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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: A. Nakhaei, S.M. Marandi, S. Sani Kermani, M.H. Bagheripour

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

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Dynamic properties of granular soils mixed with granulated rubber

A. Nakhaei, S.M. Marandi n, S. Sani Kermani, M.H. Bagheripour
Department of Civil Engineering, Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Increasing traffic in developing countries creates extra waste tires and may cause various environ-
Received 24 June 2009 mental problems. Due to the lightweight and high capacity of rubber in damping energy, it can be used
Received in revised form for seismic forces reduction and absorption of earthquake vibration. Many researchers have carried out
4 December 2010
many studies on static and dynamic properties of soils mixed with waste rubber. However, large-scale
Accepted 14 July 2012
Available online 10 August 2012
dynamic experimental tests which can be valuable and largely applied in civil engineering are very rare.
In this study, dynamic properties of granular soils mixed with different percentages of granulated tire
rubber are studied using a series of large-scale consolidated undrained cyclic triaxial tests. The samples
diameters and heights were 15 and 30 cm, respectively. The results showed that, for all confining
pressures, with an increase in rubber percentage, shear modulus decreases while for any percentage of
rubber inclusion, shear modulus increased as the confining pressure increased. It was observed that,
with an increase in rubber percentage, damping ratio decreased for the confining pressures of 50 and
100 kPa while this contribution was the reverse for the confining pressures of 200 and 300 kPa. It was
also observed that, with a decrease in confining pressure, damping ratio increased for the soil without
rubber inclusion and it was the reverse for the soil with rubber inclusion. Finally, new relations were
introduced to define maximum shear modulus (Gmax) and normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax)
as functions of confining pressure (s3) and granulated rubber percentage (R).
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Özkul and Baykal [14]; and Naeini and Sajadi [15]). Despite
tremendous efforts performed by various researchers and large
In the analysis of most soil dynamic problems, determination amount of experimental data available on static and dynamic
of shear modulus and damping ratio as a function of shear strain properties of soils, the authors were not successful in finding
amplitude is a key parameter to specify dynamic properties or to evidence of any research conducted on large-scale experiments of
estimate the stiffness and energy absorbing capacity. Soil- cyclic loading on granular soil-granulated rubber mixtures. There-
structure interaction response to earthquake incidence, vibratory fore, such new experiments may be useful for dynamic analysis of
equipment foundations, blast forces, the response of marine soil-granular rubber mixtures used in retaining walls, railroad
structures to ocean waves etc. are complicated. For dynamic track beds, buried pipes, base isolator, machine foundations,
loading, soil stress–strain behavior is presented by Hysteresis slopes and embankments. Also obtaining new data may be
loops. The slope of the lines connecting vertex of the loops and beneficial to understand the behavior of these materials particularly
the areas covered by loops are indication of stiffness and material in engineering projects where the use of granulated materials is of
damping, respectively. prime concern.
In the last two decades many studies were conducted on A series of conventional direct shear, torsional resonant
engineering properties of soil–rubber mixtures by numerous column, large-scale direct shear and dynamic triaxial tests was
researchers. Some key parameters studied are shear modulus, carried out by various researchers [3,6,7,9] to investigate the
bearing capacity, permeability, shear strength, poisson’s ratio, feasibility of using shredded waste tires, granulated rubber and
compaction characteristics, swelling, and compressibility (Hum- tire buffings as reinforcement materials to find out their effects on
phrey and Manion [1]; Edil and Bosscher [2]; Foose et al. [3]; physical properties of sands. Foose et al. [3] found that shred
Masad et al. [4]; Lee et al. [5]; Feng and Sutter [6]; Edincliler et al. content and sand matrix unit weight were the most significant
[7]; Hataf and Rahimi [8]; Attom [9]; Gotteland et al. [10]; characteristics influencing the shear strength of the mixture. Feng
Pamukcu and Akbulut [11]; Yoon et al. [12]; Attom et al. [13]; and Sutter [6] studied Ottawa sand-waste rubber mixtures and
indicated that, reference strain can be used to normalize the shear
modulus into a less scattered band for granulated rubber/sand
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 341 2459164. mixtures. Edincliler et al. [7] also showed that, shear modulus and
E-mail address: marandi@mail.uk.ac.ir (S.M. Marandi). damping values of sand-tire mixtures were higher than those

