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Activity 2.

Online Safety, Security Ethics and Netiquette

(Due Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:00 PM)

Submitted by: Jadon Sienes

Submitted to: Ma’am Alfie Arcelo

1. Provide 5 examples of malware and give a brief description of each.
Ex: ILOVEU – description:
a) Zombies = Malicous software that enables a computer to be controlled by a remote
master machine. A cracker, a computer hacker who intends mischief or harm, secretly
infiltrates an unsuspecting victim’s computer and uses it to conduct illegal activities. The
user generally remains unaware that his computer has been taken over , he can still use it,
though it might slow down considerably. As his computer begins to either send out massive
amounts of spam or attack Web pages, he becomes the focal point for any investigations
involving his computer’s suspicious activities. In one case of zombies it was found that over
1.5 million computers were affected in an attack.

b) Trojan Horse = A computer program that appears to have a useful function,

but also has a hidden and malicious purpose that evades security mechanisms,
sometimes by exploiting the legitimate authorization of the user who invokes the

c) Worm = a computer program that can run independently, can propagate a

complete working version of itself onto other hosts on a network, and may consume
computer resources destructively

d) Bots = A bot is an application that performs an automated task, such as setting

an alarm, telling you the weather or searching online. Bots are everywhere in
technology, ranging from malicious bots that come with a virus to search engine
spiders or chat bots which can hold a conversation with you to accomplish a task.
Bots can be either good or bad. What we worry about is the bad. Hawaii has had its
experience with bots in their purchasing of Bruno Mars tickets on Ticket Master.
Hackers use bots to purchase large amounts of tickets for the concert and started
selling them on secondary website within three hours of tickets going on sale. The
result is that it left a lot of Hawaii fans empty handed.

e) Spyware = is malware that gathers information from your computer without

your knowledge and gives it to another party. Some irritating yet fairly harmless
types of spyware may steal a computer’s power and memory, causing it to run
slowly or even crash.

(help and definitions from google and youtube)
2. Provide 5 real cybercriminals and give a brief description of what they
have done.
Ex. Anonymous – description
a) Kevin Mitnick
-Kevin David Mitnick (born August 6, 1963) is an American computer
security consultant, author, and convicted hacker, best known for his high-
profile 1995 arrest and five years in prison for various computer and
communications-related crimes. Mitnick's pursuit, arrest, trial, and sentence
along with the associated journalism, books, and films were all controversial.
He now runs the security firm Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC. He is also the
Chief Hacking Officer of the security awareness training company KnowBe4,
as well as an active advisory board member at Zimperium,a firm that develops
a mobile intrusion prevention system.

b) Astra
- Astra gained access to French aviation company Dassault Group
computers, stealing weapons technology data for more than five years. Astra
sold information about jet fighters and military aircrafts to countries during
the period spanning the hacks. Astra’s infiltration of Dassault computers
apparently cost the company more than $360 million. Astra’s identity, never
identified, is described by authorities as a 58-year old mathematician. Caught
in January 2008, Astra was sentenced to six years in jail.

c) Gary Mckinnon
- Gary McKinnon is a Scottish hacker who, by hacking into 97 U.S. military
and NASA computers, claims to have found evidence for UFO cover-ups,
and suppression, of free energy.

d) Jeanson James Ancheta

- Jeanson James Ancheta, a 21-year-old hacker, received a 57 month
prison sentence for orchestrating a botnet scheme that involved the
infiltration of at least 400,000 separate computers, including systems at two
military facilities. Ancheta used sophisticated malware to gain control of the
computer systems so that he could rent them out to advertising companies
and other hackers.

e) Richard Pryce
- Richard Pryce, was only 16 when he used a basic pounds 750 computer
from his bedroom in north London to infiltrate some of America's top security
establishments.Codenamed Datastream Cowboy, Pryce, now 18, was the
subject of allegations in the United States Senate, where the unknown "spy"
was accused of "causing more harm than the KGB" He has also been described
as "The number one threat to US security".
REFERENCES OF PAGE 2 (cybercriminals):
(help by google)

3. Give the definition/description of these cybercrimes, and provide an


a) Spoofing – in the context of information security, and especially network

security, a spoofing attack is a situation in which a person or program
successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data, to gain an
illegitimate advantage.

