Skeletal Muscle: A Brief Review of Structure and Function: Calcified Tissue International October 2014
Skeletal Muscle: A Brief Review of Structure and Function: Calcified Tissue International October 2014
Skeletal Muscle: A Brief Review of Structure and Function: Calcified Tissue International October 2014
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Abstract Skeletal muscle is one of the most dynamic and approximately 40 % of total body weight, contains 50–75 %
plastic tissues of the human body. In humans, skeletal of all body proteins, and accounts for 30–50 % of whole-body
muscle comprises approximately 40 % of total body weight protein turnover. Muscle is mainly composed of water (75 %),
and contains 50–75 % of all body proteins. In general, protein (20 %), and other substances including inorganic salts,
muscle mass depends on the balance between protein syn- minerals, fat, and carbohydrates (5 %). In general, muscle
thesis and degradation and both processes are sensitive to mass depends on the balance between protein synthesis and
factors such as nutritional status, hormonal balance, physi- degradation and both processes are sensitive to factors such as
cal activity/exercise, and injury or disease, among others. In nutritional status, hormonal balance, physical activity/exer-
this review, we discuss the various domains of muscle cise, and injury or disease, among others. The various protein
structure and function including its cytoskeletal architec- compartments (structural, contractile, and regulatory) have
ture, excitation-contraction coupling, energy metabolism, received significant scientific attention because of their
and force and power generation. We will limit the discussion important contribution to mobility, exercise capacity, func-
to human skeletal muscle and emphasize recent scientific tioning, and health.
literature on single muscle fibers. Skeletal muscle contributes significantly to multiple
bodily functions. From a mechanical point of view, the
Keywords Muscle actions Metabolism Force main function of skeletal muscle is to convert chemical
generation Exercise Sarcopenia Dystrophy energy into mechanical energy to generate force and
power, maintain posture, and produce movement that
influences activity, allows for participation in social and
Introduction occupational settings, maintains or enhances health, and
contributes to functional independence. From a metabolic
Skeletal muscle is one of the most dynamic and plastic tissues perspective, the roles of skeletal muscle include a contri-
of the human body. In humans, skeletal muscle comprises bution to basal energy metabolism, serving as storage for
important substrates such as amino acids and carbohy-
drates, the production of heat for the maintenance of core
W. R. Frontera (&)
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt temperature, and the consumption of the majority of oxy-
University School of Medicine, Suite 1318, 2201 Children’s gen and fuel used during physical activity and exercise. Of
Way, Nashville, TN 37212, USA particular interest is the role of skeletal muscle as a res-
ervoir of amino acids needed by other tissues such as skin,
W. R. Frontera brain, and heart for the synthesis of organ-specific proteins
Department of Physiology, University of Puerto Rico School of [1]. Further, amino acid release from muscle contributes to
Medicine, San Juan, PR, USA the maintenance of blood glucose levels during conditions
of starvation. Of relevance to disease prevention and health
J. Ochala
Department of Human and Aerospace Physiological Sciences, maintenance, a reduced muscle mass impairs the body’s
King’s College London, London, UK ability to respond to stress and chronic illness.
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
Fiber contracon
Types coupling
Muscle Energy
Architecture Acons Release
Force, Power
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
Fig. 3 Structure of skeletal muscle (From: Raven et al. [82, Fig. 3.6]; original in Sherwood [83, Fig. 8.2])
sarcolemma, muscle weakness, and atrophy. For example, myosin comprising approximately 70–80 % of the total
this complex is the location of the protein dystrophin that is protein content of a single fiber. Myosin is the main
partially or completely absent in some types of neuro- molecular motor and a total of eleven sarcomeric myosin
muscular disorders such as Duchenne and Becker muscular genes with their corresponding protein products have been
dystrophies [9]. described in mammals (some may not be expressed in
humans). Two of these genes are also expressed in cardiac
muscle. The sarcomere and sarcoplasm contain many other
Muscle Proteins proteins that contribute to the structure of the cytoskeleton,
coupling of the excitation and contraction processes,
Not considering their water content, single muscle fibers energy release, and the generation of force and power [13].
are made mostly (*80 %) of protein (contractile, regula- Of particular relevance are regulatory proteins such as the
tory, cytoskeletal) and sarcoplasm (*8 %) [10]. The study calcium-dependent troponin complex (including troponins
of muscle proteins has advanced considerably in the last C, I, and T), and tropomyosin that are associated with the
few decades with the use of modern proteome analysis actin filament and play very important roles in the activa-
techniques. This topic has been recently reviewed [11, 12]. tion process that leads to myofilament sliding and force
It is estimated that each muscle fiber is made of thousands generation (see below).
