Credit Transactions Reviewer
Credit Transactions Reviewer
Credit Transactions Reviewer
CREDIT TRANSACTIONS LOAN (Articles 1933 – 1961)
All transactions involving the
purchase or loan of goods, services, A contract wherein one of the
or money in the present with a parties delivers to another, either
promise to pay or deliver in the something not consumable so that
future the latter may use the same for a
certain time and return it or money
Contracts of security or other consumable thing, upon the
Types: condition that the same amount of
1. Secured transactions or contracts of the same kind and quality shall be
real security - supported by a paid. (Art 1933)
collateral or an encumbrance of
property Characteristics:
2. Unsecured transactions or contracts 1. Real Contract – delivery of the thing
of personal security - supported only loaned is necessary for the
by a promise or personal perfection of the contract
commitment of another such as a NOTE: An accepted promise to make
guarantor or surety a future loan is a consensual
contract, and therefore binding upon
Security the parties but it is only after
Something given, deposited, or delivery, will the real contract of
serving as a means to ensure loan arise. (Art 1934)
fulfilment or enforcement of an
obligation or of protecting some 2. Unilateral Contract - once the
interest in property subject matter has been delivered,
Types of Security it creates obligations on the part of
a. personal – when an individual only one of the parties (i.e.
becomes surety or guarantor borrower).
b. real or property – when a
mortgage, pledge, antichresis, Kinds:
charge or lien or other device 1. Commodatum – when the bailor
used to have property held, out (lender) delivers to the bailee
of which the person to be made (borrower) a non-consumable thing
secure can be compensated for so that the latter may use it for a
loss certain time and return the identical
Bailment Kinds of commodatum:
The delivery of property of one a. Ordinary Commodatum – use by
person to another in trust for a the borrower of the thing is for a
specific purpose, with a contract, certain period of time
express or implied, that the trust b. Precarium - one whereby the
shall be faithfully executed and the bailor may demand the thing
property returned or duly accounted loaned at will and it exists in the
for when the special purpose is following cases:
accomplished or kept until the bailor i. neither the duration nor
claims it. purpose of the contract is
Parties: ii. the use of the thing is
1. bailor - the giver; one who delivers merely tolerated by the
property owner
2. bailee- the recipient; one who
receives the custody or possession of
the thing thus delivered
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma. Rhodora
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease), John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony Purganan(LTD),
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
3. Relationship Relationship is that
If the above requisites concur, between the parties of a landlord and
the bailee has the right of is that of obligor- tenant
retention for damages. obligee
The bailor cannot exempt
himself from the payment of 4. Creditor receives Owner of the
expenses or damages by payment for his loan property rented
abandoning the thing to the
compensation or
bailee. price either in
money, provisions,
SIMPLE LOAN OR MUTUUM (Art 1953 – chattels, or labor
A contract whereby one party from the occupant
delivers to another, money or other thereof in return for
consumable thing with the its use (Tolentino vs
understanding that the same amount Gonzales, 50 Phil 558
of the same kind and quality shall be
paid. (Art. 1953)
Loan Sale
1. Real contract Consensual contract
The mere issuance of the checks
does not result in the perfection of 2. Generally Bilateral and
the contract of loan. The Civil Code unilateral because reciprocal
provides that the delivery of bills of only borrower has
exchange and mercantile obligations
documents, such as checks, shall
produce the effect of payment only NOTE: If the property is “sold”, but the
when they have been encashed real intent is only to give the object as
(Gerales vs. CA 218 SCRA 638). It is security for a debt – as when the “price”
only after the checks have produced is comparatively small – there really is a
the effect of payment that the contract of loan with an “equitable
contract of loan may be deemed mortgage.”
The obligation is “to pay” and not to Barter
return because the consumption of
the thing loaned is the distinguishing 1. Subject matter is Subject matter is
character of the contract of mutuum money or fungible non-fungible, (non
from that of commodatum. things consumable) things
No estafa is committed by a person
who refuses to pay his debt or denies 2. In commodatum, The thing with
its existence. the bailee is bound equivalent value is
to return the given in return for
identical thing what has been
Simple Loan/Mutuum Rent borrowed when the received
time has expired or
1. Delivery of money Delivery of some non- purpose served
or some consumable consumable thing in
thing with a promise order that the other 3. Mutuum may be Onerous, actually a
to pay an equivalent may use it during a gratuitous and mutual sale
of the same kind and certain period and commodatum is
quality return it to the always gratuitous
the right of any third person 4. If the thing deposited should earn
who acquired the thing in interest (Art 1975):
good faith (Art 1971) a. to collect interest and the
capital itself as it fall due
Time of return: b. to take steps to preserve its
a. Upon demand even though a value and rights corresponding to
specified period or time for such it
return may have been fixed 5. Not to commingle things deposited if
except when the thing is so stipulated (Art 1976)
judicially attached while in the 6. Not to make use of the thing
depositary’s possession or should deposited unless authorized (Art
he have been notified of the 1977)
opposition of a third person to GENERAL RULE: Deposit is for
the return or the removal of the safekeeping of the subject matter
thing deposited. (Art 1998) and not for use. The unauthorized
b. If deposit gratuitous, the use by the depositary would make
depositary may return the thing him liable for damages.
