Curcumin PDF
Curcumin PDF
Curcumin PDF
Original Article
Abstract Curcuminoids, the principal natural yellow pigments comprising curcumin, demethoxycurcumin
and bisdemethoxycurcumin, in Curcuma longa rhizome have been popularly used in drugs and cosmetics as
potent antioxidants and coloring agents. This study, C. longa rhizomes were collected from 10 locations in
the northern, northeastern, central and southern parts of Thailand. The powdered samples were continuously
extracted using a soxhlet apparatus with hexane and 95% ethanol, respectively. Hexane was used to defat
the sample. Curcuminoids, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin, were isolated from
the ethanol extract using column chromatography. Yields of crude curcuminoids in all samples were found
in the range of 2.7-4.7% dry weight. Individual curcuminoid content was analyzed using a TLC-
densitometry. The content of curcumin in all extracts was found in the range of 46.45 ± 3.21% to 67.31 ±
0.97% w/w while the contents of demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin were found in the ranges
of 11.47 ± 0.61% to 23.81 ± 0.28% w/w and 5.97 ± 0.41% to 13.88 ± 0.86% w/w, respectively. The highest
average contents of curcumin (60.16 ± 3.23% w/w) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (12.84 ± 0.57% w/w) were
found in the samples from the south while the highest average content of demethoxycurcumin (22.63 ±
1.33% w/w) was found in the samples from the north-east. In contrast, the lowest average contents of
curcumin (53.65 ± 8.31% w/w) and demethoxycurcumin (16.23 ± 5.23% w/w) were found in the samples
from the north, while the lowest content of bisdemethoxycurcumin (7.83 ± 0.28% w/w) was found in the
samples from the central area. Total curcuminoid content in the crude curcuminoid extract was in the range
of 67.13-96.25% w/w. This is the first report of each curcuminoid content in crude curcuminoid extract of
C. longa from various locations of Thailand and will provide a useful guidance for further standardization
of curcuminoid extracts used in pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. All right reserved.
Keywords: bisdemethoxycurcumin, Curcuma longa, curcumin, curcuminoid extract, demethoxycurcumin
are well known for their antioxidant, anti- All chemicals and reagents used were
inflammatory, antitumour and cytotoxic analytical grade, except ethanol which was
properties.4-7 the commercial grade obtained from the
Excise Department, Bangkok, Thailand.
In Thailand, C. longa is cultivated throughout
the country, mostly in the south.8 Thai Herbal Plant Material
Pharmacopoeia and the Standard of ASEAN
The rhizomes of C. longa were collected
Herbal Medicine have recommended that
from 10 different locations in the north,
dried turmeric should contain not less than 5%
north-east, south and central area of Thailand
w/w of total curcuminoids.8,9 It has also been
(Figure 2) during January - April 2005. The
reported that turmeric from various regions in
samples were identified by comparison with
Thailand had a high variation of curcuminoids
the specimens at the Forest Herbarium,
and volatile oil contents,10-12 but there is no
Department of National Park, Wildlife and
report concerning the amount of each
Plant Conservation, Ministry of Natural
curcuminoid in the crude curcuminoid extracts.
Resources and Environment, Bangkok. The
At present, a variety of methods for voucher specimens (WCL0105-WCL1005)
quantitative analysis of curcuminoid content were deposited at the Department of
were reported. Most of them are spectro- Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol
photometric methods.13-15 Disadvantages of University, Bangkok, Thailand.
this method are that it is not possible to
Fresh rhizomes were cleaned, cut into small
analyze individual curcuminoids and the
pieces and air-dried for 2 days. The samples
precision is not good due to some interferences
were then further dried in a hot air oven at
by other pigments presented in the extract. A
50°C for 24 hours, ground into powder and
rapid and simple TLC-densitometric method
passed through a sieve (20 mesh).
