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Design of Ice Manufacturing Plant 2000 LB

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume: 3 | Issue: 4 | May-Jun 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470

Design of Ice Manufacturing Plant (2000 lb)

Khaing Zar Nyunt, Hnin Yu Yu Kyaw, Ei Cho Cho Theik
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological University (Toungoo), Toungoo, Myanmar

How to cite this paper: Khaing Zar ABSTRACT

Nyunt | Hnin Yu Yu Kyaw | Ei Cho Cho Ice has been used for hundreds of years for short time preservation of food and
Theik "Design of Ice Manufacturing still it is used to preserve cool drinks and food for short period. There are many
Plant (2000 lb)" Published in types of ice manufacturing plants. They are divided by thickness and shape of ice.
International Journal of Trend in The ice plant consists of four main components: condenser, compressor,
Scientific Research and Development evaporator and freezing tank containing sodium chloride brine, bring agitator
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- and can with water.
6470, Volume-3 |
Issue-4, June 2019, In this paper 2000lb per day block ice manufacturing plant is designed. The
pp.1475-1479, URL: temperature of water is 27oC and to reduce it to -7.2oC. Based on this
https://www.ijtsrd.c requirement, the design consideration and calculation have done.
115.pdf IJTSRD25115
Keywords: Ice plant, condenser, compressor, evaporator and freezing tank
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in I. INTRODUCTION
Scientific Research and Development Nowadays, human being is face with global warming effect according to the ozone
Journal. This is an Open Access article depletion. So ambient air temperature rises and a result human being suffer from
distributed under it last summer even some were die. For the rich, they will use freezer or
the terms of the refrigerator but not for lower level people because they will try to fulfill their
Creative Commons institution for a day. That’s why they need to use ice for their goods or something
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) to be last longer. Myanmar is a developing country so ices are being used in
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ commercially as a result the demand is high.
Ice has been used for hundreds of years for short time Hence there are;
preservation of food and still it is used to preserve cold 1. Block ice manufacturing plants
drinks and food for short period. And also prevent from spoil 2. Flake ice manufacturing plants
of food. That is one of the methods for food to keep longer in 3. Tube ice manufacturing plants
past because there is no refrigerator or freezer. Today, it has 4. Slice or Plate ice manufacturing plants and so on.
been used in same condition. So, the quantity of ice required
for different purpose is very large so that manufacturing of Ice plants may be further subdivided into those that make
ice is one of the principal applications of refrigeration. Ice dry or wet ice. Dry ice here means ice at a temperature low
are also used in medicinal field such as in pharmaceutical, enough to prevent the particles becoming moist; the term
chemical and even in keeping of internal organ of human does not refer in this note to solid carbon dioxide. In general,
during replacement cure. The useful of ice is undeniable dry sub cooled ice is made in plants that mechanically
truth for all. But there is a problem dealing about with ice. remove the ice from the cooling surface; most flake ice plants
The higher the cost of ice production, the more qualified the are of this type. When the cooling surface of an icemaker is
ice. Higher quality of ice are made from distilled water for warmed by a defrost mechanism to release the ice, the
upper level of society and low quality of ice are made from surface of the ice is wet and, unless the ice is then sub cooled
raw water that may be contain impurities in last decade. below 0°C, remains wet in storage; tube ice and plate ice
plants are of this type.
The main key is that water must be clean and portable and
also fit for drinking. However, appreciable number of In this paper, the proposed concept is to make an ice block.
bacteria can increase in the ice depending on the The ice plant is the one that converts water to ice together
temperature and length of storage. Nowadays, clean and with associated refrigeration machinery, storage equipment
portable water are available in cheap. The term ice plant is and building. Power and refrigeration requirements are
used in this note to mean a complete installation for the discussed, and the main types of ice manufacturing plants
production and storage of ice, including the ice are described.
manufacturing plant itself that is the unit that converts water
into ice together with the associated refrigeration II. ICE Manufacturing Plant
machinery, harvesting and storage equipment, and the A. Refrigeration System
building. All refrigeration systems are based on reversed Carnot cycle.
Refrigeration is constructed with four basic components.
Ice plants are usually classified by the type of ice they They are compressor, condenser, expansion device and
produce. evaporator

