Planning Academic Manual
Planning Academic Manual
Planning Academic Manual
Department of Planning
(Bachelors, Masters
and Doctoral Programmes)
SPAV - An Introduction
Department of Planning
The Faculty
Academic Programmes
Bachelor of Planning
Pedagogy & Outreach
Research Activities
Students Corner
I - Exam Rules
II – Syllabus of B.Planning
IV – Syllabus of MURP
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada
– An Introduction
School of Planning and Architecture, social purpose. Students not only learn the
Vijayawada, (in short, SPAV), was established skills required, but during the course of studies
on July 7, 2008 by the Ministry of Human are exposed to thought-provoking and
Resource Development (MHRD), Government intellectually inspiring sessions, through
of India, as an autonomous institution. SPAV is studios, field trips and research projects, which
a premier Centrally Funded Technical brings out the creative best in them.
Institution (CFTI) directly under the MHRD, for
excellence in the fields of Planning and School of Planning and Architecture,
Architecture. In the year 2014, it was Vijayawada has two departments namely
recognised as an “Institution of National Department of Planning and Architecture. Two
Importance” under an Act of Parliament under graduate programs, one in each of the
(Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India). two departments, Architecture and Planning,
were started from the academic year 2008-09.
Although in its nascent stage, with experienced At Post Graduation level, the institute offers
faculty and guest lectures by eminent visiting three masters programmes of two year duration
faculty and industry experts from all over the each, two in Planning and one in Architecture.
country, the quality of education imparted and Various post graduate and short term certificate
its focus on research puts SPAV in the league programs are conducted on regular basis in the
of leading institutes in the country. At SPAV, campus. In addition, the Doctoral Program
the academic focus and approach is a unique leading to a Ph.D. Degree has been introduced
blend of design, creativity and objectivity with a from the academic year 2012-13.
Note: The Department of Planning runs periodical recruitment drives for new Faculty members on regular,
adjunct and ad-hoc basis.
Planned low-density development in urban fringe (Image Credits: Marian Zubak, 2006)
Bachelor of Planning, abbreviated as B.Plan, is courses. The first four semesters focus on core
a four year full time Bachelors degree theories and techniques in planning, while the
programme in Planning offered by Department final four semesters help develop advanced
of Planning, SPAV, which teaches students skill sets, with domain specialisations.
about the fundamentals aspects and
specialised techniques of spatial planning in a The planning studio exercises progress from
comprehensive manner that ranges from basic technical drawing to preparation of base
neighbourhood to regional planning. maps, then to site planning and traffic and
transportation planning. The fifth and the sixth
The curriculum is designed to impart basic skills semester focus on studios in urban context and
related to settlement patterns, growth and application oriented theories. In the seventh
design, that would help students later in their semester, the scale of study deals at a regional
careers to serve in various professional level with theory subjects emphasising on
capacities in planning, development and governance and finance. The eighth semester
management agencies in the public sector as is about conducting an independent scientific
well as private consultancy organizations. The research – culminating all the knowledge and
aim of the programme is multi-disciplinary in learnings from previous semesters - in the form
nature - drawing from the field of city planning, of a thesis on a topic of interest of each
blending the knowledge from architecture, individual student. During the course of the
engineering, geography, economics, sociology, study, the students also undergo Practical
management, law, etc. During the programme, Professional Training. After completion of the
the students are equipped with the knowledge fourth semester students, are required to work
of basic theories, techniques, and design with non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
concepts from mainstream of town and country and after their sixth semester they work in
planning. Adequate emphasis is given to planning, organisations in the public sector or
practicals / lab oriented design exercises, private consultancy organizations.
where the students have opportunity oflearning
by doing.
