Soil Slope Stability Analysis: 6, Chapter 13 J
Soil Slope Stability Analysis: 6, Chapter 13 J
Soil Slope Stability Analysis: 6, Chapter 13 J
nalyses of slopes can be divided into two cat- ities, are described in Chapter 15. Techniques for
A egories: those used to evaluate the stability of
slopes and those used to estimate slope movement.
evaluating rock strength are discussed in Chapter
14, and those for evaluating soil strength are dis-
Although stability and movement are closely re- cussed in Chapter.12.
lated, two different and distinct types of analyses Limit equilibrium and finite-element analyses
are almost always used to evaluate them. are described in subsequent sections of this chap-
ter. Methods that are useful for practical purposes
are emphasized, and their uses are illustrated by
Stability of slopes is usually analyzed by methods
of limit equilibrium. These analyses require infor- 2.MECHANICS OF LIMIT EQUILIBRIUM
mation about the strength of the soil, but do not ANALYSES
require information about its stress-strain behav-
ior. They provide no information about the In limit equilibrium techniques, slope stability is
magnitude of movements of the slope. analyzed by first computing the factor of safety.
Movements of slopes are usually analyzed by the This value must be determined for the surface that
finite-element method. Understanding the stress- is most likely to fail by sliding, the so-called criti-
strain behavior of the soils is required for these cal slip surface. Iterative procedures are used, each
analyses, and information regarding the strengths of involving the selection of a potential sliding mass,
the soils may also be required. Although these subdivision of this mass into a series of slices, and
methods define movements and stresses through- consideration of the equilibrium of each of these
out the slope, they do not provide a direct measure slices by one of several possible computational
of stability, such as the factor of safety calculated by methods. These methods have varying degrees of
limit equilibrium analyses. computational accuracy depending on the suit-
The focus in this chapter is on soil slopes and ability of the underlying simplifying assumptions
mechanisms involving shear failure within the soil for the situation being analyzed.
mass. The methods described are applicable to
landslides in weak rocks, where the location of the 2.1 Factor of Safety
rupture surface is not controlled by existing discon-
tinuities within the mass (see also Chapter 21). The factor of safety is defined as the ratio of the
Analyses of slopes in strong rock, where instability shear strength divided by the shear stress required
mechanisms are controlled by existing discontinu- for equilibrium of the slope:
338 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
isfied for each and every slice, it is also satisfied for FIGURE 13-2
the entire mass. The forces on a slice are shown in Forces on slice i.
Figure 13-2.
The number of equations of equilibrium avail-
able depends on the number of slices (N) and the
number of equilibrium conditions that are used. As
shown in Table 134, the number of equations
available is 2N if only force equilibrium is to be sat-
isfied and 3N if both force and moment equilibria
are to be satisfied. If only force equilibrium is sat-
isfied, the number of unknowns is 3N - 1. If both
force and moment equilibria are satisfied, the num-
ber of unknowns is 5N - 2. In the special case in
which N = 1, the problem is statically determinate,
and the number of equilibrium equations is equal to
the number of unknowns. To represent a slip
surface with realistic shapes, it is usually necessary
to use 10 to 40 slices, and the number of unknowns
therefore exceeds the number of equations. The
excess of unknowns over equations is N - 1 for
force equilibrium analyses and 2N - 2 for analyses
that satisfy all conditions of equilibrium. Thus,
such problems are statically indeterminate, and Different methods use different assumptions to
assumptions are required to make up the imbal- make up the balance between equations and
ance between equations and unknowns. unknowns, and
Some methods, such as the ordinary method of
slices (Fellenius 1927) and Bishop's modified
2.3 Characteristics of Methods
method (Bishop 1955), do not satisfy all condi-
The various methods of limit equilibrium analysis tions of equilibrium or even the conditions of
differ from each other in two regards: force equilibrium.
Table 13-1
Equations and Unknowns in Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Slope Stability
Methods That Satisfy Only Force Equilibrium
N = horizontal equilibrium N = normal forces on bases of slices
N = vertical equilibrium N - 1 = side forces
N - 1 = side force angles, 9
1 = factor of safety
2N total equations 3N - 1 total unknowns
Methods That Satisfy Both Force and Moment Equilibria
These methods therefore involve fewer equations solve for the factor of safety without using
and unknowns than those shown in Table 13-1. assumptions. The computational accuracy involves
The characteristics of various practically used only the accuracy with which the shear stress
methods with regard to the conditions of equilib- required for equilibrium (t) and the normal stress
rium that they satisfy, the assumptions they involve, can be evaluated. Computational accuracy is
and their computational accuracies are summa- thus distinct from overall accuracy, which in-
rized in Table 13-2. volves also the accuracy with which site condi-
tions and shear strengths can be evaluated. By
separating issues that determine computational
2.4 Computational Accuracy accuracy from the other issues, it is possible to
answer the following important questions:
"Computational accuracy" here refers to the in-
herent accuracy with which the various methods Do any of the various limit equilibrium meth-
handle the mechanics of slope stability and the ods provide accurate values of F, and
limitations on accuracy that result from the fact How are the values of F affected by the assump-
that the equations of equilibrium are too few to tions involved in the various methods?
Table 13-2
Characteristics of Commonly Used Methods of Limit Equilibrium Analysis for Slope Stability
Ordinary method of Factors of safety low—very inaccurate for flat slopes with high pore pressures; only for circular slip surfaces;
slices (Fellenius 1927) assumes that normal force on the base of each slice is W cos a; one equation (moment equilibrium of entire
mass), one unknown (factor of safety)
Bishop's modified Accurate method; only for circular slip surfaces; satisfies vertical equilibrium and overall moment equilibrium;
method (Bishop 1955) assumes side forces on slices are horizontal; N+1 equations and unknowns
Force equilibrium Satisfy force equilibrium; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assume side force inclinations, which may be
methods (Section 6.13) the same for all slices or may vary from slice to slice; small side force inclinations result in values of F less
than calculated using methods that satisfy all conditions of equilibrium; large inclinations result in values ofF
higher than calculated using methods that satisfy all conditions of equilibrium; 2N equations and unknowns
Janbu's simplified Force equilibrium method; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes side forces are horizontal (same for
method (Janbu 1968) all slices); factors of safety are usually considerably lower than calculated using methods that satisfy all
conditions of equilibrium; 2N equations and unknowns
Modified Swedish Force equilibrium method, applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes side force inclinations are equal to
method (U.S. Army the inclination of the slope (same for all slices); factors of safety are often considerably higher than calculated
Corps of Engineers 1970) using methods that satisfy all conditions of equilibrium; 2N equations and unknowns
Lowe and Karaftath's Generally most accurate of the force equilibrium methods; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes side
method (Lowe and force inclinations are average of slope surface and slip surface (varying from slice to slice); satisfies vertical
Karafiath 1960) and horizontal force equilibrium; 2N equations and unknowns
Janbu's generalized Satisfies all conditions of equilibrium; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes heights of side forces
procedure of slices above base of slice (varying from slice to slice); more frequent numerical convergence problems than some
(Janbu 1968) other methods; accurate method; 3N equations and unknowns
Spencer's method Satisfies all conditions of equilibrium; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes that inclinations of side
(Spencer 1967) forces are the same for every slice; side force inclination is calculated in the process of solution so that all
conditions of equilibrium are satisfied; accurate method; 3N equations and unknowns
Morgenstem and Satisfies all conditions of equilibrium; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes that inclinations of side
Price's method forces follow a prescribed pattern, called f(x); side force inclinations can be the same or can vary from slice to
(Morgenstem and slice; side force inclinations are calculated in the process of solution so that all conditions of equilibrium are
Price 1965) satisfied; accurate method; 3N equations and unknowns
Sarma's method Satisfies all conditions of equilibrium; applicable to any shape of slip surface; assumes that magnitudes of
(Sarma 1973) vertical side forces follow prescribed patterns; calculates horizontal acceleration for barely stable equilibrium;
by prefactoring strengths and iterating to find the value of the prefactor that results in zero horizontal
acceleration for barely stable equilibrium, the value of the conventional factor of safety can be determined;
3N equations, 3N unknowns
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 341
Studies of computational accuracy have shown under conditions involving high pore pressures.
