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REPEDE Pressure Control SRL



13 5/8” x 5K x 13 3/8” Slip lock x 9 5/8” x 11” x 5K x 3 1/2” TSHCS 9.3ppf

x 3 1/2” TSHCS 9.3ppf x 3 1/8” x 5K x 3 1/8” x 5K outlets
DD, PU, PSL1, PR1 acc. to API 6A

Custom: PESECo Ltd, Aberdeen, UK

Process order/date: 2014/4072/11.03.2014
Series no.: 40123, 40159, 40220

The wellhead equipment is made to REPEDE Pressure Control SRL

in according to requirements of API Spec. 6A
REPEDE Pressure Control SRL
REPEDE Pressure Control SRL


Instruction for the preparation of the casing ends prior to mounting………………... IP-001 Rev. B
Instructions for installing casing head housing, SLK (slip lock) type………………..IP-016 Rev. A
Instructions for installing PU-IS secondary seals type………………………………. IP-010 Rev. B
Instructions for running and retrieving WB22-01wear bushings type with the
TBOPWB-01 combination tool……………………………………………………… IP-003 Rev. A
Instructions for testing BOP’s using the combination tool TBOPWB-01 type…….. IP-004 Rev. A
Instructions for installation of the PU-22 type casing hangers………………………. IP-006 Rev. C
Instructions for installation of the CHM type casing mandrel hangers……………… IP-017 Rev. A
Instructions for installing PU-H secondary seals type………………………………. IP-009 Rev. B
Instructions for installing dual tubing hangers, HA007 type…………………………IP-015 Rev. A
Slab or expanding gate valves operation, maintenance and service manual………… MRM-001 Rev. B
Surface safety, slab gate valves operation, maintenance and service manual……….. MRM-011 Rev. A
Positive and adjustable chokes operation, maintenance and service manual………... MRM-003 Rev. C
Running and retrieving tool for back pressure valve, maintenance and service
manual……………………………………………………………………………….. MRM-007 Rev. B
BOM’s and drawings for the main components
BOM’s and drawings for the tools and spare parts for them
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-001 Rev. B


1. Scope
This instruction establishes the preparations requirements of the casing ends in order to install them into
Casing Head / Tubing Head. The preparation of the casings ends is absolute necessary when for sealing
the annulus, the casing have to be in directly contact with packoff, which are fitted into Casing Head /
Tubing Head.
2. Instructions regarding preparation of the casing ends
2.1 General instructions for preparation
Before beginning the necessary operation for the casing ends preparation you have to accomplish the
following preliminary steps:
- check if the casing dimension is in concordance with the packoff dimension (fitted in the Casing
Head / Tubing Head).
- check if the casing outside diameter is into the admissible tolerance range of the applicable standards.
2.2 Instructions for preparation of the casing ends
- run the casing hanger and cut the casing according to the instruction of the IP-006;
- finish the cut end of the casing in order to assure a maximum perpendicularity of 0,5 degrees,
between the cutting surface and outside diameter;
- chamfer the outside diameter of the casing according to Table 1and Fig. 1;
- turn on both the upper and the lower selvage of the chamfer, as shown in the Fig. 1;
- chamfer, if it is necessary, the inside diameter as shown in the Fig. 2;

Fig. 1 - The beveling of the casing outside diameter

Table 1
Casing dimension Bevel length
Bevel angle
O.D. b
in in mm
O.D. < 4 1/2 1/4 6,5 ± 5°
4 1/2 < O.D. < 13 3/8 3/8 9,5 ± 5°
16 < O.D. < 20 1/2 12,7 ± 5°
O.D. > 20 3/4 19 ± 5°

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-001 Rev. B

I.D. = Minimum inside diameter of the Casing Head /

Tubing Head

The value of the minimum inside diameter is marked by
punching on the outside diameter of the top flange of the
equipment which is mounted above the casing.

Fig. 2 - The beveling of the casing inside diameter

In case the casing is covered with a deep coating of varnish /paint, prior to mount the Casing Head /
Tubing Head, polish the casing outside diameter and get off the varnish / paint. Hereby, when the
assembling is done, the hazards of damaging the secondary seal and / or impairing the outside sealing
of the casing are excluded.

You have to use the appropriate safety equipment and to observe the applicable labor safety rules
in accordance with state and / or local requirements as established by the administrative authority.
3. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 19.06.2012 Initial release 19.06.2012
Change company name from „PETROUZTEL Tech”
B 14.12.2012 14.12.2012
to „REPEDE Pressure Control”

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-001 Rev. B


1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............. 1
2. Instructions regarding preparation of the casing ends……………………………… 1
2.1 General instructions for preparation…………………………………………………….. 1
2.2 Instructions for preparation the casing ends…………………………………………….. 1
3. Revision history table………………………………………………………….............. 2

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A


1. Scope
This instruction establishes the requirements for installing the SLK casing head housings. The casing
hanger is manufactured according to API 6A.
2. Description
SLK casing head housing is installed at the end of the first casing string; a relevant feature of this type of
casing head housing is its facile mounting/ dismantling from the casing string. The body of the SLK
casing head housing (Item 1 - Fig. 1) is provided at the upper side with a bowl where the casing hanger
will be installed and at the lower side there are two grooves to receive the two PU-IS secondary seals
(Item 8 - Fig. 1).
The anchorage of the first casing (Item 13 - Fig. 2) in the casing head will be done through the SLK Slip
set (Item 3 - Fig. 1) which is inserted in the studded ring (Item 2 - Fig. 1) fixed with bolts and nuts (Item 6
- Fig. 1) to the lower side of the SLK. The slip set is maintained in open position by screws (Item 5 - Fig.

Item Description

1 Body
2 Ring
3 SLK slip set
4 Alignment ring
5 Screw
6 Stud
7 Nut
PU-IS type
secondary seal
9 Bleeder fitting
10 Body grease fitting

Fig. 1 - SLK casing head housing type

3. Instructions for installation of SLK casing head housing type
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before beginning the installation of the SLK casing head housing it is necessary to accomplish the
following preliminary steps:
- measure the depth, “H”, up to which the casing will be installed in the SLK; the measurement will be
done with the nuts (Item 7 - Fig. 2) fastened on the studs (Item 6 - Fig. 2) so that the top of the SLK set
slips (Item 3 - Fig. 2) is in contact with the bottom surface of the SLK body (Item 1 - Fig. 2);
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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A

- cut the casing at a length which exceeds the measured “H” level so that, after its mounting, the SLK
casing head housing is correctly positioned against predetermined benches (ground level, well
basement level, etc.); remove the cut casing;
- prepare the outside diameter of the casing (according to IP-001) to prevent the damaging of the
secondary seals when the SLK casing head housing flange is installed;

Fig. 2 - Preparing assembly of SLK casing head housing

- check if the dimensions of the secondary seals meet the nominal casing size.
Notes: The SLK casing head housings are usually delivered with PU-IS secondary seal (seals) installed
(mounted) in the special grooves, filled with injectable plastic packing, but not energized (see Fig. 3).
If is not the first installation of the casing head housing and one or both of secondary seal PU-IS must be
replaced, follow the necessary steps according to chapter 3.2 from IP-010.

Fig. 3 - PU-IS secondary seals type installed onto the SLK casing head housing
3.2 Instructions for installation of SLK casing head housing
To install the SLK casing head housing you must do the following activities:
- check if the screws (Item 5 - Fig. 4) are fully tightened, thus ensuring that the SLK slip set is fully
retracted from the annular space of the SLK casing head housing;
- lift the SLK assembly (see Fig. 1), align it towards the casing (Item 13 - Fig. 4); after that, carefully
lower it until the inside shoulder of the SLK stops in the top of the casing (Item 13 - Fig. 4); take care
not to damage the PU-IS secondary seals (Item 8 - Fig. 4) mounted on the bottom side of the SLK;

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A

Fig. 4 - SLK casing head housing installed on the casing string

- fully unfasten the SLK slip set screws (Item 5 – Fig.4) to lower and lock it wrap around on the

Fig. 4 - Studs & nuts tightening sequence

- using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tightens each nut (Item 7 - Fig. 4) on the stud (Item
6 - Fig. 4) until the SLK slip set (Item 3 - Fig. 4) is fitted on the casing.
3.3 The injection of injectable plastic packing to get the PU-IS seal type
To make sure the PU-IS secondary seal seals correctly, this have to be energized with the injectable
plastic packing. Injecting the injectable plastic packing can be done with an injectable plastic packing
injection device showed in Fig. 6. Injection of injectable plastic packing shall be done according to the
following steps:
a) unfasten the vent fitting from the port marked „injection port” (see Item 11 - Fig. 3), unscrew the
grease fitting nut (see Item 12 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7b) which is fitted in antipodal position in the port
marked „vent port” used for inferior secondary seal;
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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A

b) fit up the injectable plastic packing injection device (see Fig. 6) to the grease fitting which is
mounted in lower PU-IS secondary seal „injection port” marked place;
c) insert the injectable plastic packing until it fills the annular space of the special groove seal and will
get out through the hole „vent port”;
d) fasten the vent fitting and continue to insert injectable plastic packing until the pressure showed on
the pressure gauge reaches around 2000 psi;
e) remove the injectable plastic packing injection device and fasten the grease fitting nut;
f) repeat the steps a ÷ e also for upper PU-IS secondary seal.

Fig. 6 - Injectable plastic packing injection device

3.4 Performing pressure tests
Pressure tests must be performed after the installation of the SLK casing head housing for checking if the
installation was accurate. To perform the pressure test, follow the next steps:
- unfasten the vent fitting screw (see Item 9 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7a), unscrew grease fitting nut (see Item
10 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7b) which is in antipodal position;

Fig. 7a - Vent fitting screw unfastening Fig. 7b - Grease fitting nut unscrewing
- fit up the pressure test device (see Item 14 - Fig. 9 and Fig. 8) to the test port (grease fitting, Item 10 -
Fig. 3);
- fill up the test space between the two secondary seals, PU-IS type, with oil until this goes out through
vent fitting and then tighten the screw of the vent fitting (see Item 9 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7a);

Fig. 8 - Pressure testing device

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A

- use the pressure test device to apply a pressure equal with the minimum value of the:
 equipment nominal working pressure (for the flange where the seal is fixed in), or
 80% of the casing collapse pressure.
- hold the test pressure for 15 minutes;
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.

Pressure applied during the pressure test should never exceed the specific test pressure.

Fig. 9 - Secondary seals of SLK casing head housing pressure test

If leakages occur (decreasing of pressure showed on the pressure gauge), at least one of the two PU –IS
secondary seals do not seal the casing. In this situation, follow the next steps:
- unscrew the grease fitting nuts (see Item 12 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7a), fit up the injectable plastic packing
injection device on each grease fitting and energize again the secondary seals with supplementary
injectable plastic packing.
- screw the grease fitting nuts (see Item 12 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 7a) and repeat the pressure test;
- if leakages occur again, the secondary seals have to be replaced.
After the pressure test, you have to:
- detach the pressure test device and screw the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 7b);
- release the pressure: unscrew gradual, by a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig. 7a); after the
pressure release fasten again the screw.

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and to observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.
4. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 25.02.2014 Initial release 25.02.2014

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-016 Rev. A


1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............... 1
2. Description…………..……………………………………………………………………1
3. Instructions for installation of SLK casing head housing type………………………. 1
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………….…………………………………………… 1
3.2 Instructions for installation of SLK type casing head housing…………………………… 2
3.3 The injection of injectable plastic packing to get the PU-IS seal type…………………… 3
3.4 Performing pressure tests…………………………………………………………………. 4
4. Revision history table…………………………………………………………................ 6

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B


1. Scope
This instruction establishes the requirements for installing the PU-IS secondary seals type in the wellhead
2. Description
The PU-IS secondary seals are used to seal the annulus space around the casing and are located in the
bottom of the bowl of the casing spool / tubing head spool. The secondary seals (energized type) are
energized by the injection of injectable plastic packing during the installation. The design of PU-IS
secondary seals type consists of a gasket, which is the sealing element and two anti-extrusion metallic

Item Description

1 Upper metallic ring

2 Gasket
3 Lower metallic ring

Fig. 1 - Secondary seal, PU-IS type

3. Instructions for installation of PU-IS secondary seal type
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before beginning the installation it is necessary to accomplish the following preliminary steps:
- check if the casing was prepared for the secondary seal installation, as shown in IP-001 instruction;
- clean the sealing grooves of the flanges which will be mounted one on another, after the installation
of the secondary seal;
- clean the ring joint gasket which will be fitted between the two flanges.
3.2 Instructions for installation of secondary seal
The wellhead equipment main parts are usually delivered with PU-IS secondary seal (seals) installed
(mounted) in the special grooves, filled with injectable plastic packing, but not energized (see Fig. 2).
In case it is necessary to replace a secondary seal PU-IS type, must follow the next steps:
- dismantle the old secondary seal PU-IS type from the special groove;
- check and clean the groove which will be filled with the new injectable plastic packing to remove the
old sealing;
- fill the outside groove of the PU-IS gasket with injectable plastic packing;
- mount the PU-IS type gasket (Item 2 - Fig. 1) into the special groove of casing spool / tubing head
- mount the upper metallic ring (Item 1 - Fig. 1);
- mount the lower metallic ring (Item 3 - Fig. 1).

Pay attention to the components of the secondary seal not to be hit or damaged during the
manipulation! Install very carefully the secondary seal so that make sure the bowl sealing surface is
not scratched!

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and to observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.

Fig. 2 - Installation of PU-IS secondary seal type

3.3 Instructions for upper flange mounting
- put the ring joint gasket into the groove of the bottom flange (see Fig. 3);
- align the upper flange towards the casing, correctly arrange it towards the assembling studs and
carefully install it on the bottom flange. Make sure that the secondary seal, installed in the top flange,
is not damaged;

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B

Fig. 3 - Installing of the upper flange

- using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tightens each nut on the stud (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - Studs & nuts tightening sequence

3.4 The injection of injectable plastic packing to get the PU-IS seal type
To make sure the PU-IS secondary seal seals correctly, this have to be energized with the injectable
plastic packing. Injecting the injectable plastic packing can be done with an injectable plastic packing
injection device showed in Fig. 5. Injection of injectable plastic packing shall be done according to the
following steps:
a) unfasten the vent fitting (see Item 3 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6a), unscrew the grease fitting nut (see Item 4 -
Fig. 3 and Fig. 6b);
b) fit up the injectable plastic packing injection device (see Fig. 5) to the grease fitting which is
mounted in lower PU-IS secondary seal „injection port” marked place;
c) insert the injectable plastic packing until it fills the annular space of the special groove seal and will
get out through the hole „vent port”;

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B

d) fasten the vent fitting and continue to insert injectable plastic packing until the pressure showed on
the pressure gauge reaches around 2000 psi;
e) remove the injectable plastic packing injection device and fasten the grease fitting nut;
f) repeat the steps a ÷ e also for upper PU-IS secondary seal.

Fig. 5 - Injectable plastic packing injection device

4. Performing pressure tests
Pressure tests must be performed after the installation of the secondary seal PU-IS type and the upper
flange for checking if the installation was accurate.
4.1 Metallic ring gasket (R, RX, BX) pressure test
To perform the pressure test of metallic ring gasket follow the next steps:
- unfasten the vent fitting screw (see Item 5 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6a), unscrew the grease fitting nut (see
Item 6 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6b);

Fig. 6a - Vent fitting screw unfastening Fig. 6b - Grease fitting nut unscrewing
- fit up the pressure test device (see Fig. 7) to the test port (grease fitting, Item 6 - Fig. 3);
- fill up the test space with oil until this goes out through the vent fitting and then tighten the screw of
the vent fitting (see Item 5 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6a);

Fig. 7 - Pressure testing device

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B

- use the pressure test device to apply a pressure equal with the minimum value of the:
equipment nominal working pressure (for the flange where the seal is fixed in), or
80% of the casing collapse pressure.
- hold the test pressure for 15 minutes;
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.

