
tance away from the formwork.
● The work must take account of the weather condi-
Remarks on this document tions (e.g. risk of slippage). In extreme weather,
● This User Information booklet can also be used as a steps must be taken in good time to safeguard the
generic method statement or incorporated with a equipment, and the immediate vicinity of the equip-
site-specific method statement. ment, and to protect employees.
● Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the ● All connections must be checked regularly to ensure
situation during formwork assembly and are that they still fit properly and are functioning cor-
therefore not always complete from the safety rectly.
point of view. It is very important to check all screw-type connec-
tions and wedge-clamped joins whenever the con-
Any safety accessories not shown in these illustra- struction operations require (particularly after excep-
tions must still be used by the customer, in accord- tional events such as storms), and to tighten them if
ance with the applicable rules and regulations. necessary.
● Further safety instructions, especially warnings,
will be found in the individual sections of this

4 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction

Assembly Regulations; industrial safety

● The equipment/system must be inspected by the ● Always observe all industrial safety regulations and
customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable other safety rules applying to the application and uti-
condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of lisation of our products in the country and/or region
any components that are damaged, deformed, or in which you are operating.
weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot.
Instruction as required by EN 13374:
● Combining our formwork systems with those of other
● If a person or object falls against, or into, the edge
manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage protection system and/or any of its accessories, the
to both health and property. If you intend to combine
edge protection component affected may only con-
different systems, please contact Doka for advice
tinue in use after it has been inspected and passed
by an expert.
● The assembly work must be carried out by suitably
qualified employees of the client's.
● It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such Maintenance
modifications constitute a safety risk. ● Only original Doka components may be used as
spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the
Erecting the formwork manufacturer or authorised facilities.

● Doka products and systems must be set up in such

a way that all loads acting upon them are safely Symbols used
transferred! The following symbols are used in this booklet:

● Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
☞ Important note
Failure to observe this may lead to malfunc-
tion or damage.
sures. Excessively high pouring rates lead to form-
work overload, cause greater deflection and risk
causing breakage.
Failure to observe this may lead to material
Striking the formwork damage, and to injury to health which may
range up to the severe or even life-threaten-
● Do not strike the formwork until the concrete has
reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
has given the order for the formwork to be struck!
● When striking the formwork, never use the crane to
break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools such as Instruction
timber wedges, special pry-bars or system features This symbol indicates that actions need to be
such as Framax stripping corners. taken by the user.
● When striking the formwork, do not endanger the
stability of any part of the structure, or of any scaf-
folding, platforms or formwork that is still in place! Sight-check
Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
Transporting, stacking and storing to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.
● Observe all regulations applying to the handling of
formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka
slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory Tip
Points out useful practical tips.
● Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that
they cannot be dislodged or fall free!
● All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant Reference
sections of this User Information booklet!
Refers to other documents and materials.

We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests
of technical progress.

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The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K

Eurocodes at Doka
In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as The widely used "Permissible stress design" (compar-
Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction ing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses)
field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide has been superseded by a new safety concept in the
a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product EC.
specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance
The EC are the world's most highly developed Stand- (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible
ards in the construction field. stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The
In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard safety level remains the same!
from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN
norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.

Ed Rd

Ed Design value of effect of actions Rd Design value of the resistance

(E ... effect; d ... design) (R ... resistance; d ... design)
Internal forces from action Fd Design capacity of cross-section
(VEd, NEd, MEd) (VRd, NRd, MRd)
Fd Design value of an action Rk Rk
Steel: Rd = Timber: Rd = kmod ·
Fd = γF · Fk γM γM
(F ... force)
Fk Characteristic value of an action Rk Characteristic value of the resistance
"actual load", service load e.g. moment resistance to yield stress
(k ... characteristic)
e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure,
γF Partial factor for actions γM Partial factor for a material property
(in terms of load; F ... force) (in terms of material; M...material)
e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pres- e.g. for steel or timber
sure, wind Values from EN 12812
Values from EN 12812
kmod Modification factor (only for timber – to take
account of the moisture and the duration of load
e.g. for Doka beam H20
Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377

Comparison of the safety concepts (example)

Permissible stress design EC/DIN concept The "permissible values" communicated in
Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN)
Fyield Rk
115.5 [kN] 115.5 [kN] do not correspond to the design values
Rd gM = 1.1 (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)!
90<105 [kN]
n ~ 1.65 A
➤ Avoid any confusion between the two!
90 [kN] ➤ Our documents will continue to state the per-
missible values.
Fpermissible gF = 1.5 Allowance has been made for the following par-
60<70 [kN]
Factual A tial factors:
60 [kN] γF = 1.5
γM, timber = 1.3
γM, steel = 1.1
kmod = 0.9
In this way, all the design values needed in an
EC design calculation can be ascertained from


the permissible values.

Factual≤ Fpermissible Ed≤ Rd

A Utilisation factor

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The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction

999715002 - 08/2011 7
The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K

Doka services
Support in every phase of the
Doka offers a broad spectrum of services, all with a sin-
gle aim: to help you succeed on the site.
Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one
thing that all construction projects have in common –
and that is a basic structure with five phases. We at
Doka know our clients' varying requirements. With our
consulting, planning and other services, we help you
achieve effective implementation of your formwork
assignment using our formwork products – in every one
of these phases.

1 2 3
Project development phase Tendering phase Operations scheduling phase

Taking well-founded decisions Optimising the preliminary work Controlled, regular forming oper-
thanks to professional advice and with Doka as an experienced part- ations, for greater efficiency
consulting ner resulting from realistically calculated
formwork concepts

Find precisely the right formwork Draw up potentially winning bids, by Plan cost-effectively right from the
solutions, with the aid of ● basing them on realistically calcu- outset, thanks to
● help with the bid invitation lated guideline prices ● detailed offers
● in-depth analysis of the initial sit- ● making the right formwork ● determination of the commission-
uation choices ing quantities
● objective evaluation of the plan- ● having an optimum time-calcula- ● co-ordination of lead-times and
ning, execution, and time-risks tion basis handover deadlines

8 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction

The advantages for you

thanks to professional advice and
4 5 ● Cost savings and time gains
When we advise and support you
right from the word "go", we can
(Shell) construction phase (Shell) completion phase make sure that the right formwork
systems are chosen and then
used as planned. This lets you
achieve optimum utilisation of the
formwork equipment, and effec-
tive forming operations because
your workflows will be correct.

● Maximised workplace safety

The advice and support we can
give you in how to use the equip-
ment correctly, and as planned,
leads to greater safety on the job.

● Transparency
Optimum resource utilisation Seeing things through to a posi- Because our services and costs
with assistance from the Doka tive conclusion are completely transparent, there
Formwork Experts with professional support is no need for improvisation dur-
ing the project – and no unpleas-
ant surprises at the end of it.

● Reduced close-out costs

Workflow optimisation, thanks to Doka Services are a byword for
Our professional advice on the
● thorough utilisation planning transparency and efficiency here,
selection, quality and correct use
● internationally experienced offering
of the equipment helps you avoid
project technicians ● jointly handled return of rented damage, and minimise wear-and-
● appropriate transport logistics formwork tear.
● on-site support ● professional dismantling
● efficient cleaning and recondition-
ing using special equipment

999715002 - 08/2011 9
The Formwork Experts
System description User information Climbing formwork K

Product description
System description

Doka climbing formwork K: The ver- Cost-effective and geared to on-site require-
satile climbing formwork assembled
from a folding platform and a form- ● using standard components to combine the folding
platform with a formwork element or panel results in
work element or panel a fully-fledged climbing formwork system
The climbing formwork for structures where the form- ● quick and easy to assemble when using the standard
work has to be repositioned upwards in several casting Folding platform K
sections, and there is no need for a retractable (roll- ● low-cost, as only standard components are used
back) formwork. The formwork can be tilted back for ● complete safety in all phases of the work
easy cleaning.
● wide (1.80 m) work-platforms
The Climbing formwork K is based on the field-proven
Folding platforms K, and is ideal for use with either
framed or timber-beam formwork. Easy to operate
● formwork can be set up and struck with no need for
The Folding platform K is tested and approved as a a crane
"working and protection platform" in accordance
with DIN 4420 and the "UVV" accident prevention ● swift, precise formwork adjustment in all directions
rules of the German "BBG" employee safety organ- ● entire unit is lifted in one piece, quickly and easily
isation. (i.e. minimal crane time)

