CO PO Mapping Theory
CO PO Mapping Theory
CO PO Mapping Theory
Class: B.E. V Semester ‘A’&’B’ Sec Sub.Name: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Course Objectives
Blooms Taxonomy
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6
1. Our graduates will have the knowledge of mathematics, logic, probability and statistics, computer
science and engineering, and the skill to apply them in the fields of computer software and hard-
ware. (K3)
2. Our graduates will have the knowledge and skill to identify, formulate, and solve hardware and
software problems using sound computer science principles. (K4)
3. Our graduates will have the skill to design and conduct experiments, organize, analyze, and inter-
pret data. (K5)
4. Our graduates will have the skill to design and construct hardware and software systems, com-
ponents, or processes as per needs and specifications. (K4)
5. Our graduates will have the interpersonal and communication skills to function as team players
on multidisciplinary teams.
6. Our graduates will be able to use the techniques, skills, and modern hardware and software tools
necessary for computer engineering practice. (K3)
7. Our graduates will demonstrate knowledge related to social, ethical, legal, economical, health and
safety, sustainability and environmental dimensions.
8. Our graduates will be able to effectively communicate technical information in speech, presenta-
tion, and in writing.
9. Our graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues in the practice of their profession.
10. Our graduates will develop confidence for self learning and ability for life-long learning.
11. Our graduates will participate and succeed in competitive examinations such as GATE, IES,
12. Our graduates are trained to enhance their managerial skills, leadership quality and entrepreneur-
ial spirit.
Exams: Three Unit Assessment Tests during the term, assignments and final University exams.
1 2 3 4
Assessment 1 X
Assessment 2 X X
Assessment 3 X
Assignment X X X