of myofibrils and contains billions of myofilaments Other proteins that contribute to the mechanical and
(Fig. 3). When assembled together, in a very orderly and physiological properties of muscle are titin and nebulin [13,
characteristic pattern, the myofilaments form sarcomeres, 14]. Titin is a large elastic protein that attaches to the Z
which are the basic contractile units of skeletal muscle. The disk of the sarcomere and to myosin and helps to stabilize
two most abundant myofilaments (proteins) are actin and and align the thick filament. Nebulin, on the other hand, is
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
integrated with other proteins in the thin filaments con- cisternae on both sides of the T tubule together form a
taining actin [13]. These proteins contribute to the integrity structure known as the triad (two cisternae plus one tubule)
of the sarcomere, influence passive tension and stiffness [18]. Two types of proteins in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
characteristics of single cells, and may be relevant to the contribute to maintaining calcium homeostasis; the sarco/
assembly of myofibrils and cell signaling. Further, in vitro endoplasmic reticulum Ca2?-ATPase (SERCA) and calse-
experiments suggest that titin may contribute to the gen- questrin. The former is responsible for the calcium reup-
eration of force during muscle actions [14, 15]. The Z disk take into the cisterna after muscle activation and the latter
of the sarcomere contains several proteins including a- binds calcium loosely within the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
actinin and serves as an attachment point for the actin Mitochondria form a three-dimensional network
myofilament. Other proteins connect the Z disk (for throughout the cell (as opposed to the old concept of iso-
example desmin) to the sarcolemma and extracellular lated organelles) that generates the energy needed for
matrix as noted above and may be dysfunctional in some muscle actions when oxygen is made available to the
myopathies. muscle fiber [19]. Some mitochondria are located closer to
the sarcolemma reducing the diffusion distance for oxygen
transported by the capillary supply. This is particularly
Muscle Fiber Organelles useful during aerobic (or endurance) exercise when the
demand for oxygen increases. Another population of
Other cellular elements in the sarcoplasm of muscle fibers mitochondria is located in the inter-myofibrillar space.
include a transverse tubular system (T tubule), the sarco- It is known that various stimuli such as exercise training
plasmic reticulum, and a mitochondrial network; the exact and aging as well as various neuromuscular pathologies
amount of these elements may depend on the fiber type (see induce significant changes in the structure and function of
below) (Fig. 4). The T tubule system is an invagination of the cellular elements mentioned above (see sections below
the sarcolemma whose important role is the conduction of for detailed discussion). For example endurance exercise
the nerve action potential to the interior of the cell [16]. training induces mitochondrial biogenesis, a process that is
This network of tubules is in contact with the exterior of regulated by the peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
the cell and ensures that excitation can spread uniformly tor-c coactivator-1a [20]. Both, the number and size of
throughout the fiber. Dysferlin is an important protein mitochondria increase with training programs of endur-
localized in the membrane of the T tubule system and is ance/aerobic type of exercise. On the other hand, aging
sensitive to changes in the calcium concentration within the muscle has a fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum that
cell [17]. impairs calcium release and muscle activation [21]. This
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is responsible for the stor- may contribute to muscle weakness in this population.
age, release, and reuptake of calcium after activation (see Finally, congenital and acquired neuromuscular diseases
below). The calcium is stored in the terminal cisternae such amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and chronic conditions
(ends of the sarcoplasmic reticulum) that are in close such as the metabolic syndrome and obesity are associated
contact with the transverse tubule system. The two with abnormalities in the mitochondrial network.
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
Heterogeneity of Muscle Tissue: Muscle Fiber Types such as embryonic, neonatal, and extraocular (see Ref. [23]
for a detailed description and discussion).
