PlenaVAS-SW3 00 01 (V0 2) en
PlenaVAS-SW3 00 01 (V0 2) en
PlenaVAS-SW3 00 01 (V0 2) en
Configuration Software
en Software manual
Plena VAS configuration Table of Contents | en 3
Table of Contents
2 System overview 7
2.1 Scope of delivery 7
2.2 Product view 7
3 Getting started 8
3.1 PC requirements 8
3.2 Installation 8
3.3 Connection 10
3.4 Start 10
4 Configuration 12
4.1 System 13
4.1.1 Number of routers 13
4.1.2 Number of call stations 13
4.1.3 Number of call station keypads 13
4.1.4 EMG call station enable 13
4.1.5 Number of RC panels 13
4.1.6 Number of RCP extensions 14
4.1.7 3-wire local volume control 14
4.1.8 Digital message control only controls business messages 14
4.1.9 EMG all call 14
4.1.10 Alternating broadcasting 14
4.1.11 Message is stopped when trigger is released 14
4.1.12 Enable Soft Triggers (RS232) 14
4.1.13 Buttons 15
4.2 Zones 15
4.2.1 Rename zones 15
4.2.2 Zone Group 16
4.3 Supervision 17
4.3.1 Input supervision 17
4.3.2 Line supervision 18
4.3.3 Short circuit check 18
4.3.4 Network 18
4.3.5 Call / EMG 18
4.3.6 Spare 18
4.3.7 Ground short 19
4.3.8 Mains 19
4.3.9 Battery 19
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4 en | Table of Contents Plena VAS configuration
4.3.10 Message 19
4.3.11 EMG mic 19
4.3.12 RC panel audio 19
4.3.13 Buttons 19
4.4 Select wave files 20
4.4.1 About wave files 20
4.4.2 Add wave files 21
4.4.3 Listen to wave files 21
4.4.4 Remove wave files 21
4.5 Edit templates 22
4.5.1 Create a template 22
4.6 Edit messages 27
4.6.1 Create a message 27
4.6.2 Listen to messages 29
4.6.3 Rename messages 29
4.6.4 Delete a message 30
4.6.5 About mergeable messages 30
4.6.6 Create a mergeable message 30
4.7 Action programming 34
4.7.1 Main Controller 34
4.7.2 Router 39
4.7.3 Call Station 40
4.8 Save configuration file 42
4.9 Open configuration file 43
4.10 Modify password 44
4.11 Upload configuration 45
4.12 Upload messages and configuration 46
4.13 Download messages and configuration 46
5 Troubleshooting 47
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Plena VAS configuration About this manual | en 5
Alert containing additional information. Usually, not observing a ‘notice’ does not result in
damage to the equipment or personal injuries.
The equipment or the property can be damaged, or persons can be lightly injured if the alert is
not observed.
The equipment or the property can be seriously damaged, or persons can be severely injured
if the alert is not observed.
Not observing the alert can lead to severe injuries or death.
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6 en | About this manual Plena VAS configuration
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Plena VAS configuration System overview | en 7
2 System overview
The configuration software is a front-end program providing graphical user interface (refer to
Section 2.2 Product view). The front-end represents the various configuration items in
separate property sheets, making it easy to, step-by-step, configure your Plena voice alarm
The Plena voice alarm system controller forms the heart of a Plena voice alarm system. The
controller centrally stores, manages and distributes emergency calls, business calls and
background music (BGM). A Plena voice alarm system may be configured, using all available
units of the Plena product line, including one or more routers, call stations and call station
extension keypads, to simultaneously serve and manage loudspeaker zones.
A Plena voice alarm system can be configured from a PC running the configuration software.
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8 en | Getting started Plena VAS configuration
3 Getting started
This section describes how to install the configuration software, connect a PC to the Plena
voice alarm system controller (LBB1990/00), start the software and provides information
about the user interface (main configuration menu).
3.1 PC requirements
The configuration software can be installed on any PC running the Microsoft Windows 2000,
Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system. Make sure
that the PC is working correctly and free of viruses before installing the software. Using
embedded operating systems is not recommended.
