Penjajuća Oplata K PDF
Penjajuća Oplata K PDF
Penjajuća Oplata K PDF
Climbing formwork K
2 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction
4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
6 Eurocodes at Doka
8 Doka services
10 System description
10 Product description
11 System overview
12 Possible formwork systems
13 Structural design
14 Assembly instructions
14 Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with
Folding platforms K
16 Climbing scaffold – set-up procedure with
Folding brackets K
18 Erecting the formwork
22 Anchoring on the structure
29 Starting up
32 Suspended platform
34 Subsequent casting sections
37 Plumbing & aligning the formwork
38 Resetting by crane
42 General remarks
42 Transporting, stacking and storing
46 Component overview
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The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K
4 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction
● Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
☞ Important note
Failure to observe this may lead to malfunc-
tion or damage.
sures. Excessively high pouring rates lead to form-
work overload, cause greater deflection and risk
causing breakage.
Failure to observe this may lead to material
Striking the formwork damage, and to injury to health which may
range up to the severe or even life-threaten-
● Do not strike the formwork until the concrete has
reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
has given the order for the formwork to be struck!
● When striking the formwork, never use the crane to
break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools such as Instruction
timber wedges, special pry-bars or system features This symbol indicates that actions need to be
such as Framax stripping corners. taken by the user.
● When striking the formwork, do not endanger the
stability of any part of the structure, or of any scaf-
folding, platforms or formwork that is still in place! Sight-check
Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
Transporting, stacking and storing to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.
● Observe all regulations applying to the handling of
formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka
slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory Tip
Points out useful practical tips.
● Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that
they cannot be dislodged or fall free!
● All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant Reference
sections of this User Information booklet!
Refers to other documents and materials.
We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests
of technical progress.
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The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K
Eurocodes at Doka
In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as The widely used "Permissible stress design" (compar-
Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction ing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses)
field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide has been superseded by a new safety concept in the
a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product EC.
specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance
The EC are the world's most highly developed Stand- (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible
ards in the construction field. stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The
In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard safety level remains the same!
from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN
norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.
Ed Rd
6 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction
999715002 - 08/2011 7
The Formwork Experts
Introduction User information Climbing formwork K
Doka services
Support in every phase of the
Doka offers a broad spectrum of services, all with a sin-
gle aim: to help you succeed on the site.
Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one
thing that all construction projects have in common –
and that is a basic structure with five phases. We at
Doka know our clients' varying requirements. With our
consulting, planning and other services, we help you
achieve effective implementation of your formwork
assignment using our formwork products – in every one
of these phases.
1 2 3
Project development phase Tendering phase Operations scheduling phase
Taking well-founded decisions Optimising the preliminary work Controlled, regular forming oper-
thanks to professional advice and with Doka as an experienced part- ations, for greater efficiency
consulting ner resulting from realistically calculated
formwork concepts
Find precisely the right formwork Draw up potentially winning bids, by Plan cost-effectively right from the
solutions, with the aid of ● basing them on realistically calcu- outset, thanks to
● help with the bid invitation lated guideline prices ● detailed offers
● in-depth analysis of the initial sit- ● making the right formwork ● determination of the commission-
uation choices ing quantities
● objective evaluation of the plan- ● having an optimum time-calcula- ● co-ordination of lead-times and
ning, execution, and time-risks tion basis handover deadlines
8 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Introduction
● Transparency
Optimum resource utilisation Seeing things through to a posi- Because our services and costs
with assistance from the Doka tive conclusion are completely transparent, there
Formwork Experts with professional support is no need for improvisation dur-
ing the project – and no unpleas-
ant surprises at the end of it.
999715002 - 08/2011 9
The Formwork Experts
System description User information Climbing formwork K
Product description
System description
Doka climbing formwork K: The ver- Cost-effective and geared to on-site require-
satile climbing formwork assembled
from a folding platform and a form- ● using standard components to combine the folding
platform with a formwork element or panel results in
work element or panel a fully-fledged climbing formwork system
The climbing formwork for structures where the form- ● quick and easy to assemble when using the standard
work has to be repositioned upwards in several casting Folding platform K
sections, and there is no need for a retractable (roll- ● low-cost, as only standard components are used
back) formwork. The formwork can be tilted back for ● complete safety in all phases of the work
easy cleaning.