The heterogeneity of human skeletal muscle is illustrated The identification of muscle protein isoforms has
by the significant variability in the biochemical, become an important approach used by investigators in the
mechanical, and metabolic phenotypes of individual field to distinguish muscle fiber types. Further, with the use
fibers. In the human body, different muscles have differ- of techniques such as protein electrophoresis and immune-
ent relative predominance of the various fiber types. The reactivity to antibodies it has been demonstrated that a
presence of fibers with different properties in the same single muscle fiber may express, simultaneously, more than
muscle may reflect an adaptation to different patterns of one type of myosin heavy chain; for example type I and IIa
activity imposed by the motor neurons. This diversity of or IIa and IIx together. A shift in the expression of myosin
physiological properties is a very important property heavy chain along the length-axis of a single fiber can
because it allows the participation of a muscle in activi- result from the transcription of different mRNA’s in dif-
ties with various metabolic and mechanical demands. The ferent nuclear domains. These so-called hybrid fibers have
architecture of capillary supply networks that supports been shown to increase with exercise, aging [27], and in
these metabolic demands varies depending on the fiber some pathological conditions. Isoforms of many muscle
type [22]. Further, the response of muscle fibers to stimuli proteins other than myosin have been identified and asso-
such as denervation, corticosteroids, hormonal levels, ciated with specific muscle fiber types [12]. For example
aging, inactivity, and disease is fiber type specific. For slow and fast troponin T isoforms are known to exist in
example, more atrophy is noted in type II fast fibers than type I and II fibers, respectively [23]. Several myogenic
in type I slow fibers in conditions associated with muscle transcription factors such as MyoD and myogenin play a
wasting such as cancer. Two very comprehensive reviews significant role in the synthesis of muscle proteins that are
of fiber diversification, including muscles of several specific for each of the fiber types. This process of fiber
mammalian species, have been published recently [23, differentiation is influenced also by factors external to
24]. The study and understanding of the properties of muscle such as the levels of thyroid hormones and the
individual fibers have been facilitated by the use of the activity pattern of peripheral nerves.
percutaneous muscle biopsy [25] in combination with
histochemical and immunological methods, the develop-
ment of the permeabilized single muscle fiber technique Excitation–Contraction Coupling: Physiology of Muscle
[26] for the study of human fibers, and recent advances in Activation
During the last few decades, muscle fibers have been Excitation–contraction (EC) coupling is the coordination of
classified using different criteria including the: (1) color of two processes that are needed for the generation of force;
muscle fibers (red vs. white) that correlates with myoglobin the transmission of the nerve stimulus to the triad followed
content, (2) contractile properties of the motor units in by the release of calcium from the cisternae of the sarco-
response to electrical stimulation, (3) speed of shortening plasmic reticulum and the interaction between actin and
during a single twitch (fast vs. slow), (4) degree of fati- myosin that forms cross-bridges. Many (but not all) of the
gability during sutained activation (fatigable vs. fatigue- molecular events during E–C coupling have been defined.
resistant), (5) predominance of certain metabolic or enzy- Briefly, the action potential that arrives to the muscle fiber
matic pathways (oxidative vs. glycolytic), (6) enzyme- membrane is conducted to the interior of the muscle cell
histochemical stain reaction (based mainly on ATPase via the transverse tubular (T tubule) system. The nervous
staining techniques but also on oxidative enzymes such as impulse arrives in the triad where the T tubule is in close
succinate dehydrogenase or SDH), (7) calcium handling by proximity with the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic
the sarcoplasmic reticulum (slow vs. fast) [18], and (8) reticulum that stores calcium. A voltage sensor subunit of
protein isoform expression, among others [24]. The speed the dihydropiridine receptors on the T tubule opens and
of contraction correlates with the extent of development of allows an inward current of calcium [28]. This calcium
the sarcoplasmic reticulum while the tolerance to fatigue current triggers the opening of the ryanodine receptors in
and oxidative capacity correlates with the mitochondrial the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and
content. The most frequently used classification for adult releases large amounts of calcium into the sarcoplasm. The
human limb muscles includes three fiber types: type I calcium released into the sarcoplasm then binds to the
(slow, oxidative, fatigue-resistant), IIA (fast, oxidative, regulatory protein troponin C on the actin thin myofila-
intermediate metabolic properties), and IIx (fastest, gly- ment. This initiates a series of molecular events that dis-
colytic, fatigable). Humans also express, under various place the tropomyosin blocking the active site of the actin
conditions and in specific muscles, other types of myosin filament.
