Verified Biology
Verified Biology
Verified Biology
Avital SADOT, Jasmin FISHER, Dan BARAK, Yishai ADMANIT, Michael J. STERN, E. Jane
Albert HUBBARD and David HAREL
Abstract-- The last several decades have witnessed a vast accumulation of biological data and data analysis. Many of
these data sets represent only a small fraction of the system’s behavior, making the visualization of full system behavior
difficult. A more complete understanding of a biological system is gained when different types of data (and/or conclusions
drawn from the data) are integrated into a larger-scale representation or model of the system. Ideally, this type of model
is consistent with all available data about the system, and it is then used to generate additional hypotheses to be tested.
Computer-based methods intended to formulate models that integrate various events and to test the consistency of these
models with respect to the laboratory-based observations on which they are based are potentially very useful. In addition,
in contrast to informal models, the consistency of such formal computer-based models with laboratory data can be tested
rigorously by methods of formal verification. We combined two formal modeling approaches in computer science that
were originally developed for non-biological system design. One is the inter-object approach using the language of live
sequence charts (LSCs) with the Play-Engine tool, and the other is the intra-object approach using the language of
statecharts and Rhapsody as the tool. Integration is carried out using InterPlay, a simulation engine coordinator. Using
these tools, we constructed a combined model comprising three modules. One module represents the early lineage of the
somatic gonad of C. elegans in LSCs, while a second more detailed module in statecharts represents an interaction
between two cells within this lineage that determine their developmental outcome. Using the advantages of the tools, we
created a third module representing a set of key experimental data using LSCs. We tested the combined statechart-LSC
model by showing that the simulations were consistent with the set of experimental LSCs. This small-scale modular
example demonstrates the potential for using similar approaches for verification by exhaustive testing of models by LSCs.
It also shows the advantages of these approaches for modeling biology.
reactive system continuously interacts with its environment [1], which also describes the
functioning of biological systems [2], [3]. This analogy can be extended to a comparison
between building engineered systems and the process of modeling and model-verification of
biological systems [4]. The design of an engineered system begins with the definition of a set of
Manuscript received June 8, 2006. This work was supported in part by The John Von Neumann Minerva Center for the Development of
Reactive Systems at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
A. Sadot, D. Barak, Y. Admanit, D. Harel are with the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel (e-mail: {avitals, dan.barak, yishai.admanit, david.harel}@
J. Fisher is with the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, CH-1015,
Switzerland (e-mail:
M.J. Stern is with the Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520-8005, USA (e-mail:
E.J.A. Hubbard is with the Department of Biology, New York University, New-York, NY 10003-6688, USA (e-mail:
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requirements determined by a concept of how the system should eventually work. These
requirements not only guide the construction and implementation of the system, but are also used
in verifying the system’s correctness, that is, that the system acts as it should with respect to the
where mechanistic models are built to represent how the biological system works based on
information known about the system [4] (Fig. 1). By testing an existing biological system under
different conditions, we increase our knowledge of its behavior. The observed results from these
tests can then be formalized to generate a set of behavioral “requirements”. The inferred rules
governing the system’s behavior can then be used to construct a mechanistic model. As in
engineered systems, these “requirements” can also be used to verify the mechanistic model’s
“correctness”, i.e., its consistency with the laboratory observations on which it was based [4]
(Fig. 1). The biological model will optimally be based on all the available relevant information,
but may also include educated assumptions about how the system functions [5].
Fig 1: Building engineered systems vs. modeling and model verification of biological systems.
In computer science, there are a number of accepted terms used for ways to show that a system
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satisfies its requirements. Testing is used mainly to describe the fact that one runs, or executes,
the system or a model thereof on some inputs. In most cases, the set of inputs is infinite or
impractical. The theory of testing is concerned with finding a “good” set of tests, which serve to
somehow cover most important cases. Verification is used to describe a rigorous mathematical
and/or algorithmic process whereby one proves that the program satisfies the specification.