● wide (1.80 m) work-platforms
The Climbing formwork K is based on the field-proven
Folding platforms K, and is ideal for use with either
framed or timber-beam formwork. Easy to operate
● formwork can be set up and struck with no need for
The Folding platform K is tested and approved as a a crane
"working and protection platform" in accordance
with DIN 4420 and the "UVV" accident prevention ● swift, precise formwork adjustment in all directions
rules of the German "BBG" employee safety organ- ● entire unit is lifted in one piece, quickly and easily
isation. (i.e. minimal crane time)
10 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K System description
System overview
Adding a few standard components converts your
working platform into a fully-fledged, tiltable climbing
formwork unit which can be repositioned as a complete
form and access-platform in one single operation.
● Climbing scaffold
Either single Folding brackets K, or ready-assem-
bled Folding platforms K, can be used to assemble
the climbing scaffold.
- Folding platform K (3.00m or 4.50m) (A)
Pre-assembled, collapsible scaffold platforms
with nominal lengths of 3.00 m and 4.50 m,
assembled from Folding brackets K, the decking
and the railings. The centre-to-centre spacing of
the brackets is fixed (at 1.50 m).
- Folding bracket K (B)
Collapsible bracket for assembling the climbing
When single Folding brackets K are used, the
F centre-to-centre spacing of the brackets and the
platform length can both be individually selected.
● Suspended platform 120 4.30 m (C)
Finishing-work platform that can be screwed onto the
folding brackets
● Connection shoe K (D)
for connecting the Folding bracket to the Multi-pur-
D pose waling WS10 Top50. This makes it possible for
the entire climbing unit to be lifted and repositioned
in one piece, together with the formwork.
B ● Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 (E)
For holding the timber-beam or framed formwork.
A The length of this waling will depend on the height of
the formwork elements or panels.
● Panel strut 340 (F)
For exact plumbing and aligning of the formwork ele-
ment or panel.
● Universal bracket 90 (G) or
Framax bracket 90 (H)
For assembling pouring platforms. Choose the rele-
vant type of bracket, depending on the formwork sys-
tem being used (timber-beam or framed formwork).
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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Climbing formwork K
12 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K System description
Structural design
CAUTION Climbing scaffold with Folding
➤ If wind speeds > 72 km/h are likely, and brackets K
when work finishes for the day or before pro-
longed work-breaks, always take extra pre-
cautions to fix the formwork in place. Platform assembled from single brackets
Suitable precaution: Makes it possible to choose any bracket spacing and
- set up the opposing formwork any length of platform, for constructing closure plat-
forms (of e.g. less than 3.0 m in length) and special
shapes for use in corner zones.
Climbing scaffold with Folding
The following points must be observed when
platforms K using the Folding brackets as a climbing form-
Ready-assembled platforms
Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2)
The Doka folding platforms K are pre-assembled (and on folding platforms and on pouring platforms of Load
thus immediately work-ready) scaffold platforms Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003
designed to be used as
● DIN 4420-1 and ÖNORM B4007 compliant protec- A suspended platform (of Load Class 2) can be
tion platforms added if wished
● EN 12811-1 compliant working platforms Allow for the wind-load when deciding the formwork
height and the influence width of the brackets.
See the User Information booklet "Doka folding
platform K" for detailed information. Wind-load on formwork
The following points must be observed when 5.0
using the folding platforms as a climbing form- 4.5
work: A
Max. formwork height 3.75 m on structures of
Formwork height [m]
< 100 m in height (wind pressure we=1.365 kN/m2)
Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2) 2.5
on folding platforms and on pouring platforms of Load
Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003 2.0
A suspended platform (of Load Class 2) can be
added if wished 1.0
Loads on the suspension point: 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
● Horizontal load: 36 kN Influence width per bracket [m]
● Vertical load: 20 kN
A... Structure height < 24 m (wind pressure we=1.0 kN/m2)
(wind speed max. 130 km/h)
B... Structure height < 100 m (wind pressure we=1.365 kN/m2)
(wind speed max. 150 km/h)
999715002 - 08/2011 13
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
☞ Only attach and lift 1 platform at a time. safety clip (F) and pull out the U-bolt (G) as
far as it will go.
