DLL Science g8-q1-w1 (Ok)
DLL Science g8-q1-w1 (Ok)
DLL Science g8-q1-w1 (Ok)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Pg.3-10 Pg.3-10
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Orientation/Pretest Ask: Recall the previous grade about
or presenting the new What makes objects move the the force of gravity.
lesson (ELICIT) way they do?
What makes objects stay in
B. Establishing a purpose for Orientation/Pretest Introduce the concept of FORCE. Grav.itational force is the
the lesson (ENGAGE) Force- the push and pull of the attraction between any two
object. bodies with mass
C. Presenting Orientation/Pretest Consider a ball on top of the Example hanging the pen with a
examples/instances of table. since this ball stays at rest string and placing the book on
the new lesson can we say that there is/are no top of the table.
force/s acting o it?
D. Discussing new concepts Let the students do the activity 1. Group them into 5 and answer
and practicing new skills Forces on objects at rest activity 2.
E. Discussing new concepts Force can make objects move, Differentiate balance and
and practicing new skills move faster, stop, or change their unbalance force.
#2 direction of motion.
F. Developing mastery Show diagram of figure 5.
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) (EXPLAIN)
G. Finding practical Teachers Input.
applications of concepts Teachers input. Explain further the activity of
and skills in daily living Explain further the activity and balance force.
connect its concept to the main
concept of Law of acceleration.
H. Making generalizations Why do objects move in different
and abstractions about ways? why are some objects
the lesson faster than the others?
I. Evaluating learning Teacher made test. Give a ten item quiz.
J. Additional activities for Research in the meaning of the Let the student do a reflection
application or ff.terms log to be passed on the
remediation (EXTEND) Balance force and unbalanced following day.
Prepared By:
G7-8 Coordinator Noted by:
School Head