Book ModelingCellularSystems
Book ModelingCellularSystems
Book ModelingCellularSystems
Sciences 11
Frederik Graw
Franziska Matthäus
Jürgen Pahle Editors
Contributions in Mathematical
and Computational Sciences
Volume 11
Series editors
Hans Georg Bock
Willi Jäger
Hans Knüpfer
Otmar Venjakob
More information about this series at
Frederik Graw Franziska Matthäus
Jürgen Pahle
Frederik Graw Jürgen Pahle
Heidelberg University Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Heidelberg
Germany Germany
Franziska Matthäus
Heidelberg University
vi Preface
techniques. Novel experimental data and observations usually also require the
development of appropriate mathematical methods in order to analyse and interpret
these data in a meaningful way. The theoretical considerations on particle diffusion
followed the development of microscopy. Similarly, one of the most famous
mathematical models in biology—the Hodgkin–Huxley model describing the
molecular basis of action potentials in nerves—was guided by observations based
on voltage clamp, a new experimental technique that allowed to measure ion cur-
rents of neuronal membranes and control the membrane potential.
In recent years, biological sciences have experienced enormous advances in
experimental techniques that allow the quantification of biological processes in more
and more detail. In particular imaging technologies have improved substantially in
terms of spatial and temporal resolution, also driven by the development of novel
fluorescent dyes and techniques. Single molecule spectroscopy allows the visuali-
sation and quantification of single molecules within individual cells. With life cell
and two-photon imaging, as well as 3-D microscopy we are able to observe and track
the behaviour of single cells within particular organs over time, or even across an
entire organism. Further experimental techniques, such as high-throughput -omics
technologies quantifying entire chemical subsystems of a cell (e.g. proteins, meta-
bolic compounds or gene expression), cellular barcoding, which enables us to follow
the fate of individual cells during differentiation and migration, or traction force
microscopy, generate tremendous amounts and various types of quantitative data.
We strongly expect that inspired by the data generated by these technologies novel
mathematical models and methods have to be developed, in order to formalise and
test newly generated hypotheses about biological processes, and to provide a sys-
tematic and quantitative understanding of the often complex structures and inter-
actions across multiple scales. Without the help of mathematical models a proper
quantification and interpretation of these novel types of data and observations is
practically impossible. Mathematical models are essential to describe the underlying
mechanistic processes spanning different spatio-temporal scales and the interaction
of many biological components. They provide a more thorough understanding of the
observed data than purely statistical approaches, as they go beyond simple quanti-
tative and qualitative comparisons.
The process of mathematical model building is thereby challenging and often
tedious, as many different requirements have to be considered:
1. Does the model correctly describe the experimental data?
2. Are the assumptions on the underlying biological processes plausible and how
sensitive are our conclusions with regard to these assumptions?
3. Does the model comprise the minimum complexity necessary to explain all
observed behaviours, or is a further reduction sensible?
4. Does the model allow predictions that can be tested experimentally and, thus,
allow model validation?
5. Is a rigorous mathematical analysis of the model possible? If not, can the model
be analysed numerically?
Preface vii
Programme Chairs
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane
1 Introduction
The technological advances of the past few decades fueled the fast growth of a
quantitative dimension to biology. The work discussed here describes computational
approaches for simulating and predicting outcomes of molecular processes on the
behavior and output of the overall system. The consideration of “dynamics” offers
improved understanding of stochastic processes, such as diffusion-limited reactions,
and is markedly distinct from approaches that infer causal connections between
genes, mutations, phenotypes, and pathologies from large datasets.
We define mathematical models that, at least in part, recapitulate the behavior
of living cells observable in quantitative experiments. Models that integrate the
dynamics of living systems are reductionist and mechanistic; they result from the
composition of simple, physically motivated descriptions of the various elements
taken separately. In contrast with occasional misperceptions,1 the resulting inte-
grative dynamical models are precisely the way to understand or predict emerging
system properties. Furthermore, the focus of our discussion is on processes that are
random,2 and therefore the predictions that such models can make are likely versions
of system behavior.
Modeling Membrane Dynamics
Very significant advances in experimental techniques, in particular, high-resolution
microscopy combined with the ability to reliably label molecules of interest, opened
the door to a wealth of data on the movement and chemical state of individual
molecules. This has the potential to greatly refine the already vast knowledge of
the biochemistry of cell signaling, accumulated through more traditional avenues of
investigation, such as in vitro identification of molecular structures and reactions,
and cell-level in vivo measurements of molecular processes.
Modern microscopy has revealed that the cell membrane presents a varied land-
scape which modulates the movement of membrane bound proteins. The distrib-
ution of receptors and other biomolecules is typically not homogeneous, and is
characterized by structures at spatial scales ranging from several hundreds to tens of
nanometers. Molecules exhibit clustering and anomalous diffusion, deviating from
the null-hypothesis of uniform, random movement. This complicates the interpre-
tation of experiments aimed at ascertaining or quantifying the details of known
molecular processes.
Modeling processes on the cell membrane requires taking into account both the
discrete nature of molecules, and the inhomogeneous spatial context. While mature
methods exist for handling both aspects, available software, and the majority of
modeling effort in the field, is not well adapted to handling the relevant spatial scale,
ranging from just above the diameter of a receptor to a fraction of a eukaryotic cell
(from 10 to a few hundred nm).
The material in this chapter is naturally divided into four sections. The rest of
this section discusses (1) the continuous description of well-mixed chemical reaction
systems. The following sections are devoted to: (2) stochastic models for well-mixed
systems; (3) modeling and simulation of Brownian motion (diffusion) of individual
molecules and finally (4) stochastic, agent-based simulation of reaction–diffusion
systems. We provide a brief summary and a few closing ideas in Sect. 5.
The elementary building blocks of living cells are organic molecules, proteins, lipids,
and sugars. Their size ranges from a few atoms to large complexes of tens of thousands
of atoms that organize into molecular machines. All the functions of the cell are real-
ized through chemical transformations, changes in shape, assembly, and movement
of molecular entities.
L + 2R → RLR (1)
4 Á.M. Halász et al.
refer to the way individual molecules interact. In particular, the reaction above refers
to a process when one molecule of species L joins with two molecules of species
R, and they together form a single molecule of species RLR. Even if one does not
explicitly model molecules, the stoichiometric coefficients in (1) specify the exact
proportions in which the reactants combine.
Molecules of different species typically have different sizes or molecular weights;
reaction (1) does not mean that 1 g of L and two grams of R will combine into 1 g
of RLR. The amount of substance is a macroscopic quantity that is proportional to
the number of molecules: 1 mol of any substance corresponds to the same num-
ber of molecules, NAvogadro ≈ 6 · 1023 known as Avogadro’s number. Going back
to the reaction (1), one mol of L combined with two moles of R will indeed form
1 mol of RLR. We summarize below the connection between the concentration [A],
the number of molecules n A , and the amount of substance ν A = n A /NAvogadro in a
volume V :
νA nA
[A] = = . (2)
V V · NAvogadro
The base unit for concentration is the molar; 1 M corresponds to 1 mol per 1 litre of
solution (the concentration is often referred to as molarity).
αi j Si → βi j Si ; ϕ j = f j ([S1 ], [S2 ], . . . , [Sn ]) , (3)
i=1 i=1
and is fully specified by the stoichiometric coefficients αi j , βi j i=1...n and the rate
function f j (·). The state of the system at any time t is given by the concentrations of
all substances, usually arranged into a vector X = ([S1 ], [S2 ], . . . , [Sn ])T .3 The net
stoichiometric coefficients γi j ≡ βi j − αi j form a matrix of size n × m, Γ ≡ {γi j }.
If we also arrange the fluxes into a column vector φ = (ϕ1 , ϕ2 , . . . , ϕm )T , we may
write out the equations of motion of the CRN model:
= Γ · φ(X) (4)
3 We implicitly assume here that the reactions take place between substances in the same solution,
and therefore the stoichiometric coefficients carry over from the reactions to the concentrations.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 5
The equations of motion are fully determined when the rate functions (or laws) f j (·)
in (3) are specified. The rate through a certain reaction typically depends on the
concentrations of the species on the origin side; the rate is generally a nondecreasing
function of these concentrations, and it must vanish if one or more of the concen-
trations becomes zero. Several types of functions can serve as a rate law; the exact
form is ultimately determined by the system under consideration. Mass-action rates
play a special role due to their close connection to simple molecular dynamics; the
mass-action rate for reaction R j in a generic CRN (3) is:
ϕj = kj [Si ]αij (5)
The mass-action rate constant k j connects the continuum description with molecular
Despite the compact appearance, the equations of motion (4)–(5) define a
class of complex nonlinear dynamical systems. Chemical reaction network theory
[5, 11, 32] provided a number of results regarding the possibility and number of equi-
libria (steady states) of CRN systems. Control theory provides methods to simplify
these systems and to classify their possible behaviors [36]. Such involved mathe-
matical tools are necessary to gain insight into the complex behavior of signaling
networks [4, 12, 14].
Independently of the theoretical insights, CRN models provide a basis for numer-
ical simulations. There are mature methods for the simulation of sizeable ODE
systems, implemented in widely available software tools. Simulations can be used
to predict the behavior of cells under a variety of conditions, and are a valuable tool
in biological, pharmaceutical, and medical research.
With larger cells and concentrations of several µM, the copy number becomes large,
albeit not astronomical. The number of membrane bound receptors of one type ranges
from a few thousand to 105 per cell, certainly not a small number. However, adding
6 Á.M. Halász et al.
spatial structure, for instance signaling islands that contain a few tens or hundreds of
receptors, further reduces the number of copies of a molecule that can be reasonably
thought of as “uniformly distributed” in a specific region of space.
Thus, the notion of describing the amount of substance of a certain type as a
continuous quantity is not necessarily correct, raising questions about the validity of
a modeling approach along the lines of (1)–(5). For instance, it is not very meaningful
to talk about the “concentration” of a certain gene/promoter combination, when
referring to a single, specific cell. The gene is either present or not; it may have more
than one copy, but there cannot be exactly 1.376 copies of it.
On the other hand, it is perfectly meaningful to talk about an average copy number
of 1.376, referring to cells within a population. Even when dealing with relatively
small numbers of molecules within a given cell, the amount of substance or its various
proxies4 may be understood as averages over a large population.
The connection between continuous dynamics as described by (1)–(5) and the
physical processes includes averaging the stochastic dynamics of a large number
of cells. Individual cell behaviors may factor in the ensemble average in ways that
cannot be accounted for in the ODE picture; the continuum equations of motion
provide a necessary framework for large-scale modeling, but they may not capture
the primordial physical reality.
Thus, kinetic constants that reasonably recapitulate the observed behavior of cell
populations may be very different from the physical constants that control the under-
lying molecular processes. One goal of the more detailed (and necessarily, more
resource intensive) modeling approaches discussed here is to investigate and uncover
quantitative relations between the average and the relevant microscopic properties.
2 Reactions (Stochastic)
The discrete and stochastic nature of biomolecular processes limits the validity of
continuous, ordinary differential equation based (ODE) models (4), but does not
eliminate our ability to predict the future states of the system. While we cannot pre-
dict the exact states of the system, we can estimate the probabilities of the possible
outcomes, either individually, or defined by certain quantifiable features (observ-
ables). Such a calculation comes as close as possible to a deterministic model, in
that it provides the likelihood of all possible versions of the future behavior of the
Accounting for all possible states is practical only for relatively simple systems.
As the number of random elements in the system increases, the number of possible
outcomes grows exponentially; typically, the set of likely outcomes does not increase
as fast and represents an increasingly small fraction. Consideration of all individual
outcomes becomes both exceedingly expensive and unnecessary.
5 Note that for an odd number of trials the number of heads and tails cannot be equal, increasing the
n A (t) − n A (t + Δt) ≈ ΔpA→B (t, t + Δt) · n A (t) ≈ n A (t) · kA→B · Δt + O(Δt 2 ). (7)
√ approximate equalities in (7) neglect relative differences on the order of
1/ Δn A . For molecule counts n A (t) comparable to NAvogadro ≈ 6 × 1023 , this is
6 Strictly speaking, only the limit version of Eq. (6) is exact; the second form is for Δp 1.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 9
perfectly satisfactory, with room for infinitesimally small time steps Δt 1/k. In
this interpretation, we may treat n A as continuous (replacing it with
ν A = n A /NAvogadro ), and write (7) as a proper limit similarly to (6):
n A (t + Δt) − n A (t) dn A
lim = = −kA→B · n A (t). (8)
Δt→0 Δt dt
Not surprisingly, Eqs. (8) and (9) are formally identical to those one would obtain
for the concentration in the continuum picture (4)–(5). If N√ A is large, the relative
fluctuations around this average are small (on the order of 1/ N A ).
But what about small copy numbers, where Δn A = n A kA→B Δt 1, making the
limit in Eq. (8) meaningless? The interpretation that also works in this case is that
since we are describing a stochastic system of initially N A copies of A molecules,
n A (t) represents the average n A (t) , of the number of A molecules at time t. The
average can be thought of taken over a large number of copies of the system.
Importantly for our purposes, we can also think of N A in terms of a similar thought
experiment, as the number of copies of the random system represented by a single A
molecule that exists at time 0. Then, the ratio n A (t)/N A approaches the probability
that, at time t, the molecule under consideration has not yet converted to B;
n A (t)
p A (t) = lim = e−kA→B t . (10)
N A →∞ NA
This line of reasoning also provides the PDF (probability density function) f (τ ) of
the time τ when a specific A particle converts into B. Assuming that the particle
belongs to species A at time τ = 0, the probability that it is still an A at time τ = t
is the integral of f (τ ) over the interval [0, t]:
f (τ )dτ = e−kA→B t ⇔ f (τ ) = kA→B · e−kA→B τ . (11)
2.1.3 Simulations
A simulation provides the evolution of the state of a system over time, based on the
knowledge of its dynamics. An ODE model along the lines of (3)–(5) is deterministic
in the sense that the initial conditions fully determine the state of the system at any
future time. By contrast, a stochastic model allows for several possible future states;
the initial state determines the probabilities of the different possible outcomes. As
both the ODE and the stochastic models we discuss are surrogates of the system
being modeled, the future states we obtain are those of the respective model systems.
A simulation of an ODE model provides the future behavior of the (model) sys-
tem,7 while a single simulation run of a stochastic model provides one possible
version of the future (a single realization of a probabilistic experiment). A complete
account of the future behavior of a stochastic system should specify the probabilities
of all possible states over time. A possible starting point for this approach is the so
7 Which, in light of the discussion at Eqs. (7)–(9), approximates the average behavior of a more
detailed, stochastic model of the same biomolecular system, and by extension, the average behavior
of the system being modeled.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 11
called Master Equation [34], which can be readily set up for the type of stochastic
models discussed in this section.
A major drawback of “brute force” approaches along these lines is that the likely
states typically represent a very small fraction of the set of possible states. Going
back to the example of coin tosses, the likelihood of observing a streak of l ≥ 25
consecutive heads or tails in a single set of 1000 flips is ≈2.25 · 10−7 , or one in 4.4
million. Even though the longest streak can be anywhere between 1 and 1,000, only
≈2.5% of these possible outcomes are ever observed.
We will focus exclusively on stochastic simulations that provide individual his-
tories of the system, by emulating the random processes involved using random
numbers generated from the appropriate distributions. A sizeable number of simula-
tion runs provides an incomplete but informative account of the future states of the
system, by necessarily sampling the likely states and avoiding the unlikely states.
As we proceed to discuss various simulation methods, we ask the reader to keep
in mind that the proper use of all stochastic simulations implies the estimation of
the variability of the predicted values, typically by generating a sample of several
simulation runs.
The exact stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) for a generic system of chemical
reactions is often referred to as Gillespie simulation [8, 9] due to the pioneering work
of Gillespie, who defined the terminology and proposed the use of the approach for
mesoscopic, well-mixed chemical systems.
Consider a system of several species and reactions among them, similar to (3).
We will denote the species by A, B, C, . . . The states of the system are defined by
the number of molecules (copies) of each molecular species, (n A , n B , . . .). Reac-
tions occur as instantaneous, random events. In the context of the SSA we do not
identify individual molecules of the same species; similarly, an instance of a reaction
corresponds to a discrete state transition that converts one set of molecules of the
appropriate species, according to the chemical equation. For example, one instance
of the reaction A → B + C means (n A , n B , n C ) → (n A − 1, n B + 1, n C + 1). The
set of all possible states of a given system is therefore discrete and may be finite or
Reactions are triggered by Poisson processes, similarly to what we discussed
for the reaction A → B. In the context of the SSA, we associate a single Poisson
process to all the instances of a given reaction. The rate of the corresponding Poisson
process is called the propensity of the reaction (denoted g), and it typically depends
on the copy number of the species that are involved. The exact functional dependence
reflects modeling and empirical considerations.
12 Á.M. Halász et al.
In the discussion leading up to (12) we assumed that the possible instances of the
reaction A → B were driven by identical random processes, and were therefore
equally likely. If we can generally assume that each possible instance of a reaction
is equally likely, irrespective of past history and the configuration of the system, we
obtain the stochastic equivalent of mass-action kinetics.
In this model, each reaction is triggered by a Poisson process, whose rate is called
the propensity of the reaction. The propensity of a given reaction R, starting from
a given state of the system (n A , n B , . . .) is the number of possible instances Z R
multiplied by an elementary propensity kR that characterizes the reaction,
gR (n A , n B , . . .) = Z R (n A , n B , . . .) · kR . (13)
The role of elementary propensities is similar to that of the macroscopic rate constants
kR . They can be related to molecular considerations or to macroscopic rates.
For first-order reactions (involving a single molecule: A → · · ·), the number of
possible instances is Z A→··· = n A , same as that of available A particles. We have
stated (12) that the elementary propensity coincides with the mass-action rate con-
stant and reflects the intrinsic (quantum mechanical) transition rate of the molecule,
(molec) (macro)
kA→... = kA→... .
Let us spell out the reasoning behind this. We obtained a differential equation
(8) for the number of particles: n A (t) = −kA→B n A (t). We noticed it had the same
form as the mass-action equation of motion (4)–(5) for the concentration [A], namely
[A] (t) = −kA→B [A](t). Since the concentration and number of molecules are pro-
portional (2), we identified the ratio [A] /[A] ≈ n A /n A and the propensity per A
8 If the reacting particles are identical, we have a combinatorial factor: Z A+A→C = 21 n A · (n A − 1).
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 13
The connection between elementary propensities and rate constants can be general-
ized to higher order reactions, by including the appropriate number of V · NAvogadro
concentration to particle number conversion factors.
In a generic CRN system (3) with several species and reactions, we associate a Poisson
process to each reaction. The mass-action reaction propensities are calculated as
n n
αi j
(molec) (macro) ni
g j (n 1 , n 2 , . . .) = k j · (n i )αi j = k j V · NAvogadro · (16)
V · NAvogadro
i=1 i=1
The Poisson processes for each possible reaction compete, in the sense that they
run concurrently and independently of each other, until one of them fires. At that
moment, one instance of the “winning” reaction - let it be Rk - occurs, changing the
state of the system by the vector γ k = (γ1k , γ2k , . . .):
All Poisson processes restart, with propensities reflecting the new state vector x∗ =
(n ∗1 , n ∗2 , . . .).
The above defines a Markov chain, an idealized stochastic, well-mixed model of
the chemical reaction network. It has been shown [15] that, in the limit of infinite
volume, the expectation of concentrations predicted by this model coincides with the
traditional ODE description with mass-action rate laws (4)–(5). While this model is
still a mathematical construct, it emulates the random behavior of the number of
molecules of a real system and its average behavior matches the ODE model, it
therefore represents a more detailed description of reality.
The Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm [9] (exact SSA, or first reaction
method), is a first principles simulation of the Markov chain model. The state of the
system is given by the vector x = (n 1 , n 2 , . . .). The update step is as follows. The
propensities g j of all possible reactions R j are calculated according to (16). For each
reaction R j , a tentative firing time τ j is generated from a random distribution (11)
with PDF f j (τ ) = g j exp(−g j τ ). The smallest of the set {τ1 , τ2 , . . .} defines the first
14 Á.M. Halász et al.
3 Diffusion
This is especially true for systems involving membrane proteins, whose dimeriza-
tion and dissociation reactions are important. Signal initiation by a host of membrane
bound receptor-ligand families relies on ligand-induced dimerization or the forma-
tion of larger cross-linked aggregates [14, 19]. Spatial inhomogeneity, or rather, the
emergence of multiple levels of spatial organization, are a constant feature of the cell
membrane. This nontrivial landscape modulates the movement of proteins along the
membrane [18, 21, 41].
This section focuses on the movement (diffusion) of molecules along the mem-
brane; we will discuss methods for combining diffusion with reactions in the next
Historically, the term Brownian motion referred to a specific type of random motion
characteristic of particles in a colloidal suspension. Here we follow the more
current usage, to mean the idealized random motion that is consistent with clas-
sical (Fickian) diffusion. A particle moving in two dimensions with position vector
r(t) = (x(t), y(t)) is said to be Brownian if the components Δx, Δy of the dis-
placement vector Δr = r(t + Δt) − r(t) over any interval (t, t + Δt) are random
variables distributed according to the PDF
1 Δx 2 + Δy 2
f (Δx, Δy; Δt) = exp − . (19)
4π DΔt 4DΔt
The above simply states that the x- and y-displacements are distributed inde-
pendently, each following a normal distribution with variance σ 2 = 2D · Δt. The
parameter D is a measure of the mobility of the particle.
Brownian motion is random; even if we know the exact position of the particle,
its position x, y at a later time can be predicted only in terms of a distribution. If we
place a single Brownian particle at (x0 , y0 ) at time t = 0, the localization probability
density coincides with (19), with Δx = x − x0 , Δy = y − y0 , and Δt = t.
1 (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2
p(x, y; t) = exp − . (20)
4π Dt 4Dt
Properties of the normal distribution ensure that the function (20) is normalized at
all t > 0: p(x, y; t) dxdy = 1. Its time evolution is consistent with (19), in that
the localization density at any time t = t0 + s > t0 can be obtained as a convolution
of the localization density at time t0 and the displacement PDF over Δt = s 9 :
This behavior on the level of individual particles is closely related to the ‘bulk’
physical process of diffusion. Setting the matter of overlaps between particles aside
for now,10 we can describe a set of n Brownian particles by the sum of the individual
localization probability density functions p ( j) (x, y; t). This joint localization density
function is normalized to the number of particles:
ρ(x, y; t) ≡ p ( j) (x, y; t) ; ρ(x, y; t) dxdy = n . (22)
The integral of ρ(x, y) over any finite area corresponds to the average number of
particles in that area. The joint density function inherits the convolution property
(21). It can be shown that for t ≥ t0 , the localization probability p(x, y; t) defined
by (19)–(21), as well as ρ(x, y; t) defined in (22) verify a diffusion equation:
∂p ∂2 p ∂2 p
=D + 2 . (23)
∂t ∂x2 ∂y
In other words, the particles of a substance that undergoes standard (Fickian) diffusion
with diffusion coefficient D, perform Brownian motion as defined by the PDF (19).
The mathematical equivalence between (23) and (19) is crucial in connecting the
behavior of individual particles to bulk properties such as diffusion coefficients and
(as we shall see in the next section) reaction rates.
We end this discussion with two applications of (19) used in single particle
tracking (SPT). SPT trajectories [24] are derived from microscopic images (frames)
recorded at equal time intervals τ . Particles are identified based on the spatial pat-
tern of the fluorescent light they emit. The process results in a sequence of posi-
tions {(x0 , y0 ), (x1 , y1 ), . . . (xk , yk ), . . .}, corresponding to recording times t0 + kτ .