0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132 125

measured for tire buffings only, and tire buffings addition to sand can be used for seismic force reduction and absorption of earth-
increased the initial slope of shear stress-displacement curve. quake vibration in various Civil Engineering structures.
Attom [9] reported that the addition of shredded waste tires Objectives of this research were determination of shear mod-
increased both the angle of internal friction and the shear ulus, damping ratio and development of models for prediction of
strength of the sands. shear modulus of the granular soil–rubber mixtures with various
Mechanical behavior of tire chip–sand mixtures and the confining pressures and percentage of granulated rubber. This
usefulness of optimizing the size of waste tire shreds on shear provides insight to how mixture rules may be established for
strength were investigated [10,16]. Gotteland et al. [10] showed particular mechanics of soil structures that include non-soil
that the percentage mass and unit weight had effective influence materials.
on maximum shear strength. Ghazavi and Sakhi [16] found that, In this study, a series of large-scale consolidated undrained
for a given width of tire rectangular shreds, there is solely a cyclic triaxial tests was carried out to obtain the shear modulus
certain length, which gives the greatest initial friction angle for and damping ratio. The samples were mixed with several differ-
sand-tire shred mixtures. ent percentages of granulated rubber and specific granular soil.
A series of laboratory tests were conducted on Ottawa sand by The variation of shear modulus and damping ratio with the
mixing ground rubber of similar size and reinforcing the effects of percentage of granulated rubber are presented. Models are
the newly devised ‘‘Tirecell‘‘ made from treads of waste tires, in introduced to predict maximum shear modulus (Gmax) and
sand [11,12]. Pamukcu and Akbulut [11] showed a simultaneous normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax) for various confining pres-
increase in both the shear modulus and the damping ratio of the sures (s3) and granulated rubber percentages (R).
sand specimens up to an optimum volume proportion of the
rubber. Yoon et al. [12] found that the bearing capacity increased
and the settlement reduction was the highest at the lowest 2. Experimental program
density of sand, and the reinforcing effect of sand was obtained
when the embedded depth was within 1.0B, where B was the A large and extensive experimental research was undertaken
loading width. in order to investigate the dynamic properties of granular soils
A series of experimental works performed on the effects of the mixed with granulated rubber. This program is explained in the
addition of shredded waste tires, compacted rubber fiber and following sections.
waste polymer materials on the properties of clayey soils [13–15].
The test results of Attom et al. [13] showed that increasing the
2.1. Material properties
amount of shredded waste tires will increase the shear strength
and decrease plasticity index, maximum dry density, permeabil-
The soil tested was river type granular soil excavated from a
ity, swelling pressure, swell potential, and the compression index
huge mine situated in Ekhtiar Abbad Kerman site, south-east of
of the clayey soil. The findings of Özkul and Baykal [14] showed
Iran. The excavated soil was sieved based on ASTM D 422-63 [17].
that the peak strength of the composite is comparable to or
The particle size distribution curve is shown in Fig. 1.
greater than that of clay alone when tested at confining pressures
Based on ASTM D 3999-91 [18], specimens shall be cylindrical
below 200–300 kPa. Above this threshold, the presence of inclu-
and the largest particle size shall be smaller than 1/6 the speci-
sions tended to degrade the strength of the clay. Naeini and Sajadi
men diameter; thus, regarding the mould dimensions, (diameter
[15] clearly showed a significant improvement in the shear
and height were 15 and 30 cm, respectively), 100 percent of the
parameters (c and j) of the treated soils.
used materials must be finer than 25 mm in diameter. Consider-
Engineering demand for modeling of behavior of earth struc-
ing Fig. 1, it is understood that this limitation is fully observed.
tures formed of waste materials will continue to increase. Due to
The coeficients of uniformity and curvature were determined
the lightweight and high capacity of rubber in damping energy, it
77.77 and 1.29, respectively based on ASTM D 2487-10 [19].
The percentage passing seive number 200 was 8.5%. The values of
sand equivalent and plasticity index of the tested soil determined
90 Granular Soil
based on ASTM D 2419-02 [20] and ASTM D 4318-00 [21] and
80 Granulated Rubber were 51 and 4%, respectively. Based on Unified Soil Classification
Percentage Finer (%)