Climbing scaffold and formwork are lifted and

repositioned together
● means that repositioning can be carried out with no
need for time-consuming interim storage of the form-
● saves time by combining several operations into one

10 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K System description

System overview
Adding a few standard components converts your
working platform into a fully-fledged, tiltable climbing
formwork unit which can be repositioned as a complete
form and access-platform in one single operation.
● Climbing scaffold
Either single Folding brackets K, or ready-assem-
bled Folding platforms K, can be used to assemble
the climbing scaffold.
- Folding platform K (3.00m or 4.50m) (A)
Pre-assembled, collapsible scaffold platforms
with nominal lengths of 3.00 m and 4.50 m,
assembled from Folding brackets K, the decking
and the railings. The centre-to-centre spacing of
the brackets is fixed (at 1.50 m).
- Folding bracket K (B)
Collapsible bracket for assembling the climbing
When single Folding brackets K are used, the
F centre-to-centre spacing of the brackets and the
platform length can both be individually selected.
● Suspended platform 120 4.30 m (C)
Finishing-work platform that can be screwed onto the
folding brackets
● Connection shoe K (D)
for connecting the Folding bracket to the Multi-pur-
D pose waling WS10 Top50. This makes it possible for
the entire climbing unit to be lifted and repositioned
in one piece, together with the formwork.
B ● Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 (E)
For holding the timber-beam or framed formwork.
A The length of this waling will depend on the height of
the formwork elements or panels.
● Panel strut 340 (F)
For exact plumbing and aligning of the formwork ele-
ment or panel.
● Universal bracket 90 (G) or
Framax bracket 90 (H)
For assembling pouring platforms. Choose the rele-
vant type of bracket, depending on the formwork sys-
tem being used (timber-beam or framed formwork).


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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Climbing formwork K

Possible formwork systems

Timber-beam formwork Framed formwork
● FF20 and Top 50 timber-beam formwork ● Framed formwork Framax Xlife / Alu-Framax Xlife
● Framed formwork Frameco


Follow the directions in the relevant User Infor-

Follow the directions in the relevant User Infor- mation booklet!
mation booklet!

12 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K System description

Structural design
CAUTION Climbing scaffold with Folding
➤ If wind speeds > 72 km/h are likely, and brackets K
when work finishes for the day or before pro-
longed work-breaks, always take extra pre-
cautions to fix the formwork in place. Platform assembled from single brackets
Suitable precaution: Makes it possible to choose any bracket spacing and
- set up the opposing formwork any length of platform, for constructing closure plat-
forms (of e.g. less than 3.0 m in length) and special
shapes for use in corner zones.
Climbing scaffold with Folding
The following points must be observed when
platforms K using the Folding brackets as a climbing form-
Ready-assembled platforms
Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2)
The Doka folding platforms K are pre-assembled (and on folding platforms and on pouring platforms of Load
thus immediately work-ready) scaffold platforms Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003
designed to be used as
● DIN 4420-1 and ÖNORM B4007 compliant protec- A suspended platform (of Load Class 2) can be
tion platforms added if wished
● EN 12811-1 compliant working platforms Allow for the wind-load when deciding the formwork
height and the influence width of the brackets.
See the User Information booklet "Doka folding
platform K" for detailed information. Wind-load on formwork
The following points must be observed when 5.0
using the folding platforms as a climbing form- 4.5
work: A
Max. formwork height 3.75 m on structures of
Formwork height [m]

< 100 m in height (wind pressure we=1.365 kN/m2)
Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2) 2.5
on folding platforms and on pouring platforms of Load
Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003 2.0
A suspended platform (of Load Class 2) can be
added if wished 1.0
Loads on the suspension point: 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
● Horizontal load: 36 kN Influence width per bracket [m]
● Vertical load: 20 kN
A... Structure height < 24 m (wind pressure we=1.0 kN/m2)
(wind speed max. 130 km/h)
B... Structure height < 100 m (wind pressure we=1.365 kN/m2)
(wind speed max. 150 km/h)

Loads on the suspension point:

● Horizontal load: 36 kN
● Vertical load: 26 kN

999715002 - 08/2011 13
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with Folding platforms K

Assembly instructions

Separating the platforms Pulling out the pressure rod

➤ Lift the stacked platforms off the truck by crane or
forklift truck, and set them down on a flat, paved sur- CAUTION
face. After being released, the pressure rod swings
➤ Attach the four-part lifting tackle to the crane hoisting downwards!
points at the front and to the extra lifting bows at the ➤ Hold the pressure rod (H) in one hand.
rear (C) . ➤ Then, with the other hand, lift up the red

☞ Only attach and lift 1 platform at a time. safety clip (F) and pull out the U-bolt (G) as
far as it will go.
➤ Gradually lower the pressure rod by hand.


Putting up the railings

➤ Tilt up the railings (D) . When you reach the stop, lift H
the railings and slot them into place.

Bolting the vertical rod in place

➤ Tilt up the vertical rod (I) and fix it by inserting the U-
bolt (G) .
➤ Secure the U-bolt with the red safety clip (F) to pre-
vent it being opened accidentally.


Attaching the crane G

➤ Pull the lifting bows up out of their recesses, attach
the four-part lifting tackle (E) (e.g. Doka 4-part chain
3.20m) and raise the folding platform.

9725-403-01 9725-226-03

14 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Fitting the bracing Fitting the Connection shoe K

➤ Prepare an assembly bench. ➤ Bolt the Connection shoe K to the folding platform at
➤ Prepare the bracing. the selected distance from the edge, as shown in the
➤ Tilt up the folding platforms and secure them so that drawing.
they cannot topple over. Required nuts & bolts etc.
➤ Brace the Folding platforms K in the horizontal, with ● two M 12x80 hexagon screws
4 screw-on couplers and 2 scaffolding tubes. ● two A 13 washers
➤ Mount a scaffolding tube as a diagonal stiffening ● two M 12 hexagon nuts (self-locking)
reinforcement between the brackets, using 2 swivel
included with product

a ... 363 mm with Top50 and FF20
a ... 264 mm with Framax Xlife and Alu-Framax Xlife
b ... 45 mm
➤ It is not sufficient to fix the Connection shoe
K only through the deck-boards.
How to fix the Connection shoe K
A Folding platform K Folding platform K
B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm 2.00m
C Screw-on coupler 48mm 50
D Swivel coupler 48mm

Distance between screw-on coupler and swivel cou-

pler: max. 160 mm.
This set-up scheme is for 3.0 m long folding platforms Plan view without platform decking
– on 4.5 m long folding platforms, the number of cou-
plers and scaffolding tubes, and the length of the scaf-
folding tubes, will need to be adjusted accordingly. A


A Holes drilled for Folding platform K

999715002 - 08/2011 15
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with Folding brackets K

The professionals from the Doka "Ready-to-
Use Service" plan and assemble site-ready
and custom formworks exactly to your speci- In cases where the bracket is unfolded while sus-
fications. pended from the crane:

Separating the brackets CAUTION

➤ Lift the Folding brackets K off the truck and set them After being released, the pressure rod swings
down on a flat surface. downwards!
➤ Hold the pressure rod (H) in one hand.
➤ Then, with the other hand, lift up the red
safety clip (F) and pull out the U-bolt (G) as
far as it will go.
➤ Gradually lower the pressure rod by hand.


Putting up the railings

➤ Tilt up the railings (D) . When you reach the stop, lift
the railings and slot them into place. F



Bolting the vertical rod in place

➤ Tilt up the vertical rod (I) and fix it by inserting the U-
bolt (G) .
➤ Secure the U-bolt with the red safety clip (F) to pre-
vent it being opened accidentally.

➤ Place the Folding bracket K on its side, on timber

supports on the ground.

Pulling out the pressure rod

➤ Raise the red locking lever (F) and pull out the U-bolt F G
(G) as far as it will go.
➤ Pull out the pressure rod.


Fitting the bracing

F G ➤ Prepare an assembly bench.
➤ Prepare the bracing.
➤ Tilt up the Folding brackets K and stand them
spaced the specified centre-to-centre distance apart
(see shop drawing / assembly plan).
➤ Secure them so that they cannot topple over.
➤ The length of the scaffolding tubes used will depend
on the centre-to-centre spacing of the brackets.