One way to characterize the observed movement is by comparing the displacements
Δx jk = xk − x j , Δy jk = yk − y j over time intervals of length tk − t j = (k − j)τ .
Statistics of displacements can be obtained from one or more trajectories, over one
or more time intervals of a chosen length.11
A quantity often analyzed is the square displacement over time θ :
If the particles follow (19) with the same parameter D, the x- and y-displacements
are independent with expectation zero and variance σ 2 = 2Dθ . The mean square
10 This is justified at low overall densities, and also when the density of
the particle species that are
explicitly modeled is sufficiently low.
11 When the same trajectory is sampled for intervals corresponding to multiple frames, the intervals
The above should not be confused with the distribution function for the absolute value
of the displacement s = Δx 2 + Δy 2 , which is proportional to s · exp(−s 2 / s 2 ).
able Y N as the sum of the X k ’s, divided by N . The theorem states that in the limit
of N → ∞, the PDF of Y N converges to a normal distribution centered on 0 and
with the same variance σ 2 as the individual X k ’s.
Consider now a random walk where the x-displacements ΔX over some char-
acteristic time τ are distributed randomly with mean zero and standard deviation
σ 0 (so that ΔX = 0; ΔX 2 = σ 02 ). The displacement over a multiple T = N τ
of the characteristic time τ , is the sum of N independent, identically distributed
displacements Z (T ) = ΔX 1 + · · · ΔX N (where ΔX √ k is the displacement over the
k-th interval). The CLT applies to Y (T ) = Z (T )/ N . In the limit when T becomes
much larger than the characteristic time (i.e., T /τ = N → ∞), the distribution of
Y (T ) must approach a normal
√ centered on zero, with variance σ0 . It follows that,
σ 02
Deff = . (27)
In summary, for a random walk whose displacement along one direction, over a
characteristic time τ , has mean zero and standard deviation σ0 , the distribution of
√ over time T approaches a normal with standard deviation σ (T ) =
2T · Deff as T τ where Deff is given by (27). Finally, if the movement is in two
dimensions and the displacements along both x and y verify the assumptions (zero
mean and standard deviation σ 0 over τ ), then, in the limit T /τ → ∞, the system
approaches ideal Brownian motion with diffusion coefficient (27).
The second issue is that perfect Brownian motion is a mathematical idealization
that is, in fact, physically impossible. There are various physical limitations to how
far a membrane-bound particle could possibly travel over a given time, even in the
absence of any barriers. Yet, the PDF (19) implies that given any finite time Δt, no
matter how large a distance B is, there is a nonzero probability that the displacement
ΔX over Δt will be larger than B. This would imply that our particle could exceed
any such limit (including the speed of light).
Brownian trajectories have counterintuitive features: the function x(t) describing
a specific trajectory (in one dimension) has an infinite number of zero-crossings
over any finite time interval, and it is continuous but not differentiable. One of the
most consequential properties is also quite obvious. Consider a Brownian trajectory
that we sample at time intervals of length τ . The standard
√ deviation corresponding
to each time step, σ (τ ) = (x(t + τ ) − x(t))2 = 2Dτ , is proportional to τ 1/2 .
The standard deviation is a measure of the typical displacement over the time step;
this implies that the “typical velocity” σ (τ )/τ varies like τ −1/2 , that is, it increases
and grows indefinitely as the sampling time step is decreased. The closer one looks
at a Brownian trajectory, the less smooth it gets.
Potential artifacts of the Brownian motion model can be resolved by falling back
to a more realistic model of molecular motion. Randomness in physical motion
typically results from a process with a characteristic time; for instance, particles
travel along straight lines and change direction because of collisions. The rate of
direction changes defines the characteristic time; movement on shorter time scales
is actually deterministic, and is interspersed with random events.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 19
In summary, we could say that all physical random motion looks Brownian if
examined on a long enough time scale; on the other hand examination over a short
enough time scale of will reveal that any apparently Brownian motion is in fact,
“anomalous”. This and similar issues have to be kept in mind when performing
Brownian motion simulations.
We now develop the elements of simulations of particle motion on the cell mem-
brane, and then discuss how motion simulators are combined with reaction simulation
Simulations that take into account the location of individual particles generally
require significantly more organization and memory than nonspatial algorithms.13
In a nonspatial algorithm (16)–(17) with N S species, the state of the system is fully
determined by Ns integers, (n 1 , n 2 , . . . , n Ns ) that represent the number of molecules
of each type. In a spatial algorithm we need to keep track, at a minimum, of the
location of each particle of each species: (x j , y j , s j ) j=1...NP ; where N P = n k is
the total number of particles.
With the availability of computer memory, the bookkeeping aspect is much less
of a limitation than it was 10–15 years ago. In the scheme we outlined, one would
need 2 floating point numbers and an integer for each particle. For a million particles,
this works out to 3 · 106 ≈ 3 Mb, which is not at all a logistical challenge. However,
the implementation of the updates may make a big difference, and fully spatial
simulations continue to be significantly more work and resource intensive.
The simplest spatial simulation applies the definition of Brownian motion to a set
of particles. Given N p coordinate pairs {rk = (xk , yk )}k=1...Np at time t, the positions
at time t + Δt are obtained as rk (t + Δt) = rk (t) + Δrk , with the components of
Δrk = (Δxk , Δyk ) chosen randomly, according to the Brownian PDF (19). Assume
we store the coordinates in an N P × 2 array. Then, for each update step, we simply
need to generate an array of the same size, filled with normally distributed random
numbers and add it to the coordinates.
The largest computational cost is in generating the random numbers. Algorithms
for the generation of normally distributed random numbers (based on a uniform ran-
dom number generator) are well known and easy to implement. The Brownian update
step is a typical candidate for vectorization, the ability to perform operations with
arrays without relying on a loop. Array operations as well as functions that provide
sets of normally distributed random numbers are readily available in environments
such as MATLAB, where the entire update step can be implemented in a single line
of code.
13 With the one possible exception of nonspatial, but “rule based” simulations that keep track of
individual molecule parts [12].
20 Á.M. Halász et al.
In the absence of limitations to the allowed values of the positions, the procedure
described here can be employed for any time increment Δt, which can be chosen as
long or as short as the other elements of the model dictate. A typical implementation
would be as a fixed time step algorithm. Most of the effort in setting up this type of
simulation goes into dealing with limitations to unimpeded movement, which may
stem from the simulation landscape and the size of the diffusing molecules.
Depending on the context of the simulation, physical details of the molecular
motion become relevant. A more realistic description of the movement of membrane
proteins is a sequence of short, straight line displacements, interrupted by collisions
with small molecules. In principle, when there is any doubt about the proper approach
to a specific situation, one should go back to this picture as the true, physical reality.
A general feature of microscopic simulation methods is that one does not nec-
essarily aim at reproducing the physical reality over a short time or spatial scale;
rather, simulations are validated by approaching the proper Brownian behavior (or
macroscopic reaction kinetics) in the limit of large time and spatial scales.
Elements that limit the free diffusion of membrane bound receptors (and other pro-
teins) are a central feature of membrane dynamics and signaling. Far from being
homogeneous, the membrane presents a varied landscape of linear boundaries and
two-dimensional domains [1, 16, 33, 37, 39].
Virtually any experimental observation of these molecular aggregates has striking
features that point to inhomogeneity and limited movement, indicating a pattern of
spatial organization. Indeed, a significant fraction of our data analysis and modeling
effort is aimed at characterizing these features and understanding their possible role
in signaling.
Currently, a detailed simulation of the entire cell membrane is not practical. For a
single signaling pathway [14], this would involve on the order of 106 molecules. The
limitation is not so much in terms of memory capacity than in terms of execution time.
The high computational cost is a result of the need to update all diffusing particles
at each time step, combined with the necessarily short steps required by numerous
other considerations.
Suppose we focus on a rectangular patch of dimensions Bx , B y , which represents
a fraction of Bx BY /A T of a membrane of total area A T . The number of molecules
of each species of interest can be set proportionally, using the copy number per cell
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 21
Aside from collision with other molecules,15 physical obstacles encountered by mem-
brane bound molecules typically [17, 23] act as linear, semipermeable barriers. These
can be modeled by expanding the approach for reflecting boundaries.
Suppose there is a barrier along the line x = B, faced by particles diffusing in
the x y plane. For a strict boundary that enforces x ≤ B, a proposed updated value
in terms of a (volume) concentration that reflects the copy number per cell multiplied by the
concentration of cells in a suspension.
15 We will discuss intermolecular collisions in the context of reaction–diffusion models.
22 Á.M. Halász et al.
for x(t + Δt) = x ∗ such that x ∗ > B would be replaced by (B − x ∗ ). For a partially
permeable barrier we relax the rule and allow the boundary-crossing update x ∗ with
a probability pcross , and we replace x ∗ → (B − x ∗ ) with probability (1 − pcross ).
A linear barrier can be approached from two sides. The barrier rule applies to
any particle whose current x(t) ≡ xold and “raw” updated x(t + Δt) ≡ x ∗ coordi-
nates are on opposite sides of x = B, in other words, (x ∗ − B) · (xold − B) < 0. The
crossing probability reflects the way the diffusing particle interacts with the bound-
ary and the surrounding membrane. It may have different values for each species,
reflecting molecular mobility; it may have different values for crossing in one or the
other direction, reflecting an affinity of a type of molecule for one or the other side
of the barrier.
The implementation of these barriers in simulations should be informed by the
nature of the obstacle, and, ideally, by some insight into the molecular mechanism
that interferes with the diffusing particles. One type of linear obstacle is represented
by large, linear protein structures—actin filaments or elements of the cytoskeleton.
Diffusing membrane proteins are generally blocked from crossing these structures.
Crossings are possible through small, transient gaps that open and close due to the
relative movement of the membrane and the barrier [17, 20].
Another source of linear obstacles may be the boundaries between different phases
of the mix of lipids that form the membrane. In addition to an overall barrier poten-
tial, electrostatic interaction between the tails of the lipids and the transmembrane
domains of diffusing proteins may result in a net force or potential difference that
favors the movement of the protein in one direction over the other [6, 28, 31].
4 Reaction–Diffusion Systems
irrespective of the reaction mechanism or the rate law.16 Consistent with a level of
detail that accounts for the location of individual molecules, we disallow reaction
events that involve “magical” action at a distance; if the conversion of S into P
is facilitated by a third species E, then each reaction event must require the close
proximity of both participants, one copy of S and one copy of E.
Possible exceptions would emerge in a hybrid modeling framework, when only
certain species of interest (larger, more scarce molecules) are modeled in spatial
detail. For the purposes of this discussion, we assume that all species are accounted
for and that a reaction event requires the physical proximity of no less and no more
than the set of molecules implied by the incoming side of the chemical equation.
If all the reactions in the system are first order (such as A → B or A → B + C),
then individual instances of reactions are triggered independently of the position
of the molecules. In a sense, the dynamics of reactions and of diffusion take place
in parallel, without influencing each other. This is a good opportunity to develop a
unified framework that simulates the two phenomena without having to deal with
some of the more complex issues.
The state of the system is defined by the position and chemical species of all
particles. The spatial aspect requires that we track the position of each particle. The
fact that particles have an identity requires a major change in the way chemical
dynamics is accounted for. All the methods we discussed previously tracked only
the copy number of particles of each species. In the course of these well-mixed
simulations one would estimate the time when an instance of a reaction type would
occur, and then implement it by changing the particle numbers accordingly.
With identifiable particles we need to deal with two additional tasks: choosing the
actual particles involved in each reaction event, and managing the relation between
particle identities and chemical species. The choice of the reacting particle is straight-
forward. For first-order reactions, once the reaction type is set, it comes down to
choosing one of otherwise identical possibilities.
The concept of particle identity helps limit the size and changes to the lists of
particles we maintain. It is most useful when a relatively small set of moieties can
combine in different ways. Consider a system with a single receptor type R, which
may be liganded (RL ) and/or phosphorylated (R∗ ), and may form dimers (R · R).
The following sequence of reaction events:
R + RL → R · RL ; R · RL → R∗ · RL → R∗ · R ; R∗ · RL → R∗ + R (28)
16 For a proper rendering of the Michaelis–Menten mechanism, one should include an intermediate,
reversible step.
24 Á.M. Halász et al.
17 All four reaction instances can be encoded as changes to the states of two receptor molecules:
Receptor 1 forms a dimer with Receptor 2 which is initially liganded; then Receptor 1 is phospho-
rylated; after that, Receptor 2 loses its ligand; finally, the dimer breaks up.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 25
If all reactions are first order, each instance takes place independently of all the
molecules in the system, other than the one undergoing the molecular transformation.
Thus, the choice of the upcoming reaction type and of the reacting molecule, as well
as the diffusion update between reaction events, can be performed as described
above, whether or not the reactions are one to one (A → B) or not (A → A∗ + B,
A → ∅, . . .). The difference is in how the reaction event is implemented and the
machinery required to keep track of the chemical composition of the system.
When reactions change the number of molecules, we have to deal with the creation
and disappearance of particles. A particle is represented by at least two real numbers
(the spatial coordinates); depending on the algorithm, it can become a fairly complex
entity—similar to a record in a table or list.
One strategy is to maintain separate lists of particles of each type (species). In
this approach, each reaction event involves at a minimum, moving a record between
lists (A → B), but may also require the deletion (A → ∅) or creation of new ones
(A → B + C). Care is required to properly handle memory issues stemming from the
continuously changing size of the respective arrays. High-level programming envi-
ronments such as MATLAB allow dynamic resizing of arrays; if no other precautions
are taken, this can result in dramatic loss of execution speed. A safer strategy is to
preallocate arrays with the expected largest number of particles of each species and
manage the lists in a way that the blank records are always at the end.
Given that particles must be created and deleted, the idea of keeping a single list
with the chemical species as an attribute is not easily applicable. Somewhat similar
ideas are used in the rule-based approach to biochemical reaction network modeling
[12], where the entities of interest are parts of molecules that connect to each other
following a set of rules. For the reader who is not at all acquainted with the idea, the
best analogy is Lego blocks with several types of connectors. This approach is useful
in dealing with the complexity of biomolecules, dramatically reducing the number
of chemical species. Implementation requires keeping track of each building block
copy and of its connections to others. The resulting structures can easily be expanded
to include position information [25].
26 Á.M. Halász et al.
Things get more complicated with binary reactions, such as A + B → · · ·. For this to
happen, the interacting A and B molecules have to be in close proximity, or collide.
The way we represent the position of our particles, using a two-component position
vector rk = (xk , yk ), only specifies a geometric point, with no size or shape. When
thinking about molecular collisions, we have to account for these, as well.
Molecular dynamics [29] studies the geometry of biomolecules and can in prin-
ciple provide detailed information about the size and shape of receptors and other
membrane proteins. For now (2015), this is yet another example of a level of detail
that may provide useful information, but cannot be directly integrated into a simula-
tion of tens of thousands of molecules. Here we will assume that, given two molecules
of a given types with position vectors rA , rB , we can tell that they are in collision
(either overlapping or close enough to interact) based only on their distance:
|rA − rB | ≤ dAB
We will use conditions similar to (29) to determine if a pair of molecules are eligible
to interact, or if their positions are physically overlapping and thus inconsistent with
free Brownian motion.
In the preceding section, the time horizon of the motion simulator was only limited
by the time τreact to the next reaction event; this time was obtained from an expo-
nential PDF f (τ ) = gT exp(−gT τ ) using the joint reaction propensity gT = gj .
In particular, in a Brownian motion simulation algorithm, we could use (19) with
Δt = τreact to obtain the next set of particle positions. Collisions (that may or may
not lead to a reaction event) complicate the simulation of molecular motion.
We briefly addressed dissociation reactions when they occurred isolated from dimer-
ization. Here we are interested in the interplay of the two reaction types. In the
well-mixed picture, the total propensity G A+B→C of the forward reaction (30) is
proportional to the number of eligible A, B pairs of molecules, and an elementary
propensity gA+B→C that relates to the mass-action rate constant kA+B→C , the vol-
ume,18 and Avogadro’s number.
G A+B→C = n A · n B · gA+B→C ; gA+B→C = (31)
V0 · NAvogadro
When designing a simulation, often the mass-action rate constant is all that is known
about the kinetics of a given reaction. If no further physical information is available,
the only requirement for the implementation of this particular reaction is the principle
that in the limit of large volumes, the simulation must reproduce the rate predicted
by (31).
Recall that the elementary propensity of a first-order reaction is a rate (probability
per time) that reflects the internal dynamics of one molecule. It can be readily used
in simulations as the rate of a Poisson process; this rate can be directly measured in
experiments, because it coincides with the macroscopic rate constant. For second-
order reactions, the relation between propensities, the simulation of individual events,
and experimentally accessible quantities is more complicated.
A reaction such as A + B → C is typically one of several possible outcomes19
of a molecular collision event. The identity and location of the resulting particles
is the stochastic outcome of a quantum mechanical process, which is susceptible
to the incoming spatial configuration (impact parameter, relative orientation). The
elementary propensity gA+B→C is the (average) probability rate for the occurrence
of one a specific A + B collision in the system under consideration, and that the
collision will result in the creation of a dimer A + B → C. The value of gA+B→C
in a given system is the average over all possible A, B pairs, and all their future
trajectories over the simulation time step Δt. The formula (31) relates gA+B→C to an
18 In the case of membrane-bound species, the volume is replaced by area, and the conversion
between the per-pair propensity and the physical (effective) rate constant has to account for the
units used for concentration. As we pointed out, sometimes molar concentrations are used for
receptors, representing a molar concentration based on a density in suspension of a specific type of
cell, and the average number of receptors per cell.
19 If nothing else, the collision may be elastic.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 29
A comparison of (31) and (32) highlights the difficulty in relating spatial simulations
of binary reactions to mass-action rate constants. The well-mixed rate constant is
an average rate that applies to all A + B pairs; it reflects not only the ability of the
two molecules to react once they are close, it also depends on the characteristics of
molecular movement: the diffusion rate, as well as any features of the space, which
in our case is the membrane with its varied landscape.
30 Á.M. Halász et al.
As opposed to this, in (32) mobility is accounted for by the collision rate G (coll)
A+B ,
and the conditional reaction probability is an intrinsic parameter. In a simulation
(once the reaction distance is specified) the spatial movement algorithm (such as the
BM simulator) automatically provides G (coll)
A+B . The actual reaction rate is therefore
set separately from the motion simulator, by specifying the collision radius and the
conditional reaction probability. This approach is especially useful when building a
simulation required to match observed diffusion rates and reaction rates. The reac-
tion distance and conditional probability are not unique; decreases in one can be
compensated, to some extent, increasing the other.
We will describe our algorithm in detail in the next subsection. The general idea is that
second-order reactions are triggered by the proximity of the participating molecules.
Within the type of simulation we have outlined in the preceding sections second-order
reactions can be implemented together with the spatial position updates.
At each update, after the tentative new positions are generated and any first-order
reactions have been implemented, we identify the A, B pairs that verify the reaction
condition d(A, B) ≤ RA+B→C . Not all of these reactions can be carried out, because
some of them might be mutually exclusive. For instance, the same A molecule may
be within reaction distance of two different B molecules. Such situations are similar
to the multiple collisions discussed in Sect. 4.2.1. Their likelihood increases with
particle density and the reaction radius. Reducing the time step can reduce but not
avoid the occurrence of contradictory reactions.
Ultimately, one has to eliminate some of the proposed reactions and identify a
noncontradictory subset. Each pair in this set is then allowed to react with probability
pA+B→C . The choice of the reactions to be implemented must be performed in a way
that is not biased with respect to the specific molecules that are involved. Because the
elimination of some reacting pairs, the reaction radius and/or the probability must
be adjusted to match the required overall reaction rates.
Finally, when dissociation reactions are also present, the placement of the reaction
products needs to be done in a way the does not result in new collisions (reactive or
Bimolecular reactions are the product of two reactive molecules colliding. In our
current simulation, we use an approach similar to that of Smoldyn [2].
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 31
Fig. 2 Collision distance, binding radius, unbinding radius. The binding radius is the distance
(between points representing a pair of particles) below which a reaction event is triggered
20 Alternatives include using a reaction probability that controls whether a reaction occurs upon
collision, as well as manipulating the unbinding radius discussed in the next paragraph.
32 Á.M. Halász et al.
To achieve this rate in the context of a specific computation, the binding radius must
take into account not only the bimolecular reaction rate, but also both molecules’
diffusion coefficients, as well as the simulation time step (Fig. 2).
The term “binding radius” is somewhat counterintuitive. In our simulation
approach, following the Smoluchowski model and [2], particles are represented by
points that diffuse freely, irrespective of the presence of other particles. The binding
radius is the maximum distance between two points indicating the two corresponding
particles will react with one another. The important distinction here is between an
idealized geometric point and a particle/molecule. A point can be interpreted as the
center of a molecule and as having no volume, while a particle/molecule has a cer-
tain physical size (that can be represented by an average radius) and corresponding
volume. It follows that the binding radius can be, and typically is, smaller than the
actual collision radius between two molecules. See [2] for a more in-depth discussion
of the binding radius.
21 An alternative would be to use a larger binding radius and trigger reactions with probability <1.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors 33
where gA→··· is the joint propensity for all first-order reactions involving the species A.
If a reaction occurs, the specific reaction type (A → C, A → B + D, . . .) is selected
using the corresponding relative probabilities gA→C /gA→··· , gA→B+D /gA→··· , · · · .
For dissociation reactions (other than one-to-one), the position of the reaction prod-
uct(s) is set randomly in a circle of the corresponding unbinding radius.
5 Conclusion
22 In our current EGF related work [17], all membrane bound species are either monomer or dimer
limiting behavior of any random walk. We describe algorithms that directly simulate
Brownian motion in two dimensions, in the presence of physical obstacles; we focus
on Brownian motion based simulators and do not discuss lattice-based models.
Section 4 brings together the stochastic treatment of chemical processes with ran-
dom spatial movement. We explain how the two can be combined in a single simula-
tion algorithm and describe the main approach we currently use for such simulations.
One salient point here is the notion of the binding/unbinding radius, which is a sim-
ulation model parameter used to tune the on- and off-rates of dimerization/diffusion
Emerging Roles of Modeling
Dynamical models can predict the behavior of a system based on the characteristics
of its components, far exceeding the ability of verbal reasoning in doing so.
In the context of ongoing research in membrane biology, dynamical modeling
in our group has two fairly distinct roles, integration and data interpretation. The
first refers to the traditional function of bringing together detailed information on
the components of a system to predict emerging behavior. [13, 27] Ongoing work
focuses on the impact of the membrane landscape and of emerging biochemistry and
molecular dynamics on ErbB2/ErbB3 signaling.
The second aspect emerged in response to increasing amounts of nano-microscopy
data that provide completely novel insights but raise previously unexpected chal-
lenges. This modality is the primary source of information on the membrane land-
scape, as well as on the movement and molecular dynamics of membrane proteins
within this landscape. We are developing methods aimed at identifying landscape
features and to characterize the motion of receptors. The output of this approach
consists of diffusion coefficients, identification of the binding state of the molecules
(moieties) under observations, as well as the location and characteristics of mem-
brane features that modulate molecular movement.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by NIH CA119232 (BSW), NIH P50GM085273
(BSW), R01GM104973 (JSE and ÁMH), and NIH K25CA131558 (ÁMH). MMP was supported
in part by the U.S. Department of Energy through the LANL/LDRD Program.
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Distribution Approximations for the
Chemical Master Equation: Comparison
of the Method of Moments and the System
Size Expansion
1 Introduction
It is widely recognized that noise plays a crucial role in shaping the behavior of
biological systems [1–4]. Part of such noise can be explained by intrinsic fluctua-
tions of molecular concentrations inside a living cell, caused by the randomness of
biochemical reactions, and fostered by the low numbers of certain molecular species
[2]. As a consequence of this insight, stochastic modeling has rapidly become very
popular [5], dominated by Markov models based on the chemical master equation
(CME) [5, 6].
