Examinations System Manual 2015
Examinations System Manual 2015
Examinations System Manual 2015
I am proud to say that the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations of the University is
striving, in all ways possible, to make the examination system a pleasure drive, not only for the
students but also for the staff involved in the conduct of examination.
The release of this Examinations System Manual will be an apt opportunity for me to
appreciate the meticulous activities of the Controller of Examinations and all the staff in the
University, who put in repeated efforts to make the examinations system a grand success.
Thank you.
Dr.K. Duraipandian, M.Com.,M.Phil.,PhD.,
Controller of Examinations
With a dedicated team of Management and Administrator, the University is taking giant
strides ahead accomplishing effectively its motto of 'promoting natural talent'. As the
Controller of Examinations of this University, I am delighted to say that the Examination
wing has undergone progressive innovations that have proved bene icial to the academic
learning community.
I request the Heads of the Department, Camp Of icer, Centre for E-Governance, the
Invigilators, the External and Internal Examiners and all others who take up examination
duty to kindly go through and closely follow the instructions given in this book to avoid
ambiguity and inconvenience during examinations and in the publication of results.
VICE CHANCELLOR Tel No:044-32575616
REGISTRAR Tel No:044-32001127
Mob No:7667263242
Ms.G.Amutha Assistant
Mr.M.A.Victor Assistant
Mr.P.Arikandan Assistant
Mr.M.Muruganantham Assistant
Dr.D.Arivazhagan it_manager@ametindia.com
Mr.S.Sundaram taosundaram@gmail.com
Mr.M.Sakthi Rajan m.sakthirajan@gmail.com
The teaching, learning, and evaluation are integrated and indissoluble components of education.
AMET desired that the evaluation system should serve as an aid in the process of learning. The
University felt, that this, along with teaching, should be an integral part of aiding the learning. The
evaluation process should include continuous integral evaluation, the conduct of examination,
the evaluation of answer scripts and indicating the performance by grading rather than marking.
It is in this context that the evaluation practices are chosen and introduced.
The Objectives
The examination reform, in the University, is not merely a technique to improve the evaluation
system but to be viewed as an aim at improving the education process itself.
To create con idence and trust amongst the stakeholders (Management, Teachers,
Students, Parents, Government & Public) of the University.
To conduct all examinations as per the pre-published calendar of examinations.
To curb malpractices and unfair means in the examinations.
To maintain con identiality and increase reliability of the examination system.
To increase transparency in the examination system.
To evaluate answer books through Central Valuation Program in the minimum time
To declare results (as early as possible) in the shortest possible time.
To undertake veri ication, supply of photocopies of the assessed answer books to the
students and revaluation of the assessed answer books.
The Practice
SEET (Software Enabled Evaluation Tool) developed by the Centre for E-Governance is web-
based (which is secured) and provides a user-friendly interface.
The evaluation system, as adopted by the University, has two components, viz,
1. The Continuous Assessment Test (CAT)
2. The End Semester Examination (ESE)
The ratio of weightage is 40% in CAT and 60% in ESE for UG and PG. The answer
scripts are given on demand to the students after evaluation for the purpose of
Retotaling/ Revaluation and thereby providing suf icient transparency and
A general thrust is given on the external examiners question paper setters, moderators
and evaluators of the answer scripts.
Elimination of subjectivity to the possible extent in the marking system is accorded by
introducing the grading system, converting marks into grades.
The University has prepared Question Banks for various courses at UG level. They are used
by the faculty for setting the question papers.
The question paper carries the questions such as short answer type (5*2=10 marks), brief
answer type questions (5*4=20 marks) and the Long answer questions (5*14=70 Marks),
to test their synthesis, drawing, creativity, originality, etc.
The level of achievement is maintained high in the performance of students in the
examinations. Further the percentage of passes in each semester examination is always
around 80% and above.
At the time of introduction of the Examination Reforms against the traditional
examination system. Orientation to teachers of the University, workshops are conducted.
Three written tests, quizzes, surprise tests, etc are introduced as part of the CAT. Later it is
reduced to two internally & one centralized.
The examination reforms are found to have itted in well, as an aid to maximize learning by
the students and also as a measure of the students' mastery over the subject. It has been
widely understood by the teachers and found to be rewarding to the students.
