This document summarizes physics, chemistry, and mathematics labs and projects completed by students. In physics, labs investigated concepts like volume, density, center of gravity, and reflection. Chemistry labs explored diffusion, chromatography, and titration. Mathematics projects analyzed topics such as hurricane frequency, restaurant wait times, and oil and gold prices. Students received grades and feedback on their lab reports and investigative projects.
This document summarizes physics, chemistry, and mathematics labs and projects completed by students. In physics, labs investigated concepts like volume, density, center of gravity, and reflection. Chemistry labs explored diffusion, chromatography, and titration. Mathematics projects analyzed topics such as hurricane frequency, restaurant wait times, and oil and gold prices. Students received grades and feedback on their lab reports and investigative projects.
This document summarizes physics, chemistry, and mathematics labs and projects completed by students. In physics, labs investigated concepts like volume, density, center of gravity, and reflection. Chemistry labs explored diffusion, chromatography, and titration. Mathematics projects analyzed topics such as hurricane frequency, restaurant wait times, and oil and gold prices. Students received grades and feedback on their lab reports and investigative projects.
This document summarizes physics, chemistry, and mathematics labs and projects completed by students. In physics, labs investigated concepts like volume, density, center of gravity, and reflection. Chemistry labs explored diffusion, chromatography, and titration. Mathematics projects analyzed topics such as hurricane frequency, restaurant wait times, and oil and gold prices. Students received grades and feedback on their lab reports and investigative projects.
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1. To determine the volume of a spherical ball Completed 2. To determine the density of an irregular shaped object. Completed MM 3. To find the centre of gravity of an irregular shaped lamina. Completed ORR 4. To determine the acceleration due to gravity using a simple Completed AI pendulum. 5. To investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence and Completed ORR reflection. 6. To find the position of an image using a plane mirror Completed MM 7. To determine the refractive index of a rectangular glass block Completed 8. A student observed that as the angle of incidence increases through a rectangular glass block, so does the angle of refraction. He therefore postulated that this occurrence would have no effect on the lateral Completed PD displacement. Plan and design an experiment to assess the student’s observation. 9. To determine the latent heat of fusion of ice by the method of Completed AI mixtures. 10. To determine the specific heat capacity of a metal by the method of Completed mixtures. 11. To investigate the principle of conservation of linear momentum Completed 12. To investigate the current in a series circuit. Completed 13. To investigate the current in a parallel circuit. Completed MM 14. A student is provided with three unlabeled radioactive sources: an alpha, a beta and a gamma emitter. Plan and design an experiment to PD help the student identify each radioactive source based on its range in different media. 15. Mapping magnetic field using iron filings and plotting compass. MM 16. To investigate I-V relationship in a filament lamp. ORR 17. To investigate the relationship between change in the length of wire ORR and resistance. 18. INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT (Planning) Completed PD 19. INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT (Implementation) Completed AI Chemistry
ASSESSED 1. To demonstrate the diffusion of KMnO4. 2. To separate the components of black ink by paper chromatography. 3. To separate NaCl from a mixture of NaCl and ORR sand. 4. To determine the neutralization point of a reaction MM by temperature change. 5. To determine the percent acetic acid in vinegar. PD 6. To determine the conc. of NaOH in a AI neutralization reaction by titration. 7. To determine the enthalpy of neutralization. AI 8. INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT (Planning) PD 9. To prepare a sample of insoluble salt by PD precipitation. 10. To investigate the reaction of dilute acids with metals, bases and carbonates. 11. INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT (Implementation) AI 12. To test for oxidizing and reducing agents. MM 13. To investigate the effect of concentration on ORR reaction rate. 14. To observe the reaction of metals with water. 15. To observe the effect of heat on CuCO3, ORR Ca(OH)2, NaNO3, CuSO4 16. To prepare a sample of soap. MM Mathematics
Student Aim Status Estimated
Grade 1 Antonio Barlow To test the accuracy of eyewitness testimony 100% 2 2 Abdullaah Sanmoogan To determine if there is a relationship between the occurrence 100% of categories 3, 4 & 5 hurricanes with average Atlantic 2 temperatures. 3 Bibi Kissoon To investigate the waiting time for food service at a particular 100% 3 restaurant. 4 Tyrese Blenman To determine if there is a correlation between a person’s 100% 3 reaction time and age. 5 Brian Geer To investigate the rate of a falling object in liquids of various 100% 1 densities. 6 Alleya Castello To investigate which section of products in a supermarket 85% 3 record the most sales. 7 Kimberly Shiwram To determine the time taken for an average person to receive 100% 2 service in a given supermarket. 8 Angel Solomon To determine if peppermint can improve reaction time. 10% 3 9 Davie Persaud To investigate why pupils dislike Mathematics in Primary 100% 3 school. 10 Michelle Yankana An investigation into the waiting time for a single vehicle to 100% 2 receive service at a gas station 11 Tyrece Rawlins To investigate the effect that speed has on the distance gained 100% 4 in a long jump. 12 Trevon Hoppie To determine if there is a correlation between oil and gold 100% 3 prices 13 Rolanda Bartholomew To determine if there is a correlation between GDP and 100% 3 corruption index
Stages Date Due/Done
1. Discussion of SBA requirements.
2. Formulate topic 3. Introduction 4. Method of data collection 5. Presentation of data 6. Analysis of data 7. Discussion/Conclusion 8. Final submission