The CME represents a system of differential equations that specifies the time
evolution of a discrete-state stochastic model that explicitly accounts for the dis-
creteness and randomness of molecular interactions. It has therefore been widely
used to model gene regulatory networks, signaling cascades and other intracellular
processes which are significantly affected by the stochasticity inherent in reactions
involving low number of molecules [7].
A solution of the CME yields the probability distribution over population vectors
that count the number of molecules of each chemical species. While a numerical
solution of the CME is rather straightforward, i.e. via a truncation of the state space
[8, 9], for most networks the combinatorial complexity of the underlying state space
renders efficient numerical integration infeasible. Therefore, the stochastic simula-
tion algorithm (SSA), a Monte Carlo technique, is commonly used to derive statistical
estimates of the corresponding state probabilities [10].
An alternative to stochastic simulation is to rely on approximation methods
that can provide fast and accurate estimates of some aspects of stochastic models.
Typically, most approximation methods focus on the estimation of moments of the
distributions [11–16]. However, two promising approaches for the approximate com-
putation of the distribution underlying the CME have recently been developed, whose
complexity is independent of the molecular population sizes.
The first method discussed here is based on the inverse problem, i.e., recon-
structing the probability distribution from its moments. To this end, a closure on the
moment equations is employed which yields an approximation of the evolution of
all moments up to order K of the joint distribution [14–16]. Thus, instead of solv-
K N S +k−1
ing one equation per population vector we solve k=1 k
equations if N S is
the number of different chemical species. Given the (approximate) moments at the
final time instant, it is possible to reconstruct the corresponding marginal probabil-
ity distributions using the maximum entropy principle [17, 18]. The reconstruction
requires the solution of a nonlinear constrained optimization problem. Nevertheless,
the integration of the moment equations and the reconstruction of the underlying
distribution can for most systems be carried out very efficiently and thus allows a
fast approximation of the CME.
The second method, which is based on van Kampen’s system size expansion [19],
does not resort to moments but instead represents a direct analytical approximation
of the probability distribution of the CME. Unlike the method of moments, the tech-
nique assumes that the distribution can be expanded about its deterministic limit
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 41
rate equations using a small parameter called the system size. For biochemical sys-
tems, the system size coincides with the volume to which the reactants are confined.
The leading order term of this expansion is given by the linear noise approximation
which predicts that the fluctuations about the rate equation solution are approxi-
mately Gaussian distributed [19] in agreement with the central limit theorem that is
valid for large number of molecules. For low molecule numbers, the non-Gaussian
corrections to this law can be investigated systematically using the higher order terms
in the system size expansion. A solution to this expansion has recently been given
in closed form as a series of the probability distributions in the inverse system size
[20]. Although in general the positivity of this distribution approximation cannot be
guaranteed, it often provides simple and accurate analytical approximations to the
non-Gaussian distributions underlying the CME.
Since many reaction networks involve very small molecular populations, it is
often questionable whether the system size expansion and moment based approaches
can appropriately capture their underlying discreteness. For example, the state of
a gene that can either be ‘on’ or ‘off’ while the number of mRNA molecules is
of the order of only a few tens on average. In these situations, hybrid approaches
are more appropriate, and supported by convergence results in a hybrid sense in
the thermodynamic limit [21]. A hybrid moment approach for the solution of the
CME integrates a small master equation for the small populations while a system
of conditional moment equations is integrated for the large populations which is
coupled with the equation for the small populations. Equations of unlikely states
of the small populations can be truncated and then, with a similar computational
effort, a more accurate approximation of the CME is obtained compared to the
standard method of moments. Similarly, a conditional system size expansion can
be constructed that tracks the probabilities of the small populations and applies
the system size expansion to the large populations conditionally. Presently, such an
approach has employed the linear noise approximation for gene regulatory networks
with slow promoters invoking timescale separation [22]. The validity of a conditional
system size expansion including higher than linear noise approximation terms is,
however, still under question.
Given these recent developments, it remains to be clarified how these two com-
peting approximation methods perform in practice. Here, we carry out a compar-
ative study between numerical results obtained using the method of moments and
analytical results obtained from the system size expansion for two common gene
expression networks. The outline of the manuscript is the following: In Sect. 2 we
will briefly review the CME formulation. Section 3 outlines the methods of (con-
ditional) moments and the reconstruction of the probability distributions using the
maximum entropy principle. In Sect. 4 the approximate solution of the CME using
the SSE is reviewed. We then carry out two detailed case studies in Sect. 5. In the
first case study, we investigate a model of a constitutively expressed gene leading
to a unimodal protein distribution. In a second example we study the efficacy of the
described hybrid approximations using the method of conditional moments and the
conditional system size expansion for the prediction of multimodal protein distribu-
tions from the expression of a self-activating gene. These two examples are typical
42 A. Andreychenko et al.
scenarios encountered in more complex models, and as such provide ideal bench-
marks for a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the two methods. We conclude
with a discussion in Sect. 6.
− − kr+ +
r,1 S1 + · · · + r,N S −
→ r,1 S1 + · · · + r,N S , 1 ≤ r ≤ R.
dΠ (x, t)
= (γr (x − vr )Π (x − vr , t) − γr (x)Π (x, t)) . (1)
dt r =1
We remark that the probabilities Π (x, t) are uniquely determined when we consider
the equations of all states that are reachable from the initial conditions.
Example 1 In the sequel we will use the following system as a running example. It
describes the expression of a gene with enzymatic degradation [24].
k0 k1 k2 f (x P )
→ ∅, M −
→ M + P, P −−−→ ∅,
3 Method of Moments
For most realistic examples the number of reachable states is extremely large or
even infinite, which renders an efficient numerical integration of Eq. (1) impossible.
An approximation of the moments of the distribution over time can be obtained by
considering the corresponding moment equations that describe the dynamics of the
moments up to order K < ∞. We refer to this approach as the method of moments
(MM). In this section we will briefly discuss the derivation of the corresponding
moment equations following the lines of Ale et al. [16].
Let f : N0N S → Rn be a function that is independent of t where n ∈ N. In the sequel
we will exploit the following relationship,
E(f(X(t))) = f(x) · dtd Π (X(t) = x)
R (2)
= E γr (X(t)) · (f(X(t) + vr ) − f(X(t))) .
r =1
For f(x) = x this yields a system of equations for the population means
E(X(t)) = vr E(γr (X(t))) . (3)
r =1
where we omitted t to improve the readability. Note that E(X i (t) − μi ) = 0 and
assuming that all propensities follow the law of mass action and all reactions are at
most bimolecular, the terms of order three and more disappear. By letting Cik be the
covariance E[(X i (t) − μi )(X k (t) − μk )] we get
NS NS ∂2
E(γr (X)) = γr (µ) + 21 i=1 k=1 C ik ∂μi ∂μk γr (µ). (5)
Next, we derive an equation for the covariances by first exploiting the relationship
d d d d d d
Cik = E(X i X k ) − (μi μk ) = E(X i X k ) − μi μk − μi μk ,
dt dt dt dt dt dt
44 A. Andreychenko et al.
and if we couple this equation with the equations for the means, the only unknown
term that remains is the derivative dtd E(X i X k ) of the second moment. For this,
we can apply the same strategy as before by using Eq. (2) for the test function
f (x) := xi xk . This equation will contain the expectations E(γr (X)) and E(γr (X)X i )
for which we again consider the Taylor expansion about the mean. For the expansion
of E(γr (X)X i ) moments of order three come into play since derivatives of order three
of γr (x)xi may be nonzero. It is possible to take these terms into account by deriving
additional equations for moments of order three and higher. These equations will
then include moments of even higher order such that theoretically we end up with
an infinite system of equations. Different strategies to close the equations have been
proposed in the literature [25–29]. Here we consider a low dispersion closure and
assume that all moments of order >K that are centered around the mean are equal
to zero. E.g., if we choose K = 2, then we can obtain a closed system of equations
that does not include higher order terms. Then we can integrate the time evolution
of the means and that of the covariances and variances.
Example 2 To illustrate the method we consider Example 1. Assuming that all central
moments of order three and higher are equal to zero, we get the following equations
for the means of the species.
μ M = Ωk0 − k1 μ M
dt (7)
d 1 2 f (μ P )
μ P = k1 μ M − f (μ P ) − ∂ ∂μ 2 C P,P
dt 2 P
where the expectations of the species are given by μ M and μ P and the variance of
P is given by C P,P . Equations for covariances are omitted.
For many reactions networks a hybrid moment approach, called method of condi-
tional moments (MCM), can be more advantageous, in which we decompose X(t)
into small and large populations. The reason is that small populations (often describ-
ing the activation state of a gene) have distributions that assign a significant mass
of probability only to a comparatively small number of states. In this case we can
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 45
integrate the probabilities directly to get a more accurate approximation of the CME
compared to an integration of the moments.
Formally, we consider X(t) = (Y(t), Z(t)), where Y(t) corresponds to the small,
and Z(t) to the large populations. Similarly, we write x = (y, z) for the states of the
process and vr = (v̂r , ṽr ) for the change vectors, r ∈ {1, . . . , R}. Then, we condition
on the state of the small populations and apply the MM to the conditional moments
but not to the distribution of Y(t). The probabilities for Y(t) = y are called mode
probabilities. Now, Eq. (1) becomes
dΠ (y, z)
= [γr (y− v̂r , z− ṽr )Π (y− v̂r , z− ṽr ) − γr (y, z)Π (y, z)]. (8)
dt r =1
Next, we
sum over all possible z to get the time evolution of the mode probabilities
Π (y) = z Π (y, z).
Π (y) = γr (y − v̂r , z − ṽr )Π (y − v̂r , z − ṽr ) − γr (y, z)Π (y, z)
z r =1 z r =1
= Π (y − v̂r )E[γr (y − v̂r , Z) | Y = y − v̂r ] − Π (y)E[γr (y, Z) | Y = y].
r =1 r =1
Note that in this small master equation that describes the change of the mode
probabilities over time, the sum runs only over those reactions that modify y, since
for all other reactions the terms cancel out. Moreover, on the right side we have
only mode probabilities of neighboring modes and conditional expectations of the
z-part of the reaction rate. For the latter, we can use a Taylor expansion about the
conditional population means. Similar to Eq. (5), this yields an equation that involves
the conditional means and centered conditional moments of second order (variances
and covariances). Thus, in order to close the system of equations, we need to derive
equations for the time evolution of the conditional means and centered conditional
moments of higher order. Since the mode probabilities may become zero, we first
derive an equation for the evolution of the partial means (conditional means multi-
plied by the probability of the condition)
dt (E[Z | y] Π (y)) = z dtd Π (y, z)
= E[(Z + ṽr )γr (y − v̂r , Z) | y − v̂r ] Π (y − ṽr ) (10)
r =1
− E[Zγr (y, Z) | y] Π (y),
r =1
where in the second line we applied Eq. (8) and simplified the result. The con-
ditional expectations E[(Z + ṽr )γr (y − v̂r , Z) | y − v̂r ] and E[Zγr (y, Z) | y] are
then replaced by their Taylor expansion about the conditional means such that the
46 A. Andreychenko et al.
equation involves only conditional means and higher centered conditional moments
[33]. For higher centered conditional moments, similar equations can be derived. If
all centered conditional moments of order higher than K are assumed to be zero, the
result is a (closed) system of differential algebraic equations (algebraic equations are
obtained whenever a mode probability Π (y) is equal to zero). However, it is possible
to transform the system of differential algebraic equations into a system of (ordi-
nary) differential equations after truncating modes with insignificant probabilities.
Then we can get an accurate approximation of the solution after applying standard
numerical integration methods. For the case study in Sect. 5 we derived the system
of ODEs using the tool SHAVE [34] which implements a truncation based approach
and solves the ODEs using an explicit Runge–Kutta method.
Example 3 We apply the MCM approach to Example 1. The modes of the system
correspond to the number of molecules of type M. Here we provide equations only for
the first two modes, M = 0 and M = 1. The equations for the corresponding mode
probabilities ( p0 , p1 ) and the expected number of proteins (μ P,0 , μ P,1 ) conditioned
on the modes are given below. This equation system has to be closed not only by
setting to zero all the central moments of order higher than 2, but also by truncating
the infinite population of M. This can be done by assuming that pn = 0 from a certain
number n on.
p0 = −Ωk0 p0 + k1 p1
p1 = Ωk0 p0 − k1 p1 − Ωk0 p1
d 1 ∂ 2 f (μ P,0 )
μ P,0 p0 = −Ωk0 μ P,0 p0 + k1 μ P,1 p1 − f (μ P,0 ) p0 − C P,P,0 p0 (11)
dt 2 ∂μ P,0 2
μ P,1 p1 = Ωk0 μ P,0 p0 − Ωk0 μ P,1 p1 − k1 μ P,1 p1 − f (μ P,1 ) p1
1 ∂ 2 f (μ P,1 )
− C P,P,1 p1 + k2 p1
2 ∂μ P,1 2
Here x ranges over possible arguments (usually x ∈ IN0 ) with positive probability.
Note that we have included the constraint μ0 = 1 in order to guarantee that g is a
probability distribution. According to the maximum entropy principle, we choose
the distribution q ∈ G that maximizes the entropy H (g), i.e.,
q = arg max H (g) = arg max − g(x) ln g(x) . (13)
q∈G g∈G x
q(x) = exp −1 − λk x k = 1
exp − λk x k ,
k=0 k=1
Z = e1+λ0 = exp − λk x k (14)
x k=1
is a normalization constant. The last equality in Eq. (14) follows from the fact that
q is a distribution and thus λ0 is uniquely determined by λ1 , . . . , λ K . Next we insert
the above general form into the Lagrangian, thus transforming the problem into an
unconstrained convex minimization problem of the dual function w.r.t. the variables
λk . This yields the dual function
1 Noncentral moments can be easily obtained from central ones. For instance, the second noncentral
moment μ(2) is obtained from the variance σ 2 and the mean μ as μ(2) = σ 2 + μ2 .
48 A. Andreychenko et al.
Ψ (λ) = ln Z + λk μ(k) . (15)
According to the Kuhn–Tucker theorem, the solution λ∗ = arg min Ψ (λ) of the min-
imization problem determines the solution q of the original constrained optimization
problem in Eq. (13) (see [35]). We solve this unconstrained optimization problem
using the Newton method from the MATLAB’s numerical minimization package
minFunc, where we choose λ(0) = (0, . . . , 0) as an initial starting point and use the
approximated gradient and Hessian matrix. Since for the systems that weconsider, the
dual function is convex [36–38], there exists a unique minimum λ∗ = λ∗1 , . . . , λ∗K
where all first derivatives are zero and where the Hessian is positive definite. The
final results λ∗ of the iteration yields the distribution
q̃(x) = exp −1 − λ∗k x k ,
We here describe the use of the system size expansion [19] to obtain approximate
but simple expressions for the probability distributions of the CME. For simplicity,
we will focus on the case of a single species and follow the approach developed by
Thomas and Grima [20]. The system size expansion makes use of the macroscopic
limit of the CME which is attained for large reaction volumes. When concentrations
are held constant, large volumes imply large number of molecules, and hence the
macroscopic concentration [X ] follows the deterministic rate equation
d[X ]
= νr fr(0) ([X ]). (16)
dt r =1
Note that here νr = νr,1 because we only consider a single species. A prerequisite
for Eq. (16) to be the deterministic limit of the CME is that the rate functions satisfy
the scaling
γ j (Ω[X ], Ω) = Ω fr(0) ([X ]) + Ω −1 fr(1) ([X ]) + . . . , (17)
which holds for instance in the case of mass action kinetics [20]. The first term
in this series, fr(0) ([X ]) = limΩ→∞ γr (Ω[X
, is the macroscopic rate function. Note
that for an unimolecular reaction only the first term in Eq. (17) is present while for
a bimolecular one the first two terms are nonzero.
The expansion allows to characterize the deviations from this deterministic behav-
ior by successively taking into account higher order terms. Specifically, van Kampen
proposed separating the dynamics of the molecular concentration into the determin-
istic part [X ] and a fluctuating component ε that reads
= [X ] + Ω −1/2 ε. (18)
This ansatz can be used to expand the CME in powers of the inverse square root of
the volume by changing variables from x to ε. Assuming that this transformation is
continuous, i.e., Π (ε, t) = Π (Ω[X ] + Ω 1/2 ε, t)Ω 1/2 , the CME becomes
∂ N
Π (ε, t) = L0 Π (ε, t) + Ω −k/2 Lk Π (ε, t) + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ). (19)
∂t k=1
When the above equation is truncated after the N th term, it approximates the CME by
a partial differential equation. It is shown in Ref. [20] that the differential operators
Lk can be written down explicitly and are given by
50 A. Andreychenko et al.
k/2 k−2(s−1)
k− p−2(s−1)
D p,s
Lk = (−∂ε ) p εk− p−2(s−1) , (20)
s=0 p=1
p!(k − p − 2(s − 1))!
∂ q fr(s) ([X ])
Dqp,s = (νr ) p , (21)
r =1
∂[X ]q
depend only on the solution of the rate equation. We will solve Eq. (19) perturbatively
by expanding the probability density as
Π (ε, t) = Ω − j/2 π j (ε, t) + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ). (22)
Using the above series in Eq. (19) and equating order Ω 0 terms, one finds
− L0 π0 = 0, (23a)
− L0 π j (ε) = L1 π j−1 + · · · + L j π0 , (23b)
for j > 0. The first equation, Eq. (23a), is called the linear noise approximation [19]
and its solution is a Gaussian distribution
1 ε2
π0 (ε, t) = exp − , (24)
2π σ 2 (t) 2σ 2 (t)
with zero mean meaning that the rate equation are valid on average. Its variance
σ 2 (t) follows the equation
∂σ 2
= 2J (t)σ 2 + D20 (t), (25)
where we have denoted by J (t) = D11 (t) the Jacobian of the rate Eq. (16).
The solution of the partial differential equations (23b) can then be obtained using
the eigenfunctions of L0 . In particular, we can write
π j (ε, t) = am( j) (t)ψm (ε, t)π0 (ε, t)
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 51
where ψm (ε, t) = π0−1 (−∂ε )m π0 = σ m1(t) Hm σ ε(t) and Hm are the Hermite polyno-
mials. The solution of the system size expansion is therefore
⎛ ⎞
Π (ε, t) = π0 (ε, t) ⎝1 + Ω − j/2 am( j) (t)ψm (ε, t)⎠ + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ). (26a)
j=1 m=1
k/2 k−2(s−1)
j 3( j−k)
− nJ an( j) = am( j−k) Dk− Imn
p−2(s−1) p,k− p−2(s−1)
∂t k=1 m=0 s=0 p=1
σ β−α+n−m
m (β + α + 2s − (m + n) − 1)!!
Imn = , (26c)
α! s=0
s (β + α + 2s − (m + n))!(n − α − s)!
( j)
and zero for odd (α + β) − (m + n). Note that an = 0 when n + j is odd. Explicit
expressions for the probability density can now be evaluated to any desired order.
Relatively simple and explicit solutions are obtained in steady state conditions by
letting the time derivative on the left-hand side of Eq. (26b) go to zero. It follows
that the first term in Eq. (26a), the linear noise approximation π0 , describes the
distribution in the infinite volume limit. For finite volumes, implying finite number
of molecules, higher order terms given by Eq. (26) have to be taken into account.
It is, however, the case that this approximation can become inaccurate for
processes whose mean behavior differs significantly from the rate equation. This
is because in van Kampen’s ansatz, Eq. (18), the average concentration is approxi-
mated by the solution of the rate equation [X ]. For biochemical networks involving
bimolecular reactions, the rate equation provides only an approximation to the true
average predicted by the CME because its propensities depend nonlinearly on the
concentrations [41]. In applications it is important to account for these deviations
from the rate equation solution and the linear noise approximation. We therefore
calculate the true concentration mean and variance using the system size expansion
a priori and then perform the expansion about the true mean. A posteriori, this leads
to an expansion about the mean
x x
= + Ω −1/2 ε̄ , (27)
mean fluctuations
52 A. Andreychenko et al.
which is different than the one proposed by van Kampen, Eq. (18), who expands the
x about the −1/2
solution of the rate equation. Here, the averages are calculated from
= [X ] + Ω ε such that ε̄ = ε − ε is a centered random variable quanti-
fying the fluctuations about the true average. The result is the following expansion
π̄ (ε̄, t) = π̄0 (ε̄, t) + Ω − j/2 ām( j) ψ(ε̄, t)π̄0 (ε̄, t) + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ), (28a)
j=1 m=1
where π̄0 (ε̄) is a Gaussian different from the linear noise approximation because it
is centered about the true mean (instead of the rate equation). The coefficients in the
above equation can be calculated from
( j−k)
ām( j) = an(k) κm−n , (28b)
k=0 n=0
1 n
j/2 n−m
(ζ ) ζ! 2
κ (n)
j = (−1)( j+m) Bk, j−2m ζ !a1 Bn−k,m σ̄(ζ ) .
n! m=0 k= j−2m
k 2
( j) ( j) (ζ )
Here a1 and σ̄(2j) = 2 a2 − B j,2 ({ζ !a1 })/ j! denote the coefficients in the expan-
sions of mean and variance
( j)
ε = Ω − j/2 a1 + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ), (29a)
σ̄ 2 = σ 2 + Ω − j/2 σ(2j) + O(Ω −(N +1)/2 ), (29b)
respectively, and Bk,n ({yζ }) denotes the partial Bell polynomials [42] defined as
n! y j1 yn−k+1 jn−k+1
Bn,k ({yζ }n−k+1
ζ =1 ) = ... . (30)
j1 ! . . . jn−k+1 ! 1! (n − k + 1)!
Note that denotes the summation over all sequences j1 , . . . , jn−k+1 of non-
negative integers such that j1 + · · · + jn−k+1 = k and j1 + 2 j2 + · · · + (n − k + 1)
jn−k+1 = n. Note that the expansion about the mean has generally less nonzero coeffi-
( j) ( j)
cients because ā1 = ā2 = 0 for all j. Note also that for systems whose propensities
depend at most linearly on the concentrations, mean and variance are exact to order
Ω 0 (linear noise approximation), and hence for this case expansion (26a) coincides
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 53
with Eq. (28a). In Sect. 5 we show that typically a few terms in this expansion (28a)
are sufficient to capture the underlying distributions of the CME.
A particularly relevant case, namely the stationary solution of the CME, turns out
to be obtained quite straightforwardly. For example, truncating after Ω −1 -terms, from
Eq. (29) it follows that ε = Ω −1/2 a1(1) + O(Ω −3/2 ) and σ̄ 2 = σ 2 + Ω −1 (2a2(2) −
(a1(1) )2 ) + O(Ω −3/2 ). Letting now the left hand side of Eq. (26b) go to zero, solving
( j)
for the coefficients an and using the solution in Eq. (28b) one finds that to order
Ω the only nonzero coefficient is
σ 4 D12 σ 2 D21 D0
ā3(1) = − + + 3 , (31a)
6J 6J 18J
5 Results
In this section we will compare the (hybrid) method of moments (MM and MCM
approach) and the (conditional) system size expansion (SSE approach) by consider-
ing the quality of the resulting distribution approximations. In the former case we use
the maximum entropy approach outlined in Sect. 3.2 and the approximate solution
obtained from the SSE in the latter case. We base our comparison on two simple
but challenging examples. The first one describes the bursty expression of a protein
which degrades via an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. The second example describes
the expression of a protein activating its own expression resulting in a multimodal
protein distribution.