has been developed for the simultaneous
quantitation of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin Extraction and Isolation of Reference Standards
and bisdemethoxycurcumin in C. longa
powder. The accuracy and precision of this Dried powder of C. longa collected from
Surat Thani Province (10.0 g) was extracted
method were reported to be reliable.10,11,16
with 95% ethanol (600 ml) using a soxhlet
Thus, this study was undertaken to determine apparatus for 56 hours.17 The ethanol extract
the amount of each curcuminoid in the crude was dried using a rotary evaporator and
curcuminoid extracts of C. longa, collected yielded crude ethanol extract (2.56 g). The
from different locations in Thailand by TLC- dried ethanolic extract (1 g) was further
densitometric method. fractionated by silica gel 60 column
chromatography (17.5 x 2.5 cm) eluted with
MATERIALS AND METHODS hexane, hexane : dichloromethane and then
dichloromethane : ethyl acetate with increasing
Chemicals and Reagents polarity. Fractions containing curcumin
(fractions 10-50, 200 ml) were refractionated
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bis- by the column chromatography eluted with
demethoxycurcumin were isolated in our
100% dichloromethane to yield pure curcumin
laboratory from the ethanolic extract of C. longa.
Compounds R1 R2
Curcumin OMe OMe
Demethoxycurcumin H OMe
Bisdemethoxycurcumin H H
Figure 1. Chemical structure of curcuminoids.
Quantitative Analysis of Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin in the Crude 25
Curcuminoid Extract from Curcuma longa in Thailand by TLC-Densitometry
Fractions containing demethoxycurcumin and of each sample was done in triplicate and the
bisdemethoxycurcumin were further eluted yield was reported as mean ± S.D.
with dichloromethane : ethyl acetate (95:5) in
a column chromatography. Curcumin, demethoxy- Preparation of Standard Solutions and the
curcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin were Calibration Curves
recrystallized and yielded 103.2, 43.3 and
86.0 mg, respectively. Stock solutions of individual curcuminoid
standards were separately prepared in
Identification of the compounds was characterized methanol at 1.0 mg/ml. One milliliter of the
using 1H NMR and 13C NMR comparing to stock solution was transferred to a 10-ml
references.18 Melting point of each curcuminoid volumetric flask and adjusted to volume with
was also investigated and compared with the methanol.
Calibration curves of curcumin, demethoxy-
Extraction of Crude Curcuminoids20 curcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin were
derived from separately applying five
The dried powder (15.0 g) of each sample
concentrations of each curcuminoid on the
was extracted with hexane (300 ml) using a
TLC plate to obtain final amounts of 100-
soxhlet apparatus for 20 hours. The hexane
1,200, 150-800 and 200-1,000 ng/spot,
extract was evaporated at a reduced pressure
to separate volatile oil. The marc was further
extracted with 95% ethanol using a soxhlet The amount of each curcuminoid presented in
apparatus for 10 hours, two times, and the the sample was calculated using peak area
ethanol extracts were combined and filtered. with linear regression. Linearity, reproducibility
The filtrate was concentrated under reduced and accuracy of each curcuminoid were
pressure at 50°C using a rotary vacuum determined.
evaporator. The concentrated extract was
evaporated on a boiling water bath to yield Preparation of Sample Solutions
crude curcuminoids. The crude extract was For sample preparation, five milligrams of
further purified by dissolving in 95% ethanol, each crude curcuminoid extract were transferred
1:6 w/v. The yellow curcuminoids were to a 10 ml volumetric flask. The sample was
precipitated, filtered and dried. The extraction dissolved in methanol and adjusted to a
concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.
