Quater IV (Week1)
Quater IV (Week1)
Quater IV (Week1)
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Management of family resources
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from THE II Teacher’s Manual. 1991. THE II Teacher’s Manual.
Learning Resource Pp. 23-24 1991.pp. 23-24
Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan,
Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) J.P. (2014) Growing up with J.P. (2014) Growing up with J.P. (2014) Growing up with
Growing up with Home Home Economics and Livelihood Home Economics and Livelihood Home Economics and
B. Other Learning Resources Economics and Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Livelihood Education. FNB
Education. FNB Educational, QC. QC. Educational, Inc. QC.
Inc. QC.
Last week, there was a Recap of the lesson the previous Recap of the lesson the previous Recap of the lesson of the Recap of the lesson of the
A. Reviewing previous
discussion on management day day previous day previous day
lesson or presenting the new
of the family income.
Management of family
income means allocating it
to provide for the basic As a segue, mention that the day Yesterday, we discussed the Yesterday, we learned
needs of members and for before, the class learned the principles that need to be applied budgeting and how it can be
comfortable living. factors that should be considered to make family budgeting a applied to the family.
in budgeting. successful and fulfilling task.
Budgeting is critical because it
Ask the class to identify some of is oftentimes difficult to ensure
the priniciples. that we will be able to make
both ends meet when times are
We also identified items that hard.
were included in the family
Ask the class about the For the day’s lesson, the class will Ask what items are included in How can we prudently manage
relationship between identify where the income goes or the budget. the financial resources of the
management and budgeting what the family includes in the family?
of family income. budget. Then, present the following list
culled from the book: Group the class into four (4).
Aside from the knowledge of what Food and clothing Each group will answer the
comprises a family budget, the Shelter and education question. “How can we make
class needs to be aware of certain Social needs both ends meet?”
principles to be applied effectively social and moral obligations
in order to make family budgeting family activities Reporting per group follows.
a successful and fulfilling task. school affairs
Savings/emergency budget The results of the discussion
According to Bantigue and health will be processed by the
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
Pangilinan (2014), the summary of house repair teachers.
the principles that should be
applied to make family budgeting
a successful and fulfilling task are
as follows:
Know the family’s income.
List your expenses. Know
which components are fixed
and which are flexible.
Set priorities.
Keep records of expenses.
Allocate an amount for
C. Presenting examples/ By means of budgeting, the Ask the class to bring out the Show photos of different Divide the class into four (4)
instances of the new family can properly allot the photos they were asked to bring. items/situations. groups.
lesson income. A family should have Group the class into 4 (four). Let
a knowledge of family the class identify where or what Ask the learners if they are Using the concepts learned
budgeting to know how much the family includes in the budget. needs or wants. yesterday, come up with an
is spent for family needs and Prioritize the items. The class will activity that will demonstrate the
where the income goes. be given ten minutes to complete Ask why they think it is a need difference between needs and
Through family budgeting, the activity. Reporting follows. or want. wants. Think of activities outside
the members will learn to the box.
spend wisely, save regularly,
participate in family matters
more actively with the
maximum benefit from the
wise use of resources, like
time, energy, and abilities.
Ask: What are the factors SHORT SKIT Mention that a family budget also The teacher writes two Presentation per group.
that need to be considered Using the previous group provides for the following needs: columns on the board. One
when budgeting? assignment, discuss among the Refer to the examples given by column has the heading NEEDS.
Size of the family group the principles in making the learners. If it was already The other column has the
Family income family budgeting a successful and mentioned, do not include in the heading WANTS.
Kind of work each fullfilling task. The twist is this will list.
D. Discussing new concepts family member does be presented in a short skit. Randomly distribute metacards
and practicing new skills #1 Talents and abilities Food, shelter, clothing, containing a list of needs and
of each member The group will be given five (5) education, household operations, wants.
Locality where the minutes to present the short maintenance/repair, utilities
family lives skit. (water, electricity, telephone, Ask the learners to post the
transportation, medical and metacards on the board.
dental care, rest and recreation,
stipend, savings. Ask the learner to
explain/defend his/her choice.
. Presentations Based on the activity that was
Group 1 conducted ask the learners to
Group 2 differentiate needs from wants.
Group 3
Group 4 A need is a requirement for
E. Discussing new concepts and survival, e.g. breathable air.
practicing new skills#2 A want is a desire. It may be
the desire for a need (e.g. a
choking person generally wants
to be able to breathe) or for
something not needed for
survival, such as chocolate or a
new car.
F. Developing mastery Let the learners cite Comments on group Show a short clip on managing Giving feedback on
examples of the factors that presentations: money: Needs versus Wants presentations.
(Leads to Formative need to be considered when Group 4 will comment on Group
Assessment 3) budgeting. 1 Analyze the movie and relate it Examples of guide questiona:
Group 3 will comment on Group to needs versus wants. Note
2 that some of the contents of Was the group effective in
Group 2 will comment on Group the video may be debatable emphasizing the difference
3 e.g. chocolates is needed by between needs and wants? If
Group 1 will comment on Group soldiers for endurance in the yes, How?
4 middle of a war while in a
normal situation it is a want for
Limit the comments on the What concepts in the
another individual.
contents of the presentation. presentation had an impact on
Does the presentation manifests you? Why?
the principles in making family
budgeting a successful and Do you think the presentations
fulfilling task? can further be improved? In
what way?
G. Finding practical Aside from what was -do- -do-
applications of concepts mentioned, can you think of
and skills in daily living other factors that need to be
considered when budgeting?
H.Making generalizations and Today we determine the Synthesize the discussion on what There is a need to distinguish
abstractions about the lesson relationships between and where the family budget is between need and want . This
management and budgeting allotted, as well as the principles will enable us to prioritize
of family income. We also to take into consideration to make needs over wants, hence
looked into the factors that family budgeting successful and ensuring that the budget is
need to be considered when fulfilling. enough to make both ends
budgeting. meet moreso when times are
I. Evaluating learning Ask the learners to share their .If you were to make a personal
insights on the lesson for the day budget, what would you include?
J. Additional activities for Bring photos or drawing
application or remediation where family budget is spent
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE – ENTREP & ICT
Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 14-18, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Lessons Ask : What are the most Ask : What are the most Review with each group their plans from
widely used techniques in widely used techniques in Activity Sheet No. 4
enhancing bamboo and enhancing metal craft
wood products ? products ?