Be sure that you use a user account with full Windows administration rights before starting
software installation.
3.2 Installation
Proceed as follows:
1. Place the Plena CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the PC. The CD-ROM starts
automatically and a index screen similar to the following figure appears.
If the CD-ROM does not start automatically:
– Go to: Start > Run.
– Enter: X:\index.html. (Replace X with the character of the CD-ROM drive.)
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Plena VAS configuration Getting started | en 9
4. Click Open to open the set-up file of the configuration software. A welcome sheet similar
to the following figure appears.
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10 en | Getting started Plena VAS configuration
3.3 Connection
The Plena voice alarm system Controller (LBB1990/00) can be connected to a PC with the
supplied USB cable (refer to the following figure). It is not necessary to switch-off the voice
alarm system controller.
The configuration software can also be used without a USB connection to the Plena voice
alarm system controller. For example, to prepare configuration files for a new voice alarm
Int Booster
1 Channel
Booster BGM/Ca
2 Channel
A are
Z1 100V
B Override
0 /Trigger
Z2 100V 100V
24V Trigger
0 0 Z1 input/24V
Z1 Emergenc DC
Z3 100V 100V 1 y
Z2 3
0 0 Z2 NC 4
5 24V
100V COM Business 6
Z4 100V Z3 EMG NC DC
0 0 Z3 NC COM
Z4 4
Z5 100V COM 5 VOX 10k
100V Fault 6 Switch 10k
NO 1
0 Z5 2
0 Z4 NC 3
Z6 100V COM 4
Z6 NO Call 5
6 24V
Ext 0 Z5 DC
0 NC
out Call
Booster 100V TRG station
100V 1 24V
In Volume
NO For service LBB
0 Z6 Override 1990/00
0 only
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Made in China
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Booster Power
CD/Tun GND LBB199 power:7
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AUX R fuse
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Mic/Line Remote AC
power Control
Off Panel
Vox On
Digital Router
Messag Monitori
e ng 2
This g
be earthed
3.4 Start
Proceed as follows:
1. Go to the desktop of Windows.
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Plena VAS configuration Getting started | en 11
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12 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
4 Configuration
A Plena voice alarm system always contains one Plena voice alarm system Controller
(LBB1990/00). It is not possible to change the number of the voice alarm system controller
with the configuration software.
Refer to the Plena voice alarm system Installation and Operation Manual (9922 141 1037x) for
information about the hardware configuration of the system.
The main configuration menu gives access to all functions of the configuration software and
comprises a number of buttons. Configure your system using the buttons, from the top down:
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Plena VAS configuration Configuration | en 13
4.1 System
The System button opens the system property sheet. Use the system property sheet to enter
information about the hardware of which the system consists.
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14 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
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Plena VAS configuration Configuration | en 15
4.1.13 Buttons
The buttons at the bottom of the System configuration property sheet are used to:
– Save the System configuration changes.
– Cancel the System configuration changes.
– Close the System configuration property sheet.
4.2 Zones
The Zones button opens the Zones property sheet. Use this Zones property sheet to rename
zones and manage zone groups.
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16 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
xx is the number of the voice alarm system Router. This is equal to the ID that is set during the
hardware configuration of the system.
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4.3 Supervision
The Supervision button opens the Supervision property sheet. Use this property sheet to
configure the supervision settings of the system.
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18 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
5. Select each controller and router check box of the outputs that must be supervised:
– The All button select all check boxes.
– The Select All button select all check boxes.
– The Clear All button clears all check boxes.
6. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
7. Click the Close button to close the Supervision property sheet.
4.3.4 Network
Use the Network check box to enable or disable supervision of the network. The Network in
this case is the data communication with all configured routers, RC panels, extensions to the
RC panels and the audio connections to the routers.
By default, this check box is cleared, which means that supervision of the network is disabled.
4.3.6 Spare
Use the Spare check box to enable or disable supervision of the spare power amplifier. By
default, this check box is selected, which means that supervision of the spare power amplifier
is enabled.