In order to compare the performance of the two methods, we will employ a simple
model of gene expression with enzymatic degradation described in Ref. [24]. The
system is described by the following set of biochemical reactions:
54 A. Andreychenko et al.
k0 k1 k2
→ ∅, M −
→ M + P,
k3 k
P+E−C −
→ E.
Recently, such active protein degradation has been recognized to be an important fac-
tor in skewing nuclear protein distributions in mammalian cells toward high molecule
numbers [43]. In our model we explicitly account for mRNA which is important even
when the mRNA half-life is shorter than the one of the corresponding protein [44].
Assuming binding and unbinding of P and E are fast compared to protein degra-
dation, the degradation kinetics can be simplified as in Refs. [43, 45], resulting in a
Michaelis–Menten like kinetic rate:
f (x P )
P −−−→ ∅, (33)
with f (x P ) = ΩΩKvMM+x
, where x P is the number of proteins and K M = k4k+k
is the
Michaelis–Menten constant. Less obviously for this reduction to hold in the stochastic
case, one also requires k4 k5 as shown in Refs. [45, 46]. Here rates are set to
k0 = 8, k1 = 10, k2 = 100, v M = 100, K M = 20, Ω = 1. In particular, the reaction
rates involving mRNA are chosen such that proteins are produced in bursts of size b =
k2 /k1 , i.e., on average 10 protein molecules are synthesized from a single transcript.
Fig. 1 Bursty protein production: reconstruction based on MM. The reconstructed distribution
(cf. Eq. (3.2)) is compared to the distribution estimated with stochastic simulations (shaded gray
area), where we use K = 3 (dashed red) and K = 5 (solid blue line) for the moments in the
maximum entropy method. We find that taking into account moments of higher order increases the
accuracy significantly, in particular in the region of 0–200 proteins
The approximate solution to the distribution functions using the system size expan-
sion as outlined in Sect. 4 is available for networks of a single species only. We
therefore concentrate on the case where the mRNA dynamics is much faster than
the one of the protein, called the burst approximation [44]. It can be shown that the
reaction scheme (32) follows the reduced CME
d vM x
Π (x) = Ωh 0 (E x−z − 1)ϕ(z)Π (x) + Ω(E x+1 − 1) Π (x), (34)
dt z=0
Ω K M +x
where E x−z is the step operator defined by E x−z f (x) = f (x − z) for any function
f . Note that protein synthesis
b z occurs in random bursts z following a geometric
distribution ϕ(z) = 1+b
with average b. The relation between the parameters
in scheme (32) and Eq. (34) are h 0 = k0 k2 /k1 and b = k2 /k1 . Within this description
protein synthesis involves many reactions: one for each value of z with probability
ϕ(z). The coefficients in the expansion of the CME follow from Eq. (21), and are
given by
∂m [P]
Dnm = δm,0 h 0 z n ϕ + (−1)n v M , (35)
∂[P] K M + [P]
and Dn,s
= 0 for s > 0, where [P] denotes the protein concentration according
to the rate equation solution and z n ϕ = ∞ z=0 z ϕ(z) = 1+b Li−n ( 1+b ) denotes
n 1 b
[P] = K M 1 − , σ 2 = K M (b + 1)ς (ς + 1), (36a)
bh 0
ā3(1) = (2b(ς + 1) + 2ς + 1),
σ2 1
ā4(2) = (b + 1) ς + (b + 1)(2b + 1)ς + (6b(b + 1) + 1) ,
2 2
4 6
ā6(2) = ā3(1) .
The coefficients to order Ω −3/2 can be obtained from Eq. (28) and read
ā3(3) = (b + 1)ς 2(b + 1)2 ς 2 + 3b(2b + 3)ς + 6b(b + 1) + 3ς + 1 ,
ā (1)
ā5(3) = 3 1 + 12b(b + 1) + 12(b + 1)2 ς 2 + 12(b + 1)(2b + 1)ς ,
1 3
ā7(3) = ā3(1) ā4(2) , ā9(3) = ā3(1) . (36c)
The analytical form of these coefficients represents a particularly simple way of
solving the CME. The approximation resulting from using these in Eq. (28a) is
shown in Fig. 2b (dot-dashed blue line). This approximation captures much better the
true distribution obtained from exact stochastic simulation using the SSA (shaded
gray area) than the linear noise approximation (dashed red line). We found that
including higher order terms in Eq. (28) helped to improve the agreement. However,
the resulting expressions turn out to be more elaborate and are hence omitted. A
quantitative assessment of this agreement will be given in Sect. 5.3.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Bursty protein production: system size expansion solution. a We compare the solution
obtained using the system size expansion about the rate equation solution, Eq. (26a), that is truncated
after Ω 0 (dashed red), Ω −3/2 (dot-dashed blue) and Ω −3 -terms (solid yellow line) to stochastic
simulations (shaded gray area). We observe that the series yields large undulations and negative
probabilities. b The system size expansion about the mean is shown when the series in Eq. (28a)
truncated after Ω 0 (dashed red), Ω −3/2 (dot-dashed blue) and Ω −3 -terms (solid yellow line). We
find that these approximations avoid undulations and converge rapidly with increasing truncation
order to the distributions obtained from simulations using the SSA
∗ k1
G+P−G ,
G∗ + P
− ∗∗
−G , (37)
which is modeled explicitly using mass action kinetics. In effect, there are three
gene states with increasing transcriptional activity, G, G ∗ and G ∗∗ , corresponding
to zero, one or two activators bound and leading to a cooperative form of activation.
Translation of a transcript denoted by M therefore must occur via one of the following
→ G + M,
kG ∗
G ∗ −→ G ∗ + M,
k G ∗∗
G ∗∗ −−→ G ∗∗ + M, (38)
where k G denotes the basal transcription rate, k G ∗ the transcription rate of the semi-
induced state G ∗ , and k G ∗∗ the rate of the fully induced gene. Finally, by the standard
model of translation and neglecting active degradation we have
→ M + P,
k4 k5
→ ∅, P −
→ ∅, (39)
In the following two parameter sets listed in Table 1 leading to moderate and low
protein numbers are considered. As we shall see the protein distributions are multi-
modal in both cases representing ideal test cases for the distribution reconstruction
using conditional moment closures and the conditional system size expansion.
58 A. Andreychenko et al.
Table 1 The two parameter sets used to study the multimodal expression of a self-activating gene
described by the reactions (37)–(39). Set (A) leads moderate protein levels while set (B) yields low
protein levels. Note that we have set Ω = 1
Parameter k1 k−1 k2 k−2 kG kG ∗ k G ∗∗ k3 k4 k5
Set (A) 5× 3× 5× 2.5 × 4 12 24 1200 300 1
10−4 10−3 10−4 10−2
Set (B) 5× 2× 5× 2× 4 60 160 30 300 1
10−4 10−4 10−4 10−3
The results of the approximation are plotted in Fig. 3. As we can see, the multimodal-
ity of the distribution is captured pretty well, and the quality of the reconstructed
distribution is quite good in particular when using 7 moments.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Self-activating gene: reconstruction based on MCM. The reconstructed distribution (cf.
Eq. (40)) for the case of moderate (a) and slow (b) protein production is compared to the distrib-
ution estimated with stochastic simulations (shaded gray area), where we use K = 3, K = 5, and
K = 7 for the conditional moments in the maximum entropy method. Again we find a significant
improvement if moments of higher order are taken into account, in particular in those regions where
the shape of the distribution is complex such as the region for 0–5 proteins in case of (b)
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 59
dΠ (G, x, τ )
= μW0 (G)Π (G, x, τ ) + W1 Π (G, x, τ ) , (41)
where W0 (G) describes the reactions (38) and (39) in the burst approximation
W0 (G) = (E x−z − 1) k · G ϕ(z) + (E x+1 − 1)k4 x, (42)
dΠ (x|G, τ ) dΠ (G, τ )
Π (G, τ ) + Π (x|G, τ )
dτ dτ
= μ Π (G, τ ) W0 (G)Π (x|G, τ ) + W1 Π (x|G, τ )Π (G, τ ). (43)
dΠ (G, τ )
= W1 Π (x|G) Π (G, τ ), (44)
dτ x=0
where the term in brackets is a conditional average of the slow dynamics over the
protein concentrations. In steady state conditions the above is equal to the equations
0 = Π (G)[P|G] − Π (G ∗ )K 1 , 0 = Π (G ∗ )[P|G ∗ ] − K 2 Π (G ∗∗ ) and Π (G ∗∗ ) = 1
− Π (G) − Π (G ∗ ) by conservation of probability. Here [P|G] denotes the condi-
tional protein concentration that remains to be obtained from Π (x|G). The steady
60 A. Andreychenko et al.
K1 K2
Π (G) = ,
K 1 K 2 + K 2 [P|G] + [P|G][P|G ∗ ]
K 2 [P|G]
Π (G ∗ ) = ,
K 1 K 2 + K 2 [P|G] + [P|G][P|G ∗ ]
[P|G][P|G ∗ ]
Π (G ∗∗ ) = , (45)
K 1 K 2 + K 2 [P|G] + [P|G][P|G ∗ ]
where K 1 = kk−11 and K 2 = kk−22 are the respective association constants of the DNA-
protein binding. The protein distribution is then given by a weighted sum of the
probability that a product is found given a particular gene state, times the probability
of the gene being in that state:
Π (x) = Π (x |G)Π (G). (46)
where Π∞ (x|G) = limμ→∞ Π (x|G, τ ). We can now perform the system size
expansion for the conditional distribution Π∞ (x |G) that is determined by Eq. (47)
using the ansatz
x ""
" G = [P|G] + Ω −1/2 ε|G, (48)
for the conditional random variables describing the protein fluctuations. The coeffi-
cients in the expansion of the CME (47) are
Dnm = δm,0 k · G z n ϕ + (−1)n k1 [P|G] + δm,1 (−1)n k1 , (49)
[P|G] = k · G , σ P|G
= [P|G](1 + b), (50)
respectively. Note that there are no further corrections in Ω to this conditional linear
noise approximation because the conditional CME (47) depends only linearly on
the protein variables. The conditional distribution can now be obtained using the
result (26a). Associating with π0 (ε |G) a centered Gaussian of variance as given in
Eq. (50), we find to order Ω −1 ,
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 61
By the definition given before Eq. (26a) the polynomials ψm,G (ε) depend on the gene
state via the conditional variance Eq. (50). The coefficients obtained from Eq. (31)
take the particularly simple form
1 2
a3(1) (G) = 2b + 3b + 1 [P|G], (51b)
(2) 1 1 (1) 2
a4 (G) = (b + 1) 6b2 + 6b + 1 [P|G], a6(2) (G) = a3 (G) . (51c)
24 2
Finally, we remark that Π (x |G) and Π (ε |G) are related by Π (x |G) = Ω −1/2 Π (ε =
Ω −1/2 x − Ω 1/2 [P|G] |G).
In Fig. 4a, this conditional system size expansion is compared to stochastic sim-
ulations using the SSA. We find that the conditional linear noise approximation,
Eq. (51), truncated after Ω 0 captures well the multimodal character of the distrib-
utions but misses to predict the precise location of its modes. In contrast, the con-
ditional approximation of Eq. (51) taking into account up to Ω −1 terms accurately
describes the location of these distribution maxima. We note however that a con-
tinuous approximation such as Eq. (51a) may fail in situations when the effective
support of the conditional distributions represents the range of a few molecules.
Such case is depicted in Fig. 4b. In this case the distributions are captured better by
an approximation with discrete support as has been given in Ref. [20], Eqs. (35) and
(36) therein. The resulting approximation, (blue filled circles) using the analytical
form of the coefficients (51) is in excellent agreement with stochastic simulations
performed using the SSA (shaded gray area). These findings highlight clearly the
need to go beyond the conditional Gaussian approximation for the two cases studied
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Self-activating gene: conditional system size expansion. The conditional system size
expansion (cSSE), Eqs. (45), (46) and (51), for the moderate (a) and slow (b) protein production is
compared to stochastic simulations (SSA). While the conditional linear noise approximation (Ω 0 )
captures the multimodal character of the distribution, it misses the precise location of its modes. We
find that the Ω −1 -estimate of the cSSE given by Eq. (51) agrees much better with the SSA. b The
discrete approximation of Ref. [20], see main text for details, is shown when truncated after Ω 0
and Ω −1 terms. The analytical form of the coefficients in Eq. (51) has been used with parameter
set B in Table 1
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Bursty protein production: absolute and relative error. We plot the absolute (a) and
relative (b) errors of the MM (for moments up to order K = 3 and K = 5, Fig. 1) and the SSE
(truncated after Ω −3/2 and Ω −3 terms, Fig. 2). The SSE for this example yields the percentage
error ||ε||V to be 5.1% (Ω −3/2 ) and 2.8% (Ω −3 ) while the moment based approach yields 5.6%
(K = 3) and 2.0% (K = 5). Both approaches become more accurate as more moments or higher
order terms in the SSE are taken into account. For both methods, the maximum errors occurs at
zero molecules
region a direct representation of the probabilities (as in the hybrid approaches) may
be more appropriate. For measuring the overall agreement of the distributions we
computed the percentage statistical distance
||ε||V = |Π (x) − Π ∗ (x)|. (52)
2 x=0
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 63
Fig. 6 Self-activating gene: absolute and relative error. We plot the absolute (left) and relative
(right) errors of the MCM (for moments up to order K = 3 and K = 7) and the cSSE (truncated after
Ω 0 and Ω −1 terms). For moderate protein production (a), corresponding to the distributions shown
in Figs. 3a and 4a, the MCM yields a percentage error ||ε||V of 2.4% (K = 3) and 1.0% (K = 7)
while the cSSE yields 5.4% (Ω 0 ) and 1.4% (Ω −1 ), respectively. For slow protein production
(b), corresponding to the distributions shown in Figs. 3b and 4b, we find ||ε||V = 10.9% (K = 3)
and 1.7% (K = 7) for the MCM as well as ||ε||V = 8.3% (Ω 0 ) and 1.9% (Ω −1 ) for the cSSE,
This distance can also be interpreted as the maximum percentage difference between
the probabilities of all possible events assigned by the two distributions [47, 48]
and achieves its maximum (100% error) when the distributions do not overlap. The
numerical values given in the caption of Fig. 5 reveal that the estimation errors of
the MM and the SSE decrease as more moments or higher order terms in the SSE
are taken into account. The respective error estimates are of the same order of mag-
nitude. However, the analytical solution obtained using the SSE, given in Sect. 5.1.2
including only low order terms is slightly more accurate than the MM with only few
moments, while the MM with a larger number of moments becomes more accurate
than the SSE including up to Ω −3 -terms.
For the second case study, we find that the absolute and relative estimation errors
of the method of moments and the SSE are of the same order of magnitude, compare
Fig. 6. However, we found that the method of moments including three conditional
moments (K = 3) is overall more accurate than the conditional linear noise approx-
imation (Ω 0 ). The approximations become comparable as higher order conditional
moments and higher orders in conditional SSE are employed. However, the method
64 A. Andreychenko et al.
6 Discussion
We have here studied the accuracy of two recently proposed approximations for
the probability distribution of the CME. The method of moments utilizes moment
closure to approximate the first few moments of the CME from which the distribution
is reconstructed via the maximum entropy principle. In contrast, the SSE method
does not rely on a moment approximation but instead the probability distribution is
obtained analytically as a series in a large parameter that corresponds roughly to the
number of molecules involved in the reactions. Interestingly, our comparative study
revealed that both methods yield comparable results. While generally both methods
provide highly accurate approximations for the distribution tails and capture well the
overall shape of the distributions, we found that for both methods the largest errors
occur close to the boundary of zero molecules. We observed a similar behavior
when conditional moments or the conditional SSE were used. These discrepancies
could be resolved by taking into account higher order moment closure schemes
or, equivalently, by taking into account higher order terms in the expansion of the
probability distribution.
From a computational point of view, the method based on moment closure is
limited by the number of moments that can be numerically integrated due to the
stiffness of the resulting high-dimensional ODE system. Our investigation showed
that such difficulties are encountered when one closes the moment equations beyond
the 8th moment. In contrast, the analytical solution provided by the SSE technique
does not suffer from these issues because it is provided in closed form. We note
however that the SSE solution given here is limited to a single species while the
method of moments has no such limitation. Moreover, the conditional SSE solution
relies on timescale separation which the method of conditional moments does not
The computational cost of the analytical approximation provided by the SSE is
generally less than that of the moment based approach because it avoids numeri-
cal integration and optimization. This fact may be particularly advantageous when
wide ranges of parameters are to be studied, as for instance in parameter estimation
from experimental data. We note, however, that the moment-based approach is still
much faster than the one of the SSA because it avoids large amounts of ensemble
averaging. Therefore the moment based approach may be preferable in situations
where the SSE cannot be applied as we have mentioned above. We hence conclude
that both approximation schemes provide complementary strategies for the analysis
of stochastic behavior of biological systems. Most importantly, they both provide
computationally more efficient strategies compared with simulation and numerical
integration of the CME while preserving an high degree of accuracy. The methods
thus have an high potential for the analysis of large-scale models.
Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation … 65
Acknowledgements PT acknowledges support from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of
1851 in form of a Research Fellowship.
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Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires
Abstract Modern single-cell sequencing techniques allow the unique T cell receptor
(TCR) signature of each of a sample of hundreds of T cells to be read. The mathemat-
ical challenge is to extrapolate from the properties of a sample to those of the whole
repertoire of an individual, made up of many millions of T cells. We consider the
distribution of the number of repeats of any TCR in a sample, the mean number of
cells needed to find a repeat with probability one half, and the relationship between
the true distribution of clonal sizes and that experimentally observed in a sample. In
the simplest hypothesis for the structure of the repertoire, the same number of cells
make up each clonotype. We also consider the case where the distribution of clonal
sizes is geometric, and examples where a small fraction of clones in the repertoire
are expanded.
1 Introduction
Approximately 4 × 1011 T cells circulate in the adult human body [1]. About 30,000
T cell receptors (TCRs) are on the surface of each T cell, usually of only one speci-
ficity [2]. T cells are selected in the thymus by binding to self-peptides expressed in
association with major histocompatibility complex molecules (self-pMHC) [1, 3–5].
The set of cells with the same TCR defines a T cell clonotype, and the set of T cells
in the body can be thought of as a repertoire of clonotypes. CD8+ T cells recognise
peptide bound to MHC class I molecules and CD4+ T cells recognise peptide bound
to MHC class II molecules [2]. How many TCR clonotypes are there in humans, mice
and other mammals? [6–10]. Direct measurement is not possible even with the latest
What can be deduced from a sample of m cells taken from a repertoire of T cells if the
total number of cells in the repertoire, S, is very large? Let us begin by describing the
structure of the repertoire, which is divided into N subsets, called TCR clonotypes.
Denote by ni the number of cells of a clonotype labelled i. The index i runs from 1 to
N, and ni = S (see Fig. 1). Typically S is known, but N and ni with 1 ≤ i ≤ N,
are not.
When the number of cells in the sample, m, is much smaller than the number of
cells in the repertoire, S, and much smaller even than the number of TCR clono-
types, N, it is not obvious how to draw direct conclusions. On the other hand, some
mathematical simplifications can be made. Let us consider one TCR clonotype, with
Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires 69
Fig. 1 The repertoire contains S cells, divided up into N TCR clonotypes. Here, cells are represented
by circles, a TCR clonotype is the set of cells of one shade, and a random sample of cells is
represented by those inside the black square
1 m 2
ri = ni (ni − 1) . (1)
2 S
We say there is a repeat in the sample if two (or more) of the m cells are of the
same clonotype. Let us consider a group of M identified clonotypes in the repertoire,
with numbers of cells n1 , n2 , . . . , nM , respectively. How many repeats, of clonotypes
in this group, will we see in our sample? If ri 1, ∀i = 1, . . . , M, so that the
70 M. Ferrarini et al.
That is,
1 m2
IE (number of repeats of identified clonotypes) = M IE (ni (ni − 1)) , (2)
2 S2
IE (ni (ni − 1)) = M ni (ni − 1) .
2 Results
To find the mean number of repeats of any clonotype in the sample, we put M = N
in (2) and write S = N IE (ni ), to obtain
m2 IE (ni (ni − 1))
IE (number of repeats) = ri = . (3)
2N IE (ni )2
The expression (3) is the product of the factor 2N , that does not depend on the
IE (ni (ni −1))
distribution of clonal sizes, and the factor IE (ni )2 , that does. The latter can be
IE (ni (ni − 1)) IE (ni2 ) 1
= − .
IE (ni ) 2 IE (ni ) 2 IE (ni )
500 1,000
• If ni has a geometric distribution with mean n̄ (that is, P (ni ≥ k) = 1 − n̄1 ,
k = 1, 2, . . .) then
IE (ni2 ) 1 IE (ni (ni − 1)) 1
=2− and = 2 1 − .
IE (ni ) 2 n̄ IE (ni )2 n̄
See Fig. 2.
P (no repeat in sample of m cells) = (1 − ri ).
log (P (no repeat in a sample of m cells)) = log(1 − ri )
− ri
72 M. Ferrarini et al.
m2 IE (ni (ni − 1))
λ= (4)
2N IE (ni )2
IE (ni )2
m0.5 = 2 N log 2 . (5)
IE (ni (ni − 1))
2 N log 2
m0.5 = .
1 − n1
When the distribution of the number of cells per clonotype is geometric with mean
n̄, the desired number is
N log 2
m0.5 = .
1 − n̄1
See Fig. 3.
P (k = 1) = ri (1 − rj ) .
i=1 j=1
Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires 73
m 0.5
10 3
10 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10 10 10
If ri 1 for every i, then (1 − rj ) (1 − ri ) and
j=1 i=1
P (k = 1) = λ e−λ .
The same argument works for all k m, so that the number of repeats in a sample
has a Poisson distribution
λk −λ
P (number of repeats in sample of m cells is k) = e .
Suppose there is one repeat in a sample of m1 cells. We then use (4) to estimate N.
Putting λ = 1 and, assuming a geometric distribution of clonal sizes, we conclude
N = m12 1 − .
If we find one repeat per 100 cells, we estimate the size of the repertoire is 104 . If we
find one repeat per 1,000 cells, we estimate that the size of the repertoire is 106 . In
practice, the estimate m12 is likely to be conservative, because any clonal expansion
will increase the number of observed repeats.
74 M. Ferrarini et al.
In this section, our goal is to find the probability distribution of the number of
instances of k copies of a TCR in a random sample of m cells. First, consider the
point of view of one cell in the total of S cells in the repertoire. The probability,
which we denote q, that this cell is one of the m cells in the sample is equal to m/S.
Next, let us define the Bernoulli random variable B
P (B = 0) = 1 − q and P (B = 1) = q , where q= . (6)
The probability generating function of B is
φB (z) = P (B = k) zk = 1 − q + q z . (7)
If ni is the number of cells of a clonotype labelled i, then the number of cells of type
i in the sample is the random variable Yi , which can be written
Yi = B1 + · · · + Bni , (8)
Let Y be the number of copies of a randomly chosen clonotype found in the sample
of m cells, which can take the value 0 or any integer greater than 0. That is,
P (Y = k) = P (ni = n)P (Yi = k|ni = n) .
Suppose that the probability generating function of the random variable ni is φn (z).
φY (z) = P (ni = n)(1 − q + qz)n
= φn (1 − q + qz) .
For example, if ni has a geometric distribution with mean n̄, then φn (z) =
, so that
n̄ − (n̄ − 1)z
Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires 75
1 − q + qz 1 − q + qz
φY (z) = = . (10)
n̄ − (n̄ − 1)(1 − q + qz) 1 + (n̄ − 1)q(1 − z)
Let us consider the distribution of observed clonal sizes (the histogram that is
obtained by plotting the number of TCRs as a function of the number of cells in the
sample). Observed clonal sizes can take integer values greater than, but not including,
0. We define s1 , s2 , . . . by
P (Y = k)
sk = .