➤ Gradually lower the pressure rod by hand.
9725-403-01 9725-226-03
14 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
a ... 363 mm with Top50 and FF20
a ... 264 mm with Framax Xlife and Alu-Framax Xlife
b ... 45 mm
➤ It is not sufficient to fix the Connection shoe
K only through the deck-boards.
How to fix the Connection shoe K
A Folding platform K Folding platform K
B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm 2.00m
C Screw-on coupler 48mm 50
D Swivel coupler 48mm
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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
16 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
➤ Brace the Folding brackets K in the horizontal, with 4 ➤ Lay deck-boards onto the bracket. (Cut them to size
screw-on couplers and 2 scaffolding tubes. as shown in the illustration)
➤ Mount a scaffolding tube as a diagonal stiffening
reinforcement between the brackets, using 2 swivel
g g
couplers. c
g g
B b
In corner zones, or where the corners are not right-
angled, the platform planking must be trimmed accord-
Mount passage units as shown in the shop drawing /
assembly plan.
999715002 - 08/2011 17
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
● A hard, flat, firm surface is needed!
● Tightening torque of the couplers for the
bracing tubes: 50 Nm
Tools needed:
● Universal tool box 15.0
9715-231-02 b
18 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Mounting the pouring platform
● Suspension point 30 cm beneath the concrete edge
➤ Attach Framax brackets and mount deck-boards.
● Formwork overlap 10 cm
➤ Also mount guard-rail boards, except where they
b = 7.8 cm
would get in the way of the lifting chains when the
gang-form is lifted into the upright.
Fitting the bracing
➤ Brace the vertical Multi-purpose walings in the hori-
zontal and the diagonal.
The length of the scaffolding tubes used will depend on the centre-to-
centre spacing of the brackets.
H Screw-on couplers 48mm 50 (x6)
I Swivel couplers 48mm (x2)
J Scaffolding tubes 48.3mm (x4)
M Framax bracket 90
Distance between screw-on coupler and swivel cou-
pler: max. 160 mm.
This set-up scheme is for platform units with 2 brackets.
On platform units with 3 brackets, the number of cou-
plers and scaffolding tubes will need to be adjusted
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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
● Suspension point 30 cm beneath the concrete edge
● Formwork overlap 10 cm
b = 7.8 cm
20 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
The length of the scaffolding tubes used will depend on the centre-to-
centre spacing of the brackets.
H Screw-on couplers 48mm 50 (x6)
I Swivel couplers 48mm (x2)
J Scaffolding tubes 48.3mm (x4)
999715002 - 08/2011 21
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
9715-246-01 D C
22 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Anchoring systems
Minimum wall thickness
Stop-anchor 15.0 40cm 47 cm
Stop-anchor 15.0 16cm 23 cm
Stop-anchor 15.0 11.5cm 19 cm
It is also possible to use a pigtail anchor for a position-
ing point / suspension point in the floor-slab, instead of
a stop-anchor.
999715002 - 08/2011 23
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
☞ Cones and accessories are also available for a Positioning cones 15.0 5cm are supplied together with
2 cm depth of concrete cover. Sealing sleeves 15.0 5cm. Every time the positioning
The articles in question are: cones are re-used, fit them with new sealing sleeves
● Suspension cone 15.0 Art.n° 581970000
● Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 Art.n°
581698000 If the positioning-point is located too close to a
Doka beam, a board can be nailed to this and
● Positioning cone 15.0 Art.n° 581960000
the adjoining beam to provide a support surface
● Sealing sleeve 15.0 Art.n° 581989000 for the Super-plate.
● Sealing sleeve S 15.0 Art.n° 581696000
These suspension points are prepared in a sim-
ilar way to the instructions given for the Sus-
pension cone 15.0/5cm.
However, special care must be taken to
ensure that components for different
depths of concrete cover are kept strictly
separate (see warnings above)!
