Thinkerbell Song Xiao Eng
Thinkerbell Song Xiao Eng
Thinkerbell Song Xiao Eng
Hook 1.75 mm
8 mm safety eyes
Arms (make 2)
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 6sc (6)
2-3 6sc (6) Skin
4 4sc, dec (5) colour
5-14 5sc (5)
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 6sc (6)
2 6sc (6)
3 sc, inc, 2sc, inc, sc (8)
4-13 inc, n sc, inc (do 1 inc in the begin and end of row) (28) final
14 28sc (28)
15 inc, 26sc, inc (30) green
16 30sc (30)
17 inc, 28sc, inc (32)
18-19 32sc (32)
20 inc, 30sc, inc (34)
21-24 34sc (34)
25-27 dec, n sc, dec (do 1 dec in the begin and end of row) (28) final
28 28sc (28)
29 In back loops: [2sc, dec]*7 (21)
30 In back loops: 21sc (21)
31 (21)
32 (21)
33 21sc (21)
34 [2sc, dec]*5, sc (16)
35 16sc (16)
36 dec, 12sc, dec (14)
37-40 14sc (14)
41 3sc, inc, hdc, 2cs, sc, 2cs, inc, 3 sc (16)
42 6sc, 2?, sc, 2?, 5 sc (16)
Attach arms
43 4sc, (5sc on the first arm), inc, 2hdc, sc, 2hdc, inc, (5sc on the (26)
second arm), 3 sc Skin
44 13 dec (13) colour
45 6dec, sc (7)
46-50 7sc (7)
Row 29: sl around the front loops gold
Flower (body)
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 5sc, sl st to first st (6)
2 Ch2, [dc, 2 ch]*5 (6)
Row Description Colour
20 ch+ 4 ch:, from 5 ch from hook: sc, 2hdc, 3 dc, 4 tr, 8 dctr, (6 dctr), on the
other side of the chain, skip 3 st, 15 sc
In the back loops: sc, 2hdc, 3 dc, 4tr, 8 dctr, (6dctr), turn
In the front loops: (6 dctr), skip 3 st, 15 sc
Front Back
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 6sc (6)
2 6*inc (12)
3 [sc, inc]*6 (18)
4 [sc, inc, inc]*6 (24)
5 [3sc, inc]*6 (30)
6 [2sc, inc, 2sc]*6 (36)
7 [5sc, inc]* 6 (42)
8 42sc (42)
9 [3sc, inc, 3sc]*6 (48)
10-11 48sc (48)
12 [7sc, inc]*6 (54)
13-22 54sc (54)
23 [2sc, dec, 2sc]*9 (45)
24 [3sc, dec]*9 (36)
25 [sc , dec, sc]*9 (27)
26 [sc, dec]*9 (18)
27 [4dec, sc]*2 (10)
28 In back loops: 10sc (10)
29-30 10sc (10)
Stuff as you go. Place safety eyes appx rnd 18-19 and embroider lashes and brows.
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 8sc (8)
2 8*inc (16) yellow
3 [sc, inc]*8 (24)
In each stitch (20 ch, start at 2nd loop from hook, 19 hdc), slst into next stitch and repeat
above for each stitch (24 in total]. For bangs use 7 strands to shape as described below:
Hair Bun
Row Description Stitches Colour
1 MR with 6sc (6)
2 6*inc (12)
3 [sc, inc]*6 (18)
4 [sc, inc, inc]*6 (24) yellow
5 [3sc, inc]*6 (30)
6 [2sc, inc, 2sc]*6 (36)
7-12 [5sc, inc]* 6 (42)
Hair decoration
Row Description Colour
1 200ch, wrap around the bun 3 times green
Row Description Colour
1 MR with 11sc
(Ch7, ch1, P, ch1), (trtr, ch1, P, ch1), (dtr, ch1, P, ch1), (tr, ch8), sc, (ch8, tr),
(ch1, P, ch1, dtr), (ch1, P, ch1, trtr), (ch1, P, ch1, quad tr), turn
Ch4, ch2, P, ch2, tr (on top of the trtr), ch2, P, ch2, tr (on top of dtr), ch8, dc cl
(make it in the 1st chain 8, see chart), ch3, dc cl (make it in the 1st chain 8, see
chart), ch4, dc cl (make it in the 1st chain 8, see chart), ch3, dc cl (make it in
the 1st chain 8, see chart), dc cl (make it in the 2nd chain 8, see chart), ch3, dc
cl (make it in the 2nd chain 8, see chart), ch4, dc cl (make it in the 2nd chain 8,
see chart), ch3, dc cl (make it in the 2nd chain 8, see chart), ch8, tr (on top of
the dtr), ch2, P, ch2, tr (on top of the trtr), ch2, P, ch2, tr (on top of the ch7),
Ch4, [(trtr, dtr,tr, dc,hdc,sc), in the tr stitch]*2, [(trtr, dtr,tr, dc,hdc,sc), in the
middle of 8ch], [(dc cl, ch3), in the upper row of 3ch], [(dc cl, ch3, dc cl, ch7,
go back in the chain 5 sl st, ch1, dc cl, ch3, dc cl, ch3), on the upper row of
4ch], [(dc cl, ch3), on the upper row of the 3ch], (sc, made on the top of the 2
4 dc cl of row 3), [(ch3, dc cl), on the upper row of 3ch], [(ch3, dc cl, ch3, dc cl,
ch7, go back in the chain, 5 sl st, ch1, dc cl, ch3, dc cl), on the upper row of
the 4ch], [(ch3, dc cl), on the upper row of 3ch], [(sc, hdc, dc, tr, dtr, trtr, in
the middle of ch8, upper row], [sc, hdc, dc, tr, dtr, trtr, in the top of the tr