Physically Handicapped / Orthopedically affected students can write their
examinations through the help of scribes. Such students are instructed to request the
Controller of Examinations for the appointment of scribes as per the University rules.
Credit System:
The credit based semester system provides flexibility in designing curriculum and
assigning credits based on course content and hours of teaching. Under this system,
the requirement for awarding a degree or diploma is prescribed in terms of number
of credits to be completed by the students.
Minimum Credits for
PG – 2 years program - 90 credits
UG – 3 years program - 140 credits
UG – 4 years program - 180 credits
The total number of the credits may vary from programme to programme, however it
should not exceed more than 10 credits over and above the minimum credits
allocated to the respective programme.
The Core and Foundation courses will carry 85% (60+25) credit weightage. General
and Open courses will carry 15 % credit weightage.
1. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides choice for students to select
from the prescribed courses (core, elective or minor or soft skill courses).
3. Credit Based Semester System (CBSS): Under the CBSS, the requirement for
awarding a degree or diploma or certi icate is prescribed in terms of number of credits to
be completed by the students.
4. Credit Point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.
5. Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of
hours of instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching
(lecture or tutorial) or two hours of practical work/ ield work per week.
7. Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point scale.
8. Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are
denoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F under 10 points grading system.
1. Semester Setting:
This option is to set the current year and semester of the batch in the course
11. Entry of Subject wise Continuous Internal assessment marks and practical marks by staff
Subject wise Continuous Internal Assessment marks and end semester practical
marks are received and entered in this section
13. Sending Exam absentees SMS to parents possible
Sending SMS to parents of students who have not attended the examinations daily
after entering exam attendance, so that parents can also track the activities of the
students easily.
23. Updating Original marks of student based on End Semester and Arrear Examination
In this inalization process, the marks secured in the regular exams and arrear
exams are processed and the inal result of each subject for all students is updated.
24. Generation of Subject wise Mark statement
Generating a report for displaying student wise mark secured in each exam
component, total marks, grade points, grade for a particular subject
In this report, semester wise subjects pending as arrear are listed for each student
38. Generation of Student wise arrear subject list – Low internal mark list
In this report, semester wise subjects pending as arrear who have passed in theory
and failed due to low marks in internal exam for each student is displayed
39. Generation of Subject wise arrear student list – Low internal mark list
In this report, subject wise student list who have arrears due to low internal marks
and passed in theory are listed
49. Generation of rank list with GPA
This report is generated to list the students according to the GPA to rank their
position in the semester exams conducted
Transparent Evaluation Process
Photocopies of the valued answer sheets can be had on request by the students.
Revaluation can be applied by the students
All answer scripts of internal assessment tests are returned to the students.
Internal assessment is inalized only if accepted and signed by the students.
Allocation of marks for the answers is made known to the students and the students have
the privilege to get clari ication if they perceive any anomaly.
The students take both the regular & arrear papers in the end semester examinations held in Nov-
Dec and April-May every year.
1. If a holiday is being declared after the publication of the time table, the University
examinations will not be postponed or cancelled. The examinations will be conducted as
per schedule unless otherwise noti ied.
3. If any, discrepancy noticed in the time-table, it should be brought to the notice of the
Controller of Examinations for recti ication.
4. The marks entered in the Foil cards in respect of subjects of Soft Skill/ Value Education /
Practicals / Internal Assessment/Project/Mini Project/Viva Voce must be sent by the
respective Head of the Department immediately after completion of exams to the
Controller of Examinations. Otherwise, the results will be withheld.
Appointment of Invigilators.
Tabulating the Internal and External marks through Centre for E-Governance.
3. The custodian of records pertaining to his duties and responsibilities and maintain
minutes of meetings related with Examination.
4. Bring in Examination reforms and update the examination process from time to time.
5. Perform such other duties as may be speci ied by the Vice Chancellor.
6. The two major objectives of the Examinations System are (1) conduct of
examinations successfully and (2) Publication of the results within the stipulated
Members of the Examination Calendar Committee
1. The Controller of Examinations – Convener
2. The Chief Executive Of icer
3. Prof.T.Mohan, Dean- PG Studies
4. Dr.D.Ebenezer, Head of the Department of Mathematics
5. Dr.M.Jayaprakashvel, Co-ordinator, NAAC Steering Committee
Special Invitee
1. Dr.P.Saravanan- Registrar
2. Capt.K.Karthik – Director, UCIR
End Semester Examinations will be conducted in November and May of every Academic
The schedule for the conduct of continuous Internal Assessment Test and the
commencement of University Practical and Theory Examinations are given in the Academic
Calendar as well in Exam Calendar.