1 − P (Y = 0)
γ k−1
sk = k≥1, (11)
1 + (n̄ − 1)q
(n̄ − 1)q
γ = . (12)
1 + (n̄ − 1)q
In this case, the probability generating function of the random variable Y , the number
of copies of a randomly chosen clonotype found in the sample of m cells, is
Fig. 4 Observed clonal size distribution in a sample of 1,000 cells, from repertoires containing
different numbers of clones, N. A “constant” repertoire means that there are n̄ = 10 cells of each
clonotype. In a “geometric” repertoire, the number of cells in each clonotype is drawn from a
geometric distribution with mean n̄ = 10
0.99, which means that 99% of sequences in a sample of m sequences will be found
as a single copy.
Finally, we consider a more realistic case in which the distribution of the number of
cells per clonotype is “double geometric”. That is, both the unexpanded and expanded
clonotypes have clonal sizes that follow a geometric distribution. The mean of ni for
unexpanded clonotypes is n̄ and the mean of ni for expanded clonotypes is α n̄. Then,
the probability generating function of the random variable Y is
where z
ψ(z, n) = . (16)
n − (n − 1) z
Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires 77
That is,
⎪ 1−q 1−q
⎪f + (1 − f ) , k=0
⎨ 1 + q(α n̄ − 1) 1 + q(n̄ − 1)
P (Y = k) =
⎪ (α n̄ − 1)k−1 α n̄ qk (n̄ − 1)k−1 n̄ qk
⎩f + (1 − f ) , k ≥ 1.
(1 + q(α n̄ − 1))k+1 (1 + q(n̄ − 1))k+1
3 Discussion
Small samples from a large repertoire are obtained in single-cell sequencing experi-
ments of T cell receptors. Estimates of the diversity of the TCR repertoire, that can
be deduced, depend on the distribution of clonal sizes, which is also unknown. How-
ever, small sample sizes allow the simplifying approximation that random variables
describing quantities of interest, such as the numbers of cells of different types in
the sample, are independent. Then, the probability generating function of the distri-
bution of clonal sizes in the sample is the composition of that of a Bernoulli random
variable (that takes values 0 or 1) and that of the true distribution of clonal sizes in
the repertoire that is being sampled from. Our work is motivated by studies of the
repertoire of T cells in humans and mice. Bulk sequencing has been used to set a
lower limit, in the millions, of the number of distinct TCRs in an individual. In this
type of experiment, where mRNA is extracted from a pool of cells, it is difficult to
obtain statistics of the number of cells of each clonotype (abundance data) that is free
from biases. Single-cell TCR sequencing can eliminate biases but can, at present,
only be carried out on a few hundred cells from one individual.
Acknowledgements The research leading to these results has received funding from the Euro-
pean Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) through the Marie-Curie Action
“Quantitative T cell Immunology” Initial Training Network, with reference number FP7-PEOPLE-
2012-ITN 317040-QuanTI.
We have benefitted from discussions with Pedro Gonçalves and Benedita Rocha, and from the
helpful comments of an anonymous referee.
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IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells:
A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach
1 Introduction
In this chapter, we aim to introduce, develop and analyse a stochastic version of the
deterministic model presented in Ref. [1] for the interaction between a helper T cell
and a regulatory T cell by means of the IL-2 molecule. When analysing a biological
system like this one from a mathematical and computational perspective, determin-
istic or stochastic approaches can be followed. The advantage of a deterministic
approach is that it allows one to elucidate the dynamics of the process in an ana-
lytical manner, as the mathematical analysis of the system is usually more tractable
than in a stochastic approach. However, a stochastic approach reveals the intrinsic
randomness that naturally arises in these processes, being specially desirable when
small numbers of molecules are involved (e.g. T cell responses have been reported
to be mediated only by around 10 IL-2/IL-2R molecules [15]). When analysing a
stochastic model, the usual approach is to study the master equation of the process
(a system of differential equations involving the probabilities of the process being
at each possible state at any particular time). This system, which is usually referred
to as the Kolmogorov equations [16], does not often have closed-form analytical
solutions. Under these circumstances, different approaches are implemented in the
literature to analyse the dynamics of these processes. For example, standard Gillespie
stochastic simulations [17] allow one to produce realisations of the process under
study. A trajectory corresponding to a single Gillespie simulation represents an exact
sample from the probability mass function that is the solution of the master equa-
tion. On the other hand, moment-based approximations [18] focus on analysing the
dynamics of average quantities (e.g. average number of molecules).
Our aim in this Chapter is to introduce and develop an alternative algorithmic
method: the matrix-analytic approach. This method makes use of a matrix formal-
ism and was originally developed by Marcel F. Neuts in the area of queueing the-
ory [19]. It has recently been applied in different areas of mathematical biology,
such as population dynamics [20], epidemiology [21, 22], or cellular and molecular
biology [23]. The analysis developed here relies on the introduction of stochastic
descriptors, which are conveniently defined random variables that provide detailed
information about the dynamics of the process, yet do not require the analysis of the
time-dependent dynamics in the master equation.
The Chapter is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, the stochastic process based on the
deterministic model of Ref. [1] is introduced and described. The stochastic descrip-
tors are defined in Sect. 3. They enable us to study the rate at which IL-2/IL-2R
complexes are formed on the regulatory T cell surface, as well as the rate at which
IL-2R molecules are synthesised. An algorithmic approach, discussed in the Appen-
dix, allows us to analyse these descriptors in an efficient manner. Finally, numerical
results are obtained and discussed in Sect. 4. A summary and the main conclusions
are given in Sect. 5.
84 L. de la Higuera et al.
2 Stochastic Model
R(t) = “Number of free IL-2R receptors on the cell surface at time t”,
C(t) = “Number of IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the cell surface at time t”,
E(t) = “Number of IL-2/IL-2R complexes in the endosome at time t”,
L(t) = “Number of free extra − cellular IL-2 molecules at time t”,
R + L −→ C .
C −→ R + L .
(R3 ) Synthesis of IL-2R: We assume both constitutive and IL-2 induced synthesis
of new IL-2R molecules,
ν0 +ν1 σ (x)
∅ −−−−−→ R .
v0 + v1 σ (x) = v0 + v1 ,
x 3 + K c3
where x is the number of bound IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the cell surface at a given
time,1 v0 is the constitutive synthesis rate and v1 is the ligand-induced synthesis
rate. The positive feedback of bound complexes on IL-2R synthesis is represented
by a Hill function with half-saturation constant K c = 1,000 and Hill coefficient
m = 3, as discussed and considered in Ref. [1].
(R4 ) Internalisation of bound complexes: IL-2/IL-2R complexes are internalised
from the membrane of the cell into the endosome with rate γ ,
1 Other hypotheses for x are discussed and considered in Sect. 4. In particular, x = C(t) in the orig-
inal model of Ref. [1], while alternative possibilities x = E(t) and x = C(t) + E(t) are introduced
and analysed here in Sect. 4.
86 L. de la Higuera et al.
(R6 ) Receptor recycling: IL-2R recycling takes place from internalised IL-2/IL-
2R complexes with rate δ,
(R7 ) Surface receptor degradation: Free IL-2R receptors on the cell surface are
degraded with rate ks ,
dPn (t)
= q(n ,n) Pn (t) − q(n,n ) Pn (t) , ∀n ∈ S .
n ∈S ,n =n n ∈S ,n =n
arranging the space of states S in groups of states, and the use of several algorithmic
techniques, known as the matrix-analytic approach [25].
3 Stochastic Descriptors
Our aim in this section is to introduce and analyse two stochastic descriptors: a
continuous and a discrete one. The descriptors will allow us to study the role of the
rate at which IL-2/IL-2R bound complexes are formed and the rate at which IL-2R
molecules are synthesised in the dynamics of the process. We introduce:
The first descriptor gives us an absolute measure of the rate at which bound
complexes are formed and stay on the cell surface to reach a threshold number, while
the second descriptor allows us to relate this threshold number with its direct output,
the synthesis of new receptors.
Our choice for the first descriptor is guided by experimental observations that
support the hypothesis that cellular responses to receptor-mediated signals only
take place “once a threshold number of bound receptor-ligand complexes have been
formed on the cell surface” [26–29]. The second descriptor has been considered to
quantify the effect of receptor-ligand signalling in protein synthesis. In the case of
IL-2R, and for T cells, there is experimental evidence for the fact that signalling
through the IL-2R (mediated by IL-2) leads to transcription and translation (or de
novo synthesis) of IL-2R. Given the differences between regulatory T cells, naive
and activated T cells (regarding production of IL-2 and expression of the high affinity
chain of IL-2R, CD25 or IL-2Rα), it is of interest to compute the number of synthesis
events during the IL-2R signalling process [11, 12].
In order to analyse the stochastic descriptors we need to arrange the space of states
S by levels as follows:
n max
S = S (k) ,
R −k
n max
S (k) = S (k; r ) , 0 ≤ k ≤ n max
R ,
r =0
88 L. de la Higuera et al.
R , 0 ≤ r ≤ nR
for 0 ≤ k ≤ n max max
− k. This organisation of S allows us to follow an
algorithmic approach when analysing the descriptors under study. This analysis is
based on the use of first-step arguments, Laplace–Stieltjes transforms and probability
generating functions, and is developed in the following sections. In Sect. 3.1 the time
to reach a total threshold number, B, of bound complexes simultaneously present
on the cell surface is studied as a random variable. We then obtain its Laplace–
Stieltjes transform and its order moments are computed. In Sect. 3.2, we analyse the
probability generating function of the random variable representing the number of
receptors synthesised during the time it takes to reach a threshold number, B, of
bound complexes simultaneously present on the cell surface. We obtain not only the
different order moments of this random variable, but also an algorithmic approach
for computing its probability mass function.
which uniquely determines the distribution of the random variable and allows us to
compute its order moments by successive differentiation, as follows:
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 89
B,(l) dl B
m (n = E (T(nB1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) )l = (−1)l ϕ (z) , l≥1.
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
dz l (n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) z=0
(z + Δ(n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) ) ϕ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
(z) = kon n 1 n L ϕ(n
1 −1,n 2 +1,n 3 )
(z) + koff n 2 ϕ(n
1 +1,n 2 −1,n 3 )
+ ks n 1 ϕ(n
1 −1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(z) + γ n 2 ϕ(n
1 ,n 2 −1,n 3 +1)
+ δ n 3 ϕ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
(z) + ke n 3 ϕ(n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 −1) (z)
+ (1 − δn 1 +n 2 +n 3 ,n max
) (ν0 + ν1 σ (n 2 ))
× ϕ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(z) , (2)
which characterises the random variable, while allowing us at the same time to
compute any pth order factorial moment as follows
B,( p)
n (n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) = E N(nB 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) (N(nB 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) − 1)(N(nB 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) − 2) · · · (N(nB 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) − p + 1)
dp B
= φ (s) , p≥0. (4)
ds p (n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) s=1
1 da B
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
(a) = P(N(nB 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) = a) = φ (s) , a ≥ 0 . (5)
a! ds a (n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) s=0
Δ(n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) φ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s) = kon n 1 n L φ(n
1 −1,n 2 +1,n 3 )
(s) + koff n 2 φ(n
1 +1,n 2 −1,n 3 )
+ ks n 1 φ(n
1 −1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s) + γ n 2 φ(n
1 ,n 2 −1,n 3 +1)
+ δ n 3 φ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
(s) + ke n 3 φ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
+ (1 − δn 1 +n 2 +n 3 ,n max
) (ν 0 + ν1 σ (n 2 )) s
× φ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s) , (6)
+ δ n 3 α(nB
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
(a) + ke n 3 α(nB
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
+ (1 − δn 1 +n 2 +n 3 ,n max
)(1 − δa,0 ) (ν0 + ν1 σ (n 2 ))
× α(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(a − 1) , a ≥ 0 .
B,( p)
Boundary conditions for the equations above are n (n 1 ,B,n 3 ) = 0, for all p ≥ 1 and
(n 1 , B, n 3 ) ∈ S (B), and α(n
1 ,B,n 3 )
(a) = 0 for all a ≥ 1 and α(n
1 ,B,n 3 )
(0) = 1. Effi-
cient methods to solve the previous systems of equations can be developed by making
use of the matrix formalism introduced above. We do not present the details here.
4 Numerical Results
In this section, we carry out a numerical study of the descriptors previously introduced
for the IL-2 stimulation of regulatory T cells. In order to do so, we propose to make use
of the physiological parameters and kinetic rates provided in Ref. [1] and reported
in Table 1. We are interested in the stimulation dynamics of a regulatory T cell
under three different regimes, characterised by the availability of IL-2 (low, medium,
92 L. de la Higuera et al.
Table 1 Physiological parameters and kinetic rates for the IL-2/IL-2R system from Ref. [1]
Parameter Value
Regulatory T cell surface area, sc 3 × 10−10 m2
Distance to a helper T cell secreting IL-2, h 1 × 10−3 m
Antigen-induced IL-2R synthesis rate in a 103 molecules/h
regulatory T cell, v0
IL-2 induced IL-2R synthesis rate in a 8 × 103 molecules/h
regulatory T cell, v1
IL-2 association rate constant to IL-2R, k̃on 111.6 nM−1 h−1
IL-2 dissociation rate constant to IL-2R, koff 0.83 h−1
Internalisation rate constant of IL-2R, ks 0.64 h−1
Internalisation rate constant of IL-2/IL-2R 1.7 h−1
complexes, γ
Recycling rate constant of endosomal IL-2R, δ 9 h−1
Endosomal degradation constant, ke 5 h−1
high), given by n L ∈ {1000, 5000, 10000}, respectively. These values, chosen for
illustrative purposes, have been selected taking into account that a helper T cell has
an antigen-induced IL-2 synthesis rate in the range of (0 − 2) × 104 molecules/h [1].
Initial conditions for our process are then given by R(0) = v0 /ks , C(0) = E(0) = 0,
which represent the state of the regulatory T cell before stimulation. We have assumed
that in the absence of IL-2, the initial number of IL-2R on the surface of a regulatory
T cell is given by the balance between receptor synthesis and degradation. We restrict
ourselves to the first 60 minutes post-stimulation and for computational convenience,
we consider the dynamics occurring on a fraction, f = 1%, of the cell surface. Thus,
n L ∈ {10, 50, 100}, n R = 15 and the kinetic rates have been transformed accordingly
(see Table 1). The binding rate, kon (see Fig. 1), is obtained from k̃on in Table 1 as
kon = ,
f h sc N A
where h is the distance to the source of IL-2 (helper T cells), sc is the regulatory
T cell surface area and N A is Avogadro’s number. Finally, preliminary Gillespie
simulations allow us to set n max
R = 6 R(0). This value is chosen so that the total
number of receptors in the system, R(t) + C(t) + E(t), for t ∈ [0, 60] min, does not
exceed the value n max
R with a probability greater than 0.99.
The aim of the numerical experiments carried out in this section is to investigate
the main hypothesis of the mathematical model, originally considered in Ref. [1].
Namely, that IL-2R ligand-induced synthesis is driven by a positive feedback from
the IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the cell surface. However, a number of other possi-
ble alternatives need to be considered: for example, a positive feedback from the
IL-2/IL-2R complexes in the endosome, or a synergistic positive feedback from the
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 93
IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the surface and those in the endosome. Thus, we propose
here three possible alternatives for the synthesis rate considered in reaction (R3 ) in
Sect. 2. In particular, we consider
σ (C) = ,
C 3 + K c3
σ (E) = ,
E 3 + K c3
(C + E)3
σ (C + E) = ,
(C + E)3 + K c3
where C and E represent the number of surface complexes and endosomal complexes
at a given time, respectively.
In Fig. 2, we plot the average time E[T(15,0,0) ] to reach a threshold number, B, of
bound complexes on the cell surface ± its standard deviation. These quantities are
obtained by following arguments provided in Sect. 3.1, and in particular, by direct
implementation of Algorithm 1 in the Appendix. We plot these times as a function of
B, for different number of IL-2 molecules, n L ∈ {10, 50, 100}, and for the three syn-
thesis hypotheses, σ (C), σ (E) and σ (C + E). In the first instance (Fig. 2 top, σ (C)),
the average time to reach B bound complexes on the cell surface is approximately
equal to one hour for values of B equal to B = 4, B = 21 and B = 39, for n L = 10,
n L = 50 and n L = 100, respectively. That is, larger numbers of IL-2 molecules lead
to a larger number of bound receptors on the surface, that induce synthesis of new
IL-2Rs, thus enhancing further IL-2 binding to IL-2R. In the third model (Fig. 2
bottom, σ (C + E)), the corresponding values of B for an average time of one hour
are B = 4, B = 23 and B = 41, for n L = 10, n L = 50 and n L = 100, respectively.
This illustrates the small but additional positive feedback that endosomal complexes
provide to the number of surface complexes, if they are explicitly considered in the
synthesis rate. On the other hand, the second hypothesis corresponding to σ (E) (Fig. 2
middle), which assumes that only endosomal complexes induce positive feedback for
the synthesis of new receptors, significantly changes the timescales of the threshold.
In particular, values of B corresponding to an average time, E[T(15,0,0) B
], approxi-
mately equal to one hour are B = 4, B = 10 and B = 13, for n L = 10, n L = 50
and n L = 100, respectively. That is, if only endosomal complexes were to give pos-
itive feedback for the synthesis of new receptors, the stimulation of the regulatory
T cell, and in particular the rate at which IL-2/IL-2R bound complexes are formed
and maintained on its surface, would significantly decrease.
A similar analysis can be made regarding the second descriptor, the average num-
ber E[N(15,0,0) ] of synthesised receptors during the time it takes B complexes to be
displayed on the cell surface. The descriptor is shown in Fig. 3 and plotted as a func-
tion of B. Quantities in Fig. 3 are obtained by the arguments provided in Sect. 3.2,
that is, by implementing a modified version of Algorithm 1 (discussed at the end of
the Appendix). We study the behaviour of this discrete descriptor for different num-
ber of IL-2 molecules and considering a number, E[N(15,0,0) B
], to be approximately
94 L. de la Higuera et al.
Fig. 2 Mean time E[T(15,0,0) ] (in minutes) ± its standard deviation, to reach a threshold number B
of bound complexes on the cell surface, as a function of B, for different number of IL-2 molecules,
n L ∈ {10, 50, 100}. Three different synthesis rate hypotheses have been considered in the process
(from top to bottom): σ (C), σ (E) and σ (C + E)
equal to 40. If we assume the first hypothesis, corresponding to σ (C) (Fig. 3 top),
the threshold value of IL-2/IL-2R corresponds to B = 7, B = 19 and B = 26, for
n L = 10, n L = 50 and n L = 100, respectively. If we assume the third hypothesis,
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 95
Fig. 3 Mean number E[N(15,0,0) ] of receptors synthesised ± its standard deviation, to reach a
threshold number B of bound complexes on the cell surface, as a function of B, for different
number of IL-2 molecules, n L ∈ {10, 50, 100}. Three different synthesis rate hypotheses have been
considered in the process (from top to bottom): σ (C), σ (E) and σ (C + E)
where N(nB R ,0,0) (CS) is the number of receptors which have been constitutively syn-
thesised and N(nB R ,0,0) (LIS) is the number of receptors which have been synthesised
due to ligand-binding. We can then write
where E[N(nB R ,0,0) ] has been plotted in Fig. 3. The values of E[N(nB R ,0,0) (CS)] can be
obtained by a slight modification of the arguments introduced in Sect. 3. In particular,
if we define
,n ,n
1 2 3 ) (s; CS) = E s N(n1 ,n2 ,n3 ) (CS) , |s| ≤ 1 ,
Δ(n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 ) φ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s; CS) = kon n 1 n L φ(n
1 −1,n 2 +1,n 3 )
(s; CS) + koff n 2 φ(n
1 +1,n 2 −1,n 3 )
(s; CS)
+ ks n 1 φ(n
1 −1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s; CS) + γ n 2 φ(n
1 ,n 2 −1,n 3 +1)
(s; CS)
+ δ n 3 φ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
(s; CS) + ke n 3 φ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 −1)
(s; CS)
+ (1 − δn 1 +n 2 +n 3 ,n max ) v 0 s + v1 3 φ(n
1 +1,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s; CS) ,
R x + K c3
where x ∈ {n 2 , n 3 , n 2 + n 3 } for each synthesis rate hypothesis, that is, σ (C), σ (E)
and σ (C + E), respectively. Thus, the moments of N(nB R ,0,0) (CS) (and, similarly,
those of N(nB R ,0,0) (LIS)) can be obtained by reproducing our arguments of Sect. 3 and
the Appendix.
We are now able to compute (see Table 2), not only the mean number E[N(15,0,0) B
] of
synthesised receptors to reach a threshold number of IL-2/IL-2R complexes, B, under
three different hypotheses, but also the percentage contribution to the synthesis of IL-
2R from the constitutive and the ligand-induced pathway. Under the first hypothesis,
corresponding to a synthesis rate given by σ (C), we observe that as the number
of IL-2 molecules increases, the ligand-induced pathway becomes more relevant,
as expected. However, a saturation behaviour can be seen between n L = 50 and
n L = 100, which seems to indicate that a greater number of IL-2 molecules will not
lead to a higher contribution from the ligand-induced pathway. This is, of course,
due to the Hill function form assumed for σ (x), as originally proposed in Ref. [1].
Similar comments can be made for the third hypothesis, which corresponds to the
choice σ (C + E). As shown in Table 2, differences in the values of E[N(15,0,0) B
for the cases σ (C) and σ (C + E), and even for σ (E), are small for B = 5. This
indicates that the ligand-induced synthesis pathway does not play a significant role,
in absolute terms, for short timescales. This is not the case for B = 10, where a
different behaviour can be observed for σ (E), when compared to σ (C) or σ (C + E).
Now, the ligand-induced synthesis pathway plays a larger role for long timescales.
Finally, we note that the values provided in Table 2 have to be carefully interpreted by
looking at both Figs. 2 and 3. For example, the value E[N(15,0,0) ] ∼ 670 for B = 10,
with synthesis rate given by σ (E), and n L = 10, can be explained by pointing out
that it takes over 66 h to display B = 10 IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the cell surface,
and during this time 670 IL-2R synthesis events take place. This is indeed, a much
longer timescale than the first hour of the experiment (see Fig. 2).
5 Discussion
We have defined and developed a stochastic version of the deterministic model intro-
duced in Ref. [1], for the stimulation of a regulatory T cell by IL-2. Instead of solving
the master equation associated with the Markov process, or of carrying out Gillespie
simulations, we have introduced two random variables (or stochastic descriptors)
to analyse the rate at which IL-2/IL-2R complexes are formed and stay on the cell
98 L. de la Higuera et al.
E[N(15,0,0) (CS)]
Table 2 Values of E[T(15,0,0) ] (in minutes), E[N(15,0,0)
B ], 100 % (that is, the per-
E[N(15,0,0) ]
E[N(15,0,0) (LIS)]
centage of synthesis events due to the constitutive pathway), and 100 % (that is, the
E[N(15,0,0) ]
percentage of synthesis events due to the ligand-induced pathway), for n L ∈ {10, 50, 100} and
B ∈ {5, 10}. Three different synthesis rate hypotheses have been considered in the process: σ (C),
σ (E) and σ (C + E)
E[N(15,0,0) (CS)] B
E[N(15,0,0) (LIS)]
B σ (x) nL B
E[T(15,0,0) ] B
E[N(15,0,0) ] 100 % 100 %
E[N(15,0,0) ] B
E[N(15,0,0) ]
surface, as well as the rate at which IL-2R is synthesised. We have computed the
Laplace–Stieltjes transforms and the probability generating functions of these ran-
dom variables by appropriately arranging the space of states and making use of
first-step arguments.