70 System [19], the tested soil was well-graded gravel with clay,
60 GW-GC. The specific gravity of the tested soil was found to be
50 2.65 at a temperature of 20 1C using ASTM Test Method for
40 Specific Gravity of Soils (D 854-02) [22]. The above stated
information are summarized in Table 1.
The granulated rubber used in the test samples was supplied
by Behzist Factory located in Orumieh City, north-west of Iran.
Based on ASTM D 6270-08e1 [23], it was composed of waste tires
0 that had been mechanically chopped using multiple chopping
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Grain Size, D (mm) steps and sieved with mesh numbers of 3/800 , No.4, No.10, No.40
and No.100. The particles passing sieved 3/800 and remaining on
Fig. 1. The particle size distribution for granular soil and granulated rubber. sieve No.100 were used. These particles had nonspherical shapes

Table 1
The tested soil properties.

Coeficient of Coeficient of Passed Sand Plasticity Unified Specific

uniformity curvature seive equivalent index (%) classification gravity
(cu) (cc) no. 200 (%) (%)

Soil 77.77 1.29 8.5 51 4 GW–GC 2.65

126 A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132

with dimensions, from 0.15 to 9.5 mm. The particle size distribu- Table 3
tion curve for the granulated rubber is shown in Fig. 1. The The prepared specimen properties.
specific gravity of the granulated rubber was found to be 1.1 at a
Granulated Moisture unit Dry unit weight Void Relative
temperature of 20 1C according to ASTM Test Method for Specific rubber (%) weight (kN/m3) (kN/m3) ratio density Dr(%)
Gravity of Soils (D 854-02) [22]. Generally, the specific gravity of
granulated rubber varies between 1 and 1.36 [2]. The difference 0.0 22.00 20.64 0.259 91.47
depends on the existance of steel wire particles. In this research, 8.0 20.14 18.68 0.250 92.25
10.0 19.47 17.96 0.266 91.14
the steel wire particles were extracted by a magnet. 14.0 18.67 17.10 0.267 91.37