Students can obtain their End Semester Examination Application Form from the
respective Department. The Filled in Application Form with the signature of the Head of the
Department should be submitted in the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations after paying the
necessary exam fees, within the stipulated time.
The Of ice of the Controller of Examinations after collecting the Application Form,
generates the Hall Tickets. Hall Tickets will be issued to the students through their departments.
Hall Tickets of students who have (Fees Due / Lack of Attendance/ Malpractice / Indiscipline will
be held back by Of ice of the Controller of Examinations.Based on the recommendation of
Examinations Reform Committee, Hall Tickets will be issued through Of ice of the Controller of
1. At the beginning of the semester the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations, list the
subjects for which Examination is to be conducted course wise and Semester wise.
2. Based on the Panel of Examiners, the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations prepares
the List of Examiners to whom question paper setting is to be sent.
3. Appointment of Examiners and the communication for the setting of question paper is to
be sent two months before the schedule of exam. The Examiners are requested to send
two sets of question papers (typed form) with key, in a sealed cover to the Controller of
Examinations. The examiner will be given 2 weeks time to set the Question Paper.
4. Controller of Examinations on receipt of question papers, check whether it is in the
required format.
5. After verifying the question papers, the Controller of Examinations issues order to the
printing press with instruction to print the question papers in a con idential manner.
6. After printing the question papers, the printer has to deliver in sealed covers directly to
the Controller of Examinations within the stipulated time.
7. Scrutinization of Question Paper:
To maintain con identiality the printed Question Paper will be
scrutinized in the Of ice of the Controller Of Examinations by the respective Head of the
Department , only 30 minutes before the commencement of examination, correction if
any noted will be announced in the Exam Hall by the Addl. Controller of Examinations.
1. One Invigilator for every 25 candidates or part of that number in each hall or room is
allotted. If number of the candidates for the examinations on any date does not exceed 25
no invigilator need to be appointed. It can be taken care of by the Of ice of the Controller
Of Examinations.
2. The Invigilator(s) should be present in the examination centre at 9.30 a.m. in the morning
session and 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon session to collect the answer paper booklets and
the Question Paper from the Collection point and distribute them to the candidates.
3. The Invigilator(s) should not allow the candidates without Hall Ticket & Identity Card
inside the Examination Hall. The Invigilator(s) should verify the front page of the answer
paper booklets of the candidates as to the register number of the candidate, the question
paper number, subject code etc. illed-in by the candidates. Only after verifying all the
details and hall ticket, the invigilator(s) should af ix their initials on the answer papers.
4. The Question Papers should be distributed to the candidate sharply at 10.00 a.m. in the
morning session and 2.00 p.m. in the afternoon session.
5. The Invigilator(s) should check the hall ticket of each and every candidate with his/ her
photograph and the signature in the attendance sheet. If any, discrepancies it should be
immediately brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations.
6. The Invigilator(s) should not allow the candidates to bring the mobile phones inside the
examination hall.
7. The Invigilator(s) should also check whether any candidate writes his / her register
number or marks any other indications in the Q.P or any pages of the answer booklet.
8. The Invigilator(s) should not allow any candidate to take the answer booklet out of the
examination hall.
9. The Invigilators(s) should put `AAA ´ in the attendance sheet against the names of the
candidates who are absent for any particular examination. The invigilator(s) should also
see that the answer booklet numbers are indicated by the candidates in the attendance
10. The Invigilators(s) should not permit any student to enter the hall after 30 minutes of the
commencement of exam.
11. The Invigilators (s) should not permit any student to leave the hall within 30 minutes
from the commencement of Exam.
