PFRS 14 15 16
PFRS 14 15 16
PFRS 14 15 16
Rate regulator – authorised body that is a. The entity has the right to receive
empowered by statute or regulation to establish payment for the asset and for which the
the rate or range of rates that bind an entity. customer is obliged to pay
b. The customer has a legal title to the
Regulatory deferral account balance – balance asset
of any expense (or income) account that would c. The entity has transferred physical
not be recognised as an asset or a liability in possession of the asset to the customer
accordance with other Standards, but that d. The customer has the significant risks
qualifies for deferral and rewards of ownership of the asset
II. Presentation e. The customer has accepted the asset
It shall be presented in financial
statements separately. III. Measurement
An entity shall account for the
award credit as a separately
component of the initial sale