Software Requirement Specification Page No:1
Software Requirement Specification Page No:1
Software Requirement Specification Page No:1
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 References
2. Overall description
2.1 Product functions
2.2 User characteristics
2.3 Assumptions and dependencies
3. Specific requirements
3.1 External interface requirements (Non-functional requirements)
3.1.1 User interfaces
3.1.2 Hardware interfaces
3.1.3 Software interfaces
3.1.4 Communications interfaces
3.2 Functional requirements
3.2.1 Validation to be perform
3.2.2 New user registration
3.2.3 Conduct test
3.2.4 User details and performance
4. Hardware requirements
5. Software requirements
[1] Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The “Quizia” is a Desktop application that provides facility to
graduating/learning student. It provides a competitive platform, where a student
not only judges their knowledge/skill but also they can improve their
knowledge/skill at the same time. Quzia can take test of a candidate at same time
and display score card.
1.2 Scope
The main objective of this project is to conduct test which will help them to
become self paced learners and to make them aware of examination pattern.Some of
the aim of the project includes:-
1. Help students to go beyond their normal curriculum and learn about various other
aspects which are apart from academic education.
3. To provide an environment where students not only can learn but also analyze their
performance simultaneously.
4.To train the students to work within time limit with constraints.
1.3 References
IEEE Std 830-1998(Revision of IEEE Std 830-1993)
IEEE Std 828-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management
IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering
IEEE Std 730-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans.
R. Pressman 5E, reference book
Sources of input:
Login box
Input Unit of Measure Valid Range
User ID Varchar 50
Password Varchar 6-15
Operations that need to be performed on Input Data
Operations Validity Check on Input Intermediate Data produced
Capturing/Record User ID and Password are Login details
input in the matched, No filed is left
textbox blank
Quiz page will open with additional options.
Input Unit of Measure Valid Range
Student name Character 50
Student Roll_No. Character 25
(As on id card)
Department Character 25
Operations that need to be performed on Input Data
Operations Validity Check on Input Intermediate Data produced
Capturing/Record No any filed is left blank
input in the
After entering all the appropriate details of student it will be validated and
added to database for future use. From onwards he/she can login to give test in this
Test Now
Input Unit of Measure Valid Range
After successful submission the marks sheet will be evaluated and result will
be displayed with all its details.
Sources of input:
Operations that need to be performed on Input Data
Operations Validity Check on Input Intermediate Data produced
Capturing ID in ID will be matched with Students details
the textboxes the database
Input Unit of Measure Valid Range
Student Roll_no Character 13 digit
Student name Character 20
Department Character 5
Category test Character --
Score Integer --