To conduct the Evaluation of the End Semester University Exams, the Vice Chancellor
nominates one Camp Of icer and one Addl. Camp Of icer.
a. The Camp Of icer allots the Valuation Hall /Room to the Examiners as per their
b. One day before the valuation commences, and next day to the completion of valuation he
ixes the Board Meeting.
c. He takes care of the issue of Answer Papers as per norms to UG & PG board, and the
Completion of the respective Board.
d. He supervises the foil sheets marks are being typed in the computer by the respective
evaluator and sent to Centre for E-Governance for Printing.
1. The valuation work will be held from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. for the forenoon session and
from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. for the afternoon session on all the days including Saturday.
However, the camp staff should be present at the Camp an hour before for arrangements.
2. Before the transfer of answer scripts to the Central Valuation Centers, checking must be
done to examine the total number of students registered for a particular paper, number of
answer scripts received and number of absentees so as to ensure collection of answer
3. Central Valuation work should be commenced only after ascertaining the receipt of all the
dummy numbered answer scripts.
4. The Camp Of icer will hand over the packets or bundles each containing 30 answer
scripts along with question papers, key and Foil cards to the Chief Examiners .
5. The Camp Of icer of the Central valuation camp should verify the appointment order from
each Examiner.
6. The Scheme of Valuation with key sent by the of ice of the Controller of Examinations will
be discussed in the Board meeting along with the Examiners one day before the
commencement of valuation.
7. The Chief Examiner should get the details of the available answer papers with key from
the Camp Of icer a day prior to the commencement of central valuation.
8. Valuation should be done as per the scheme of valuation supplied at the centre.
9. Five Assistant Examiners will be allotted to each Chief Examiner who will be overall in
–charge of the valuation. He shall scrutinize all the answer papers valued by the Assistant
Examiners under his/her charge. He /She should also verify whether the valuation is done
as per the scheme of valuation. The Chief Examiner should value at least 10% of the
answer papers valued by each Assistant Examiner and he/she should record his/her
remarks on the answer papers in different ink which shall be the inal marks. The
remuneration for Chief Examiners shall be the average remuneration of all the Assistant
Examiners in the subject plus 10% of the total remuneration of the Assistant Examiners
under his/her charge.
10. Before the commencement of valuation, the examiners are requested to verify whether
they have handled the subjects of the answer scripts.
11. If any Examiner appointed for a particular subject is not reported for valuation, the answer
paper may be returned back to the Camp Of icer.
12. The Chief Examiners are requested to issue the answer papers of a particular subject for
valuation only to the examiners who actually handled that subject. No Examiners will be
allotted more than 3 subjects for valuation.
13. Each examiner will be given 30 UG answer scripts for each session separately with the
concerned Foil Sheets. In case of PG Degree, 20 answer scripts will be given for each
session to each examiner for valuation.
14. The Examiners have to award marks and record them on the front page, total them and
then write the marks in number and in words and should sign in full in the irst page of the
answer paper.
15. The Chief Examiners are required to attest corrections, if any, made by them and sign on
the irst page for having checked the valuation (whether all the answers are valued) and
also the total. Even if no alteration is made by the Chief Examiner, he/she shall record nil
correction and then af ix his/her signature.
16. Marks should be legible and corrections if any should be attested, with full signature.
17. The Examiners should return the evaluated answer scripts in the evening of the same day
and the answer scripts allotted for the day shall not be kept pending. The marks should be
entered in the Foil sheet and in the computer by the Examiners.
18. Under the Supervision of the Chief Examiner, entry of the marks in the foil cards and in
computer should be done and veri ication should also be carried out. In this connection, a
Data Entry Operator may be appointed by the Chief Examiner.
19. Every day soon after the valuation, the Examiners should ill-up the statement of
percentage of pass, so that the number of scripts valued by them can also be recorded on
each day of valuation. The respective Chief Examiner should collect these statements,
calculate the percentage of pass and hand them over to Camp Of icer. This form of
statement will help to tabulate the results on the last day of valuation.
21. Fraction of marks in the total of each paper should be brought to the next integer before
entering in the foil sheets. No candidate should be failed for want of one or two marks
22. The attention of all Examiners is drawn to the need for a careful checking of the answers to
see that no answer is left out in valuation and that proper marks are assigned to all
answers and parts thereof. Examiners are requested to be careful in totaling the marks
and correctly entering the marks in the irst page of the answer book and in the Foil sheet.
23. The Examiners are also requested to score off blank sheet and blank portions in the
answer books.
