BBL 040
BBL 040
BBL 040
Advance Access publication November 14, 2006
Natal A.W. van Riel, Biomodeling and Bioinformatics, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of
Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Tel.: þ31-40-2475506; Fax: þ31-40-2472740;
Natal van Riel is Assistant Professor of Biomodeling and Systems Biology in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at
Eindhoven University of Technology and Principal Investigator of Eindhoven Biomedical Systems Biology. His research interests
include mathematical modelling and identification of biological systems.
ß The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:
Dynamic modelling and analysis of biochemical networks 365
and cell biology. As currently employed, the term as ‘Occam’s razor’ [12], which, as Einstein noted,
‘systems biology’ encompasses many different also implies that models should not be too simple.
approaches and models, and studies many organisms For successful application of systems biology
from bacteria to man [3]. these philosophies are complementary rather than
Despite the amount and quality of experimental mutually exclusive. The two paradigms can also be
data increase rapidly, quantitative measurements of recognised in the two principal approaches to the
many cellular components in time and space are still construction of biochemical network models [13,
relatively scarce. Data sparsity in combination with 14]. In one of his founding papers on systems
biological complexity impose severe challenges to biology, Kitano referred to a ‘bottom-up’ approach
standard engineering methodologies for modelling, as ‘trying to construct a gene regulatory network
simulation and mathematical analysis of biochemical from independent experimental data, mostly
networks and there is a great need of sound model obtained through a literature search and the rest
building methods. Predictive, mechanism-based obtained from experiments designed to provide
on the comparison of model-predicted and experi- Several review, opinion and tutorial papers use
mentally measured variables. Thus working toward rather simple and abstracted examples of signalling
goal 4 requires developing models and designing pathways to illustrate how mathematical modelling
experiments in tandem, ensuring that sets of and analysis can help in understanding concepts
modelled and measured variables can be matched like emergence, feedforward and feedback loops,
to each other and that experiments are optimally stability, robustness (and fragility), adaptation and
designed to identify model unknowns [10, 11, 27]. homeostasis. This might leave the impression that
Over the past years, many papers have reviewed systems biology per se aims for simplification and
approaches to the development of computational functional descriptions, while loosing sight of the
models of biochemical networks and described details and complexity of actual reaction networks.
the insights gained from models [4, 28–37]. Some Many efforts pursue realistic large-scale complex
cover an extensive overview of many different models, but simplified models show to be
mathematical frameworks, including Boolean and valuable in terms of understanding the essential
Bayesian networks and stochastic models [38], and/or qualitative behaviour of biological systems
others are restricted to a specific class of models, [10, 34, 40]. A focus on system behaviour of the
such as so-called hybrid systems, which combine network does not imply that known molecular
continuous differential equations and discrete details are always to be neglected [41]. Nevertheless,
events [39]. Like most reviews, we focus on conti- a course-grained level of description is often the
nuous, deterministic descriptions of the dynamics by only practical approach if molecular details of parts
applying non-linear ordinary differential equation of the biochemical network lack [4, 42].
(ODE) models of biochemical pathways. The
so-called state-space formulation is most convenient
to describe and implement an input–output system MODEL BUILDING CYCLE
as a set of first-order differential equations for Arguably, systems theory provides the most formal
a vector of state variables and an algebraic output and most general (not application domain specific)
equation. definition of the cycle of building models of
Dynamic modelling and analysis of biochemical networks 367
dynamic systems. The typical model building cycle Despite such endpoints will often be static, this
as considered in the area of system identification helps to verify the consistency of the model and is
[5, 43–45] starts from a goal definition (purpose important to gain confidence in the predictions.
of the model) and some a priori knowledge Next, system analysis tools, such as parameter
(i.e. preliminary data and initial hypotheses) on the sensitivity analysis, can be used to design experiments
basis of which a model framework is chosen and to generate optimally informative data for parameter
a model structure is proposed. From the available estimation or to validate model predictions. Optimal
data, parameter estimation is then performed, leading experimental design (OED) includes how to perturb
to a first working model. This initial model must be the system, which components to measure and
validated with new experiments, which, in most at which time points to sample (model-based
cases, will reveal a number of deficiencies. Thus, experiments). To develop predictive models of
a new model structure and/or a new experimental realistically large biochemical networks dozens of
design must be planned and the process is repeated components (proteins, metabolites) will have to be
perturbations on the overall system [46]. The between the output for the reference parameter
identification of the network components and rate values and the perturbed system output [45, 46, 59],
constants that are most critical to the output the area under the curve of the output [8], the
behaviour of the system is one of the major problems amplitude and period of oscillation [56, 57], the
raised in systems biology [47]. Besides analysis of the deviation from the steady-state values [51] and
effects of parameter uncertainty on model outcome, the output value after a specific amount of time,
other applications of parameter sensitivity analysis which could be an endpoint that is clinically used
are: (1) analysing robustness [48, 49], (2) determining to assess drug efficacy [1, 50].
modularity of biochemical networks and model Local sensitivity analysis allows only one param-
reduction [42], (3) identification of control points eter to vary for each simulation and deals with only
for, among others, drug target selection [1], (4) small perturbations of the reference model, i.e. local
discrimination of phenotypes for biomarker selection sensitivity analysis pertains to a particular point in
[50] and (5) experiment design [5, 42, 45, 51, 52]. the parameter space. However, rate constants and
The methods of Cho et al. [45], Zi et al. [46] studies, sufficient components of a biochemical
and Zhang and Rundell [59] classify the sampled network were measured in time such that the
parameter sets as either acceptable or unaccept- parameters of a simplified model could be uniquely
able given a threshold value of the objective and accurately estimated given the data of inputs and
function. The distributions of the parameter values outputs (the model was shown to be ‘identifiable’)
associated with acceptable and unacceptable cases are [6, 8]. Swameye et al. [8] estimated five unknown
statistically evaluated to rank the sensitivities. parameters in a model with four state variables. The
LPSA and GPSA have been compared by model of van Riel and Sontag contained five state
applying the methods to the same model. The variables and seven unknown model parameters [6].
resulting rankings of the parameters were signifi- The parameters of both models were estimated by
cantly different [46, 59]. Zi et al. [46] applied LPSA applying the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)
and their GPSA method to a model of the IFN- and the accuracy of the estimates was assessed by
induced JAK-STAT signalling pathway, a stress calculating the variances from the Fisher Information
parameter region containing the global solution, but of components while minimising the use of reaction
global optimality is not guaranteed. Furthermore, all fluxes. This requirement is analogous to a classic
global optimisation methods suffer from the large problem in automatic control, namely, the state
computational burden required, even for moderately regulator problem (SRP), which penalises deviations
sized problems. (As case study, 36 parameters of a of the state variables as well as large control action.
non-linear biochemical model were estimated using The SRP estimator calculates an optimal set of state
a PC Pentium-III, which took 40 h.) In a recent trajectories via a constrained convex programming
contribution, Banga and co-workers [5] presented problem in which the available measurements are the
a new optimisation methodology reducing compu- constraints. It is important to note that the reaction
tation time by one order of magnitude by means kinetics and therefore the unknown parameters are
of a hybrid method combining global and local not used in the SRP algorithm.
optimisation methods which increases efficiency
while guaranteeing robustness.
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