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
A detailed description and discussion of the events that stores. On the other hand, lower intensity and long duration
follow is beyond the scope of this brief review. Suffice it to exercise utilizes the metabolism of free fatty acids for most
say that the exposure of the active site on actin allows the of the energy needs. In real life, most activities activate
binding of the head of the myosin molecule with actin. different pathways at different points in time and use a
ATP and the ATPase located in the myosin head, facilitate combination of fuels to produce the ATP needed for
the detachment of myosin from actin (a cross-bridge muscle actions.
formed in a previous contraction) and the formation of a
new cross-bridge. The detailed structure of the myosin
head was described for the first time in 1993 [29] and Types of Muscle Actions
contributed significantly to our understanding of the
mechanics and physiology of this process. As mentioned Muscle activation results in muscle actions that can be
above, the end-result of this sequence of events is the classified into three basic types: static, dynamic concentric,
sliding of the actin and myosin filaments and the generation and dynamic eccentric. A static (also known as isometric)
of force. Recent evidence suggests that this sequence of muscle action is characterized by the generation of force in
events within the cell is modulated by several genes the absence of movement of the joint or limb. Under these
including MTMR14, MG29, and KLF15 [30]. conditions, the resistance is higher than the force generated
(i.e., pushing against a wall). On the other hand, a dynamic
action involves force generation and joint movement.
Energy Production and Release Dynamic (previously known as isotonic) actions can be
divided into concentric or eccentric actions. Concentric
All muscle actions require energy in the form of ATP. The muscle actions result in the shortening of a muscle because
metabolic energy pathway used to produce and sustain its origin and insertion come closer together (i.e., flexing
muscle actions depends on the duration and intensity of the the elbow). Eccentric actions result in the lengthening of
activity. The three basic energy pathways in the muscle the muscle because its origin and insertion move farther
fiber are stores of ATP and CP, anaerobic glycolysis, and apart (i.e., lowering a load from a bent elbow position). A
oxidative phosphorylation. The first supports high intensity type of dynamic action produced in the laboratory using a
short duration (few seconds) activities because the amount special device is known as isokinetic because the velocity
of ATP and CP reserves in muscle fibers is small. Anaer- of the movement is constant. This type of muscle action is
obic glycolysis produces ATP quickly to sustain muscle artificial and does not occur in normal human movement
actions for a couple of minutes but the end products (H?, because during the performance of daily activities there is a
lactate) impair muscle function and are associated with combination of acceleration and deceleration.
muscle fatigue. Finally, the energy for exercise performed Eccentric muscle actions, if not performed carefully, can
at intensities that can be sustained for longer duration be associated with muscle damage [33]. However, exercise
(minutes to hours) is supplied by oxidative phosphorylation training, particularly training that includes eccentric
within the mitochondrial network. A network of capillaries actions, attenuates this damage and the associated inflam-
transports oxygen to the active muscle fibers. The extent of matory response. In the rehabilitation of patients with
this network correlates with the metabolic demand on the cardio-pulmonary disease, these types of muscle action are
muscle fiber. The architectural relationship between these very useful because, at a given level of force, eccentric
two structures was described very early in the twentieth actions are associated with a lower level of muscle acti-
century by August Krogh and recently discussed [31]. It is vation (as determined by electromyography), energy con-
important to note that the utilization of these meta- sumption, and oxygen consumption.
bolic pathways is not an ‘‘all or none’’ phenomenon.
Pathways overlap and can be activated at different points in
time during a single session of exercise depending on the Force Generation and Movement
intensity of the effort.
Carbohydrates (plasma glucose and muscle glycogen) The theory that explains the basic mechanism by which a
and fats (plasma free fatty acids and muscle triglycerides) muscle fiber generates force was proposed in 1954. That
are the two main fuels utilized by the muscle cell to pro- theory is known as the sliding filament theory and con-
duce ATP [32]. Metabolism of amino acids may contribute tinues to be, with some modifications, the accepted
a small percentage of the total energy production. Again, explanation for the generation of force [34, 35]. The force
the selection of the specific fuel depends on the intensity generated by individual actin–myosin cross-bridges is
and duration of the exercise. In general, at high intensities, transmitted longitudinally and laterally within the fiber. Of
muscle actions are mainly fuelled by muscle glycogen particular importance is the transmission of force to the Z
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
Fig. 5 Sequence of events leading to the generation of force and (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 36 (adapted from Unglaub
power. Reprinted, by permission, from W.L. Kenney, J.H. Wilmore, Silverthorn, Human Physiology, Fig. 12.9, Pearson Education Inc.,
and D.L. Costill, 2012, Physiology of sport and exercise, 5th ed. 2007)
disk of the sarcomeres in series. Movement is finally pro- its size is known as specific force and has been accepted as
duced when the force reaches the myotendinous junction, an indicator of muscle quality. It is known that this prop-
tendons, and joints. erty is reduced in older humans (see below) and with
The force generated by a muscle depends on many denervation.