Career Prospects
The course structure and syllabus of the B.Plan Upon graduation, the students are accepted as
programme is designed in coherence with the full-fledged planning professionals in the
Model Curriculum for B.Plan, All India Council discipline of Town and Country Planning. They
for Technical Education, 2008. B.Plan work as planners, development practitioners,
programme is divided into eight semesters with and researchers in the field of planning. The
a total of 240 credits i.e. 30 credits per students are accredited as Associate Members
semester. Each semester has a combination of by the Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI)
planning studio, lab-based subjects and theory under Ministry of Urban Development, Govt of
India, after they acquire two year professional
Course Structure – Bachelor of Planning, SPAV
First Semester
Distribution of
Sl. Distribution of Marks Credits
Code Subject Title Periods per week
Computer Applications
1 BPLN102 50 0 50 100 0 3 3 3
in Planning
Introduction to Urban
2 BPLN103 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
and Regional Planning
Evolution of Human
3 BPLN104 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Quantitative Methods
4 BPLN105 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
for Planning
Surveying and
5 BPLN106 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
6 BPLN101 Graphics Studio 250 0 250 500 0 15 15 15
TOTAL 500 200 300 1000 12 18 30 30
Second Semester
Distribution of
Sl. Distribution of Marks Credits
Code Subject Title Periods per week
Introduction to
1 BPLN202 50 0 50 100 0 3 3 3
Population and
2 BPLN203 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Settlement Geography
Planning Project
3 BPLN204 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Elements of Economics
4 BPLN205 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
for Planning
Elements of Sociology
5 BPLN206 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
for Planning
Planning and Mapping
6 BPLN201 250 0 250 500 0 15 15 15
TOTAL 500 200 300 1000 12 18 30 30
IA = Internal Assessment EE = End Evaluation EJ = External Jury / Viva Voce
TM = Total Marks L = Lecture Periods
P = Practicals/ Lab/Workshop Periods TP = Total Periods
Third Semester
Distribution of
Sl. Distribution of Marks Credits
Code Subject Title Periods per week
1 BPLN302 Planning Techniques 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
2 BPLN303 Planning Theory 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Planning for Physical
3 BPLN304 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Traffic and Transportation
4 BPLN305 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Socio-economic Structure
5 BPLN306 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
and Spatial Planning
Built Environment and
6 BPLN301 250 0 250 500 0 15 15 15
Site Planning Studio
TOTAL 500 250 250 1000 15 15 30 30
Fourth Semester
Distribution of
Sl. Distribution of Marks Credits
Code Subject Title Periods per week
1 BPLN402 Advanced Geoinformatics 50 0 50 100 0 3 3 3
Contemporary Planning
2 BPLN403 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Civic and Social
3 BPLN404 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Infrastructure Planning
Urban Renewal and Re-
4 BPLN405 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Housing and Real Estate
5 BPLN406 50 50 0 100 3 0 3 3
Transportation Planning
6 BPLN401 250 0 250 500 0 15 15 15
TOTAL 500 200 300 1000 12 18 30 30
Students analysing urban morphology with 3-D model (Left)
Experimentations in Photogrammetry (Right)
Thesis review in progress (Left)
Students presenting Area Development Plan of Ahmedabad to external jury (Right)
Mid-semester interactive session in Planning and Design Studio (Left)
1 Batch B.Planning students in Convocation of 2015 (Right)
Flood plains of Krishna river adjoining Vijayawada & proposed site for Amaravati Capital City at the horizon (Image credits:
Master of Environmental Planning & Management
Second Semester
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Course Title Periods per week Credits
MPEP202 Applications of Geoinformatics 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
Environmental Monitoring &
MPEP203 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
Assessment Tools
Theory of Environmental Planning
MPEP204 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
& Design
MPEP205 Environmental Economics 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Infrastructure for Environmental
MPEP206 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Planning & Management
Urban Environmental Planning
MPEP201 200 - 200 400 0 12 12 12
Elective 1: Ecological Footprints
MPEP211 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Elective 2: Advanced Water and
MPEP212 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Wastewater Treatment
Elective 3: Planning for Healthy
MPEP213 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Elective 4: From other Master
MPEP214 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
programmes (same semester)
TOTAL 500 200 300 1000 12 18 30 30
IA = Internal Assessment EE = End Evaluation EJ = External Jury / Viva Voce
TM = Total Marks L = Lecture Periods
P = Practicals/ Lab/Workshop Periods TP = Total Periods
Note: Compulsory summer professional training / internship (four weeks) after second semester
Third Semester
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Subject Title Periods per week Credits
MPEP302 Advanced Research Methods 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
Environmental Law &
MPEP303 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Professional Practice
Environmental Impact
MPEP304 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Assessment Techniques
MPEP305 Project Planning & Management 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPEP306 Energy Studies 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Regional Environmental Planning
MPEP301 200 - 200 400 0 12 12 12
Elective 1: Human Settlements
MPEP311 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
and Climate Change
MPEP312 Elective 2: Waste Management 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Elective 3: From other Master
MPEP313 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
programmes (same semester)
TOTAL 500 250 250 1000 15 15 30 30
Fourth Semester
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Subject Title Periods per week Credits
MPEP402 Environmental Justice 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Environmental Policy and
MPEP403 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPEP401 Environmental Planning Thesis 400 - 400 800 0 24 24 24
TOTAL 500 100 400 1000 6 24 30 30
IA = Internal Assessment EE = End Evaluation
EJ = External Jury / Viva Voce
TM = Total Marks L = Lecture Periods
P = Practicals/ Lab/Workshop Periods TP = Total Periods
Master of Urban and Regional Planning
area planning. Subjects offered are introduction
Introduction to information systems, evolution of human
settlements and planning, planning techniques
Master of Planning (Urban & Regional and quantitative methods, habitat and
Planning), abbreviated as M.Plan (URP), is a environmental planning, infrastructure planning,
two year full time Master’s degree programme and socio economic dimensions in planning.