B. Establishing purpose for Intro: Ask: For the Intro: Refer to each group output from
the Lesson There are many different 1. Are there metal craft shops Activity Sheet
industrial ways or methods present in your The Facilitator will situate and No. 4 (matrix 1 and matrix
to enhance and decorate communities? encourage learners to think of 2)
bamboo, wood, and metal 2. What techniques do you ways on how they will be able
products. These methods mostly see while they work to use the concepts learned Let each group discuss if they will
help improve not only the on their products? from the previous three (3) apply all enhancements that they have
quality of our products but day sessions (wood and metal planned or they
also the life of the families enhancing techniques).
engaged in various
activities. Enhancing is Say (Loud) : Are your groups will include other items.
carried out basically to ready ? (15‐20 minutes)
improve the aesthetics and
the functional properties of
a material.
1. Are there wooden
furniture shops present
in your communities?
2. What techniques do you
mostly see while they
work on their products?
C. Presenting examples Discuss with the learners The Facilitator will use two
/instances of the new the usual techniques being identical wood/metal
lessons used in furniture shops products found in his home
based on their observations or shops. Show the class
from their community the transformation of a
product from its original
appearance (1st piece) ‐‐‐‐ to
its enhanced version
(2nd piece).
G. Finding Practical Ask: What are some of the Ask: What are some of the sample Ask: What do you think now
Applications of sample products in bamboo products in metal are the essence of knowing
concepts and skills and woodcraft? (Expected craft? the various ways of enhancing
in daily living answers : (Expected answers: Accessories, wood and metal crafts ?
Bamboo lamp, bamboo pen holder, wind chimes, etc.
bottle holders, bamboo plant
box, desktop organizer,
candle holder, furniture, etc.
H. Making Generalizations Ask : How important is the Ask : How important is the 1. If you are interested in craft Ask:
& Abstractions about knowledge on the different knowledge on the different designing and production, What benefits does a craftsman get from
the lessons techniques on enhancing the techniques on enhancing which will you choose, the know‐how of enhancing wood and
beauty of bamboo and the beauty of metal crafts ? wood crafts or metal craft? metal products?
woodcrafts ? 2. In the Philippines, which do (Expected response) Products made of
you think should be given bamboo, wood and metal can be
focus, wood or metal crafts enhanced through different techniques
? in order to increase their marketability
and saleability.
I. Evaluating Learning Ask the learners to enumerate Ask the learners to enumerate the Ask: After knowing the
the wood craft enhancing metal craft enhancing techniques different techniques on how
techniques to improve or enhance wood
and metal products, what
effects do you think it will do
to a products’ marketability?
J. Additional activities for Before the session ends: Tell the learners to conduct a Reminder:
application or ‐ Break the class into survey (group of three (3) on:
remediation subgroups with 5 What types of finishing What sort of wood /metal
members per group. processes does wood and products did you found in
‐ Let them choose a leader metal craft artisans in their your homes, and your group
and a communities used to enhance is planning to work on as an
secretary/documenter their products . application of the three
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competencies/ 1.1 Explains benefits derived 1.1 Explains benefits derived 1.1.2 Identifies successful To administer a Pre Test To administer a Pre Test
Objectives from planting trees and fruit- from planting trees and fruit- orchard growers in the
( Write the L Ccode for each) bearing trees to families and bearing trees to families and community or adjacent
communities communities communities
II. CONTENT Benefits derived from Benefits derived from planting Successful orchard growers in
( Subject Matter) planting trees and fruit trees and fruit bearing trees to the community
bearing trees to families and families and communities
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://plantyourtrees.com/c https://plantyourtrees.com/cat
Learning Resource LR atalog/information/bene fits- alog/information/bene fits-of-
portal of-trees trees
B. Other Learning Resources LED tv, ppt, materials for LED tv, ppt, materials for LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers,
activity activity
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Energizer Energizer Energizer
presenting new lesson What have you learned about What have you learned about What are the benefits derived
agriculture when you are in agriculture when you are in from planting trees and fruit-
Grade Five? Grade Five? bearing trees?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of an orchard Show a picture of an orchard or Group the pupils into three. Let
lesson or a farm? a farm? them list down the persons that
Ask: What can you say about Ask: What can you say about has an orchard in their
the pictures? the pictures? community?
a. Presenting examples/ instances Group Activites Group Activites Let the group present their
of the new lesson. output.
b. Discussing new concepts and Group Reporting Group Reporting Discuss their output.
practicing new skills.#1
c. Discussing new concepts and What are the benefits derived What are the benefits derived
practicing new skills #2. from planting trees and fruit- from planting trees and fruit-
bearing trees? bearing trees?
d. Developing Mastery 1.The teacher further explains 1.The teacher further explains The teacher further gives
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) and discuss the background and discuss the background examples of orchard growers in
information through inquiry information through inquiry the community.
approach approach
2. Have the pupils master the 2. Have the pupils master the
concepts. concepts.
e. Finding practical application of Why it is necessary to plant Why it is necessary to plant If you were an orchard grower
concepts and skills in daily living trees? trees? how can you help other people?
f. Making Generalizations and What have you learned? What have you learned? How can we say that an orchard
Abstraction about the Lesson. What are the benefits of What are the benefits of owner is a successful?
planting trees? planting trees?
g. Evaluating Learning Why is it good to plant trees Why is it good to plant trees or List down all the orchard
or fruit –bearing trees? fruit –bearing trees? growers in your community.
h. Additional Activities for Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw an orchard that you have
Application or Remediation explain the benefits of it. explain the benefits of it. in your community.
Paang -aabuso
Batas disiplina
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Sagutin at talakayin ang diagram. Pagtalakay mga kaganapan sa Talakayin ang kumbensiyong Ipapanood ang video ukol sa mga
konsepto at paglalahad ng 1. Bakit mo napili ang mga Pagdedeklara ng Batas Militar Konstistusyonal. Ipaliwang sa mga programa at patakaran ni Marcos
bagong kasanayan # 1 salitang iyon? bata ang mga pangyayri ukol ditto.
2. Sa iyong palagay ano ang
Pinatnubayang Pagsasanay) batas militar?