factors including the degree of activation by the nervous Briefly, the series of events that result in the generation
system, its architecture (including the angle at which of force begins when ATP is made available to an existing
muscle fibers insert into the tendon known as pennation actin–myosin cross-bridge and (Fig. 5). ATP binds to its
angle), the muscle size, the space between myofilaments, binding site on the myosin head. The ATPase, also in the
the number of actin–myosin cross-bridges formed, the myosin head, hydrolyzes the ATP resulting in ADP and Pi
force generated by each cross-bridge, and the quality of the and in the detachment of the existing cross-bridge. The
interaction between the cellular elements (see above). With myosin head swings over and binds to a new actin mole-
regards to the latter, researchers in the field have realized cule. Release of Pi triggers a power stoke and myosin
that the correlation between muscle strength and size is not pushes the actin filament pass it. Force is generated during
unity suggesting that other factors contribute to force this power stroke. At the end of the power stroke, ADP is
production. The force generated by a muscle adjusted for released and myosin remains bound to actin in rigor. Cross-
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
bridges exist in two states, weak-binding and strong-bind- the potential learning effect, this test is more reliable when
ing state. As the name implies, the latter is a more administered after significant practice or familiarization.
important contributor to force generation and more cross- More than one testing session may be required. The ability
bridges exist in this state during maximal muscle activa- of human single fibers and single myosin molecules to
tion. In this model, total ATP consumption depends on the generate force has also been measured in vitro [37, 38].
total number of myosin heads, the fraction of myosin heads These studies show that type I myosin isoform (slow)
forming cross-bridges, and the apparent rate constant for produces less force than type II myosin isoform (fast).
cross-bridge detachment. The rate of consumption of ATP However, no differences among sub-types of fast myosin
is a reflection of the myosin heavy chain isoform expres- (IIa, IIx, or hybrid IIax) were reported. The level of force
sion and, in humans, it is lowest in type I fibers, interme- generated during muscle actions is influenced by the con-
diate in IIa fibers, and maximal in IIx fibers [36]. centration of calcium in the sarcoplasm and the sensitivity
The amount of force generated also depends on several of the thin filament containing troponin and actin. This
basic biomechanical properties of the musculoskeletal relationship is known as the force–Ca2? curve.
system. For example, force depends on the length of the
muscle or sarcomere (directly related to the position of
the limb) upon activation. This property is known as the Exercise: Adaptations to Training
force–length relationship. At lengths longer and shorter
than the optimal length, the force generated after activa- The previous sections described the various cellular and
tion is lower because the overlap between actin and physiological changes during muscle actions under condi-
myosin needed for cross-bridge formation is sub-optimal. tions typical of a single acute bout of exercise. On the other
From a practical point of view, this means that the per- hand, exercise training is characterized by the regular and
formance of daily activities is dependent on the angular frequent repetition of bouts of certain intensity and dura-
position of the joint; in other words, carrying heavy tion (see related article in this issue). Training induces in
objects with the upper limbs is usually done with the muscle significant structural and metabolic changes that are
elbows at 90° of flexion because it optimizes actin– exercise-type specific. Several signaling pathways acti-
myosin overlap. vated during exercise have been identified that contribute
The generation of force also depends on the velocity of to skeletal muscle growth and adaptation [39]. Although
the movement. This relationship is known as the force– multiple combinations of different types of exercise are
velocity curve. During concentric muscle actions (when the possible, we will briefly describe adaptations to endurance
muscle shortens), an increase in the velocity of movement (also known as aerobic or cardiovascular) training and
results in lower force. Similarly, muscle actions against strength (also known as resistance) training because these
high loads can only performed at relatively slower veloc- two types of training have been extensively studied and are
ities. On the other hand, during eccentric muscle actions used frequently in clinical settings.