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Plena VAS configuration Configuration | en 19
4.3.8 Mains
Use the Mains check box to enable or disable mains power supervision. By default, this check
box is selected, which means that mains power supervision is enabled.
4.3.9 Battery
Use the Battery check box to enable or disable battery supervision. By default, this check box
is selected, which means that battery supervision is enabled.
4.3.10 Message
Use the Message check box to enable or disable message supervision. By default, this check
box is selected, which means that message supervision is enabled.
4.3.13 Buttons
The buttons at the bottom of the Supervision configuration property sheet are used to:
– Select All check boxes.
– Clear All check boxes.
– Save the Supervision configuration changes.
– Cancel the Supervision configuration changes.
– Close the Supervision configuration property sheet.
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20 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
It is also possible to create new wave files, for example with the utilities that can be found on
the CD-ROM. Refer to the following table for an overview of the required characteristics of the
wave files:
The maximum number of wave files that can be stored in the voice alarm system controller is
254. The total file size of the wave files must be less than 16 Mb.
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2. Click the Save button of the property sheet to save the changes. Or click the Cancel
button to cancel the changes.
3. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
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22 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Template text box.
– Select the template (1-4)
2. If required, enter a (new) name for the template in the Name text box.
3. Click row 1 in the Wave file text box and select the either the wave file or Variant.
4. Click the number of repetitions of row 1 from the Repeat text box (1-255).
Variants cannot be repeated.
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Example template
In this example, a template is created that is used for evacuation messages for the floors of
the visitors’ wing in a hotel. The template components are:
– An alert chime to attract the attention. The name of the wave file that contains the alert
chime is alert chime in this example.
– Speech: ‘Due to an emergency, it is necessary to evacuate’. The name of the wave file
that contains the speech is evacuate in this example.
– Speech: ‘Floor’. The name of the wave file that contains the speech is floor in this
– Speech that contains the number of the floor. As this is different for each floor, this
component is a Variant that is not defined until the creation of the actual message (refer
to Section Example mergeable message).
– Speech: ‘Immediately’. The name of the wave file that contains the speech is immediately
in this example.
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Edit templates button. The Edit templates property sheet opens.
2. Select the number of the template from the Template text box. For example, 2. An empty
template is opened. Refer to the following figure.
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Proceed as follows:
1. Click the New button. A property sheet similar to the following figure appears.
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1. Click in the Name text box and select the message that must be renamed.
2. Click the Rename button. A property sheet similar to the following figure appears.
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30 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Edit messages button which opens the Edit messages property sheet.
2. Click the New button. A property sheet similar to the following figure appears.
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32 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
The Floor evacuation template can also be used to create an evacuation message for floor 2.
Instead of assigning a wave file that contains the word "one" to the Variant, a wave file
containing the word "two" must be assigned to the Variant (refer to the following figure for an
example). When the voice alarm system controller plays this message, the spoken part of the
message is: ‘Due to an emergency, it is necessary to evacuate floor two immediately’.
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34 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
The buttons at the bottom of the Action programming property sheet are used to:
– Save the action programming changes.
– Cancel the action programming changes.
– Close the action programming property sheet.
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During emergency state:
– An intermittent beep will sound on the Controller and Remote Controls until the
emergency state is acknowledged.
– The Emergency state indicators on the Controller, Remote Controls and Call Stations will
light up.
– The emergency contact on the Controller and Remote Controls will be activated.
– Business calls and background music are not available.
– Unless EMG All Call is enabled in the configuration, zone selection can be modified using
the zone selection buttons on the Controller, Routers and Remote Controls.
– An Alarm, Alert or Speech call can be started on the Controller or Remote Control.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the Main Controller tab.
2. Select the message to be activated by the Alert message button on the front panel of the
voice alarm system controller in the Alert message text box.
3. Select the message to be activated by the Alarm message button on the front panel of the
voice alarm system controller in the Alarm message text box.
4. Select the message to be activated by the emergency button on the front panel of the
voice alarm system controller from the EMG message text box.