The author in Ref. [1] hypothesises that IL-2R synthesis is induced by the presence
of bound IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the cell surface. We have further generalised this
hypothesis and have also considered the role of internalised (endosomal) IL-2/IL-2R
complexes in the IL-2R synthesis rate. We have made use of numerical experiments to
compare three different hypotheses. Our numerical results suggest that if endosomal
complexes contribute to the synthesis rate, their effect would be negligible when
considering the time to reach a certain signalling threshold (encoded by the number
of IL-2/IL-2R complexes on the surface of a regulatory T cell).
We have also been able to quantify the relative contribution to the number of
IL-2R molecules synthesised by the constitutive and the ligand-induced pathway,
respectively. We have done so by slightly modifying the stochastic descriptors. A
particular conclusion from Table 2 is that ligand-induced synthesis is not important
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 99
for the short-term dynamics of the system, in which the constitutive receptor synthesis
pathway seems to play the central role. On the other hand, for larger number of IL-
2 ligand molecules, the ligand-induced synthesis pathway plays a major role, and
the three hypotheses for the synthesis rate need to be carefully analysed. In this
case, the contribution of endosomal complexes to the synthesis rate (together with
that of surface complexes, third hypothesis (σ (C + E))) does not seem to change
the behaviour of the system, when compared to the first hypothesis (σ (C)). If the
synthesis rate only depends on the number of endosomal IL-2/IL-2R complexes
(second hypothesis (σ (E))), the results change in a quantitative and qualitative way.
Our results also indicate that as the number of ligand molecules is increased, the
role of the ligand-induced synthesis pathway is more significant, and a saturation
behaviour is observed: above a certain threshold of IL-2 molecules, there are no
changes in the relative contribution of the ligand-induced receptor synthesis pathway
to that of the constitutive one. We have not done so in this paper, but a parallel
study could be carried out for two other stochastic descriptors: the time to reach
a threshold number of IL-2/IL-2R complexes in the endosome and the number of
IL-2R molecules that are synthesised during this time. This would correspond to
the hypothesis that the signalling complexes, that induce IL-2R synthesis, are the
IL-2/IL-2R complexes in the endosome of a regulatory T cell.
Finally, we conclude by noting that, although the algorithmic approach followed
here allows us to obtain analytical results for the stochastic descriptors consid-
ered, it has computational limitations. Thus, the algorithmic procedures developed
within the Appendix are essential for efficient numerical computation. It is clear that
standard stochastic Gillespie simulations are more efficient, from a computational
perspective, than our approach (e.g. the practical implementation of our methods,
according to our numerical experiments, seems to be computationally unfeasible
for ligand concentrations higher than 15 × 103 IL-2 molecules/cell). On the other
hand, our approach not only allows the computation of exact results (instead of sim-
ulated ones), as described in Figs. 2, 3 and Table 2, but it enables the development
of further studies, such as perturbation analysis, which allows us to characterise
(by means of the computation of partial derivatives) the impact that each kinetic
rate θ ∈ {kon , koff , ν0 , ν1 , K c , γ , ke , δ, ks } has on the descriptors here analysed. This,
which is not possible by means of Gillespie simulations, is out of the scope of
this Chapter. In general, a balance between computational limitations and model
complexity needs to be considered, and alternative procedures such as Gillespie sim-
ulations will be required when studying, for example, models with a greater number
of variables or higher ligand concentrations than the ones presented here.
Acknowledgements This research is supported by the European Commission through the Marie-
Curie Action “Quantitative T cell Immunology” QuanTI Initial Training Network, with grant
number FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN 317040-QuanTI (Luis de la Higuera, Grant Lythe and Carmen
Molina-París). M. López-García is supported by The Leverhulme Trust RPG-2012-772. The authors
acknowledge the support of the University of Leeds for the permission to use the High Performance
Computing facilities ARC1 and ARC2.
100 L. de la Higuera et al.
In order to efficiently analyse the first descriptor studied in Sect. 3.1, we express the
system of equations given by Eq. (2), in matrix form as
where the constant B has been omitted to simplify the notation. The vector of
unknowns, ϕ(z), is structured, due to the organisation of S , in levels and sub-levels,
by blocks as follows
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
ϕ 0 (z) ϕ k0 (z)
⎜ ϕ 1 (z) ⎟ ⎜ ϕ k1 (z) ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
ϕ(z) = ⎜ .. ⎟ , ϕ k (z) = ⎜ .. ⎟ , 0 ≤ k ≤ B − 1,
⎝ . ⎠ ⎝ . ⎠
ϕ B−1 (z) ϕ kn max −k (z)
where the sub-matrix Ak,k (z) contains in an ordered fashion, those coefficients in the
system, Eq. (2), related to transitions from states in level S (k) to states in level S (k ).
The specific structure by sub-levels allows us to write the following expressions
⎛ ⎞
Bk,k (z) Bk,k
0,1 (z) 0 ... 0 0
⎜ 0,0 ⎟
⎜ Bk,k (z) B k,k
(z) B k,k
1,2 (z) ... 0 0 ⎟
⎜ 1,0 1,1 ⎟
⎜ 0 k,k
(z) k,k ⎟
⎜ B 2,1 B 2,2 (z) ... 0 0 ⎟
Ak,k (z) = ⎜
⎜ .. .. .. .. .. .. ⎟,
⎜ . . . . . . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 . . . Bn max −k−1,n max −k−1 (z) Bn max −k−1,n max −k (z) ⎟
k,k k,k
⎝ R R R R ⎠
0 0 0 . . . Bk,k
n max −k,n max −k−1 (z) B k,k
n max −k,n max −k (z)
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 101
⎛ ⎞
Bk,k−1 (z) B0,1
(z) 0 ... 0 0
⎜ 0,0 k,k−1 k,k−1 ⎟
⎜ 0 B1,1 (z) B1,2 (z) . . . 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 k,k−1
B2,2 (z) . . . 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
Ak,k−1 (z) = ⎜
⎜ .. .. .. .. .. .. ⎟,
⎜ . . . . . . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 . . . Bnk,k−1
max −k−1,n max −k (z) 0 ⎟
⎝ R R ⎠
0 0 0 . . . Bnk,k−1 k,k−1
max −k,n max −k (z) Bn max −k,n max −k+1 (z)
⎛ ⎞
0 0 0 ... 0 0
⎜ Bk,k+1 (z) 0 0 ... 0 0 ⎟
⎜ 1,0 ⎟
⎜ k,k+1
(z) ... ⎟
⎜ 0 B2,1 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ .. .. .. .. .. ⎟
Ak,k+1 (z) = ⎜ .. ⎟,
⎜ . . . . . . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 ... k,k+1
Bn max −k−1,n max −k−2 (z) 0 ⎟
⎝ R R
0 0 0 ... 0 Bnk,k+1
max −k,n max −k−1 (z)
where the dimensions of the sub-blocks 0 in the previous expressions have been
omitted. We note that, in fact, the dimensions of a sub-block 0 corresponding to the
group of rows S (k; r ) and the group of columns S (k ; r ) are J (k; r ) × J (k ; r ).
Expressions for the sub-matrices Br,r (z) can be obtained from Eq. (2) as
γ k (z + Δ(r,k,i) )−1 , if j = i + 1,
(z))i j =
0, otherwise,
1 B−1
(b̃ )i = l
(m(l−1) )i , 0 ≤ i ≤ #S (k),
Δi k=0
IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach 103
For k = 0, 1, . . . , B − 1:
mk(0) = ϕ k (0);
For p = 1, . . . , l:
( p) p
J0 = b̃0 ;
For j = 1, . . . , B − 1:
( p) ( p)
J j = A j, j−1 (0)H−1
j−1 (0)J j−1 + b̃ j ;
( p) ( p)
m B−1 = H−1 B−1 (0)J B−1 ;
For j = B − 2, . . . , 1,0:
( p) ( p) ( p)
m j = H−1 j (0) J j + A j, j+1 (0)m j+1 ;
We now turn to the second descriptor analysed in Sect. 3.2. Equation (6) can be
expressed in matrix form as
where we are omitting again B in the notation, and where the probability generating
functions φ(n
1 ,n 2 ,n 3 )
(s) for (n 1 , n 2 , n 3 ) ∈ ∪k=0
S (k) are stored in a column vector
φ(s), which is organised in sub-vectors following the structure of levels and sub-
levels of S . This follows similar arguments to those used for the vector ϕ(z). A
direct comparison between Eqs. (2) and (6) allows us to write A(s) = A(z = 0),
k,k k,k
except for sub-blocks Br,r +1 (z), which should be replaced by Br,r +1 (s) given by
⎧ −1
⎨ (ν0 + ν1 σ (k)) s Δ(r,k,i) , if j = i,
k,k −1
(Br,r +1 (s))i j = δ i Δ(r,k,i) , if j = i − 1,
0, otherwise,
104 L. de la Higuera et al.
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Understanding the Role of Mitochondria
Distribution in Calcium Dynamics
and Secretion in Bovine Chromaffin Cells
1 Introduction
It is well known the key role that calcium plays as messenger in a large number
of vital processes, such as secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters, muscle
contraction and genetic transcription, among others [1, 20]. Regarding the release
of neurotransmitters, the vast majority of synapses in the central nervous system
are chemical, as are all synapses between nerves and muscles. When an action
A. Gil (B)
Depto. de Matemática Aplicada Y CC de la Comput, Universidad de Cantabria,
39005 Santander, Spain
V. González-Vélez
Area de Química Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco,
02200 Mexico city, Mexico
J. Villanueva · L.M. Gutiérrez
Instituto de Neurociencias, Centro Mixto Universidad Miguel Hernández-CSIC,
Sant Joan d’Alacant, Alicante, Spain
L.M. Gutiérrez
2 Experimental Results
Bovine chromaffin cell isolation and culture chromaffin cells were prepared from
bovine adrenal glands by collagenase digestion and separated from the debris and
erythrocytes using centrifugation on Percoll gradients as described before [7, 8].
After extensive washing, cells were maintained as monolayer cultures in Dulbec-
cos modified Eagles medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum,
10 µm cytosine arabinoside, 10 µm 5-fluoro-2 -deoxyuridine, 50 IU/ml penicillin,
and 50 g/ml streptomycin. Finally, cells were harvested at a density of 150,000
cells/cm2 in 22 mm diameter coverslips coated with polylysine. Experiments were
done in Krebs/HEPES (K/H) basal solution containing 134 mm NaCl, 4.7 mm KCl,
1.2 mm KH2 PO4 , 1.2 mm MgCl2 , 2.5 mm CaCl2 , 11 mm glucose, 0.56 mm ascorbic
acid and 15 mm HEPES/Na, pH 7.4. Cells were stimulated for 1 min using a depo-
larizing solution with 59 mm high potassium (obtained by replacing isosmotically
NaCl by KCl) in K/H basal solution. Cells were used between the third and sixth day
after plating.
Chromaffin cells were transfected with GFP-lifeact, a 17 amino acid peptide binding
to F-actin without altering its dynamics in vivo or in vitro studies using the Amaxa
basic nucleofector kit for primary mammalian neuronal cells (Amaxa GmbH. Koehl,
Germany) as described in [17]. 48 h later, cells were incubated either with 1 µm mito-
tracker green (Invitrogen, Eugene, Or, USA) for a 15 min period at room temperature.
Cell fluorescence was studied in an Olympus Fluoview FV300 confocal laser
system mounted on a IX-71 inverted microscope incorporating a 100X PLAN-Apo
oil-immersion objective with 1.45 n.a. Excitation was achieved using Ar and HeNe
visible light lasers. After acquisition, images were processed using the ImageJ pro-
gram. For the statistical analysis, the nonparametric Mann Whitney test for paired
samples or the 1 way ANOVA Kruskal–Wallis test were used. Differences were con-
sidered significant when p < 0.05. Data are expressed as mean + SEM obtained
from experiments performed in a number (n) of individual cells from at least three
different cultures.
The confocal fluorescence images shown in Fig. 1 evidence two different popula-
tions of mitochondria in bovine chromaffin cells in the culture. These populations
are represented in distinct green (perinuclear mitochondria) and yellow (cortical
mitochondria) in the 3-D reconstruction shown in Fig. 1b. The existence of these
two different populations was further supported with the measurements of the green
110 A. Gil et al.
Fig. 1 Confocal microscopy images show two populations of mitochondria in chromaffin cells.
Confocal images from representative experiments performed in cultured bovine chromaffin cells
expressing RFP- Life Act (red channel) and labeled with mitotracker green. a Confocal planes
separated by 0.2 µm from the basal cortical region to the equatorial plane were used to reconstruct
cell fluorescence (XY, YZ and XZ planes). The YZ and XZ planes evidenced the low fluorescence
layer separating two populations of mitochondria. b 3-D image obtained with Imaris showing the
perinuclear mitochondria in green as well as the cortical mitochondria in yellow. c Normalized
fluorescence for the different confocal planes determined for Life Act fluorescence (red line), and
mitotracker (green line) represented in function of the distance measured from cortical basal to the
equatorial plane (3 µm in total). Bar in b represents 3 µm
fluorescence intensity in the different confocal planes (Fig. 1c, green line). From
these measurements, it is clear the presence of an external population of mitochon-
dria associated with the cortical region (0–1 µm of the cell limit) and an internal
population around 2–3 µm of the cell limits.
The experiments also reveal that two subpopulations of cortical mitochondria
exist in the vicinity of exocytotic sites: the images shown in Fig. 2a, b were used to
measure distances of secretory sites (punctate green dots) to the nearest mitochondria
(red elongate forms) and represented in form of distributions. The distance distribu-
tion analysis shown in Fig. 2c shows that ∼30% of secretory sites colocalized with
mitochondria. As can be seen, there is also a significant population of mitochondria
around the 300–500 nm distance.
Understanding the Role of Mitochondria Distribution … 111
Fig. 2 Cortical mitochondria locate close to the secretory sites. Cultured chromaffin cells incubated
with mitotracker red were stimulated during 1 min with a 59 mm KCl solution at room temperature
(21–22 C). Secretion was stopped by lowering the temperature using ice-cooled buffer. Secretory
sites were labeled using an anti-DβH antibody followed by a secondary antibody coupled to Cy-2
(green fluorescence) in ice-cold buffer to prevent endocytosis. The distribution of cortical mito-
chondria and secretory sites was studied acquiring confocal images of the cortical area in polar
sections (a) or equatorial sections (b) to calculate distances between secretory sites and the nearest
mitochondria (N = 347 distances from 10 cells). These distances were used to build a distribution
using 0.1 nm bin size (c). Red line is the best fit to a polynomial function. Bars in a and b represent
3 µm
3 Theoretical Model
The simulation scheme used in this work is an extension of the algorithms developed
by the authors [6, 14]. The Monte Carlo algorithm has proved to be successful in the
study of the influence of the geometry in the exocytotic response of neuroendocrine
cells and presynaptic terminals. For the spatial resolutions that are relevant (of the
order of 100 nm in neuroendocrine cells or 10 nm in presynaptic terminals) and the
typical concentrations of calcium in chromaffin cells, we can expect few calcium
112 A. Gil et al.
ions inside each cube of 100 nm of side (∼7 ions for 10 µm) and also a moderate
number of calcium binding sites. Then, it seems more appropriate a particle-based
approach instead of using a continuous modeling in terms of concentrations.
Our algorithm implements a microscopic simulation in which the fundamental
variables are the number of ions and buffers. The average values of the output of
our simulation converge to macroscopic simulations when considering symmetrical
A conical domain is appropriate to describe buffered diffusion in the submembrane
domain of spherical cells (which is the case of chromaffin cells in good approxima-
tion). The base of the cone represents the membrane of the cell in which voltage-
dependent calcium channels are distributed. An orthogonal 3-D regular grid maps
the domain of simulation with a distance between grid points Δl. Each point of the
grid is associated with a cubic compartment of volume (Δl)3 . The 3-D diffusion of
calcium ions and possible mobile buffers is modeled as a random walk process. The
first-order kinetic reactions of calcium ions and buffers are interpreted (and solve)
Some of the parameter values used in the model can be found in the Table 1.
To simulate currents through calcium channels, we use a simple stochastic scheme
where every channel of the total population may transit from its present state to an
open, closed or inactive state in response to voltage and calcium concentrations (the
transition parameters between states depend on voltage and local calcium concen-
trations). Then, the total current is the sum of unitary currents due to open channels;
the unitary currents are specific to each channel type and depend on its unitary con-
ductance. In our simulations, we consider that each channel cluster is formed by
Fig. 3 Simulation of
calcium entry through P/Q
and L-type Ca2+ channels in
our algorithm: current to
voltage relationships
considered in the channel
gating kinetic schemes
two P/Q- and one L-type calcium channels, according to experimental estimations
of channel populations involved in secretion in chromaffin cells [13]. In Fig. 3, the
simulated currents to voltage relationships for the L and P/Q calcium channels are
Fig. 4 Schematic representation of the three upper slices of the 3-D simulation domain including
three VDCC and two cortical mitochondria
Fig. 5 Calcium 4
concentrations in the
submembrane domain. 3
Upper figure average
cytoplasmic calcium
concentration from 0 to
[Ca ]
100 nm to the cellular 1
membrane. Lower figure
average calcium
concentrations inside the 0 10 20 30 40
compartments corresponding
t (ms)
to the cortical mitochondria
closest to the VDCC. Two 600
different values of the 50 diff steps
retarded diffusion steps
[Ca ] (µM)
0 10 20 30 40
t (ms)
as additional buffers in the medium. These vesicles are assumed to represent the
readily releasable pool of vesicles (RRP) [19]. Different distances of vesicles in
this pool from the VDCC were simulated by considering few hundreds of random
configurations in the first slice of the simulation domain.
In Fig. 6, we show the comparison of the percentage of the accumulated number
of vesicles that have fused to the membrane when mitochondria are considered or
not in the medium. It is important to note, that the accumulated secretion time course
shown is the average of the results obtained with the hundreds of random distances
of vesicles from the VDCC mentioned before, not a particular simulation result.
As can be seen, the presence of mitochondria moderates the secretory response of
the RRP after the calcium peak of the simulated stimulus, in agreement with the
idea that mitochondria could play a significant role in the modulation of secretion in
chromaffin cells [4].
Future work will involve the refinement of the model for mitochondria organelles
in chromaffin cells and other cell types: the model should be further validated using
more experimental data and more extensive simulations. Also, the predictive power
of the model should be studied. It will be also interesting to include the effect of
the Ca 2+ -induced Ca 2+ release (CICR) mechanism from the endoplasmic reticu-
lum (excluded in the present study). Modeling this process, along with the entry of
calcium through calcium channels and the mitochondria calcium uptake, will allow
us to obtain a more clear perspective of the functional triad controlling exocytosis in
chromaffin cells.
116 A. Gil et al.
0 10 20 30 40
t (ms)
Acknowledgements This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia
y Competitividad (BFU2011-25095 to LMG).
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Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase
1 Introduction
J. Hell (B)
Institut Für Mathematik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
A.D. Rendall (B)
Institut Für Mathematik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Staudingerweg 9,
55099 Mainz, Germany
X1 ` X1 P (1)
E2 E2
X2 ` X2 Pc X2 PP
F2 F2
E3 E3
X3 c X3 Pd X3 PP
F3 F3
It is important that even when there is more than one site where the protein can
be phosphorylated there is only one kinase and one phosphatase. Thus different
phospho-forms of the protein may compete for binding to one of the enzymes. A
MAPK cascade consists of three layers, each of which is a multiple futile cycle
with a different protein. The connection between the layers is that the maximally
phosphorylated forms of the protein in the first and second layers are the kinases
which catalyze the phosphorylations in the second and third layers, respectively. The
most extensively studied example in mammals is that where the proteins in the three
layers are Raf, MEK and ERK.
The subject of what follows is mathematical modelling of the MAPK cascade. It
turns out that this system has a rich dynamics which needs mathematical modelling
for its understanding. Pioneering work in studying this question was done by Huang
and Ferrell [21]. In that paper the authors presented both theoretical and experi-
mental results and compared them. Their experiments where done in cell extracts
from Xenopus oocytes. On the theoretical side they wrote down a system of ordi-
nary differential equations describing the time evolution of the concentrations of the
Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade 121
substances involved in the MAPK cascade and simulated these equations numeri-
cally. The results of the simulations reproduced important qualitative features of the
experimental data.
In order to model the reactions taking place it is necessary to make assumptions
about the kinetics. In many enzymatic reactions the concentrations of the enzymes
are much less than those of the corresponding substrates. This cannot necessarily
be assumed in the case of the MAPK cascade. In particular there are substances,
for example the doubly phosphorylated form of MEK, which are the substrate for
one reaction and the enzyme for others. For this reason the model in [21] uses a
Michaelis–Menten scheme for each reaction with a substrate, an enzyme and a
substrate-enzyme complex without making an assumption of small enzyme concen-
tration. The elementary reactions involved are assumed to obey mass action kinetics.
There are seven conservation laws for the total amounts of the three substrates and the
four enzymes which are not also substrates (one kinase, E1 and three phosphatases,
Fi , i = 1, 2, 3). It is assumed that the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are
distributive and sequential. In other words in any one encounter of a substrate with
an enzyme only one (de-)phosphorylation takes place, after which the enzyme is
released. To add or remove more than one phosphate group more than one encounter
is necessary. The phosphorylations take place in a particular order and the dephos-
phorylations in the reverse order. These assumptions are implemented in the model
of [21]. They have also frequently been adopted in other literature concerned with
the modelling of this system and we will call them the standard assumptions. The
authors of [21] mention that they also did simulations for cases where one or more of
the reactions is processive (i.e. more than one phosphate group is added or removed
during one encounter). The standard assumptions may not be correct in all biological
examples but they are a convenient starting point for modelling which can later be
modified if necessary.
In real biological systems the MAPK cascade is part of a larger signalling network
and cannot be seen in isolation. Nevertheless, one can hope to obtain insights by
first understanding the isolated cascade and later combining it with other reactions.
Similarly it can be helpful to approach an understanding of the cascade itself by
studying its component parts, the multiple futile cycles.
The most frequent approaches to these modelling questions in the literature use
simulations and heuristic considerations. An alternative possibility, which is the
central theme of this paper, is to prove mathematical theorems about certain aspects
of the dynamics with the aim of obtaining insights complementary to those coming
from the numerical procedures. The number of mathematically rigorous results on
this subject known up to now is rather limited. The aim of this paper is to survey the
results of this type which are available and to outline perspectives of how they might
be extended. At the same time it gives an introduction to some of the techniques
which are useful in this kind of approach. The description starts from the simplest
models and proceeds to more complicated ones. We discuss successively the simple
futile cycle, the dual futile cycle and the full cascade. The description also proceeds
from simpler dynamical features to more complicated ones, from multistationarity
to multistability and then to sustained oscillations. After this core material has been
122 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
treated further directions are explored. What happens when the basic cascade is
embedded in feedback loops? What happens in systems with other phosphorylation
In this section we look at the case n = 1 of the multiple futile cycle, in other
words we isolate the first layer of the cascade Eq. (1). We omit the index 1 of
the chemical species for clarity in this section, since the other layers will play
no role here. Modelling this system in a way strictly analogous to that applied
to the MAPK cascade in [21] leads to a system of six equations for the sub-
strates X and XP, the enzymes E, F and the substrate-enzyme complexes X · E
and XP · F. There are three conserved quantities, which are the total amounts
of the enzymes and the substrate, Etot = [E] + [X · E], Ftot = [F] + [XP · F] and
Xtot = [X] + [XP] + [X · E] + [XP · F]. where here and in the following [Z] denotes
the concentration of the species Z. These can be used to eliminate three of the
equations if desired. When the evolution is modelled by mass-action kinetics, these
manipulations can be done explicitly:
= −k1 [X](Etot − [X · E]) + k2 [X · E] + k6 [XP · F],
= k1 [X](Etot − [X · E]) − (k2 + k3 )[X · E], (2)
= k4 [XP](Ftot − [XP · F]) − (k5 + k6 )[XP · F],
In the language of chemical reaction network theory [11], there may be more than
one steady state in one stoichiometric compatibility class. This is the phenomenon
of multistability. It is important for biological processes such as cell differentiation.