(when the muscle is lengthening), an increase in velocity Endurance exercise involves the activation of large
results in higher force. This is the reason why strengthening muscle groups at an intensity that allows an individual to
exercises that include eccentric muscle actions are fre- sustain the activity for prolonged periods of time without
quently and effectively used during the rehabilitation of undue fatigue. This intensity requires a highly efficient
musculoskeletal injuries. Finally, the power produced by oxygen transport and delivery chain. Typical activities
an active muscle depends on the force generated (power– included under this definition are walking, running,
force curve) and the velocity of movement (power–velocity swimming, some types of dancing, cycling, and some team
curve). Power is low at low forces and increases to a sports. Muscle adaptations to this type of training at the
maximal level at approximately 40 % of the maximal level of cellular proteins have been recently reviewed [40].
force. On the other hand, power is low at slow velocities Briefly, the capillary supply to active muscles increases to
and increases to a maximum that depends on the muscle facilitate oxygen delivery and the number and size of
fiber type (see above) and is approximately 15–20 % of the mitochondria, particularly those located in close proximity
maximal velocity. to the sarcolemma increases [20]. Fat and glycogen storage
Force can be measured in vivo using force transducers, is enhanced to fuel muscle actions and the concentration of
free weights, and different commercially available dyna- several oxidative enzymes of the Krebs cycle needed for
mometers. A clinically useful measurement of strength the aerobic production of ATP is increased. Endurance
(defined as the maximal force generated at a specific trained muscles have a more developed sarcoplasmic
velocity) is the one repetition maximum (1RM), which is reticulum and show downregulation of specific types of
the maximal amount of weight that can be lifted only once calcium handling proteins such as SERCA (see above)
throughout the full range of motion of a joint. Because of suggesting an increase in muscle fiber efficiency [41]. The
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
hallmark of this type of exercise training is an enhanced used for the first time by Rosenberg [49, 50] to refer to the
metabolic capacity. However, endurance training is not loss of lean body mass with aging (see related article in this
typically associated with changes in muscle size or force- issue). More recently, the European Working Group on
generating capacity. Sarcopenia in Older People has expanded the definition and
Strength training results in an increased capacity to suggested criteria for diagnosis [51] including the presence
generate force, partially due to muscle hypertrophy. In of a lower muscle mass (as determined for example by
humans, it has been shown that the main cause for hyper- bioelectrical impedance or DEXA) and the presence of
trophy is an increase in the size of individual muscle fibers muscle weakness and/or impaired performance (slow
due to increases in protein synthesis and the addition of walking speed). The prevalence of sarcopenia in the older
myofilaments, myofibrils, and sarcomeres. This may result population has been reported to range between 4 and 27 %
from activation and fusion of satellite cells resulting and depending on the study, gender, and country. The loss of
the addition of new myonuclei. Similar to endurance muscle mass and strength in older people is of greater
training, several factors and molecular pathways that reg- magnitude in longitudinal studies when compared to cross-
ulate muscle mass and the hypertrophic response have sectional observations [52]. More muscle mass and
been identified [42]. Signaling pathways are activated after strength is lost by men compared to women and in the
a bout of resistance exercise in young and old humans [43]. lower limbs compared to the upper limbs [52, 53]. It must
The role of two important signaling pathways has been be noted that the loss of strength with advancing age is not
recently reviewed [44, 45]. In one of these pathways a universal phenomenon and some individuals have
insulin-like growth factor-1 binds to its receptor on the maintained muscle strength after 10 years of follow-up
sarcolemma and induces the activation of the Akt protein. [54]. This selective preservation of muscle strength may be
Akt activates mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) that associated with the daily level of physical activity of the
regulates factors that control protein synthesis. This path- study population. Sarcopenia may also be associated with
way can be activated also by calcium and mechanical the loss of muscle power (force 9 velocity), particularly in
activity. In a second pathway, myostatin (a member of the older people with mobility limitations [55]. Power corre-
TGF-b superfamily), acts as a negative regulator of muscle lates very well with function and its loss is a good predictor
mass. Therefore, mutations of the myostatin gene or of mobility limitations and falls.
blocking of this pathway results in muscle hypertrophy. At the level of the individual muscle fiber, sarcopenia
Several microRNA’s have been identified as important may be associated with a reduced number of satellite cells;
participants in the regulation of muscle mass [45] by especially those associated with fibers expressing type II
intervening in these two pathways. (fast) myosin heavy chain [56]. This is relevant because
Changes in muscle mass may result in a lower con- most of the motor unit and fibers lost with advanced adult
centration per muscle area unit (but not number) of capil- age are type II. Moreover, the satellite cell activation in
laries and other cellular elements. In both mice and response to muscle damage is blunted in older adult men; a
humans, the activation of satellite cells could play an phenomenon that is mediated by interleukin-6 [57]. Aging
important role in the hypertrophic response [46]. Further- muscle is also characterized by alterations in other com-
more, several genes are activated during an acute bout of ponents of the muscle cell. For example, alteration in the
strengthening exercise training that contribute to muscle structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum results in segre-
growth and this genetic response that leads to muscle gated calcium stores that impair the efficiency of the EC
hypertrophy is modulated by training [47]. In order to coupling [21]. Another example of the age-related altera-
stimulate muscle hypertrophy with exercise, dietary con- tions in cell organelles is the loss of mitochondria [58].