24. The Examiners should use red ballpoint pens for award of marks. No marking should be
made in pencil or other than the color mentioned above.
25. Under no circumstances the foil sheets should be torn, as every foil sheet bears the page
b. The marks should be entered in the lines [………………………..] provided against each
Dummy number and the MARKS MUST BE ENTERED IN WORDS also.[For example
c. The total of all the marks in a sheet should be written in the line provided at the
bottom of the sheet.
27. Examiner should sign the Foil Sheet before submission. The marks in the Foil sheet should
be typed in the computer provided for the examiner.
28. Examiners who have reason to suspect malpractice on the part of any candidate or
candidates should forthwith make all possible preliminary investigation and
communicate to the Controller of Examinations immediately through the respective Chief
Examiner and Camp Of icer along with details for suspecting malpractice and all material
evidence available.
29. Malpractice [MMM] cases should be entered in ink in the foil sheets by the Examiners.
30. Attempts made by the candidates or other interested persons to in luence the Examiners
with regard to the valuation of any of the answer papers shall forthwith be reported to the
Controller of Examinations. Severe action will be taken on erroneous Examiners, if any.
31. Camp Of icer / Chief Examiner should not entertain outsider to enter into the valuation
32. The Camp Of icer should forward the copies of representations received regarding
defects in the Question papers to the Chief Examiners on the irst day as well as on the day
of passing the results. , Chief Examiners and Examiners are requested to value the papers,
inalize and pass the results taking into consideration the nature of question, if out of
syllabus, tough question, percentage of pass etc., before suggesting the award of suitable
marks to earn a pass. The suggestions recommended to earn a pass should be straight
without any ambiguity, so that implementation of Board Recommendation is not
33. The Board Meeting, to pass the results, should be convened for each subject on the last day
of the valuation or on the very next day. The minutes of the meeting may be sent to the
Controller of Examinations in duplicate, duly signed by the Chief Examiner and the
Examiners of the concerned Board.
34. All the examiners must be present in the central valuation camp till the valuation is
completed. Dearness Allowance is permitted only for External Examiners.
35. The Camp Of icer has to arrange for the payment of Dearness Allowance with the help of
Finance Section of the University and also the remuneration to the Examiners at the end of
their valuation from the funds allotted by the University.
1. The Chief Examiner should ensure that the remuneration forms should reach the Camp
Of icer in the morning itself which will help hassle free disbursement on the inal day
2. The disbursement of the honorarium will be done only by the Camp Of icer.
3. In the event of an examiner not being present on the inal day, such examiner may be
permitted to authorize a colleague by a letter to that effect to receive the honorarium on
his/her behalf.
a. Chief Examiner allots papers to all Examiner as per their subject taught.
b. If key to the Question Paper is not available for any paper, the Chief Examiner must
ensure that it is prepared by any of the available Examiners.
c. Instruction to all Chief Examiner & Examiner regarding valuation procedures, Foil
Sheet Entry & Entering the marks in computer and not keeping any paper pending
for the day etc.
d. Checking the entry in Foil Sheet and Computer entry.
e. Returning the absent Additional Examiner's answer papers if any to Camp Of icer.
f. The Board Meeting has to pass the results. It should be convened for each subject
after the valuation. The minutes of the meeting may be sent to the Controller of
Examinations duly signed by the Chief Examiners of the Boards concerned.
see that no answer is left out in valuation and that proper marks are assigned to all answers
and parts thereof. Examiners have to take special care in totaling the marks of each candidate
correctly and in the same mark should be entered in the irst page of answer book and in the
foil sheet.
12. The Examiners have to score off blank sheet and blank portions in the answer books.
13. The Examiners shall check up the total carefully and also see whether all the answers are
valued and marks awarded.
14. The Examiners should use red ballpoint pens for award of marks.
15. Under no circumstances the foil sheets should be torn, In case of torn, a new foil sheet can be
used after informing the Controller of Examinations.
16. No Dummy number should be introduced / altered.
17. The Foil Sheets will be duly illed in with all relevant information.
18. The marks should be entered in the lines […………….] provided against each Dummy Number
and the MARKS MUST BE ENTERED IN WORDS also. [ For examples 047 as ZERO FOUR
19. Foil Sheets should be signed by Examiners before submission to Chief Examiner..
20. Examiner who have reason to suspect malpractice on the part of any candidate should make
all possible preliminary investigation and communicate to the Controller of Examinations
immediately along with details for suspecting malpractice and all material evidence
acquired from the candidate.