Pressure applied during the pressure test should never exceed the specific test pressure.
If leakages occur (decreasing of pressure showed on pressure gauge) there are two possible situations:
a) the ring joint gasket, between the bottom flange and the top flange, doesn’t seal; in that case you
have to tighten once again the studs & and nuts using cross-over pattern (see Fig. 4). Perform the
pressure test again. If leakages still occur the ring gasket has to be replaced.
b) one or both of secondary seal PU-IS type doesn’t seal. In that case you have to reenergize the
secondary seals by supplementary injectable plastic packing injection and to test again. If leakages
occur again, the secondary seals have to be replaced.
After the pressure test, you have to:
- detach the pressure test device and screw the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6b);
- release the pressure: unscrew gradual, by a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig. 6a).

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.
4.2 Pressure test of the tightness between the two PU-IS secondary seals
To perform the pressure test between the two secondary seals, PU-IS type, follow the next step:
- unfasten the vent fitting screw (see Item 7 - Fig. 8 and Fig. 6a), unscrew the grease fitting nut (see
Item 8 - Fig. 8 and Fig. 6b);
- fit up the pressure test device (see Fig. 7) to the test port (grease fitting, Item 8 - Fig. 8);
- fill up the test space between the two secondary seals, PU-IS type, with oil until this goes out through
vent fitting and then tighten the screw of the vent fitting (see Item 7 - Fig. 8 and Fig. 6a);
- use the pressure test device to apply a pressure equal with the minimum value of the:
equipment nominal working pressure (for the flange where the seal is fixed in), or
80% of the casing collapse pressure.
- hold the test pressure for 15 minutes;
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.

Pressure applied during the pressure test should never exceed the specific test pressure.

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B

Fig. 8 - Pressure test between the two secondary seals PU-IS type
If leakages occur (decreasing of pressure showed on the pressure gauge), at least one of the two PU –IS
secondary seals do not seal the casing. In this situation, follow the next steps:
- unscrew the grease fitting nuts (see Item 4 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6a), fit up the injectable plastic packing
injection device on each grease fitting and energize again the secondary seals with supplementary
injectable plastic packing.
- screw the grease fitting nuts (see Item 4 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 6a) and repeat the pressure test;
- if leakages occur again, the secondary seals have to be replaced.
After the pressure test, you have to:
- detach the pressure test device and screw the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6b);
- release the pressure: unscrew gradual, by a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig. 6a).

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.
5. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 18.02.2014 Initial release 18.02.2014

This document and the information contained herein are the propriety of REPEDE
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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-010 Rev. B


1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............... 1
2. Description…………..……………………………………………………………………1
3. Instructions for installation of PU-IS secondary seal type…………………………….1
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………….…………………………………………… 1
3.2 Instructions for installation of secondary seal………………..……………....................... 1
3.3 Instructions for upper flange mounting…………………………..………......................... 2
3.4 The injection of injectable plastic packing to get the PU-IS seal type…………………… 3
4. Performing pressure tests………………………………………………………………. 4
4.1 Metallic ring gasket (R, RX, BX) pressure test…………………………………………... 4
4.2 Pressure test of the tightness between the two PU-IS secondary seals……………………5
5. Revision history table…………………………………………………………................ 6

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-003 Rev. A


1. Scope
This instruction provides the requirements for running and retrieving WB22-01 type wear bushings in the
wellhead equipment, operations performed using TBOPWB-01 type combination tool.
2. Description
2.1 Wear bushings WB22-01 type
WB22-01 wear bushings are located in the upper of the bowl of the casing head house spools, casing
spools and tubing head spools, to protect the inside annular space (where the casing hangers will be
installed) during drilling operations. WB22-01 wear bushing is a metallic bushing provided with milling
slots at upper side for picking up and with two sealing rubber gaskets.

1 Bushing
2 Gasket

Fig. 1 - Wear bushing WB22-01 type

2.2 Combination tool TBOPWB-01 type
TBOPWB-01 combination tool is made for running and retrieving WB22-01 wear bushing, as well as for
testing blowout preventers. It is designed to work either as test plug to seal the inside annular space of the
wellhead body for testing the blowout preventer or as running and retrieving tool for wear bushings.

1 Combination tool body
2 Gasket
3 Plug
4 Bolt
5 Plug

Fig. 2 - Combination tool TBOPWB-01 type

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-003 Rev. A

The parts of this combination tool are shown in Fig. 2.

TBOPWB-01 standard dimensions are designed to be used in the flanges with the following nominal
sizes: 7 1/16”, 11”, 13 5/8”, 16 3/4”, 18 3/4” and 21 1/4 (20 3/4).
3. Instructions for running / retrieving WB22-01 wear bushings
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before beginning the installation, the following preliminary steps have to be taken (see Fig. 3):
- check and clean the bowl where the wear bushing will be mounted;
- retire the locking screws (Item 3) from the wellhead equipment flange where the wear bushing (Item
4) will be installed, to have the annular space completely free;
- check if both the dimension and the type of the thread marked on the TBOPWB-01 tool body are
meeting the drilling pipe features;
- check if the wear bushing fastening system matches the one of the tool.

Fig. 3 - Preparing the wellhead equipment flange to install the wear bushing
3.2 Instructions for running wear bushing with the combination tool
To run the wear bushing with the combination tool, the next steps must be followed:
- cover the internal thread of the drilling pipe and the external thread of TBOPWB-01 combination tool
with special grease;
- screw the drilling pipe box end (Item 1, Fig. 4) in the TBOPWB-01 combination tool pin end (Item 2,
Fig. 4);

Always install TBOBWB-01 combination tool with the drill pipe pin connection in upper position and
the box connection in lower position when it is used for running or retrieving WB22-01 wear bushings.
- attach the wear bushing (Item 5, Fig. 4) to the combination tool (Item 2, Fig. 4) by aligning the bolts
(Item 6, Fig. 4) with the milling slots in the top of the wear bushing.
- lower the combination tool in the wear bushing, through the milling slots (around 1 inch); rotate the
tool to the right (clockwise) by 45 ÷ 60° until the bolts (Item 6, Fig. 4) pass to the ends of milling slots
of wear bushing;

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-003 Rev. A

Fig. 4 - Wear bushing WB22-01 type mounted together with TBOPWB-01 combination tool
- lower the assembly (see Fig. 4) through blowout preventer (Item 7, Fig. 5) until it is positioned on the
shoulder of the equipment sealing surface.

Before running the assembly composed of wear bushing, combination tool and drilling pipe through
the blowout preventer, make sure that all the locking screws are completely retired from the inside
annular space of the equipment flange.

Fig. 5 - Running the WB22-01 wear bushing into the wellhead flange
- rotate the drilling pipe 45 ÷ 60° to the left (counter-clockwise) to release the combination tool from
the wear bushing, then remove the drilling pipe together with the combination tool;
- to block the displacement or the rotating of wear bushing, screw the locking screws (Item 3, Fig. 6) in
the wellhead equipment flange (Item.5, Fig. 6).
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Fig. 6 - WB22-01 wear bushing mounted

3.3 Instructions for retrieving the wear bushing with the combination tool
For retrieving the wear bushing with the combination tool, the following steps must be followed:
- cover the internal thread of drilling pipe and the external thread of TBOPWB-01 combination tool
with special grease;
- screw the drilling pipe box end in the TBOPWB-01 combination tool pin end;

Always install TBOBWB-01 combination tool with the drill pipe pin connection in upper position and
the box connection in lower position when it is used for running or retrieving WB22-01 wear bushings.
- retire the locking screws (Item 3, Fig. 6) from the wellhead equipment flange to allow the vertical
running of the wear bushing (Item 5, Fig. 6);
- run the combination tool trough blowout preventer (Item 7, Fig. 6) until the tool gets to the upper side
of the wear bushing.
- slowly rotate the drilling pipe to the right (clockwise), until the bolts pass to the milling slots of the
wear bushing and enter it. The lowering value of the combination tool is around 1 inch;
- continue to rotate the drilling pipe to the right (clockwise) by 45 ÷ 60°, until the bolts of the
combination tool get to the ends of the milling slots of the wear bushing;
- lift the assembly composed by drilling pipe, combination tool and wear bushing to surface;
- dismantle the wear bushing from the combination tool;
- unscrew the combination tool from the drilling pipe.
4. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 03.04.2014 Initial release 03.04.2014

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1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............... 1
2. Description…………..……………………………………………………………………1
2.1 Wear bushings WB22-01 type……………………………………………………………. 1
2.2 Combination tool TBOPWB-01 type…………………………………………………….. 1
3. Instruction for running / retrieving of the wear bushing WB22-01 type……………. 2
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………….…………………………………………… 2
3.2 Instructions for running the wear bushing with the combination tool……………………. 2
3.3 Instructions for retrieving the wear bushing with the combination tool………………….. 4
4. Revision history table…………………………………………………………………… 4

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-004 Rev. A


1. Scope
This instruction provides the requirements for running and retrieving TBOPWB-01 combination tool in
the wellhead equipment, operations performed to test the blowout preventers.
2. Description
TBOPWB-01 combination tool used for running and retrieving of the WB22-01 wear bushing and for
testing the blowout preventers, is designed to work both like a test plug (to seal the inside annular surface
of wellhead body to test the blowout preventer) and it could also be used like a tool for running and
retrieving of wear bushings.

1 Combination tool body
2 Gasket
3 Plug
4 Bolt
5 Plug

Fig. 1 - Combination tool TBOPWB-01 type

The parts of this combination tool are shown in Fig. 1.
TBOPWB-01 standard dimensions are designed to be used in the flanges with the following nominal
sizes: 7 1/16”, 11”, 13 5/8”, 16 3/4”, 18 3/4” and 21 1/4 (20 3/4) nominal sizes.
3. Instructions for use TBOPWB-01 combination tool
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before beginning the installation it is necessary to accomplish the following preliminary steps (see Fig.
- remove the wear bushing, if it was installed for protection of the annular seal zone;
- open the above valve of the wellhead equipment and drain the drilling fluid from the blowout
preventer body (Item 4, Fig. 2);
- with fresh water, flush the inside of the blowout preventer and the inside annular space of the
wellhead equipment flange;
- retire the locking screws (Item 3, Fig. 2) from the wellhead equipment flange where the combination
tool (Item 5, Fig. 2) will be installed, to have the annular space completely free;
- check if both, the dimension and the type of the thread, marked on the TBOPWB-01 tool body, are
meeting the drilling pipe features;

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- visual check if the gasket (Item 2, Fig. 1) is in a good condition; if it is damaged replace it with new

Fig. 2 - Preparing the wellhead equipment flange to install the TBOPWB-01 combination tool
3.2 Instructions for running and retrieving the combination tool and testing the BOP’s
For testing the blowout preventers with the combination tool, must be followed the next steps:
- cover the external thread of the drilling pipe and the internal thread of TBOPWB-01 combination tool
with special grease;
- screw the drilling pipe pin end (Item 1, Fig. 3) in the TBOPWB-01 combination tool box end (Item 2,
Fig. 3);

Always run TBOBWB-01 combination tool with the drill pipe box connection in upper position and the
pin connection in down position when it is used as a test plug.

Fig. 3 - TBOPWB-01 combination tool mounted in the drilling pipe

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- run the assembly (see Fig. 3) through blowout preventer (Item 4, Fig. 4) until it is sat on the shoulder
of the equipment sealing surface (see Fig. 5).

Before running the assembly composed of wear bushing-combination tool-drilling pipe through the
blowout preventer, make sure that all the locking screws are completely retired from the inside annular
space of the equipment flange.

Fig. 4 - Running the TBOPWB-01 combination tool trough BOP

- test the BOP / BOP’s stack as per operator’s procedure or manufacturer procedure;

Fig. 5 - TBOPWB-01 combination tool mounted into wellhead flange

- lift to surface the drilling pipe together with the combination tool assembly;
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- unscrew the combination tool from the drilling pipe.

4. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 03.04.2014 Initial release 03.04.2014

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Pressure Control and shall not be used or copy without the Company’s agreement
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1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............... 1
2. Description…………..……………………………………………………………………1
3. Instructions for use TBOPWB-01 combination tool……………………………………... 1
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………….…………………………………………… 1
3.2 Instructions for running and retrieving the combination tool and testing the BOP’s……. 2
4. Revision history table…………………………………………………………………… 4

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-006 Rev. C


1. General
1.1 Scope
This instruction establishes the requirements for installing the PU-22 type casing hanger in the system and
provides information regarding the maximum and minimum values of their load capacities. The casing
hanger is manufactured according to API 6A.
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions
Table 1
Casing head housing / Casing dimension
Item Casing hanger type casing head dimensions
(inch) (inch)
1 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 16 16
2 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 13 3/8 13 3/8
3 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 11 3/4 21 1/4 (20 3/4) 11 3/4
4 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 10 3/4 10 3/4
5 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 9 5/8 9 5/8
6 Casing hanger PU-22, 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 18 3/4 13 3/8
7 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 13 3/8
8 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 12 3/4 12 3/4
9 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 11 3/4 11 3/4
16 3/4
10 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 10 3/4 10 3/4
11 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 9 5/8 9 5/8
12 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 8 5/8 8 5/8
13 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 10 3/4 10 3/4
14 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 9 5/8
15 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 8 5/8
13 5/8
16 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 7 5/8 7 5/8
17 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 7 7
18 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 6 5/8 6 5/8
19 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 7 7
20 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 6 5/8 6 5/8
21 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 3/4 5 3/4
22 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 1/2 5 1/2
23 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 5
24 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 4 1/2 4 1/2
25 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 5 1/2 5 1/2
26 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 5 9 5
27 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 4 1/2 4 1/2
1.2.2 Working pressure
The PU-22 casing hangers are typically qualified to withstand up to 10000 psi working pressure.
2. Description and installation
2.1 Description
Slip-type PU-22 casing hangers are used for sustaining the casings and to seal off the annulus space.

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The sealing is obtained by the packoff which is automatically energized by the casings weight. The casing
hanger is designed as a system combined in a single unit of two parts pre-assembled by a pin hinge
mechanism, which consists of the clip (Item 7) and the pin (Item 10). The two parts are tied up by a fixing
screw (Item 8). Due to his design, the casing hanger can be easily wrapped around the casing and the
result is a durable assembly.
The packoff (Item 5) is mounted between the slip bowl (Item 1) and base ring (Item 6) by screws (Item
9). The energizing of the packoff for sealing isn’t obtained by tightening the screws. The casing hangers
seal off when the casings’ weight sustained by the slips (Item 2) is transferred towards casing head
housing / casing head through the shoulder of the base ring.