the following: Bishop's modified method, only slightly more
time-consuming than the ordinary method of
If the method of analysis satisfies all conditions slices, is as accurate as the methods that satisfy all
of equilibrium, the factor of safety will be accu- conditions of equilibrium.
rate within ±6 percent. This conclusion is based Charts provide a simple and effective means of
on the finding that factors of safety calculated checking slope stability analyses. Although approx-
using methods that satisfy all conditions of equi- imations and simplifications are always necessary
librium never differ by more than 12 percent when charts are used, it is usually possible to calcu-
from each other or ±6 percent from a central late the factor of safety with sufficient accuracy to
value as long as the methods involve reasonable afford a useful check on the results of more detailed
assumptions. The methods of Morgenstem and analyses. It is also useful to perform chart analyses
Price(1965), Spencer(1967), and Sarma(1973) before detailed computer analyses in order to get
and the generalized procedure of slices (GPS) the best possible understanding of the problem.
(Janbu 1968) satisfy all conditions of equilib- When analyses are performed using noncircular
rium and involve reasonable assumptions. slip surfaces, the results can be checked by hand
Studies have shown that values of F calculated for the critical slip surface using force equilib-
using these methods differ by no more than 6 rium analyses. If Spencer's method is used for the
percent from values calculated using the log spi- computer analyses, the results for the critical slip
ral method and the finite-element method, surface can be checked by hand using force equilib-
which satisfy all conditions of equilibrium but rium analyses with the same side force inclina-
are not methods of slices. tion. If Morgenstem and Price's method or Janbu's
Bishop's modified method is a special case. GPS is used for the computer analyses, the force
Although it does not satisfy all conditions of equilibrium hand calculations can be performed
equilibrium, it is as accurate as methods that do. using an average side force inclination determined
It is limited to circular slip surfaces. from the computer analyses.
No matter what method of analysis is used, it is Another means of checking computer analyses
essential to perform a thorough search for the of slope stability is to perform independent analy-
critical slip surface to ensure that the minimum ses using another computer program and com-
factor of safety has been calculated. pletely separate input. It is always desirable to
have a different person perform the check analyses
to make them as independent as possible.
2.5 Checking Accuracy of Analyses
drainage conditions in the various soils that form In effective stress analyses the shear strength of
the slope. A rational way of making this determi- the soil is related to the effective normal stress on
nation is to calculate the value of the dimension- the potential slip surface by means of effective
less time factor T using the following equation: stress shear strength parameters. Pore pressures
within the soil must be known and are part of the
T D (13.3) information required for analysis.
In total stress analyses the shear strength of the
soil is related to the total normal stress on the
T = dimensionless time factor, potential slip surface by means of total stress
C,, = coefficient of consolidation (length shear strength parameters. Pore pressures within
squared per unit of time), the soil mass need not be known and are not
= time for drainage to occur (units of time), and required as input for analysis.
D = length of drainage path (units of length).
In principle, it is always possible to analyze stabil-
D is the distance water would have to flow to drain
ity by using effective stress methods because the
from the soil zone. Usually D is defined as half the
strengths of soils are governed by effective stresses
thickness of the soil layer or zone. If the soil zone is
under both undrained and drained conditions. In
drained on only one side, D is equal to the thick-
practice, however, it is virtually impossible to deter-
ness of the zone.
mine accurately what excess pore pressures will
If the value ofT is 3.0 or more, the soil zone will
result from changes in external loading on a slope
drain as rapidly as the loads are applied, and the soil
(excavation, fill placement, or change in external
within the zone can be treated as fully drained in
water level). Because the excess pore pressures for
the analysis. If the value of T is 0.01 or less, very lit-
these loading conditions cannot be estimated accu-
tle drainage will occur during the loading period,
rately, it is not possible to perform accurate analy-
and the soil within the zone can be treated as com-
ses of stability for these conditions using effective
pletely undrained in the analysis. If the value of T is
stress procedures.
between 0.01 and 3.0, partial drainage will occur
Total stress analyses for soils that do not drain
during the period of time when the loads are chang-
during the loading period involve a simple princi-
ing. In that case both drained and undrained con-
ple: if an element of soil in the laboratory (a labora-
ditions should be analyzed to bound the problem.
tory test specimen) is subjected to the same changes
For normal rates of loading, involving weeks or
in stress under undrained conditions as an element
months, soils with permeabilities greater than 10
of the same soil would experience in the field, the
cm/sec are usually drained, and soils with perme-
same excess pore pressures will develop. Thus, if the
abilities less than 10 cm/sec are usually undrained.
total stresses in the laboratory and the field are the
Silts, which have permeabilities between 10 and
same, the effective stresses will also be the same.
10 cm/sec, are often partially drained.
Because soil strength is controlled by effective
If instability in a slope is caused by increasing
stresses, the strength measured in laboratory tests
pore-water pressures within the slope, failure
should be the same as the strength in the field if the
occurs under drained conditions by deflnitibn
pore pressures and total stresses are also the same.
because adjustment of internal pore pressures in
Thus, under undrained conditions, strengths can be
equilibrium with the flow boundary conditions is
related to total stresses, obviating the need to spec-
drainage. Changes in internal water pressures are
ify undrained excess pore pressures.
often the cause of instability in natural slopes,
Although the principle outlined in the preced-
where landslides almost always occur during
ing paragraph is reasonably simple, experience has
wet periods. Such problems should be analyzed
shown that many factors influence the pore pres-
as drained conditions.
sures that develop under undrained loading. These
4. TOTAL STRESS AND EFFECTIVE STRESS factors include degree of saturation, density, stress
ANALYSES history of the soil, rate of loading, and the magni-
tudes and orientations of the applied stresses. As a
Stability of slopes can be analyzed using either result, determining total stress-related undrained
effective stress or total stress methods: strengths by means of laboratory or in Situ testing
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 343
is not a simple matter; considerable attention to displacement occurs, eventually reaching a low
detail is required if reliable results are to be residual value. Residual shear strengths should be
achieved. Shear strengths for use in undrained total used to analyze clay slopes in which slope failure by
stress analyses must be measured using test speci- sliding has already occurred (Skempton 1970,
mens and loading conditions that closely duplicate 1977, 1985).
the conditions in the field. Still, using total stress Morgenstem (1992) and others have pointed
procedures for analysis of undrained conditions is Out that drained shear may cause structural col-
more straightforward and more reliable than trying lapse in certain sensitive or structured soils, result-
to predict undrained excess pore pressures for use ing in development of excess pore pressures at a
in effective stress analyses of undrained conditions. rate that is so rapid that drainage cannot occur.