Successful verification leaves no doubts as to the system’s correctness relative to the precise
specification of the requirements. Model-checking is one of the most widely used techniques for
carrying out verification. Exhaustive testing is the term used for the case where the testing
actually covers all possibilities, so that the result is the same as that for verification. This can
only apply when the number of possibilities is finite and practically small, and is therefore not
normally possible and is rarely done, except in relatively small-scale cases. Thus, when building
engineered systems, testing and/or verification are used to make sure that the system behaves in
the laboratory-based results that were used to formulate the mechanistic model as a means to
determine if the model is a sufficient reflection of the current understanding of the system [4].
Additional laboratory-based experiments are then designed to test hypotheses generated by the
model. The fact that there is a finite set of tests (the laboratory data) from which mechanistic
models are initially formulated, suggests the possibility that such a model can potentially be
verified by exhaustive testing; that is, its compatibility with the data-set used to generate it can in
fact be determined. Having validated a biological model for a specific data-set, new experimental
results can be added to further challenge the validity of the model, which can be appropriately
updated. Provided adequate means to formally represent (1) the biology represented in a
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mechanistic model and (2) the experiments that generated the model, the informal process of bio-
logical mechanistic-model building and testing can be made amenable to formal verification
Another shared feature of biological and engineered systems is that both display functional
modularity. A functional module is a distinct unit whose function is separable from those of
other modules [6]. Several areas of research have highlighted the modularity within biology,
particularly in evolution and development [6], [7], [8], [9]. Because of the growing volume and
complexity of biological data, the synthesis of the various aspects of biological analysis into a
complete systemic model, and the illustration of its functional modules have come to rely more
The challenge of developing computational models of biological systems has been the focus of
many studies. Different groups use different modeling methodologies, including differential
equations [10], Petri nets [11], process algebra and pi calculus [12], [13]. Different
methodologies depend on the type of system being modeled and the questions being addressed.
Our group utilizes two main methods: an intra-object, state-based approach using statecharts and
Rhapsody and an inter-object, scenario-based approach using live sequence charts (LSCs) and
the Play-Engine [3], [14], [15], [16], [17]. These methods have proven applicable to biology,
including the field of developmental genetics that, because of its reliance on genotype-phenotype
Another aspect of modularity in biology stems from the fact that different biological systems
are investigated using different experimental approaches and raise different kinds of questions.
Accordingly, we and others have proposed that distinct aspects of the modeling strategies may
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observations can be formalized and then used to verify that a formalized proposed mechanistic
model is consistent with the data upon which it was based [4]. The present paper implements
these ideas by creating a modular model that integrates the scenario-based and the state-based
approaches using the simulation engine coordinator InterPlay [18]. We used both LSCs and
statecharts to create a mechanistic model that focuses on a well-characterized cell fate decision
that is part of the development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)
hermaphrodite somatic gonad – the anchor cell/ventral uterine cell (AC/VU) decision. The
mechanistic model includes both inferences from available genetic data (a genetic interaction
pathway) as well as previously unmeasured quantitative features of the pathway (e.g., synthesis
and degradation rates for components of the pathway). For testing, we generated LSCs to
represent the results of genetic and anatomical perturbation experiments, from which many of
the key aspects of the mechanistic model were originally derived. We then used these LSCs to
verify computationally that the assumptions and hypotheses in the model are consistent with the
biological observations.
The development of the C. elegans somatic gonad starts from two founder cells present at
hatching, Z1 and Z4, which divide two to three times during the first larval stage (L1) to produce
the 12 cells of the gonad primordium [19]. Ten cells of the primordium have invariant fates:
eight precursors that later generate uterine and sheath/spermatheca cells, and two terminally
differentiated distal tip cells (DTCs), which lead the growth of the elongating gonad and play
critical roles during germline development [20]. Two other cells of the primordium, named
Z1.ppp and, have naturally variable fates: in the unperturbed worm one cell will become
the terminally differentiated anchor cell (AC), and the other will become a ventral uterine
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precursor cell (VU) [19]. The final conformation of the somatic primordium depends on the
outcome of the cell fate determination process between these two cells.