Fig. 1 - PU-22 type casing hanger. Components

Table 2
Item Description Item Description
1 Slip bowl 7 Clip
2 Set of slips 8 Fixing screw
3 Alignment ring 9 Screw
4 Ring 10 Pin
5 Packoff 11 Latching screw
6 Base ring 12 Eye-bolt

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2.2 Minimum load required for energizing the packoff

The minimum load necessary to energize the packoff is conditioned by the casing dimension and it is
indicated in the table below.
Table 3
Casing head housing / Casing Minimum load
Casing hanger dimension casing head dimension dimension
cr. lbs kN
(in) (in)
1 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 16 16 120000 534
2 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 13 3/8 13 3/8 180000 801
3 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 11 3/4 21 1/4 (20 3/4) 11 3/4 220000 979
4 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 10 3/4 10 3/4 256000 1139
5 Casing hanger PU-22, 21 1/4 x 9 5/8 9 5/8 280000 1246
6 Casing hanger PU-22, 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 18 3/4 13 3/8 120000 534
7 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 13 3/8 79000 352
8 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 12 3/4 12 3/4 100000 445
9 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 11 3/4 11 3/4 110000 490
16 3/4
10 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 10 3/4 10 3/4 128000 570
11 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 9 5/8 9 5/8 146000 650
12 Casing hanger PU-22, 16 3/4 x 8 5/8 8 5/8 172000 765
13 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 10 3/4 10 3/4 54000 240
14 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 9 5/8 72000 320
15 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 8 5/8 86000 383
13 5/8
16 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 7 5/8 7 5/8 99000 441
17 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 7 7 106000 472
18 Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8 x 6 5/8 6 5/8 120000 534
19 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 7 7 55000 245
20 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 6 5/8 6 5/8 59000 263
21 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 3/4 5 3/4 65000 289
22 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 1/2 5 1/2 70000 312
23 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 5 5 74000 329
24 Casing hanger PU-22, 11 x 4 1/2 4 1/2 78000 347
25 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 5 1/2 5 1/2 42000 1287
26 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 5 9 5 44000 196
27 Casing hanger PU-22, 9 x 4 1/2 4 1/2 46000 205

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2.3 Maximum load of the casing and of the PU-22 casing hanger
Table 4
Casing Collapsing pressure Internal Casing hanger load
To yield Maximum To yield Maximum
Dim. Weight Mat. working
strength limit working strength limit working
in Kg/m - psi bar psi bar psi bar lbs kN lbs kN
14.1 K55 3306 228 1653 114 2653 183 152135 677 87078 387,5
15.6 K55 4002 276 2001 138 3204 221 165393 736 82696 368
K55 4959 342 2479 171 3958 273 183371 816 91685 408
17.3 N80 6351 438 3175 219 5089 351 266966 1188 133483 594
4 1/2
P110 7569 522 3784 261 6061 418 367191 1634 183595 817
N80 8540 589 4263 294 6829 471 306741 1365 153370 682,5
P110 10686 737 5336 368 8540,5 589 421798 1877 210898 938,5
22.5 P110 14340 989 7177 495 11469 791 484719 2157 242359 1078,5
17.1 K55 3059,5 211 1537 106 2450 169 181573 808 90786 404
19.3 K55 4147 286 2073 143 3320 229 207416 923 103707 461,5
K55 5553 383 2784 192 4451 307 240449 1070 120224 535
22.3 N80 7250 500 3625 250 5800 400 349663 1556 174831 778
P110 8845 610 4422 305 7076 488 480899 2140 240449 1070
26.8 N80 10483 723 5249 362 8395 579 421798 1877 210898 938,5
31.8 P110 17545 1210 8772 605 14036 968 688764 3065 344381 1532,5
35.9 N80 14398 993 7192 496 11513 794 565168 2515 282584 1257,5
20.8 K55 3117 215 1566 108 2494 172 221573 986 110786 493
23.1 K55 4045 279 2030 140 3233 223 248090 1104 124044 552
K55 4915 339 2465 170 3929 271 272809 1214 136404 607
25.3 N80 6278 433 3132 216 5031 347 396854 1766 198426 883
5 1/2
P110 7482 516 3741 258 5988 413 545618 2428 272808 1214
29.8 N80 8830 609 4422 305 7061 487 466067 2074 233033 1037
N80 11165 770 5582 385 8932 616 530112 2359 265056 1179,5
P110 14543 1003 7279 502 11629 802 728988 3244 364494 1622
29.8 K55 2972 205 1479 102 2378 164 315056 1402 157528 701
K55 4553 314 2276 157 3639 251 381348 1697 190674 848,5
35.7 N80 5756 397 2885 199 4611 318 554606 2468 277303 1234
P110 6728 464 3364 232 5379 371 762696 3394 381348 1697
6 5/8
N80 8163 563 4089 282 6539 451 650337 2894 325168 1447
P110 10150 700 5075 350 8120 560 848988 3778 424494 1889
N80 10324 712 5162 356 8250 569 733932 3266 366966 1633
P110 13224 912 6612 456 10570 729 1008764 4489 504381 2244,5
29.8 K55 2276 157 1145 79 1812 125 315955 1406 157977 703
K55 3262 225 1638 113 2610 180 365843 1628 182921 814
N80 3828 264 1914 132 3059 211 532135 2368 267190 1189
K55 4321 298 2160 149 3465 239 415056 1847 207528 923,5
7 38.7
P110 6235 430 3117 215 4988 344 829887 3693 414943 1846,5
43.2 N80 7018 484 3509 242 5626 388 675505 3006 337752 1503
47.6 P110 10788 744 5394 372 8627 595 1024494 4559 512246 2279,5
56.5 N80 11382 785 5684 392 9106 628 876404 3900 438202 1950

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Table 4 - continuation
Casing Collapsing pressure Internal Casing hanger load
Maximum Maximum
Dim. Mass Mat. To yield limit working To yield limit
working working
in Kg/m - psi bar psi bar psi bar lbs kN lbs kN
K55 2900 200 1450 100 2320 160 413258 1839 206629 919,5
N80 3422 236 1711 118 2726 188 601348 2676 300674 1338
7 5/8 N80 8816 608 4408 304 7047 486 894831 3982 447416 1991
P110 11078 764 5539 382 8859 611 1230561 5476 615281 2738
70.1 N80 12035 830 6017 415 9628 664 1099101 4891 549550 2445,5
35.7 K55 1392 96 696 48 1102 76 3811459 16961 1905729 8480,5
47.6 K55 2552 176 1276 88 2030 140 5029436 22381 2514718 11190,5
53.6 K55 3451 238 1725 119 2755 190 5681121 25281 2840561 12640,5
N80 5539 382 2769 191 4422 305 9240670 41121 4620335 20560,5
8 5/8 59.5
P110 6409 442 3204 221 5104 352 1270561 5654 635281 2827
65.5 P110 8410 580 4205 290 6742 465 1403145 6244 701573 3122
N80 8584 592 4292 296 6858 473 1128764 5023 564382 2511,5
P110 10730 740 5365 370 8584 592 1552808 6910 776404 3455
53.6 K55 2030 140 1015 70 1624 112 563595 2508 281798 1254
K55 2581 178 1290 89 2059 142 629663 2802 314831 1401
N80 3103 214 1551 107 2465 170 915955 4076 457977 2038
9 5/8 64.7 P110 4437 306 2218 153 3538 244 1380674 6144 690337 3072
69.9 N80 4756 328 2378 164 3799 262 1085393 4830 542696 2415
N80 6641 458 3320 229 5292 365 1243595 5534 621797 2767
P110 7946 548 3973 274 6365 439 1709213 7606 854606 3803
60.3 K55 1595 110 797 55 1261 87 628314 2796 314157 1398
67.7 K55 2088 144 1044 72 1667 115 715056 3182 357528 1591
K55 2726 188 1363 94 2160 149 800449 3562 400225 1781
10 3/4 75.9 N80 3219 222 1609 111 2566 177 1164269 5181 582135 2590,5
P110 3654 252 1827 126 2929 202 1600898 7124 800449 3562
82.6 N80 4031 278 2015 139 3219 222 1275056 5674 637528 2837
97.8 P110 7511 518 3755 259 6003 414 2086741 9286 1043370 4643
69.9 K55 1508 104 754 52 1218 84 736629 3278 368314 1639
11 3/4 80.4 K55 2088 144 1044 72 1653 114 849887 3782 424944 1891
89.3 K55 2668 184 1334 92 2131 147 951011 4232 475505 2116
81.1 K55 1131 78 565 39 899 62 852809 3795 426404 1897,5
13 3/8 90.8 K55 1537 106 768 53 1232 85 961348 4278 480674 2139
101.2 K55 1943 134 971 67 1566 108 1068988 4757 534494 2378,5
111.6 K55 1015 70 507 35 812 56 1177078 5238 588539 2619
125.0 K55 1421 98 710 49 1131 78 1325393 5898 662696 2949
18 5/8 130.2 K55 638 44 319 22 507 35 1366516 6081 683258 3040,5

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-006 Rev. C

3. Instruction for casing hanger installation

3.1 Preparation for installation
Before starting the installation, you must follow the preliminary steps:
a) Casing hanger inspection:
- visual check if the packoff (Item 5 - Fig. 1) is in a good condition;
- check if the tightening of the screws (Item 9 - Fig. 1), used for fixing the packoff, is accurate
(without energization);
- check if the latching screws (Item11 - Fig. 1) are fastened and sustain unclosed (un-wedged) the
slips (Item 2 - Fig. 1) for installation;
- fasten the two eye-bolts (Item 12 - Fig. 1), positioned at 180 degrees, on the top side of the slips.
b) Preparation of the equipment where the casing hanger will be installed:
- remove, if it is applicable, the protection bushing (wear bushing) from the sealing zone;
- lift the casing which will be installed, lower it through BOP assy., and land it at the necessary
- place and align the casing (by centralizer), cement the casing string and remove the cementing
plug according to the applicable procedure;
- open the valves placed on the outlets of the wellhead flange for release the pressure from both
BOP and string;
- clean and wash with water the BOP and the string for removing any deposit of mud;
- check if the BOP’s ram are fully opened and verify if all the centralizers from casing string and
rotary table were removed;
- retire the locking screws from the wellhead equipment flange and install the casing hanger, so
that the annular space is completely free.
3.2 Instruction for casing hanger installation
For installing the casing hanger you must do the following activities:
a) Installation of the casing hanger on the casing (see Fig. 2):
- place two plates on the rotary table, one on each side of the casing for sustaining the casing
- unfasten the latching screw (Item 8 - Fig. 1) used for closing the hanger, open the casing hanger
and wrap it around the casing;
- close the hanger and lock it against opening by fastening the latching screw (Item 8 - Fig. 1) inside
the clips (Item 7 - Fig. 1).

Fig. 2 - PU-22 casing hanger installation on the casing

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-006 Rev. C

b) Lowering of the casing hanger (see Fig. 3):

- measure the length from the rotary table up to the top of the casing hanger, for checking, after the
lowering, if the hanger is accurate landed in the bowl of the flange;
- center the casing into the rotary table and pull off him with a force lower than the maximum load
of the casing hanger, in compliance with the dimension and the type of the casing (see Table 1 &
Table 4);
- pass two flexible cables through the eyes of the eye-bolt (Item 12 – Fig. 1) for lowering the casing
hanger through BOP, for the later fixing of him in the bowl of the flange;
- grease the outside of the casing hanger and unscrew the latching screw (Item 11 - Fig. 1) of the

Fig. 3 - Preparation of the casing hanger for lowering

- remove the two plates which sustained the casing hanger (see Fig. 2) and lower the casing hanger
through BOP until it is landed in the bowl of the flange (see Fig. 4);

Fig. 4 - Lowering the casing hanger in the flange bowl

Make sure all the locking screws are completely retired from the annular space within the wellhead
equipment flange before running the casing hanger through the blowout preventer.
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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-006 Rev. C

- after the accurate landing of the casing hanger in the flange bowl, release the casing so that it will
be lowered by his own weight and it will be fitted in the hanger slip; the fixing of the casing in the
hanger is shown on the driller’s panel by a dramatic discharge on the indicator scale of the balance;
- release the cable and lift the BOP; visual check the casing for be sure that the casing hanger is
correct positioned in the bowl;

Fig. 5 - Casing hanger mounted

- screw the locking screws back in the wellhead equipment flange to prevent the movement of the
casing hanger or to ensure an additional energizing of the casing hanger gasket, whenever that is
c) Preparation of the casing’s end for the mounting of the wellhead next level (see Fig. 6):
- measure the depth of the secondary seal’s groove (H) situated in the flange of the next level which
will be assembled;
- cut the casing so that the length of the casing which was left over the flange which was already
assembled, to be less than or equal with up to 1/8" (3,2 mm) towards the measured depth (H) of the
secondary seal groove; the cutting casing will be removed;
- prepare the outside of the casing, according to the IP-001 instruction, so that the secondary seal
fitted on the upper level not to be damaged;
- center the next level towards the casing, align accurately towards the studs used for the joint
between the flanges and carefully fit up over the flange of the mounted equipment so that the
secondary seal not to be damaged.
Note: If the weight of the string casing doesn’t assure the minimum load necessary for energizing the
packoff, in compliance with the values provided by this procedure (see Table 3), you must use the locking
screws for increasing the sealing.

Pay attention to the components of the casing hanger (packoff, slips set) not to be damaged during the

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Fig. 6 - Preparation for mounting the next level

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and to observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.
4. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 21.06.2012 Initial release 21.06.2012
Change company’s name from „PETROUZTEL Tech”
B 07.01.2013 07.01.2013
to „REPEDE Pressure Control”
C 10.04.2014 Modified content of chapters: 3.1 and 3.2. 10.04.2014

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-006 Rev. C


1. General……………………………………………………………………………….…... 1
1.1 Scope……………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Technical features……………………………………………………………………….... 1
1.2.1Dimensions……………………………………………….………………………………. 1
1.2.2Working pressure…………………………………………………………………………. 1
2. Description and installation……..……………...……………………………………….. 1
2.1 Description…………………………………………………………………………………1
2.2 Minimum load required for energizing the packoff……….…………………………...…. 3
2.3 Maximum load of the casing and of the PU-22 casing ………………………………..… 4
3. Instruction for casing hanger installation………………………………………….…... 6
3.1 Preparation for installation….…………………………………………………………….. 6
3.2 Instruction for casing hanger installation…………………………………………….….... 6
4. Revision history table............…………………………………………………………..... 9

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-017 Rev. A


1. General
1.1 Scope
This instruction establishes the requirements for installing in the equipment the CHM mandrel casing
hangers, which are manufactured according to API 6A. Running and retrieving of CHM mandrel casing
hangers is performed using TCHM running and retrieving tools.
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions
Casing head housing
No. Casing
Mandrel casing hanger dimensions or casing head flange
cr. thread
dimensions (in)
1 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 STC 5 STC
2 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 LC 5 LC
3 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 BC 5 BC
4 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 1/2 STC 5 1/2 STC
5 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 1/2 LC 5 1/2 LC
6 Casing hanger, 11 x 5 1/2 BC 5 1/2 BC
7 Casing hanger, 11 x 6 5/8 STC 6 5/8 STC
8 Casing hanger, 11 x 6 5/8 LC 6 5/8 LC
9 Casing hanger, 11 x 6 5/8 BC 6 5/8 BC
10 Casing hanger, 11 x 7 STC 7 STC
11 Casing hanger, 11 x 7 LC 7 LC
12 Casing hanger, 11 x 7 BC 7 BC
13 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 STC 8 5/8 STC
14 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 LC 8 5/8 LC
15 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 BC 8 5/8 BC
13 5/8
16 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 STC 9 5/8 STC
17 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 LC 9 5/8 LC
18 Casing hanger, 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 BC 9 5/8 BC
19 Casing hanger, 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 STC 13 3/8 STC
20 Casing hanger, 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 LC 16 3/4 13 3/8 LC
21 Casing hanger, 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 BC 13 3/8 BC
22 Casing hanger, 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 STC 13 3/8 STC
23 Casing hanger, 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 LC 18 3/4 13 3/8 LC
24 Casing hanger, 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 BC 13 3/8 BC
25 Casing hanger, 21 1/4 (20 3/4) x 13 3/8 STC 13 3/8 STC
26 Casing hanger, 21 1/4 (20 3/4) x 13 3/8 LC 21 1/4 (20 3/4) 13 3/8 LC
27 Casing hanger, 21 1/4 (20 3/4) x 13 3/8 BC 13 3/8 BC
According to the application, the suspension thread of the casing strings can be a standard thread such as:
STC, LC or BC acc. to API 5B, or „premium” thread such as: BIG OMEGA, DINO VAM, VAM FJL,
The bottom thread of CHM hanger is generally identic with the top thread of the TCHM tool. The
connection between hanger and tool is achieved by ACME thread available on the outside diameter of

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-017 Rev. A

hanger and on the bottom inside diameter of TCHM.

