Tribute For Teachers (Final
Tribute For Teachers (Final
Tribute For Teachers (Final
morning to all of you. I stand here in front of you to talk about our beloved teachers. A teacher is more
than an educator. They play a big role in our lives. A teacher can be our friend, mentor and also our
guide to our paths. They have the biggest responsibility in every child’s life, not just to teach but also to
shape and prepare us to face responsibilities in the real world. I know every teacher makes sacrifices for
their students, and we thank you for that. You’ve taught us much more than the subject you teach.
Teachers work tirelessly to inspire and be a role model to us.
Since we entered in schooling, you were always been there for us. Molding us to be the better versions
of ourselves, and teaching us good morals. You’ve also taught us how to respect other people, and of
course, ourselves, and how to deal with other people. Even though you're strict and held us to a high
standards. We know that we’ve learned more from your class. You pushed us to do our best, and we our
better now. Teachers also taught us to never give up and never quit learning because education will be
our key to success.
As a student, I’ve encountered different kinds of teachers. Some are strict and some are not, but I
realized even though there our different kinds of teachers, they still do their best just to teach and help
us achieve our dreams. Even in our downfalls, all of us are experiencing and going through a rough time,
and you showed us that we are important, and we can get through those tough times. Our teachers will
always be there for us; to lift us up and listen. Thank you for being there when we need you the most.
Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you teachers for guiding us, inspiring us and make us to
what we are today. You’ve given us knowledge and skills that we can use for the rest our lives. We
appreciate every little thing and effort you have done for us. Again, we thank you for that. We know
every time you scold us, you just want to correct our wrong doings and discipline us at the same time.
You are probably one of the most influential person in my life.
Tomorrow is our last day standing in front of you as an elementary student, a junior high school student
and a senior high school student. We will now enter the next chapter of our lives. We will never forget
the lessons that you have taught us and we will treasure every single memory that we had, the
memories which I will treasure forever. You never failed us in any way. You accepted us for who we are
and help us grow. Thank you for always taking care of us. We know that is difficult to educate a ton of
students at the same time, but you still did your best just to teach us .To our two principals, thank you
for creating such a great environment to learn, where we were encouraged to express our own thoughts
and opinions .To all of our teachers, we really enjoyed having all of you as our second parent. We’ve
learned many things from you and we will treasure that for the rest of our lives. Thank you for making
learning fun. Thank you for giving your support and your unconditional love to us. You are not just a
teacher, but also a mentor and a friend. Thank for all of the things you’ve done for us. You became a
great influencer to us and we hope, you will continue to inspire others to dream, believe and survive. No
words can explain how grateful I am to have you. Thank you for the great work and the huge impact you
gave, living as a teacher. Again, we thank you and we love you.