Fig. 2: A. Gene interaction in the AC/VU decision. The interaction between Z1.ppp and is mediated by the receptor LIN-12 and the ligand
LAG-2. During the AC/VU decision, hlh-2 is required for lag-2 transcription, and is down regulated post transcriptionaly by LIN-12. Arrows
represent positive regulation and bars represent negative regulation. Adapted from (Karp and Greenwald, 2003) and (Wilkinson et al., 1994). B.
Activity level at which regulation is modeled. All components have basal rates of production and degradation for both the mRNA and protein in
addition to these specific regulatory effects. aTF, transcription factor; (+), activation; (-) inhibition
The AC/VU decision occurs during the L2 stage and depends on cell-cell interactions between
Z1.ppp and that are mediated by LIN-12, a receptor of the LIN-12/Notch family, and
LAG-2, a ligand of the Delta-Serrate-LAG-2 (DSL) family (Fig. 2A) [21], [22], [23], [24], [25].
Z1.ppp and have the potential to acquire either the AC or the VU fate, but in wild-type
animals only one becomes the AC and the other becomes a VU (in 50% of the animals,
becomes the AC and Z1.ppp becomes a VU, and vice versa for the other 50%). Initially, Z1.ppp
and both express lin-12 and lag-2. The current understanding of the mechanism whereby
these two cells acquire stable mutually exclusive fates is that an initially small difference in lin-
12 activity between the cells triggers the amplification of ligand and receptor expression such
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that the cell with slightly higher lin-12 activity continues to transcribe lin-12 and ceases to
transcribe lag-2, while the cell with lower lin-12 activity continues to transcribe lag-2 and ceases
to transcribe lin-12. Ultimately, the cell expressing high levels of lin-12 becomes a VU, and the
lag-2 expressing cell becomes the AC [21], [23], [26], [27]. In addition, hlh-2 promotes lag-2
transcription during the AC/VU decision. Based on the different patterns of expression of a hlh-2
transcriptional reporter versus HLH-2 protein, it has been proposed that HLH-2 is post-
negative feed-back mechanism that leads to the termination of lag-2 transcription [28] (Fig. 2A).
The modular model we present here simulates the early lineage of the somatic gonad cells in the
scenario-based formalism, and focuses on the AC/VU decision in the state-based formalism. We
Fig. 3: Combining different tools for different modules. The AC/VU decision was modeled in the state-based formalism using Rhapsody, and the
lineage of the somatic gonad was modeled in the scenario based formalism, using the Play-Engine. InterPlay was used to connect the two tools.
We further composed a set of LSCs representing a key sub-set of the experimental data upon
which the mechanistic model was based, and again via InterPlay, we used them to verify that the
Fig. 4: Model verification. After we constructed the model using Rhapsody and the Play-Engine, we used the Play-Engine again to test the
integrated model. We created a set of simple LSCs based on lab observations, and used InterPlay to run the combined Play-Engine-Rhapsody
mechanistic model against them.
A. Statecharts
behavior [29]. In its object-oriented version [30], one uses statecharts to define the behavior of
objects over time, in an intra-object fashion, based on the various states that an object can be in
over its lifetime and the events that cause it to move from one state to another. Statecharts
describe both how objects communicate and collaborate and how they carry out their own
internal behavior under different circumstances. Thus, states are actually abstract situations in an
object's life cycle. The language is well-structured and hierarchical, and is thus relatively easy to
B. Rhapsody
C++, or Java code. Once the model (or some part thereof) is constructed and translated into
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executable code, Rhapsody can execute it so that one can observe its progress, in animated
versions of the model's statecharts. During animation, active states and transitions are shown in a
different color. The code can also be linked up with a graphical rendition of the system being
Live sequence charts (LSCs) constitute a visual formalism for specifying sequences of events
and message passing between objects [31]. The behaviors are specified as scenarios of events
and actions, with a variety of possibilities including scenarios that may occur, scenarios that
must occur and scenarios that are forbidden (called anti-scenarios). There are two types of LSCs,
universal and existential. Universal charts are more relevant for modeling, and are built of a pre-
chart and main-chart. The relationship between the pre-chart and the main-chart can be viewed
as a condition-result pair (see Fig. 5A): whenever the scenario in the pre-chart occurs
(condition), the scenario in the main chart must follow (result) [31].