16 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

➤ Brace the Folding brackets K in the horizontal, with 4 ➤ Lay deck-boards onto the bracket. (Cut them to size
screw-on couplers and 2 scaffolding tubes. as shown in the illustration)
➤ Mount a scaffolding tube as a diagonal stiffening
reinforcement between the brackets, using 2 swivel

g g
couplers. c





g g

B b

a ... length of platform

D b ... centre-to-centre distance
c ... 13 cm
d ... 6 cm
e ... 2.4 cm
f ... 141 cm
9715-222-01 g ... 25 cm
h ... 177 cm
A Diagonal board
A Folding platform K
B Plank, 25x5 cm
B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (length = centre-to-centre distance +
20 cm)
C Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (length = centre-to-centre distance +
➤ Attach each deck-board with one M 10x70 square
50 cm)
bolt on each bracket (6 bolts are included with each
Folding bracket K).
D Screw-on coupler 48mm 50
➤ Fix a diagonal board to the underside, between the
E Swivel coupler 48mm
brackets (with 2 nails in each deck-board)

Distance between screw-on coupler and swivel cou-

pler: max. 160 mm. ☞ ➤ Attach guard rails so as to comply with the
applicable national regulations
This set-up scheme is for platform units with 2 brackets. ➤ On each bracket, fasten handrail planks onto the
On platform units with 3 brackets, the number of cou- handrail post using square bolts M 10x110, spring
plers and scaffolding tubes will need to be adjusted washers A 10 and hexagon nuts M 10.

Attaching the platform decking

The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category of EN 338.
In Germany, wooden deck-boards must bear the "Ü-
symbol" mark of conformity.

➤ Place the braced Folding brackets K onto a trestle.


➤ Mount the Connection shoe K (see "Climbing scaf-

fold – set-up procedure with Folding platforms K").

In corner zones, or where the corners are not right-
angled, the platform planking must be trimmed accord-
Mount passage units as shown in the shop drawing /
assembly plan.

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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Erecting the formwork

After the first casting section, the formwork is com-
pleted in the steps outlined below. This makes it possi- Preparing the formwork
ble to place the formwork onto the folding platform. ➤ Set the gang-form down on a flat surface, with the
form-ply facing downwards.
Framed formwork ➤ Fix Multi-purpose walings WS10 Top50 in the waling
e.g. framed formwork Framax Xlife profiles of the framed formwork panels, using
Framax wedge clamps.
Follow the directions in the "Framed formwork
Framax Xlife" User Information booklet!

● A hard, flat, firm surface is needed!
● Tightening torque of the couplers for the
bracing tubes: 50 Nm
Tools needed:
● Universal tool box 15.0

Preparing the vertical Multi-purpose waling

Length of the Multipurpose waling:
The Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 must be long
enough to project up through the pouring platform
which will later be mounted to the formwork.
It must also be long enough to permit the necessary
excess length beyond the bottom of the formwork. 9715-232-01

The length of the Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 will depend on

Required nuts & bolts etc. the width of the gang-form.

● 2 hexagonal bolts M 10x45 D Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50

E Framax wedge clamp
● 2 limpet washers 11 DIN 434
● 2 hexagon nuts M 10
● 1 washer R 11 Mounting Multi-purpose walings to the form-
(not included with product) work
➤ Screw an Adjusting spindle M36 into the hole-grid on ➤ Lay down vertical Multi-purpose walings WS10
the vertical Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50. Top50 spaced apart at the centre-to-centre distance
(Position as shown in shop drawing / assembly plan) "a" of the brackets (use an assembly template).
➤ Push a Connecting pin 10cm into the top hole in the ➤ Adjust the overlap dimension "b" as shown in the
Multipurpose waling WS10 Top50, and secure it with shop drawing / assembly plan. Use Waling-to-
a Spring cotter 5mm. bracket holders to fix the Multi-purpose walings at


9715-231-02 b


A Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top 50

B Adjusting spindle M36
C Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm a


F Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50

G Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm

18 999715002 - 08/2011
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Mounting the pouring platform
● Suspension point 30 cm beneath the concrete edge
➤ Attach Framax brackets and mount deck-boards.
● Formwork overlap 10 cm
➤ Also mount guard-rail boards, except where they
b = 7.8 cm
would get in the way of the lifting chains when the
gang-form is lifted into the upright.
Fitting the bracing
➤ Brace the vertical Multi-purpose walings in the hori-
zontal and the diagonal.


The length of the scaffolding tubes used will depend on the centre-to-
centre spacing of the brackets.
H Screw-on couplers 48mm 50 (x6)
I Swivel couplers 48mm (x2)
J Scaffolding tubes 48.3mm (x4)
M Framax bracket 90
Distance between screw-on coupler and swivel cou-
pler: max. 160 mm.
This set-up scheme is for platform units with 2 brackets.
On platform units with 3 brackets, the number of cou-
plers and scaffolding tubes will need to be adjusted

Fitting the panel struts

➤ Fix a Panel strut 340 in the Multi-purpose waling with
a Connecting pin 10cm, and secure this with a
Spring cotter 5mm.



K Panel strut 340

L Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

999715002 - 08/2011 19
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Timber-beam formwork Preparing the formwork

e.g. Large-area formwork Top50 ➤ Set the formwork element down on a flat surface,
with the form-ply facing downwards.
Follow the directions in the "Doka large-area
formwork Top50" User Information!

☞ ● A hard, flat, firm surface is needed!

● Tightening torque of the couplers for the
bracing tubes: 50 Nm
Tools needed:
● Universal tool box 15.0

Preparing the vertical Multi-purpose waling

Length of the Multipurpose waling:
The Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 must be long
enough to project up through the pouring platform
which will later be mounted to the formwork.
It must also be long enough to permit the necessary
excess length beyond the bottom of the formwork.
Mounting Multi-purpose walings to the form-
Required nuts & bolts etc. work
● 2 hexagonal bolts M 10x45 ➤ Lay down vertical Multi-purpose walings WS10
● 2 limpet washers 11 DIN 434 Top50 spaced apart at the centre-to-centre distance
● 2 hexagon nuts M 10 "a" of the brackets (use an assembly template).
● 1 washer R 11 ➤ Adjust the overlap dimension "b" as shown in the
(not included with product) shop drawing / assembly plan. Use Waling-to-
bracket holders to fix the Multi-purpose walings at
➤ Screw an Adjusting spindle M36 into the hole-grid on right-angles.
the vertical Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50.
(Position as shown in shop drawing / assembly plan) G F
➤ Push a Connecting pin 10cm into the top hole in the
Multipurpose waling WS10 Top50, and secure it with
a Spring cotter 5mm. b





A Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top 50

B Adjusting spindle M36 9715-237-01
C Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm
F Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50
G Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm

● Suspension point 30 cm beneath the concrete edge
● Formwork overlap 10 cm
b = 7.8 cm

20 999715002 - 08/2011
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Fitting the bracing Mounting the pouring platform

➤ Brace the vertical Multi-purpose walings in the hori- ➤ Attach Universal brackets and mount deck-boards.
zontal and the diagonal. ➤ Also mount guard-rail boards, except where they
would get in the way of the lifting chains when the
gang-form is lifted into the upright.



The length of the scaffolding tubes used will depend on the centre-to-
centre spacing of the brackets.
H Screw-on couplers 48mm 50 (x6)
I Swivel couplers 48mm (x2)
J Scaffolding tubes 48.3mm (x4)

Distance between screw-on coupler and swivel cou-

pler: max. 160 mm.
This set-up scheme is for platform units with 2 brackets.
On platform units with 3 brackets, the number of cou-
plers and scaffolding tubes will need to be adjusted 9715-234-01

accordingly. M Universal bracket 90

Fitting the panel struts

Making it impossible to use any of the forbidden
➤ Fix a Panel strut 340 in the Multi-purpose waling with suspension methods when carrying out standard
a Connecting pin 10cm, and secure this with a lifting of the unit as a whole:
Spring cotter 5mm.
➤ e.g. nail on a board in such a way that the crane sus-
pension tackle cannot be hung into place in the lift-




K Panel strut 340

L Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

999715002 - 08/2011 21
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Anchoring on the structure

B Where climbing formwork is used on both sides, the
G Stop-anchors must be located at an offset to one
another, as necessitated by the thickness of the wall.
Plan view
I a

9715-246-01 D C

A Stop-anchor 15.0 (expendable anchoring component)

B Pigtail anchor 15.0 (expendable anchoring component)
C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
D Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm (expendable anchoring component)
G Depth mark
I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm 9715-247-01

a ... min. 100 mm

A Stop-anchor 15.0
Sensitive rod steel!
E Extra reinforcement steel
➤ Never weld or heat tie-rods.
I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
➤ Tie rods that are damaged or have been
weakened by corrosion or wear must be
withdrawn from use. ● Depth of concrete cover on "cone" side of wall:
➤ Only use approved tie-rods. 5.0 cm
● Depth of concrete cover on "stop-anchor" side of a
Preferably, stop-anchors (A) are used, or – depend-
wall of the minimum thickness: 2 cm
ing on the characteristics of the structure – pigtail
anchors (B) .

