CCNN 6Th Year
CCNN 6Th Year
CCNN 6Th Year
1st Term
Unit 1 What is science? What do State the different branches of science:
scientists do? What biology, physics, chemistry.
Introduction to achievements have scientists
investigations obtained in the past? How to Recall knowledge of what scientists do.
[2h] write a laboratory report.
Describe and discuss what scientists have
done in the past, are doing in the present and
should do in the future to improve our lives.
2nd Term
Differentiate between algae and protozoa.
Unit 4 Bacteria; Viruses; Comparison
of protists and bacteria. State an example of a protozoa.
Differentiate between bacteria and viruses.
Fungi, protists,
State why viruses are not classified as living
bacteria and
viruses [5h]
Unit 5 Nutrients; How nutrients work; Explain the process of nutrition.
the digestive system; Digestion
Nutrition I [10h] and health; Respiration and Identify groups of nutrients.
health. State the function of each groups of nutrients.
Label a diagram of the digestive system.
Describe the process of digestion.
Understand the term of absorption.
Recall the importance of a well balanced diet.
Design and present a project on malnutrition.
Label a diagram of the respiratory system.
Describe the process of respiration.
Understand the gas exchange in lungs.
Differentiate healthy from unhealthy habits
that can damage our respiratory system.
Unit 6 The circulatory system; Identify the parts of the circulatory system.
Pulmonary circulation;
Nutrition II Systemic circulation; Identify the different components of blood
[10h] Circulation and health; The and their function.
excretory system; Excretion Identify the different blood vessels and their
and health
Label the ventricles, atria and septum in a
diagram of a heart.
Describe how blood circulates around the
Differentiate between systemic and
pulmonary circulation.
Differentiate healthy from unhealthy habits
that can damage our circulatory system.
Label 4 parts of the excretory system.
Define the concept of excretion.
Recognize the function of the sweat glands in
the process of excretion.
Differentiate healthy from unhealthy habits
that can damage our excretory system.
3rd Term
Unit 7
Types of mixtures; Separation Differentiate between pure substances and
Matter and of mixtures. Physical changes; mixtures.
energy [9h] Changes of state; Chemical
Distinguish between homogenous and
changes; Forms of energy.
heterogeneous mixtures.
State examples of homogenous and
heterogeneous mixtures.
Identify and describe different methods for
separations of mixtures.
Distinguish between physical and chemical
Distinguish between different changes of
Differentiate between melting and boiling
points for water and another substance.
Define the concept of chemical reactions.
Outline oxidation, combustion and
fermentation as examples of chemical
reaction and when they occur.
Define the concept of energy.
Describe mechanical, chemical, electrical,
light, nuclear and thermal energy and how they
are produced.
Unit 8 Identify different types of electrical charges.
Electrical charges; Electric
Electricity and current; Conductors and Describe the interaction between electrical
magnetism [9h] insulators; Power plants; charges.
Electric circuits; Magnetism.
Define an electric current.
Distinguish between good conductors and
good insulators.
State the different effects of electric current.
Understand the concept of an electric circuit.
Identify and draw the different components
and their symbols in an electric circuit.
Differentiate between parallel and series
State the advantages and disadvantages of a
parallel and a series circuit.
State how we can make light bulbs in parallel
and series circuits shine brighter and dimmer
and how to stop circuits functioning
Distinguish between types of power plants
and state how electricity travels from a power
plant to homes.
Understand the concept of magnetism.
Describe how magnetic poles work.
Explain the difference between geographical
and magnetic poles.
Discuss different types of magnets and uses.
Discuss different types of energy
Unit 9
Sexual characteristics; the Differentiate primary and secondary sexual
Reproduction reproductive system; sex cells; characteristics.
[9h] Fertilization; Pregnancy and
Understand the concept of puberty.
birth; A healthy pregnancy.
Label 5 parts of the male and female
reproductive systems.
Outline the function of the 5 parts of the male
and female reproductive systems.
List the differences between male and female
sexual organs.
Differentiate and draw male and females sex
Discuss in detail the route a male sex cell takes
to fertilize an ova.
Explain the process of ovulation, fertilization,
pregnancy and birth.
Differentiate healthy from unhealthy habits
that can affect the development of a foetus.