5. Select the Main EMG mic priority level to set the priority level for the microphone of the
voice alarm system controller. The priorities 17, 18 and 19 can be set.
6. Select the RC 1 EMG mic priority to set the priority level for the microphone for remote
control 1. The priorities 17, 18 and 19 can be set.
7. Select the RC 2 EMG mic priority to set the priority level for the remote control 2. The
priorities 17, 18 and 19 can be set.
8. Select the After EMG TRG release the system remains in EMG state check box to keep the
system in an emergency state until a reset. Clearing the check box will stop the
emergency state as soon the trigger is released.
9. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
10. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
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36 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
General settings
– Message Repeat
– Action
– Fault Action
– Type
– Pre EMG Message announcement
– EMG message delay
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Message Repeat text box and select the number of times all messages must be
– Select continuous or a specific number (1-254).
2. Select Action to set the condition when a trigger is made active:
– Open: the trigger is made active when the circuit is open.
– Close: the trigger is made active when the circuit is closed.
3. Select Fault Action to set the condition when a fault trigger is made active:
– Open: the trigger is made active when the circuit is open.
– Close: the trigger is made active when the circuit is closed.
4. Select Type to set the condition for when a trigger signal stops:
– Momentary: the trigger is active until the signal stops.
– Toggle: the trigger is active until a second signal is made.
5. Click the Pre EMG Message announcement text box to select the message from the list.
– This message sounds before the message that is programmed for the trigger input
6. Click the EMG message delay time text box to select the delay time from the list (30
seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes..... 10 minutes).
– The EMG message delay is the time from the activation of the trigger until the Pre
EMG Message is replaced by the selected individual message for the trigger.
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7. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
8. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
The recommended setting for non continuous message repeat is momentary. If toggle is
selected, the first message is repeated until another input is received whilst the toggle switch
is open.
Trigger input
Close, Momentary
Trigger input
Open, Momentary
Trigger input
Close, Toggle
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38 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
Trigger input
Open, Toggle
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the priority of the mic/line input with VOX functionality of the voice alarm system
controller from the Priority text box (2-14).
2. Select the zone or zone group to which the audio of the mic/line input with VOX
functionality of the voice alarm system controller must be distributed from the Select
Zone text box.
3. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
4. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
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4.7.2 Router
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40 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
Figure 4.33 Call station and call station keypad property sheet
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The remaining zone selection button on the call station selects all zones of the system.
5. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
6. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
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42 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
2. Click the Save button to save the changes. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the
3. Click the Close button to close the property sheet.
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Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Open configuration file button from the main configuration menu.
2. Select the name of the configuration file from the dialog box.
3. Click the Open button.
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Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Upload configuration button from the main configuration menu:
– If no USB connection between the PC and the voice alarm system controller is
established, an on-screen message appears: "Usb port not connected".
2. The hardware password dialog box opens. Enter the hardware password.
3. The version dialog box appears (refer to the following figure, for an example).
– Select the Modify hardware password check box if you want to modify the
4. Click the OK button. Or click the Cancel button to cancel the changes.
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46 en | Configuration Plena VAS configuration
6. Wait until the upload is completed. The Uploading dialog box closes automatically.
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Upload messages and configuration button from the main configuration menu:
– The upload process is similar to the upload configuration process. Refer to
Section 4.11 Upload configuration.
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Plena VAS configuration Troubleshooting | en 47
5 Troubleshooting
This troubleshooting section has been created to help you with problems you may be
experiencing with installing or loading the Plena configuration software.
The configuration software does not load or has an error when it attempts to load
– Verify if updates are available of the configuration software.
– In some cases the configuration software may require an update before it can be
successfully run on your PC.
– Make sure all other programs are closed when you run the configuration software.
– If the configuration software successfully runs after closing all other programs, it's
possible that the configuration software may have issues with other programs.
– Make sure the PC has been rebooted at least once after the configuration software has
been installed.
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48 en | Troubleshooting Plena VAS configuration
9992 141 1038x | V0.2 (3.00.01) | 2012.11 Software manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Torenallee 49
5617 BA Eindoven
The Netherlands
© Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2012