D. Play-Engine
The Play-Engine is a recently developed tool that supports modeling and model execution with
LSCs. The Play-Engine supports the play-in/play-out methodology, in which one can easily
represent inter-object behavior, and execute and simulate a modeled system [32]. Using play-in,
LSCs that specify system behavior can easily be generated with a user-friendly mechanism. The
user first builds a graphical user interface (GUI) of the system, with no behavior integrated in it
and then ‘plays’ the GUI by clicking the graphical control elements in an intuitive manner. In
this way, the Play-Engine constructs the corresponding LSCs, which determine the sequences of
events and actions, and how the system should respond to them. Thus, play-in is analogous to
the LSCs. Using play-out, the user simply plays the GUI as he or she would have done while
executing a real system (for example, clicking the “On” button on a computer). As this is
happening, the Play-Engine interacts with the GUI and uses it to exhibit the system’s response
over time. Events occurring in the LSCs that govern system behavior during play-out are
represented in the GUI, so that the user may view the full modeled behavior of the system
contradictions between scenarios if attempted. For more on LSCs, play-in/play-out and the Play-
E. InterPlay
multiple simulation and execution tools, thus helping in the scale-up process of designing large
reactive systems [18]. Among other things, InterPlay enables the connection of the Play-Engine
and Rhapsody, and can be used in distributing large systems into their parts while retaining the
The connection of the Play-Engine with Rhapsody via InterPlay is done through external, non-
GUI objects. External objects are mirror images in the local system of objects in a remote
system, serving as an interface to it. As such, their structure (properties and methods) is known
by the local system, as are the elements of their behavior which are relevant to this system.
Behavioral changes in the remote objects are reflected to the mirror images and vice versa. The
technical aspects of this reflection are carried out by InterPlay. It is important to stress that the
A. Model structure
Since our model is modular and involves the continuous interaction of different modeling
The model starts at the beginning of the lineage of the somatic gonad cells. This component is
simulated using LSCs. The model of the lineage is constructed from two types of GUI objects –
a Gonad object and the objects of the Somatic Cells. The GUI depicts the somatic gonad cells in
cartoon form that reflects the activity of the underlying LSC events and that approximates their
relative size and positions during development, as well as their lineal relationships and divisions
(see Supp. Fig. 1). All of the Cells objects belong to the same class, and therefore have the same
properties and methods. The LSCs that describe the lineage of the somatic gonad advance
according to developmental time. Every Play-Engine clock tick represents one hour of actual
developmental time. The LSC Developmental Time (Fig. 5A) acts as a “manager” LSC
that monitors the time and consequently sets the developmental stage of the Gonad object. This
part of the model describes the lineage of the somatic gonad only up to the L2 molt. For each
developmental stage that the gonad reaches there is a suitable LSC in which the relevant cells
change their Divide property to true (see Supp. Fig. 2). For each cell that divides there is an
LSC in which the divided cell sends its two daughter cells the method Divided. Another LSC
states that each cell that receives the method Divided from another cell changes its Born
property to true. As suggested in the work of Karp and Greenwald (2003), the outcome of the
AC/VU decision is influenced by the birth order of Z1.ppp and Therefore, for these two
cells the LSC Stochastic Event decides randomly which of the two cells is born first (i.e.
changes its Born property to true first) (See Supp. Fig. 3). The change to true of the Born
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property of Z1.ppp and is sent to Rhapsody via InterPlay, and this triggers the cells in the
Fig. 5: Examples from the model. (A) An example LSC. This LSC follows developmental time and manages the development of the gonad. If the
user clicks the Start button (the pre-chart, surrounded by a blue dashed line), then the Gonad object starts to measure time, and advances through
the developmental stages accordingly (the main-chart, surrounded by a black rectangle). The external Gonad object, which is intended for
communication with InterPlay, is indicated with a small cloud on the right upper corner. (B) The statechart of the Cell class. The cell starts from
the unborn state, and from there it can advance either to the Ablated state or to the Fate state. In the Ablated state, the cell's
participation in the decision is terminated. In the Fate state, the process of fate determination takes place, at the end of which the cell either
becomes an AC or a VU.
