Starch recovery from turmeric powder (Curcuma longa) after ethanol curcumin
extraction in comparison to the conventional method
1. Introduction 2008).
Starch is one of the major components in the
Tumeric (Curcuma longa) is commonly dis- turmeric rhizome. Starch accounts for 47% of the
tributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions. In dried weight of the rhizomes (Leonel et al., 2003).
Vietnam, turmeric is widely cultivated in north- In another study, the turmeric rhizome contained
ern and highland areas. One of the most signifi- approximately 67% starch (dw) (Kuttigounder
cant components of the rhizome is the curcum- et al., 2011). Regardless of its high starch con-
inoids that have been intensively investigated. tent, the application has been seldom extended
Curcuminoids from turmeric have been reported in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Ac-
as a natural food colorant, preservative, and in cording to Santana et al. (2017), turmeric starch
vitro anticancer (Yu & Huang, 2010), antioxi- is essential as an alternative starch source for
dants and inflammatory agents (Anand et al., the food industry. Although several researchers
have been addressed on isolation and characteri- tered through a cheesecloth to collect the solution
zation of the physicochemical properties of starch containing starch. The retained portion was re-
from fresh turmeric rhizome (Jyothi et al., 2003; slurried with 10 L water and filtered for the sec-
Kuttigounder et al., 2011; Sajitha & Sasikumar, ond time. The solution collected from the second
2015), the recovery starch after curcuminoids ex- filtration was pooled with the first solution. The
traction seem very limited. It has been reported starch was precipitated overnight without disrup-
that turmeric starch was successfully recovered tion. The clear white-yellowish layer of turmeric
from supercritical fluid and would be essential use starch was decanted and dried in a heat pump
for dietary starch (Santana et al., 2017). dryer at a temperature of 35o C until reached
Ethanol extraction of curcuminoids has been the moisture content of approximately 10%. The
utilized as a green method of solvent extraction dried starch was passed through a 300 µM sieve
from the turmeric powder (Osorio-Tobón et al., and the starch powder was stored in a sealed alu-
2016; Lateh et al., 2019; Patil et al., 2019). How- minum bag at room temperature for further anal-
ever, starch recovery from the residue of ethanol ysis.
curcumin extraction has not been investigated
yet. The present study aimed to isolate starch 2.1.2. Isolation of starch from turmeric pow-
der after ethanol curcumin extraction
from turmeric powder after curcumin extraction
by using ethanol. The physicochemical proper-
ties of the isolated starch were then analyzed and To mimic the starch recovery from waste gen-
compared to those of the starch obtained from the erated from the curcumin extraction process, the
conventional method of extraction from the fresh turmeric rhizomes were initially curcumin ex-
turmeric by precipitation to evaluate its potential tracted. The slices of turmeric rhizome (similarly
application in the industry. prepared as aforementioned) were dried in a heat
pump dryer at 35o C until reached the moisture
2. Materials and Methods content around 10%. The dried turmeric slices
were then pulverized into powder by using a do-
Materials: the mature (at least one-year-old) mestic grinder. To avoid overheating, the grinder
yellow turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma longa) were was intermittently stopped for 30 sec for every
procured from Ea Bhok, Cu Kuin district, Dak 30 sec-grinding process. The ground sample was
Lak province, Viet Nam. passed through a 300 µM sieve. The fine turmeric
powder was extracted with absolute ethanol with
Chemicals: Curcumin (Himedia, India), ace- the ratio of 1:100 at 50o C for 8 h to mimic
tonitrile, orthophosphoric acid, ethanol (HPLC the curcumin extraction process. After the ex-
grade, Merck) were obtained from the local sup- traction process, the sample was filtered through
plier. Hydrochloric acid (37%), iodine, sodium a filter paper and the residue was collected for
hydroxide pellet, dimethyl sulfoxide (analytical starch extraction. The sample was re-slurried into
graded) were purchased from a local supplier. 0.02% (w/v) sodium metabisulfite with the ratio
of 1:4 and soaked overnight. The slurry was fil-
2.1. Isolation of starches
tered through a cheesecloth. The retained sam-
ples were then mixed with 0.02% (w/v) sodium
2.1.1. Isolation turmeric starch from the fresh
metabisulfite and refiltered. The starch solution
was combined and the starch was precipitated,
The procedure of isolating starch from fresh dried at 35o C, passed through a sieve again as
turmeric rhizome followed the procedure devel- previous procedure. The starch powder was put
oped by Nakkala et al. (2020) with modifications. in an aluminum bag, sealed, and stored at room
The rhizomes were cleaned and sliced into slices temperature for further analysis.
(around 2 mm thick) using a domestic slicer.