21. Malpractice [MMM] cases should be entered in Red ink in the foil sheets by the Examiners.
22. Attempts made by the candidates or other interested persons to in luence the Examiners
with regard to the valuation of any of the answer papers shall forthwith be reported to the
Controller of Examinations. Severe action will be taken on erroneous Examiners, if any.
23. The Examiners are informed that the passing minimum for UG and PG Examinations are as
UG all Examination – 50 %( except in few subjects like Nautical Science where the
passing minimum is(40% 60/70%)
All PG Examinations – 50 %
Participation of Examiner in Evaluation Work:
1. Examinership offer letter should be sent in advance and the concurrence of the examiners
should be obtained in the year – wise list.
2. Depending upon the seniority, the Chief Examiner will be ixed and 5 Examiners are ixed
under each Chief Examiner. Chief Examinership is applicable only for a particular Central
valuation and does not guarantee continuance.
3. The Acceptance Letter of the Examiner should be forwarded to the Camp Of icer by the
Controller of Examinations within the stipulated time.
5. Examiner should report to the Camp Of icer / Chief Examiner at 10.00 a.m. Due to logistic
problem in the city, late by 15 minutes may be permitted.
The University introduced the system of assigning of dummy numbering to all the answer
scripts to avoid malpractice. The dummy numbering works are done under the direct
supervision of the Controller of Examinations/Addl. Controller of Examinations. The dummy
numbering staffs are assigned with the following duties and responsibilities.
1. Receiving the Answer Script covers from the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations.
2. Assigning the dummy number to the answer scripts as per the Range list provided by
the Controller of Examinations.
6. Bundling the top slips in hundreds and binding them and mentioning the range of
dummy numbers on the cover of the top slips. This will be sent to Centre for E-
Governance for updating in the software with the original register number and
dummy number along with absentees.
8. The top slip bundles shall be kept in carton boxes and sealed and the same shall be
maintained at the Of ice of the Controller of Examinations.
After completion of valuation, and Passing Board Meeting results will be announced to the
Students through our University Web Site and also displayed on our University Notice Board.
Instant Examination
Instant Examination conducted only for the inal year students having overall two arrear
S.NO Nature of Malpractice Maximum Punishment
1. This convocation function is “ A function to Remember” for you.
3. Dress in your Convocation Gown issued and Wear your Convocation Badge
without fail.
4. Maintain discipline and order, No gossip or exchange of gestures to friends and parents
at the convocation venue.
6. Follow strictly the procedure for receiving the degree certi icate.
7. When the procession enters the Auditorium the candidates and invitees shall rise and
remain standing until all those on the dais have taken their seats.
8. While the candidates are called for the issue of degree certi icates they have to come to
the stage as per the order of the convocation badge number.
9. After the receipt of the certi icate the candidates should return to their seats quickly
and in an orderly manner and they will not be allowed to go anywhere other than their
10. When all the candidates are issued with the certi icates the chancellor will administer
the pledge.
11. When the Chancellor says “Let the candidates stand” all the candidates must stand and
repeat the pledge.
12. After administering the pledge the Chancellor shall confer the degree and the candidates
shall remain standing quietly and attentively till the Chancellor completes the
conferment of Degree.
13. At the conclusion of the convocation the graduates shall remain standing until the
academic procession leaves the hall.
1. The candidates who have successfully completed the course are eligible for the Award
of Degree and their list is prepared with classi ication.
2. The committees are constituted and its duties are assigned for the conduct of
3. The details of the candidates are given to the printing press for printing of Degree
Certi icates.
4. The noti ication for registration for the convocation is issued through University
7. The date of convocation and the Chief Guest for the function will be inalized by the Vice
8. Invitations are printed and distributed as per the University list of invitees.
9. The Gold Medalist, the Rank Holder and all the other candidates are informed of the
date of convocation and the procedure to be followed at convocation.
10. The Form of Procedure and the Minute to Minute program, Vice Chancellor's address
and Chief Guest address are printed.