3. Ano ano ang mga
suliranin at hamon sa
bansa sa ilalami ng batas
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Talakayin ang ilan sa pangyayari Gawain 1 Pagtatalakay sa Saligang Batas 1973, Talakayin ang mga programa at
konsepto at paglalahad ng bago ideklara ang batas militar Punan ang tsart . talakayin ang Ikaapat na Republika at mga patakaran ni Marcos ayon sa
bagong kasanayan # 2 a. Mga rali at welga mga sagot. probisyong nakasaad dito. napanood sa video.
b. Mga katiwalian ipaliwanag Ilarawan
Pagpapalawak ng Kasanayan) c. Mga kalagayang Kalagayan ng Kalagayan ng
pampolitika bansa bago mga
d. Bago ideklara ang batas ideklara ang mamamayan
Batas nang ideklara
military______ ang Batas
____________ Militar_______
___________ ____________
F. Paglinang sa kabihasaan Pangkatang Gawain Bigyang paliwanag ang mga Batas Pagsusuri sa mga kaganapan ukol sa Bigyang pagpapaliwanag nga mga
(Tungo sa Formative na pinagbatayan ng Batas Militar pagbabalangkas ng pamahalaan na programa bilang pangkatang
Assessment) Gawain
Isagawa ang ilan sa mga nging daan upang ang demokrasya 1. Pagtugon sa
pangyayari sa panahon bago ang ay nagging diktadura. pangangailangan ng mga
batas militar sa pamamagitan ng: tao
Pangkat 1: tula 2. Mga programang
Pangkat 2: sayawit pangkabuhayan
Pangkat 3: skit 3. Pagpapabuti sa mga
Pangkat 4: poster kalagyan ng manggagawa
4. Pagbabago sa sitema ng
5. Repormang kultural
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Bigyang pagpapaliwanag at Ihambing ang mga kaganapan Ibigay ang iyong reaksyon ukol sa Paano sinupil ni marcos ang mga
pang-araw araw na buhay paghahambing ang mga noon sa ilalim ng Batas Militar sa diktadurang tinalakay at sa taong tumutuol sa knayng ginawa?
kaganapan noon at ngayon ukol ngayong Batas. Alin ang mas demokrasyang natatamasa ngayon?
sa kalagayang pulitika ng bansa mainam o mas gusto mo? Ano ang iyong reaksyon ukol dito?
(Aplikasyon) Ipaliwanag ang sagot
Paano naman niya tinugunan ng
mga pangangailangan ng mga tao?
H. Pagtataya ng aralin. Rubrics ng pangkatang gawain Basahin at suriin ang siping bahagi Isulat ang mga salitang kaugnay sa Bilugan ang mga pariralang
(Optional na gawain para sa ng Proklamasyon 1081. Sagutan saligang Batas 1973 nagsasaad ng pagbabagong
guro kung maganda ang ang mga tanong: 1. Uri ng pamahalaang naganap sa ilalim ng Batas Militar.
kinalabasan ng Gawin Mo). 1. Ano ang baas na ito? nakabalangkas dito. 1. Inalis ang Kongreso
2. Ano ano ang nagging 2. Tunay na pinuno ng 2. Gumanda ang kapaligran
(Malayang Pagsasanay) batayan ni Marcos sa pamahalaan. 3. Ipinasara ang paaralan
pagproklama ng Batas 3. Gumagawa ng mga batas 4. Namayani ang mga
Militas? Anog sinabi ng pamahalaan sundalo
niyang layunin nito? 5. Nasiyahan ang mga taong
3. Paano ginamit ni Marcos Ipaliwanag bayan
ang kapangyarihang Bakit tinawag na Konstitusyong 6. Nagpagawa ng mga
Batas Militar Marcos ang Saligang Batas ng 1973? subdibisyon
4. Ano ang ginawa ni 7. Nagkaroon ng proyektong
Marcos sa mga taong pabahau
pinaghihinalaang 8. Nagkaroon ng diktador na
nagkasala sa bansa? pangulo
Bakit? 9. Umabuso ang mga opisyal
5. Ano ang iyong reaksyon at sundalo
ukol ditto?
6. Ano ang kaya mong 10. Dumami ang rali at
gawin upang hindi na demonstrayson
maganap ang ganitong
pangyayri sa ating bansa?
I. Karagdagang Gawain para Magsaliksaikng ilang mga larawan Magsaliksik ng ilan sa mga programa
sa takdang aralin at bago maideklara ang batas militar ni Marcos sa Ilalim ng Batas 1973.
remediation sa Pilipinas.. idiit ito sa typewriting
at bigyan ng paliwanag. Humanda
sa pagbabahagi bukas.
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remediation? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga estratehiyang
pagtuturo na nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyon sa
tulong ng aking punungguro
at superbisor?
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
ginamit/nadiskubre na nais
kong ibahagi sa mga kapwa
ko guro?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 14-18, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
II. CONTENT Making Inferences Inferring the Mood of Certain Distinguishing Advertisement Using the Comparative Form of Weekly Test
Events through the Speaker’s from Propaganda Adverb
Actions / Intonations / Utterances.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides Developing Reading Power 6, pp. Developing Reading Power 6, pp. Growing in English VI BES 6 Language p. 134 / PELC
175-176 272-273 / ELC B.5.1 p. 10 (Language) p. 270 5.6.1 p. 26 / RBEC Speaking
2. Learner’s Material Tirso’s Opinion charts, cassette tape, pictures of a child, flashcards Test notebook
pages flashcards, strips of cartolina
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference
from Learning
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Unlocking of Difficulties (see Vocabulary/Pronunciation Skills Unlocking of Difficulties Reading of the following adverbs
lesson or presenting the textbook page) in flashcards
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Have you watched the movie Reading the selection once more Let’s have a guessing game. Look at the picture posted on the A. Preparation
for the lesson “Finding Nemo”? with correct action, proper Listen to this. board while I read to you some
intonation and utterances, then Is this an advertisement or sentences about it. Listen
have them answer the questions propaganda? carefully and take note of the
below. “Sleep soundly, be happy, adverbs used in sentences.
live forever…. CONVI, Portable A child who dresses neatly is a
Bed & Mattress” available at all pleasant sight.
branches of SM Shoemart Inc.
including Cebu and Iloilo,
Uniwide Warehouse Club Inc.,
Amilgrahen Nationwide
Distributors, Inc., and other
department stores in Metro
Manila and key cities
C. Presenting Reading the short selection, pp. What do you think was the mood of First Listening Dina speaks more softly than B. Setting of Standards
examples/instances of 175-176, Developing Reading the boys action when they yelled at Teacher reads the selection Joyce.
the new lesson Power. Tirso? while pupils just listen. The sun shines more brightly than
the moon.
Can you stay underwater longer
than I can?
D. Discussing new What could have happened to Pupils listen to the teacher while What is the credo of the earth What adverbs are used to C. Explanation
concepts and practicing Baby Fish? reading the events with correct savers? compare actions?
new skill #1 intonation, action and utterances.
“Christian! Cherry! Come here!”
Grandmother almost shouted at
her grandchildren.
Question: What do you think was
the mood of grandmother’s
utterances when she shouted at
her grandchildren?
E. Discussing new One day, Alex got the surprise of Answering the guide What word is used with adverbs
concepts and practicing his life. His father was chosen as questions. ending in-ly to show comparative
new skill #2 the “Farmer of the Year” When was the movement form of adverbs?
Question: If you were Alex, what organized?
would you feel after what What is its objective?
happened? Do you think this movement
Happy of what happened to my has good motive? Why?
