Reading Artifact Reflectionstandard7planning
Reading Artifact Reflectionstandard7planning
Reading Artifact Reflectionstandard7planning
Artifact Description
Lesson Plans, 3) a research paper and power point presentation entitled Final
Research Project: Best Practices and Models for ELL Instruction, and 4) Thematic
Unit: Literature and Science, a week long lesson plan completed for the Foundations
and models, as well as knowledge of subject matter and students. The third
“The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge
my ability to organize and plan for systematic and explicit instruction that also
supports explorative learning through “word sort” activities. The unit lesson plans
variety of resources into coherent instruction. The unit lesson plans and reflections
These documents align with UW-Platteville School of Education KSDs: 1c, 1d,
English language students are more likely to learn words when they are
students are provided with many and varied opportunities for their repetition and
use. Effective teachers provide ELLs many opportunities to practice the target skills
in a low-anxiety setting with assistance from the teacher, in small groups, such as
learning community of peers of varying English proficiency levels who can model
2004) reported that ELLs use their knowledge of classroom procedures and
lowers the affective filter and increases the students’ motivation to learn. “(ELLs)
learned strategies that make (them) look like (they) were participating in the same
ways as other students before actually having the English skills to fully do so. As a
routines that enabled them to mimic, repeat and practice language in context.
exploratory, the best practice of explicit instruction has too often been neglected. I
am concerned that teachers assume that students know what to do, or students are
too often left to figure things out on their own. What students-- especially ELL
led instruction that clearly models how to complete a task step-by-step. A teacher
a task, providing feedback during guided and independent practice, and assessing
One of the most promising models for ELL reading instruction that I have
systematic approach for making content accessible to ELLs and for consistently
focusing on academic language. The three main sections of the SIOP are
and content objectives, and planning for meaningful activities with the use of
objective mastery. Since I learned about the SIOP model, I have used it for lesson
planning for all of my classes and subjects since it combines all of the common-sense