Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people around
them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal development. Using the
experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal
and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in psychology.
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct an open forum about the self, family and boy-girl relationships and give strategies to cope with problems in those topics.
Unit Two: Aspects of Personal Development
Highest enabling strategy to use in
Performance Learning Competencies Highest thinking skill to assess developing the Highest thinking skill
Standards (for the to assess
Content Quarter) Assessment Technique
The Learners The learner: Classification GENERAL
The learners shall be Level WW QA PC STRATEGY
demonstrate an STRATEGY
able to:
understanding of:
1. Discuss that understanding
stress and its sources
during adolescence may
Stress and its K Und Representation
help in identifying ways to
sources; various
Appraise one’s present cope and have a healthful
1. Coping with stress responses; Awarene Interactive
relationships and make life. Journal
stress in the and coping ss of Discussion
plans for building 2. Identify sources of one’s writing
middle and late strategies for Stressors
responsible future stress and illustrate the #6
adolescence healthful living in K Und p. 66 Representation Book Activities
relationships. effect of stress on one’s
middle and late
3. Demonstrate personal ways
of coping with stress for D Crea Problem Solving
healthful living.
4. Discuss that understanding
the left and right brain may
K Und Representation
help in improving one’s
The whole brain Mind-
theory, or two mapping Interactive
5. Explore two types of mind-
hemispheres of the exercise Discussion
Identify the different mapping techniques, each Journal
2. The powers of brain: artistic p. 57
roles of leaders and suited to right brain- or left K Und writing Representation
the mind (right-brain Book Activities
followers in society. brain-dominant thinking #5
dominant) and Critical
linear (left-brain Thinking Video Clips
6. Make a plan to improve
dominant). p. 58
learning using left and right
D Crea Problem Solving
brain through mind-
mapping activities.
7. Interpret the concepts of
mental health and
psychological well-being in
everyday observations U App Connections
about mental health
Identify the firm and problems during Interactive
3. Mental health The concepts about adolescence.
gentle sides of family Discussion
and well-being mental health and 8. Identify his/her own Journal
care that affect a K Und Representation
in middle and well-being in writing
person’s development vulnerabilities. Book Activities
late middle and late 9. Make a mind map on ways #8
during middle and late
adolescence adolescence. of achieving psychological D Crea Problem Solving
adolescence. Video Clips
10. Create a plan to stay
mentally healthy during D Crea Problem Solving
11. Discuss that understanding Journal
the intensity and writing
differentiation of emotions #7
K Und Representation
The different types Identify ways to may help in Interactive
4. Emotional of emotions and communicate and communicating emotional Emotion Discussion
intelligence how they are manage emotions in a expressions. ally
expressed. healthy manner. 12. Explore one’s positive and Intellige Book Activities
negative emotions and how nt
K Und Representation
one expresses or hides Person
them. p. 81
13. Demonstrate and create
ways to manage various D Crea Problem Solving
Performance Task: Conduct an open forum about the self, family and boy-girl relationships and give strategies to cope with problems in those topics.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education – Region X
Division of Valencia City
SY 2019 – 2020
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant
people around them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in
personal development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development.
Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in psychology.
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant
people around them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in
personal development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development.
Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in psychology.