deposited notwithstanding that a EXCEPTIONS:
period has been fixed for the 1. When the preservation of the
deposit if justifiable reasons thing deposited requires its use
exists for its return. 2. When authorized by the
c. If the deposit is for a depositor
valuable consideration, the
depositary has no right to return NOTE: The permission to use is NOT
the thing deposited before the presumed except when such use is
expiration of the time necessary for the preservation of the
designated even if he should thing deposited.
suffer inconvenience as a
consequence.(Art 1989) Effect if permission to use is given
(Art 1978):
What to return: product, 1. If thing deposited is
accessories, and accessions of non-consumable, the contract
the thing deposited (Art 1983) loses the character of a deposit
3. Not to deposit the thing with a third and acquires that of a
person unless authorized by express commodatum despite the fact
stipulation (Art 1973) that the parties may have
denominated it as a deposit,
The depositor is liable for the
unless safekeeping is still the
loss of the thing deposited under
principal purpose.
Article 1973 if:
2. If thing deposited consists of
a. he
money/consumable things, the
transfers the deposit with a third
contract is converted into a
person without authority
simple loan or mutuum unless
although there is no negligence
safekeeping is still the principal
on his part and the third person;
purpose in which case it is called
b. he
an irregular deposit. Example:
deposits the thing with a third
bank deposits are irregular
person who is manifestly careless
deposits in nature but governed
or unfit although authorized
by law on loans.
even in the absence of
7. When the thing deposited is
negligence; or
delivered sealed and closed :
c. the thing
a. to return the thing deposited in
is lost through the negligence of
the same condition
his employees whether the latter
b. to pay for damages should the
are manifestly careless or not.
seal or lock be broken through
guarantees the fulfilment of the rather than the first should perform
principal obligation. (Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. CA,
b. Real - the guaranty is the 348 SCRA 450)
property, movable or NOTES:
immovable. The reference in Article 2047 to
solidary obligations does not mean
that suretyship is withdrawn from
the applicable provisions governing
guaranty. A surety is almost the
2. As to its Origin same as a solidary debtor, except
a. Conventional - agreed upon by that he himself is a principal debtor.
the parties.
b. Legal - one imposed by virtue of
In suretyship, there is but one
contract, and the surety is bound by
a provision of a law.
the same agreement which binds the
c. Judicial - one which is required
principal. A surety is usually bound
by a court to guarantee the
with the principal by the same
eventual right of one of the
instrument, executed at the same
parties in a case.
time and upon the same
3. As to Consideration
consideration (Palmares vs CA, 288
a. Gratuitous - the guarantor does
SCRA 422)
not receive any price or
remuneration for acting as such. It is not for the obligee to see to it
b. Onerous - the guarantor receives that the principal debtor pays the
valuable consideration. debt or fulfill the contract, but for
4. As to the Person guaranteed the surety to see to it that the
a. Single - one constituted solely to principal debtor pays or performs
guarantee or secure (Paramount Insurance Corp vs CA,
performance by the debtor of 310 SCRA 377)
the principal obligation.
b. Double or sub-guaranty - one Nature of Surety’s undertaking:
constituted to secure the 1. Liability is contractual and
fulfilment by the guarantor of a accessory but direct
prior guaranty. NOTE: He directly, primarily and
5. As to Scope and Extent equally binds himself with the
a. Definite - the guaranty is limited principal as original promisor,
to the principal obligation only, although he possesses no direct or
or to a specific portion thereof. personal interest over the latter’s
b. Indefinite or simple - one which obligation, nor does he receive any
not only includes the principal benefits therefrom. (PNB vs CA, 198
obligation but also all its SCRA 767)
accessories including judicial 2. Liability limited by the terms of the
costs contract.