In the case of the simple futile cycle it was proved in [5] that there is always
exactly one steady state for fixed values of the total amounts Etot , Ftot and Xtot and
that all other solutions converge to that steady state. The steady state is globally
asymptotically stable and bistability is ruled out in this case. We cannot enter into
the details of the proof of this result here but it is appropriate to mention some
of the key ideas involved. Suppose that the system ẋi = fi (x) has the property that
∂fj /∂xi > 0 for all i = j and all x. Then the system is called monotone. If a system
does not satisfy this property we may try to make it do so by reversing the signs of
some of the variables. In other words we replace the variables xi by yi = εi xi , where
each εi is plus or minus one. In general a system is called monotone if there is a
mathematical transformation of this kind which makes all partial derivatives of the
right hand sides of the equations with i = j positive. There is a graphical criterion to
decide whether this is possible. Define a graph which has a vertex for each variable
xi and which has an oriented edge connecting node i to node j if ∂fj /∂xi = 0. Label
each edge with the sign of the corresponding derivative. Alternatively we can use
the convention that a positive sign is represented by a normal arrow while a negative
sign is represented by a blunt-headed arrow. This object is called the species graph.
For example the species graph of the simple futile cycle is the following.
− −
- XP o + r
XE (3)
z z= O O `AA
AA +
− z
z AA
− zzz AA −
-F + + Eq
aDD }>
DD }
DD }}
+ DD }}} −
! ~}
3 XPF /Xm
− −
Since the use of terms concerning feedback loops is not always consistent between
different sources in the literature we specify the terminology which we will use. A
feedback loop is a sequence of arrows which starts at one node and ends at the same
node, i.e. a cycle. It is called a positive or negative feedback loop according to whether
the number of edges with a negative sign it contains is even or odd. More precisely
this object may be called a directed feedback loop, while the corresponding definition
where the orientation of the edges is ignored is called an undirected feedback loop.
Suppose we have a system of ordinary differential equations for which the sign of
the derivative ∂fj /∂xi is independent of x for each fixed i and j. Then it can be proved
that the system is monotone if and only if the species graph contains no negative
undirected feedback loops of length greater than one. In the case of the simple futile
cycle the species graph contains at least one negative feedback loop. This is true both
for the full six-dimensional system and for the three-dimensional system obtained by
124 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
where f , g are linear in each of the concentrations, i.e. entries of the vectors x, y. The
smallness of ε corresponds to the fact that the amount of enzymes is small compared
to the amount of the other species. Define a new time coordinate by τ = εt and let a
prime denote the derivative with respect to time τ . The time τ is called the slow time
scale because its velocity dτdt
= ε is small. This gives rise to a system of the general
x = f (x, ỹ),
εỹ = g(x, ỹ).
In the limit ε → 0, and dropping the tildes, the second equation εy = g(x, y)
changes from being an ordinary differential equation to being an algebraic equation
0 = g(x, y). Under favourable conditions this equation can be solved for y in terms
of x and the result y = h(x) substituted into the first equation to give an equation for
x alone,
x = f (x, h(x)). (6)
X + Eg XE
/ XP + E (7)
XP + F XP · F
/ X +F
After this reduction it is possible to get an explicit formula for the unique steady
state by solving a quadratic equation in the variable [XP] [16]. For ε small the
total amounts of the enzymes are small compared to the total amount of substrate
and this is sometimes described by saying that the enzymes are close to saturation.
Varying one of the parameters in the system and monitoring the concentration of
phosphorylated protein gives a response function. The main concern of [16] is the
form of this function, which corresponds to the property of ultrasensitivity: A small
change in the parameter leads to a large change in the value of the response function.
This property is quantitative rather than qualitative and not obviously amenable to
the application of the analytical techniques to be discussed in this paper. It is an
interesting question, whether these techniques can be extended so as to give more
information about quantitative properties. This will not be discussed further here
except to mention that ultrasensitivity was also the central feature of interest in [21],
where the response of the concentration of maximally phosphorylated ERK as a
function of that of the first kinase in the cascade was investigated.
This section is concerned with the case n = 2 of the multiple futile cycle. The second
layer of the MAPK cascade Eq. (1) is an example of a dual futile cycle. We omit the
126 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
index indicating the layer in this section, since we consider a single layer of the
cascade. The basic system with mass action kinetics can be found, for instance, in
[43]. It is possible to do a Michaelis–Menten reduction in a similar way to that done
in the last section. We recall that this consists in scaling the concentration Z of the
species containing one of the two enzymes E, F, alone or in a complex, via the
transformation ỹ = εy of their concentration vector y, as well as the time by τ = εt.
The limit ε → 0 can be reduced to a lower dimensional ODE by solving an algebraic
equation. This leads, after using all conservation laws to eliminate as many variables
as possible, to a two-dimensional system, which will be called the MM system (for
Michaelis–Menten). More details on this can be found in [19]. The system can be
written in the form
−1 −2
d k1 Km,1 Etot [X] k2 Km,1 Ftot [XP]
[X] = − −1 −1
+ −1 −1
. (9)
dt 1 + Km,1 [XP] + Km,3 [XPP] 1 + Km,2 [XP] + Km,4 [XPP]
−1 −1
d k3 Km,3 Etot [XP] k4 Km,4 Ftot [XP]
[XPP] = −1 −1
− −1 −1
. (10)
dt 1 + Km,1 [XP] + Km,3 [XPP] 1 + Km,2 [XP] + Km,4 [XPP]
When using the conservation law for Xtot we have the choice, which of the three
concentrations [X], [XP] or [XPP] to eliminate. Here the equation for [XP] has been
discarded and on the right hand side of the equations [XP] should be regarded as
an abbreviation for Xtot − [X] − [XPP]. In this case the MM system is monotone,
as defined in the previous section. Since it is two-dimensional this implies that all
solutions converge to steady states. Moreover it can be shown using GSPT that for
ε small but non-zero almost all initial data give rise to solutions which converge
to steady states [44]. For general ε it was not known until very recently whether
the corresponding statement was true. In [10] the authors used computer-assisted
methods to find periodic solutions of this system, indicating that the statement is false
for general ε. They do not only use dynamical simulations but also use computer
algebra to help implement a theoretical approach to finding Hopf bifurcations. They
do not obtain evidence for the existence of stable periodic solutions, so that it would be
consistent with their findings if periodic solutions, while present, were only relevant
for exceptional initial conditions. Despite the results of [10] the global behaviour of
solutions of the dual futile cycle is much less well understood than that in the case
of the simple futile cycle.
What has been proved is that multistationarity (existence of more than one steady
state) occurs in the dual futile cycle for certain values of the parameters [43]. In fact it
is known that there exist up to three steady states for given values of the total amounts
and that there are never more than three. The proof of the existence result can be
split into two steps. In the first step the equations for steady states are partly solved
explicitly. This leaves a system of two equations for two unknowns. The second step
involves taking a limit of these equations as a parameter ε tends to zero. This limit is
essentially the Michaelis–Menten limit discussed above. Since we are dealing with
steady states the factor ε in the equation for y plays no role and the limit is regular.
In the limit a single equation for one variable is obtained and this is relatively easy
Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade 127
to analyze. It is possible to find cases where there are three solutions of the equation
F(x) = 0 for steady states of the equation with ε = 0, all of which satisfy dF/dx = 0.
This implies, using the implicit function theorem, that corresponding solutions exist
for ε small but positive. This argument gives no information on the important issue
of stability of these solutions. A steady state x0 will only be observed in practice if
it is stable. This means that if a solution starts close enough to x0 it will stay close
to x0 for all future times. For example if the linearization at the equilibrium x0 has
only eigenvalues with strictly negative real parts, then the equilibrium x0 is stable.
On the level of simulations multistationarity was already observed for the system
with mass action kinetics in [29] and it was found that two of the three steady states
are stable. Simulations in [31] indicated that these features are already present in
the MM system. On the other hand until recently there was no mathematical proof
of bistability for the dual futile cycle. A strategy suggested by what has been said
up to now for obtaining such a proof is to first prove bistability for the MM system
and then use GSPT to conclude the corresponding result for the mass action system.
This strategy was carried out in [19] and in that paper we proved bistability. We now
sketch the main lines of the proof.
In the previous section, we saw that the MM reduction is the singular limit as
ε → 0 of the system on the slow time scale Eq. (5), where g(x, ỹ) = 0 ⇔ ỹ = h(x).
Now consider the fast time scale, i.e. the same equations expressed in the original
time t, augmented by the trivial evolution of the parameter ε. This system is called
the extended system. ⎧
⎨ẋ = εf (x, ỹ, )
ỹ˙ = g(x, ỹ, ) (11)
ε̇ = 0
The curve {(x, ỹ = h(x), ε = 0)} is a curve of equilibria in the extended system.
The linearization of the extended system Eq. (11) at such an equilibrium admits
two zero eigenvalues with the corresponding eigenvector being (0, 0, 1) pointing in
direction of ε orthogonally to the (x, y)-plane, and a second vector in the (x, y)-
plane tangent to the curve {(x, h(x))}. If the linearization Dy g(x, h(x), 0) admits
only eigenvalues with strictly negative real parts, then the centre eigenspace (i.e. the
eigenspace spanned by the eigenvectors associated to purely imaginary eigenvalues)
is exactly two dimensional. The eigenspace is tangential to a manifold called the
centre manifold: see [40] for details about center manifold theory. The (local) centre
manifold M c (x, h(x), 0) of such an equilibrium is an invariant manifold containing
all bounded solutions sufficiently near the equilibrium. The centre manifold M c can
be written as a graph of a function Ψ over the centre eigenspace:
with Ψ (x, 0) = h(x). The manifold M c is tangent to the centre eigenspace of the
extended system at each equilibrium (x, h(x), 0). Because of the equation ε̇ = 0, the
invariant two-dimensional centre manifold M c is foliated by invariant 1-dimensional
128 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
solution are preserved, the dynamics nearby is the same as the dynamics of the lin-
earized system by the Hartman–Grobman Theorem (see [17], Theorem 1.3.1). For
instance if x0 is stable then x∗ (α) is stable. If, on the other hand, A has an eigen-
value whose real part is zero then (x0 , α0 ) is said to be a bifurcation point and the
qualitative dynamics of the system may change at that parameter value. For instance
as the parameter is varied one steady state may split into several. In other words,
new branches of equilibria may come into being at the critical parameter value α0 .
Identifying a suitable bifurcation is a way of proving that several steady states exist
for certain parameter values.
For example, consider a system ẋ = f (x, α) with one unknown x depending on
two parameters, α = (α1 , α2 ). Denote by a prime the partial derivative of a function
of x and α with respect to x. Suppose that f (0, 0) = 0, f (0, 0) = 0, f (0, 0) = 0 and
f (0, 0) = 0 and that an additional quantity depending on derivatives with respect
to the parameters is non-zero. The eigenvalue of the linearization A that crosses zero
depends on the two parameters. In this example there is only one eigenvalue of the
Jacobian, which is f (0, 0) = 0. When the above mentioned quantity is non-zero,
it guarantees that the crossing happens at a non-zero velocity with respect to the
parameters and transversally to the imaginary axis. This is called a transversality
condition. See [26] for details. These are the defining properties of what is called a
generic cusp bifurcation. There is a surface of equilibria over the two dimensional
parameter space which develops a fold at (0, 0). In a cusp region of the parameter
space, three equilibria coexist - two stable ones and an unstable one. See Fig. 2. Then
there are parameter values near zero for which the system has three steady states
close to zero. The case of relevance for the examples considered in this paper is that
where f (0, 0) < 0 and from now on we will only discuss that case. There two of the
steady states close to zero are stable and one unstable. Now suppose there are several
variables xi and that at the point (0, 0) the derivative A = Dx f has a zero eigenvalue
of multiplicity one. The kernel of A is of dimension one. The qualitative behaviour
of solutions near the steady state is determined by the restriction of the dynamics
to a curve, the one dimensional centre manifold, which is tangent to the kernel of A
and invariant under the flow. While the local stable and unstable manifolds contain
all initial conditions for solutions that converge exponentially to the equilibrium in
130 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
forward or backward time direction respectively, the center manifold contains local
bounded dynamics that depends heavily on the nonlinear terms. In this way the
general case may be reduced to the one-dimensional case already discussed when
the kernel of A is of dimension one. In fact the dynamics in the stable and unstable
directions corresponding to eigenvalues with nonzero real parts do not change. These
are the main techniques used in the proof of bistability in [19].
It is clear that in order to linearize about a steady state we first have to have that
steady state. It is not too difficult to find steady states since there are many parameters
in the problem which can be varied. In [19] steady states were considered for which
the concentrations of X and XPP are equal, since this simplifies the algebra. Moreover
it was assumed that all Michaelis constants have a common value K. In this case the
Etot 2 k2 k4
= (13)
Ftot k1 k3
holds. A bifurcation point was found under the restriction that q2 =(k1 k4 )/(k2 k3 ) < 1.
The bifurcation occurs when KXtot = 2+q 1−q
It is important to note that here Michaelis–Menten reduction was carried out for
the whole system and not for the two phosphorylation steps separately. The latter
alternative leads to a different set of equations. It was used in [24], where the effect of
embedding a MAPK cascade in a negative feedback loop was investigated. Consider,
for instance, the dual futile cycle which is the third layer of the cascade in [24] and
the equation for the unphosphorylated protein. It is of the form
which is clearly different from the corresponding equation in the MM system intro-
duced above, even when all Michaelis constants are taken to be equal (which is done
in the simulations of [24]).
The results just discussed only give limited information on the region of parameter
space in which bistability occurs. In contrast, in [7] rigorous quantitative results on
multistationarity were proved. Rather general conditions on the reaction constants
were exhibited for which there are one or three steady states.
Bistability is important for the property of being a ‘good switch’: consider our
system as an input–output relation where the input consists of the values of the
conserved quantities and the output consists of the equilibrium reached by the system
after a certain amount of time. For certain values of the input, the stable equilibrium
reached by the system is unique and, say, on the lower part of the folded surface of
equilibria. When the input enters the cusp region, the output remains on the lower
part of the fold until the cusp region is left: at this point, the output switches to the
upper part of the folded surface. In fact, the same phenomenon of switching is present
when the parameter (input) is one dimensional and there exists a S-shaped curve of
equilibria. See Fig. 3.
Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade 131
The starting point of this section is the model of the MAPK cascade introduced in [21].
Simulations in [33] revealed the presence of bistability and sustained oscillations in
this model. Mathematically the latter correspond to periodic solutions, i.e. solutions
which satisfy x(t + T ) = x(t) for some time interval T but are not steady states.
In [33] similar results were obtained for the truncated cascade consisting of just the
first two layers. Michaelis–Menten reduction for the MAPK cascade is made difficult
132 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
by the fact that there is not a clear division between substrates and enzymes. This
issue was studied in [41]. A further development of these ideas in [42] indicated
that periodic solutions already occur in the Michaelis–Menten limit. It was shown in
[19] that a small modification of these ideas allows a Michaelis–Menten limit of the
equations for the truncated cascade to be defined which is well-behaved in the sense
of GSPT. Since the truncated system contains a species, X1 P, which is a product in
the first layer and an enzyme in the second layer, the ε-scaling of the MM-reduction
has to be carried out using two different powers of ε. We first define a new variable
X1 replacing [X1 P] as follows.
where x = (X1 , [X2 ], [X2 PP]) and y=([X1 · E1 ], [X1 P · F1 ], [X2 · X1 P], [X2 P · X1 P],
[X2 P · F2 ], [X2 PP · F2 ]). The limit ε → 0 of this system allows a MM-reduction
that is well-behaved in terms of GSPT. For more details see [19, 20]. This result was
extended to the full cascade in [20].
The facts just listed indicate that the strategy used to prove bistability in the dual
futile cycle might also be used to prove the existence of sustained oscillations in the
truncated MAPK cascade, i.e. layers 1 and 2 of cascade Eq. (1). Here the relevant type
of bifurcation is a Hopf bifurcation where the linearization at an equilibrium admits
a pair of imaginary eigenvalues for a critical parameter. By a classical theorem of
Hopf, if under variation of a parameter a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues of
the linearization passes through the imaginary axis (away from zero) with non-zero
velocity then there exist periodic solutions for at least some parameter values. See
[17, 26] for details. In [20] it was proved that Hopf bifurcations occur in the MM
system for the MAPK cascade. As a consequence periodic solutions occur. If an
additional genericity condition (hyperbolicity of the periodic orbit) were satisfied
Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade 133
then it could further be concluded using GSPT that periodic solutions also occur in
the mass action system for the truncated MAPK cascade. In fact it has not yet been
possible to prove hyperbolicity. Instead it was proved that the Hopf bifurcation itself
can be lifted to the mass action system and this then gives the existence of periodic
solutions of that system. Unfortunately these arguments give no information on the
stability of the periodic solutions involved. It is interesting to look at this situation
in the light of results on feedback loops. It has been proved that a system can only
admit a stable periodic solution if it includes a directed negative feedback loop [4,
35]. It can easily be checked directly that this condition holds in the case of the MM
system for the truncated MAPK cascade.
The results for the truncated cascade imply analogous results for the full cascade
by another application of GSPT. What must be shown is that the truncated cascade
can be represented as a limit of the full cascade which is well-behaved in the sense
of GSPT. Consider the MM system for the full cascade. Let Z be the concentration
of a protein in the first or second layer and define a new variable by Z̃ = ε−1 Z. Let
ci be any of the rate constants in the third layer and define c̃i = εci . The transformed
system has a limit for ε → 0 which is well-behaved in the sense of GSPT and the
limiting system is the MM system for the truncated cascade. Thus in the context
of the MM system the Hopf bifurcation can be lifted from the truncated to the full
cascade. It can then be further lifted from the MM system for the full cascade to the
mass action system.
In [32] an in vitro model of the MAPK cascade was introduced. The substances
involved are modified in such a way that certain features of the reaction network are
modified. In the first layer Raf is constitutively active which means that for modelling
this layer can be ignored. In the third layer ERK can only be phosphorylated once, on
tyrosine and not on threonine. (In the wild type system MEK has the unusual property
of being a dual specificity kinase which can phosphorylate both threonine and tyro-
sine.) This leads to a cascade with two layers where the first has two phosphorylation
steps and the second only one:
Raf (16)
! *
E2 E2
X2 g X2 P h X2 PP
F2 F2
X3 g X3 P
134 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
Here X3 = ERK. This was modelled mathematically in a certain way in [32] and
it was proved that for that system of equations there is a unique steady state and
all other solutions converge to it. If, on the other hand, the system is modelled in
direct analogy to what was done in [21] a system is obtained which might potentially
admit Hopf bifurcations and hence periodic solutions. It was written down in [20] but
attempts to prove the existence of Hopf bifurcations using the methods applied to the
truncated MAPK cascade have not succeeded. Simulations done in [46] indicate that
there may be chaotic behaviour in the MAPK cascade. The approach of the authors
was via (numerical) bifurcation theory. They discovered the presence of fold-Hopf
bifurcations (where the linearization of the system at the bifurcation point has one
zero and a pair of non-zero imaginary eigenvalues) and Hopf-Hopf bifurcations
(where the linearization of the system at the bifurcation point has two pairs of non-
zero imaginary eigenvalues). See [26] for more details on these types of bifurcations.
Bifurcations of these types are often associated with chaos. Simulations for initial
data close to the bifurcation points gave pictures consistent with the presence of
chaotic behaviour.
In [33] a heuristic explanation for the existence of oscillations in the MAPK cas-
cade was given, involving the embedding of a bistable system in a negative feedback
loop. This point of view played no role in the proof of the existence of periodic solu-
tions using bifurcation theory which has just been discussed. It could, however, in
principle lead to an alternative proof of that result which could also provide informa-
tion on the stability of the periodic solution. A corresponding strategy, which makes
use of the Conley index (see [6]), has been developed and applied to a system related
to that considered in [24]. More details can be found in [3, 14, 15].
Given that modelling predicts oscillatory behaviour in the MAPK cascade it is of great
interest to try to observe it experimentally. This has been done in [36]. Oscillations
were found in the concentration of activated (i.e. doubly phosphorylated) ERK which
had a period of about fifteen minutes and lasted up to ten hours. This effect was
monitored by observing the translocation of ERK tagged with GFP between the
cytosol and the nucleus. This is relevant because activated ERK is imported into
the nucleus and inactive ERK is exported into the cytosol. Mathematical models
presented in [36] are more complicated than the basic model of [21] in several ways.
One is that a two-compartment model is used so that transport between cytosol and
nucleus is included. This network is sketched in Fig. 4 below, where Raf = X1 , MEK
= X2 , ERK = X3 . A second is that the fact is included that ERK and MEK which
are not fully phosphorylated can bind to each other ( /o /o /o o/ o/ o/ in Fig. 4). This
protects ERK from phosphorylation by MEK and thus represents a kind of negative
feedback. Note that the tendency of this type of feedback to encourage bistability
was already pointed out in [27]. A third way is that a negative feedback due the
repression of SOS by ERK is included ( in Fig. 4). This is important since
Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade 135
Fig. 4 Two-compartment model with a full MAPK cascade in the cytosol, a lower half of the
MAPK cascade in the nucleus, transport of X3 PP from the cytosol to the nucleus and transport of
X3 from the nucleus to the cytosol
SOS influences the rate of phosphorylation of Raf. This last effect is modelled in
a simple phenomenological manner. It was discovered that certain aspects of the
experimental data do not fit the mathematical model with an isolated cascade. In
particular this concerns the facts that the oscillations are found for a large range
of total amounts of ERK and that the period of the oscillations is found to depend
only weakly on the total amount of EGF, the substance being used to stimulate the
cascade. It is assumed that the phosphorylation of Raf is proportional to the amount
of EGF. Incorporating the negative feedback loop via SOS in the model allows the
experimental results to be reproduced.
136 J. Hell and A.D. Rendall
Yet another type of negative feedback which may lead to oscillations arises via the
competition of a substrate of ERK with a phosphatase being reduced by increasing
degradation of the activated substrate [28]. In this paper the authors present both
mass action and reduced models and find periodic solutions in simulations.
Bistability has been observed in two-component systems. The conditions for bista-
bility in these systems have been discussed in [22]. This dynamical property has also
been studied in [2]. The case treated there is that of a split kinase. This means that
instead of one kinase HK phosphorylating itself one kinase binds to a second which
then phosphorylates the first. These authors investigated bistability in different mod-
els using both dynamical simulations and the Chemical Reaction Network Toolbox.
The latter is a computer programme which provides positive or negative results on
bistability on the basis of chemical reaction network theory.
Some signalling pathways include phosphorelays in which the phosphate group
is transferred from one species to the next. They also have a cascade structure, in
many cases with four layers. In some layers, a phosphate group can easily be lost
by hydrolysis. Furthermore some species can be bifunctional, i.e. able to give as
well as take a phosphate group to/from the species on the next layer. As for the
MAPK cascade, such phosphorelays can be embedded in transcriptional feedback
loops. See for example [25] where mathematical results have been obtained on the
form of response functions and bistability in certain cases. There are many possible
topologies for these systems and questions arise which are similar to those which
could be posed for the MAPK cascade: how complicated should the architecture
of the network be in order to achieve a ‘good switch’ property of the input–output
relation? We saw that bistability could give an answer. Furthermore the methods
explained in the previous sections could give insight on the dynamics beyond the
steady states (heteroclinic structure, oscillations).