Risk of formwork falling off if two cones are

fitted opposite one another and joined with
a tie-rod.
Unscrewing the anchoring component on one
side may cause the anchoring point on the
opposite side to shear off.
➤ Every suspension point must have its own
separate anchorage.
Exception: Suspension points prepared with a
"Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0"


22 999715002 - 08/2011
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Dimensioning the suspension point

The required cube compressive strength of the con-
crete at the time of loading must be specified sepa-
rately for each project by the structural designer. It
will depend on the following factors:
● load actually occurring
● length of stop-anchor or pigtail anchor
● reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel
● distance from edge
The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these
forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall
construction, must all be verified by the structural
The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current
must be at least 10 N/mm2, however.

Anchoring systems
Minimum wall thickness
Stop-anchor 15.0 40cm 47 cm
Stop-anchor 15.0 16cm 23 cm
Stop-anchor 15.0 11.5cm 19 cm
It is also possible to use a pigtail anchor for a position-
ing point / suspension point in the floor-slab, instead of
a stop-anchor.



d ... min. 16.0 cm

a ... 74.0 cm (where there is 5 cm concrete cover on both sides)
B Pigtail anchor 15.0
E Longitudinal reinforcement and U-reinforcements, min. diam. 8
mm, spaced max. 15 cm apart
I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm

999715002 - 08/2011 23
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Preparing the positioning point and Positioning point with

Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
suspension point (with hole drilled through form-ply)
➤ Warning against not screwing in the parts How to mount:
(e.g. stop anchors or pigtail anchors) far ➤ Drill a diam. 18 mm hole in the form-ply (position as
enough into the positioning cones: This may shown in shop drawing / assembly plan).
subsequently lead to reduced load-bearing ➤ Screw the stop-anchor or pigtail anchor into the posi-
capacity and to the failure of the suspension tioning cone until fully engaged.
point - resulting in injury and damage. ➤ Insert a Tie-rod 15.0 (length approx. 20 cm) through
➤ Always screw in components until they fully the hole drilled in the form-ply, screw it into the posi-
engage. When correctly fitted, there will still tioning cone and tighten it with a Super-plate 15.0.
be 1 cm of thread visible between the part
and the depth mark on the stop anchor or
pigtail anchor. H
➤ Make sure that the parts then used for the
a G
suspension point are for the same depth of
concrete cover.
➤ Do not use the positioning cone as a rod
➤ Do not place concrete directly above the pigtail or
stop-anchors. E C D

➤ Do not allow the vibrator to touch the pigtail or stop-

anchors. 9775-226-01

These measures prevent the anchors working loose a ... 1 cm

during pouring and vibration.
A Stop-anchor 15.0 or Pigtail anchor 15.0
Make marks on the top edge of the formwork so C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
that you can easily see where the anchoring D Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm
points are during pouring. E Depth mark
G Tie-rod 15.0mm

☞ ● The axis of the positioning cone must be at

right-angles to the surface of the concrete –
maximum angle of deviation 2°.
H Super-plate 15.0

1 cm distance between depth mark and cone.

● Tolerance for locating the positioning points
and suspension points: ±10 mm in the hori-
zontal and the vertical. Note:

☞ Cones and accessories are also available for a Positioning cones 15.0 5cm are supplied together with
2 cm depth of concrete cover. Sealing sleeves 15.0 5cm. Every time the positioning
The articles in question are: cones are re-used, fit them with new sealing sleeves
● Suspension cone 15.0 Art.n° 581970000
● Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 Art.n°
581698000 If the positioning-point is located too close to a
Doka beam, a board can be nailed to this and
● Positioning cone 15.0 Art.n° 581960000
the adjoining beam to provide a support surface
● Sealing sleeve 15.0 Art.n° 581989000 for the Super-plate.
● Sealing sleeve S 15.0 Art.n° 581696000
These suspension points are prepared in a sim-
ilar way to the instructions given for the Sus-
pension cone 15.0/5cm.
However, special care must be taken to
ensure that components for different
depths of concrete cover are kept strictly
separate (see warnings above)!

Tools needed:
● Reversible ratchet 1/2"
● Positioning-cone spanner 15.0 DK

24 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Positioning point with Before pouring

Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 5cm ➤ Check all positioning points and suspension points
(with no hole drilled through form-ply) once again.
For special applications only, when it is not possible to ● The axis of the positioning cone must be at
drill through the form-ply (e.g. where there are Doka right-angles to the surface of the concrete –
beams or formwork panel frame profiles directly behind maximum angle of deviation 2°.
the positioning-point).
● Tolerance for locating the positioning points
and suspension points: ±10 mm in the hori-
C D zontal and the vertical.
● 1 cm distance between depth mark and
cone = full screw-in depth.
Suspension point
➤ Unscrew the Positioning cone, using a Reversible
ratchet 1/2" and a Positioning-cone spanner 15.0

a ... 1 cm
A Stop-anchor 15.0 or Pigtail anchor 15.0
C Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 5cm
D Sealing sleeve S 15.0 5cm
E Depth mark
I Fixing plate 15.0

☞ Important note:
It is not permitted to use the Fixing plate 15.0
more than once in the same position, as it can- 9775-226-02

not be fixed firmly and securely in the old nail- C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
How to mount: ➤ Screw in Suspension cone 15.0 until fully engaged,
➤ Nail a Cantilever positioning cone to the form-ply and tighten using Reversible ratchet 1/2".
using a Fixing plate 15.0 (position as shown in
project plan).
➤ Screw the Stop-anchor or pigtail anchor into the
Cantilever positioning cone until fully engaged.
1 cm distance between depth mark and cone.

☞ The following items are needed for this type of

● Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 5cm

● Sealing sleeve S 15.0 5cm

● Fixing plate 15.0

Note: 9715-252-01

Cantilever positioning cones 15.0 5cm are supplied I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
together with Sealing sleeves S 15.0 5cm. Every time
the positioning cones are re-used, fit them with new
sealing sleeves first!

999715002 - 08/2011 25
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Other possible anchorages Thin walls

Wall thicknesses of 15 to 16 cm are prepared using the
Anchor points with no offset Wall anchor 15.0 16cm.
Anchor points with no offset are prepared using the
"Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0". DANGER
➤ Do NOT on any account use Stop-anchors
Risk of confusion! 15.0 for this application.
➤ Do NOT on any account use Water stops G
15.0 for this application.