siderations are important. A recent meta-analysis shows Aging is associated with a loss of mitochondrial content
that the gains in muscle mass and strength with strength and function that is influenced by the level of physical
training can be augmented by protein supplementation in activity and can be partially reversed by exercise training.
both young and older volunteers [48]. It is interesting that A reduction in muscle size is a contributor to sarcopenia
amino acids activate the same IGF-1 signaling path- but is not the only (and may not be the most important)
way activated by strength training mentioned in the pre- explanation for it. Changes in muscle fiber quality have
vious paragraph. been reported by several investigators including our group
[37]. The importance of age-related changes at the level of
the myofilaments has been recently discussed [59]. The
Aging and Sarcopenia majority of studies demonstrate that older men and women
have reduced single fiber maximal force even after
One of the most distinctive features of aging is the presence adjustments for variability in fiber size. This is true in both
of muscle weakness and atrophy. The term sarcopenia was type I and II fibers. Many molecular mechanisms have been
W. R. Frontera, J. Ochala: Muscle Structure and Function
proposed to explain such dysfunction including a reduction muscles of the lower limbs [69, 70]. A major contributor to
in myosin protein content; this may be particularly true in such impairments is muscle atrophy affecting both type I
immobilized muscle [60]. The latter may be related to gene and II fibers [71]. Atrophy is defined as a decrease in size
transcription with abnormalities in the myostatin gene or due to a loss of organelles, cytoplasm, and/or protein.
reductions in translation and protein synthesis leading to a As mentioned above, muscle size is determine by the
lower myosin concentration per unit of muscle cell area. In delicate balance between protein synthesis and degrada-
addition, post-translational modifications of myosin via tion. Bed rest studies tend to demonstrate that proteolysis
mechanisms such as oxidation and glycosylation may pathways are up-regulated as attested by the increased
result in myofilament dysfunction. Oxidative modification activation of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and
of myosin may disrupt the binding of the myosin head to autophagy after 35 days of rest. Similar to the situation in
the actin filament and, thus, reduce the number of actin– sarcopenia, long periods of bed rest lead to a loss of
myosin cross-bridges in the strong-binding state [61]. This strength exceeding the loss of mass. This suggests that a
will limit force and power generation. It is interesting that change in muscle quality occurs. The reduction in quality
longitudinal studies suggest that clusters of fibers that are cannot be explained on the basis of fat or connective tissue
not lost during aging try to compensate for these age- infiltration [72] and is probably due to an alteration of the
related differences in fiber size and quality [55, 62, 63] quality of the contractile elements at the single fiber level.
and although whole muscle performance is reduced, sin- Indeed, force, velocity, and power are all severely affected
gle muscle fiber properties may be relatively well in both type I and II cells [71] with bed rest. The molecular
preserved. mechanisms underlying these changes remain unclear but
Other mechanical properties are also altered in older are likely to include the disruption of actin–myosin cross-
human muscle. An increased in instantaneous stiffness bridges caused by unusual post-translational modifications
(reduction in elasticity) has been reported in whole muscle of myosin such as increased phosphorylation and O-N-
as well as in single fibers [64]. This may be due to an acetyl glucosaminylation [73]. It is important to point out
increase in the number of cross-bridges in the weak-bind- that, despite these similarities, there are differences
ing state but other factors such as changes in cross-bridge between sarcopenia and bed rest. For instance, a shift
compliance and sarcomeric elements like titin may con- toward a faster muscle fiber type composition (increased
tribute. As previously noted, the role of this important type II to type I fiber ratio) is commonly reported after long
protein in muscle actions has been recently reviewed [65]. periods of bed rest [71] whereas the opposite tends to
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normal myofilament interaction substantial evidence sup- inactivity results in complex changes that may be influ-
ports the idea that muscle impairment in older people is, at enced by environmental conditions.
least partially, a qualitative and not a quantitative problem.
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