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1475
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
hydrogen atoms from it are replaced by the halocarbons as it
happens in chlorofluorohydrocarbons (CFCs). The
halocarbons have high detrimental effect to the ozone layer
of environment. Since R22 is HCFC it has lesser ozone
destruction capability. The ozone destruction potential of
R22 is only 5% of refrigerant R11, which has the highest
ozone destruction potential. Greater water absorbing

Refrigerant R22 has greater water absorbing capacity than

R12. This is very important in low temperature applications
since the water in refrigerant R22 would have less troubling
effects on the refrigeration system. Anyways, even minor
amount of water in the refrigeration system is undesirable.
Fig 1: Ice Manufacturing Cycle In developed countries R22 is being replaced in the phase
manner. No new equipment using Refrigerant R22 would be
The compressor is considered as they are of refrigeration available from January 2010. Thereafter R22 would be
system because it pumps the refrigerant through the system available only for servicing the old systems. By the year
similar to the heart which pumps the blood through the 2021, complete production of refrigerant R22 would stop.
body. Compressing the gas requires that work should be Some of the available alternatives for R22 are: R-134a, R-
done upon it, it will be clear that compressor must be driven 507, and R-407c.
by some form of prime mover. The reciprocating compressor
is used in this paper. For a reciprocating compressor the III. Design Theory
displacement is fixed by the dimensions and the rpm of the A. Determination of Cooling Capacity of Evaporator
compressor. The reciprocating compressor is commonly Before starting the design of compressor, heat rejected from
used in, refrigeration and air conditioning plants. water to make ice is firstly considered. In this ice
manufacturing plant, temperature of water to make ice is
The condenser is a heat exchange device similar to the 27 . Cooling capacity of evaporator must also be known.
evaporator; it rejects the heat from the system absorbed by Operating condition such as evaporating temperature and
the evaporator. This heat is rejected from a hot superheated condensing temperature must also be known.
vapor in the first passes of the condenser. The middle of the
condenser rejects latent heat from the saturated vapor, Heat rejected from water can be calculated by following
which is in the process of phase changing to a saturated equation.
liquid. The last passes of the condenser reject heat from sub- ( ) ( )
Q ice = m ice C p ∆t water + m ice h w + m ice C p ∆t ice
cooled liquid. This further sub-cools the liquid to below its
condensing temperature. In fact, the three functions of a Where,
normal condenser are to de-superheat, condense, and sub- Qice = Heat rejected from water, kW
cool the refrigerant. When heat is being absorbed into the mice = Total weight of ice , kg/day
system, it is at the point of change of state (liquid to a vapor) Cp = Specific heat of water, 4.187 kJ/kg
of the refrigerant where the greatest amount of heat is = Temperature difference, K
absorbed. The same thing, in reverse, is true in the
H = Latent heat of fusion of ice, 335 kJ/kg
condenser. The point where the change of state (vapor to a
liquid) occurs is where the greatest amount of heat is B. Determination of Compressor size
rejected. The condenser is operated at higher pressures and The speed of rotation of crankshaft is one of the factors of
temperatures than the evaporator and is often located compressor displacement. In an effect to reduce the size and
outside. The same principles apply to heat exchange in the weight of the compressor, the compressor design is towards
condenser as in the evaporator. The materials a condenser is higher speeds. Rotational speeds are between 50 to 55 rpm
made of and the medium used to transfer heat make a (for slow speed compressor) and between 250 to 3400 rpm