Tools needed:
● Reversible ratchet 1/2"
● Positioning-cone spanner 15.0 DK
24 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
a ... 1 cm
A Stop-anchor 15.0 or Pigtail anchor 15.0
C Cantilever positioning cone 15.0 5cm
D Sealing sleeve S 15.0 5cm
E Depth mark
I Fixing plate 15.0
☞ Important note:
It is not permitted to use the Fixing plate 15.0
more than once in the same position, as it can- 9775-226-02
not be fixed firmly and securely in the old nail- C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
How to mount: ➤ Screw in Suspension cone 15.0 until fully engaged,
➤ Nail a Cantilever positioning cone to the form-ply and tighten using Reversible ratchet 1/2".
using a Fixing plate 15.0 (position as shown in
project plan).
➤ Screw the Stop-anchor or pigtail anchor into the
Cantilever positioning cone until fully engaged.
1 cm distance between depth mark and cone.
Note: 9715-252-01
Cantilever positioning cones 15.0 5cm are supplied I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
together with Sealing sleeves S 15.0 5cm. Every time
the positioning cones are re-used, fit them with new
sealing sleeves first!
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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
a ... 3-4 cm
C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
D Sealing sleeve
F Tie-rod 15.0mm
A Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0
J Super-plate 15.0
C Positioning cone 15.0 5cm
K Universal cone 22mm + Plastic tube 22mm
D Sealing sleeve
F Tie-rod 15.0mm Suspension point
J Super-plate 15.0
A b I
Suspension point
b ... 15 - 16 cm
c b c A Wall anchor 15.0/16cm
a I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
L Hexagon timber screw 10x50 + dowel Ø12
a ... 25 - 70 cm
b... Order length = wall thickness 'a' - 2 x depth of concrete cover 'c'
c ... Depth of concrete cover 5 cm Note:
A Stop-anchor double-ended 15.0 The Wall anchor 15.0/16cm must be ordered under
E Extra reinforcement steel special-article n° 580100000.
I Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
26 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
a ... 25 mm
b ... 115 mm
c ... 35 mm
A Suspension cone 15.0 5cm
B Sealing sleeve 15.0 5cm
C Tie-rod 15.0mm
D Ready-mix mortar
☞ Important note:
➤ Weld a seam onto the Super-plate to join the
nut and the plate. Do this BEFORE screwing
the Super-plate onto the tie-rod.
➤ On the other side of the concrete wall, screw on the
Superplate (now welded together) and secure it with
a screw and dowel so that it cannot be unscrewed.
E Super-plate 15.0
F Dowel, Ø12
G Hexagon timber screw 10x50
H Weld-seam
999715002 - 08/2011 27
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
☞ Safety warning:
The Fair-faced concrete positioning cone may
only be used on suspension points that are
located within a maximum of 80 cm from the top
edge of the concrete. The reason for this
restriction is the reduced load-bearing capacity
of such suspension points, due to the shallower
screw-in depth of the end of the tie-rod nearest The form-tie points and/or suspension points have a
the form-ply. uniform, regular hole-pattern.
28 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Starting up
For instructions on tying and joining the form-
work elements, and on cleaning them and using
concrete release agents, see the User Informa-
tion booklets "Doka large-area formwork
Top50" and "Doka framed formwork Framax
A Positioning point
B Positioning point for wind bracing
999715002 - 08/2011 29
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
30 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
➤ Bolt the vertical Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top 50 ➤ Fasten both the top guard-rail boards to the Univer-
into the Connection shoe K with a Connecting pin sal brackets or Framax brackets.
10 cm, and secure this with a Spring cotter 5mm.
A Folding platform K
B Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50
C Connection shoe K
D Connecting pin 10cm
E Spring cotter 5mm
The panel struts on the folding platform must:
➤ only be positioned in the axis of the bracket
➤ only be fitted into the special connection
sockets, and
➤ only be fixed with star-screws (L) .
Tie-rod 15.0mm is forbidden!
➤ Fix the panel strut in the connection socket of the
folding platform using a star screw.
