Design of Ice Manufacturing Plant 2000 LB
Design of Ice Manufacturing Plant 2000 LB
Design of Ice Manufacturing Plant 2000 LB
Volume: 3 | Issue: 4 | May-Jun 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1475
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
hydrogen atoms from it are replaced by the halocarbons as it
happens in chlorofluorohydrocarbons (CFCs). The
halocarbons have high detrimental effect to the ozone layer
of environment. Since R22 is HCFC it has lesser ozone
destruction capability. The ozone destruction potential of
R22 is only 5% of refrigerant R11, which has the highest
ozone destruction potential. Greater water absorbing
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1476
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
length of stroke by using equation. Then length of stroke can Where, Qevp = Heat absorbed by evaporator coil, kW
be obtained. Most of hermetic type reciprocating U = Heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
compressors are produced by various manufacturers Ae = Effective surface area of evaporator coil, m2
provide the stroke about 0.8 times the bore (D). Therefore Δt = Log mean temperature of difference, K
this paper also assumed the stroke as (L = 0.8 D).
GTD e − LTD e
The quantity of heat that each unit mass of refrigerant ∆t =
absorbs from the refrigerated is known as refrigerating
effect. LTD e
Refrigerating Effect (R.E) = h1 - h4 kJ/kg (3.3)
GTDe = Greater temperature difference evaporator, K or ºF
LTDe = Lower temperature difference evaporator, K or ºF
The refrigerant flow to the evaporator is regulated with a Ae = π D e Le
hand expansion valve on the suction line after the
evaporator. Where,
Qevap = mR°(h1- h4) De = Diameter of the evaporator coil
Le = Length of the evaporator coil
The volume of vapor that must be remove each minute can
be calculated per minute by the specific volume (v1) that can To obtain the effective surface area, heat transfer coefficient
be found in the saturated table after vaporizing temperature should be known.
is known.
vºR = mºR × v1 For sodium chloride brine, U can be obtained from chart. If
calcium chloride brine is used, U can used obtained chart.
The piston displacement of a compressor is the volume
displaced by the piston as it moves from one end of its stroke To calculation U, many effects may be considered to get
to the other, multiplied by the number of cylinder. value of U.
π 2 h − h4
Piston displacement = xD xLxNxn COP(theo ) = 1
4 h 2 − h1
N = number of revolution per minute (rpm) Where,
n = number of cylinder COP (theo) = Coefficient of performance theoretical
h = enthalpy
The actual volume of suction vapor removed from the Reffrigeration effect
suction line per unit time is the actual displacement of the COP(act ) =
Energy input
compressor. The ratio of the actual displacement of the
compressor to its piston displacement is known as the total
or real volumetric efficiency of the compressor. Where, COP (act) = Coefficient of performance actual
Energy input = Motor Power, P motor, kW
actual intake volume Wcomp
Volumetric efficiency = Pmotor =
theoretical piston displacemnt ηm × ηe
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1477
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Where, W1 = Specific humidity of entering, grain/lb
Qbleed water=Heat removal load due to cooling water, kW Qair = Qsensible + Qlatent
ρ = Density of water, kg/m3
v•f = Volume flow rate of cooling water, m3/sec Where,
Cp = Specific heat capacity of water, 4.187 kJ/kg Qair = Heat removal load due to air, Btu/hr
T2 = after passing through the water temperature of From this, volume flow rate of air (cfm) passing through the
condenser, oC condenser can be calculated.
T1 = before passing through the water temperature of Following equation can compute fan break horse power,
condenser, oC cfm × pressure drop in inch of water
Fan BHP =
Qcond = mf° (h2 – h3) 6346 × fan efficiency
Where, Fan BHP
Qcond = Amount of heat rejected by condenser coil, kW Fan motor =
electrical efficiency
mor = Mass flow rate of refrigerant, kg/sec
h2 = Enthalpy of refrigerant at entrance of condenser,
kJ/kg And the velocity of fan is given by,
h3 = Enthalpy of refrigerant at leaving of condenser, kJ/kg BHP × η m × 550 × g
m .a
According to the cooling tower evaporation rule of Thumb,
the seasonal average in your area may be 75% of
evaporative cooling. Where,
Vf° = 0.75 × Qcond V = fan flow velocity, ft/sec
g = Gravitational acceleration, 32.2 ft/sec2
In this condenser, the amount of heat removed by air can be m°a = mass flow rate of air, lb/sec
determined by summing of sensible heat and latent heat of ƞm = Mechanical Efficiency
air. Entering air temperature and leaving temperature must
be known. E. Input Data
In this thesis, required data are as follow;
Sensible heat can be calculated by this equation, Hermetic type reciprocating compressor
Qsensible = 1.1 × cfm × ( T2 – T1) Condensing temperature = 54.4oC
Evaporating temperature = -7.2oC
Latent heat can be found out by following equation, Outside diameter of condenser coil = 3/4 inch
Qlatent = 0.68 × cfm × ( W2 – W1) Mass flow rate of refrigerant = 0.0346 kg/sec
Evaporating temperature = -7ºC
Where, Type of refrigerant = R 22
Qsensible = Sensible Heat transfer, Btu/hr Type of material = Bar-tube Evaporator
Qlatent = Latent Heat transfer, Btu/hr Diameter of coil tube = 0.0254 m = 1in
T2 = Leaving temperature of air, oC Initial temperature of Brine = -3º C = 26.6 ºF
T1 = Entering temperature of air, oC Final temperature of Brine = -5º C = 23 ºF
W2 =Specific humidity of leaving, grain/lb
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1478
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
11 Slope of air enthalpy saturation curve M 1.14 kJ/kg-K
12 Outside diameter of condenser coil D 0.0127 m
13 Reynolds Number Re 7783.45 -
14 Heat transfer coefficient of air ho 33.92 Btu/hr-ft2-oF
15 Heat transfer coefficient of wet surface hwet 158.74 Btu/hr-ft2-oF
16 Effective surface area of condenser coil Ao 11.84 ft2
17 length of condenser coil L 90 ft
V. Conclusion
Firstly, it is important to understand concept of refrigeration ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
which is related with Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic heat Firstly, the author would like to thank my parents for their
transfer and energy conservation when study the best wish to join the master course at MTU. The author
refrigeration system. greatly expresses her thanks to all persons whom will
concern to support in preparing this paper.
In this paper, hermetic type of single cylinder reciprocating
refrigeration compressor is designed. The compressor work REFERENCE
done from calculation is 1712 Watts and bore and stroke is [1]
43mm and 34mm respectively. The compressor motor is condenser.html
2377 Watts. The motor with 2850 rpm, 220 volt, and a
[2] /
frequency of 50 Hertz is used. Volumetric efficiency is 98%.
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must reject amount of heat 6.8 kW. So the area might be
[4] ASHRAE’s Hand Book (1988)
16.48 ft2 and length be 84ft2. If vertical type of shell and tube
condenser is used, we will need 20 tubes that might be 1inch [5] Refrigeration and Air-Condition, R.K RAJPUT.
diameter, 45 ft. should be long and shell diameter 28 inches.
[6] Refrigeration & Air-Condition Technology, Bill
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1479