If a slope consists of soils of widely differing per- As a result, it is not possible to mobilize the full
meabilities, it is possible that the more permeable effective stress shearing resistance under drained
soils would be drained whereas the less permeable conditions. These difficult soils (loose sands and
soils would be undrained. In such cases it is logi- sensitive and highly structured clays) deserve spe-
cal and permissible in the same analysis to treat the cial attention (see Chapter 24 for sensitive clays).
drained soils in terms of effective stresses and the For soils that are partly saturated, such as com-
undrained soils in terms of total stresses. pacted clays or naturally occurring clayey soils
from above the water table, undrained strengths
should be measured using unconsolidated-
4.1 Shear Strengths
undrained tests on specimens with the same void
Shear strengths for use in drained effective stress ratio and the same degree of saturation as the soil
analyses can be measured in two ways: in the field. The undrained strength envelope for
such soils is curved, and as a result the values of
In laboratory or field tests in which loads are total stress c and 4 from such tests are not unique.
applied slowly enough so that the soil is drained It is important therefore to use a range of confin-
(there are no excess pore pressures) at failure, or ing pressures in the laboratory tests that corre-
In laboratory tests such as consolidated- sponds to the range of pressures to which the soil
undrained (C-U) laboratory triaxial tests in is subjected in the field and to select values of c
which pore pressures are measured and the and 4 that provide a reasonable representation of
effective stresses at failure can be determined. the strength of the soil in this pressure range. Alter-
natively, with some slope stability computer pro-
Effective stress strength envelopes determined using grams, it is possible to use a nonlinear strength
these two methods have been found to be, for all envelope, represented by a series of points, without
practical purposes, the same (Bishop and Bjerrum reference to c and 4.
1960). For soils that are completely saturated, the un-
Studies by Skempton and his colleagues (Skemp- drained friction angle is zero (4= 0). Undrained
ton197O, 1977, 1985) showed that peak drained strengths for saturated soils can be determined
strengths of stiff, overconsolidated clays determined from unconsolidated-undrained tests or from C-U
in laboratory tests are larger than the drained tests by the Stress History and Normalized Soil
strengths that can be mobilized in the field over a Engineering Properties (SHANSEP) procedure
long period of time. Skempton recommended the (Ladd and Foott 1974).
use of "fully softened" strengths for stiff clays in Unconsolidated-undrained tests are performed
which there has been no previous sliding. The fully on undisturbed test specimens from the field. These
softened strength is measured by remolding the tests define the undrained strength of the soil in the
clay in the laboratory at a water content near the field at the time and location where the samples
liquid limit, reconsolidating it in the laboratory, were obtained, provided that the samples are
and measuring its strength in a normally consoli- undisturbed. Although some procedures provide
dated condition. samples that are called "undisturbed," no sample is
Once sliding has occurred in a clay, the clay par- completely free of disturbance effects. For saturated
ticles become reoriented parallel to the slip surface, clays, these effects usually cause the undrained
and the strength decreases progressively as sliding strengths measured in laboratory tests to be smaller
344 Landslides:_Investigation and Mitigation
than the undrained strength in the field. As a result, conditions must include both earth and water
unconsolidated-undrained triaxial tests usually give forces.
conservative values of undrained strengths. For analyses in terms of effective stress, pore
Ladd and Foott (1974) and others have shown pressures are subtracted from total stresses on the
that the effects of disturbance on undrained base of each slice to determine the values of effec-
strength can be compensated for by consolidating tive stress, to which the soil strengths are related.
clay specimens to higher pressures in the labora- For total stress analyses, it is not necessary to sub-
tory. Because consolidation to higher pressures tract pore pressures because the strengths are
produces higher undrained shear strengths, the related to the total stresses.
strengths measured using C-U tests are not directly Slope stability problems can be correctly for-
applicable to field conditions. Ladd and Foott mulated so that equilibrium is satisfied in terms of
described procedures for determining values of total stresses by using total unit weights and exter-
Sjp (the ratio of undrained strength divided by nal boundary water pressures. Total unit weights
consolidation pressure) from such tests. The are moist unit weights above the water table and
undrained strength in the field is estimated by mul- saturated unit weights below the water table.
tiplying the value of SJp by the field consolidation When water pressures act on submerged external
pressure. The same procedure can be used to esti- slope boundaries, these pressures are a component
mate current undrained strengths (using current of total stress, and they must be included for correct
consolidation pressures) or future undrained evaluation of equilibrium in terms of total stresses.
strengths (using consolidation pressures estimated For hydrostatic (no-flow) water conditions, it is
for some future condition by means of consolida- possible to perform effective stress analyses by
tion analysis). using buoyant unit weights below the water table
C-U tests should not be used to determine val- and ignoring external boundary water pressures
ues of c and 4) from "total stress" Mohr-Coulomb and internal pore pressures. Effective stress analy-
strength envelopes for use in total stress analyses. ses of nonhydrostatic conditions can be performed
This procedure is not valid because the normal in a similar way if seepage forces are also included.
stresses used to plot the Mohr's circles of stress at These procedures are not as straightforward as using
failure are not valid total stresses. These stress cir- total unit weights and boundary water pres-
cles are plotted using the effective stress at the time sures, however. They involve essentially the same
of consolidation plus the deviator stress at failure. amount of effort in calculation for hydrostatic con-
This procedure is not consistent. The method ditions and much more calculation when seepage
described by Ladd and Foott avoids the inconsis- forces have to be evaluated. Thus, these procedures
tencies of this method by relating undrained are not useful except for one purpose. Using buoy-
strengths measured in C-U tests to consolidation ant unit weights and excluding external boundary
pressure without the use of c- and 4)-values. The water pressures and pore pressures for a hydro-
values of undrained strength (Sn), determined as static condition afford a means of checking some
recommended by Ladd and Foott, are combined of the functions of a computer program.
with 4) = 0, the correct undrained friction angle for
saturated materials.
4.2 Unit Weights and Water Pressures The accuracy of charts for slope stability analyses is
usually at least as good as the accuracy with which
The primary requirement in slope stability analy- shear strengths can be evaluated. Chart analyses
ses is to satisfy equilibrium in terms of total stresses. can be accomplished in a few minutes, even when
This is true whether the analysis is an effective shear strengths and unit weights are carefully aver-
stress analysis (in which shear strengths are related aged to achieve the best possible accuracy. Charts
to effective stresses) or a total stress analysis (in thus provide a rapid and potentially very useful
which shear strengths are related to total stresses). means for slope stability analyses. They can be used
In either case total stress is the prime variable in to good advantage to perform preliminary analy-
terms of the fundamental mechanics of the prob- ses, to check detailed analyses, and often to make
lem because a correct evaluation of equilibrium complete analyses.
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 345
5.1 Averaging Slope Profile, Shear rated clays. With 0 = 0 foundation soils, the critical
Strengths, and Unit Weights circle usually goes as deep as possible in the foun-
dation, passing below the toe of the slope. In these
For simplicity, charts are developed for simple ho- cases it is better to approximate the embankment as
mogeneous slopes. To apply them to real condi- a 4> = 0 soil and to use a 4) = 0 chart of the type
tions, it is necessary to approximate the real slope shown in Figure 13-3. The equivalent 4) = 0
with an equivalent simple and homogeneous slope. strength of the embankment soil can be estimated
The most effective method of developing a sim- by calculating the average normal stress on the part
ple slope profile for chart analysis is to begin with of the slip surface within the embankment (one-half
a cross section of the slope drawn to scale. On this the average vertical stress is usually a reasonable
cross section, using judgment, the engineer draws approximation) and determining the correspond-
a geometrically simple slope that approximates the ing shear strength at that point on the shear
real slope as closely as possible. strength envelope for the embankment soil. This
To average the shear strengths for chart analysis, value of strength is treated as a value of S for the
it is useful to know, at least approximately, the lo- embankment, with 4) = 0. The average value of S"is
cation of the critical slip surface. The charts con- then calculated for both the embankment and the
tained in the following sections of this chapter foundation using the same averaging procedure as
provide a means of estimating the position of the described above:
critical circle. Average strength values are calculated
by drawing the critical circle, determined from the E&(SU)I.