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Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based
Lamellipodium Model (FBLM)
1 Introduction
A. Manhart · C. Schmeiser
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern Platz 1,
1090 Vienna, Austria
C. Schmeiser
D. Oelz
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University,
251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012-1185, USA
N. Sfakianakis (B)
Johannes-Gutenberg University, Staudungerweg 9, 55099 Mainz, Germany
tion and depolymerization and therefore undergo treadmilling [2]. Actin associated
cross-linker proteins and myosin motor proteins integrate them into the lamellipodial
meshwork which plays a key role in cell shape stabilization and in cell migration.
Different modes of cell migration result from the interplay of protrusive forces due
to polymerization, actomyosin dependent contractile forces and regulation of cell
adhesion [9].
The first modeling attempts have resolved the interplay of protrusion at the front
and retraction at the rear in a one-dimensional spatial setting [1, 6]. Two-dimensional
continuum models were developed in order to include the lateral flow of F-actin
along the leading edge of the cell into the quantitative picture. Those models can
explain characteristic shapes of amoeboid cell migration [21, 22] on two-dimensional
surfaces as well as the transition to mesenchymal migration [23].
One of the still unresolved scientific questions concerns the interplay between
macroscopic observables of cell migration and the microstructure of the lamel-
lipodium meshwork. Specialized models have been developed separately from the
continuum approach to track microscopic information on filament directions and
branching structure [8, 11, 24]. However, solving fluid-type models that describe
the whole cytoplasm while retaining some information on the microstructure of the
meshwork has turned out to be challenging. One approach is to formulate hybrid
models [14], another one to directly formulate models on the computational, dis-
crete level [13]. Recently the approach to directly formulate a computational model
has been even extended into the three-dimensional setting making use of a finite
element discretization [15].
In an attempt to create a simulation framework that addresses the interplay of
macroscopic features of cell migration and the meshwork structure the Filament-
Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) has been developed. It is a two-dimensional,
two-phase, anisotropic continuum model for the dynamics of the lamellipodium
network which retains key directional information on the filamentous substructure
of this meshwork [20].
The model has been derived from a microscopic description based on the dynamics
and interaction of individual filaments [18], and it has by recent extensions [12]
reached a certain state of maturity. Since the model can be written in the form of
a generalized gradient flow, numerical methods based on optimization techniques
have been developed [19, 20]. Numerical efficiency had been a shortcoming of this
approach. This has led to the development of a Finite Element numerical method
which is presented in this article alongside simulations of a series of migration assays
(Figs. 1 and 2).
2 Mathematical Modeling
In this section the FBLM will be sketched (see [12] for more detail). The main
unknowns of the model are the positions of the actin filaments in two locally parallel
families (denoted by the superscripts + and −). Each of these families covers a
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 143
Fig. 1 Graphical representation of (3); showing here the lamellipodium Ω(t) “produced” by the
mappings F± and the crossing–filament domain C
topological ring with all individual filaments connecting the inner boundary with the
outer boundary. The outer boundaries are the physical leading edge and therefore
identical, whereas the inner boundaries of the two families are artificial and may be
different. Filaments are labeled by α ∈ [0, 2π ), where the interval represents a one-
dimensional torus, which means that in the following all functions of α are assumed
periodic with period 2π . The maximal arclength of the filaments in an infinitesimal
element dα of the ±-family at time t is denoted ± by L (α, t), and an arclength
parametrization of the filaments is denoted by F (α, s, t) : −L ± (α, t) ≤ s ≤ 0 ⊂
IR2 , where the leading edge corresponds to s = 0, i.e.
144 A. Manhart et al.
F+ (α, 0, t) : 0 ≤ α < 2π = F− (α, 0, t) : 0 ≤ α < 2π ∀t , (1)
F∓ = F± ◦ ψ ± .
In the following, we shall concentrate on one of the two families and skip the super-
scripts except that the other family is indicated by the superscript ∗. The heart of the
FBLM is the force balance
0 = μ B ∂s2 η∂s2 F − ∂s (ηλinext ∂s F) + μ A ηDt F (3)
bending inextensibility adhesion
+ ∂s p(ρ)∂α F − ∂α p(ρ)∂s F
±∂s ηη∗ μT (φ − φ0 )∂s F⊥ + ηη∗ μ S Dt F − Dt∗ F∗ ,
twisting stretching
where the notation F⊥ = (F1 , F2 )⊥ = (−F2 , F1 ) has been used. For fixed s and t,
the function η(α, s, t), is the number density of filaments of length at least −s at
time t with respect to α. Its dynamics and that of the maximal length L(α, t) will
not be discussed here. It can be modeled by incorporating the effects of polymeriza-
tion, depolymerization, branching, and capping (see [12]). We only note that faster
polymerization (even locally) leads to wider lamellipodia.
The first term on the right hand side of (3) describes the filaments’ resistance
against bending with the stiffness parameter μ B > 0. The second term is a tan-
gential tension force, which arises from incorporating the inextensibility constraint
(2) with the Lagrange multiplier λinext (α, s, t). The third term describes friction of
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 145
the filament network with the nonmoving substrate (see [18] for its derivation as
a macroscopic limit of the dynamics of transient elastic adhesion linkages). Since
filaments polymerize at the leading edge with the polymerization speed v(α, t) ≥ 0,
they are continuously pushed into the cell with that speed, and the material derivative
Dt F := ∂t F − v∂s F
is the velocity of the actin material relative to the substrate. For the modeling of v
see [12].
The second line of (3) models a pressure effect caused by Coulomb repulsion
between neighboring filaments of the same family with pressure p(ρ), where the
actin density in physical space is given by
ρ= . (4)
|det(∂α F, ∂s F)|
Finally, the third line of (3) models the interaction between the two families caused
by transient elastic cross-links and/or branch junctions. The first term describes elastic
resistance against changing the angle φ = arccos(∂s F·∂s F∗ ) between filaments away
from the angle φ0 of the equilibrium conformation of the cross-linking molecule. The
last term describes friction between the two families analogously to friction with the
substrate. The friction coefficients have the form
T,S ∂α
μ =μ
T,S ,
with μT,S > 0, and the partial derivative refers to the coordinate transformation ψ ∗ ,
which is also used when evaluating partial derivatives of F∗ .
The system (3) is considered subject to the boundary conditions
− μ B ∂s η∂s2 F − p(ρ)∂α F⊥ + ηλinext ∂s F ∓ ηη∗ μT (φ − φ0 )∂s F⊥ (5)
η ( f tan (α)∂s F + f inn (α)V(α)) , for s = −L ,
±λtether ν, for s = 0 ,
η∂s2 F = 0, for s = −L , 0 .
The terms in the second line are forces applied to the filament ends. The force in
the direction ν orthogonal to the leading edge at s = 0 arises from the constraint (1)
with the Lagrange parameter λtether . Its biological interpretation is due to tethering
of the filament ends to the leading edge. The forces at the inner boundary s = −L
are models of the contraction effect of actin-myosin interaction in the interior region
(see [12] for details).
146 A. Manhart et al.
3 Numerical Method
Before discretization, the problem for each filament family is transformed to a rec-
tangular domain. For this formulation, a new anisotropic Finite Element (FE) method
is presented, and several implementational issues are discussed.
3.1 Reparametrization
The fact that the maximal filament length varies along the lamellipodium and poten-
tially with time has the consequence that the computational domain B(t) = {(α, s) :
0 ≤ α < 2π , −L(α, t) ≤ s < 0} is non-rectangular. In order to be able to use
tensor product grids, we introduce the coordinate change
with the new domain (α, s) ∈ B0 := [0, 2π ) × [−1, 0). Accordingly, a weak formu-
lation of the transformed version of (3), (5) is given by
0= η μ B ∂s2 F · ∂s2 G + L 4 μ A
Dt F · G + L 2 λinext ∂s F · ∂s G d(α, s)
+ ηη∗ L 4 μ S t∗ F∗ · G ∓ L 2 μT (φ − φ0 )∂s F⊥ · ∂s G d(α, s)
Dt F − D
− p(ρ) L 3 ∂α F⊥ · ∂s G − ∂s F⊥ · ∂α (L 4 G) d(α, s)
B0 L
2π 2π
+ η L 2 f tan ∂s F + L 3 f inn V · G dα ∓ L 3 λtether ν · G dα , (6)
0 s=−1 0 s=0
with F, G ∈ Hα1 ((0, 2π ); Hs2 (−1, 0)), with the modified material derivative
v s∂t L
Dt = ∂t − + ∂s
As previously, we skip the superscripts (±) except for those of the other family that
we indicate by ∗. For Nα , Ns ∈ IN we define the rectangular grid
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 147
αi = (i − 1)Δα , i = 1, . . . , Nα + 1 , Δα = ,
s j = −1 + ( j − 1)Δs , j = 1, . . . , Ns , Δs = ,
Ns − 1
s −1
Nα N
B0 = Ci, j , with Ci, j = [αi , αi+1 ) × [s j , s j+1 ) . (7)
i=1 j=1
which satisfy
i, j i, j
L 1 (αi ) = 1, L 1 (αi+1 ) = 0,
i, j i, j
L 2 (αi ) = 0, L 2 (αi+1 ) = 1,
i, j i, j i, j i, j
G 1 (s j ) = 1, G 1 (s j+1 ) = 0, (G 1 ) (s j ) = 0, (G 1 ) (s j+1 ) = 0,
i, j i, j i, j i, j (9)
G 2 (s j ) = 0, G 2 (s j+1 ) = 0, (G 2 ) (s j ) = 1, (G 2 ) (s j+1 ) = 0,
i, j i, j i, j
G 3 (s j ) = 0, G 3 (s j+1 ) = 1, (G 3 ) (s j ) = 0, (G i, j ) (s j+1 ) = 0,
i, j i, j i, j i, j
G 4 (s j ) = 0, G 4 (s j+1 ) = 0, (G 4 ) (s j ) = 0, (G 4 ) (s j+1 ) = 1,
and that they span IP1α and, respectively, IP3s . Consequentially, we define the composite
Lagrange–Hermite shape functions (see also [3]), for (α, s) ∈ Ci, j , by
148 A. Manhart et al.
s α s α s α s α
Fig. 3 Graphical representation of the Lagrange–Hermite shape functions (10). Each one of the
shape functions attains the value 1 in one degree of freedom, and 0 on all the rest
i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j
H1 (α, s) = L 1 (α)G 1 (s), H5 (α, s) = L 2 (α)G 1 (s),
i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j
H2 (α, s) = L 1 (α)G 2 (s), H6 (α, s) = L 2 (α)G 2 (s),
i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j (10)
H3 (α, s) = L 1 (α)G 3 (s), H7 (α, s) = L 2 (α)G 3 (s),
i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j i, j
H4 (α, s) = L 1 (α)G 4 (s), H8 (α, s) = L 2 (α)G 4 (s),
i, j
and by Hk (α, s) = 0, k = 1, . . . , 8, for (α, s) ∈
/ Ci, j . Refer to Fig. 3 for a graphical
representation presentation of (10). For a scalar function, there are eight degrees of
freedom on each computational cell, which can be chosen as the function values and
the derivatives with respect to s at the vertices. These degrees of freedom are the
i, j i, j
coefficients in a representation in terms of the basis {H1 , . . . , H8 }.
Consequentially, every element F of the Finite Element space V can be repre-
sented in terms of the function values Fi, j and the s-derivatives ∂s Fi, j at all grid
F(α, s) = Fi, j Φi, j (α, s) + ∂s Fi, j Ψi, j (α, s) , (11)
i=1 j=1
The Finite Element formulation of the lamellipodium problem on the time interval
[0, T ] is to find F ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; V ), such that the weak formulation (6) holds for all
G ∈ C([0, T ]; V ).
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 149
In this section we go through all the terms in (6) and discuss their time discretization
and some implementation details. This will lead to a semi-implicit time discretization
of the problem, where at each time step a linear system has to be solved. We shall
use the superscripts n and n + 1 for the numerical approximations at the old time tn
and, respectively, the new time tn+1 = tn + Δt, i.e.
F (α, s) =
Fi, j Φi, j (α, s) + ∂s Fi,n j Ψi, j (α, s) . (13)
i=1 j=1
Finally, we shall also describe a regridding procedure in the α-direction, which has
the goal to equidistribute the computational filaments.
Resistance Against Filament Bending
The bending term is evaluated at the new time step and therefore becomes
ημ B ∂s2 Fn+1 · ∂s2 G d(α, s) ,
where for G the basis functions (12) are inserted. For the computation of the integral,
a piecewise constant approximation for η is used.
Adhesion with the Substrate
For the transport operator
Dt F in
ηL 4 μ A
Dt F · G d(α, s) ,
For the computation of the integral, piecewise constant approximations for η and 1/L
were used. For the factor L 4 , L was approximated by piecewise linear functions.
Stretching of Cross-Links
The friction term caused by the stretching of cross-links requires the computation of
the relative velocity Dt F− Dt∗ F∗ , which is a subtle issue since the material derivative
of F∗ has to be evaluated at (α ∗ , s ∗ ), defined by
F(α, s, t) = F∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ , t) . (14)
150 A. Manhart et al.
The computation
Δt Dt F(α, s) − Dt F∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ )
≈ Fn+1 (α, s) − Fn (α, s) − vΔt∂s Fn (α, s)
−Fn+1,∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ ) + Fn,∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ ) + v∗ Δt∂s Fn,∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ )
≈ Fn+1 (α, s) − Fn (α, s + vΔt) − Fn+1,∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ ) + Fn,∗ (α ∗ , s ∗ + v∗ Δt)
Another difficulty originates from the fact that the s ∗ -direction in the (α ∗ , s ∗ )-plane
does not correspond to the s-direction in the (α, s)-plane, and therefore it is difficult
to express the information encoded in the values of ∂s ∗ F∗ in terms of (α, s). We
therefore decided for approximations of the cross-link terms only in terms of the
filament positions:
Fn (α, s) = Fi,n j
Φi, j (α, s) , F∗,n (α ∗ , s ∗ ) = Fi,∗,nj
Φi, j (α ∗ , s ∗ ) ,
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
where the hat-functions Φi, j are piecewise bilinear. The Eq. (15) is solved for (α, s) =
(αi , s j ), i = 1, . . . , Nα , j = 1, . . . , Ns , using these representations, which involves
a search for the quadrilateral of F∗,n -positions containing Fn (αi , s j + vΔt). The
nonlinear system is then solved by using a bilinear representation of F, which allows
to solve the system exactly. The resulting values for (α ∗ , s ∗ ) are denoted by (αi,∗ j , si,∗ j ).
Finally, the relative velocity is approximated by
Nα Ns
j −F
Fi,n+1 ∗,n+1 ∗
(αi, j , si,∗ j )
(Dt F − Dt∗ F∗ )(α, s) ≈ Φi, j (α, s)
i=1 j=1
in (6) is replaced by
|∂s F|2 − L 2
ηL 2 ∂s F · ∂s G d(α, s) ,
B0 ε
and employ the augmented Lagrangian method, whence the inextensibility term
|∂s Fn |2 − L 2 2 n
ηL 2
λ +
∂s F n+1
+ ∂s F · ∂s F n+1
− |∂s F | ∂s F
n 2 n
B0 ε ε
·∂s G d(α, s) .
152 A. Manhart et al.
After the time step is carried out, the Lagrange multiplier is updated by
|∂s Fn |2 − L 2 2 n
λn+1 = λn + + ∂s F · ∂s Fn+1 − |∂s Fn |2 .
ε ε
Again, L is approximated as piecewise linear.
Spatial Equidistribution of Computational Filaments
In some simulations, the computational filaments tend to be distributed unevenly.
This is avoided by a regridding procedure, where the computational barbed ends are
evenly distributed along the leading edge, which can be achieved by a coordinate
change α → β, defined by
α 2π −1
β = 2π |∂α F(α̂, 0, t)|d α̂ |∂α F(α̂, 0, t)|d α̂ .
0 0
Numerically this is realized after carrying out a time step tn−1 → tn , by defining a
piecewise linear function g(α) through its values at the grid:
⎛ ⎞−1
g(αi ) := 2π |Fnj+1,Ns −Fnj,Ns | ⎝ |Fnj+1,Ns − Fnj,Ns |⎠ , i = 1, . . . , Nα +1 .
j=1 j=1
α1 , . . . ,
α Na +1 are determined as the solutions of
αi ) = (i − 1)Δα ,
g( i = 1, . . . , Nα + 1 .
This procedure can be carried out whenever needed. In the simulations of the fol-
lowing section, it was done after every time step.
4 Numerical Simulations
The purpose of this section is to demonstrate that the model is capable of predicting
the outcome of migration experiments on inhomogeneous adhesive patterns. In [12]
the effect of varying different model parameters has been demonstrated. Addition-
ally the model has been used to simulate chemotactic migration and to study the
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 153
effect of changes in the signaling cascade on cell shape and filament density. Here
we go a step further and simulate how the shape of a migrating cell is influenced
by inhomogeneous adhesive patterns. Such studies are used to better understand
the interplay between adhesion, contraction, actin polymerization and other actin
associated proteins.
We show that model predictions are consistent with experimental data on migration
experiments published in [4]. In these experiments migrating fish keratocytes were
placed on substrates coated with distinct patterns of the extra-cellular-matrix (ECM)
protein fibronectin which binds to integrin transmembrane receptors mediating adhe-
sion. In [4] striped patterns were used featuring adhesive (fibronectin containing)
strips of 5 µm width and nonadhesive strips (without fibronectin) varying between 5
and 30 µm in width. In [4] it was reported that this affects cell shape in a very distinct
way. Protruding bumps on the adhesive strips and lagging bumps on the nonadhesive
stripes were observed and their width was correlated to the stripe width. Also it was
observed that cells tend to assume a symmetric shape such that they had an equal
Fig. 4 Figure reproduced from [4]: “Reversible deformation of the leading edge on line patterns.
a: ... keratocyte crawling from a 5–9 pattern ... onto an unpatterned region ... b: Deformation of
the leading edge on a 5–7 pattern with protruding bumps on adhesive stripes and lagging bumps
on non-adhesive stripes... c: Control experiment on a 5–7 line pattern where unprinted regions
(black) are not backfilled ... rendering the substrate homogeneously adhesive. Cells restore their
characteristic crescent-shaped outline ... Scale bars: 5 µm”
154 A. Manhart et al.
Fig. 5 a–i Times series of the simulation of a cell moving over a striped adhesive pattern (red)
with a 80% drop in adhesiveness (white) between adhesive strips. Shading represents actin network
density. Parameter values as in Table 1. The bar represents 10 µm
number of adhesive strips to the right and to the left of their cell center (Fig. 4 shows
some of the data published in [4]).
In the numerical experiment we used the same geometrical pattern with adhesive
strips of 5 µm width interspaced with 7 µm wide strips of reduced adhesiveness. In
the mathematical model adhesion forces result in friction between the cell and the
substrate and, speaking in numerical terms, they link one time step to the next. We
simulated the inhomogeneous adhesive pattern by decreasing the friction coefficient
by 80–90% in those regions of low fibronectin concentration as compared to adhe-
sive regions. Whilst the keratocytes in the original experiments move spontaneously
without an external signal, we simulate chemotactic cells under an external cue,
since at this point the model cannot describe the dynamics of contractile rear bundles
which stabilize autonomously migrating keratocytes. However the numerical results
show that there are many similarities as far as general behavior and morphology are
concerned, suggesting that the underlying phenomena are very similar. In Fig. 5a–i a
time series resulting from the simulation of a cell on a striped adhesive pattern with
a drop in adhesiveness of 80% is depicted. The following agreements between the
simulation and the experiments (Fig. 4) were found:
• On the striped adhesion pattern the cell shape becomes more rectangular as com-
pared to the crescent shape in the homogeneously adhesive region.
• Cells show protruding bumps on the adhesive stripes and lagging bumps on non-
adhesive stripes.
• The width of the bumps is correlated with the widths of the stripes.
• Spikes appear at the rear of the cell.
• After leaving the striped region the cell resumes its crescent shape and continues
to migrate as before.
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 155
Fig. 6 Comparison of the cell shape for three different starting positions. Parameter values as in
Table 1. The bar represents 10 µm
Fig. 7 Movement of a cell on an adhesive substrate (red) with less-adhesive stripes (white). Shading
represents actin network density. a 90% drop in adhesiveness, b 80% drop in adhesiveness. Parameter
values as in Table 1. The bar represents 10 µm
To compare the influence of the starting position on the shape of the cell, the
simulation was performed with three different initial conditions differing by 2 µm
shifts in the y-direction. The outcome is depicted in Fig. 6. It can be observed that
the shape of the cell starting at the lowest position (blue, dashed) differs significantly
from the other two. This is due to the fact that it interacts with the lowest adhesive
stripe causing it to shift further down as compared to the other cells.
In Fig. 7a, b a comparison between the bumps on stripes with a 90% (a) and a
80% (b) drop in adhesiveness is shown. Here the α-discretization used was twice as
fine to resolve more details. As expected bumps when adhesiveness drops by 90%
are more pronounced. Over a time interval of several minutes the amplitude of the
bumps fluctuated, an observation also made in the experiment of [4].
156 A. Manhart et al.
Fig. 8 Movement of a cell on an adhesive substrate (red) with less-adhesive spikes (white). Shading
represents actin network density. Parameter values as in Table 1. The bar represents 10 µm
Next we demonstrate the predictive capacity of the model simulating cell migration
along an adhesive path lined by irregular regions of low adhesion. The low-adhesion
pattern consists of two shifted spikes lining the trajectory of the cell from both sides.
The drop in adhesiveness was chosen to be 80%. As opposed to the situation above,
the cell is now able to almost fully avoid the less-adhesive regions. The behavior
observed over a time period of 30 min is depicted in the time series shown in Fig. 8.
The outcome of the simulation is counterintuitive in the cell does not simply slide of
the nonadhesive areas. Instead it behaves as if the less-adhesive spikes were obstacles
and only a very small portion of the lamellipodium enters the less-adhesive areas.
For the discretization we used a time step of 0.12 s and nine nodes per filament. For
the first experiment we used 36 and 72 discrete filaments, for the second one 36.
Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) 157
For the biological parameters, we used the same as those in [12], apart from the
adhesion coefficient which was increased for the adhesive regions and decreased for
the less-adhesive regions. They are summarized in Table 1.
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund through grant
no. J-3463 and through the PhD program Dissipation and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs, grant
no. W1245. The authors also acknowledge support by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund,
grant no. LS13-029. N. Sfakianakis wishes to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and
the Center of Computational Sciences (CSM) of Mainz for their support, and M. Lukacova for the
fruitful discussions during the preparation of this manuscript.
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Author Index
Andreychenko, Alexander, 39 Manhart, Angelika, 141
Molina-París, Carmen, 67, 81
Bortolussi, Luca, 39 O
Oelz, Dietmar, 141
de la Higuera, Luis, 81
Pryor, Meghan McCabe, 1
Edwards, Jeremy S., 1
Rendall, Alan D., 119
Ferrarini, Marco, 67
Schmeiser, Christian, 141
G Sfakianakis, Nikolaos, 141
Gil, Amparo, 107
González-Vélez, Virginia, 107
Grima, Ramon, 39 T
Gutiérrez, Luis Miguel, 107
Thomas, Philipp, 39
Halász, Ádám M., 1 V
Hell, Juliette, 119 Villanueva, José, 107
López-García, Martín, 81 Wilson, Bridget S., 1
Lythe, Grant, 67, 81 Wolf, Verena, 39