difference in the efficiency of the heat exchanger. (for modern compressor). In this paper, the motor with 2850
rpm, 220 volt and frequency of 50 Hertz is used.
The evaporator in a refrigeration system is responsible for
absorbing heat into the system from whatever medium is to The bore and stroke are two fundamental parts of a
be cooled. This heat-absorbing process is accomplished by compressing unit required for determination of the capacity
maintaining the evaporator coil at a lower temperature than of the compressor. The relationship between bore and stroke
the medium to be cooled. differs somewhat with the individual compressor. The
dimension of bore may be less than that of the stroke. The
The expansion device, often called the metering device, is the
general trend in high speed compressor is towards a large
fourth component necessary for the compression
bore and short stroke. The piston velocity (m/sec) that is a
refrigeration cycle to function. The expansion device is not as
function of compressor speed limits the length of stroke.
visible as the evaporator, the condenser, or the compressor.
2 × L × rpm
Generally, the device is concealed inside the evaporator Piston Speed =
cabinet and not obvious to the casual observer. It can be 60
either a valve or a fixed-bore device.
Where, L = Length of stroke (m)
B. Refrigerant R22
The maximum relative speed of crankshaft (r.p.m) and the
Refrigerant R22 is a (HCFC) has less effect on ozone layer. It
maximum piston speed give the approximately value of
has one hydrogen atom in its compound and not all the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1476
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
length of stroke by using equation. Then length of stroke can Where, Qevp = Heat absorbed by evaporator coil, kW
be obtained. Most of hermetic type reciprocating U = Heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
compressors are produced by various manufacturers Ae = Effective surface area of evaporator coil, m2
provide the stroke about 0.8 times the bore (D). Therefore Δt = Log mean temperature of difference, K
this paper also assumed the stroke as (L = 0.8 D).
GTD e − LTD e
The quantity of heat that each unit mass of refrigerant ∆t =
absorbs from the refrigerated is known as refrigerating
effect. LTD e
Refrigerating Effect (R.E) = h1 - h4 kJ/kg (3.3)
GTDe = Greater temperature difference evaporator, K or ºF
LTDe = Lower temperature difference evaporator, K or ºF
The refrigerant flow to the evaporator is regulated with a Ae = π D e Le
hand expansion valve on the suction line after the
evaporator. Where,
Qevap = mR°(h1- h4) De = Diameter of the evaporator coil
Le = Length of the evaporator coil
The volume of vapor that must be remove each minute can
be calculated per minute by the specific volume (v1) that can To obtain the effective surface area, heat transfer coefficient
be found in the saturated table after vaporizing temperature should be known.
is known.
vºR = mºR × v1 For sodium chloride brine, U can be obtained from chart. If
calcium chloride brine is used, U can used obtained chart.
The piston displacement of a compressor is the volume
displaced by the piston as it moves from one end of its stroke To calculation U, many effects may be considered to get
to the other, multiplied by the number of cylinder. value of U.
π 2 h − h4
Piston displacement = xD xLxNxn COP(theo ) = 1
4 h 2 − h1
N = number of revolution per minute (rpm) Where,
n = number of cylinder COP (theo) = Coefficient of performance theoretical
h = enthalpy
The actual volume of suction vapor removed from the Reffrigeration effect
suction line per unit time is the actual displacement of the COP(act ) =
Energy input
compressor. The ratio of the actual displacement of the
compressor to its piston displacement is known as the total
or real volumetric efficiency of the compressor. Where, COP (act) = Coefficient of performance actual
Energy input = Motor Power, P motor, kW
actual intake volume Wcomp
Volumetric efficiency = Pmotor =
theoretical piston displacemnt ηm × ηe