581818000-3 Positioning point

Positioning point



a ... 3-4 cm
C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
D Sealing sleeve
F Tie-rod 15.0mm
A Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0
J Super-plate 15.0
C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
K Universal cone 22mm + Plastic tube 22mm
D Sealing sleeve
F Tie-rod 15.0mm Suspension point
J Super-plate 15.0
A b I

Suspension point



b ... 15 - 16 cm
c b c A Wall anchor 15.0/16cm
a I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
L Hexagon timber screw 10x50 + dowel Ø12
a ... 25 - 70 cm
b... Order length = wall thickness 'a' - 2 x depth of concrete cover 'c'
c ... Depth of concrete cover 5 cm Note:
A Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0 The Wall anchor 15.0/16cm must be ordered under
E Extra reinforcement steel special-article n° 580100000.
I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm

26 999715002 - 08/2011
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Retrofitting a safe suspension point Dimensioning the suspension point

e.g. if the crew forgot to prepare a positioning-point.
The required cube compressive strength of the con-
➤ Drill a hole of diam. 25 mm. crete and ready-mix mortar at the time of loading must
➤ Drill a hole of diam. 35 mm and 115 mm depth. be specified separately for each project by the struc-
➤ Screw the tie-rod into the Suspension cone until fully tural designer. It will depend on the following factors:
engaged, and put the rod part-way into the hole. ● load actually occurring
➤ Paste the ready-mix mortar (site-provided) into the ● wall thickness
drilled hole with a spatula. ● reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel
● distance from edge
b The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these
forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall
construction, must all be verified by the structural

The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current

D C B A must be at least 10 N/mm2, however.

a ... 25 mm
b ... 115 mm
c ... 35 mm
A Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
B Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm
C Tie-rod 15.0mm
D Ready-mix mortar

➤ Insert the unit so that the Universal climbing cone is

flush with the concrete surface.
Scrape away the excess ready-mix mortar with the

☞ Important note:
➤ Weld a seam onto the Super-plate to join the
nut and the plate. Do this BEFORE screwing
the Super-plate onto the tie-rod.
➤ On the other side of the concrete wall, screw on the
Superplate (now welded together) and secure it with
a screw and dowel so that it cannot be unscrewed.



E Super-plate 15.0
F Dowel, Ø12
G Hexagon timber screw 10x50
H Weld-seam

999715002 - 08/2011 27
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Suspension point for fair-faced Result (in terms of appearance):

The Fair-faced concrete positioning cone 15.0 5cm is
particularly suitable for fair-faced concrete projects
where the form-tie points and suspension points are
required to make a uniform hole-pattern.

☞ Safety warning:
The Fair-faced concrete positioning cone may
only be used on suspension points that are
located within a maximum of 80 cm from the top

edge of the concrete. The reason for this
restriction is the reduced load-bearing capacity
of such suspension points, due to the shallower
screw-in depth of the end of the tie-rod nearest The form-tie points and/or suspension points have a
the form-ply. uniform, regular hole-pattern.

Illustrated inside the con-

Anchoring situation



A Fair-faced concrete positioning cone 15.0 5cm

B Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0
C Extra reinforcementsteel
D Fair-faced concrete plug 41mm

If it is intended to use this type of suspension point, a

Doka technician must be contacted before the project

28 999715002 - 08/2011
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Starting up
For instructions on tying and joining the form-
work elements, and on cleaning them and using
concrete release agents, see the User Informa-
tion booklets "Doka large-area formwork
Top50" and "Doka framed formwork Framax

1st casting section

➤ Apply concrete release agent and set up one side of
the formwork.
➤ Mount the positioning-points.
➤ Mount positioning-points for the wind-bracing.
➤ Place the reinforcement.
➤ Close the formwork and tie it.
➤ Pour the 1st section.


A Positioning point
B Positioning point for wind bracing

➤ Strike the formwork.

➤ Clean the formwork.
➤ Set the gang-form down on a flat surface, with the
form-ply facing downwards.
➤ Prepare the formwork for the climbing operation (see
"Erecting the formwork").

999715002 - 08/2011 29
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➤ Fix the Wind bracing MF/150F/K 6.00m in the Fold-

2nd casting section ing bracket with a Pin for Folding bracket A and a
Spring cotter 5mm. Alternatively, an M 16x90 hexa-
➤ Remove the positioning cone.
gon screw with an M 16 nut (site-provided) can be
➤ Prepare the suspension points. used.
➤ Raise the prepared climbing scaffold with a four-part ➤ Fasten the tensioning unit of the Wind bracing
lifting chain (e.g. Doka 4-part chain 3.20m). MF/150F/K 6.00m to the structure, i.e. to the posi-
tioning-point prepared with a suspension cone.


This raises the front lifting bows, opening the lift-out

guard. A Stop-anchor 15.0
➤ Once the climbing scaffold has been hung into place B Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
on the suspension cone, the load is removed from C Wind bracing MF/150F/K 6.00m
the four-part lifting chain.
➤ Tighten the Wind bracing MF/150F/K 6.00m.
➤ Attach the lifting chain to the vertical multipurpose
➤ Place the pre-assembled formwork onto the working
platform, and fix it in place.


The lifting bows drop into the starting position, auto-

matically securing the platform against accidental
"Locked" position = lifting bow is flush with


30 999715002 - 08/2011
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➤ Bolt the vertical Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top 50 ➤ Fasten both the top guard-rail boards to the Univer-
into the Connection shoe K with a Connecting pin sal brackets or Framax brackets.
10 cm, and secure this with a Spring cotter 5mm.


C ➤ Place the reinforcement.

➤ Close the formwork and tie it.
➤ Pour the 2nd section.

A Folding platform K
B Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50
C Connection shoe K
D Connecting pin 10cm
E Spring cotter 5mm

The panel struts on the folding platform must:
➤ only be positioned in the axis of the bracket
➤ only be fitted into the special connection
sockets, and
➤ only be fixed with star-screws (L) .
Tie-rod 15.0mm is forbidden!
➤ Fix the panel strut in the connection socket of the
folding platform using a star screw.



A Folding platform K
B Connection socket
K Panel strut
L Star screw

999715002 - 08/2011 31
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Suspended platform
Preparing the platform decking Striking
➤ Place the deck-boards on trestles. ➤ Take out the form-ties and undo the connectors to
➤ Place platform profiles onto the deck-boards, spaced the adjacent panels.
apart at the centre-distance of the brackets. ➤ Dismount the Super-plate and the threaded rod from
➤ Fasten the platform profiles to the deck-boards with positioning-points where a hole had to be drilled
M 10x70 square bolts. through the form-ply.
➤ Fix planks to the ends of the platforms, and diago- ➤ Tilt back the formwork with the panel strut.
nally between the platform profiles. (2 nails per deck-


A Platform profiles

➤ Turn over the pre-assembled decking and set it

down on the ground.


➤ Remove the positioning cone.

➤ Prepare the suspension points.
➤ Dismount the "Wind bracing".
➤ Attach the lifting chain to the vertical multipurpose
9715-260-02 ➤ Before repositioning, move the lifting bow of the
Folding platform K into the stand-by position (locked
in the short slot).
In corner zones, or where the corners are not right- Before repositioning
angled, the platform planking must be trimmed accord- B

Items needed:
N° of items
Folding plat- Folding plat-
Item Designation form K form K
3.00m 4.50m
A Suspended platform 120 4.30m 2 3
B Planks and guard-rail boards* -- -- 9715-218-01
The lengthening piece is supplied knocked-down, incl. all necessary
fixing items (except for *). B Lifting bow
* site-provided

32 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

➤ Mount the platform profiles, each with 4 hexagonal

Mounting the suspended platform bolts M16x90.
➤ Detach the entire climbing unit by crane.


➤ Bolt on the inside suspension tube with an M 16x120

hexagon screw.



➤ Bolt on the outside suspension tube with an M 16x90 9715-243-03 9715-243-02

hexagon screw.
➤ Use an M10x120 square bolt to attach a guard-rail
board (min. 15x3 cm) as a toeboard.
➤ Insert guard-rail boards (min. 15x3 cm) into the
handrail post plates and fix them with 28x65 nails.

The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category of EN 338.
In Germany, wooden deck-boards must bear the "Ü-
9715-256-03 symbol" mark of conformity.

999715002 - 08/2011 33
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Subsequent casting sections

➤ Tilt back the formwork with the panel strut.
Striking the formwork without a
➤ Take out the form-ties and undo the connectors to
the adjacent panels.
➤ Dismount the Super-plate and the threaded rod from
positioning-points where a hole had to be drilled
through the form-ply.


➤ Remove the positioning cone.

➤ Prepare the suspension points.
➤ Dismount the "Wind bracing".


34 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

➤ Lift the climbing unit by crane ("passenger transpor-

How to lift tation" is forbidden!) and hang it into place on the
prepared suspension points.
The formwork elements, climbing scaffolds, pouring
platforms and suspended platforms are firmly intercon-
nected. They are lifted and repositioned as a complete
unit, in one crane cycle. This reduces the repositioning
time, and thus the crane times.
➤ Attach the lifting chain to the vertical multipurpose
➤ Before repositioning, move the lifting bow of the
Folding platform K into the stand-by position (locked
in the short slot).