in planning aimed to equip the students with The second semester focuses on urban
adequate skills required to comprehend urban planning and consists of the related subjects,
and regional issues and to analyse physical, such as applications of geo-informatics, city
socio-economic, cultural, political and and metropolitan planning, land economics and
ecological dimensions of the human management, advanced infrastructure planning,
settlements. and urban and regional governance. The
students are given professional exposure
The course is designed to provide necessary through practical training of a month during
exposure to various planning processes, summer vacation after second semester.
emerging trends and other related advanced
technical know-how. It intends to contribute The third semester focuses on regional
towards the creation of professionals in the field planning. Subjects offered in this semester are
and hence to cater to the specific needs of the advanced research methods, planning
industry and academics. During the course, the legislation and professional practice, rural
students will be provided with ample planning and development, project planning
opportunities to interact with the subject and management, and disaster preparedness
experts, relevant organisations, etc. The course and management. In the fourth semester,
enables the students to gain real time students would be required to undertake thesis.
experience through their involvement in the In addition, two theory subjects are offered.
ongoing or live projects. These include development finance, and
planning and politics.
M.Plan (URP) is a two-year course consisting
of four semesters. The course structure and
syllabus is designed in coherence with the
Model Curriculum for M.Plan / M.Tech Career Prospects
(Planning), All India Council for Technical
Education, 2011. The course structure is a The programme is designed to enable the
combination of various subjects, which includes growth of the students into professionals in the
studios, labs, theory, and field visits with a total field of both urban and regional planning. The
of 120 credits i.e. 30 credits per semester. students have broad opportunities to associate
with government planning departments, urban
The first semester is an integrated semester local bodies, policy-research institutes,
common to all master courses of planning development and management organizations,
offered by the school. The studio focuses on academics etc. in both public and private
entities and even NGOs.
Course Structure – MURP, SPAV
First Semester (Integrated)
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Course Titles Periods per week Credits
Introduction to Information
MPIS102 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
Evolution of Human Settlements
MPIS103 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
and Planning
Planning Techniques and
MPIS104 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Quantitative Methods
Habitat and Environment
MPIS105 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPIS106 Infrastructure Planning 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Socio-Economic Dimensions in
MPIS107 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPIS101 Area Planning Studio 200 - 200 400 0 12 12 12
TOTAL: 500 250 250 1000 15 15 30 30
Second Semester
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Course Title Periods per week Credits
Applications of Geo-informatics 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
MPUR203 City and Metropolitan Planning 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR204 Land Economics and
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR205 Advanced Infrastructure
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR206 Urban and Regional
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR201 Urban Planning Studio 200 - 200 400 0 12 12 12
MPUR211 Elective 1: Inclusive Planning 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR212 Elective 2: Demography and 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR213 Elective 3: Smart Cities 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR214 Elective 4: Urban Renewal 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR215 Elective 5: From other Masters
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
programme (same semester)
TOTAL: 500 250 250 1000 15 15 30 30
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Course Title Periods per week Credits
MPUR302 Advanced Research Methods 50 - 50 100 0 3 3 3
Planning Legislation and
MPUR303 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Professional Practice
Rural Planning and
MPUR304 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Project Planning and
MPUR305 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Disaster Preparedness and
MPUR306 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR301 Regional Planning Studio 200 - 200 400 0 12 12 12
MPUR311 Elective 1: Future Settlements 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Elective 2: Special Area
MPUR312 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
Elective 3: Human Settlements
MPUR313 50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
and Climate Change
MPUR314 Elective 4: Tourism Planning and
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR315 Elective 5: From other Masters
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
programme (same semester)
TOTAL: 500 250 250 1000 15 15 30 30
Fourth Semester
Distribution of
Distribution of Marks
Code Course Title Periods per week Credits
MPUR402 Development Finance
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
MPUR403 Planning and Politics
50 50 - 100 3 0 3 3
About Doctoral Programme
to meet the residency requirements, apart from
School of Planning and Architecture, teaching the postgraduate students for 8-10
Vijayawada is gradually emerging as a hours per week. However, both full-time and
prominent and known platform for academic part time students are required to go through
and applied research in the field of Planning. At obligatory course work. Doctoral studies are
present there are many students from all over monitored periodically by Doctoral Research
India who are registered with the Department of Committees in each Departments and a Joint
Planning as PhD scholars and are pursuing Doctoral Research Committee at the Institute
their Doctoral programmes. With our own level,
faculty members having doctorate degrees as
well as with the scholars from across India who The well-equipped library and GIS lab supports
act as PhD guide panels, the School offers a the research scholars to access latest
multidisciplinary view for the doctoral information, research material and avail latest
programme cutting across departments and software for their research work. Regular
disciplines. lectures are offered to doctoral programme
candidates including lectures by international
SPA, Vijayawada offers two kinds of doctoral scholars.