1.2.2 Working pressure
Depending on the type and size of CHM thread, this type of casing mandrel hanger is designed
to be used at a maximum working pressure up to 5000 psi (350 bar).
2. Description and installation
2.1 Description
The casing mandrel hanger type extended-neck (see Fig. 1) is designed to be used for sustaining the
casing string and for sealing off the annulus space. The outside diameter of CHM hanger has the same
nominal size as the outside diameter of the casing sustained by the hanger. Due to this fact, the sealing
between the extended neck of CHM hanger and the annulus space of the equipment upper flange in which
the hanger is fitted, is made using a PU or PU-IS secondary seal.
The sealing in the bowl area of the casing head housing/casing head flange where the CHM hanger is
mounted is provided with rubber sealing gaskets installed in grooves, and does not require an additional
energizing to seal.
The design of the TCHM tool (see Fig. 2) is simple. The tool is provided with two threads: one thread,
ACME type, at the bottom having the same features as the outside thread of the neck hanger, the other
thread on the top which has the same features as those of the suspended casing.

Fig. 1 - Casing hanger CHM type Fig. 2 - Running and retrieving tool TCHM type
3. Instructions for mandrel casing hanger installation
3.1 Preparing for installing
Before starting the installation, the following preliminary steps must be taken:
a) Inspection of CHM mandrel casing hanger and TCHM running and retrieving tool:
- visual check if both the outside sealing surfaces and the sealing gaskets are in good condition;
- visual check if the threads of the casing hanger and of the handling tool are in a good condition;
- check if both the dimension and the type of the thread, marked on the hanger body, meet the
casing features;
- check if the ACME threads both of the CHM hanger and of the TCHM tool have appropriate
dimensions and are not damaged;
- check if the upper thread of the TCHM casing hanger running tool (Item 6, Fig. 5) is in a good
condition and both, the dimension and the type of thread are the same with those of the handling
tool thread.
b) Preparation of the equipment where the mandrel casing hanger will be installed:
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- check if the rams of the BOP (mounted over the wellhead flange) are fully opened;
- check if the lockdown screws (Item 10, Fig. 7) of the casing head housing or casing head flange
are completely retired.
3.2 Instructions for mandrel casing hanger installation
To install the mandrel casing hanger you must do the following activities:
a) Running the casing into wellbore (see Fig. 2):
- sits down the last coupling (collar) (Item 1) of the casing string (Item 3) in the casing elevator
(Item 2) and lower it into the wellbore at the necessary depth; during this operation the slips block
(Item 4) are in „open” position.

Fig. 3 - Casing string running

b) Installation of the mandrel casing hanger (see Fig. 5):
- bring together the slips block (Item. 4) for sustaining the casing string;
- unscrew the coupling (collar) and screw the assembly composed by CHM mandrel casing hanger
– TCHM running and retrieving tool (Item 5 and Item 7, Fig. 4) to the top of the casing string (Item
3); for special threads such as „ premium”, the tightening torque is indicated by the thread

Fig. 4 - Mandrel casing hanger CHM - running and retrieving tool TCHM assembly
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- screw the handling tool (Item 6) to the top of TCHM running and retrieving casing tool;
- grease the outside diameter of the mandrel casing hanger.

Fig. 5 - CHM mandrel casing hanger - TCHM running and retrieving tool assembly / casing string
c) Lowering of the assembly composed by the casing string and the CHM mandrel casing hanger (see
Fig. 6):
- open the casing hanger slips (Item 4), so that the casing string be released;
- lower slowly the casing string until the mandrel casing hanger is accurately positioned in the bowl
of the equipment flange; the accurate emplacement of the mandrel casing hanger in the bowl of the
flange is shown by a dramatic decrease of the weigh indicator scale on the driller’s panel;
- unscrew the assembly composed by TCHM running, retrieving tool and the handling tool from the
mandrel casing hanger and lift them.

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Fig. 6 - Mandrel casing hanger CHM lowering and fixing it in the wellhead flange
d) Installation of the equipment superior section: casing head or tubing head (see Fig. 7):
- remove the BOP;
- align the upper flange, casing head or tubing head (Item 8) towards the mandrel casing hanger
(Item 5), correctly positioning it towards the assembling studs and carefully installing it on the
lower (casing head housing or casing head) flange of the wellhead equipment (Item 9), paying
attention not to damage the secondary seals mounted inside (PU-H or PU-IS type);

Fig. 7 - Installation of the upper section (casing head or tubing head)

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-017 Rev. A

- tighten the lockdown screws (Item 10), until they are in direct contact with the CHM mandrel
casing hanger body;
- using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tighten each nut on the stud (see Fig. 9).

Pay attention to the sealing surfaces, packing rings, of the mandrel casing hanger, not to be hit or
damaged during the manipulation!

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.
3.3 Pressure test procedure
A pressure test must be performed after the installation of the mandrel casing hanger and of the upper
wellhead equipment flange to check the installing precision. The pressure test will be made at the
maximum working pressure of the equipment, as follows:
- loosen the vent fitting screw (see Item11 - Fig. 7 and Fig. 8a), unfasten the grease fitting nut and
fasten the test device (see Item 12 - Fig. 7 and Fig. 8b);

Fig. 8a - Vent fitting screw loosening Fig. 8b - Grease fitting nut unfastening
- fill up with test fluid (water, oil, or Diesel fuel) the annulus space between the mandrel casing
hanger, the lower flange (casing head housing or casing head) and the upper flange (casing head or
tubing head);
- apply equipment a pressure equal with its maximum working pressure using the test device and
hold on for 15 minutes;

Do not ever test the equipment to a pressure higher than the maximum working pressure of the
- Leakages can occur in one of the following situation (the pressure read on the pressure gauge
a) the ring joint gasket between the lower flange (casing head housing or casing head) and the upper
flange (casing head or tubing head) do not seal. In that case, using the cross-over pattern (star
pattern) evenly tighten again each nut on the stud (see Fig. 9) and apply again the pressure. If there
is still no sealing after the fastening, replace the gasket.

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Fig. 9 - Studs & nuts tightening sequence

b) the secondary seal (PU-H or PU-IS type) mounted between the extended neck of the tubing
hanger and the inside of flange, casing head or tubing head, do not seal. In that case, replace the
secondary seal and perform again the pressure test.
c) the gasket (gaskets) mounted on the bottom side of the mandrel casing hanger do not seal. In that
case, replace the gaskets and perform again the pressure test.
After the pressure test, you must perform the following activities:
- unfasten the test device and screw the nut of the greaser fitting (see Fig. 8b);
- release the pressure, hereby: unscrew gradually, a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig.

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.
4. Revisions history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 18.03.2014 Initial release 18.03.2014

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-017 Rev. A


1. General………………………………………………………………............................... 1
1.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Technical features….…………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2.1Dimensions……………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2.2Working pressure………………………………………………………………………..... 2
2. Description and installation…………………….……………………………………..... 2
2.1 Description……………………………………………………………………………….. 2
3. Instructions for mandrel casing hanger installation………………………………….. 2
3.1 Preparing for installation………………….…………………………………………….... 2
3.2 Instructions for mandrel casing hanger installation………………………………………. 3
3.3 Pressure test procedure…….……………………………………………………………... 6
4. Revisions history table………………………………………………………………....... 7

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-009 Rev. B


1. Scope
This instruction provides the requirements for installation of PU-H secondary seals type, in the wellhead
2. Description
The secondary seals are used to seal the annulus space around the casing and are located in the bottom of
the bowl of the casing spool / tubinghead spool. The secondary seals are self-sealing type, energized in
the moment of installation, and the pressure of the working fluid helps in the sealing process. The design
of PU-H secondary seals type consists of a seal, which is the sealing element and two anti-extrusion
metallic rings.

Item Description
1 Ring
2 Seal

Fig. 1 - Secondary seal, PU-H type

3. Instructions for installation of PU-H secondary seal type
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before beginning the installation it is necessary to accomplish the following preliminary steps:
- check if the casing was prepared for the secondary seal installation, as shown in IP-001 instruction;
- clean the sealing grooves of the flanges which will be mounted one on another, after the installation
of the secondary seal; clean the ring joint gasket which will be fitted between the two flanges;
- check and clean the bowl where the secondary seal will be mounted.
3.2 Instructions for installation of secondary seal
- mount the guide (Item 1- Fig. 2) and fix it by first safety ring (Item 2 - Fig. 2);
- grease the secondary seal (Item 3) and fit it in the bowl as is shown in the Fig. 2;
- mount the second safety ring (Item 4 - Fig. 2).

Pay attention to the components of the secondary seal not to be hit or damaged during the
manipulation! Install very carefully the secondary seal so that make sure the bowl sealing surface is
not scratched!

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-009 Rev. B

Fig. 2 - Installation of PU-H secondary seal type

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and to observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.
3.3 Instructions for upper flange mounting
- put the ring joint gasket into the groove of the bottom flange (see Fig. 2);
- align the upper flange towards the casing, correctly pose it towards the assembling studs and
carefully install it on the bottom flange. Make sure that the secondary seal, installed in the top flanged,
is not damaged;

Fig. 3 - Installing of the upper flange

- using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tightens each nut on the stud (see Fig. 4);

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-009 Rev. B

Fig. 4 - Studs & nuts tightening sequence

3.4 Performing pressure test
A pressure test must be performed after the installation of the secondary seal and the upper flange for
checking if the installation was accurate. The steps for this procedure are:
- unfasten the vent fitting screw (see Item 6 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 5a), unscrew the grease fitting nut (see
Item 5 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 5b);

Fig. 5a - Vent fitting screw unfastening Fig. 5b - Grease fitting nut unscrewing
- fit up the pressure test device (see Fig. 6) to test port (grease fitting, Item 5 - Fig. 3);
- fill up the test space with oil until this goes out through vent fitting and then tighten the screw of the
vent fitting (see Item 6 - Fig. 3 and Fig. 5a);

Fig. 6 - Pressure testing device

- apply, by the pressure test device, a pressure equal with the minimum value of the:
 equipment nominal working pressure (for the flange where the seal is fixed in), or
 80% of the casing collapse pressure.
- hold on the test pressure for 15 minutes;
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-009 Rev. B

Pressure applied during the pressure test should never exceed the specific test pressure.
- leakages can occur in one of the following situation (the pressure read on the pressure gauge
a) the ring joint gasket, between the bottom flange and the top flange, doesn’t seal; in that case
you have to tighten once again the studs &nuts using cross-over pattern (see Fig. 4). Perform the
pressure test again. If leakages occur the ring gasket has to be replaced.
b) the secondary seal doesn’t seal. In that case you have to replace the secondary seal and to test
After the pressure test, you have to:
- detach the pressure test device and screw the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 5b);
- release the pressure: unscrew gradual, a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig. 5a).

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.
4. Revision history table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 25.07.2012 Initial release 25.07.2012
Change company name from „PETROUZTEL Tech”
B 07.01.2013 07.01.2013
to „REPEDE Pressure Control”

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-009 Rev. B


1. Scope……………………………………………………………………………............... 1
2. Description…………..……………………………………………………………………1
3. Instructions for installation of PU-H secondary seal type……………………………. 1
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………….…………………………………………… 1
3.2 Instructions for installation of secondary seal………………..……………....................... 1
3.3 Instructions for upper flange mounting…………………………..………......................... 2
3.4 Performing pressure test………………………………………………………………….. 3
4. Revision history table…………………………………………………………................ 4

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REPEDE Pressure Control Document: IP-015 Rev. A


1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This instruction establishes the requirements for installing in the equipment the HA007 dual tubing
hangers, which are manufactured according to API 6A
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions
Dist. Dist.
Dist. Casing
between between Upper
between Lower tubing dimension
1st Axis 2nd Axis tubing head
No. Hanger 1st Axis head flange secondary sealed
and and flange
cr. dimension and 2nd dimension in tubing head
Flange Flange dimension
Axis OD min. x t max.
Axis Axis
mm mm mm in in in x mm
1 7 1/16x1.9x1.9 70,64 35,32 35,32 7 1/16 9 or 11 5 1/2 x 7,72
2 7 1/16x2 3/8x2 3/8 90,09 45,05 45,05 7 1/16 9 or 11 7 x 13,72
3 7 1/16x2 7/8x2 3/8 90,09 41,91 48,18 7 1/16 9 or 11 7 x 10,36
4 9x2 3/8x2 3/8 90,09 45,05 45,05 9 9 or 11 7 x 13,72
5 9x2 7/8x2 3/8 90,09 41,91 48,18 9 9 or 11 7 x 10,36
6 9x2 7/8x2 3/8 101,6 47,63 53,98 9 11 or 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 12,7
7 9x2 7/8x2 7/8 101,6 50,80 50,80 9 11 or 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 9,52
8 9x2 7/8x2 7/8 114,30 57,15 57,15 9 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
9 9x3 1/2x2 3/8 116,28 51,00 65,28 9 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
10 11x2 3/8x2 3/8 90,09 45,05 45,05 11 11 or 13 5/8 7 x 13,72
11 11x2 7/8x2 3/8 90,09 41,91 48,18 11 11 or 13 5/8 7 x 10,36
12 11x2 7/8x2 3/8 101,6 47,63 53,98 11 11 or 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 12,7
13 11x2 7/8x2 7/8 101,6 50,80 50,80 11 11 or 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 9,52
14 11x2 7/8x2 7/8 114,30 57,15 57,15 11 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
15 11x3 1/2x2 3/8 116,28 51,00 65,28 11 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
16 11x3 1/2x2 7/8 128,19 64,10 64,10 11 13 5/8 9 5/8 x 13,84
17 11x3 1/2x3 1/2 128,19 64,10 64,10 11 13 5/8 9 5/8 x 13,84
18 13 5/8x2 7/8x2 3/8 90,09 41,91 48,18 13 5/8 13 5/8 7 x 10,36
19 13 5/8x2 7/8x2 3/8 101,6 47,63 53,98 13 5/8 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 12,7
20 13 5/8x2 7/8x2 7/8 101,6 50,80 50,80 13 5/8 13 5/8 7 5/8 x 9,52
21 13 5/8x2 7/8x2 7/8 114,30 57,15 57,15 13 5/8 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
22 13 5/8x3 1/2x2 3/8 116,28 51,00 65,28 13 5/8 13 5/8 8 5/8 x 14,15
23 13 5/8x3 1/2x2 7/8 128,19 64,10 64,10 13 5/8 13 5/8 9 5/8 x 13,84
24 13 5/8x3 1/2x3 1/2 128,19 64,10 64,10 13 5/8 13 5/8 9 5/8 x 13,84
According to the application, the suspension thread of the tubing strings can be a standard thread such as:
EU or NU acc. to API 5B, or „premium” thread such as: NEW VAM, VAM TOP, and others.
For type HA007 dual tubing hangers, the bottom threads are generally identic with the top threads. Others
types of threads (on the top side of tubing hanger), which meet the running tool threads (such as for
example ACME thread) are available on upon request.

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1.2.2 Working pressure

These types of tubing hangers, HA007, are designed to be used at a maximum working pressure
up to 10000 psi (700 bar).
2. Description and using
2.1 Description
The HA007 dual tubing hanger type extended neck is provided with control line (CL) for each half of
tubing hanger. HA007 are designed to be used for sustaining the tubing string and for sealing off the
annulus space, also. The sealing for HA007 dual tubing hanger on the neck is provided by rubber sealing
rings installed in the grooves; the annulus seal, in tubing head flange, is accomplished through special
rubber gaskets (one for each half of tubing hanger) fastened with screws on each half of tubing hanger
and which are energized by tightening the lockdown screws of tubing head flange.
The HA007 dual tubing hangers have a special type of internal thread for installation of the BPV (back
pressure valve) on each axis, as a standard safety feature.