(SU (13.6)
charts, on the slope. Then the central angle of arc )avg =
-. - yH
- ---
Toe circles Slope
Deep circles
Slope circles -
Z• d
H.çi H
- DdH - bY
Z 7 -
Firm Base
A157 77,
total unit weight of soil - Deep
- I.-
.15.53 d= 00
70 60
0 ------
50 40 30 20
Slope Angle - 0 (deg)
6 10 co
10 0
4 —
- critical center
X0 =x0H I
1 I I d=0j/:O.5
CO II Key Sketch
0.8 -Toe Circle -- go°..
I I I _0.5 q
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1.0 Firm Base D = dH
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Ratio q/'yH
- 1.0
Key Sketches
0.9 fit
0.8-ToeCircie Hw
CO 0 dH
U.. 0 0.5 1.0 Firm Base
Ratios H/H and H/H
1.0 1.0
___ __
. 0.8-Base Circle --"
Firm Base ° 111
as 01
0.6Toe Circle
0.51 Tension cracks
I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Ratio Hi/H rS1 _I_4H
a —w- 1 S
D = dH Firm Base
0.9 0.5
0.8 0
Li.. 0.6 -Base Circle
"0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Ratio Ht/H
...s WWII
Lenit QtdO+,'h
Tension cracks
LL 0.6
__......__••_•••••=_ I
------- -
----------------- - YO
• I •
I - I
• -
I __ _
• .
I • •
-- •
-- I •
_ ___ WNfliAU••U
-- f~ . • - tan II
I tn II - ----
iwia Ill_- rn
-- • ----
I WI IllI4I • • I •
.._•I• • I IIiIi'4• I S
••• -. •
: I.. •
The correction factors y., jç, y, are given in slope angle = cot B and the value of the dimen-
Figures 13-4 and 13-5. sionless parameter, A. The latter is calculated
using the expression
5.3 Soils with 4) > 0 Ptt4)
CO c (13.13)
In most cases for slopes in soils with 4) > 0, the crit-
ical slip circle passes through the toe of the slope. where c and tan4) are the average values of cohe-
The stability chart shown in Figure 13-6 is based on sion intercept and friction angle. The value of Pe is
the assumption that this is true. The coordinates of defined as
the center of the critical toe circle are shown in the yH+q —y H'
chart on the right side of Figure 13-6. W
Cohesion values, friction angles, and unit
weights are averaged using the procedures de- where H,,,' is the effective average water level in-
scrbed at the beginning of this chapter. The fac- side the slope measured above the toe of the slope
tor of safety is calculated using the expression (in length units), &,,,' is the seepage correction fac-
tor from the lower part of Figure 13-4, and y, H, q,
(13.12) and y are as defined previously.
The value of H ', somewhat difficult to esti-
where N,, is the stability coefficient from the chart mate using judgment, is related to H, the water
on the left-hand side of Figure 13-6 (dimension- level measured below the crest of the slope, as
less), c is the average cohesion intercept (in stress shown in Figure 13-7. When the value of l-1 has
units), and Pd is defined by Equation 13.11. been determined by field measurements or seepage
The values of Nc shown in Figure 13-6 are analyses, the value of H,,,' can be determined using
determined by the value of b = cotangent of the the curve given in Figure 13-7.
H = equivalent constant water level
5.4 Infinite Slope Analyses The factor of safety for infinite slope analyses
can be expressed as
Conditions are sometimes encountered in which a
layer of firm soil or rock lies parallel to the surface of tan4'+B
tan (13.15)
the slope at shallow depth. In such conditions the
slip surface is constrained to parallel the slope, as where
shown in Figure 13-8. When such slip surfaces are
long compared with their depth, they can be ap- A, B = dimensionless stability coefficients given
proximated accurately by infinite slope analyses. in Figure 13-8,
Such analyses ignore the driving force at the upper c' = effective stress strength parameters for
end of the slide mass and the resisting force at the slip surface,
lower end. The resisting force is ordinarily greater, = slope angle,
and infinite slope analyses are therefore somewhat y = unit weight of sliding mass (force per
conservative. length cubed), and
Surface of
D Determine ru from measured Seepage emerging from slope
pore pressures or formulas at right _Yw 1
ru — -- 1+tan13tan4)
® Determine A and B from charts below
®CalculateF=A -- B-s-
tan13 yH
ru = 0
1.0 10
0.1 9
0.8 0.2 8
0.4 2 4-
o..0.3 03
0.2 2
0.1 Stability charts for
A 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 2 3 4 infinite slopes
Slope Ratio b = cot 13 Slope Ratio b = cot 13 (modified from
Duncan et al. 1987).
352 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
H = depth measured vertically from slope 5.5 Soils with 4) = 0 and Strength
surface to slip surface (in length units). Increasing with Depth
The charts shown in Figure 13-8 can be used for The undrained shear strengths of normally con-
effective stress or total stress analyses. For effective solidated clays usually increase with depth. The
stress analyses, the pore pressures along the slip strength profile for this condition can often be ap-
surface are characterized by the dimensionless proximated by a straight line, as shown in Figure
pore-pressure ratio, r, as indicated in Figure 13-8. 13-9. The factor of safety for slopes in such de-
For total stress analyses, c and 4) (total stress shear posits can be expressed as
strength parameters) are used instead of c' and 4)', Cb
F (13.16)
and the value of r is equal to zero. - N y(H+H0 )
Cu = undrained strength
® Calculate M=H0 /H
Use y
buoyant for submerged slope uuuuuuii
280000000 II
Use y = T for no water outside slope
m •••uuu ji1i
Use reduced value of yfor partly 24 ••••uu vsi I
submerged slope: . 22 l••••PiI
• mJ)Iil
Cl) 44 V
10 j
FIGURE 13-9 6
Slope stability charts 4 VONSIFORA
for 4) = 0 and 2
strength increasing 0 .........
with depth (modified 90 60 30 0
from Hunter and (deg)
Schuster 1968).
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 353.
Detailed analyses of slope stability are needed when- Values of h. are measured at the center of the
ever it is necessary to include details of slope config-. slice. Equation 13.18 can be applied to triangular as
uration, soil property zonation, or shape of the slip well as quadrilateral slices.
surface that cannot be represented in chart analyses. The base length I and the base angle a for each
If a computer and slope stability computer program slice are measured on a scale drawing of the slope
are available, detailed analyses can be performed and slip surface. The values of c and 0 for each slice
efficiently, including a thorough search for the crit- correspond to the type of soil at the bottom of the
ical slip surface. If a computer is not available, slice, and slices are drawn so that the base of each
detailed analyses can be performed manually using slice is in only one type of soil. The value of u for
the procedures described in the following section. each slice is the average value at the middle of the
Even when analyses are performed using a com- base. Slices need not be of equal width.
puter, it is good practice to check the factor of safety The quantities in the last two columns (N i and
for the critical slip surface using manual calcula- N2) can be calculated using the tabulated values for
tions. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1970) each slice. These two columns are summed, and the
requires such calculations for the critical slip surface factor of safety is calculated as shown in the bottom
for all important slope stability analyses. right corner of the computation form (Figure 13-11).
For the example shown, the ordinary method of
6.1 Manual Calculations
slices factor of safety is 1.43.