Before repositioning


B Lifting bow


➤ Move the lifting bow into the locked position (locked

in the long slot – lifting bow flush with decking).

After suspending the climbing unit


B Lifting bow

999715002 - 08/2011 35
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➤ Next section is poured.

Erecting the formwork without a
➤ Mount the "Wind bracing", and tighten it.
➤ Clean the formwork and apply concrete release
➤ Mount the positioning-points.
➤ Place the reinforcement.
➤ Plumb and align the formwork element or panel,
using panel struts and adjusting spindles.
➤ Close the formwork and tie it.



36 999715002 - 08/2011
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Plumbing & aligning the formwork

Adjusting the formwork Height and angle adjustment
In order to permit exact adjustment of the formwork ele- The Adjusting spindles M36 (C) permit a vertical
ments in relation to one another and to the structure, adjustment range of approx. 150 mm. Also, the adjust-
they are adjustable in both the vertical and the horizon- ing spindles can be relocated in the hole-grid of the
tal. Multipurpose waling WS10 Top50 (D) .

Tools needed:
● Hammer
● Reversible ratchet 1/2" D

● Box nut 24 and

● Fork wrench 13/17 (for the threaded joins on the
adjusting spindles)

Preparing the adjusting operation
➤ Take the load off the panel strut.
➤ Detach the formwork from the concrete. Height adjustment
➤ Loosen the Waling-to-bracket holders (B) with a ➤ Turn both adjusting spindles.
blow of the hammer.


Length adjustment
➤ Push the formwork to either side.


Side angle adjustment

➤ Only turn one adjusting spindle.



Ending the adjusting operation

➤ Tighten the waling-to-bracket holders with the ham-

999715002 - 08/2011 37
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

Resetting by crane
Instructions for safe resetting of the
entire unit

☞ Important note:
● Before lifting: Remove any loose items
from the formwork and platforms
● "Passenger transportation" is forbidden!
● Observe all regulations applying to the oper-
ation of cranes where higher wind speeds
are experienced.
● Angle of inclination β: max. 30°
● Vertical Multi-purpose walings must be ade- A
quately braced against oblique pull (B) .
● Tightening torque of the couplers (C) :

50 Nm
● When using balancing lifting beams, ensure
that these have sufficient load-bearing
● When one climbing unit is lifted and reposi-
tioned, this opens up exposed fall-hazard
locations on the remaining units. These
exposed locations must be made safe by
putting up an access prohibition barrier.
This access prohibition barrier must be fixed
at least 2.0 m before the drop-off edge.


a ... 1.00 - 1.20 m

● The personnel in charge of the repositioning A "No entry" prohibition sign 300x300mm
operation are responsible for positioning the
access prohibition barriers correctly.
● During the lifting/repositioning cycle, no site
personnel are allowed to be on the units to
be climbed, or on adjacent units for reposi-
● Persons operating the climbing formwork
must use personal protective equipment dur-
ing the lifting operation.

Length of chain = at least the space between

the slinging points
This automatically leads to the required angle
of inclinationβ.

38 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

Initial situation
➤ Any lifting-brackets on the formwork ele-
ments, or Framax lifting hooks, must not
be used for lifting the unit as a whole.


➤ Attach the lifting chain to the Connecting
pin 10cm of the Multipurpose waling.


Hoist the unit for repositioning up to the next sec-


The suspension methods shown above are only
needed for assembling and dismantling the formwork
elements or panels.
The Fix-De-Fix 3150kg remote uncoupling
system makes it possible to detach slinging
chains by remote-control from ground level.
Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
9715-274-03 tions!

Horizontal repositioning of the barriers


A Warning sign "No entry" 300x300mm

B Crane suspension tackle

999715002 - 08/2011 39
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K

➤ Reposition the entire unit by crane.

Repositioning the entire unit
When repositioning the Climbing formwork K or units
assembled from it (e.g. formwork element with Multi-
purpose walings), the lifting crane must always be A B C
attached to the vertical Multi-purpose waling. For this, a
Connecting pin 10cm must be inserted into the top hole
in the Multipurpose waling and secured with a Spring
cotter 5mm.
➤ Tilt back the formwork with the panel strut.
Before every repositioning operation, check to
make sure that the vertical Multi-purpose wal-
ings WS10 Top50 are each bolted into a Con-
nection shoe K with a Connecting pin 10 cm
that has been secured with a Spring cotter
➤ Attach the lifting chain to the Connecting pin 10cm of
the Multipurpose waling.


β ... max. 30°

A Connecting pin 10 cm with Spring cotter 5mm

B Bracing against oblique pull (e.g. scaffolding tube)

C Screw-on coupler

➤ Dismount the "Wind bracing".

➤ Before repositioning, move the lifting bow of the
Folding platform K into the stand-by position (locked
in the short slot).

B Lifting bow

40 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions

999715002 - 08/2011 41
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Climbing formwork K

Transporting, stacking and storing

General remarks

Utilise the benefits of Doka multi-trip packaging Using Doka skeleton transport boxes
on your site. 1.70x0.80m as transport devices
Multi-trip packaging such as containers, stacking pal-
lets and skeleton transport boxes keep everything in Lifting by crane
place on the site, minimise time wasted searching for
parts, and streamline the storage and transport of sys- ➤ Only lift the boxes when their sidewalls are
tem components, small items and accessories. closed!

Doka skeleton transport box

1.70x0.80m ☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
part chain 3.20m.
● Spread-angle β max. 30°!


Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
Storage and transport devices for small items: the narrowside of the containers.
● durable
● stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
● crane
● pallet stacking truck
● forklift truck
To make the "Doka skeleton transport box" easier to
load and unload, one of its sidewalls can be opened.

Max. load: 700 kg

Permitted imposed load: 3150 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes

1.70x0.80m as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
2 5
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

42 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K General remarks

Doka multi-trip transport box Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as stor-
age units
1.20x0.80m galv.
Max. n° of boxes on top of one another
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as

transport devices
Lifting by crane

Storage and transport devices for small items:

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
● durable the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
● stackable part chain 3.20m.
Suitable transport appliances: ● Spread-angle β max. 30°!
● crane
● pallet stacking truck
● forklift truck

Max. load: 1500 kg

Permitted imposed load: 7900 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-

Multi-trip transport box partition

Different items in the Multi-trip transport box can be Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
kept separate with the Multi-trip transport box partitions truck
1.20m or 0.80m. The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.


A Slide-bolt for fixing the partition

Possible ways of dividing the box

Multi-trip transport
Lengthways Crossways
box partition
1.20m max. 3 partitions —
0.80m — max. 3 partitions

Tr755-200-04 Tr755-200-05

999715002 - 08/2011 43
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Climbing formwork K

Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m and Using Doka stacking pallets as transport
Storage and transport devices for long items: Lifting by crane
● durable
● stackable ☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
Suitable transport appliances:
the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
● crane part chain 3.20m.
● pallet stacking truck ● Load the items centrically.
● forklift truck ● Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a it cannot slide or tip out.
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley. ● When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-on
castor sets B have been attached, you must
Follow the directions in the "Bolt-on castor set
also follow the directions in these Operating
B" Operating Instructions!
● Spread-angle β max. 30°!

= =

Max. load: 1100 kg a

Permitted imposed load: 5900 kg Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m max. 4.0 m
Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m max. 3.0 m

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-
☞ ● Load the items centrically.
● Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
it cannot slide or tip out.

Using Doka stacking pallets as storage units

Max. n° of units on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
2 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

☞ ● How to use with bolt-on castor set:

Always apply the fixing brake when the con-
tainer is "parked".
When Doka stacking pallets are stacked, the
bottom pallet must NOT be one with a bolt-on
caster set mounted to it.

44 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K General remarks

Doka accessory box Doka accessory box as transport devices

Storage and transport devices for small items: Lifting by crane
● durable
● stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
● crane the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
part chain 3.20m.
● pallet stacking truck
● When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-on
● forklift truck
castor sets B have been attached, you must
The Doka accessory box is the tidy, easy-to-find way of also follow the directions in these Operating
storing and stacking all interconnection and form-tie Instructions!
components. ● Spread-angle β max. 30°!
The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley.
Follow the directions in the "Bolt-on castor set
B" Operating Instructions!


Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.