2.2. Determine total starch
The turmeric slices were then immediately soaked
and ground in sodium metabisulfite 0.02% (w/v)
The total starch was estimated based on the
(the ratio of turmeric and sodium metabisul-
acid hydrolysis method (Kent-Jones & Amos,
fite was 1:4). After grinding, the turmeric was
1960) with modifications. Isolated starches of 2.5
soaked in the sodium metabisulfite for further
g were hydrolyzed in 220 mL of 3.36% (v/v) hy-
12 hours. The finely ground sample was then fil-
drochloric acid solution in a flask. The starch the analysis was 12.5 min. The temperature was
mixture was heated to 90o C for 2.5 h and then kept at 55o C from the first 2 min, followed by
cooled before being neutralized with NaOH 5 N. an increase from 55 to 90o C in the next 3 min.
The volume of the acid hydrolysate was adjusted From 5 - 9 min, the temperatures remained at
to the final volume of 250 mL using deionized 90o C before cooling down to 55o C at 12.5 min.
water. The sugar content in the solution was de- The pasting profile was acquired and the viscos-
termined by the colorimetric method using DNS ity was presented in centipoise (cP).
reagent as suggested by (Başkan et al., 2016).
2.6. Fourier transform infrared analysis
2.3. Iodine binding capacity
The short-range order structure of starches was
The iodine binding capacity of isolated starches examined based on the technique of Fourier trans-
was evaluated following the method described by form infrared (PerkinElmer MIR/NIR Frontier).
Peng & Perlin (1987). Starch (50 mg) was dis- The sample was prepared with KBr and the FTIR
persed in 5 mL dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by spectra were recorded in the range of 4000 cm−1
heating in a 100 mL volumetric flask to obtain a to 400 cm−1 with a resolution of 4 cm−1 per scan.
clear slurry. Then the volume was adjusted to 100
mL. Two milliliters of the diluted starch slurry 2.7. X-ray diffraction analysis
were transferred into a second volumetric flask
(50 mL) in which 1 mL of NaCl 1 M, 40 mL of The crystalline pattern of isolated starches was
water, and 1 mL of iodine solution (containing a analyzed by X-ray diffraction (Bruker D2 Phaser,
mixture of 2 mg I2 and 20 mg of KI). The final Germany). The instrument was equipped with a
volume was brought to 50 mL. The color was de- copper X-ray generator working in conditions of
veloped in 30 min and then the absorbance at 600 40 kV and 80 mA. 2θ range of 4–60o was used to
nm was measured by using a spectrophotometer acquire for X-ray diffractograms with a step size
and a 1 cm cuvette. The blue value (BV) was cal- 2θ of 2.0o /min.
culated based on the recommended equation: BV
= (4 x A600 )/C where A600 is the absorbance at 2.8. Curcumin analysis by high-performance
600 nm and C is the concentration of the starch liquid chromatography
(mg/L) in the solution.
Curcumin in turmeric powder and starches
2.4. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were quantified by using high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) following the suggested
The isolated starches were spread on a metal procedure from Moorthi et al. (2013) with modifi-
stub attached with a double-sided adhesive car- cations. Sample (50 mg) was extracted in 20 mL
bon tape. The samples were coated with a thin ethanol 60% (v/v) in a 50 mL centrifuge tube.
layer of Pt. The imaging was acquired by us- The tube was then vortexed for 30 sec for ev-
ing FE-SEM S4800 (Hitachi, Japan). The coated ery 15 min in total 2 h. The sample was then
samples were imaged in a scanning electron mi- centrifuged (4000 rpm, in 10 min) to obtain a
croscope (SEM), Hitachi S-3400 (Tokyo, Japan) clear supernatant. The clear supernatant was fil-
at an accelerating voltage of 10 kV and a working tered through a PTFE (0.45 µM) membrane and
distance of 8.0 mm. transferred into an amber HPLC vial for analysis.
HPLC system (Shimadzu, Japan) was equipped
2.5. Pasting properties with LC20-AD pump, CBM-20Alite controller
and PDA detector. C18 column (Inertsil-ODS
The pasting properties of the isolated starchers 3, 250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µM) was used as station-
were investigated using Brookfield Engineering ary phase. The mobile phase was a mixture
Labs (DV2T) system followed the procedure of of orthophosphoric acid (0.1%) and acetonitrile
Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) with modifications. (45:55, v/v) with the isocratic flow at 1 mL/min.
The starch solution (7%, w/v) was prepared in The curcumin was detected at 427 nm. Curcumin
water, mixed and then subjected to the system standard (Himedia, India), was used to generate
for measurement with the protocol as follows: the the calibration curve for quantification of cur-
spindle speed was kept at 160 rpm. The length of cumin in the samples.
Figure 1. The recovery yield (A) and total starch (B) of starches isolated from the fresh rhizome and from
the turmeric extraction residue.