It is convenient to use a tabular computation form
to perform manual calculations of slope stability. 6.1.2 Bishop's Modified Method
Calculations that are well organized are easy to
check. In the following sections, tabular computa- A tabular computation form for Bishop's modified
tion forms are given for the ordinary method of method is shown in Figure 13-13, and calculations
354 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
Slice No. W I a c 4) u N1 N2
FIGURE 13-10 for the example slope shown in Figure 1342 are column (Figure 13-14). Using the resulting values
Tabular computation given in Figure 13-14. The first eight columns in of N2 (the values in the ninth column), the value of
form for
the form are the same as those for the ordinary Fc (the calculated factor of safety) was found to
ordinary method
of slices. method of slices. equal 1.51. When this value was used as F0 , F
The value of the quantity N2 for Bishop's modi- was 1.52. "Xfhen 1.52 was used as the value ofF0 , F
fied method depends on the factor of safety, as shown was also 1.52, indicating that the assumed value
by the expression for N2 at the bottom of the form. was correct and no further iteration was needed.
Because N2 depends on the factor of safety and It can be seen that the value of F calculated
the factor of safety also depends on N2 , it is neces- using Bishop's modified method (1.52) is larger
sary to use repeated trials to calculate the factor of than the value calculated using the ordinary
safety by Bishop's modified method. For this rea- method of slices (1.43), as is usually the case. For
son, four columns are shown for N2, each corre- effective stress analyses with high pore pressures,
sponding to a different value of the assumed factor the difference may be much larger than the 6 per-
of safety, F0. The first value assumed for Fa was 1.43, cent difference in this case, indicating significant
the value calculated using the ordinary method of inaccuracy in the ordinary method of slices for
slices; this value is shown at the top of the ninth effective stress analyses with high pore pressures.
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 355
Slice No. W I a c 4) u N1 N2
112 5.3 -32.0 35.9 0.0 0 -60 191
297 4.9 -22.0 35.9 0.0 0 -111 177
499 4.7 -13.0 35.9 0.0 0 -112 169
726 4.6 -4.0 35.9 0.0 0 -51 165
903 4.6 4.0 35.9 0.0 0 63 165
1,028 4.7 13.0 35.9 0.0 0 231 169
1,003 4.9 22.0 35.9 0.0 0 376 177
818 5.3 32.0 35.9 0.0 0 433 191
587 6.7 43.0 4.8 35.0 0 400 333
128 5.6 55.0 4.8 35.0 0 105 79
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1274 1816
Numerical problems sometimes arise with 6.1.3 Force Equilibrium with Constant FIGURE 13-11
Bishop's modified method. These difficulties arise Side Force Inclination Example
at the top or bottom ends of the slip circle, where
for ordinary
the bases of the slices are steep. '(fhen these numer- The ordinary method of slices and Bishop's modi-
method of slices.
ical problems arise, the value of the factor of safety fied method can only be used to analyze circular slip
calculated by Bishop's modified method may be surfaces. It is useful to have a method that can be
smaller than the value calculated by the ordinary used for manual calculations of noncircular slip
method of slices, rather than larger. When this hap- surfaces in order to check computer analyses or to
pens, it is reasonable to use the F-value determined perform analyses when a computer is not available.
by the ordinary method of slices rather than that A tabular form for force equilibrium analyses with
determined by Bishop's modified method. To check the same side force inclination on every slice is
for these numerical problems, it is useful to calcu- shown in Figure 13-15, and an example of the use
late F by the ordinary method of slices to deter- of this form is shown in Figure 13-16. Figure 13-17
mine whether it is smaller or larger than the value shows the slope analyzed in Figure 13-16, a sand
from Bishop's modified method. embankment on a clay foundation.
Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
FIGURE 13-12
Example slope: sand 4.:
embankment over Trial slip circle
clay foundation.
Soil 1
F = 1.43 calculated \ Slice weight
using the Ordinary - -
\ ,. w=bz(yhi)
Method of Slices
h2 SoiI2
F = 1.52 calculated /
using Bishop's /
Modified Method b
Cl Y
The seven columns in the upper section of the trial. The assumed value of F is the correct value
form contain the same information regarding when ZAE = 0. If more than two trials are needed
the slices as shown in the first seven columns of the to find the correct value of F, as is commonly the
form for the ordinary method of slices and Bishop's case, additional copies of the form are used for
modified method. Note that the assumed value of those calculations.
o is listed at the top of the upper section of the For the example shown in Figure 13-17, the fac-
form. Values of 0 must be assumed for all force tor of safety is 2.44 for 0 = 10 degrees. This is
equilibrium methods. shown by the calculations in Figure 13-16. Other
The calculations for AE, the unbalanced force calculations, not shown, resulted in values of F =
on each slice, involve the five quantities N0 , N1, 1.96 forO = 0, and F = 3.38 forO = 20 degrees. The
N2 , N3, and N4. Expressions for these terms are variation of F with 0 for this example is shown in
given in the lower part of the form. The values of Figure 13-18.
all of these terms depend on the value of the factor It is clear from the results shown in Figure 13-18
of safety, and iteration is therefore needed to eval- that the factor of safety from force equilibrium
uate F. This involves assuming a value for F and solutions varies significantly with the assumed
checking to see if the forces balance. The forces value of 0. In this particular example, the com-
balance when 1AE =0. puted factor of safety increases by 72 percent (from
The middle section of the form is labeled Trial 1 1.96 to 3.38) as the side force angle 0 is varied from
and the lower section is labeled Trial 2. Each trial zero to 20 degrees. This illustrates the importance
corresponds to a new value of F,, (the assumed of having a reasonable estimate of the value of 0
value of the factor of safety). The solution is when the force equilibrium method is used.
achieved by assuming a value of F,, and using the The best way to determine the value of 0 is by
tabular form to calculate ZiE. If L\E is positive, use of the condition of moment equilibrium.
the assumed factor of safety is too high, and a lower Spencer's method, like the method of analysis on
value is assumed for the next trial. If 1AE is nega- which the computation form in Figure 13-15 is
tive, a larger value of F,, is assumed for the next based, assumes a constant value of 0. However,
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 357
Fa =
Slice No. W I C 4, U NI N2 N2 N2 N2
Spencer's method satisfies moment equilibrium as equals the slope angle. Thus, although the method FIGURE 13-13
well as force equilibrium. Only one value of 8 sat- outlined by the form given in Figure 13-15 can be Tabular computation
isfies both force and moment equilibrium. For the used to check Spencer's method calculations pre- form for Bishop's
modified method.
example shown in Figure 13-17, the value that sat- cisely, it has limited value as an independent
isfies moment equilibrium is 8 = 13.5 degrees, and method of calculating F because of the strong
the corresponding factor of safety is F = 2.69. This dependence of the calculated value of F on the
value of F is the best estimate of the factor of safety assumed value of 0. The same is true of all force
for this slope and slip surface. It would differ by no equilibrium methods.
more than about 12 percent from the value of F
calculated using any other method that satisfied all 6.2 Computer Analyses
conditions of equilibrium and that involved rea-
sonable assumptions. As shown in the preceding sections, slope stability
The trend of F with assumed value of 8 shown analyses involve lengthy calculations. Use of a com-
in Figure 13-18 is typical. As the assumed value of puter for these calculations has great potential in
8 for a force equilibrium solution increases, the cal- two respects:
culated value of F also increases. It is almost always
conservative to assume that 0 = 0 degrees, and it is 1. Computer analyses make it possible to perform
almost always unconservative to assume that 0 calculations by advanced methods that satisfy all
358 Landslides: In vestiga tion and Mitigation
FIGURE 13-14 conditions of equilibrium. This advantage re- critical slip surface can be accomplished in 10 mm
Example duces the uncertainty resulting from the method or so using a 286-class personal computer and in
computation for of calculation to ±6 percent. Note that this is 1 mm or so using a 486-class personal computer.