The model of the AC/VU decision, which is simulated in Rhapsody, is composed of a Gonad
class and a Cells class. The Gonad class aids in the initialization of the simulation (i.e. setting the
initial conditions for a particular execution). The Cell class consists of two instances of the same
statechart – one for Z1.ppp and one for Consistent with their biological behavior as an
equivalence group [19], [26], [33], Z1.ppp and start the process in the wild type (here
implying the absence of genetic or anatomical perturbations) with the same initial conditions.
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During the run, however, their gene and protein levels change as a result of their interactions.
Below we describe the statecharts of the various classes, starting with that of the Gonad.
The instantiation of the Gonad statechart starts in the InitConditions state (see Supp.
Fig. 4). This state has a sub-statechart that specifies the variety of initial conditions, according to
the different perturbations used to run and test this model (Table 1) (see Supp. Fig. 5). The
The Cell class describes the modeled processes that take place within and between the two
cells. lin-12, lag-2 and hlh-2 are represented at transcriptional, translational and post-
translational levels, representing the production of mRNA and protein products (Supp. Table 1).
Although exact levels of these molecules have not been measured experimentally, we assigned
relative values that were adjusted during model-building to produce the desired behavior. There
is also a representation of mRNA and protein degradation. We assume that all produced protein
is active or able to be activated: in the case of the wild-type LIN-12 receptor, the activity of the
protein is contingent on the neighboring cell producing the ligand. All of these properties are
depicted as attributes of the class Cell. The processes of transcription and translation and the
interaction between the cells are implemented in C++ as operations (Supp. Table 2).
For each of the genes, the calculation includes a basal transcription and degradation rate for
the mRNA, and a basal translation and degradation rate for the protein. Additional terms are
included in the operations to account for the known regulatory steps in this system (see Fig. 2A,
B). These include: (1) the effect of LIN-12 as a self-activating transcription factor on the lin-12
mRNA level; (2) the effect of LAG-2 of the neighbor cell as a signal that activates LIN-12; and
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(3) the effect of HLH-2 as a transcription factor on the lag-2 mRNA level. In addition, since
LIN-12’s negative effect on HLH-2 is postulated to be post-translational [28], the protein level
of HLH-2 is computed not only as a factor of the protein’s basal translation and degradation
rates, but also as a factor of the influence of activated LIN-12 as a negative regulator.
The strength of the effect of a transcription factor on the transcription rate of its target gene is
described by a monotonic s-shaped function [34]. This function is used each time there is a
calculation of a transcriptional regulation interaction between two elements in the system (see
Fig. 2B). It determines the extent of the influence one element has over the activity level of
another element, taking into consideration the current activity level of the influencing element.
We also introduce into the system a random level of noise (between -5% and +5%) each time we
update both mRNA and/or protein levels of each of the three key components. This simulates the
At each execution of the model there are two active copies of the statechart for the class Cell –
one for Z1.ppp and one for Each copy of the statechart has its own list of attributes and
operations that change during the run (Supp. Tables 1, 2). The statechart of the Cell class starts
at the UnBorn state (Fig. 5B). Once Z1.ppp and are born according to the lineage
modeled in the Play-Engine, the message evBorn is received by Rhapsody via InterPlay.
The Cell statechart then advances into the state Fate (Fig. 5B), in which the model
represents the process of cell fate determination, including a set of two sub-statecharts to
separate events that occur upon reaching the “decision threshold” of LIN-12 levels from the final
stage of cell fate acquisition. The Fate state starts at the UnDiff (for Undifferentiated) state
(Fig. 5B). In this state the level of the genes and proteins are updated. The fate of the cell is
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determined when the level of LIN-12 protein in a cell reaches one of two critical levels – either a
the AC threshold, the cell advances to the AC state (Fig. 5B), in which a sub-statechart ensures
that the FinalAC fate is not reached until the AC state is stable, that is, has reached an
additional (arbitrary) 1 unit below the AC threshold (see Supp. Fig. 6). In this state, a loop
updates the LIN-12 level within the maintainAC state by iterating the same calculation
method that was used in the UnDiff state. Once this 1-unit difference is achieved, the cell
advances to the FinalAC state. Similarly, if at the end of the UnDiff state the level of LIN-12
protein in the cell exceeds the VU threshold, the cell advances to the VU state (Fig. 5B). Again,
this state has a sub-statechart that assures that this level of LIN-12 is maintained before the cell
When the cells in the Rhapsody model reach their final fate, the result is sent back to the Play-
Engine, again through InterPlay, and the appropriate final conformation of the somatic gonad
primordium – 5R or 5L (Kimble and Hirsh, 1979) – is set and displayed via the GUI (see Supp.
