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Using These PDF Print Files'.: Do Not Chat During This Lecture
Using These PDF Print Files'.: Do Not Chat During This Lecture
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Personal copyright of Dr Peter Jepson -
Homework Essays … 3
It is often said that an essay is
a bit like a sandwich
We expect depth in your Homework essays.
Research - using textbooks …
We expect you to go into detail and show
It has three layers (an Intro,
some analysis.
Middle and Conclusion).
Make sure you answer the essay title/
Sub-Headings are also vital … 6 You MUST explain your thinking.
Always write as if you are explaining
It helps provide structure for your essay. issues to a little boy or girl.
In any Conclusion (be brief). 12 'Plagiarism' 13
This means you cannot copy someone
Summarise the theme of your essay else’s work or lift extracts straight from
and any outcome - relating back to the an article or book and pass them off as
essay title/question. your own
Do NOT raise new issues in the Examiners are very strict on plagiarism.
- If you quote from an article, book etc
- you must provide a footnote indicating
the source.
Dealing with
problem questions ... 16 Dealing with
problem questions ... 17
Answer the problem question in essay
form – your introduction could explain
Try to use cases and/or statutes to back
the key issues and how you intend to up your arguments.
answer. Subsequent paragraphs could
If ever there is a date in a problem
relate to characters/sections from within question – it generally relates to an
the problem.
issue (e.g. the claim for compensation
In answering the problem question, may be out of time etc).
relate to ALL elements that you have
Laws help and advice … 18
Use short-listed essays.
Discuss essays with a fellow student.
Establish a study buddy - See for details.
Ask your Laws Tutor for advice.