NOTE: It cannot be extended by
SURETYSHIP implication beyond the terms of the
contract (PNB vs CA, 198 SCRA 767)
A contract whereby a person (surety) 3. Liability arises only if principal
binds himself solidarily with the debtor is held liable.
principal debtor NOTES:
A relation which exists where one The creditor may sue separately
person (principal) has undertaken an or together the principal debtor
obligation and another person and the surety. Where there are
(surety) is also under a direct and several sureties, the obligee may
primary obligation or other duty to proceed against any one of
the obligee, who is entitled to but them.
one performance, and as between In the absence of collusion, the
the two who are bound, the second surety is bound by a judgment
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma. Rhodora
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease), John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony Purganan(LTD),
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
Antichresis Real Mortgage
1. Property is 1. Debtor usually
The parties, however, may agree on
delivered to creditor retains possession of an extrajudicial foreclosure in the
the property same manner as they are allowed in
2. Creditor acquires 2. Creditor does not contracts of mortgage and pledge
only the right to have any right to (Tavera vs. El Hogar Filipino, Inc.,
receive the fruits of receive the fruits; 68 Phil 712).
the property, hence, but the mortgage A stipulation authorizing the
it does not produce a creates a real right
real right over the property
antichretic creditor to appropriate
3. The creditor, 3. The creditor has the property upon the non-payment
unless there is no such obligation of the debt within the agreed period
stipulation to the is void (Art 2088).
contrary, is obliged
to pay the taxes and CHATTEL MORTGAGE
charges upon the (Articles 2140-2141)
4. It is expressly 4. There is no such A contract by virtue of which
stipulated that the obligation on part of
creditor given mortgagee
personal property is recorded in the
possession of the Chattel Mortgage Register as a
property shall apply security for the performance of an
all the fruits thereof obligation (Art 2140).
to the payment of
interest, if owing, Characteristics
and thereafter to the
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma. Rhodora
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease), John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony Purganan(LTD),
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
NOTE: Where the debtor refuses to GENERAL RULE: Debtor is liable with
yield the property, the creditor’s all his property, present and future, for
remedy is to institute an action the fulfilment of his obligations. (Art
either to effect judicial foreclosure 2236)
directly or to secure possession
(REPLEVIN) as a preliminary to the EXEMPT PROPERTY:
sale contemplated in Section 14 or 1. Present property – those
Act. No. 1508 provided under Arts. 155 and 205
of the Family Code, Sec. 13,
CONCURRENCE AND PREFERENCE OF Rule 39 of the Rules of Court,
CREDITS (Articles 2236 – 2251) and Sec. 118 of the Public Land
Concurrence of Credits 2. Future property – a debtor who
Possession by two or more creditors obtains a discharge from his
of equal rights or privileges over the debts on account of his
same property or all of the property insolvency, is not liable for the
of the debtor unsatisfied claims of his
creditors with said property
Preference of Credits subject to certain exceptions
Right held by a creditor to be expressly provided by law. (Secs.
preferred in the payment of his 68, 69, The Insolvency Law [Act
claim above others out of the No. 1956])
debtor’s assets. 3. Property under legal custody and
those owned by municipal
NOTES: corporations necessary for
The rules on preference of credits governmental purposes
apply only when two or more
creditors have separate and distinct General Categories of Credit:
claims against the same debtor who 1. Special Preferred Credits - those
has insufficient property. listed in Arts. 2241 and 2242 shall be
considered as mortgages and pledges of
Preference creates no lien on real or personal property or liens (Art.
property, and, therefore, gives no
2243). Hence, they are not included in
interest in property, specific or
the insolvent debtor's assets.
general, to the preferred creditor
but a preference in application of
the proceeds after the sale. (Molina
vs. Somes, 31 Phil. 76) Arts. 2241 and 2242 do not give the
order of preference or priority of
The preferential right of credit payment. They merely enumerate
attains significance only after the
the credits which enjoy preference
properties of the debtor have been
with respect to specific movables or
inventoried and liquidated, and the
immovables. With respect to the
claims held by his various creditors
same specific movables or
have been established. (DBP vs.
immovables, creditors, with the
NLRC, 183 SCRA 328)
exception of the State (No. 1),
merely concur.
Preference of Lien
Credit They only find application when
Applies only to Creates a charge there is a concurrence of credits,
claims which do on a particular i.e., when the same specific
not attach to property property of the debtor is subjected
specific to the claims of several creditors and
properties the value of such property is
insufficient to pay in full all the
Liability of debtor’s property for his creditors. In such a situation, the
obligations question of preference will arise.
Refectionary Credit
Indebtedness incurred in the repair
or reconstruction of something
previously made, such repair or
reconstruction being made necessary
by the deterioration or destruction
of the thing as it formerly existed.
The pro-rata rule does not apply to
credits annotated in the Registry of
Property by virtue of a judicial
of dates.