Fig. 1C). An example of an outcome of a run of the model under normal, wild-type conditions
C. Model testing
We created a set of 18 LSCs (Table 1) to test the model, each of which represents a condition-
result experiment. These LSCs consist of a pre-chart that states the initial condition of the
experiment (for example lin-12(0) indicates lin-12 is homozygous for a null allele), and a main
chart that describes the end result of that condition (Z1.ppp and both become ACs; for
example, see Supp. Fig. 8). These LSCs do not contain any information about the mechanism
Table 1: testing
Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of variant LSCs per test name if greater than 1.
Run duration is measured in the average number of total rounds that the model goes through to reach completion (that is until it reaches the
FinalAC and FinalVU states).
* All protein produced is assumed to be active or activate-able (see text for further explanation).
In the Rhapsody component of the model, the statechart of the Gonad initializes the conditions
for each test. For example, for lin-12(0), the mRNA and protein levels of lin-12 in both Z1.ppp
and are set to zero (Table 1). When running the model, the user can choose which test to
conduct, either through Rhapsody or through the Play-Engine. The appropriate events are sent
via Inter-Play, and they consequently trigger the progression of the model. Once the model
finishes its execution, the test-LSCs are either satisfied or not satisfied. If they were satisfied,
this implies that the outcome of the simulation driven by the mechanism depicted in the model is
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We used the set of experimental observations shown in Table 1 and tested, one by one, the
combined statechart-LSC model. In the course of applying these tests, we had to make small
adjustments to the parameters of the mechanistic model, and to check again if it displayed the
desired behavior. Eventually, all of the test-LSCs were satisfied, meaning that the mechanistic
model we built was consistent with the laboratory observations tested (see Supp. Fig. 9-17). For
laboratory observations in which the experimental outcomes were non-deterministic, our model
is deterministic and therefore produces the most frequent results. That is, where the biological
outcome was incomplete penetrance of a given phenotype, our model only produces the most
penetrant phenotype. Future modeling work will address a more realistic representation of non-
deterministic outcomes. Though the model and the tests thereof are not comprehensive – that is,
these are but a small sub-set of the relevant experiments reported in the literature that relate to
the AC/VU decision - this set is sufficient to illustrate the process, utility and further potential of
Complex systems are built by combining together simpler parts of the system. The process of
modeling biological systems requires the integration of the mechanistic rules by which the
smaller pieces operate. In this paper we combined two formal modeling approaches in computer
science that were originally developed for the systems design field. These were used to construct
a model for certain aspects of the development of the somatic gonad of C. elegans. In particular,
we focused on the AC/VU decision. We then used one of the approaches to formally test the
As biological processes are studied, the relevant data frequently have distinct features. For
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instance, some of the data are observations of normal behavior, while other data are obtained
after specific perturbations of the normal system. The mechanisms underlying the behavior under
normal conditions are often inferred from the results of experiments conducted under perturbed
conditions. In addition, data from many different aspects of the biology are often combined into
a mechanistic model. For example, the behavior of a condition that alters the activity of a given
gene can be combined with information about the identity of the protein encoded by the gene and
from relevant biochemical experiments. These combined inferences are collected into a
mechanistic model from which testable hypotheses are derived and then lead to additional
experiments. It was previously suggested [4] that by using a scenario-based approach (LSCs) to
formalize the observed behaviors and experimental perturbations of a biological system, and a
state-based approach (statecharts) to formalize the mechanisms underlying these behaviors, one
can formally verify that the mechanistic model reproduces the system's known behavior.