2.2. Specimen preparation procedure

Based on the standard laboratory procedures ASTM D 4253-00 Table 4

[24] and ASTM D 4254-00 [25], relative density expresses the Testing program procedure.
degree of compactness of the tested mixture with respect to the
s3(kPa) 50 100 200 300
loosest and densest conditions. ASTM D 4253-00 [24] suggests
that, for some soils containing between 5 and 15% fines, the use of Series 1 sd(kPa) 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 100, 120, 140,
impact compaction (Test Methods ASTM D 698-00ae1 [26] and 20, 40, 50, 110, 120, 130, 140, 160, 180, 200,
ASTM D 1557-02e1 [27]) may be useful in evaluating appropriate 30, 60, 70, 150, 160, 170, 180 220, 240, 260,
40 80 280
maximum unit weight. By this consideration, the soil was mixed
s3(kPa) 50 100 200 300
with 0, 8, 10 and 14% granulated rubber by weight with the same Series 2 sd(kPa) 15, 25, 35, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 130, 150,
grain size distribution. Then, to determine the maximum dry unit 25, 45, 55, 115, 125 170, 190
weight and optimum water content, the compaction tests were 35 65, 75,
carried out based on ASTM D 1557-02e1, method C [27]. The
optimum water content, maximum and minimum dry unit
weights, and specific gravites of the mixtures are presented in
Table 2.
Optimum water content was added to the soil-granulated
rubber mixture and mixed uniformly. Then the mixture was Table 5
placed in a split mould. The test specimens were prepared in Determined regression analysis constants A, a, b
and n for Eq. (4).
such a way that, the cyclic test results will be consistent,
repeatable, and less influenced by the specimen preparation. Constant Value
To prepare test specimens, undercompaction method developed
by Ladd 1 [28], that would provide a highly uniform specimen, A 39847.7
and also used by Feng and Sutter [6], was applied. The samples a 0.275
b 0.53
were sequentially compacted in eight layers from the bottom to
n 0.67
top of the mould. Each layer was compacted to a selected
percentage of the required dry unit weight of the specimen. This
procedure differs from the application of a constant compactive Kingdom. The samples diameters and heights were 15 and
effort to each layer required by ASTM Tests for Moisture–Density 30 cm, respectively.
Relations of Soils, using 5.5-lb (2.5-kg) rammer and 12-in. (304.8- Based on ASTM D 3999-91 [18], clauses 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5, all
mm) drop [26] and ASTM Tests for Moisture–Density Relations of the samples were saturated, and pore water pressure parameter, B,
Soils, using 10-lb (4.5-kg) rammer and 18-in. (457-mm) drop [27]. (B¼ Du/Ds) reached over 95%. Then, each sample was consolidated
The compaction of each layer was initiated by using a Harvard isotropically under 50, 100, 200 and 300 kPa pressueres.
tamping device [29], having a spring force of 18 kg (40 lb) and In each test, forty cycles with the same deviator stress
with a compaction foot having a diameter equal to about 1/2 the amplitude and the same confining pressure were applied on the
diameter of the specimen. Finally, the split mould was removed, specimens under stress controlled condition and 1 Hz frequency.
and the sample was placed in triaxial cell and covered with In every cycle, 100 data were obtained by data logger and saved
rubber membrane. The prepared sample properties are presented by computer program.
in Table 3. The testing program performed with and without granulated
rubber is summarized in Table 4. Each series of the tests was
2.3. Test procedure performed with 0, 8, 10 and 14% granulated rubber by weight. In
Table 5, sd denotes the amplitude of deviator stress, and s3 refers
All the samples were tested with a large-scale cyclic triaxial to confining pressure.
apparatus manufactured by Wykeham Farrance in United

Table 2
3. Test results and discussion
The optimum water content, maximum and minimum dry unit weights, and
specific gravites of the mixtures. Kokusho [30] suggested that the effect of the number of cycles
practically disappears when the stress application is repeated for
Granulated Optimum water Maximum dry Minimum dry Mixture
more than 10 cycles. Therefore, the 11th cycle output data were
rubber (%) content (%) unit weight unit weight specific
(kN/m3) (kN/m3) gravity used for calculation procedures and diagram layout.
Considering the grain size distribution curves of granular soil
0.0 6.6 21.68 13.63 2.65 and granulated rubber (Fig. 1), it is clear that the granulated
8.0 7.8 19.42 12.85 2.38 rubber grains accommodate amongst the soil grains, and since the
10.0 8.4 19.03 11.38 2.32
14.0 9.2 18.05 10.98 2.21
grains of granulated rubber have more flexibility than the soil
grains, the dependency of mixture function on the behavior of
A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132 127

granulated rubber is expected. Based on the tested materials, the Also, by replacement of the soil grains with granulated rubber the
following discussions are made on the mixture behaviors. mixture becomes more softer and the shear modulus decreases.
The shear modulus-shear strain amplitude curves for the soil-
granulated rubber mixtures are presented in Fig. 3 for addition of
3.1. Discussion on shear modulus 0.0, 8, 10, and 14% granulated rubber and the confining pressures
of 50, 100, 200, and 300 kPa. It can be observed that, for the soil
The shear modulus-shear strain amplitude curves for the soil- with or without rubber, with an increase in confining pressure,
granulated rubber mixtures are presented in Fig. 2 for the shear modulus increases. This phenomenon is due to increasing
confining pressures of 50, 100, 200, and 300 kPa and 0.0, 8, 10, intergranular friction as a result of an increase in confining
and 14% of granulated rubber additive. The results indicate that at pressure which leads to an increase in stiffness.
a constant confining pressure, with an increase in granulated Fig. 3 also shows that, with an increase in granulated rubber
rubber percentage, shear modulus decreases. This result was percentage, the effect of confining pressure on shear modulus
predictable by comparing the stiffness of rubber and soil grains. decreases. This coincides with the results obtained by Feng and


