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School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10

DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE

LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


The learner demonstrates understanding on the different types of vegetable gardening Concepts and opportunities in
producing major lowland and semi-temperate vegetables
A. Content Standards

The learner independently discusses the different types of vegetable gardening as prescribed in the Vegetable Production
B. Performance Standards
This lesson has the following learning competencies/objectives:

1. Importance of vegetable gardening

C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Write the LC code for each 3. Types of vegetable gardening

Types of vegetable gardening

II. CONTENT Courtesy to


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Pp 10-11 Pp12-13 Pp14-17
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10
DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

- Why are there less farmers engaged Why are there less farmers
in vegetable production as compared engaged in vegetable
to the production of other crops? production as compared to
A. Reviewing yesterday’s lesson or
Presenting the new lesson the production of other
Group 2 – What are the crops?
types of vegetable gardening?

Group 2 – What
are the types of vegetable

Vegetable gardening in the Vegetable Activity 3

Philippines is classified according to gardening in the Philippines
With the same
the purpose for which the vegetables is classified according to the
grouping as in Activity 1
are grown and the methods used in purpose for which the
and 2, make a poster of an
producing, marketing, and utilizing the vegetables are grown and the
ideal vegetable garden.
crop., the different types of vegetable methods used in producing,
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The poster should be done
gardening are home gardening, marketing, and utilizing the
on one whole white
market gardening, truck gardening, crop.,.
cartolina. Use a maximum
growing for processing, vegetable
of five colors to shade your
forcing, and vegetable seed
poster. Imaginative
posters will be given
additional points. To be
pass on July 22, 2019

C. Presenting examples/ instances of In the Philippines, off-season In the Philippines, off-season

the new lesson tomatoes and high value leafy tomatoes and high value
vegetables are grown in plastic or leafy vegetables are grown in
glass greenhouses. Recently plastic or glass greenhouses.
School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10
DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

during the cold months, Recently during the cold

months, specificallyin to
protect the plants from

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing vegetables, cut flowers, and . Another example of
new skills #2 strawberries were grown in vegetable forcing
(Leads to Formative Assessment 2) greenhouses to protect the plants commonly used in the
from frosting Philippines is the use of
rice straw beds to grow

E. Developing mastery growing vegetables for .

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) processing is a type of
vegetable production wherein The cost of production is
vegetables produced are
canned, pickled, frozen, or lower than that of the
dehydrated. The advantage of market and truck
processed vegetables is that
the vegetable produce may be gardening because of
held in storage until needed mechanization and the
by the consumer. High quality
as judged by acceptability of generally lower land
the product, large yields, and value. Labor is
low cost
remarkably reduced
School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10
DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

through mechanization of
most of the farm

F. Finding practical applications of 1. Group project entitled Adopt a purok Individual project. Make Activity 3
concepts and skills in daily living garden. This is a community based a project entitled
“Gulayan sa Bahay With the same
project. Visit your barangay and
para sa Kusina ni grouping as in Activity 1
select a purok where you can Nanay” In case you do and 2, make a poster of an
develop a purok vegetable garden. not have available land
area to grow your ideal vegetable garden.
Inform and seek permission from the
vegetables you can The poster should be done
barangay chairman of your grow them by using on one whole white
community based-project. This recycled materials
which you can hang on cartolina. Use a maximum
activity will showcase your
walls, in the porch, or of five colors to shade your
knowledge and skills in vegetable along the fence poster. Imaginative
posters will be given
School Garden additional points. To be
pass on July 22, 2019

G. Making generalizations and Home gardening is an

abstractions about the lesson The ultimate aim of The ultimate aim
School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10
DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

vegetable production is to have a of vegetable production is intensive way of

sufficient supply of varieties of to have a sufficient supply
growing various kinds
vegetable year round that are safe of varieties of vegetable
to eat. Vegetables serve as good year round that are safe to
of vegetables which
sources of different nutrients eat. Vegetables serve as are adaptable in the
needed by the body. These good sources of different locality. The number
vegetables could be grown nutrients needed by the
and kinds of vegetable
according to purpose. Through body. These vegetables
vegetable growing, the value of could be grown according
that the family can
manual labor, industry, unity and to purpose. Through grow depends upon
cooperation are developed among vegetable growing, the their choice or needs.
family members. Raising of value of manual labor,
vegetables can also add to the industry, unity and
family’s income. cooperation are developed
among family members.
Raising of vegetables can
also add to the family’s

H. Evaluating learning Refer formative notebook Refer formative notebook Refer formative notebook garden garden

I. Additional activities for application or

School Amlan National High School Grade Level G-10
DAILY Teacher Emma Janine O. Sienes Learning Area TLE
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29- August 2 ,2019 110:00 – Quarter 1ST
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remedia
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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