26 W. Pothitirat and W. Gritsanapan
Table 1. Linear regression equation, correlation coefficient (r2), Rf value and melting point (m.p.) of each
each curcuminoid content in the samples is From the results, C. longa samples from the
the same wavelength recommended by Thai south of Thailand where it rains the whole
Herbal Pharmacopoeia 9 and a previous study.10 year and from the north-east where the weather
is warm in summer and cool in winter, should
Curcumin content in all extracts was found in
be selected for the extraction of curcuminoids
the range of 46.45 ± 3.21% to 67.31 ± 0.97%
due to high total curcuminoid contents
w/w while the content of demethoxycurcumin
(average 89.72 ± 4.81% and 93.02 ± 2.55%
and bisdemethoxycurcumin were found in the
w/w, respectively). These results support the
ranges of 11.47 ± 0.61% to 23.81 ± 0.28% w/w
former reports that C. longa grown in the
and 5.97 ± 0.41% to 13.88 ± 0.86% w/w,
southern part of Thailand contains high
respectively. The average contents of these
content of curcuminoids.12,21,22
curcuminoids in the extracts were found to be
58.12 ± 6.46%, 18.48 ± 3.94% and 10.29 ±
2.72% w/w for curcumin, demethoxycurcumin
and bisdemethoxycurcumin, respectively. The
highest average contents of curcumin (60.16 ± C. longa grown in different parts of Thailand
contains different amounts of various
3.23% w/w) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (12.84
± 0.57% w/w) were found in the samples curcuminoids. Therefore, for obtaining the
from the south while the highest average high yield of certain curcuminoid, the area for
plant collection should be considered. This is
content of demethoxycurcumin (22.63 ±
1.33% w/w) was found in the samples from the first report of each curcuminoid content in
the north-east. In contrast, the lowest average crude curcuminoid extract of C. longa from
various locations of Thailand and it will
contents of curcumin (53.65 ± 8.31% w/w)
and demethoxycurcumin (16.23 ± 5.23% w/w) provide a useful guidance for further
were found in samples from the north, while standardization of curcuminoid extracts used
in pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.
the lowest average content of bisdemethoxy-
curcumin (7.83 ± 0.28% w/w) was found in
samples from the central area (Table 2).
Figure 3. TLC fingerprints of curcuminoids in the extracts of C. longa collected from various locations.
Stationary phase: Si-60GF254; solvent system: CHCl3 : C6H6 : MeOH (80:15:5); detection: UV 366.
1= Tambol Wang Tai, Amphoe Wang Nuea, Lampang
2= Tambol Noen Kum, Amphoe Bangkrathum, Phitsanulok
3= Tambol Wang Mi, Amphoe Wang Nam Khiao, Nakhon Ratchasima
4= Tambol Kut Bak, Amphoe Kut Bak, Sakon Nakhon
5= Tambol Tha Sao, Amphoe Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi
6= Tambol Mungtarod, Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom
7= Tambol BanTai, Amphoe Ban rai, Uthai Thani
8= Tambol Khao Hin Son, Amphoe Phanom Sarakham, Chachoengsao
9= Tambol Tham Thong Lang, Amphoe Thap Put, Phangnga
10 = Tambol Khao Wong, Amphoe Ban Ta Khun, Surat Thani
C = curcumin, DMC = demethoxycurcumin and BDMC = bisdemethoxycurcumin
28 W. Pothitirat and W. Gritsanapan
Table 2. The content of each curcuminoid in crude curcuminoid extracts of C. longa from different locations of Thailand analyzed by TLC-densitometry
1= Tambol Wang Tai, Amphoe Wang Nuea, Lampang 6= Tambol Mungtarod, Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom
2= Tambol Noen Kum, Amphoe Bangkrathum, Phitsanulok 7= Tambol Ban-Tai, Amphoe Ban rai, Uthai Thani
3= Tambol Wang Mi, Amphoe Wang Nam Khiao, Nakhon Ratchasima 8= Tambol Khao Hin Son, Amphoe Phanom Sarakham, Chachoengsao
4= Tambol Kut Bak, Amphoe Kut Bak, Sakon Nakhon 9= Tambol Tham Thong Lang, Amphoe Thap Put, Phangnga
5= Tambol Tha Sao, Amphoe Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi 10 = Tambol Khao Wong, Amphoe Ban Ta Khun, Surat Thani
Figure 4. Densitometric thin layer chromatograms of crude curcuminoid extract of C. longa from various
locations (at λ = 420 nm).
C = curcumin, DMC = demethoxycurcumin and BDMC = bisdemethoxycurcumin
30 W. Pothitirat and W. Gritsanapan