11. The other materials like the course wise list of candidates, the grace passing formats,
the plan for convocation procession, the plan for the seating arrangements on the dais
and off the dais are prepared.
CGPA = --------------------------------------------------------------
% of Marks Grade
90 to 100 EX
80 to 89 A+
70 to 79 A
60 to 69 B+
50 to 59 B
40 to 49 C
0 to 39 RA
The classi ication First Class – Exemplary and the First Class with Distinction will be
awarded only for those candidates who have passed all subjects in the irst appearance as per the
scheme of examinations. Other students completing through arrear examinations will be placed
either in First Class or Second Class based on their marks.
1. A Non-Tracable Certi icate issued by the Police Of icial (duly signed by the
Inspector or Sub-Inspector) by mentioning Crime and Occurrence Sheet
Number and Date (Original)[ Appendix]
The Research Scholar is eligible to submit the synopsis in the prescribed format subject to the
ful illment of the following:
b. The Research scholar should have published at least one paper or the manuscript which must
have been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed National / International journal.
The doctoral committee shall evaluate the research work carried out by the Research Scholar. If
approved, the candidate shall submit six hard copies and a soft copy of the synopsis in the
prescribed format to the Controller of Examinations.
If the doctoral committee suggests additional work, the Research scholar shall carry out the same
and present to the Doctoral Committee again. The research supervisor shall submit a list of six
International / National experts with postal and e-mail addresses besides the Supervisor to the
Controller of Examinations at the time of submission of Synopsis. The Vice Chancellor will
appoint two examiners to evaluate the thesis.
If one of the examiners recommends and the other does not recommend the thesis, the Vice
Chancellor may refer the thesis to a third examiner for evaluation. If the third examiner
recommends the thesis, the Viva-Voce examination shall be conducted. If third examiner rejects
the thesis the scholar can re-register for the Ph.D programme. The extension time for submission
of thesis will be granted up to a maximum period of three years on payments fees prescribed
from time to time. Such extension will be granted for a duration of six months every time.
The inal examination shall be conducted as “Open Viva-Voce examination”. The inal Viva-Voce
examination shall be conducted by the Supervisor by inviting the examiner appointed by the
Vice- Chancellor from the panel of examiners who evaluated the thesis as convenor with the
consolidated report from the evaluation reports.
The inal viva-voce examination shall be conducted only after receiving positive
recommendations from both the examiners. If the Research scholar does not successfully defend
the thesis, the Research scholar may opt to reappear at a later date.
The Research scholar may publish papers arising out of the thesis and in such publications the
candidate must mention the af iliation with AMET in addition to other af iliations, if any. The
Research scholar without speci ic written approval from the University shall not publish the
entire thesis as a whole.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the above said regulations, the Board of Research and
Academic Council reserves the right to modify any of the above said regulations from time to time.
(NOTE: Only this form should be used and returned with filled up particulars)
PANEL OF EXPERTS (Please suggest at least three names under each category)
Name and Designation and Qualification / total teaching Remarks (FOR OFFICE USE
full Address with Telephone research experience with field ONLY)
and Fax Number (1) of Specialization (3)
(Foreign Examiner - External)
Name of Supervisor:
Ph.D Public Viva Voce Examination
Strictly in accordance with section 7.0 examination, and Viva Voce
Examination and subsection 7.3.2 viva voce examination of Degree of Doctor
of Philosophy (Ph.D) regulation 2010, AMET University, Chennai Ph.D Viva
Voce External Examination will be held for the scholar Mr./Ms.__________________
for his/her thesis “________”. The scholar will defend his/her thesis in the
presence of External Examiner of Viva Voce Examination on the date shown
below. A copy of thesis is kept in Prof. V.B.S. Rajan Library, AMET University.
Name of External Examiner:
Name of Scholar:
All are cordially invited.
Sign with Seal
S.No Subject Name of the Subject No. of QP Rate Amount
Code Setting with Rs.