Shear Modulus, G (MPa)




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain Amplitude,γ (%)
50 kPa & 0% Rubber 50 kPa & 8% Rubber 50 kPa & 10% Rubber 50 kPa & 14% Rubber
100 kPa & 0% Rubber 100 kPa & 8% Rubber 100 kPa & 10% Rubber 100 kPa & 14% Rubbe
200 kPa & 0% Rubber 200 kPa & 8% Rubber 200 kPa & 10% Rubber 200 kPa & 14% Rubber
300 kPa & 0% Rubber 300 kPa & 8% Rubber 300 kPa & 10% Rubber 300 kPa & 14% Rubber

Fig. 2. Shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for the confining pressures of 50, 100, 200 and 300 kPa and the variation of granulated rubber percentages.


Shear Modulus, G (MPa)




0.100 0 .01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)

0% Rubber & 50 kPa 0% Rubber & 100 kPa 0% Rubber & 200 kPa 0% Rubber & 300 kPa
8% Rubber & 50 kPa 8% Rubber & 100 kPa 8% Rubber & 200 kPa 8% Rubber & 300 kPa
10% Rubber & 50 kPa 10% Rubber & 100 kPa 10% Rubber & 200 kPa 10% Rubber & 300 kPa
14% Rubber & 50 kPa 14% Rubber & 100 kPa 14% Rubber & 200 kPa 14% Rubber & 300 kPa

Fig. 3. Shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for 0.0, 8, 10 and 14% granulated rubber and the variation of confining pressures.
128 A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132




Damping Ratio, D (%)






0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)

50 kPa & 0% Rubber 50 kPa & 8% Rubber 50 kPa & 10% Rubber 50 kPa & 14% Rubber
100 kPa & 0% Rubber 100 kPa & 8% Rubber 100 kPa & 10% Rubber 100 kPa & 14% Rubber
200 kPa & 0% Rubber 200 kPa & 8% Rubber 200 kPa & 10% Rubber 200 kPa & 14% Rubber
300 kPa & 0% Rubber 300 kPa & 8% Rubber 300 kPa & 10% Rubber 300 kPa & 14% Rubber

Fig. 4. Damping ratio versus shear strain amplitude for the confining pressures of 50, 100, 200 and 300 kPa and the variation of granulated rubber percentages.

Sutter [6], who worked on sand-granulated rubber. They showed inclusion. This discrepancy may be described in such a way that,
that, in soil–rubber mixtures containing high percentage of in the soil with rubber inclusion, increasing confining pressure
rubber, the material tends to behave more elastic, and also the causes the rubber grains to be compressed and become more
influnce of confining pressure on the material’s stiffness is inflexible; hence, during the application of deviator stress, the
insignificant. slippage of the soil grains on each other increases. So the plastic
strain increases and cuases damping ratio to increase.
3.2. Discussion on damping ratio Furthermore, the results indicate that, not only does the
damping ratio increase with an increase in confining pressure
The damping ratio-shear strain amplitude curves for soil- for 8, 10 and 14% rubber inclusion, but also the influence of
granulated rubber mixtures are presented in Fig. 4 for the confining pressure on damping ratio increases as rubber inclusion
confining pressures of 50, 100, 200, and 300 kPa and 0.0, 8, 10, increases. This phenomenon can be explained in a way that, when
and 14% addition of granulated rubber. The results show that, higher percentage of rubber is used, the mixture has more plastic
with an increase in rubber inclusion, damping ratio decreases for strain at high confining pressures and more elastic strain at low
the confining pressures of 50 and 100 kPa, while this trend is confining pressures. Therefore, it makes a higher difference
reversed for the confining pressures of 200 and 300 kPa. This between damping ratios at different confining pressures due to
discrepancy may be described in this way that, in low confining increasing rubber inclusion.
pressures (50 and 100 kPa), with an increase in rubber inclusion
and due to the high elastic deformation capacity of rubber grains,
the elastic strain increases and cuases damping ratio to decrease.
However, for high confining pressures (200 and 300 kPa), the 4. Maximum shear modulus (Gmax) and reference
rubber grains are pressed and become inflexibe, which leads to an shear strain (cr)
increase in the relative displacement of the grains during the
application of deviator stress and finally to an increase in both The experimental data obtained for shear modulus (G) values
plastic strain and damping ratio. were plotted versus shear strain amplitude (g) and are presented
The damping ratio-shear strain amplitude curves for soil- in Figs. 3 and 4. The general trend observed in these figures.
granulated rubber mixtures are presented in Fig. 5 for 0.0, 8, 10, appeared to follow the well-known Hyperbolic law used by
and 14% of granulated rubber additive and the confining pres- Hardin and Drnevich in [31].
sures of 50, 100, 200, and 300 kPa. It can be observed that, for the G 1
soil without rubber inclusion, with an increase in confining ¼ ð1Þ
Gmax 1 þ g=gr
pressure, damping ratio decreases. The explanation for this
behavior is that, with an increase in intergranular friction which where Gmax is the maximum shear modulus and gr is known as
is due to an increase in confining pressure, plastic strain the reference shear strain.
decreases. Thus, the width of hysteresis loop decreases and causes Using regression analysis on obtained laboratory experimental
the damping ratio to decrease. data (G and g), and Eq. (1), the values of Gmax and gr are evaluated
Fig. 5 also shows that, for the soil with granulated rubber and the results are plotted in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
inclusion, with an increase in confining pressure, damping ratio Fig. 6 shows that, as rubber percentage increases, the values of
increases and is reversed for the soil without granulated rubber Gmax decreases and also the defference between the values of
A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132 129




