Notes Bad Answer Good Answer: Toughest Interview Question - New College Grad Sample
Notes Bad Answer Good Answer: Toughest Interview Question - New College Grad Sample
Notes Bad Answer Good Answer: Toughest Interview Question - New College Grad Sample
Question # 2 We all have our weaknesses; "I work too hard. Besides “I have never been very
even the interviewer has it. that, I think I do not comfortable with public speaking –
“What are your When asked this question, have other weaknesses." which as you know, can be a
weaknesses?” don’t fret and more hindrance to one's goal of having a
importantly, please don’t say good career. Realising the
that you don’t have any. problem, I took it upon myself to
That would just give the download audio books – lessons on
interviewer the impression grammar and vocabulary building.
that you’re lying. Being During my free time, I also
honest is good. You see, the download videos from youtube of
purpose of asking you this very good Public Speakers. Just
question is for them not to recently, I hosted a small social
judge you but to see how activity in our community and
well you handle these there, I was able to test
moments. They want to hear what I know so far about my
the steps you took in order lessons."
to alleviate these problems of
yours. That will say a lot
about your work ethics.
Question # 3 – Fresh graduates should learn “I expect to get “I’m more interested in the role
“What is your not to expect too much. Php20,000.00” itself than the pay. But of course, I
expected salary?” Although you’re the batch would expect to be paid the
valedictorian or the MVP, appropriate range for this role
employers see you as any considering my background and the
other fresh graduates. You skills I bring.”
just have a longer resume. In
this case, you have no right
to demand a high salary.
Study what kind of job you’re
applying for and do research
on how much fresh grads like
you earn. That way, you’ll
have a basis and you’ll be
able to figure out a range for
this question. Usually,
P12,000 to P20,000 is fine
but do your research!
Question # 4 – Usually, when fresh “I’m the best candidate “I have the RIGHT attitude to excel
“Why should we graduates or any other for the role.” in this position. I understand what
hire you?” applicants for that matter, hard work means and what one
are asked this questions, must do to ensure that to
they all give generic answers ensure deliverables are met on time
such as, “I am versatile and I as expected.
am a hard worker” or “I am
willing to learn.” These may
be good answers but More so, during my senior year at
everyone tends to use this to Jose Rizal University, I joined
the point that it’s becoming a AYALA’s Professional Employment
cliché. In order to avoid this, Program facilitated specifically by
you should think about your LiveIt Global Services Management
distinct quality and work on Institute. Under the certification
that. Employers want to hear program, I learned critical
what sets you apart and employment skills such as Sales
what you can contribute to Delivery, Customer Service and
their company. Again, be Technical Support.
careful with words.
Question # 5 – When you're asked “Well, working on SITUATION = Last fall I took the
(STAR) Describe behavior-based interview projects with many initiative to apply for grants to fund
a project for questions, you're asked to different deadlines is a professional speaker for a CLA
which you faced describe situations in which really hard – you know. I event. It's often difficult to get
multiple you've displayed the skills, remember before, my grants for event funding, and it's
deadlines, and abilities and personal traits group mates really got important to meet various grant
how you handled being sought for the position angry at me for scolding deadlines.
it. you're applying for. them for not doing their
Questions may start with: task. But hey, I have to TASK = I researched grant options
be strict. I really hate it and found several possibilities. Each
Tell me… when people do not had a different deadline and
focus on the task at different window of time for which
Describe the time when hand, especially the the money could be used.
you… deadlines. There were
many times, I actually ACTION = The varying timelines
worked alone rather than required me to create a small
suffer the headache. database, which I organized by
Questions that start with grant deadlines, purposes, and the
"HOW" may also be windows of time they could be
answered using the STAR used. I used this database to help
method. me apply for the appropriate grants
at the appropriate times.
Question # 6 – There’s really no right “Relaxing on a beach in “In five years I’d like to have an
Where do you answer to this question, but Maui,” or “Doing your even better understanding of this
see yourself in the interviewer wants to job.” industry. Also, I really love working
five years? know that you’re with people. Ultimately, I’d like to
ambitious, career-oriented, be in some type of managerial role
and committed to afuture at this company, where I can
with the company. So instead use my people skillsand
of sharing your dream industry knowledge to benefit the
for early retirement, or trying people working for me, and the
to be funny, give them an company as a whole. I know to get
answer that illustrates your there I need to work hard. So, I am
drive and commitment. willing to learn and unlearn to get
Question # 7 – While being a good listener is "I’m a really good “My friends would probably say that
How would your a great personality trait, your listener.” I’m extremely persistent – I’ve
friends describe employer probably doesn’t never been afraid to keep going
you? care all that much. It’s back until I get what I want. When
unlikely that they’re hiring I entered AYALA’s Professional
you to be a shoulder to cry Employment Program, I really had a
on. You’ll want to keep your hard time at first. A good number of
answer relevant to the job my peers were executing the skills
you’re interviewingfor – and required for the simulation
as specific as possible. If you correctly, while I was having
can, insert an example. trouble. There were a couple of
times I felt embarrassed because I
cannot do it but with persistence
and strategy, I learned to catch up
and eventually execute the skill
too. I managed such a change by
not just being persistent but also
asking for people’s help and
strategically looking for my
Instructor’s available time to have a
coaching session. I have always
believed that anyone can be an
achiever. One just needs to be
persistent for improvement and