Figure 2. SEM imaging of the Curcuma starches isolated from the fresh rhizome (A) and isolated from
the turmeric powder after curcumin extraction, the SEM acquired at the magnification of 1500x.
granule (< 20 µM long) and large (> 20 µM long). and the peak viscosity was reached around 732
The morphology of the starch was consistent with cP. The starch paste showed resistance in shear
descriptions in earlier studies (Jyothi et al., 2003;
stress since no breakdown was observed during
Leonel et al., 2003; Pham & Vo, 2017). The starch applying the shear rate of 160 rpm at 90o C. When
isolated from the fresh rhizome had a clear, cleanthe starch paste was cooled down to 55o C, the
surface (Figure 2A) whereas the stained surface viscosity rapidly increased and reached the final
(Figure 2B) was observed in the starch isolated viscosity of 1037 cP. This profile of this starch
from the powder after curcumin extraction. The was quite similar to that reported in the litera-
SEM imaging confirms the difference in purities ture. Pham & Vo (2017) found that during an
of starches found in this study. analysis of viscosity of Curcuma starch paste,
the breakdown was not observed and the final
3.4. Pasting profile of isolated starches viscosity was also relatively high. A significant
change in the pasting profile was recorded in
The pasting properties of starches were ana- starch isolated from the turmeric powder after
lyzed and the profiles are presented in Figure 3. curcumin extraction (Figure 3B). Although the
The pasting profile of starch isolated from the pasting temperature negligibly (around 80o C),
fresh rhizome was characterized by the pasting the peak viscosity was very low (around 106 cP).
properties of a native starch (Figure 3A). The The low shear stress resistance was recorded since
pasting temperature of this starch was 78.3oC the viscosity was remarkably reduced. The set-
Figure 3. The pasting profiles of starches isolated from the fresh rhizome (A) and the turmeric powder
eliminated curcumin (B), measured by Brookfield Engineering Labs viscometer.
back in viscosity during cooling was also not sidered as bending of C-OH boning, which is re-
observed. These pasting characteristics indicate sponsible for hydroxyl groups of starch whereas
that the starch was modified toward annealing the absorbance at 1047 cm−1 represents the or-
as previously mentioned. The annealed starches der structure of the starch (Warren et al., 2016;
can keep the pasting temperature but greatly de- Xu et al., 2021).
crease swelling power and final viscosity (Lan et
al., 2008; Jayakody et al., 2009). 3.6. X-ray diffraction analysis
3.5. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy X-ray diffraction analysis was performed to
(FTIR) clarify the long-range structure of isolated
starches and the results are presented in Figure
The FTIR spectra of starches (Figure 4) 5. The Curcuma starches had a clear B-type crys-
showed that both starches had the dedicated talline pattern that is dedicated to the starch
peaks of starch in the regions of 3000 - 2900 originating from root or rhizome. The results
cm−1 , 1150 - 1100 cm−1 and 1100 - 900 cm−1 . agreed with previous studies in which the B-type
The FTIR spectrum peak intensity of starch iso- crystalline was found in turmeric starch (Kut-
lated from the curcumin powder was noticeably tigounder et al., 2011; Pham & Vo, 2017). Al-
reduced compared to that of starch isolated from though different in the peak intensity, the peaks
the fresh rhizome. This finding again confirms for were well pronounced at 6.3, 9.6, 11.9, 14.5, 17.1
physicochemical change of starch in the powder and 18.7 Å in two obtained starches. The peak
undergone the extraction of curcumin by using at 11.9 Å had the highest intensity followed by a
ethanol for 8 h at 50o C. The treatment condi- peak at 17.1 and 18.7 Å. The finding in this study
tions possibly caused a partial modification of is different from what was reported in a study by
the starch that led to a reduction in the FTIR Kuttigounder et al. (2011) in which the peak at
peak intensities of starch absorptive bands. Xu 17 Å was recorded with the highest intensity. The
et al. (2021) observed the partial modification of difference in the most pronounced peak would be
potato starch in moist-heat treatment at 60o C in due to the difference in origin of starches. The
30 mins indicates the absorption at the bands of relative crystallinities of starches isolated from
1047 cm−1 and 995 cm−1 were greatly decreased. the fresh rhizome and the turmeric powder af-
In this study, the absorbance at 995 cm−1 of ter extracting curcumin were 26.8 and 20.4%, re-
starch isolated from the curcumin powder after spectively. The crystallinity of starches obtained
eliminating curcumin reduce from 70.5% to 67.4% from this study was in the reported range of 15
compared to that of starch isolated from fresh to 45% (Zobel, 1988). The starch isolated from
turmeric. A similar trend was also observed in the turmeric powder after curcumin extracting,
the absorbance at the band of 1047 cm−1 (74.3% as aforementioned, was partially modified and
to 68.1%). The absorbance at 995 cm−1 is con-
Figure 4. FTIR spectra of starches isolated from the fresh rhizome and the turmeric powder after extracting
Figure 5. X-ray diffractograms of isolated starches from two different methods, data were offset for clarity.
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