Damping Ratio, D (%)





0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)
0% Rubber & 50 kPa 0% Rubber & 100 kPa 0% Rubber & 200 kPa 0% Rubber & 300 kPa
8% Rubber & 50 kPa 8% Rubber & 100 kPa 8% Rubber & 200 kPa 8% Rubber & 300 kPa
10% Rubbe & 50 kPa 10% Rubber & 100 kPa 10% Rubber & 200 kPa 10% Rubber & 300 kPa
14% Rubber & 50 kPa 14% Rubber & 100 kPa 14% Rubber & 200 kPa 14% Rubber & 300 kPa

Fig. 5. Damping ratio versus shear strain amplitude for 0.0, 8, 10 and 14% granulated rubber and the variation of confining pressures.

300 0.6
Maximum Shear Modulus, Gmax (MPa)

50 kPa 50 kPa
Reference Shear Strain, γr (%)

250 100 kPa 0.5 100 kPa

200 kPa 200 kPa
200 0.4
300 kPa
300 kPa
150 0.3

100 0.2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Rubber (%)
Rubber (%)
Fig. 6. Maximum shear modulus versus granulated rubber percentage for the
Fig. 7. Reference shear strain versus granulated rubber percentage for the
variation of the confining pressures.
variation of confining pressures.

Gmax in different confining pressure reduces which is compatible

with the results obtained by Feng and Sutter [6]. inclusion may be approximated and equated to the void ratio of
Fig. 7 shows that, with an increase in rubber inclusion, the the soil (i.e., R  e).
reference shear strain (gr) increases. This can be explained that, as In this research, further studies were carried out to clarify the
the rubber inclusion increases, the mixture becomes more flexible approximation, to examine the applicability and suitability and to
and softer. Therefore, the slope of stress–strain diagram decreases present a new model. Considering Eqs. (2) and (3), the current
and causes an increase in gr values. model suggested to predict of Gmax values as follows:
Furthermore, the experimental data obtained showed that an
appropriate relation may be established between Gmax and other ðaRÞ2
Gmax ¼ A   sn3 ð4Þ
physical and mechanical properties and stress conditions applied b þR
on soil-granulated rubber mixtures. An experimental relation has
previously been proposed by Kokusho [32] to predict of Gmax Eq. (4) is introduced for evaluation of Gmax in terms of R and s3 in
values as follows: a similar manner to Eq. (2). The constants A, a and b as well as n
were determined by regression analysis and are presented in
Gmax ¼ A  FðeÞ  ðs3 Þn ð2Þ Table 5.
The equation which is obtained clearly shows that for soil–
where F(e) is known as the void ratio function, Kokusho and
rubber mixtures investigated in this research, the suggestion
Esashi [33], and is determined as follows:
made by Feng and Sutter [6] is not applicable for tested soil.
ð2:17eÞ2 However, it is possible to conduct a separate investigation in
FðeÞ ¼ ð3Þ order to find the suitable relation between e and R values. Fig. 8
shows the graphical comparsion of variation of Gmax calculated
Investigation into the properties of rubber/sand mixtures from Hyperbolic law (Eq. (1)) and those obtained by Eq. (4) using
carried out by Feng and Sutter [6] suggests that the rubber constant values presented in Table 5.
130 A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132