Bishop's modified
only the uncertainty due to the method of analy- The most important aspect of computer analy-
sis. The overall uncertainty, including the uncer- sis is the computer program. Programs are being
tainty involved in the estimated values of shear developed continuously to provide a wider range
strength, is almost always considerably larger. of capabilities and to offer greater ease of use. The
2. Computer analyses make it possible to conduct a optimum computer program for slope stability
thorough search for the critical circle or critical analysis should have these features:
noncircular slip surface. Because the calculations
for a single slip surface take 1 to 3 hr by hand, it It should be based on an advanced method of
is not feasible to search for these values as thor- analysis that satisfies all conditions of equilib-
oughly as it is using computer analyses. rium. It should also be capable of performing
calculations using other methods, such as the
6.2.1 Computer and Computer Program ordinary method of slices, Bishop's modified
Selection method, and force equilibrium methods if the
user needs them.
Practically any personal computer can be used for It should be efficient in terms of the time re-
slope stability analyses. A thorough search for the quired for input and output. The cost of corn-
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 359
FIGURE 13-15
0= Tabular computation
form for force
equilibrium method
with constant 0.
Trial #1 F2 =
Trial #2 F2 =
puter resources for slope stability analyses program be designed to minimize the person-
is usually very small when the cost of equip- nel time required for analyses.
ment and programs is spread over a large It should be capable of analyzing all the condi-
number of analyses. The cost of engineering tions of interest to the user. These will always in-
time for input and output is far greater. clude undrained conditions, drained conditions,
Therefore it is important that the computer ponded water outside the slope, and internal
FIGURE 13-16
Example Tht= 10
computation for
1l[si tt1A
force equilibrium.
Tri2I Itl r. = 7 Rn
Slice No N1 N2 N3 N4 AE
1 1.03 52.13 0.00 0.00 1.16 44.78
2 1.00 77.10 25.42 0.00 1.16 44.61
3 0.00 0.00 38.11 0.00 0.98 -38.70
4 -1.00 -21.00 25.42 1 0.00 0.81 -57.22
ZAE = -b.i
Tri2I2 r.= 744
Slice N0 N1 N2 N3 N4
1 1.06 53.61 0.00 0.00 1.17 45.86
2 1.00 77.10 23.91 0.00 1.16 45.91
3 0.00 0.00 35.85 0.00 0.98 -36.41
4 -1.00 -21.00 1 23.91 0.00 0.81 -55.36
5 _ __________
AE = . u.uu
c 2 kN/m2
0 0
= 18.9 kN/m3
Firm soil
FIGURE 13-17
Noncircular slip surface, force equilibrium ana!ysis.
reached the height shown, a slide took place on the slide mass. As a result of the highly anisotropic
downstream slope (Wright and Duncan 1972). The strength of the Pepper Shale, the slip surface
key to the occurrence of the slide was the iow extended horizontally for a considerable distance
undrained shear strength of the Pepper Shale downstream.
(member of the Woodbine Formation) in the Postfailure analyses of this slide were compli-
foundation. As shown in Figure 13-19(a), the cated by two factors: (a) the anisotropic strength of
Pepper Shale is highly anisotropic with respect to the foundation soil and (b) the noncircular slip
shear strength. The undrained strength on a hori- surface. As a result, it was not practical to perform
zontal plane (which was measured in laboratory postfailure analyses by hand. With a computer
tests using specimens trimmed so that their axes program using Spencer's method, a wide variety of
were 30 to 45 degrees from horizontal) was only analyses were performed to examine the correspon-
about 40 percent of the strength measured on con- dencé among the observed slide, the shear strengths
ventional vertical test specimens. measured in the laboratory, and the most critical
FIGURE 13-19 The rupture surface of the slide was located in slip surface determined by analysis. As shown in
Analysis of slide in the field by observation of the slide scarp and toe Figure 13-19(b), the calculated slip surface for F =
Waco Dam, Texas. bulge and by inclinometers installed through the 1.00 was quite similar to the observed slip surface.
A cross section through the Cucaracha landslide
at the Panama Canal is shown in Figure 13-20. This
/ slope, which had suffered landslides during excava-
tion of the canal, suffered another slide in 1986
(Berman 1988). The slip surface shown in Figure
Range of
13-20 was estimated on the basis of surface obser-
40 Average measured vations and inclinometer measurements.
j values The slide was caused by changes in the ground-
water level, with perhaps some influence of loading
at the top of the slope, at a location away from the
20 S -
section shown in Figure 13-20. Because the slide
S -
S -- was caused by changes in the seepage conditions
that resulted in increased pore pressures, it was a
drained failure. Therefore the postfailure analyses
were performed using drained strengths and the
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
piezometric level that was estimated for the time of
Angle Between Sample Axis and Horizontal - degrees
the failure.
Anistropic strength of Pepper Shale -The slide movement appeared to coincide with
bedding surfaces in the Cucaracha shale, which
contains numerous slickensides. It therefore seemed
Observed rupture surface
appropriate to use residual shear strengths on these
bedding surfaces. The residual drained shear
Pepper Shale strength along the bedding is shown by the lower of
the two strength envelopes in Figure 13-20(a). The
shear strengths on surfaces cutting across bedding
were found to be considerably higher, as shown by
Slip surface the upper curve in Figure 13-20(a).
with calculated
The strength envelopes for shear along and across
the bedding are nonlinear, and they cannot be rep-
resented accurately by single values of c and 4).
Pepper Shale - - - Therefore, each strength envelope was represented
by a series of points without reference to values of c
Observed rupture surface and calculated slip surface
and 4).
Scale in Meters
0 50 100 Postfailure analyses of the 1986 Cucaracha land-
slide involved a number of complications: noncir-
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 363
FIGURE 13-20
500 Analysis of 1986
CM Cucaracha landslide
Cucaracha Shale Shear Strength at Panama Canal.
Ground surface
Piezometric surface
cular slip surfaces, nonlinear shear strength of equilibrium; and they can be used to perform
envelopes, and shear strengths that varied with the thorough analyses to locate the critical slip surface.
orientation of the slip surface. Thorough computer However, it should be borne in mind that a com-
analyses of the slide were performed, confirming the puter can also propagate mistakes much faster than
applicability of the shear strengths, and other is possible by hand. Computer analysis must be
analyses were made to evaluate the effectiveness of checked and verified before the results can be relied
repair schemes (Berman 1988). The results of one upon. Analyses can be checked using charts, man-
of these analyses are shown in Figure 13-20(b). ual calculations for the critical slip surface, and
independent analysis with another computer pro-
6.2.3 Benefits and Risks of Computer gram using independent input. Common sense
Analyses and judgment must always be used to ensure that
analysis conditions and results are reasonable.
Computers afford the most effective means of
analysis of slope stability in soil. Computer analy- 7. BACK ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE SOIL
ses can be accomplished quickly when a suitable STRENGTHS
computer program is available; they can accom-
modate complex conditions of site geometry, seep- The strength properties of many types of natural
age, and shear strength; they can be performed Soil are difficult to determine reliably by means of
using advanced methods that satisfy all conditions laboratory tests. In cases where a landslide has
364 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
occurred and repair measures are being evaluated, involved in the slide. Logically, larger adjust-
it is often most effective to determine soil strength ments should be made for strengths that are con-
by back analysis. This process involves three steps: sidered to involve greater degrees of uncertainty.