Bolt-on castor set B

The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley.
Max. load: 1000 kg
Suitable for drive-through access openings > 90 cm.
Permitted imposed load: 5530 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-
The Bolt-on caster set B can be mounted to the follow-
Doka accessory box as storage units ing multi-trip packaging items:
● Doka accessory box
Max. n° of boxes on top of one another ● Doka stacking pallets
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1% Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
3 6 tions!
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

☞ ● How to use with bolt-on castor set:

Always apply the fixing brake when the con-
tainer is "parked".
When Doka accessory boxes are stacked,
the bottom box must NOT be one with a bolt-
on castor set mounted to it.

999715002 - 08/2011 45
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°


Doka folding platform K 3.00m 291.5 580442000 Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000
Doka folding platform K 4.50m 444.5 580443000 Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50
Doka-Faltbühne K Galvanised
Timber parts varnished yellow Width-across: 22 mm
Steel parts galvanised
Delivery condition: folded closed

Swivel coupler 48mm 1.5 582560000

Drehkupplung 48mm
Width-across: 22 mm

Folding bracket K 52.4 580441000

Faltkonsole K Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.00m 60.2 580011000
Galvanised Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.50m 68.4 580012000
Length: 224 cm Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m 79.4 580013000
Mehrzweckriegel WS10 Top50
Height: 245 cm Painted blue
Delivery condition: folded closed

Steel waling WS10 Top50 3.00m 60.4 580048000

Steel waling WS10 Top50 3.50m 71.5 580050000
Connection shoe K 6.4 580451000 Steel waling WS10 Top50 4.00m 82.1 580052000
Anschlussschuh K Stahlwandriegel WS10 Top50
Galvanised Painted blue
Length: 25 cm
Width: 17 cm

Suspended platform 120 3.30m 44.0 580411000

Suspended platform 120 4.30m 52.6 580412000
Hängebühne 120
Delivery condition: folded closed Adjusting spindle M36 6.2 500663002
Höhenjustierspindel M36
Length: 31 cm
Height: 29.2 cm

Connecting pin 10cm 0.34 580201000

Verbindungsbolzen 10cm
Length: 14 cm

Spring cotter 5mm 0.05 580204000

Federvorstecker 5mm
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 3.6 682014000 Galvanised
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m 5.4 682015000 Length: 13 cm
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 7.2 682016000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 9.0 682017000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 10.8 682018000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m 12.6 682019000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m 14.4 682021000 Waling-to-bracket holder 9-15cm 2.7 580625000
Riegelhalter 9-15cm
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m 16.2 682022000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m 18.0 682023000 Galvanised
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m 19.8 682024000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m 21.6 682025000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m 3.6 682001000
Gerüstrohr 48,3mm
Waling-to-bracket holder 2.5 580526000
Length: 26 cm
Height: 31 cm

46 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Framax wedge clamp 1.5 588152000 Top scaffold bracket L 12.6 587153500
Framax-Spannklemme Betonierkonsole L
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 21 cm Length: 101 cm
Height: 159 cm

Panel strut 340 30.2 588246000

Elementstütze 340
consisting of:
(A) Prop head 3.5 588244000
2 pcs.
Length: 40.8 cm
Width: 11.8 cm Top scaffold bracket L painted 12.0 587153000
Height: 17.6 cm Betonierkonsole L lackiert
(B) Prop shoe 2.1 588245000 Painted blue
Galvanised Length: 101 cm
Length: 20 cm Height: 159 cm
Width: 11 cm
Height: 10 cm
(C) Plumbing strut 340 14.2 588247000
Length: 190 - 341 cm
(D) Adjusting strut 120 7.2 588248000
Length: 80 - 130 cm
Delivery condition: folded closed
Universal bracket 90 30.4 580476000
Universal-Konsole 90
Length: 121 cm
Height: 235 cm

Universal dismantling tool 3.7 582768000

Length: 75.5 cm

Framax bracket 90 12.5 588167000

Framax-Konsole 90
Star screw 0.75 580425000
Sternschraube Width: 103 cm
Galvanised Height: 185 cm
Length: 17 cm Delivery condition: railing included

Wind bracing MF/150F/K 6.00m 4.7 580665000

Windabspannung MF/150F/K 6,00m

Handrail clamp S 11.5 580470000

Schutzgeländerzwinge S
Height: 123 - 171 cm

Pin D16/112 0.29 500403330

Steckbolzen D16/112
Length: 16 cm

999715002 - 08/2011 47
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Universal railing shackle 3.0 580478000 Universal tool box 15.0 9.1 580392000
Universal-Geländerbügel Universal-Werkzeugbox 15,0
Galvanised included in scope of supply:
Height: 20 cm (A) Reversible ratchet 1/2" 0.73 580580000
Length: 30 cm
(B) Fork wrench 13/17 0.08 580577000
(C) Fork wrench 22/24 0.22 580587000
Scaffold tube connection 0.27 584375000 (D) Fork wrench 30/32 0.80 580897000
(E) Fork wrench 36/41 1.0 580586000
(F) Ring spanner 17/19 0.27 580590000
Height: 7 cm
(G) Square nut 22 0.31 580589000
(H) Box spanner 41 0.99 580585000
(I) Extension 11cm 1/2" 0.20 580581000
(J) Extension 22cm 1/2" 0.31 580582000
Doka 4-part chain 3.20m 15.0 588620000 (K) Universal joint coupling 0.16 580583000
Doka-Vierstrangkette 3,20m (L) Nut for box spanner 19 1/2" L 0.16 580598000
Follow the directions in the "Operat- (M) Box nut 13 1/2" 0.06 580576000
ing Instructions"!
(N) Box nut 24 1/2" 0.12 580584000
(O) Box nut 30 1/2" 0.20 580575000
(P) Positioning cone spanner 15.0 DK 0.30 580579000
Length: 8 cm
Width-across: 30 mm

Fix-De-Fix remote uncoupling system 3150kg 27.0 586014000

Abhängeautomat Fix-De-Fix 3150kg
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Tie rod system 15.0

Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0 1.9 580594000

Manhole B 70/60cm 22.0 581530000 Ankerstabschlüssel 15,0/20,0
Bühnendurchstieg B 70/60cm
Steel parts galvanised
Length: 37 cm
Timber parts varnished yellow
Diameter: 8 cm
Length: 81 cm
Width: 71 cm

Warning sign "No entry" 300x300mm 0.70 581575000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.50m 0.72 581821000
Verbotsschild "Zutritt Verboten" 300x300mm Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.75m 1.1 581822000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.00m 1.4 581823000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.25m 1.8 581826000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.50m 2.2 581827000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.75m 2.5 581828000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.00m 2.9 581829000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.50m 3.6 581852000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised .....m 1.4 581824000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.50m 0.73 581870000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.75m 1.1 581871000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.00m 1.4 581874000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.25m 1.8 581886000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.50m 2.1 581876000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.75m 2.5 581887000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.00m 2.9 581875000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.50m 3.6 581877000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.00m 4.3 581878000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.50m 5.0 581888000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 4.00m 5.7 581879000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 5.00m 7.2 581880000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 6.00m 8.6 581881000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 7.50m 10.7 581882000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated .....m 1.4 581873000
Ankerstab 15,0mm

48 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 0.77 581868000 Fair-faced concrete plug 41mm plastic 0.007 581851000
Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 0.83 581997000 Fair-faced concrete plug 41mm concrete 0.05 581848000
Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 1.4 581999000 Sichtbetonstopfen
Sperranker 15,0 Grey

Super plate 15.0 1.1 581966000

Superplatte 15,0
Height: 6 cm
Diameter: 12 cm
Pigtail anchor 15.0 0.92 581984000 Width-across: 27 mm
Wellenanker 15,0
Length: 67 cm Suspension cone 15.0 5cm 0.88 581971000
Aufhängekonus 15,0 5cm
Length: 16 cm
Diameter: 6 cm
Follow fitting instructions!
Stop anchor double-ended 15.0 20cm 1.1 581820000
Sperranker beidseitig 15,0 20cm
Custom lengths can be ordered un-
Multi-trip packaging
der the special-component Art.n°
580100000, quoting the designation Doka skeleton transport box 1.70x0.80m 87.0 583012000
and the desired length in mm. Doka-Gitterbox 1,70x0,80m
Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 5cm 0.45 581699000 Height: 113 cm
Sperrenvorlauf 15,0 5cm Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Length: 11 cm ing Instructions"!
Diameter: 5 cm
Tool: Positioning cone spanner 15.0
Follow fitting instructions!