Example: ( ARP Spoofing Attack ) =The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a

protocol used to translate IP addresses into Media Access Control (MAC)
addresses in order to be properly transmitted. In short, the protocol maps an
IP address to a physical machine address.

b) Phishing – is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such

as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a
trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Typically carried out
by email spoofing[3] or instant messaging, it often directs users to enter
personal information at a fake website which matches the look and feel of the
legitimate site.

Example: ( Clone phishing ) = Clone phishing is a type of phishing attack

whereby a legitimate, and previously delivered, email containing an
attachment or link has had its content and recipient address(es) taken and
used to create an almost identical or cloned email. The attachment or link
within the email is replaced with a malicious version and then sent from an
email address spoofed to appear to come from the original sender. It may
claim to be a resend of the original or an updated version to the original. This
technique could be used to pivot (indirectly) from a previously infected
machine and gain a foothold on another machine, by exploiting the social trust
associated with the inferred connection due to both parties receiving the
original email.
c)Pharming - is a cyber attack intended to redirect a website's traffic to
another, fake site. Pharming can be conducted either by changing the hosts
file on a victim's computer or byexploitation of a vulnerability in DNS
server software. DNS servers are computers responsible for resolving Internet
names into their real IP addresses. Compromised DNS servers are sometimes
referred to as "poisoned".

Example: We all know how important a contact list is on our cell phones. The
contact list allows us to save our friends' numbers for easy future reference.
We look up the friend's name and click the call command. The cell phone uses
the number and the associated network technology to reach your friend's
phone. A connection is established and your friend is soon at the other end of
the line.

d) Social Engineering -in the context of information security, refers

to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging
confidential information. This differs from social engineering within the social
sciences, which does not concern the divulging of confidential information. A
type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or
system access, it differs from a traditional "con" in that it is often one of many
steps in a more complex fraud scheme

Example: ( Watering Hole) = A watering hole” attack consists of injecting

malicious code into the public Web pages of a site that the targets used to visit

e) Cyberbullying -is typically referred to as communication or posting by one

or more minors using cybertechnology or digital media designed to hurt,
threaten, embarrass, annoy, blackmail, or otherwise target another minor.
Example: Sending mean texts or IMs to someone.
( aid and help by google)

4. As social netizens, give 2 do's and 2 dont's in dealing with social media.
Do’s :
1st) -Do positive thinking. In dealing, using, interacting or surfing the internet and
social media, it is important to maintain patience and calmness. Patience is a
virtue and it will be tested majorly in the internet, wether its slow connection
buffering or seeing truths, reading unlikely facts and enduring with some
personalities of anonymous people.

2nd) – Do smart or wise decisions.There are many sly misconceptions and

confusing trickeries in the vast web that its hard to protect or prevent yourself
from being hacked, scammed, or outsmarted. Be intelligent and have more
knowledge and experience about some risky factors and scary attributes of the
internet or social media. Choose choices that are best, safe, necessary and
secured like deciding to improve security or study safety.

Don’t’s :
1st) – Don’t be Ignorant. The first and number one targets of cybercriminals or
simple hackers or scammers are those who lack experience and knowledge,
beause it is more easier to trick or confuse and they wont even know what hit
them. Ignorance and somewhat curiosity can be risky when using the web.

2nd) – Don’t share to much information. People nowadays can be too sharing and
caring. They post more facts about them in a small amount of time which is
dangerous. The things that are essential to your characteristics, personalities,
attributes or description can be valuable and important and some must be kept
personal or private, otherwise, people might use some of the information against
you and get intel about you that could help them outwit you, steal from you,
blackmail you or track you down.

5. Give the difference between unauthorized use and unauthorized access.

Unauthorized use:
=is the term when the use of a computer or its data is for unapproved or
illegal activities. - Ex: gaining access to a bank computer and performing
an unauthorized bank transfer etc.

On the other hand,

Unauthorized access:
=means the use of a computer or network without permission.- by
connecting to it and then logging in as a legitimate user. - do not cause
damages. - merely access the data, valuable information or programs in
the computer.

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