300 Table 7
Maximum Shear Modulus, Gmax (MPa)

50 kPa (Hyperbolic) Determined new regression analysis constants p, A,

250 100 kPa (Hyperbolic) m and n for Eq. (6).
200 kPa (Hyperbolic)
300 kPa (Hyperbolic) Constant Value
50 kPa (Eq. (4))
p 1.00
150 100 kPa (Eq. (4))
A 207.65
200 kPa (Eq. (4))
m  13.70
100 300 kPa (Eq. (4)) n  0.41


Reference Shear Strain, γr (%)

0 50 kPa (Hyperbolic)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0.5 100 kPa (Hyperbolic)
Rubber (%)
200 kPa (Hyperbolic)
Fig. 8. Maximum shear modulus versus graulated rubber percentage obtained 0.4 300 kPa (Hyoerbolic)
from Hyperbolic Law (Eqs. (1) and (4)).
50 kPa (Eq. (6))
100 kPa (Eq. (6))
Table 6 200 kPa (Eq. (6))
Determined regression analysis constants p, A, m 300 kPa (Eq. (6))
and n for Eq. (5).
Constant Value
p 0.94 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Rubber (%)
A 147.37
m  12.73
Fig. 9. Reference shear strain (gr) versus granulated rubber percentage Obtained
n  0.38
from Hyperbolic Law (Eqs. (1) and (6)).

Considering the values of Gmax obtained from Hyperbolic law 1

50 kPa (Hyperbolic)
Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

(Eq. (1)), the non-dimensional values of G/Gmax are determind in

100 kPa (Hyperbolic)
terms of R and s3 as functions of g. It is understood that gr, itself, 0.8
200 kPa (Hyperbolic)
is dependent on R and s3; hence, Eq. (1) was expanded to
300 kPa (Hyperbolic)
examine such dependancy. Trial and error functions were used
0.6 50 kPa (Eq. (5))
to reach the following relation:
100 kPa (Eq. (5))
G 1 0.4 200 kPa (Eq. (5))
¼ ð5Þ
Gmax 1 þ ½A  sn3  ðI þ RÞm   gp 300 kPa (Eq. (5))

Using the values of G/Gmax and g and regression analysis, the 0.2
constants of A, m, n and p are calculated and presented in Table 6.
It may be noted that Eq. (5) is in fact the expansion of 0
Hyperbolic law (Eq. (1)) and if p is rationally approximated to 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
unity (i.e., p ¼1.0); then, the term in bracket in Eq. (5) is equated Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)
to an equation for gr. Therefore, Fig. 10. Normalized shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for 0.0%
1 granulated rubber and the variation of confining pressures.
n m
¼ A  s  ðI þRÞ 3 ð6Þ
The refined form of Eq. (5) with p ¼1.0 leads to new values for
Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

constants A, m and n which are presented in Table 7:

0.8 50 kPa (Hyperbolic)
Fig. 9 shows the graphical presentation of reference strain
100 kPa (Hyperbolic)
values (gr) against rubber inclusion obtained from Hyperbolic law
(Eq. (1)) and those defined by Eq. (6) using constant values 0.6 200 kPa (Hyperbolic)

presented in Table 7. 300 kPa (Hyperbolic)

Considering Fig. 9 and the fact that setting p in Eq. (5) to unity 0.4 50 kPa (Eq. (5))