When values of soil strength have been deter-
The best estimates possible must be made of the mined that give F = 1.00 for the conditions at
soil strengths and unit weights using the infor- the time of failure, these strengths are used to
mation at hand. Laboratory tests and strength evaluate repair measures.
correlations provide an effective basis for these
estimates. The slope geometry and phreatic This process was used to develop mitigative
conditions at the time of failure must also be schemes for the Waco Dam slide discussed previ-
established. ously (Figure 13-19) and the 1986 Cucaracha land-
The slide should be analyzed using the estimated slide (Figure 13-20). A further example of back
properties. If the calculated factor of safety is analysis is shown by the Olmsted landslide on the
equal to 1.00, the properties and conditions rep- Illinois shore of the Ohio River (Filz et al. 1992).
resent a reasonable model of the slide. If the cal- A cross section through the Olmsted landslide is
culated factor of safety is not equal to 1.00, the shown in Figure 13-21. The slide occurred on June
strengths are adjusted until F = 1.00. The adjust- 4, 1988, when the river dropped to a low level. The
ment ratio need not be the same for all soils location of the rupture surface was known from
the position of the scarp at the top of the slide, (1990). On the basis of those studies, a method of
from movements in inclinometers installed after analysis for rapid drawdown was developed that
the slide, and from locations of breaks in piezome- incorporates these features:
ter riser tubes. Over most of its length, the rupture
surface passed through the McNairy I formation, a Undrained strengths are used for soil zones that
sedimentary deposit of flat-lying interbedded sands have values of C. so low that they are unable to
and clays. The thickness of the individual layers drain during the period of drawdown. Criteria
ranged from a few millimeters to nearly a meter. to determine whether a soil zone is drained or
Laboratory tests were performed on all of the undrained are described in Section 3.
soils involved in the slide, with the results shown in Analyses are performed in three steps:
the table at the top of Figure 13-2 1. It can be seen - Anisotropic consolidation pressures are deter-
that there is considerable scatter in the results for mined for each slice using stability and seepage
all of the soils owing to the variability of the mate- analyses for the predrawdown steady seepage
rials, the difficulties involved in obtaining repre- conditions.
sentative and undisturbed specimens for testing, - Values of undrained strength are determined
and the layering in McNairy I. On the basis of the for each slice with its base in a zone of soil that
results of the tests and correlations with plasticity will be undrained, drained strengths are deter-
index, trial values of residual friction angle were mined for zones of soil that will be drained, and
established for all of the soils. These are shown in an analysis of stability after drawdown using
the last column of the table. these strengths is performed.
The first analysis was performed using Spencer's - The after-drawdown analyses are repeated
method with 4' = 11 degrees in the McNairy I using drained strengths for slices where the
formation. The calculated factor of safety was 1.05. drained strengths after drawdown are found
A second analysis, using 4',. = 10 degrees, gave F = to be smaller than the undrained strengths.
0.99. Only the value of 4' for McNairy I was
changed for the second analysis because it was con- Thus, the method uses drained or undrained
sidered to have the greatest effect on the results and strengths, whichever are lower, for slices where
was therefore the most important parameter in the drainage is not expected during drawdown. This
analyses. The same strength parameter values were technique ensures that the method will not yield
also used to analyze four other sections through the unconservative results if the soil drains faster than
slide, where the geometry and piezometric levels anticipated.
were different. The calculated values of F, with 4' = This method of analysis is logical in its treat-
10 degrees in McNairy I, varied from 0.96 to 1.00 ment of strengths and stability. Used with Spencer's
for the five sections. The parameters calculated by method for stability computations, it was found to
back analysis were considered to represent the be- give satisfactory results for Walter Bouldin Dam in
havior of the soils quite well and were utilized to Alabama and Pilarcitos Dam in California, both of
analyze the effects of drainage and slope flattening which suffered embankment slides during rapid
to improve the stability of the slide area. drawdown (Duncan et at. 1990).
When the water level in a lake or stream adjacent Reinforcing materials, such as geotextiles, geogrids,
to a slope drops, the stabilizing influence of the and steel grids, are widely used to strengthen
water pressure on the slope is lost. Many failures of slopes. Considerable research has been done to
dam slopes and submerged natural slopes have oc- evaluate the long-term behavior of these materials
curred during rapid drawdown. Analysis of rapid and to investigate the mechanisms of interaction by
drawdown is therefore an important consideration which they improve the stability of slopes. The
for design of dams and other slopes that will be sub- principal mechanism of reinforcement is limitation
merged and subject to such changes in water level. of tensile strains at the locations of the reinforce-
Methods of analysis of stability during rapid ment. Reinforcing materials are commonly placed
drawdown have been evaluated by Duncan et at. horizontally within the soil.
366 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
Studies of soil reinforcement have shown that slope stability. The forces are applied to the bases
the stability of reinforced slopes can be analyzed of slices in which a potential slip surface cuts
using the following simple procedure: across the reinforcement. Studies have shown
that very flexible types of reinforcement may be
The long-term ultimate strength of the rein- reoriented if slip occurs and dragged down so that
forcing material is determined. This determina- they parallel the slip surface where they cross it.
tion involves consideration of short-term If a method of analysis is used that satisfies all
strength, creep under load, and the allowable conditions of equilibrium, the orientation of the
tensile strains considering the type of slope or reinforcement force (horizontal or parallel to the
embankment and the sensitivity of the underly- slip surface) has essentially no effect on the factor
ing foundation soil. This long-term limit load is of safety computed (Wright and Duncan 1991).
expressed in units of force per unit length of the The factor of safety computed in this type of
reinforcement. analysis is the same as that discussed earlier in
The long-term limit load is divided by a rein- this chapter; it is the factor by which the soil
forcement factor of safety, F R1 to produce a fac- strength would have to be divided to bring the
tored limit load. The value of FR logically should soil into a state of barely stable equilibrium.
depend on the reliability with which the limit
load can be evaluated and the possible conse- An example analysis of a reinforced slope is
FIGURE 13-22
quences of failure. Values of FR near 1.5 are suit- shown in Figure 13-22, in which cross sections
Analysis of able for normal conditions. through the St. Alban test embankment are used;
reinforced St. Alban The factored limit loads are used as known values this embankment was constructed on the sensitive
test embankment. in conventional limit equilibrium analyses of Champlain Clay (Schaefer and Duncan 1988). To
avoid uncertainties resulting from the sensitivity
of the clay, the analyses described here were per-
Bishop's Modified Method
Fmin 0.99
1.09 18 1.127
formed using the postpeak residual undrained
shear strength of the crust and the normally con-
S solidated clay beneath the crust. As defined by La
Sand embankment -
---- 0.99 •
Rochelle et at. (1974) and Trak et at. (1980), this
• "residual" undrained strength is measured at 15
- nforcing 2 layers
\ 1.16 N ss
percent axial strain in triaxial tests and is equal to
about 90 percent of the undrained strength mea-
sured in field vane-shear tests.
Champlain Clay The sand embankment was reinforced with two
Top 1.5 m desiccated crust
Normally consolidated bene horizontal layers of Tensar SR-2 geogrid. Failure
took place as the embankment was being raised
Analysis using Bishop's Modified Method
about 20 days after construction began. For this load
duration, the limit load corresponding to 10 percent
10 m strain is about 32 kN/m. Analyses were performed
Scale at this reinforcement magnitude using Bishop's
•• modified method and Spencer's method. The results
Spencers Method .0218 of the analyses are shown in Figure 13-22.
