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Modeling and Simulation of

a Subsea Hydraulic Actuator

Used in Subsea Oil and Gas
Joel Tollefson, MSC.Software Corporation
Brian Ummel, MSC.Software Corporation
MSC.EASY5 was used to model the dynamics of a subsea hydraulic control
actuator for a leading manufacturer of subsea systems for oil and gas
production. This presentation shows how MSC.EASY5 was used to model and
simulate the extreme subsea environment and the dynamics of a flexible hose
with a hydraulic actuator located 200 meters under the sea and 20 kilometers
from the drilling platform.

The presentation also addresses the computational difficulties in modeling

transient behavior in extremely long pipes (> 1km), and shows how the Method
of Characteristics was used to improve the simulation performance and results.
A major supplier of deep sea oil
drilling equipment needed to model
the dynamics of an undersea
hydraulic control actuator.

The MSC.EASY5 Thermal Hydraulic

Library was a perfect match for this
unique application.
Unique Requirements and Goals
• Unique actuator requirements
• Located >200 meters under the sea
surface and 20-50 kilometers from
drilling platform
• Connected to the platform fluid power
supply by a long flexible hose.
• Goals
• Model the effects of viscoelastic hose
expansion and contraction as well as
depth effects.
• Model and simulate actuator
performance and predict stroke timing.
• Evaluate the use of strain energy in the
expanded viscoelastic hose and fluid to
open a hydraulic cylinder.
• Long hose with viscoelastic expansion
• Runs vertically down 230 meters – gravity effects included
• Runs horizontally 20 km
• Elastic expansion time constant= 1sec.
• Viscoelastic expansion time: 30 sec pressurization; 400 secs.
• Working fluid: SAE10W with some entrained air
• Sub sea actuator
• Single-chambered actuator with a moving housing
• Environmental (sea bed) pressure of 20 bar
• Includes both stiction and friction effects
MSC.EASY5 Model Schematic Global Fluid
Properties Strip Charts Supply Pressure


Subsea Surface Valve Control

Volumetric Flow
Hydraulic SurfaceValveControl SurfaceMassFlow 1 ATM

Actuator Line Entrance


Volumetric Flow
1 ATM Subsea Valve Control

Vertical Hose to
Surface Platform

Visco/Elastic Hose
Actuator Subsea Control

External Load
Spring 2kN/cm
30kN preload
3 Test Scenarios
• Scenario 1 – Charge (pressurize) system
• Close subset valve, open surface valve and pump in fluid
• How long does it take to charge the system?
• Scenario 2 – Activate system using hose strain energy
• First charge (fill) the hose until hose expands (bulges) and acts
as an accumulator
• Shut-off and seal pump at surface and open subset valve
• Is there enough energy to activate the actuator? How long does it
• Scenario 3 – Vent down (depressurize) system
• Shut off pump
• Divert flow to drain and depressurize line from surface
• How long will it take to depressurize the system?
Simulation Results
• Plot valve positions, pressure, and
watch how the pressures, fluid
volumes, and actuator positions
• Predict how long it takes to charge
and discharge the system (hours)
• Plot on right shows actuator
pressures for 2 scenarios:
• 1- charging the system;
• 2- activating the actuators using
the hose strain energy
Other Considerations
• Deep sea oil drilling typically uses long hydraulic
• Problem: transient water hammer.
• MSC.EASY5 provides tools to model and analyze
water hammer dynamics, and to mitigate water
hammer using accumulators.
• Typical application: short pipes/hoses in fuel
injectors, airplane hydraulic systems, etc.
• PROBLEM: method is not well suited for long
Numerical Method – Lumped Mass
Approach 1 (Lumped Line Model Approach):
• Divide a line into many sections (nodes), each of which can be
assumed to have a uniform pressure within it.
• Use continuity equation to calculate rate of change of pressure
within each section
• Use momentum equation to calculate the rate of change of
flow from one section to the next section.
• This approach results in solution of

ordinary differential equations and
is the approach used in the
Hydraulic Library. N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N… Nn
1 DH 2

j=1 jth section j=N
W1 WN 1 WN j-1 WN j W N N -1 WN N
PN 1 PN j PN j+ 1 PN N P2
Port 1 Port 2
Water Hammer Dynamics
• Special transient pipe
component models water
hammer and cavitation
• 10 meter pipe could be
segmented into 10 nodes
(1 m per node)
• Results= 51 states
• 1 temp
• 10 pressure, 10 flow rate,
30 friction states
• 1 km pipe= 5,100 states!!
• Impossible to realistically
simulate this!!
Numerical Method – Method of
Approach 2 (Continuous Line Model Approach)
• Work directly with the continuous line model which
represents the continuity and the momentum equations as
partial differential equations.
• Use Method of Characteristics for solving partial
differential equations
• By using appropriate time delays, method provides better
results than the lumped line model (>10x faster, and more

Advantage: Requires less states; 1 km pipe= 32 states!

Characteristic Line Method
Goal: calculate variables (P and v) at current
node S.
• Node N is the node S at previous time 2 eqs. And 2 unknowns (Ps, vs):
• Nodes M and O are boundary nodes.
• A continuous time delay or a carousel table
(ρc)r (vs-vr) + (Ps-Pr)= c2R12 +cR3
ρCp ]* ∆t

can be used to save node data from past time.

• Given known values at nodes M, N, and O, [ ρCp ]
(ρc)z (vs-vz) + (Ps-Pz)= c2R12 +cR3 * ∆t
interpolate to node r and z, and use this to
calculate values at node S. Where:
•c = velocity of sound in fluid
S • Cp = Specific heat
ρ= density
c dx • R12 , R3= shear force and heat
=v+ / dt
t =v
∆t dx
/d -c transfer factors

t M r N z O
∆x ∆x

Long-Pipe Hydrodynamic Simulation
• Deep sea scenario:
• Up to 50 miles long pipes with actuator/valve at end
• Purpose: pump NT3 fluid into hydraulic control system
used to actuate a valve attached to flow line to control
flow of gases/crude oil
Surface supply 5000 psig
• Studies: compressor

• Transient pressure
ID= ½ inch Umbilical
in system Fluid=water
Initial cond.=5000 psig Accumulator 2 gals
Tamb= 40 deg F
• Response time to 10 – 50 miles
& valve Precharge @ 8000 psig

close and open

actuator ID= 3/16 inch
2000 ft Fluid=water
Initial cond.=0 psig
• Effect of long pipes,
& temperature on Vol= .006 gal
Safety valve Start @ 2500 psig
system performance Full open @ 4000 psig
MSC.EASY5 Model with Long Pipe Dynamics

Model Summary:
118 Components
1725 Cont. States
1331 Variables
216 Tables
269 Parameters
• MSC.EASY5 ideal CAE tool for modeling subsea
hydraulic systems
• Requirement to simulate water hammer dynamics
in long pipes results in large models with
unacceptable number of states
• Method of characteristics used to simulate water
hammer; reduced # states by factor of 160
• New and improved Method of Characteristics
being developed to improve accuracy and
performance – can be applied to both gases and

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