programmes: Full-Time and Part-Time. In the
Full-Time programme, a candidate is expected Admission to Doctoral Programmes happen
to finish the programme within a period of five twice a year, based on Notification and involves
years, while in the case of Part-Time the interviews and discussions on Proposed
maximum period is seven years from the date Research with the Doctoral Research
of registration. Full-Time students are required Committee.
For the ten seats of the above two M.Planning
Bachelor of Planning programmes offered through centralised
counselling (CCMT), only GATE qualified
Bachelors of Planning programme have a total candidates from B.Arch, B.Planning, and
of 30 seats open to Indian students from any B.E./B.Tech (Civil Engineering) are eligible and
State. The admission to the Bachelor of have to apply through CCMT.
Planning courses is made on the basis of All
India Rank obtained in JEE Mains Exam For the remaining ten seats of the above two
conducted every year by the CBSE, Govt of courses offered through Direct Admissions,
India. The admission rules and procedure is set candidates from M.A. Geography, M.A.
and conducted by Joint Seat Allocation Economics, M.A. Sociology and also B.Arch,
Authority (JOSAA), Ministry of Human B.Planning, B.E./B.Tech (Civil Engineering)
Resource Development, Govt. of India. without GATE qualification are eligible and can
Prospective students are advised to visit the apply directly to SPAV, as per annual
website – advertised notice.
Admission of Foreign Nationals (FN) / Non Aggregate 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA out of 10
Resident Indians (NRI) and Person of Indian scale for unreserved / OBC candidates and
Origin (PIO) is made through DASA, an 55% marks or 6 CGPA out of 10 scale for
platform of admissions by the MHRD, Govt of SC/ST/PH candidates in qualifying eligible
India. Please refer – degree.
Batch Studio Project
B.Plan III Ahmedabad Area Development
Yr Plan
MURP II Gandhi Nagar Master Plan 2021
MEPM II Nellore Environmental
Sem Management Plan 2031
B.Plan III Eco-City Plan, Alleppy, Kerala
Yr 2031
B.Plan II Smart Mobility Plan, Kakinada
MURP III Pondicherry Regional
Sem Development Plan
MEPM III Karaikal Regional Environmental
Sem Plan 2031
B.Plan IV Regional Development Plan for
Yr Hubli Dharvad
B.Plan III Madambakkam Area Development
Yr Plan
Professional Training
All planning students have to undergo
professional training during the summer vacation
as a partial fulfilment for the degree
requirements. The training period ranges
approximately 4 - 6 weeks. During the training
period, students work with Government
Departments, Private Consultancy Firms, NGOs
and INGOs, research and development
organisations, urban local bodies, etc. which are
either specialised in planning or undertake
planning projects. The training is coordinated by
the Department and develops a strong link
between the students and the profession before
they pass.
Research Projects
The Department of Planning undertakes academic, consultancy and advocacy projects and
assignments from all over India. As part of every semester planning and design studio / lab, the
Department aligns with various municipalities and/or regional development authorities across India
and undertakes real-life projects that culminate in preparation of City or Zonal Development Plans,
Mobility Plans, Environmental Management Plans, Regional Plans, etc., which is shared with the
local administrations.
The Department of Planning also undertakes institutional consultancy projects, leading to client
specific planning projects and has over 6 projects completed/ongoing. The Department under SPAV
also serves as advocacy and advisor to Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India for
proposals, evaluation and monitoring of development projects.
Students Corner
Other than academics, the students can actively
involve themselves in co-curricular activities by
associating themselves with the various clubs in
the institute namely Ritmo- The Music Club,
Club29- The Dance Club, Avant Garde- The
Fashion Club, Monolouge- The Dramatics Club,
Tasveer- The Photography Club, Ground Zero-
Event Management Club. Students have the
opportunity to actively take part in administration
through the Students’ Council, which is an elected
Student Activities at SPA Vijayawada
View of Prakasam Barrage across River Krishna (Image credits: Shyam Prasad,
I. Examination Rules
II. Syllabus of B.Planning
III. Syllabus of MEPM
IV. Syllabus of MURP
Examinations at SPA Vijayawada
Examination Rules
Urban Divide (Image credits: Framepool RS, 2015)