1.01 ______j 1.121.01. In both analyses the reinforcement force was
1.36. 1.04
1.10. assumed to act horizontally. It can be seen that
1.06 both analyses resulted in minimum factors of
safety very close to unity. For practical purposes,
the values of F calculated by the two analyses were
the same. Considering the arbitrary choice of 10
percent strain as the failure strain in the reinforc-
\1% 5S
ing, the fact that the calculated factors of safety
Analysis using Spencers Method were so close to unity must be considered some-
what fortuitous.
Soil Slope Stability Analysis 367
10. THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSES OF sections through the sliding mass are F2 = 1.10,
SLOPE STABILITY 1.00, and 1.19. The central section (Section 2) is
the most critical, and the minimum 2D factor of
Although the methods of slope stability analyses safety is thus the value calculated for this section,
discussed in the previous sections are formulated F2 = 1.00. Figure 13-23(b) shows the results of a
in two dimensions, actual slope failures are three- 3D analysis performed by Hungr et al. (1989)
dimensional. The question therefore arises as to using Bishop's modified method extended to three
the accuracy and reliability of two-diensional dimensions (Hungr 1987). The shape of the criti-
(2D) analyses applied to three-dimensional (3D) cal ellipsoidal slip surface is shown in Figure
problems. Research studies [for example, the work 13-23(c). The minimum 3D factor of safety for
by Cavounidis (1987)] have shown clearly that this case is F3 = 1.01, which is only 1.0 percent
factors of safety calculated using 3D analyses are higher than the minimum 2D. factor of safety.
larger than those calculated using 2D analyses, all It is more difficult to perform 3D analyses than
other things being equal. Implicit in this conclu- 2D analyses. Because 2D analyses give somewhat
sion is the notion that the 2D section analyzed is conservative results (F2 :~ F3, all other things being
the most critical section through the 3D potential equal), they provide a reasonable and sufficiently
sliding mass. accurate approach to most practical problems of
An example is shown in Figure 13-23, which stability of soil slopes. Use of 2D analyses requires
summarizes 2D and 3D analyses of an ellipsoidal that the section or sections analyzed be selected
slip surface (Hungr et al. 1989). As showh in using judgment regarding which section will be
Figure 13-23(a), the factors of safety for three 2D most critical. In many cases, as in that shown in
FIGURE 13-23
Comparison of
368 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation
Figure 13-23, the critical 2D section is the one about 0.9 m horizontally by the end of construc-
where the slip surface can cut most deeply. In some tion. Measurements at other elevations on the up-
cases other sections may be more critical. If there is stream slope, also shown in Figure 13-24(c),
doubt concerning which 2D section is most criti- showed that the maximum horizontal movement
cal, several should be analyzed. occurred near mid-height of the embankment.
A finite-element analysis of Otter Brook Dam
11. DEFORMATION ANALYSIS was performed by Kulhawy et al. (1969) using
hyperbolic stress-strain properties determined
Finite-element analyses have been used since the from conventional laboratory tests. The tests had
mid-1960s for analysis of stresses and movements been performed in support of stability analyses of
in slopes. A recent review (Duncan 1992) de- the dam. The calculated displacements of the
scribed more than 100 examples of their applica- upstream slope and the bridge pier are compared
tion. Even though finite-element analyses have with the measured values in Figure 13-24(c). It can
been used fairly often in recent years for evalua- be seen that agreement is quite good, indicating
tion of slope deformations, the procedure is not that the finite-element analyses afford a reason-
routine. Finite-element analyses are more difficult able representation of the actual behavior of the
and time-consuming than slope stability analyses, embankment.
and they require special expertise if they are to be Because engineered fills are water conditioned
done successfully and productively. and compacted with a reasonable degree of control
Experience with finite-element analyses has of density and uniformity of the fill, stress-strain
shown that they are most useful when performed properties can be determined for these materials
in conjunction with field instrumentation studies. more precisely than for natural soil deposits, which
They can be valuable in planning instrumentation may be less uniform and may have more complex
programs by showing where the largest move- behavior. As a result, the reliability of calculated
ments would be expected to occur and how large movements is not as great for natural soil deposits as
they may be. They can also be used for interpret- for embankments. Very often, even in the case of
ing the results of instrumentation studies. If embankments, the agreement between calculated
calculated and measured movements are in and measured movements is not as close as that
agreement at the locations of the instruments, this shown in Figure 13-24.
suggests that the analytical results also may pro-
vide reasonable indications of behavior at other 12. USE OF CENTRIFUGE EXPERIMENTS
locations. Often the more complete finite-element
results provide insight into the causes and signifi- Centrifuge experiments have been used to study
cance of the measured movements. problems of slope stability and deformation behav-
An example of a finite-element analysis, sum- ior since the early 1970s (Schofield 1980).
marized in Figure 13-24, concerns Otter Brook Techniques have been developed for constructing
Dam in New Hampshire, which deformed consid- model slopes, varying water levels, measuring shear
erably during construction (Kuihawy et al. 1969). strengths, and measuring displacements in the
The embankment, about 40 m high, is essentially models while they are rotating. The techniques
homogeneous. It was constructed of compacted silt were applied to studies of levee failures (Kusakabe
on a firm foundation of glacial till over rock. et al. 1988), highway embankment settlement and
As shown in Figure 13-24, a bridge pier was stability (Feng and Hu 1988), settlement and crack-
constructed at about mid-height on the upstream ing in dams (Shcherbina and Olympiev 1991;
slope of the dam. Because the embankment was Zhang and Hu 1991; Zhu et al. 1991), stability of
constructed above the level of the bridge pier, the tailings dams (Liu et al. 1988), mechanisms of flow
embankment deformed under the weight of the slides (Schofield 1980), and stabilization of slopes
added material and the lower part bulged outward. by drainage (Resnick and Znidarcic 1990).
Measurements were made of the movements of The method has the greatest value for qualita-
the bridge pier as the embankment was con- tive studies of mechanisms of deformation and
structed. As shown in Figure 13-24(c), these mea- failure. Because centrifuge models can be con-
surements reached about 0.15 m vertically and structed so that they simulate the geometry and
FIGURE 13-24
analysis of Otter
Upstream 8m
I..'l El. 245 Brook Dam,
Brtdge pier New Hampshire.
600 mm rock fill
2.5 El. 208 Impervious
44 elements
62 nodal points - 245
-5 240
Point A is the location of the -
- 230
A -41225.
b Tgier. 1.
-- ? 220
-0 215 Lu
- -5210
- 4 205
100 4
Horizontal Distance (m)
Finite element mesh
252 24E
Crest of Dam Crest of Dam
240 Ve
. 218 - 236
216 .2 230 points
/ o Measured points -
-- Calculated
204 Base of Dam Base of Dam
1 204o
Honzontal Displacement Displacement of
of Upstream Face (m) Bridge Pier (m)
stresses in prototype slopes, they are capable, in. Feng, 0., and Y. Hu. 1988. Centrifugal Model Test of
principle, of simulating the modes of deformation a Highway Embankment on Soft Clay. In Proc.,
and failure to be expected in the field. Thus, they First International Conference on Geotechnical
are useful where mechanisms of deformation and Centrifuge Modeling, Paris, pp. 153-162.
failure are unknown. Filz, G. M., T. L. Brandon, and J. M. Duncan. 1992.
Limitations on the use of centrifuge experiments Back Analysis of the Olmsted Landslide Using
to derive quantitative results stem from the Anisotropic Strengths. In Transportation Research
difficulties inherent in constructing centrifuge Record 1343, TRB, National Research Council,
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Dimensions. Geotechnique, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.
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Hurigr, 0., F. M. Salgado, and P. M. Byrne. 1989.
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Hunter, J. H., and R. L. Schuster. 1968. Stability of
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