Ashamed of what I had felt for my
Worried of what happened to my
F. Developing mastery D. Supervision by the Teacher
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding practical Listening to a selection What type of selection is it, an Here are some pictures. I want
applications of concepts advertisement or propaganda? you to study each of them and be
and skills in daily living able to give sentences using the
comparative form of adverbs.
How about the one given in the
guessing game, is it an
advertisement or propaganda?
What is an advertisement?
H. Making generalizations What is an inference? How to Infer the Mood of Certain How can you distinguish What form of adverbs is used to
and abstractions about Events through the Speaker’s advertisement from compare two persons/things
the lesson Actions / Intonations / Utterances? propaganda? actions? What is added to the
adverb to show comparison?
I. Evaluating learning AlingDely, A Kindhearted Woman Listen to a selection and be able to Listen and write whether each Select the correct form of adverbs Checking and Recording
Why do you think Ivy helped answer the following questions by one is an advertisement or a to complete the sentences.
AlingDely in her store? To know inferring the mood of certain propaganda. Pilots fly the helicopter
more people events through the speaker’s LOSE WEIGHT WHILE SLEEPING. _________ than airplane.
c. to live with AlingDely actions/intonations/utterances. Thanks to the surprising power effectively
To earn money What do you think was the mood of of Biotic Sauna Pajama to more effectively
d. to go back to school Glenn’s action when father gave eliminate heat. Simply put on most effectively
What do you think is the occasion him a motorcycle? Biotic Sauna Pajama and you
for buying a present for her Glenn was ashamed will get rid of your excess fats
mother? Glen was embarrassed.
Birthday b. baptism Glen
c. wedding
d. confirmation
J. Additional activities for Write sentences telling inferences 1. Request a member of your Bring some clippings of Give sentences using the
application or family to read a short selection for advertisements or bits of comparative degree of
remediation you, then infer the mood of certain propaganda from newspapers comparison.
events through the speaker’s and magazines. They may also Between you and your best
actions/intonations/utterances. write down those they hear friend, who can work more
2. Write your inferences on your over the radio or TV programs. cheerfully?
notebook. Then, have them form groups, Compare the lives in the city and
share their clippings and discuss the lives in the farm
whether they are
advertisements or propaganda.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: ESP
Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 14-18, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
B. A. Pamantayang
C. B. Pamantayan sa
D. C. Mga Kasanayan sa Masusuri ang mga gawaing nagpapakita ng etiko sa paggawa
Pagkatuto. Isulat and code Matutukoy ang mga paraan upang magpakita g etiko sa paggawa sa pamamagitan gn pagsunod sa mga pamantayan at kalidad ng produkto o serbisyo
ng bawat kasanayan Magagwa ang plano upang mahikayat ang kapuwa na magkaroon ng etiko sa paggawa sa pamamagitan ng pagsunod sa pamantayan at magndang kalidad ng produkto o serbisyo.
A. A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina ng Gabay ng
2. Mga pahina ng 101-107
Kagamitang Pang-Mag-
3. Mga Pahina sa teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa portal ng
Learning Resources (LR)
1. B. Iba pang kagamitang PPT,larawan, Video clips
A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Magpakita ng mga larawan ng iba’t Pag-usapang muli ang mga Ibahagi ang araling natutunan sa Pagbabahagi ng takadang gawain Ibahagi ang ginwang
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng ibang tradisyunal na kasuotan. Pag natatanging Pilipino Etiko sa paggawa ng mag-aaral. takdang aralin
bagong aralin usapan ito
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Pagpapanood ng video ng mga Awit: Ako ay Pilipino Pagbiibigay paliwanag sa slogang awit awit
aralin likhang pinoy sa iba’t ibang ginawa
bahaging bansa
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Pagbibigay ng mga katanungan ukol Iugnay ang awit sa kung paano Talakayan at reaksyon ukol sa Banggitin ang ilan sa mga etiko sa Balikann ang natutunang
halimbawa sa bagong aralin sa pinanoodna video maipagmamalaki at maipakikita ginawang slogan ng bawat isang paggawa ng mga mag-aaral aralin sa isang lingo,
ang pagiging matagumpay na mag-aaral. gumawa ng reaksyon ukol
Pilipino. ditto
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pagtalakay sa “Ihanda Natin” pah, Gawain Pangkatang Gawain Pagbabahagi sa klase ng
konsepto at paglalahad ng 101 Kagamitangmag-aaral Gawin ang Tama 1-10 Sagutin ang mga tanong sa “ reaksyong ginawa
bagong kasanayan #1 KM pah. 105 Isiping Mabuti” KM pah 125 Pagproseso ng Gawain
Ilahad ang Gawain sa
pamamagitan ng
Pangkat 1: sayawit
pangkat 2: tula
Pangkat 3: skit
Pangkat 4: essay
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pagsagot sa mga tanong ukol sa Pagbasa ng maikling kwento “ ANg Magkaroon ng talakayan ukol sa Pagpapakita at pagbabahging Pagbibigay ng kanilang
konsepto at paglalahad ng binasang sipi Matandang Karpintero” KM pah. Gawain pangkatanggawain hinuha ukol sa ibinahagi
bagong kasanayan #2 102
F. Paglinang ng Kabihasaan Pagsagot sa Gawain Titik B pah 101 Pagtalakay sa binasang kwento Ibigay ang reaksyon sa
( tungo sa Formative pangakatang Gawain at iugnay ito
Assessment ) sa Etiko sa Paggawa
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Magbahagi ng ilan sa mga kilalang Ang pagbasa sa “etiko sa Paanomo maipakikita ang mga
pang-araw-araw na buhay tao na na may natatanging likha paggawa”KM pah. 103 gawaing pang-araw-araw nang may
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Paano mo ipagmamalaki ang mga Pagsagot sa mga tanong ukol sa Bakit mahalagang matutunan ang Ano ang kahalagahan ng Etiko sa Ano angmaari mo ng
gawanpinoy? binasa Etiko sa Paggawa? Paggawa sa buhay ng tao o bilang gawin upang ikaw ay
isangmag-aaral? kilalanin bilang katangi
tanging mag-aaral?