Fig. 1a - HA007 Tubing hanger (half) Fig. 1b - HA007 Tubing hanger (assembly)
3. Instructions for dual tubing hanger installation
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before starting the installation, the following preliminary steps must be taken:
a) Tubing hanger inspection (both halves):
- visual check if both the outside sealing surfaces and the sealing gaskets are in good condition;
- visual check if internal thread of each tubing hanger half is in a good condition;
- check if both, the dimension and the type of the thread, marked on the each half of the tubing
hanger body, are meeting the tubing features;

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- check if the thread of the tubing hanger running tool (Fig. 3 - Item 6) is in a good condition and
both, the dimension and the type of the thread are meeting the requirements of the application;
- check if the BPV can be fastened, as follows: screw the BPV in the tubing head body, inspect if its
installing is proper, and then dismantle the BPV.
b) Preparation of the equipment where the dual tubing hanger will be installed:
- check if the rams of the BOP (mounted over the tubing head) are fully opened;
- check if the lockdown screws (Fig. 2 - Item 14) of the tubing head flange are completely retired
and the guiding screws for the hanger (Fig. 2 - Item 12) are screwed in the tubing head flange and
are fully fastened.
3.2 Instructions for dual tubing hanger installation
For installing the dual tubing hanger you must do the following activities:
a) Running the first tubing string into wellbore (see Fig. 2):
- sit down the last coupling (collar) (Item 1) of the tubing string (Item 3) in the tubing elevator (Item
2) and lower it into the wellbore at the necessary depth; during this operation the handling device
(Item 4) are in „open” position.

Fig. 2 - Tubing string running

b) Installation of the first half of the dual tubing hanger (see Fig. 3):
- unscrew the coupling (collar) and screw the tubing hanger half (Item 5) in the top of the first
tubing string (Item 3); for special thread such as „ premium” ones, the tightening torque is indicated
by the thread manufacturer;
- screw the tubing hanger running tool (Item 6) at the top of the tubing hanger;
- grease the outside diameter of the tubing hanger first half.
c) Lowering of the assembly composed by the tubing string and the dual tubing hanger first half (see
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4):
- fit up the assembly composed of tubing string (Item 3), the first half of the tubing hanger (Item 5)
and the tubing hanger running tool (Item 6) in the tubing elevator (Item 2);
- open the tubing handling device (Item 4), so that the tubing string be released;

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Fig. 3 - Tubing hanger installing (first half) and the first control line
- place the maximum outside diameter of the first half of the tubing hanger centered towards the
tubing head flange and the special pockets available on the bottom of the hanger centered towards
the guidance screws;
- lower the tubing string until the connection between the „control line” (Item 8) and the connector
fitted in the first half of the tubing hanger (Item 7) can be performed;
- lower slowly the tubing string until the first half of the tubing hanger is accurately positioned in
the bowl of the tubing head flange; the accurate emplacement of the tubing hanger first half in the
bowl of the tubing head flange is shown by a dramatic decrease of the weigh indicator scale on the
driller’s panel; during this operation take care of the alignment and integrity of the „control line”;

Fig. 4 - Tubing hanger lowering (first half) into tubing head and control line testing
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- dismantle the running tool of the tubing hanger;

- check the sealing of the control line as following:
 install the test device (Item 9) on the first half of tubing hanger using an appropriate
connecting piece;
 apply equipment a pressure equal with its maximum working pressure through the „control
line” and hold on for 15 minutes
 no leakages are admitted.

The testing pressure of the „control line” must be lower than its maximum working pressure.
- dismantle the test device and the connecting piece.
d) Installation of the second half of the dual tubing hanger (see Fig. 5):
- unscrew the coupling (collar) and screw the second half of the tubing hanger (Item 5) in the top of
the second tubing string (Item 3); for special thread such as „ premium” ones, the tightening torque
is indicated by the thread manufacturer;
- screw the tubing hanger running tool (Item 6) at the top of the tubing hanger;
- grease the outside diameter of the tubing hanger second half.

Fig. 5 - Tubing hanger installing (second half) and the second control line
e) Lowering of the assembly composed by the tubing string and the dual tubing hanger second half
(see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6):
- fit up the assembly composed of tubing string (Item 3), the second half of the tubing hanger (Item
5) and the tubing hanger running tool (Item 6) in the tubing elevator (Item 2);
- open the tubing handling device (Item 4), so that the tubing string be released;
- place the maximum outside diameter of the dual tubing hanger second half centered towards the
tubing head flange and the special pockets available on the bottom of the hanger centered towards
the guidance screws;
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- lower the tubing string until the connection between the „control line” (Item 8) and the connector
fitted in the tubing hanger (Item 7) can be performed;
- lower slowly the tubing string, taking care not to damage the first half of the tubing hanger already
mounted in the tubing head (Item 7), until the second half of the hanger is accurately positioned in
the bowl of the tubing head flange; the accurate emplacement of the tubing hanger second half in
the bowl of the tubing head flange is shown by a dramatic decrease of the weigh indicator scale on
the driller’s panel; during this operation take care of the alignment and integrity of the „control
- dismantle the tubing hanger running tool.
- check the sealing of the control line as following:
 install the test device (Item 9) on the second half of tubing hanger using an appropriate
connecting piece;
 apply equipment a pressure equal with its maximum working pressure through the „control
line” and hold on for 15 minutes
 no leakages are admitted.

The testing pressure of the „control line” must be lower than its maximum working pressure.
- dismantle the test device and the connecting piece.

Fig. 6 - Tubing hanger lowering (second half) into tubing head and testing his control line
a) Installation of the tubing head adapter (see Fig. 7):
- remove the BOP;
- align the tubing head adapter (Item 11) towards the dual tubing hanger (Item 5) and towards the
seal bushings of the control line (Item 17), correctly positioning it towards the assembling studs and
carefully installing it on the tubing head flange (Item 10) paying attention not to damage the
packing rings fitted on the outside diameter of each neck of the tubing hanger halves and of each
seal bushings of the control line;
- tighten the lockdown screws (Item 14), until the hanger semi-gaskets are fully energized.
- using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tighten each nut on the stud (see Fig. 11).

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Pay attention to the sealing surfaces, packing rings, of the tubing hanger, not to be hit or damaged
during the manipulation!

You must use the appropriate safety equipment and observe the applicable labor safety rules in
accordance with state and / or local requirements as where established by the administrative authority.

Fig. 7 - Installation of the tubing head adapter

3.3 Pressure test procedure
A pressure test must be performed after the installation of the dual tubing hanger and tubing head adapter
for checking the precision both of the installation and of the sealing of the control lines.
3.3.1 The pressure test for checking the sealing of the „control lines”
The pressure test for checking the sealing of the „control lines” must be done for each control
lines of the dual hanger according to the following steps (see Fig. 8):
- install the test device (Item 9 - Fig. 8) to the connection port of the tubing head adapter;
- apply through the device a pressure equal with the maximum working pressure of the control
line and hold on for 15 minutes;
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.
- leakages can occur in one of the following situation (the pressure read on the pressure gauge
a) if leaks occur at the joints of the „control line”; In that case you must tighten all the joints and
perform again the pressure test;
b) one or more of the rubber sealing gaskets mounted on the outside diameter of seal bushings of
the control line do not seal; In that case you must replace the rubber sealing gasket (gaskets) and
perform again the pressure test.
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Fig. 8 - Pressure test for checking the control lines

3.3.2 The pressure test for checking the accurate installation of the tubing head adapter and of the
tubing head / tubing hanger
The pressure test will be made at the maximum working pressure of the equipment, as follows:
- loosen the vent fitting screw (see Item 16 - Fig. 10 & Fig. 9a), unfasten the grease fitting nut
and fasten the test device (see Item 15 - Fig. 10 & Fig. 9b);

Figure 9a – Vent fitting weaken Figure 9b – Grease fitting nut removing

- fill up with test fluid (water, oil, or Diesel fuel) the annulus space between the tubing hanger,
tubing head and tubing head adapter;

Fig. 10 - Pressure test for checking the installation of the tubing head adapter and of the dual
tubing hanger
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- apply equipment a pressure equal with its maximum working pressure using the test device and
hold on for 15 minutes;

Do not ever test the equipment to a pressure higher than the maximum working pressure of the
Acceptance criteria: no leakages during the pressure test.
- leakages can occur in one of the following situation (the pressure read on the pressure gauge
a) The ring joint gasket between the tubing head and tubing head adapter do not seal. In that
case, using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) evenly tightens again each nut on the stud (see
Fig. 11) and apply again the pressure. If there is still no sealing after the fastening, replace the

Fig. 11 - Studs / nuts tightening

b) the gasket (gaskets) mounted on the extended necks of the dual tubing hangers do not seal. In
that case, replace the gaskets and perform again the pressure test.
c) the gasket (gaskets) mounted on the bottom side of the dual tubing hangers do not seal. In that
case, replace the gaskets and perform again the pressure test.
After the pressure test, you must perform the following activities:
- unfasten the test device and screw the nut of greaser fitting (see Fig. 9b);
- release the pressure, hereby: unscrew gradually, a half of turn of the vent fitting screw (see Fig.

The operator should never stand in front of the vent fitting during the unfastening of the screw.
Pressurized fluid jet can affect the personnel. The operator should stay away from the vent fitting
during the release of the pressure.
4. Revision control table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 19.05.2014 Initial release 22.05.2014

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1. Overview……………………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 1
1.2 Technical features…………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2.1Dimensions…………………………………………………………………………………... 1
1.2.2 Working pressure …………………………………………………………………………... 2
2. Description and use ………………………………………………………………………... 2
2.1 Description……………………………………………………………………………………2
3. Instructions for dual tubing hanger installation………………………………………….. 2
3.1 Preparing for installation…………………………………………………………………….. 2
3.2 Instructions for dual tubing hanger installation……………………………………………… 3
3.3 Pressure test procedure ……………………………………………………………………… 7
3.3.1The pressure test for checking the sealing of the „control lines”……………………………. 7
3.3.2The pressure test for checking the accurate installation of the tubing head adapter and of
the tubing head / tubing hanger……………………………………………………………… 8
4. Revision control table…………………………………………………………..................... 9

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1. General
1.1 Scope
This manual covers the requirements for acceptance, storage, installing, operation, maintenance and
service for RVE-M01/RVS-M01 models, expanding or slab gate valves which were made according to
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions

2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 5 1/8 7 1/16
in 2.06 2.56 3.12 4.06 5.12 7.06
Minimum bore
mm 52,4 65,1 79,4 103,2 130,2 179,4

End connections of the valve in the system:

- flanges;
- threaded (LP, NU, EU according to API 6A).
Face to face lengths:
- according to API 6A for flange gate valves;
- according to the manufacturer’s data sheets for threaded gate valves.
1.2.2 Working temperature
The valves shall be operated in one or more of temperature classes specified below:

Operating range
Temperature ° °
Min. Max. Min. Max.
K -75 to 180 -60 to 82
L -50 to 180 -46 to 82
N -50 to 150 -46 to 66
P -20 to 180 -29 to 82
S 0 to 150 -18 to 66
T 0 to 180 -18 to 82
U 0 to 250 -18 to 121
V 35 to 250 2 to 121

Minimum temperature is the lowest ambient temperature where the valve can be subjected.
Maximum temperature is the highest temperature of the fluid that may have direct contact with
the valve.

When the environmental or circulated fluid temperature it higher than 45°C, the valves will be handled
only with protective equipment (protective gloves).
It is recommended to be installed a warning plate in order to alert about working temperature.

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1.2.3 Working pressure

The valves are designed to be used up to the following maximum working pressure:

Pressure class Maximum working pressure

psi psi MPa bar
2000 2000 14 140
3000 3000 21 210
5000 5000 35 350

Don’t use the valves in applications, where their maximum working pressure it is exceeded.
1.2.4 Material class
The valves shall be used for those working fluids that are according to the manufacturing
material class, as follows:
Partial pressure (MPa)
Fluid Relative Material
H2 S CO2
class corrosion class
psi MPa psi MPa
Noncorrosive <7 < 0.05 AA
Usual fluids Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 BB
< 0.05 < 0.35x10-3
(general service) Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 CC
Corrosive fluids Noncorrosive <7 < 0,05 DD
(sour service) Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 EE
> 0.05 > 0.35x10-3
according Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 FF
NACE MR0175 corrosive
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to choose the material class (see API 6A, Appendix A).
2. Description and operation
2.1 Description
2.1.1 Expanding gate valve
The expanding gate valves are closing elements, designed to stop the flow of the fluid under
pressure. The valves are not elements used for flow regulating; for this reason, in operation have
only two positions: fully closed or fully opened. Expanding gate valves are unidirectional, with
non-rising stem and have constant crossing section to entire length of the flow (full bore).
In order to close the expanding gate valve, turn clockwise the handwheel (Item 20) until it
achieved full expanding of gate (Item 5). In this way there is produced a counterpressure force
simultaneously on both seats (Item 2), which creates a mechanical seal. This seal is not affected
by pressure fluctuations or by vibrations line, where both high pressure and in low pressure.
The gate / seat sealing is metal-to-metal type and the expanding of the gate’s segments to the
seats both in the closed position and the open position of the valve, ensures a prolonged integrity
of the sealing surfaces, isolating the valve body to the working fluid. The seat’s sealing towards
the body is metal-to-metal type of seal and the seats are provided with additional gaskets (Item

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Fig. 1 - Expanding gate valve

Stem sealing is ensured by a special gasket (Item 12), which is made of a non-elastomeric
element so it doesn’t require an additional energizing by soft packing injection. The working
fluid pressure helps in the sealing process. The valve it is designed with bearings, isolated from
the working fluid, in order to minimize the operating torque.
The body / bonnet assembly is made with studs and nuts, and the sealing is achieved by a
metallic ring gasket (Item 6), durable and heat uninfluenced. The body has provided with a
grease fitting (Item 22) in order to lubricate the inside of the valve, and the bonnet it is designed
with one vent fitting (Item 23), in order to ensure the ventilation. Expanding gate valve can be
turned into slab gate valve by simply replacing of the gate (see Fig. 2).

2.1.2 Slab gate valve

The slab gate valves are closing elements, designed to stop the flow of the fluid under pressure.
The valves are not elements used for flow regulation; for this reason, in operation, have only two
positions: fully closed or fully open. The slab gate valves are bidirectional, with non-rising stem
and have constant crossing section on the entire length of the flow (full bore).
In order to close the slab gate valve, turn the handwheel (Item 20) clockwise until the slab gate
(Item 5) will be stopped into guide (Item 4), and after that, rotate a quarter (1/4) turn in
counterclockwise direction. This is necessary for both, slab gate and upstream seat, helped to be
moved by the fluid pressure, until the slab gate is in a tight contact with the downstream seat, in
order to be realized the sealing.

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Fig. 2 - Slab gate valve

The gate / seat sealing is metal-to-metal type, the seat’s sealing towards the body is metal-to-
metal type of seal and the seats are provided with additional gaskets (Item 3).
Stem sealing is ensured by a special gasket (Item 12), which is made of a non-elastomeric
element so it doesn’t require an additional energizing by soft packing injection. The working
fluid pressure helps in the sealing process. The valve it is designed with bearings, isolated from
the working fluid, in order to minimize the operating torque.
The body / bonnet assembly is made with studs and nuts, and the sealing is achieved by a
metallic ring gasket (Item 6), durable and heat uninfluenced. The body has provided with a
grease fitting (Item 22) in order to lubricate the inside of the valve, and the bonnet it is designed
with one vent fitting (Item 23), in order to ensure the ventilation. Slab gate valve can be turned
into expanding gate valve by simply replacing of the gate (see Fig. 1).