A Folding platform K
B Connection socket
K Panel strut
L Star screw
999715002 - 08/2011 31
The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
Suspended platform
Preparing the platform decking Striking
➤ Place the deck-boards on trestles. ➤ Take out the form-ties and undo the connectors to
➤ Place platform profiles onto the deck-boards, spaced the adjacent panels.
apart at the centre-distance of the brackets. ➤ Dismount the Super-plate and the threaded rod from
➤ Fasten the platform profiles to the deck-boards with positioning-points where a hole had to be drilled
M 10x70 square bolts. through the form-ply.
➤ Fix planks to the ends of the platforms, and diago- ➤ Tilt back the formwork with the panel strut.
nally between the platform profiles. (2 nails per deck-
A Platform profiles
Items needed:
N° of items
Folding plat- Folding plat-
Item Designation form K form K
3.00m 4.50m
A Suspended platform 120 4.30m 2 3
B Planks and guard-rail boards* -- -- 9715-218-01
The lengthening piece is supplied knocked-down, incl. all necessary
fixing items (except for *). B Lifting bow
* site-provided
32 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category of EN 338.
In Germany, wooden deck-boards must bear the "Ü-
9715-256-03 symbol" mark of conformity.
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
34 999715002 - 08/2011
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Before repositioning
B Lifting bow
B Lifting bow
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Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
36 999715002 - 08/2011
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Tools needed:
● Hammer
● Reversible ratchet 1/2" D
Preparing the adjusting operation
➤ Take the load off the panel strut.
➤ Detach the formwork from the concrete. Height adjustment
➤ Loosen the Waling-to-bracket holders (B) with a ➤ Turn both adjusting spindles.
blow of the hammer.
Length adjustment
➤ Push the formwork to either side.
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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
Resetting by crane
Instructions for safe resetting of the
entire unit
☞ Important note:
● Before lifting: Remove any loose items
from the formwork and platforms
● "Passenger transportation" is forbidden!
● Observe all regulations applying to the oper-
ation of cranes where higher wind speeds
are experienced.
● Angle of inclination β: max. 30°
● Vertical Multi-purpose walings must be ade- A
quately braced against oblique pull (B) .
● Tightening torque of the couplers (C) :
50 Nm
● When using balancing lifting beams, ensure
that these have sufficient load-bearing
● When one climbing unit is lifted and reposi-
tioned, this opens up exposed fall-hazard
locations on the remaining units. These
exposed locations must be made safe by
putting up an access prohibition barrier.
This access prohibition barrier must be fixed
at least 2.0 m before the drop-off edge.
38 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
Initial situation
➤ Any lifting-brackets on the formwork ele-
ments, or Framax lifting hooks, must not
be used for lifting the unit as a whole.
➤ Attach the lifting chain to the Connecting
pin 10cm of the Multipurpose waling.
The suspension methods shown above are only
needed for assembling and dismantling the formwork
elements or panels.
The Fix-De-Fix 3150kg remote uncoupling
system makes it possible to detach slinging
chains by remote-control from ground level.
Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
9715-274-03 tions!
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The Formwork Experts
Assembly instructions User information Climbing formwork K
B Lifting bow
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User information Climbing formwork K Assembly instructions
999715002 - 08/2011 41
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Climbing formwork K
Utilise the benefits of Doka multi-trip packaging Using Doka skeleton transport boxes
on your site. 1.70x0.80m as transport devices
Multi-trip packaging such as containers, stacking pal-
lets and skeleton transport boxes keep everything in Lifting by crane
place on the site, minimise time wasted searching for
parts, and streamline the storage and transport of sys- ➤ Only lift the boxes when their sidewalls are
tem components, small items and accessories. closed!
42 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K General remarks
Doka multi-trip transport box Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as stor-
age units
1.20x0.80m galv.
Max. n° of boxes on top of one another
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!
Tr755-200-04 Tr755-200-05
999715002 - 08/2011 43
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Climbing formwork K
Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m and Using Doka stacking pallets as transport
Storage and transport devices for long items: Lifting by crane
● durable
● stackable ☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
Suitable transport appliances:
the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
● crane part chain 3.20m.
● pallet stacking truck ● Load the items centrically.
● forklift truck ● Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a it cannot slide or tip out.