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Sagutin ang tanong sa isang Bigyang pansin at pagpapahalaga Magbigay ng ilang Gawain na Subukin Natin Repleksyon
sanaysay Etiko sa paggawwa ng mga mag- maaring magpakilalasayo bilang A at B KM pah, 107
1. Ano ang mga maari mong aaral KMpah. 104 isang mag-aaral na sumsunod sa KM pah, 106
magawa upang Etiko sa Paggawa.
maipagmalaki ang mga
natatanging Pilipino an?g
mga pagkilala sa kanila
J. Karagdagang Gawain Gumawa ng isang slogan ukol sa Sa isang talata, isulat ang iyong Subukin Natin C
para sa takdang aralin at Etiko sa paggawa ng mga mag- nagging karanasan ukol sa Etiko sa KM pah. 107
remediation aaral. Paggawa ng mga Mag-aaral
A. Bilang ng nakakuha ng
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo ang nakatulong
ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang
aking naranasan na
solusyonan sa tulong ng
aking punongguro at
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: FILIPINO
Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 14-18, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Isulat ang uri ng pangungusap Ibigay ang limang bahagi ng liham? Ano ang pangungusap? Sa anong paraan Tumawag ng mga mag-
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng A.Nakatulog si Abby Ano ang dalawang bahagi ng matutukoy/maibibigay ang aaral upang pumili ng mga
bagong aralin habang nagbabasa. pangungusap? kahulugan ng isang salita? pangyayari na naganap na
Mga Gawain: sa knilang buhay:
B.Hanapin ang mga nars. (Ipakita ang larawan) Hindi nakasali sa pasulit
C.Saan ako naroroon? dahil nagkasakit
d.Aba, parang may Napagalitan dahil ginabi
prusisyo! ng uwi
E.Sino ka? Pumasok sa eskwelahan
nang walang baon
Walang natanggap na
regalo sa pasko
Napalo noong maliit pa
May proyekto
kayo sa Industrial Arts/
Home Economics. Humingi
ka ng P 80.00 sa iyong ina
para ipambayad sa mga
gamit sa pagbubuo nito.
Nawala ang pera at di mo
Nadawit ka sa
isang gulo. Lumakas lang
loob mo dahil marami
kayo. Lubhang nasaktan
ang kamag-aral na
nakalaban ninyo.
Ipinatawag kayo sa opisina
ng Guidance Councilor.
Alam mon gang kasunod
nito’y mga magulang mo
naman ang ipinatatawag.
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang natutuhan mo sa Ano ang inyong natutunan sa Anu-ano ang mga ginagamit na uri Ano ang natutunan mo sa aralin? Ano ang kahalagahan ng
aralin?Ano ang kahalagahan ng pagbabahagi ng inyong ng pangungusap sa inyong binasa sa Naibigay mo ba ng wasto ang mga karanasan?
pagsunod sa panuto? nasaksihan? Bakit kailangan na Pamayanan ng Langgam? kahulugan ng mga salitang
maibigay natin ang mga detalye ng Magbigay ng sarili mong halimbawa pamilyar at di-kilala?
isang pangyayari? ayon sa uri ng pangungusap. Paano/Ano ang iyong ginawa?
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Babasahin ng guro ang Sumulat tungkol sa iyong Gumawa ng dayalogo sa pagsali mo Ibigay ang kahulugan ng salita na Iugnay moa ng sanhi sa
panuto.Hayaan ang mga bata na kaarawan sa pamamagitan ng sa usapan gamit ang iba’t ibang uri may salungguhit. Piliin ang sagot pangyayaring ito:
isagawa ito pagbuo ng talata. ng pangungusap. sa loob ng kahon.
A.Gumuhit ng isang parisukat. Isulat Sa Diperensiya walang hiya Pagsusulit noon.
dito ang BAWAL MAGTAPON NG Aking Kaarawan magiging tanyag May ginawa kang talaan
BASURA Naging__________ ang Karangalan ng mga petsa at
Kulayan ito ng kulay dilaw aking nakaraang kaarawan. hadlang pangyayari hingil sa
B. Gumuhit ng malaking bilog. Sa Naghanda ang aking ina ng ______ pagkakaroon ng kasarinlan
kanang bahagi nito maglagay ng na pagkain para sa aking mga 1. Ang mga talipandas ay ng Pilipinas. Ito ang iyong
maliit na kamay. Sa gitna ng bilog kaibigan. Bumili naman ang aking pumupunta sa handaan ginamit sa balik-aral. May
ay isulat ang salitang HELLO gamit Ninang ng ______ cake. kahit hindi iniimbita. nakalimutan kang limang
ang malaking titik Pagkatapos ng ______ salu-salo, 2. Ang mga may kapansanan petsa. Ang papel ay nasa
nagkaroon ng palaro. Isang ay may kakayahang bulsa. Tumingin ka sa
_______ pabitin ang ginawa ng maghanapbuhay. guro. Ang guro pala ay
aking tatay. Nagsabit dito ang 3. Dapat mabuhay ng may nakatingin sa iyo.
aking Ate ng _____ laruan. Ang dignidad ang mga tao.
_____ kong kaibigan ang nakaabot 4. Ang kahirapan ay hindi _____________________
ng bola sa pabitin. Lahat ng sagwil sa edukasyon.. _____________________
dumalo ay ______ pagkat may uwi 5. Ang buhay ng taong _______
silang laruan. Naibigan ko ang mga dakila ay magniningning _____________________
regaling ibinigay sa akin ngunit ang sa lipunan _____________________
______ ko ay ang walking doll. Ang _______
buong mag-anak ay _____ subali’t
nasiyahan sila dahil nagging _____________________
masaya ang lahat. _____________________
J. Karagdagang Gawain Sumipi ng isang recipe muna sa Sumulat ng isang kuwento na Magbigay ng 5 salitang pamilyar at Bumasa ng isang bahagi sa
para sa takdang aralin at cook book at ilahad sa klase ang nagsasalaysay ng sariling 5 di-kilala/di-pamilyar sa iyo. bibliya. Isulat mo sa
remediation mga pamamaran na napapaloob karanasan maaring tungkol sa Ibigay ang kahulugan nito. maikling pangungusap
dito. sumusunod: kung paano mo ito
1.Isang Sorpresa inugnay sa ioyng buhay.
2.Ang aking Pasko
3. Isang Paglalakbay
A. Bilang ng nakakuha ng
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo ang nakatulong
ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang
aking naranasan na
solusyonan sa tulong ng
aking punongguro at
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 14-18, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
B. Performance Performs a given song, using Performs a given song, using Performs a given song, using tempo Performs a given song, using tempo WEEKLY TEST
Standard tempo marks appropriately tempo marks appropriately marks appropriately marks appropriately
C. Learning Identifies the different tempo in a Distinguish between ritardando Demonstrates the different kinds of Identifies aurally the texture of 1. Administering
Competencies given song or music: and accelerando as used in a tempo by following tempo marks in musical pieces test questions
(write the LC Code) -allegro song a familiar song 4.1 monophonic correctly
-andante MU6TX-Iva-b-2 “Pandangguhan” 4.2 homophonic
2. Administering
-ritardando MU6TX-Iva-b-3 4.3 polyphonic
-accelerando MU6TX-IVC-D-1 of Weekly test
-largo 3. Setting of
-presto Standards
-vivace 4. Test proper
MU6TX-Iva-b-1 5. Checking of test
4. Materials
downloaded from
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing What is tempo? Review about the previous lesson. Review about the previous lesson.
previous lesson Give the different symbols used.
and presenting
new lesson
B. Establishing a Which moves faster a horse or a Let the children to sing the song Today we are going to sing a song Today we are going to analyze the
purpose for the turtle? Sitsiritsit. with different tempo marks. three different kinds of texture.
lesson Compare the movement of the
two animals. Which runs fast?