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2.2 Valve components

2.2.1 Expanding gate valve

Fig. 3 - Expanding gate valve. Components

Item Description Item Description Item Description
1 Body 10 Nut 19 Bearing cap
2 Seat 11 Bottom ring 20 Handwheel
3 Seat gasket 12 Stem seal 21 Special screw
4 Guide 13 Gland 22 Grease fitting
5 Expanding gate 14 Thrust needle roller 23 Vent fitting
6 Metallic ring gasket 15 Bearing washer 24 Screw
7 Stem 16 Adapter 25 Bearing grease fitting
8 Bonnet 17 Pin 26 Nameplate
9 Stud 18 ”O”-ring

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2.2.2 Slab gate valve

Fig. 4 - Slab gate valve. Components

Item Description Item Description Item Description
1 Body 10 Nut 19 Bearings cap
2 Seat 11 Bottom ring 20 Handwheel
3 Seat gasket 12 Stem seal 21 Special screw
4 Guide 13 Gland 22 Grease fitting
5 Slab gate 14 Thrust needle roller 23 Vent fitting
6 Metallic ring gasket 15 Bearing washer 24 Screw
7 Stem 16 Adapter 25 Bearing grease fitting
8 Bonnet 17 Pin 26 Nameplate
9 Stud 18 ”O”-ring 27 Gate nut

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3. Storage and identification criteria

Products will be identified by the data from the label of the package; they must comply with the existing
identification nameplate of valves.
The valves will be carefully examined to detect any damage occurred during transportation.
The valves should be kept in their original packages and stored in well ventilated places with low
4. Valves preparing for installation
Remove the plastic protectors from the ends of the valve.
Inspect the inside of body and ends of the valve, in order to not have any impurities. Any impurity is
removed by an air flow.

Use appropriate protective equipment. Follow the labor regulation and safety procedures.
Clean with a solvent, such as acetone or another equivalent, the machined surfaces protected with grease.

Do not use solvents in enclosure. The solvents will be only used in specially designed enclosures, well
ventilated and free from ignition sources. Failure to comply may result in property damage and serious
personal injury.
If any damages occurred on shipping, these will be inspected and reported to technical department who
will choose either to use the valves under those conditions or to recondition them.
Before connecting the valve in the system, it is recommended to be tested to the nominal pressure for at
least 3 minutes, or according to the testing requirements specified in API 6A.

The valve pressure test will never exceed their working pressure.
Because the valves are supplied in the „OFF” position, before performing the pressure test, bring the
valve into the partially open position.
5. Installing
The valves can be installed either in horizontal or vertical position.
Slab gate valves can be installed in any position towards the direction of fluid flow.
Studs / nuts assembly and tightening, that connect the valves in the system is diametrically opposed and
cross (see Fig. 5).
Use appropriate lifting systems and straps for handling the valve on installation.

Do not handle the valve by clinging to handwheel. This will affect the valve operation.
After the installation of the valve in system, they will be opened and closed 2-3 times without pressure, to
check their easy handling.
Before starting the valve pressure tests, it is recommended to bring them in the „OPEN” position
(maximum flow section), in order to allow working fluid to remove any remaining impurities after
installation, which would cause damage to the inside sealing surfaces of the valves.

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The valves pressure test in the system will never exceed their working pressure.

Fig. 5 - Studs and nuts tightening

Never handle the valve placed directly in front of it. Always stay on the side. If the stem fails, it may
cause injury to personnel.
If leakages occur while the valve is tested, open the valve and then close it again. Foreign materials might
be present as a result of the installation.
Note: The manufacturer supply the valves, filled with grease and the stem bearings lubricated.
6. Use and maintenance instructions
6.1 Overview
Prior to operation, the valves will be carefully inspected in order to detect any damages occurred during
installation operations.
The valves must be used to working conditions (pressure class, temperature class, compatibility with the
working fluid) which are printed on the nameplate mounted on them.
6.2 Instructions for use
6.2.1 Expanding gate valve (see Fig. 1)
To close the expanding gate valve, turn the hand wheel (Item 20) clockwise until the gate’s
minor segment is stopped in body, whereupon turn it until the gate is fully expanded (Item 5).
To open the expanding gate valve, turn the handwheel (Item 20) counter-clockwise until the
gate’s minor segment is stopped in body, whereupon turn it until the gate is fully expanded (Item
Due to the simultaneous contact of the expanding gate with both seats, the possible foreign
materials from the process fluid don’t enter the sealing area, thus their completeness is extended.
6.2.2 Slab gate valve (see Fig. 2)
To close the slab gate valve, the handwheel (Item 20) turn the hand wheel (Item 20) clockwise
until the slab gate is stopped in body, whereupon turn a quarter (1/4) of turn counter-clockwise.
This is necessary in order to be freely moved the slab gate (Item 5), under the action of
fluid working pressure until, a downstream contact with the seat it’s done it, in order of sealing.
To open the slab gate valve, turn the hand wheel (Item 20) counter-clockwise, until the slab gate
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it is stopped by the bonnet.

6.3 Maintenance instructions
To ensure a proper working and increasing of valves life, it is necessary to establish a regular inspection
and maintenance schedule.
It is recommended that the following maintenance activities to be monthly performed. Inspection and
maintenance schedule can be modified according to the application requirements where the valves are
6.3.1 Tightening the body-bonnet’s studs and nuts
Due to the vibration which may occur in operation, the tightening of the nuts (Item 10) used for
the gripping of the bonnet (Item 8) with the body (Item 1) can decrease and may lose sealing
between body and bonnet. Nuts tightening must be realized, until the flange surface it is in
contact with bonnet. Nuts tightening must be done diametral opposite and cross (cross-over
pattern) (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 6 - Valves maintenance

6.3.2 Body greasing
The friction between moving parts, towards one another (seat / gate; stem / gate nut) decrease by
body greasing, and also prevents accumulation of dirt in the valve body. It is recommended to
lubricate the valve at every 160 operation cycles and / or whenever is necessary, depending of
operating conditions.
Note: The grease type used to lubricate the valves must be selected according to the environment
working temperature of valve and / or working fluid temperature, and must be compatible with it.
Greasing procedure of valves is different for the two situations:
- The valve is installed in the system and there is no circulation of pressurized fluid inside;
- The valve is installed in the system and the fluid under pressure circulated through it.

Use an appropriate high-pressure greasing device when the greasing is made with the valve under
a) Valve greasing, without pressurized fluid flow through it:
Release the working pressure before you start valve greasing operation, as follow:
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- unscrew the screw (Item 23 - Fig. 6) from the vent fitting mounted on bonnet, gradually, half of
turn, allowing pressure to escape (see Fig. 7);

Fig. 7 - Body pressure releasing Fig. 8 - Body greasing

Do not stand in front of the vent fitting while unscrew the screw. The pressurized fluid flow may cause
personal injury. Operator must stay away from the vent fitting, during the pressure from the valve body
it is eliminated.
- open the valve;
- remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 8), mounted on the valve body (Item 22 - Fig. 6);
- attach the greasing tool to the grease fitting body and inject the grease into valve body until it is
blow up by the vent fitting.
- open and close the valve few times in order to have a uniform distribution of grease inside of it;
- remove the greasing tool and install the grease fitting nut;
- fasten fully the screw of the vent fitting.
b) Valve greasing, with pressurized fluid flow through it:
Valve greasing with pressurized fluid flow through it, must be done only by using of pressure
grease device and follow the next steps:
- if it is possible, open the valve;
- remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 8), mounted on the valve body (Item 22 - Fig. 6);
- attach the high pressure greasing device to the grease fitting body and inject grease into valve
- if it is possible, open and close the valve few times in order to have a uniform distribution of
grease inside of it;
- remove the high pressure greasing device and install the grease fitting nut.

Take care to the value of the grease injection pressure which not to exceed the valve’s working
6.3.3 Bearings greasing
Bearings greasing reduce the friction inside them and keep an easy valve handling without
shocks. It is recommended to lubricate the bearings at every 160 cycles operation and / or
whenever is necessary, depending of operating conditions.
Note: In order to grease the bearings, it is recommend to use the grease type RUL 165Na4 or equivalent,
suitable for temperature range between -45°C and + 121°C.
The bearings greasing (Item 13 and 14 - Fig. 6) is made through a bearing grease fitting
(Item 25 - Fig. 6) as follows:
- mount the greasing tool to the bearing grease fitting;
- inject the grease;
- remove grease tool.
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6.3.4 Body cleaning

The impurities which may exist in the process fluid will be deposited in the valve’s interior and
will block the full closing of the valve.

Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves, glasses, etc.) to avoid direct contact with substances from
the valve’s inside.
Removing of impurities / particles are done following the next steps:
- the valve will be isolated, in order to have not the fluid pressure circulation and will be fully
- unscrew the screw of the vent fitting (Item 23 - Fig. 6) mounted on the bonnet, gradually, half
of turn to allow the releasing of the pressure (see Fig. 7);
- remove the valve from system;
- dismantle the valve as is shown in paragraph 7.2 and clean it.
7. Valve mounting / dismantling
7.1 Overview
Due to fact that the valve’s dismantling in component parts requests specialized equipment and tools, the
activity should be done only in workshops by qualified personnel or by the manufacturer. This activity
should be done for replacing the damaged parts or for cleaning the valve in the scope of using them on
other equipment’s.

To avoid personnel injury or the deterioration of the components, use only wrenches and devices with
appropriate sizes, in good operating condition.
To isolate from the system a valve installed on under pressure equipment the following activities must be
a)the valve will be isolated, in order to have not the fluid pressure circulation and will be fully closed;
b)discharge the pressure from the valve’s body as follows:
- unscrew the screw (Item 23 - Fig. 6) of the vent fitting mounted on the bonnet, gradually, half of turn
to allow the releasing of the pressure (see Fig. 7);

Do not stand in front of the vent fitting while unscrew the screw. The pressurized fluid flow may cause
personal injury. Operator must stay away from the vent fitting, during the pressure from the valve body
it is eliminated.
The valve’s assemblage is an operation that will be done it in clean places, only by qualified personnel.
Prior to assembly the valve’s components carefully inspect and clean them for checking if any
deteriorations have occurred during the exploitation or storage During the valve’s assemblage, the
following operations will be performed:
- all internal surfaces will be carefully oiled, in order to not be damaged the sealing surfaces (seats
surfaces / gate, cylindrical surface of the stem);
- all internal and external thread will be greased (nuts / studs threads, stem thread, bonnet thread, adapter
thread, gland thread).
7.2 Valve dismantling
7.2.1 Valve dismantling into the main parts:
The slab or expanding gate valves dismantling begins by splitting it on two subassemblies
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(bonnet subassembly and body subassembly) through the following steps (see Fig. 9):
- fully open the valve;
- remove the body-bonnet studs and nuts by using a proper wrench;
- lift the bonnet subassembly;
- remove the metallic ring gasket between body and bonnet (Item 6).

Fig. 9 - Dismantling of the valve into main parts

7.2.2 Body subassembly dismantling:
Parts separation of the body assembly can be done it as follows (see Fig. 10):
- remove the guides (Item 4);
- remove the seats (Item 2) being careful not to scratch any of the sealing surfaces;
- remove the seat gaskets (Item 3) mounted in seats;
- unscrew the grease fitting, if it is necessary (Item 22).

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Fig. 10 - Body assembly dismantling

7.2.3 Bonnet subassembly dismantling:
Dismantle the components of the bonnet assembly follow the next steps (see Fig. 11):
- unscrew the gate (Item 5) from the stem (Item 7) for expanding gate valve, or the gate together
with the gate nut (Item 27) from the stem, for slab gate valve;
- unscrew the special screw (Item 21) and remove the handwheel (Item 20);
- unscrew the locking screws (Item 24), unscrew the bearing bonnet (Item 19) and if is necessary
remove the bearing grease fitting (Item 25);
- remove the pin (item 17) from adapter (Item 16) and extract through bonnet’s bottom the stem,
being careful not to damage her threads or cylindrical sealing surface;
- remove the adapter, the bearings (Item 14 and 15) and the ”O”-ring (Item 18), if applicable,
from the outside diameter of the adapter,
- unscrew the gland, by using of special wrench (Item 13);
- carefully remove the seals (Item 12) and the bottom ring (Item 11), taking care not to
deteriorate the sealing surface of the bonnet;
- remove, if it is necessary, the vent fitting (Item 23) from the bonnet (Item 8).

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Fig. 11 - Bonnet assembly and slab gate dismantling

Hereinafter, the disassembly of the gate is done as follows:
- for the slab gate valve, the gate (item 5) split the slab gate by the gate nut (Item 27) (see Fig.
- for expanding gate valve, the two components of the gate will be separated (major and minor
slip) by removing the springs, and if is necessary, the bolts (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 - Expanding gate dismantling

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7.3 Valve mounting

7.3.1 Body subassembly mounting:
The valve’s mounting have to be done in the reverse order of dismantling, and starts with
assembling of the body’s parts, following the next steps (see Fig. 10):
- mount the seat gaskets (Item 3) into the seats (item 2); a special attention must be paid to the
assembly position, as shown in Fig. 13;

Fig. 13 - Seat gasket mounting

- carefully inserted the seats into the body, being careful not to damage the sealing surfaces;
- insert the guides (Item 4);
- screw the grease fitting (Item 22), if it is necessary.
7.3.2 Bonnet subassembly mounting:
To mount the bonnet subassembly, follow the next steps (see Fig. 11):
- fit the bottom ring (Item 11) and the stem seals (Item 12) in the bonnet, being careful not to
damage the bonnet’s sealing surface; a special attention must be paid to the assembly seals
position as shown in Fig.14;

Fig. 14 - Stem seals mounting

- screw the gland (Item 13) by using a special wrench;
- carefully insert through bonnet’s bottom the stem (Item 7), being careful not to damage her
sealing seals;
- insert, if it is necessary, the ”O”-ring (Item 18) on the outside of adapter (Item 16) and placed
on the stem together with bearings (Item. 14 and 15);
- place both the adapter and the stem in such way that you can insert the pin (Item 17);

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- screw the bonnet bearing (Item 19) and lock it with the locking screws (Item 24) in the right
- mount the handwheel (Item 20) and fix it with the special screw (Item 21);
- mount, if it is necessary, the bearing grease fitting (Item 25) and the vent fitting (Item 23);
The gate will be assembled as follow:
- for slab gate valve, insert the gate nut (Item 27) into the gate (item 5), such that can be screwed
on the stem (see Fig. 11).
- for expanding gate valves, assembly the two components of the gate (minor and major
segments) together through bolts inserting if necessary, and after that, mount the springs (see
Fig. 12); the resulted gate assembly will be threaded on the stem.
7.3.3 Valve assembling:
To assemble the two subassemblies of the valve, follow the next steps (see Fig. 9):
- fit the metallic ring gasket in the body (Item 6);
- for an easier assembly, turn the handwhell in full open position of the valve and, in the same
time, checking if the bonnet position is accurate towards the body studs and the gate towards the
seats; carefully lower the bonnet subassembly in the valve taking care not to damage any sealing
area of the gate or of the seats;
- using an appropriate wrench, tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern (see
Fig. 5).
Note: After valve assembling, open and close 2-3 times the valve using the handwheel, to check if
handling is regular and smooth.
8. Parts replacement
8.1 Overview
The replacing of the parts is a necessary operation when the components are accidentally damaged or they
have been exploited for too long time.
If will be strongly necessary, some replacement procedures can be performed with the valve installed in
the system. In this situation, the following steps must be taken:
- isolate the process fluid from system to avoid it being under pressure in the valve;
- release the pressure from the valve body (see section 7.1 and Fig. 8).