Where vsuction is the specific volume of vapor entering the Where,

compressor and vdischarge is the specific volume of the vapor W comp = Compressor work done, kW
after isentropic compression to Pd. The values of specific ηm = Mechanical efficiency
volumes can be read of the p-h chart from the table. ηe = Electrical efficiency
 v  D. Determination of Condenser Tube Length
ηcv = 1+ c - c  suction 
v  To calculate condenser tube length, required surface area of
 discharge  condenser coil is firstly considered. The surface area of
condenser coil is calculated by the following equation.
This clearance volumetric efficiency has a maker effect upon Qair = hwet × Cf × Ao× ( Tab – Tsb )
the compressor piston displacement required per ton of
refrigeration developed. The effect becomes more marked as Where,
the compression ratio or the spread between condenser and Qair = amount of heat rejected by air, Btu/hr
evaporator pressure increases. hwet = Heat transfer coefficient of wet surface, Btu/hr-ft2-F
Cf =Coil surface efficiency or contact factor of coil surface
C. Determination of Evaporator Tube Length Ao =Effective surface area of condenser coil, ft2
In this ice making plant, bar-tube coil type evaporator is Tab =Entering temperature of air or DB, oF
used. Before starting the design of evaporator, cooling Tsb =Dew point temperature of entering air, oF
capacity, evaporating temperature, initial temperature of
brine, Final temperature of brine must be known. To In evaporative condenser, there must be combination type of
determine evaporator tube length, the following equation is heat disposing into air and water. So, the amount of heat
used. removed by water must be firstly considered in order to
determine the amount of heat removed by air.
Qevp= U A Δt Qbleed water = ρVf°Cp (T1 – T2 )

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1477
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Where, W1 = Specific humidity of entering, grain/lb
Qbleed water=Heat removal load due to cooling water, kW Qair = Qsensible + Qlatent
ρ = Density of water, kg/m3
v•f = Volume flow rate of cooling water, m3/sec Where,
Cp = Specific heat capacity of water, 4.187 kJ/kg Qair = Heat removal load due to air, Btu/hr
T2 = after passing through the water temperature of From this, volume flow rate of air (cfm) passing through the
condenser, oC condenser can be calculated.
T1 = before passing through the water temperature of Following equation can compute fan break horse power,
condenser, oC cfm × pressure drop in inch of water
Fan BHP =
Qcond = mf° (h2 – h3) 6346 × fan efficiency
Where, Fan BHP
Qcond = Amount of heat rejected by condenser coil, kW Fan motor =
electrical efficiency
mor = Mass flow rate of refrigerant, kg/sec
h2 = Enthalpy of refrigerant at entrance of condenser,
kJ/kg And the velocity of fan is given by,
h3 = Enthalpy of refrigerant at leaving of condenser, kJ/kg BHP × η m × 550 × g
m .a
According to the cooling tower evaporation rule of Thumb,
the seasonal average in your area may be 75% of
evaporative cooling. Where,
Vf° = 0.75 × Qcond V = fan flow velocity, ft/sec
g = Gravitational acceleration, 32.2 ft/sec2
In this condenser, the amount of heat removed by air can be m°a = mass flow rate of air, lb/sec
determined by summing of sensible heat and latent heat of ƞm = Mechanical Efficiency
air. Entering air temperature and leaving temperature must
be known. E. Input Data
In this thesis, required data are as follow;
Sensible heat can be calculated by this equation, Hermetic type reciprocating compressor
Qsensible = 1.1 × cfm × ( T2 – T1) Condensing temperature = 54.4oC
Evaporating temperature = -7.2oC
Latent heat can be found out by following equation, Outside diameter of condenser coil = 3/4 inch
Qlatent = 0.68 × cfm × ( W2 – W1) Mass flow rate of refrigerant = 0.0346 kg/sec
Evaporating temperature = -7ºC
Where, Type of refrigerant = R 22
Qsensible = Sensible Heat transfer, Btu/hr Type of material = Bar-tube Evaporator
Qlatent = Latent Heat transfer, Btu/hr Diameter of coil tube = 0.0254 m = 1in
T2 = Leaving temperature of air, oC Initial temperature of Brine = -3º C = 26.6 ºF
T1 = Entering temperature of air, oC Final temperature of Brine = -5º C = 23 ºF
W2 =Specific humidity of leaving, grain/lb

IV. Result Data

Table1. Design Result Data for Ice Manufacturing Plant (Compressor)
No Description Symbol Result Data Unit
1 Refrigerant flow rate mºR 0.0364 kg/s
2 Actual intake volume vºR 2.2938 x 10-3 m3/s
3 bore D 43 mm
4 length L 34 mm
5 Volumetric efficiency ηv 98 %
6 Compressor work done Wcomp 1712 W
7 Coefficient of performance COPR 2.978
8 Compressor motor power Pmotor 2377 W

