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Co-Tle 8

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Identify Hazards and

(Beauty Salon)
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Hazards – refers to harm or adverse health

effect on something or someone under certain
condition at work

Risk – refers to the chance or probability that a

person will be harmed or experience an adverse
health effect if exposed to hazard
Identifying hazards and risks
Identifying hazards means looking for those
things at your workplace that have the potential
to cause harm.

There are many hazards present at a beauty

salon that deserve your attention. Use this guide
as a starting point for conducting a risk
assessment at your facility to correct potential
hazards and keep your client safe.
Steps to identify hazards and risks
1. Consulting with saloon employees
2. Conducting a survey
3. Inspecting the workplace
4. Ensuring that the information supplied by
manufacturers and suppliers is regularly
updated and made available to all in the
Occupational Hazards

• Depending upon the occupation an industrial

worker may be exposed to five types of
• A. Physical Hazards
• B. Chemical Hazards
• C. Biological Hazards
• D. Mechanical Hazards
• E. Psychosocial Hazards
• F. Electrical Hazards
Physical Hazards
• Heat and cold
• Light
• Noise
• Vibration
• Ultraviolet radiation
• Ionizing radiation
Biological Hazards
• Workers exposed to infective and
• Agents at the place of work.
• In health care setting workers are in high
• of Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, HIV,
encephalitis, etc.
Mechanical Hazards
• May cause due to protruding
moving parts of machinery.
• Sometimes due to own
Ergonomic Hazards
Ergonomics is the scientific study of people
at work. The goal of
ergonomics is to reduce stress and eliminate
injuries and disorders associated
with the overuse of muscles, bad posture
and repeated tasks..
Common Hazards in a beauty salon
1. Electricity – common accidents in the
workplace can result from contact with faulty
electrical equipment that may have become
“live” or from contact with worn or damaged
power cords and switches, the presence of
water in the salon increases the risk of
electrocution or injury.
2. Chemical Hazard – chemicals used in salons
like nail polish, nail polish removers and acrylic
powders for artificial nails are common products
found in many salons. It causes irritations and
respiratory problems.

3. Slip, trips, falls – these are common

occurrences in workplaces. People slip and trip
on slippery, rough or uneven surfaces and may
fall down from stairs or off ladders.
4. Fire - the range, number and 'portability' of
electrical equipment used in salons, together
with their proximity to water, make for
potentially hazardous situations.

5. Infection hazards - Unsafe or unhygienic

practices in the beauty salon may affect the
health of customers and workers that may
lead to exposure to biological hazards that
cause infectious diseases such as blood
borne pathogens (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C,
and HIV), fungal infections (Ringworm).
Picture Analysis

1. Evaluate the picture.

2. Enumerate the hazards present.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a
planned system of working to prevent illness and
injury in the workplace. It involves recognizing and
identifying specific hazards and risks. Health and
safety procedure is the responsibility of all persons
in the beauty service industries. You must identify
the hazards where you are working, and evaluate
how dangerous they are. Eliminate the hazard or
modify the risks.
Activity (10 minutes only)
1. Seat according to your groups (according to
the barangay you live in)
2. List down the common hazards that might be
encountered in your barangay.
3. Choose a reporter to report your work in
Quiz time!
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if the statement
is incorrect.

1. OHS is a planned system of working to

prevent illness and injury where you work by
recognizing and identifying hazards and risks in
the nail salon.
2. Damaged equipment may cause an
accident or injury if they are not working
3. To avoid injury and harm to health of
salon’s client, it is important that new or
inexperienced workers should be adequately
trained in OHS.
4. Nail workers have an obligation to ensure
their clients’ health and safety.
5. In any occupation where there is exposure
to blood and other bodily fluids, there is always
the potential for the transmission of blood
borne allergy

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