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley. ● When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-on
castor sets B have been attached, you must
Follow the directions in the "Bolt-on castor set
also follow the directions in these Operating
B" Operating Instructions!
● Spread-angle β max. 30°!
= =
44 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K General remarks
999715002 - 08/2011 45
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K
Doka folding platform K 3.00m 291.5 580442000 Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000
Doka folding platform K 4.50m 444.5 580443000 Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50
Doka-Faltbühne K Galvanised
Timber parts varnished yellow Width-across: 22 mm
Steel parts galvanised
Delivery condition: folded closed
46 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview
Framax wedge clamp 1.5 588152000 Top scaffold bracket L 12.6 587153500
Framax-Spannklemme Betonierkonsole L
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 21 cm Length: 101 cm
Height: 159 cm
999715002 - 08/2011 47
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K
Universal railing shackle 3.0 580478000 Universal tool box 15.0 9.1 580392000
Universal-Geländerbügel Universal-Werkzeugbox 15,0
Galvanised included in scope of supply:
Height: 20 cm (A) Reversible ratchet 1/2" 0.73 580580000
Length: 30 cm
(B) Fork wrench 13/17 0.08 580577000
(C) Fork wrench 22/24 0.22 580587000
Scaffold tube connection 0.27 584375000 (D) Fork wrench 30/32 0.80 580897000
(E) Fork wrench 36/41 1.0 580586000
(F) Ring spanner 17/19 0.27 580590000
Height: 7 cm
(G) Square nut 22 0.31 580589000
(H) Box spanner 41 0.99 580585000
(I) Extension 11cm 1/2" 0.20 580581000
(J) Extension 22cm 1/2" 0.31 580582000
Doka 4-part chain 3.20m 15.0 588620000 (K) Universal joint coupling 0.16 580583000
Doka-Vierstrangkette 3,20m (L) Nut for box spanner 19 1/2" L 0.16 580598000
Follow the directions in the "Operat- (M) Box nut 13 1/2" 0.06 580576000
ing Instructions"!
(N) Box nut 24 1/2" 0.12 580584000
(O) Box nut 30 1/2" 0.20 580575000
(P) Positioning cone spanner 15.0 DK 0.30 580579000
Length: 8 cm
Width-across: 30 mm
Warning sign "No entry" 300x300mm 0.70 581575000 Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.50m 0.72 581821000
Verbotsschild "Zutritt Verboten" 300x300mm Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.75m 1.1 581822000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.00m 1.4 581823000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.25m 1.8 581826000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.50m 2.2 581827000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.75m 2.5 581828000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.00m 2.9 581829000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.50m 3.6 581852000
Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised .....m 1.4 581824000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.50m 0.73 581870000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.75m 1.1 581871000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.00m 1.4 581874000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.25m 1.8 581886000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.50m 2.1 581876000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.75m 2.5 581887000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.00m 2.9 581875000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.50m 3.6 581877000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.00m 4.3 581878000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.50m 5.0 581888000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 4.00m 5.7 581879000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 5.00m 7.2 581880000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 6.00m 8.6 581881000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 7.50m 10.7 581882000
Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated .....m 1.4 581873000
Ankerstab 15,0mm
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The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview
Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm 0.77 581868000 Fair-faced concrete plug 41mm plastic 0.007 581851000
Stop anchor 15.0 16cm 0.83 581997000 Fair-faced concrete plug 41mm concrete 0.05 581848000
Stop anchor 15.0 40cm 1.4 581999000 Sichtbetonstopfen
Sperranker 15,0 Grey
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The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Climbing formwork K
50 999715002 - 08/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Climbing formwork K Component overview
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The Formwork Experts
Doka climbing formwork K turns Folding platforms K +
formwork elements into complete repositioning units
By repositioning a Doka folding platform K plus Doka wall formwork element or panel as a single
unit, you boost your efficiency: You do away with time-wasting and space-consuming interim
storage of the formwork, and save time by grouping operations together in an economical way.
Doka climbing formwork K is available for rental or purchase.
At any of the Doka branches in your region.
Why not give us a call?
Doka international
Certified to Doka GmbH
ISO 9001 Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)7472 605-0, Fax: +43 (0)7472 64430