C. Presenting Imagine yourself riding in an Today we are going to distinguish Sing the song.
examples/instance airplane going to Davao, or in a between ritardando and Are You Sleeping
s of the lesson “Ro-Ro Ship” going to the same accelerando.
destination. Will you arrive first
riding in an airplane or in a “Ro-
Ro Ship”? Why?
D. Discussing new Singing of the Song from the Ask the pupils if they know the Study Pandangguhan (note Discuss the three types of tempo.
concepts and Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” song Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da by the mahaba di kasya song) a. Monophonic or
practicing new then describes the flow of the Beatles? monophony- as the prefix
skills #1 music? How do you feel when Teach the song. “mono” means one sound.
singing it? Identify the flow of the song.
Ex. Are you sleeping,
Describes its flow.
brother John?
b. Homophonic texture- is a
single melodic sound with
accompaniment. It gives
focus on the melody as its
main feature and is
supported and colored by
another instrument like the
guitar or the piano. Example
Are You sleeping, brother
c. Polyphonic texture-means
“having many sounds”. It
contains two or more
independent musical lines.
It is a musical composition,
which makes use of two or
more melodies. Example
Choral music and orchestral
H. Making What is tempo? Tell that Ritardando (rit.) a What are the three kinds of texture?
generalization and Give the different symbols of gradual change to a slower
abstractions about tempo. tempo.
the lesson Accelerando (accel.)a slow
gradual change to a faster tempo.
I. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the Give the song piece Sitsiritsit and Singing Pandangguhan Singing of the song. Follow the
following. be able to identify the tempo in 1.Vivace (lively) voices like the choral groups.
1. Andante (moderately each part of the song. Manunugtug ay
slow) nangagpasimula
2. Andantino (moderately At nangagsayawan ang
slow but flowing mga mutya
tempo) Sa mga padyak parang
3. Adagio (slow, or in an magigiba
easy graceful manner) Ang bawat tapakan ng mga
4. Lento (Slow) bakya
5. Largo (very slow,
broad) II
6. Allergo (fast, lively, Kung pagmamasdan ay
brisk, and faster nakatutuwa
tempo) Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
7. Allegretto (quicker than nawawala
andantino) Tunay na hinahangaan ng
8. Moderato (moderate) madla
9. Vivace- (quickly, lively) Ang sayaw nitong ating
10. Presto (a very fast munting bansa
tempo) 2.Andante(moderate)
Dahil sa ikaw mutyang
Walang singganda sa dagat
Mahal na hiyas ang puso
mo hirang
Accel(gradually becoming
Ang pag-ibig mo'y hirap
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
3 Largo (very very slow)
Halina aking mahal, ligaya
ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
Halina aking mahal, ligaya
ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
4 Allegro(brsik,lively, live)
Kung may pista sa aming
Ang lahat ay nagdiriwang
May letchon bawat
May gayak pati simbahan
Paglabas ni Santa Mariang
Kami ay taos na nagdarasal
Prusisyon dito ay
Kung kaya't ang iba'y nag-
5 Presto (very fast)
May tumutugtog at may
Mayrong sa galak ay
Ang pista sa bayan namin
ay ganyan,
Ang saya'y tila walang
6 Vivace (fast, lively)
Manunugtug ay
At nangagsayawan ang
mga mutya
Sa mga padyak parang
Ang bawat tapakan ng mga
Kung pagmamasdan ay
Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
Tunay na hinahangaan ng
Ritardando (gradually
Ang sayaw nitong ating
munting bansa
J. Additional
activities for
application or
VI. REFLECTION Assessing you as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.
2. Learner’s Materials pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6, 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 21st Century Mathletes 6
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6
4. Additional Materials from Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58 Math 6 DLP Mod. 58
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, power point Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook,
presentation point presentation point presentation point presentation power point presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Drill: A. Perform the indicated Drill: Find the surface area of the 1. Mental Computation 1. Mental Computation Drill by group: Name each
presenting the new lesson operation: ff. Drill: Solving for Volumes of Drill: Multiplying Whole figure. Then write the
35 x 25 Prisms Numbers formula in finding the
125 x 2.5 a) Teacher divides the class volume of the given figure.
30 ½ x 25 into 6 groups (per column). Each Multiply the following Choose your answer from
450 ÷ 20 group is provided with an mentally:(use flash cards or the
50 ½ x 15 illustration board ( 41 ), chalk, and use power point presentation) box.
B. Find the surface area of the ff. a. 15 x 4 b. 6 x 2 x 5
1. e=25cm
b) Teacher flashes a card
2. l=16cm, w= 9cm, h=8cm d. 3 x 4 x 4 e. 16 x 6
with the dimensions of a prism.
3. d=14cm, h=23cm
For ex.: l = 8 cm w = 5 cm
Review: A.Identify the figure below:
h = 10 cm 2. Review: Finding the
B = 18 m2 h = 3 m Volumes of Cylinders
l = 21 m w = 51 m
Review: 1
h= 4 m
Volume of the pyramid= ______x c)The first student from each Prepare different sizes of cans
volume of rectangular prism. group solves mentally for the (as many as the number of Review:
For a rectangular prism, V=lxwxh volume of the prism and writes groups).
So for pyramid, V= _____ lxwxh= the answer on the illustration Each group will get one can
lxwxh/? board provided. and do the following:
d)When teacher say “boards up,” measure its height and its
they raise their boards up. radius in cm
B.Solve each situation.
e)Whoever gives the correct find its volume
1. a rectangular box has a length of
answer, with the proper label, share the solution and answer
24 inches, a width of 18inches, a
gets 2 points for his/her group. to the class
width of 18 inches and a height of
f)Teacher flashes another card
30 inches. What is the surface area?
and the next student in each
2. A sphere has a radius of 23cm.
group solves mentally for the
What is the surface area?
volume and so on.
g)The group with the highest
number of points wins.