Before any parts replacement operation, it is strongly necessary, to isolate the valve from the pressure
source, then release the body pressure.
Before installing the new components carefully inspected them for any damage that may have occurred in
storage. To install new components, perform the following activities:
- clean and oil all surfaces, (sealing or threaded) that are in contact with new parts;
- protect with grease all the internal and external threads of the new components.
8.2 Seat and / or seat gasket replacement
In order to replace the seats gaskets and / or seat, next steps must be followed (fig. 9 and 10):
- fully open the valve;
- with an appropriate wrench unfasten the bonnet nuts;
- carefully lift the bonnet assembly not to damage the sealing surfaces of the gate and the seats;
- remove the guide (Item 4);
- carefully remove the seats (Item 2), not to damage the sealing surfaces;
- remove the seat gaskets (item 3) installed in seats;
- install the new seats and / or new seat gaskets; taking care to the installation position, as shown in
Fig. 13;

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Note: If the seat (Item 2) replacement is required, you must change the seat gaskets (Item 3) installed in
the seats and also, the metallic ring gasket installed between body and bonnet (Item 6).
- replace the old metallic ring gasket (Item 6) between the body and the bonnet with a new one;
- accurately align not only the bonnet towards the body studs but, also the gate towards the seats;
carefully lower the bonnet subassembly into the body taking care not to damage the sealing surface of
the gate or of the seats;
- with an appropriate wrench, tighten in a cross-over pattern (see Fig. 5) the nuts on the bonnet studs.
Note: To make sure the handling is regular and smooth, after valve installing, open and close 2-3 times
the valve using the handwheel.
8.3 Stem and / or stem seals replacement
In order to replace the stem seals and / or the stem must be followed the steps (see Fig. 9 and 11):
- fully open the valve;
- with an appropriate wrench unfasten the bonnet nuts;
- carefully lift the bonnet assembly not to damage the sealing surfaces of the gate and the seats;
- unscrew the gate (Item 5) from stem (Item 7) for expanding gate valve or, the gate together with gate
nut (Item 27) from the stem for slab gate valve;
- remove the special screw (Item 21) and the handwheel (Item 20);
- unfasten the locking screws (Item 24) and unscrew the bearing cap (Item 19);
- remove the pin (Item 17) of the adapter (Item 16) and take out carefully, the stem through the bottom
side of the bonnet in order to not damage the threads or cylindrical sealing surface;
- remove adapter and bearings (Item 14 and 15);
- with a special wrench unscrew the gland (Item 13);
- extract the stem seals (Item 12) being careful not to damage the sealing surface of the bonnet;
- fit in bonnet the new seals being careful not to damage the sealing surface of the bonnet; make sure
the assembling position of the seals is as shown in Fig.14.
Note: If the stem (Item 7) replacement is required, you must change the stem seals (Item 12) installed
and also, the metallic ring gasket installed between body and bonnet (Item 6).
- with a special wrench screw the gland (Item 13);
- insert the stem through the bottom side of the bonnet, taking care not to damage the seals;
- place the adapter (Item 16) and bearings (Item 14 and 15);
- align the adapter and the stem, to make possible the insertion of the pin (Item 17);
- fasten the bearing cap (Item 19) and lock it with the locking screws (Item 24) in the right position;
- install the handwheel (Item 20) and lock it by special screws (Item 21);
- screw the gate on the stem, as follows:
 for slab gate valve, check the position of gate nut such that together with the gate will be able to
screw on the stem (see Fig. 11).
 for expanding gate valve, the gate assembly will be threaded on stem.
- remove the metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and install a new one;
- accurately align not only the bonnet towards the body studs, but also the gate towards the seats;
- carefully lower the bonnet subassembly into the body taking care not to damage the sealing surface
of the gate or of the seats;
- with an appropriate wrench, tighten in a cross-over pattern (see Fig. 5) the nuts on the bonnet studs.
Note: To make sure the handling is regular and smooth, after valve installing, open and close 2-3 times
the valve using the handwheel.
8.4 Gate replacement
In order to replace the gate follow below steps (see Fig. 9 and 11):
- fully open the valve;
- with an appropriate wrench unfasten the bonnet nuts;
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- carefully lift the bonnet assembly not to damage the sealing surfaces of the gate and the seats;
- unscrew the gate (Item 5) of the stem (Item 7) for expanding gate valve or, the gate together with
gate nut (Item 27) from the stem for slab gate valve;
Note: If the gate (Item 5) replacement is required, you must change the metallic ring gasket installed
between body and bonnet (Item 6).
- screw the gate on the stem, as follows:
 for slab gate valve, check the position of gate nut such that together with the gate will be able to
screw on the stem (see Fig. 11).
 for expanding gate valve, the gate assembly will be threaded on stem.
- remove the metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and install a new one;
- accurately align not only the bonnet towards the body studs, but also the gate towards the seats;
- carefully lower the bonnet subassembly into the body taking care not to damage the sealing surface
of the gate or of the seats;
- with an appropriate wrench, tighten in a cross-over pattern (see Fig. 5) the nuts on the bonnet studs.
Note: To make sure the handling is regular and smooth, after valve installing, open and close 2-3 times
the valve using the handwheel.
8.5 Body-bonnet metallic ring gasket replacement
In order to replace the body-bonnet metallic ring gasket must follow the steps (see Fig. 9):
- fully open the valve;
- with an appropriate wrench unfasten the bonnet nuts;
- carefully lift the bonnet assembly not to damage the sealing surfaces of the gate and the seats;
- remove the metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and install a new one;
- accurately align not only the bonnet towards the body studs, but also the gate towards the seats;
- carefully lower the bonnet subassembly into the body taking care not to damage the sealing surface
of the gate or of the seats;
- with an appropriate wrench, tighten in a cross-over pattern (see Fig. 5) the nuts on the bonnet studs.
Note: To make sure the handling is regular and smooth, after valve installing, open and close 2-3 times
the valve using the handwheel.
8.6 Bearings replacement
In order to replace the bearings must follow the steps (see Fig. 11):
- remove the special screw (Item 21) and the handwheel (Item 20);
- unscrew the locking screws (Item 24) and unscrew the bearing cap (Item 19);
- remove the pin (Item 17) and take out the adapter (Item 16) and the bearings (Item 14 and 15);
- install the adapter (Item 16) and new bearings (Item 14 and 15);
- align the adapter and the stem, to make possible the insertion of the pin (Item 17);
- fasten the bearing cap (Item 19) and lock it with the locking screws (Item 24) in the right position;
- install the handwheel (Item 20) and lock it by special screws (Item 21).
Note: To make sure the handling is regular and smooth, after valve installing, open and close 2-3 times
the valve using the handwheel.
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in expanding or slab gate valves operation
(C) - cause
(R) - remedy
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss
9.1.1 Losing of the main tightness (gate / seat)
(C1) - damages that may occur on the sealing surfaces that conquer to maintain the tightness, like
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seats (Item 2) and / or gate (Item 5);

(R1) - replace the seats and / or gate according to section 8.2 and 8.4.
(C2) - damages of seat seal gaskets, installed in the seats (Item 3);
(R2) - replace the seat seal gaskets according to section 8.2.
(C3) - damage of the seats (Item 2) combined with those of the seat pockets that are machined in
the body (Item 1);
(R3) - rework the damaged surfaces either in specialized workshops or to manufacturer by
machining new pockets in the valve body and new seats in compliance with the new sizes of
body pockets.
Note: The repairing sizes will be agreed together with the manufacturer, who will decide the
using the parts with new dimensions.
9.1.2 Losing of stem tightness
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in tightness maintaining such as stem seals (Item 12) and /
or stem (Item 7);
(R1) - replace the damaged parts, according to section 8.3.
9.1.3 Losing of body-bonnet tightness
(C1) - losing of tight contact between sealing surfaces of metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and body
(Item 1) / bonnet (Item 8) due to the nuts (Item 10) unscrewing;
(R1) - tighten in a cross-over pattern the nuts on the bonnet studs (see Fig. 5).
(C2) - damages of the metallic ring gasket (Item 6);
(R2) - replace the metallic ring gasket according to section 8.5.
(C3) - damages of the metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and / or scratching / dirtying of sealing
surface body-bonnet.
(R3) - replace the metallic ring gasket according to section 8.5, clean and with fine sandpaper
restore the sealing surfaces.
9.1.4 Losing of the grease fitting tightness
(C1) - unscrewing of grease fitting from the body;
(R1) - tighten the grease fitting into the body.
(C2) - losing of the grease fitting tightness due to the damages of the internal parts;
(R2) - replace the grease fitting.
9.2 Heavy handling of valve or with shocks
9.2.1 Heavy handling of valve
(C1) - galling of the bearings;
(R1) - grease the bearings, according to section 6.3.3.
(C2) - bearings damaged;
(R2) - replace the bearings, according to section 8.6.
9.2.2 Handling of valve with shocks
(C1) - increased friction between the moving parts;
(R1) - lubricate the valve body according to section 6.3.2.
(C2) - increased friction between the moving parts due to the dirt accumulated inside of valve
(S2) - clean the body, according to section 6.3.4.
10. Expanding or slab gate valve repair
The repair of the valve must be done only in specialized workshops or, by manufacturer, because the
activities involve specialized equipment and devices.

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11. Safety rules

To ensure the labor safety, observe the instructions stipulated in this manual, the applicable safety rules
for the end user and the applicable safety rules in accordance with state and / or local requirements as
established by the administrative authority.
12. Handling and storage
Valves are shipped in the closed position according API 6A.
The end connections are protected with protective plastic or wood.
The valves supplied separately are packed in containers or boxes.
When the valves are handled or carried, their dragging on the floor is prohibited.
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Product removing
The product’s parts may be recycled after their operating life.
The packaging, protectors, replaced used parts and obsolete assembly removal, is the responsibility of the
product user in compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection applicable to the area of
use of the product.
14. Warranty conditions
Warranty conditions are lost if the product is not preserved in its original packing and the protection with
vaseline on machined surfaces is not ensured until it is put into use. The storage must be done in closed
spaces, with a maximum of 60% moisture and a maximum temperature of 30°C. The warranty conditions
will be lost if the buyer does not observe the instructions stipulated in this manual or if the reparation is
performed by another company than the producer or in workshops that are not agreed upon by the
15. Revision control table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 11.06.2012 Initial release 11.06.2012
Change company name from „PETROUZTEL Tech” to
B 18.01.2013 18.01.2013
„REPEDE Pressure Control”

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1. General……………………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Technical features…………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.2.2Working temperature……………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2.3Working pressure………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.2.4Material class………………………………………………………………………............ 2
2. Description and operation……………………………………………………………….. 2
2.1 Description………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.1.1Expanding gate valve…………………………………………………………………….. 2
2.1.2Slab gate valve………………………………………………………………….................. 3
2.2 Valve components………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.2.1Expanding gate valve……………………………………………………………………… 5
2.2.2Slab gate valve …………………………………………………………………................. 6
3. Storage and identification criteria………………………………………………………. 7
4. Valves preparing for installation ………………………………………………………. 7
5. Installing………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
6. Use and maintenance instructions……………………………………………………… 8
6.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
6.2 Instruction of use………………………………………………………………………….. 8
6.2.1Expanding gate valve…………………………………………………………………….. 8
6.2.2Slab gate valve………………………………………………………………….................. 8
6.3 Maintenance instructions………………………………………………………………...... 9
6.3.1Nuts studs tightening of body-bonnet…………………………………………………….. 9
6.3.2Body greasing………………………………………………………………………........... 9
6.3.3Bearings greasing………………………………………………………………………….. 10
6.3.4Body cleaning……………………………………………………………………………... 11
7. Valve mounting / dismantling…………………………………………………………… 11
7.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
7.2 Valve dismantling…………………………………………………………………………. 11
7.2.1Valve dismantling into the main parts…………………………………………………….. 11
7.2.2Body subassembly dismantling………………………………………………………...…. 12
7.2.3Bonnet subassembly dismantling……………………………………………………….… 13
7.3 Valve mounting………………………………………………………………………….... 15
7.3.1Body subassembly mounting……………………………………………………………… 15
7.3.2Bonnet subassembly mounting…………………………………………………….……… 15
7.3.3 Valve assembling……………………………………………………………………......... 16
8. Parts replacement……………………………………………………………………....... 16
8.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………...… 16
8.2 Seat and / or seat gasket replacement…………………………………………………....... 16
8.3 Stem and / or stem seals replacement……………………………………………………... 17
8.4 Gate replacement……………………………………………………………….................. 17
8.5 Body - bonnet metallic ring gasket replacement …………………………………………. 18
8.6 Bearings replacement……………………………………………………………………... 18
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in expanding or slab gate valves
operation………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss………………………………………………………................... 18
9.1.1Losing of the main tightness (gate / seat)…………………………………………………. 18
9.1.2Losing of the stem tightness ……………………………………………………………… 19

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9.1.3Losing of the body - bonnet tightness……………………………………………………... 19

9.1.4Losing of the grease fitting tightness ……………………………………………………... 19
9.2 Heavy handling of valve or with shocks ………………………………………………….. 19
9.2.1Heavy handling of valve…………………………………………………........................... 19
9.2.2Handling of valve with shocks ………………………………………………..................... 19
10. Expanding or slab gate valve repair………………………………………………......... 19
11. Safety rules……………………………………………………………………………….. 20
12. Handling and storage ……………………………………………………….…………... 20
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Products removing…………………………………… 20
14. Warranty conditions………………………………………………………….…………. 20
15. Revision control table…………………………………………………………………..... 20

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1. General
1.1 Scope
This manual covers the requirements for acceptance, storage, installing, operation, maintenance and
service for RVSS-H01 model, surface safety slab gate valves, hydraulic actuated, which were made
according to API6A.
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions

2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 3 1/16 4 1/16 5 1/8 7 1/16
in 2.06 2.56 3.12 3.06 4.06 5.12 7.06
Minimum bore
mm 52,4 65,1 79,4 77,7 103,2 130,2 179,4
End connections of the valve in the system:
- flanges.
Face to face lengths:
- according to API 6A for flange gate valves.
1.2.2 Working temperature
The valves shall be operated in one or more of temperature classes specified below:

Operating range
Temperature ° °
Min. Max. Min. Max.
K -75 la 180 -60 la 82
L -50 la 180 -46 la 82
N -50 la 150 -46 la 66
P -20 la 180 -29 la 82
S 0 la 150 -18 la 66
T 0 la 180 -18 la 82
U 0 la 250 -18 la 121
V 35 la 250 2 la 121

Minimum temperature is the lowest ambient temperature where the valve can be subjected.
Maximum temperature is the highest temperature of the fluid that may have direct contact with
the valve.

When the environment or working fluid temperatures are higher than 45°C, the valves must be handle
only with protective equipment (protective gloves).
It is recommended to install a warning plate to alert about working temperature.
1.2.3 Working pressure
The valves are designed to be used up to the following maximum working pressure:

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Pressure class Maximum working pressure

psi psi MPa bar
2000 2000 14 140
3000 3000 21 210
5000 5000 35 350
10000 10000 69 690
15000 15000 103,5 1035

Do not use the valves for temperatures higher than their maximum working temperatures!
1.2.4 Pressure and fluid actuation
The hydraulic oil used to actuate (to open) the safety valve will be chosen according to the
dimension and the maximum working pressure of the safety valve. The maximum actuating
pressure is of 3000 psi (210 bar). The nominal actuating pressure is marked on the nameplate
mounted on the valve actuator. The hydraulic oil specific for each application will be chosen
according to the working environment temperature of the valve.
1.2.5 Material class
The valves shall be used for those working fluids that are according to the manufacturing
material class, as follows:
Partial pressure (MPa)
Fluid Relative Material
H2 S CO2
class corrosion class
psi MPa psi MPa
Noncorrosive <7 < 0.05 AA
Usual fluids Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 BB
< 0.05 < 0.35x10-3
(general service) Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 CC
Corrosive fluids Noncorrosive <7 < 0,05 DD
(sour service) Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 EE
> 0.05 > 0.35x10-3
according Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 FF
NACE MR0175 corrosive
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to choose the material class (see API 6A, Appendix A).
2. Description and operation
2.1 Description
Standard, safety valves are „normally open” valves; they are kept in this position by the hydraulic
actuating (the under-pressure hydraulic fluid actuates the piston which maintains the gate valve in the
open position). To close the valve, release the actuating fluid pressure, determining the automatic
displacing of the actuating piston and default of the valve gate so that the valve will be closed. The fluid
pressure from the valve body together with the spring force leads to the automatic closing of the valve.
When there is no pressure in the valve body the spring force is able to close the valve.
Safety valves are provided with a hand wheel manual device (Item 28) that allows:
- the locking of the gate into „OPEN” position - turn the hand wheel counter-clockwise until the
acting stem (Item 23, Fig. 3) stops in the upper rod (Item 14, Fig. 3)
- opening the safety valve when there is no actuating pressure fluid - turn the hand wheel counter-
clockwise until the gate arrives in the „fully opened” position.
To minimize the torque, the manual acting device is provided with a thrust roller bearing mounted
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between the acting stem (Item 23, Fig. 3) and the upper stem (Item 14, Fig. 3).