ARREAR EXAMINATION- _______________
Remuneration for Question Paper Setting
In English
Amount Paid Rs.______________
Fee for statement of mark : Rs………../-
Examination Fees :
(Rs………… per paper)
A/C approval
Penalty (if any)
Total Fees :
S.No Semester Subject code Name of the subjects
Signature of the Candidate
ỳ Candidates should remit the examination fees and to submit the application on or before
2. Incomplete application will be rejected.
In English
A/c Approval
Total Fees :
(Maximum 2 Papers)
S.no Semester Sub. Code Name of the Subject
Signature of the Signature of the Candidate
Head of the Department
1. The candidate who has more than 2 subjects as arrears will not be permitted to write the
University Examinations.
2. Incomplete application will be rejected.
3. Last date to submit illed in application to Controller of Examinations of ice on or before
4. Students are instructed to attend Examination in Uniform with ID card and Hall Ticket.
Claim in connection with conducting Practical Examinations
# ص≤≥• Κ . Ø Ø¶
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Covered covered
b ◘ ◘ź{ Ċĵ ŕ ś ■Ċℓ Ċ◘ĊĂ▄▄Ŧ Rate per Student Rs. Total Claim in Rs.
ľ ◘ōśʼnśŕ
( Rupees in words …………………………………………………… only )
Signature of the Examiner/HoD
(To be signed only by the candidate)
9. Whether Originals of the above Certi icates have
been produced : Yes/No
Received the Transcripts in sealed cover Received all Original Certi icates
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
Af idavit for the issue of Duplicate Degree Certi icate duly typed in Non –
Judicial Stamp Paper valued of Rs.10/- or Rs.20/-
aged about..............................
…………………………..years, residing
……………………………………………………………………………………….do hereby solemnly
af irm and sincerely state as follows:
I declare and state that I have lost my
………………..………………………………………Degree Certi icate issued by the AMET
University ,bearing Register No …………………………passed in
………………………………………………….(month & year) through ……………………………….
College. I have tried my best to trace out them, but could not trace the Certi icates.
Immediately I have lodged a complaint before the Police Station on
……………………………………………………… The above matter was also published in the
Crime and Occurrence Sheet vice No……………… and /Date …………………………issued
by the Police Station .
I request the Duplicate copy of my Degree Certi icates from the University of
Madras for my future and therefore I swear this af idavit.
I request the University to issue the Duplicate Degree Certi icates. I assure
that I will return the Duplicate Certi icates to University, if may original Degree
Certi icates is are found by me.
The above deponent sworn the above and
Signed herein before me on this day…………...
Day of …………………………..20
Before me
Signed & Seal of the Notary Public
(To be obtained from the Police Department)
This is to certify that a case/report of missing was received from
Thiru/Tmt/Selvi …………………………….S/o/D/o………………………………………………
residing at ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
The complainant reported that he/she missed
…………………………………………………….. In this connection, all possible steps were
taken to trace the missing Certi icate/s and is/are not traceable. The missing
report was also published in Crime and occurrence Sheet No…………………..
Online Certi icate Veri ication /Authentication
To support “Digital India” our University has introduced online facilities like
certi icate veri ication/ Authentication which is very much time a saving process.
A student (or) Agency after uploading his document after making the online
payment, a unique ID is allowed to the user and at the same time an alert is sent to
Controller of Examination to verify the document through their registered mail ID
and Phone No.
End Semester Examination ________________________
Roll No. :
Registration No. :
Course :
Batch :
Amount per Paper Rs………
Amount Paid Rs………………..…
No.of Papers to be Revalued……………
Amount paid Rs……………….. A/C Approval
1. Apply within 5 days from the date of Publication of your Results. Fees can be made through
online also.
Space for Photo
A Revenue stamp should be affixed to the bill when the amount exceeds Rs.5000/
Name (in block letters) Dr. / Mr.Mrs.
/ / Miss……………………….
Official Address…………………………………………………….......
Address to which the cheque to be send (in block letters)……………
Station ……………
Space for
Sl. No.U2888
Space for
Space for Photo
Space for
End Semester Examination ________________________
Roll No. :
Registration No. :
Course :
Batch :
Amount per Paper Rs. 200
Amount Paid Rs………………..…
No.of Papers to be Revalued……………
Amount paid Rs……………….. A/C Approval
1. Last date for submission of Application at Controllers Of
ice is on _________
Sea ng Plan
Collec on of Answer Books
Board Mee ng
Publishing Results
Retotaling/ Photocoping
Revalua on
Instant Exam
Convoca on