B.Establishing a purpose for the Have you ever gone to a family Show the pupils a cylinder and a Present a story problem: Let pupils give examples of Let pupils give examples of
lesson outing to a resort? There are many cone. Let the pupils say Water is indispensable because objects that are conical in objects that are round like a
different kinds of swimming pool, something about the figures. of its many uses. However, some shape. Have them define or ball. Have them define or
isn’t it? There are swimming pools places do not have enough supply describe a cone. describe a sphere.
for kids and for adults. There is also of water. People need to store
Jacuzzi. If you will be asked how water using jars, plastic
much water is placed in the containers, drums, and water
swimming pool, how will you do it? tanks.
Carlo lives in a barangay with a
low supply of water. They need
to store water to ensure that
they have enough water to use
for their daily needs. To make
sure that they have a good supply
of water, his father installed a
new cylindrical water tank behind
their house.
The water tank, which is 18 dm
high with radius of 6 dm, assures
Carlo’s family that they have
enough water for their daily
consumption. How much water
can the cylindrical tank hold?
C.Presenting Examples/Instances The volume of prism is the amount Group activity: a. Let each group/pair Present a Story Problem: Volume is measured in
of new lesson of space inside the prism. Volume is Materials: a cylinder which discuss the following questions Marie attended a birthday cubic units. A circle on the
measured in cubic units, which is open at one end and a cone and record their answers or party where all children were sphere with the same
means it tells you how many cubes that is open ideas. Afterwards, they can share given party hats and ice cream center as the sphere has an
of a given size it takes to fill the at the base (note: the cylinder them to the class. in cones. One little girl area of r2. Imagine this
prism. We can use the diagram on and the cone must have 1) Why is water important? accidentally dropped her ice same circle as the base of a
page 288 to show why the formula congruent bases and altitude), What are its uses? cream, so she started crying. cylinder that exactly
of any prism works. sand, worksheet 2) Do you only need to Marie saw the incident. She contains the sphere.
Procedure: conserve if your place do not went over to the girl and gave
Let the children fill the cone with have enough supply of water? her ice cream. The little girl
sand then ask them to guess how Why or why not? gave her a big smile and said
many “conefuls” of sand it would 3) How can we conserve “thank you.” Marie was very
take to completely fill the water? happy.
To find the volume (V) of a prism, cylinder. Let them check their 4) What did Carlo’s father Discussion:
multiply the number of cubic units guesses by filling the cylinder install in their house? What is its a) What was the story The volume of this cylinder
needed to cover the base (B) by the with sand from the cone. shape? all about? would be the area of its
number of layers. Questions: 5) What are the b) Why was the little girl height, which is r2x2r, or
Volume of prism= is the product of 1) How many “conefuls” of dimensions of the tank? crying? 2r3. The sphere does not
the base area (B) and the height (h). sand did you put to fill up the 6) What are we asked to c) What did Marie do? fill the whole cylinder. In
V=Bxh cylinder? find? d) Why was Marie very fact, its volume is 2/3 of the
Since B=lxw, then V=lxwxh 2) Was your guess correct? 7) Do you know how to happy? volume of the cylinder.
Why? find its volume? e) If you were Marie, 2/3(2r3)=4/3 r3
3) What mathematical would you have done the
formula can you derive for the same thing? Why or why not? Therefore , the volume of
volume of a cone? f) What kind of solid the sphere is 4/3 r3
Note: Volume of the cylinder is figure was the container of the
three times the volume of the ice cream?
cone g) If the cone has a
or the volume of the cone is
1 height of 10 cm and a
diameter of 5 cm, what is its
that of the cylinder. volume?
4) What is the formula Do you know how to solve the
used to find the volume of a problem? How?
V=Bxh where
B = area of the base
B = r2, = 3.14 or 7
5) How do we write the
formula for the volume of a
Vcone = 3 Bh where
B = are of the base
B = r2, = 3.14 or 7
h = height of cone
Bh r 2 h
Vcone = 3 or 3
or 3 r2h
D.Discussing new concepts and Volume of pyramid is the amount of 6) From the given word Discussion: Comparing the Volume of a 1.Let the pupils find the
practicing new skills #1 space inside the pyramid. Volume is problem, can you now find the Let the pupils illustrate the tank. Cone and Volume of a volume of the sphere at the
measured in cubic units, which volume of the ice cream cone? Let them write/put the given data Cylinder right.
means it tells us how many cubes of a) Let them draw the cone correctly. Materials:worksheet, 10 oz
a given size it takes to fill the with its dimensions. 1
can, 4 cartolina, pair of
pyramid. b) Find the radius of the
scissors, mongo beans, tape
It takes three pyramids of popcorn cone.
to fill the rectangular box. The c) Write the formula for
a) Give each group a 10
pyramid and the rectangular prism volume. 1
have the same base and height. d) Solve for the answer. oz (milk) can and 4 cartolina.
Explain example no. 2 on page 289. e) Label the answer (Or pupils can bring out the
Complete the statement; correctly. materials if these are pre-
Volume of the pyramid= ______x r = 2.5 cm 2) Review then write the assigned.)
formula for finding the volume of b) Have the pupils
volume of rectangular prism. V = 31 Bh or 31 r2h
For a rectangular prism, V=lxwxh rectangular prisms: construct a cone from the
So for pyramid, V= _____ lxwxh= V= 3 (3.14 x 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 10 V=Bxh cartolina by cutting out a Discuss the answer on page
lxwxh/? cm) V=lxwxh semicircle, and taping the 293.
The volume of a pyramid is 1/3 the V = 31 (3.14 x 6.25 cm2 x 10 cm) where B = area of base sides.
volume of a prism w/ same base h = height of prism Have the pupils form
area (B) and height (h). V= 3 (3.14 x 62.5 cm3) 3) Do you think that solving a cone whose base has the
V= 1
(196.25 cm3) for the volume of a cylinder is same circumference as that of
somewhat similar to that of a the base of the can.
V = 65.42 cm3 (the answer is prism? Do we use the same c) Have the pupils
rounded off to the formula V = Bh? completely fill the cone with
nearest hundredths) 4) What specific formula do beans and pour them into the
we use in finding volumes of can. Repeat until the can is
d = 5 cm
cylinders? Elicit formula: V = r2 full.
h = 10 cm
5) What is the base area of d) Have the pupils
the cylinder? How can we find describe the volume of the can
the area of the base or the circle? in relation to that of the cone.
(Let them write the formula.) e) Questions:
area of circle = r2. 1) How many “conefuls”
6) Let the pupils solve for of beans did you pour in the
the area of the circle in the given can?
cylinder. Let them understand 2) What can you say
that the area of the circle about the volume of the can
represents the base of the compared to the volume of
cylinder. the cone?
7) Afterwards, let the Volume of the can = 3 times
pupils solve for the volume of the the volume of the cone
given cylinder. Volume of the cone = 3
a) Draw/illustrate the
cone. Write the dimensions.
b) Find the radius of the
c) Write the formula for
the volume.
d) Solve for the volume.