Table2. Design Result Data for Ice Manufacturing Plant (Condenser)

No Description Symbol Result Unit
1 Mass flow rate of refrigerant m or 0.0364 kg/sec
2 Amount of heat rejected by condenser coil Qcond 6.8 kW
3 volume flow rate of cooling water Vf 1.42 x 10-6 m3/sec
4 Heat removal load due to cooling water Qbleed water 0.01189 kW
5 Amount of heat rejected by air Qair 23161.98 Btu/hr
6 Amount of heat rejected by fan air Cfm 849.67 Ft3/min
7 Fan break horse power BHP 0.0984 hp
8 Fan motor break horse power BHP 0.1231 hp
9 Mass flow rate of air m 0.9699 lb/sec
10 Fan air flow velocity V 11.56 m/sec

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1478
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
11 Slope of air enthalpy saturation curve M 1.14 kJ/kg-K
12 Outside diameter of condenser coil D 0.0127 m
13 Reynolds Number Re 7783.45 -
14 Heat transfer coefficient of air ho 33.92 Btu/hr-ft2-oF
15 Heat transfer coefficient of wet surface hwet 158.74 Btu/hr-ft2-oF
16 Effective surface area of condenser coil Ao 11.84 ft2
17 length of condenser coil L 90 ft

Table3. Design Result Data for Ice Manufacturing Plant (Evaporator)

No Description Symbol Results Units
1 Greater Temperature Diff GTDe 4 , 7.2 ºC , ºF
2 Lower Temperature Diff LTDe 2 , 3.6 ºC , ºF
3 Log mean Temperature Diff Δtm 2.88 , 5.19 ºC , ºF
4 Heat transfer coefficient U 95 , 540 btu/hrft2ºF, Wm2k
5 Heat transfer coefficient in brine U(brine) 99 ,562.249 btu/hrft2ºF, W/m2k
6 Effective surface area evp; coil Ae 3.35 m2
7 (Brine) Effective surface area evp; coil Ae(brine) 3.217 m2
8 Length of evaporator coil Le 137.72 ft
9 Length of evaporator coil (brine) Le(brine) 132.25 ft
10 Energy Input, Motor power Pmotor 2.71 kW
11 Theoretical Coefficient of performance COPtheo 2.97 _
12 Actual Coefficient of performance COPact 1.29 _

V. Conclusion
Firstly, it is important to understand concept of refrigeration ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
which is related with Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic heat Firstly, the author would like to thank my parents for their
transfer and energy conservation when study the best wish to join the master course at MTU. The author
refrigeration system. greatly expresses her thanks to all persons whom will
concern to support in preparing this paper.
In this paper, hermetic type of single cylinder reciprocating
refrigeration compressor is designed. The compressor work REFERENCE
done from calculation is 1712 Watts and bore and stroke is [1] https://www.airconditioning-systems.com/
43mm and 34mm respectively. The compressor motor is condenser.html
2377 Watts. The motor with 2850 rpm, 220 volt, and a
[2] https://www.ashrae.org.com /
frequency of 50 Hertz is used. Volumetric efficiency is 98%.
Coefficient of performance is 2.978. This design based on [3] Min Min Oo, Mg: Design and construction of water
refrigeration load 5100 Watt. Refrigerant flow rate is 0.0346 chiller (Condenser and expansion valve), M.E thesis,
kg/sec is used in evaporative condenser. The condenser Y.T.U, Yangon, Myanmar, 2002.
must reject amount of heat 6.8 kW. So the area might be
[4] ASHRAE’s Hand Book (1988)
16.48 ft2 and length be 84ft2. If vertical type of shell and tube
condenser is used, we will need 20 tubes that might be 1inch [5] Refrigeration and Air-Condition, R.K RAJPUT.
diameter, 45 ft. should be long and shell diameter 28 inches.
[6] Refrigeration & Air-Condition Technology, Bill
In the evaporator coil of diameters are 0.0127m2 and
Whiteman, Bill Johnson, Eugene Silberstein

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25115 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 1479

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