(p¼1) makes a good correlation between reference strains 100 kPa (Eq. (5))

obtained from Hyperbolic law and those predicted by Eq. (6), 0.2
200 kPa (Eq. (5))
settig p to unity (p ¼1) seems reasonable. Finally, the values of 300 kPa (Eq. (5))
G/Gmax were calculated using Eq. (5) and regression analysis
constants presented in Table 7 and were plotted in Figs. 10–14. 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
In Figs. 10–14, the symbols are the values of G/Gmax obtained Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)
from Hyperbolic law (Eq. (1)), and the curves represent the values
of G/Gmax calculated from Eq. (5) and constants in Table 7. Fig. 11. Normalized shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for 8.0%
granulated rubber and the variation of confining pressures.
The effect of confining pressure on G/Gmax values for the
various of rubber inclusion is presented in Figs. 10–12. it can be
observed that, for a given percentage of rubber, as confining Figs. 13 and 14 show the impact of rubber incluion on G/Gmax
pressure inceases, the values of G/Gmax increases. This phenom- for the variation of confining pressures. It can be observed that, at
enon results from an increase in material stiffness due to an a given confining pressure, the values of G/Gmax increase with an
increase in confining pressure. increase in rubber percentage. This phenomenon shows more
A. Nakhaei et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43 (2012) 124–132 131

1 elastic and flexible behavior (uniform behavior) of the mixture by

Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

increasing the rubber percentage.

0.8 50 kPa (Hyperbolic)
The summary of the test results for Shear modulus, Damping
ratio and normalized shear modulus are presented in Table 8.
100 kPa (Hyperbolic)
0.6 200 kPa (Hyperbolic)
300 kPa (Hyperbolic)
50 kPa (Eq. (5))
5. Conclusions
100 kPa (Eq. (5))
200 kPa (Eq. (5))
In the present research a series of large-scale consolidated
300 kPa (Eq. (5))
undrained cyclic triaxial tests was carried out using granular
soils-granulated rubber mixtures. Based on the tested materials,
0 the following conclusions are made:
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)
1. Shear modulus decreased with an increase in rubber inclusion
Fig. 12. Normalized shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for 10.0% for all the confining pressures.
granulated rubber and the variation of confining pressures. 2. Shear modulus increased with an increase in the confining
pressure for any percentage of rubber inclusion.
3. Damping ratio decreased with an increase in rubber inclusion
1 at 50 and 100 kPa confining pressures. However, for 200 and
Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

300 kPa confining pressures, the results were vice versa.

0.8 4. Damping ratio in granular soil-granulated rubber mixtures
0% (Hyperbolic) increased as the confining pressure increased. This was the
8% (Hyperbolic) reverse for granular soil without rubber inclusion.
10% (Hyperbolic) 5. A model was introduced to predict Gmax for various confining
14% (Hyperbolic) pressures and rubber inclusion percentage.
0.4 0% (Eq. (5)) 6. A model was established to evaluate the normalized shear
8% (Eq. (5)) modulus (G/Gmax) versus shear strain amplitude (g) for various
0.2 10% (Eq. (5)) confining pressures and rubber inclusion percentage.
14% (Eq. (5)) 7. For a given percentage of rubber, with an increase in confining
0 pressure, the values of G/Gmax increased.
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
8. At a given confining pressure, the values of G/Gmax increased
Shear Strain Amplitude, γ (%)
with an increase in rubber inclusion percentage.
Fig. 13. Normalized shear modulus versus shear strain amplitude for the confin-
ing pressure of 50 kPa and the variation of granulated rubber percentages.

1 The authors would like to express their thanks and apprecia-

Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

tions to the management and staff of the ‘‘Technical and Soil

0.8 Mechanic Lab Co.’’ in Tehran, Iran for their generous assistance
0% (Hyperbolic) and valuable comments during the experimental works con-
8% (Hyperbolic) ducted in this research. We are also grateful to Ehsan Mehrabi
10% (Hyperbolic) Kermani for editing the English text. At finally yet importantly,
14% (Hyperbolic) the authors extend their special thanks to reviewers of this paper
0% (Eq. (5)) for their valuable comments.
8% (Eq. (5))
0.2 10% (Eq. (5))
14% (Eq. (5))
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