Label the answer correctly.
r = 2.5 cm
1 1
V= 3 Bh or 3 r2h
V = (3.14 x 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x
10 cm)
V = 3 (3.14 x 6.25 cm2 x 10
V= 3 (3.14 x 62.5 cm3)
V = (196.25 cm3)
V = 65.42 cm3 (Answer was
rounded off to
the nearest hundredths)
d = 5 cm
h = 10 cm
E.Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils watch the video of Let the pupils watch the video of Group Activity: Group activity: Let the pupils watch the
practicing new skills #2 relationship between pyramid and relationship between cylinder 1) Let each group construct Answer the ff. video of Volume of Sphere,
prism. and cone. cylinders of various sizes using 1.A cone has a height of 20 cm How to get the Formula.
cardboard and glue. and a radius of 12 cm.
2) Let them measure the Compute its volume.
height and the radius of each 2. Find the volume of cone
cylinder in cm. with height 7cm and radius of
3) Let them solve for the base 3 cm.
volume of their cylinders using 3. What is the volume of cone
the formula. with radius 4.5 and height
4)Group sharing follows 13cm?
F.Developing mastery Group Activity: Group Activity: Find the volume of each of the Let the pupils work by pairs, Pair-share:
(Leads to Formative 1) Let each group construct a 1.Let each group of pupils following cylinders. and answer the following: 1.A spherical tank for
Assessment) prism and a pyramid with the same construct a cone and a cylinder Use = 3.14 Find the volume of each cone, natural gas has a radius of
base and height. with the same diameter and use = 3.14: 7meters. About how many
height. cubic meters of natural gas
2. provide rice or mongo seeds can it hold? Use =22/7.
2) Let them solve for the 3. Let the pupils fill the cylinder Round your answer to the
volume of the two figures using the with rice or mongo seeds using nearest hundredth.
formula. the cone.
3) Group sharing follows 4. how many cones of rice or Discuss the answer on page
afterwards. mongo seeds can fit inside the 295-296.
5. how do we find the volume of
a cone?
I.Evaluating Learning Find the volume of the ff. figures. Evaluate item number 5, 8 and 9 Give the volume of the given A. Solve for the volume A. Solve for the
Write the formula used. on page 297. cylinder: of each cone: volume of each sphere.
1. Forces that affect changes 1. Forces that affect 1. Forces that affect changes 1. Forces that affect changes on 1. Forces that affect changes on the
on the earth’s surface changes on the earth’s on the earth’s surface the earth’s surface earth’s surface
II. CONTENT / TOPIC 1.1 Earthquakes surface 1.1 Earthquakes 1.1 Earthquakes 1.1 Earthquakes
1.1 Earthquakes (INTENSITY SCALE)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 6ES-IVa-1 6ES-IVa-1 6ES-IVa-1 6ES-IVa-1 6ES-IVa-1
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from
LRMDS portal
B. Other Materials Charts, videoclip Charts,videoclip Charts,videoclip charts charts
Are you familiar with earth’s Do you have an idea on how Identify the forces that affect What is an earthquake?
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
layer? earth exist and formed? changes on the earth’s surface Define the intensity and its
presenting the new lesson
Can you describe it? scale.
Show an illustration or a Do you know how Have you experienced an What can you say about the
model of an earth. mountains and volcanoes earthquake? How do you feel? effects of an earthquake?
What can you say are formed?
B. Establishing a purpose for the
about the earth? We are going to find out Tell some destructive effects of
by studying the different earthquake based on its
crustal plates and their intensity.
Show a videoclip about the Have teacher Show picture of earthquake Show chart of for the Richter
earth’s layer. present an and its destructive effects. Scale (Magnitudeof an
illustration of What can you say Earthquake )
What can you say different crustal about the pictures?
about the video? plates. Show videoclip about
Present a videoclip earthquake
about crustal
C. Presenting examples/ plates.
instances of the new lesson
Discuss the following: Unlocking of Difficulties: Presenting Vocabulary The total amount of energy
1. Mantle 1. Tectonic Plates Develpoment: released by an earthquake at its
2. Outer Core 2. Faults 1. Earthquake center or focus is called
D. Discussing new concepts and 3. Inner Core 3. Trench 2. Intensity magnitude. Magnitude tells the
practicing new skills #1 4. Crust 4. Continental Plates 3. Magnitude relative severity of an
5. Oceanic Plates earthquake.
6. Athenosphere
7. Lithosphere
What natural The continents of the Let the teacher explain how an
occurnces help earth and ocean floor earthquake occurs. Each number on the Richter
scientist learn about are made up of very Scale represents a ground
the layers of the large oieces of rocks What is an movement that is ten times
earth? called plates. earthquake? greater than the next lower
E. Discussing new concepts and Have the teacher Differentiate between number. It is measured by an
practicing new skills #2 discuss/explain the magnitude and instrument called a
Continental Drift intensity. seismograph. For example, in an
Theory andOceanic earthquake of magnitude 6, the
Plates and other ground moves 10 times as much
changes that affect as it moves in a quake of
the earth’s surface. magnitude 5.
Tell something about the Differentiate trench and a What do you call the
different layers of the earth fault. instrument used to measure Differentiate Magnitude from
F. Developing mastery (leads to and how they are connected What are the different kinds the intensity of an earthquake? Intensity.
formative assessment ) to the changes of the earth’s of crustal paltes?
surface. What are the effects of an
Group Activity: Group Work and Group Work:
Presentation: Refer to the Richter Scale and
Each group will make a Name some causes of the Mercalli Scale. Draw the effects
model of an earth showing movements of the earh’s of earthquake.
the different layers. crust. Group I
G. Finding practical applications Magnitude 8.0
of concepts and skills in daily Group II
living Magnitude 4.5
Group III
Magnitude 6.0
Group IV
Magnitude 7.0
Make an illustration of an Essat type of Test Essay type of Test Choose the correct answer:
earths’s layer and describe Explain briefly the Which intensity scales are 1. The sudden movement
each layer. Continental Drift Theory ad destructive according to the of earth’s crust is called
a. Intensity
explain how it affects the PHIVOLCS Intensity Scale?
b. Earthquake
earth’s surface. Describe the details of
c. Magnitude
d. Earth’s energy
I. Evaluating learning 2. The total amount of
energy released by the
sudden tectonic
movement is
a. Intensity
b. Earthquakes
c. Magnitude
d. Earth’s energy
Research the work of Alfred Make a research about Give some effects of strong Name and discuss two indirect
J. Additional activities for Lothor Wegenes and in his earthquake. earthquakes. causes of injury during an
application / remediation contributions about the earthquake.
drifting continent theory.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well ? Why
did this work ?