Here we have followed this idea: we used different computational approaches to model
different aspects of the system. As the lineage of the somatic gonad cells is more intuitively
depicted in the form of scenarios, we chose to describe it using the inter-object approach of
and their outcomes. The AC/VU decision, however, is a continuous process, consisting of
feedback loops among key components that influence the states of the two cells, Z1.ppp and Moreover, based on additional more general knowledge about genetic information
transfer and the dynamic behavior of the mRNA and protein components of the system we
incorporate into the statecharts model additional quantitative features, some of which have not
yet been measured directly in the lab. We chose to model this part of the system using the intra-
object approach of statecharts to represent the interactions between three of the crucial
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components that regulate this cell fate decision and their molecular dynamics. Thus, our
mechanistic model includes quantitative aspects of the system that may provide additional
connecting the LSC and statecharts-based aspects of the model (Fig. 3).
This approach has several more broadly-applicable advantages. Each module is a standalone
model. Thus, we can choose to explore different aspects of the systems separately by looking at
each module by itself, or to investigate the complete system by looking at the integrated model.
This flexibility is useful on several levels: when building the model, one can concentrate on
developing a single component without influencing other components of the system. It is also
responsible for a single module. Then, for the complete system all modules can be connected.
Another advantage is that investigators interested in diverse facets of the modeled system can
look at the processes that interest them on their own, or as a part of the full system.
We used the same modular approach for verification of the model. The statecharts-based
model incorporates inferences from a wide set of studies. Using a small set of core behaviors, we
were able to demonstrate that this model can reproduce these fundamental behaviors. To do this,
we summarized this key set of previously published laboratory observations in the form of LSCs,
and used them to test that the mechanistic model we constructed was consistent with these
laboratory observations (Fig. 4). Thus we allowed the Play-Engine to follow the combined
Rhapsody and Play-Engine model execution, and ensured that our mechanistic model matches
these experimental observations. This approach demonstrates the potential for exhaustive testing.
The modular approach is very convenient, since it enables us to test the components of the
system either separately or combined. Further tests can be used to help develop a more complete
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model of this system. Since our mechanistic model also includes previously unmeasured
quantitative aspects of the system, this type of modeling can serve to simulate experiments to
The AC/VU decision is a process of cell fate determination between two initially equivalent
cells. This process is mediated by members of the Delta/Notch gene family – LIN-12, a receptor
from the LIN-12/Notch family, and LAG-2, a member of the DSL (Delta-Serrate-LAG-2)
family. Members of the Delta/Notch family are involved in such processes in various organisms
[36]. The proposed mechanism for this cell fate determination is similar to leader-election
algorithms in computer science. These algorithms are designed to solve a problem in which a
that if all elements are identical, the problem cannot be solved deterministically, and one unique
leader cannot be elected [37]. This implies that the only way to solve the leader-election problem
is to somehow break the symmetry. The assumption made in some of the algorithms designed to
solve this problem is that each element in the network starts the process with some unique
identifier (sometimes chosen at random), which distinguishes the elements and makes it possible
to break the symmetry. The elements in the network then communicate with each other, and send
their identifiers across the network. Eventually, a leader is elected according to the nature of
these identifiers [37]. The change in symmetry in the biological interactions is presumed to be
due to some kind of stochastic event, which gives one of the cells the advantage in adopting the
leader fate [36]. In the AC/VU decision, this event is biased by the birth order, which enables
one of the cells to start accumulating LIN-12 before the other [28]. The LIN-12 activity level
could act as the unique identifier in the algorithm, by which the leader is eventually chosen.
The modular nature of our modeling approach makes it easily expandable. One can simply
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 21
connect additional modules of the system to the existing configuration, using any computational
tool desired. Furthermore, since every component of the model is standalone, it is possible to
choose just one of the components, and incorporate it into another system. Thus this model can
be integrated into the ongoing efforts in our group to model C. elegans vulval development [15],
[17]. Another plausible expansion of this model is the construction of additional aspects of C.
elegans gonadogenesis.
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