Sealing sleeve S 15.0 5cm 0.009 581697000

Dichtungshülse S 15,0 5cm
Length: 11 cm Doka multi-trip transport box 1.20x0.80m 75.0 583011000
Diameter: 4.7 cm Doka-Mehrwegcontainer 1,20x0,80m
Height: 78 cm
Fixing plate 15.0 0.15 581692000 Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Nagelblech 15,0 ing Instructions"!
Diameter: 10 cm

Positioning cone 15.0 5cm 0.43 581969000

Vorlaufkonus 15,0 5cm
Length: 11 cm Multi-trip transport box partition 0.80m 3.7 583018000
Diameter: 3 cm Multi-trip transport box partition 1.20m 5.5 583017000
Tool: Positioning cone spanner 15.0 Mehrwegcontainer Unterteilung
DK Timber parts varnished yellow
Follow fitting instructions! Steel parts galvanised

Fibre concrete plug 30.7mm 0.03 581902000

Faserbetonstopfen 30,7mm

Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m 42.0 586151000

Doka-Stapelpalette 1,55x0,85m
Fair-faced concrete positioning cone 15.0 5cm 0.46 581973000 Galvanised
Sichtbetonvorlauf 15,0 5cm
Height: 77 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Length: 11 cm ing Instructions"!
Diameter: 4.3 cm
Tool: Positioning cone spanner 15.0

Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm 0.007 581990000

Dichtungshülse 15,0 5cm
Length: 10 cm
Diameter: 3 cm

999715002 - 08/2011 49
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m 39.5 583016000

Doka-Stapelpalette 1,20x0,80m
Height: 77 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Doka accessory box 106.4 583010000

Timber parts varnished yellow
Steel parts galvanised
Length: 154 cm
Width: 83 cm
Height: 77 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Bolt-on castor set B 33.6 586168000

Anklemm-Radsatz B
Painted blue

50 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview

999715002 - 08/2011 51
The Formwork Experts
Doka climbing formwork K turns Folding platforms K +
formwork elements into complete repositioning units
By repositioning a Doka folding platform K plus Doka wall formwork element or panel as a single
unit, you boost your efficiency: You do away with time-wasting and space-consuming interim
storage of the formwork, and save time by grouping operations together in an economical way.
Doka climbing formwork K is available for rental or purchase.
At any of the Doka branches in your region.
Why not give us a call?

The Doka Group's central plant at Amstetten, Austria

Doka international
Certified to Doka GmbH
ISO 9001 Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)7472 605-0, Fax: +43 (0)7472 64430
E-Mail: info@doka.com
Internet: www.doka.com

Algeria Japan Qatar Other subsidiaries and

SARL Doka Algérie Doka Japan K.K. Doka Qatar WLL Tunisia
24 A Route de la Rassauta Miwanoyama 744-6 Nagareyama-shi 2nd Gate, Light Industrial Area, Doka Tunisia Ltd. representatives:
Bordj-El-Kifane, BP 170, 16120 Alger 270-175 Chiba-Ken Mesaieed-Qatar Bureau de Liaison
Telephone: +213 (0)21 21 27 26 Telephone: +81 (0)471 78 8808 P.O. Box 23439, Doha-Qatar Zone Industrielle, Rue d l‘usine Angola Kazakhstan
Telephone: +974 44500628 Le Kram 2015 Tunis
Telefax: +213 (0)21 21 28 98 Telefax: +81 (0)471 78 8812 Telephone: +216 (0)71 977 350 Azerbaijan Latvia
E-Mail: Algerie@doka.com E-Mail: Japan@doka.com Telefax: +974 44500608 Bahrain Lithuania
Telefax: +216 (0)71 977 856
www.dokajapan.co.jp E-Mail: Qatar@doka.com
Canada E-Mail: Tunisia@doka.com Belgium Luxembourg
Doka Canada Ltd./Ltée Korea Saudi Arabia Turkey Belarus Marocco
5404 - 36th Street S.E. Doka Korea Ltd. Doka Formwork Technology Doka Kalip-Iskele Bosnia and Mexico
Calgary AB T2C 1P1 Rm.N.220, Doosan Venture Digm Bldg., Mahmoud Othman & Sons LLC Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Telephone: +1 403 243-6629 126-1 Pyeongchon-Dong, Dongan-Gu, P.O. Box 7620 Herzegovina Netherlands
Güzeller Org. San. Bölgesi
Telefax: +1 403 243-6787 431-755 Anyang City, Gyeonggi-Do Jeddah 21472 Inönü Mah. Nazarbayev Sok. No:19 Brazil New Zealand
E-Mail: Canada@doka.com Telephone: +82 31 478 3700 Telephone: +966 0)2 669 10 08 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli Bulgaria Oman
Telefax: +82 31 478 3701 Telefax: +966 (0)2 664 86 25 Telephone: +90 262 751 50 66
China E-Mail: Korea@doka.com E-Mail: Jeddah@doka.com Chile Panama
Telefax: +90 262 751 50 05
Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Croatia Poland
E-Mail: Turkiye@doka.com
Bldg. 2, No.3883 Yuanjiang Road Kuwait Singapore Czech Republic Portugal
Minhang District Doka Kuwait Doka Formwork Pte. Ltd. United Arab Emirates
Shanghai 201109 9 Gul Circle Denmark Romania
Div. of Riham Gen. Trad.& Cont. Co. Doka Gulf FZE
Telephone: +86 21 6090 0899 P.O. Box 2217 Salmiyah Singapore 629565 P.O. Box 61407 Egypt Russia
Telefax: +86 21 6090 1099 22023 Kuwait Telephone: +65 6897 7737 Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai Estonia Senegal
E-Mail: China@doka.com Telephone: + 965 2 4822 462 Telefax: +65 6897 8606 Telephone: +971 (0)4 870 8700
E-Mail: Singapore@doka.com Finland Serbia
Telefax: +965 2 4822 472 Telefax: +971 (0)4 870 8702
India E-Mail: Kuwait@doka.com E-Mail: Emirates@doka.com France Slovakia
Doka India Pvt. Ltd. South Africa Germany Slovenia
Mahavir Landmark Bldg. Lebanon Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd. United Kingdom
Doka UK Formwork Technologies Ltd Greece Spain
6th Floor, Plot No. 26 A Doka Branch Lebanon Johannesburg Branch
Sector-7, Kharghar - 410210 Sodeco Square, Block C / 9th floor 2 Sebasa Road Monchelsea Farm, Heath Road Hungary Switzerland
Navi Mumbai Beirut Chloorkop Ext.10 Boughton Monchelsea Iceland Taiwan
Telephone: +91 22 27746452 Telephone: +961 (0)1 612569 Kempton Park 1619 Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JD
Iran Thailand
Telefax: +91 22 27746451 Telefax: +961 (0)1 612570 Telephone: +27 (0)11 310 9709 Telephone: +44 (0)1622 74 90 50
Telefax: +27 (0)11 310 9711 Telefax: +44 (0)1622 74 90 33 Italy Ukraine
E-Mail: India@doka.com E-Mail: Lebanon@doka.com
E-Mail: South-Africa@doka.com E-Mail UK@doka.com Jordan Vietnam
Ireland Norway USA
Doka Ireland Formwork Techn. Ltd. Doka Norge AS Sweden
Monasterboice, Drogheda Doka USA, Ltd.
Heggstadmoen 4 Doka Sverige AB 214 Gates Road
County Louth N 7080 Heimdal Kurödsvägen 20 Little Ferry, NJ 07643
Telephone: +353 (0)41 686 1620 Telephone: +47 72 89 38 10 S 451 55 Uddevalla Telephone: +1 201 329-7839
Telefax: +353 (0)41 686 1525 Telefax:n +47 72 89 38 11 Telephone: +46 (0)10 45 16 300 Telefax: +1 201 641-6254
E-Mail: Ireland@doka.com E-Mail: Norge@doka.com Telefax: +46 (0)10 45 16 309 E-Mail: usa@doka.com
E-Mail: Sverige@doka.com Internet: www.dokausa.com

The Formwork Experts 999715002 - 08/2011

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