To obtain the automatic closing of the valve when the pressure from the hydraulic actuating is
released, NEVER BLOCK the gate with the manually actuating device in „OPEN” position (acting
stem must be fully retired).

Fig. 1 - Surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated

Surface safety valves are slab gate, rising stem type and have constant crossing section on the entire
length of the flow (full bore).
The gate / seat sealing is metal-to-metal type, the seat’s sealing towards the body is metal-to-metal and
the seats are provided with additional gaskets (Item 3, Fig. 2).
Stem sealing is performed by a gasket system (Item 12, Fig. 2), which allows the under pressure working
fluid to help the sealing process. Additionally, if it is necessary, the injectable plastic packing can be
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injected into the sealing area delimited by the lantern ring (Item 14, Fig. 2), without removing valve from
the system.
The body / bonnet assembly is made of studs and nuts; the sealing between them is achieved by a durable
and non-influenced by heat, metallic ring gasket (Item 6, Fig. 2).
The hydraulic actuating is fastened on the valve bonnet; locking onto position is made with screws (Item
17, Fig. 2).
To grease the valve, the body is provided with grease fitting (Item 18, Fig. 2), while the bonnet is
provided with an injection packing fitting, to inject the injectable plastic packing (Item 16, Fig. 2).
2.2 Valve component
2.2.1 Surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated

Item Description
1 Body
2 Seat
3 Seat gasket
4 Guide*
5 Slab gate
6 Metallic ring gasket
7 Gate nut
8 Bonnet
9 Stud
10 Nut
11 Bottom ring
12 Stem gasket
13 Gland
14 Lantern ring
15 Spring straight pin
16 Injection packing fitting
17 Screw
18 Grease fitting
19 Nameplate
20 Hydraulic actuator

* Some versions of safety valves are

designed without guides.

Fig. 2 - Surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated. Components

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2.2.2 Hydraulic actuator

Fig. 3 - Hydraulic actuator. Components

Item Description Item Description Item Description

1 Body 12 Lower stem 23 Acting stem
2 Retain ring bore 13 Spring straight pin 24 Bearing plate
3 Lower bonnet 14 Upper stem 25 Bearing washer
4 Spring 15 Upper bonnet 26 Thrust needle roller
5 Spring guide 16 ”O”-ring 27 Screw
6 Spring support 17 Retain ring bore 28 Hand wheel
7 Cylinder 18 Stem seal 29 Washer
8 Spacer 19 Gland 30 Nut
9 Piston 20 Retain ring bore 31 Nameplate
10 Piston gasket 21 Screw
11 Wear bushing 22 Actuator bonnet

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3. Storage and identification criteria

The products identification is ensured by the package label which is in compliance with the data marked
on the product label.
The valves will be carefully examined to detect any damage that may have occurred on shipping.
The valves should be kept in their original packages and stored in well ventilated places with low
4. Valves preparing for installing
Remove the plastic protectors from the ends of the valve.
Inspect the inside and the ends of the valve for any impurities. The foreign matter will be removed using
air flow.

Use appropriate protective equipment. Follow the labor regulation and safety procedures.
The protected machined surfaces will be cleaned from of grease with a solvent, such as acetone or another

Do not use solvents in enclosure spaces. The solvents will be used only in special designed spaces well
ventilated and free from ignition sources. Failure to comply may result in property damage and serious
personal injury.
If any damages occurred on shipping, these will be inspected and reported to technical department who
will choose either to use the valves under those conditions or to recondition them.
Before connecting the valve in the system, it is advisable to test them to the nominal pressure for at least
3 minutes, or according to the testing requirements specified in API 6A.

Do not exceed the valve working pressure during tests.
Because the valves are supplied in the „OFF” position, before performing the pressure test, bring the
valve into the partially open position using the manual actuator device.
5. Installation
The valves can be installed either in horizontal or vertical position.
Surface safety slab gate valves, hydraulic actuated can be installed in any position of the flow direction.
To install the valve in the system, tighten each nut on the stud using the cross-over pattern (see Fig. 4).
Use appropriate lifting systems and straps for handling the valve on installation.

Do not handle the valve by clinging to hand wheel. This will affect the valve operation.
After the installation in system, valves will be opened and closed (hydraulic and manually) 2-3 times,
without pressure, to check their easy handling.
Before testing the valve it is recommended to open the valve (full bore section) to allow the process fluid
to remove any foreign materials which can occur after installation and can damage the interior sealing
surfaces of the valves.

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Fig. 4 - Studs and nuts tightening

Do not exceed the valve working pressure during tests.

To avoid injuries, never stay in front of the valve during the exploitation. Stay aside because the stem
may be broken.
If leakages occur while the valve is tested, open the valve and then close it again. Foreign materials might
be present as a result of the installation.
Note: The valves manufacturer supply the valves filled with grease.
6. Instructions for use and maintenance
6.1 Overview
Prior to set up, the valve will be carefully inspected for any damages which might be arisen during the
The valves must be used under the working conditions (pressure class, temperature class, compatibility
with the working fluid) which are printed on the nameplate mounted on them.
6.2 Instructions for use
To use the safety valve, connect the valve actuating to a hydraulic power source. To keep the valve in
„OPEN” position, apply and maintain a hydraulic pressure on the piston of the hydraulic actuating
determining the fully opening of the gate. If it is necessary to close the valve, release the hydraulic
pressure from the actuating, which will determine the free displacing of the stem together with the gate
under the action both of the pressure from the body and of the spring force until the full closing of the
valve is achieved.

To obtain the automatic closing of the valve when the pressure from the hydraulic actuating is
released, NEVER BLOCK the gate with the manually actuating device in „OPEN” position (acting
stem must be fully retired)
If it is necessary to manually lock the valve on „OPEN” position, to avoid a possible emptiness of the
hydraulic pressure you have to:
- turn the hand wheel counter - clockwise until the acting stem (Item 5, Fig. 3) stops in the in the upper
rod (Item 4, Fig. 4).

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To automatically close the valve, under the action of the pressure from valve body and of the spring
force, “UNBLOCK” the gate by turning the hand wheel (Item 22, Fig. 3) clockwise, to fully retire the
manually actuating stem.
If there is no hydraulic actuating pressure, and it is necessary to open the valve, this can be manually done
as follows:
- turn the hand wheel counter - clockwise until the gate is fully opened.

To automatically close the valve, under the action of the pressure from the valve body and of the spring
force, “UNBLOCK” the gate by turning the hand wheel (Item 22, Fig. 3) clockwise, to fully retire the
manually actuating stem.
6.3 Maintenance instruction
To guarantee a good performance and to increase the life of the valves, a periodical schedule should be
established for their inspection and maintenance. It is advisable to perform monthly the following
activities. Inspection and maintenance frequency may be modified according to the service conditions
6.3.1 Tightening the body-bonnet’s studs & nuts
Due to the vibration which may occur in operation, the tightening of the nuts (Item 10) used for
fixing the bonnet (Item 8) on the body (Item 1) can decrease, consequently the sealing between
the body and the bonnet will be loose. Using the cross-over pattern (star pattern) tighten each nut
on the stud (see Fig. 4) until the body flange is in contact with that of the bonnet.

Fig. 5 - Valve maintenance

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6.3.2 Body greasing

The greasing of the valve decreases the friction between the parts which are in movement
towards one another (seat / gate; stem / gate nut) and also prevents the accumulation of foreign
materials in the valve body. It is advisable to grease the valve at every 160 operation cycles and /
or whenever necessary, according to the service conditions.
Note: The grease type used to lubricate the valves must be selected according to the environment working
temperature and / or process fluid temperature, and a compatible choice must be made.
The greasing procedure depending on the two situations below:
- valve is installed in the system and there is no circulation of pressurized fluid inside of it;
- valve is installed in the system and fluid under pressure circulating through it.

Use an appropriate high-pressure greasing device when the greasing is made with the valve under
pressure. Body greasing when there is no circulation of pressurized fluid inside of it:
Release pressure from the valve body before starting the greasing of the body as follows:
- remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6) mounted on the valve body (Item 18, Fig. 5);
- attach the device for greasing and venting to the grease body and vent the valve;
- open, manually or hydraulically, the safety valve
- inject grease in valve body;
- open and close, manually or hydraulically, the valve few times to get a uniform distribution of
grease inside;
- remove the greasing device and screw the grease fitting nut.

Fig. 6 - Greasing and venting of the body

Do not ever stay in front of the greasing and venting device during the venting process. The under
pressure fluid may cause injury to operators. The operator must stay away from the device during the
pressure release from the valve body. Body greasing when there is circulation of pressurized fluid inside of it:
If the process fluid is under pressure, use an appropriate under-pressure greasing device to grease
the valve, following the next steps:
- open the valve, if possible;
- remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6), mounted on the valve body (Item 18, Fig. 5);
- attach the high pressure device for greasing to the grease body and inject grease in the valve
- if possible, open and close, manually or hydraulically, the valve few times to get a uniform
distribution of grease inside;
- remove the high pressure grease device and screw the grease fitting nut.

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Make sure the value of the injecting pressure does not exceed the working pressure of the valve.
6.3.3 Body cleaning
The process fluid may contain foreign materials which may be deposited on the interior of the
valve and block its full closing.

Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves, glasses, etc.) to avoid direct contact with substances from
interior of the valve.
To remove the foreign materials, follow the next steps:
- isolate the valve not to have under - pressure fluid circulating and fully close it;
- remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6) mounted on the valve body;
- attach the device for greasing and venting to the grease body and vent the valve;
- isolate the valve from the system;
- dismantle the valve as shown in paragraph 7.2 and clean it.
7. Valve mounting / dismantling
7.1 Overview
Due to fact that dismantling the valve in component parts requests specialized equipment and tools, the
activity should be performed only in workshops, by qualified personnel or by the manufacturer. This
activity should be done for replacing the damaged parts or for cleaning the valve to use them on other

To avoid personnel injury or the deterioration of the components, use only wrenches and devices with
appropriate sizes, in good operating condition.
To isolate from system a valve installed on under pressure equipment, proceed as follows:
a) isolate the valve not to have under - pressure fluid circulating and fully close it;
b) remove the grease fitting nut (see Fig. 6) mounted on the valve;
c) attach the device for greasing and venting to the grease body and vent the valve

Do not ever stay in front of the greasing and venting device during the venting process. The under
pressure fluid may cause injury to operators. The operator must stay away from the device during the
pressure release from the valve body.
It is advisable to assembly the valve only in clean areas by qualified personnel. Fully inspect and clean
the components of the valve before assembling it, to make sure no deteriorations have occurred during
exploitation or storage. To mount the valve, follow the next steps:
- carefully oil all internal parts, taking care not to damage the sealing surfaces (seats / gate surfaces,
cylindrical surface of the stem);
- grease all internal and external threads (nuts / studs, lower stem, upper stem, acting stem, bonnet,
piston and the other threads).
7.2 Valve dismantling
7.2.1 Dismantling of the valve into its main subassembly
To dismantle the valve, begin by splitting it in two subassemblies: bonnet - actuating
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subassembly and body subassembly as follows (see Fig. 7):

- fully close the valve;
- using a suitable wrench, unfasten the bonnet studs and nuts;
- lift the bonnet –actuating subassembly;
- remove the metallic ring gasket between body and bonnet (Item 6).

Fig. 7 - Valve dismantling in subassemblies

7.2.2 Dismantling of the body subassembly
Disassemble the body subassembly as follows (see Fig. 8):
- if there are guides, remove them (Item 4);

Fig. 8 - Body assembly dismantling

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- remove the seats (Item 2) being careful not to scratch any of the sealing surfaces;
- remove the gaskets (Item 3) from the seats;
- unscrew the grease fitting, if necessary (Item 18).
7.2.3 Dismantling of the valve bonnet - gate subassembly
Disassemble the valve bonnet - gate subassembly as follows (see Fig. 9):
- remove the spring straight pin (Item 15), unscrew the slab gate (Item 5) from the stem of the
hydraulic actuator (Item 20); remove the gate nut (Item 7) from the gate;

Fig. 9 - Dismantling the assembly of the valve bonnet - gate

- unscrew the locking screw (Item 17), unfasten the hydraulic actuator (Item 20) being careful
not to damage the sealing surface of the stem;
- remove from the bonnet the gland (Item 13), the first set of the bottom ring (Item 12); lantern
ring (Item 14), second set of the bottom ring and the bottom ring (Item 11);
- if applicable, dismantle the injection packing fitting (Item 16) from the bonnet (Item 8).
7.2.4 Dismantling of the hydraulic actuator subassembly
Disassemble the hydraulic actuator as follows (see Fig. 10):
- unscrew the nut (Item 30), remove the hand wheel (Item 28) together with the washer (Item
- unfasten the screws (Item 21) and unscrew the actuator bonnet (Item 22);
- unfasten and remove the acting stem (Item 23) through the bottom of the actuator bonnet;
unscrew the screw (Item 27), remove the: bearing washer (Item 25), the thrust needle roller (Item
26) and the bearing plate (Item 24);
- release the retain ring bore (Item 17) from its groove and remove the upper bonnet assy. (Item
15); remove the retain ring bore (Item 20) from the bonnet, extract the gland (Item 19) and the
stem seal (Item 18); remove the „O”-ring (Item 16) from outside diameter of the bonnet;
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Fig. 10 - Dismantling of the hydraulic actuator

- remove the piston - stem assembly from the cylinder (Item 7) being careful not to damage the
sealing surfaces, remove the spring straight pin (Item 13) which secures the assembling of the
stems on the piston, unfasten the stems from the piston; remove the piston gasket (Item 10) and
the wear bushing (Item 11) from outside diameter of the piston;
- release the retain ring bore (Item 2) from the groove situated on the top of the body (Item 1),
remove the cylinder (Item 7), the spring guide (Item 5) together with the spacer (Item 8), the
spring support (Item 6) and the spring (Item 4); remove the spring guide (Item 5) from the
spacer (Item 8);
- release the retain ring bore (Item 2) from the groove situated on the bottom of the body (Item 1)
and remove the lower bonnet (Item 3).
7.3 Valve mounting
7.3.1 Mounting of the body subassembly
The valve mounting will be done in the reverse order of the dismantling, and starts with the
assembling of the body, as follows (see Fig. 8)
- fit the seat gasket (Item 3) in the seats (Item 2); make sure the assembling position is as shown
in Fig. 11;
- fit the seat in the body being careful not to damage the sealing surface;
- if there are guides, insert them (Item 4);

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Fig. 11 - Mounting of the seat gasket

- if applicable, screw the grease fitting (Item 22).
7.3.2 Mounting of the hydraulic actuator
Mount the hydraulic actuator as follows (see Fig. 10):
- fit and secure the lower bonnet (Item 3) in the body (Item 1) using the retain ring bore (Item 2);
- fit the spring (Item 4), the spring support (Item 6), the spring guide (Item 5) and the spacer
(Item 8);
- fit and secure the cylinder (Item 7) in the body (Item 1) using the retain ring bore (Item2);
- screw and secure the lower stem (Item 12) and the upper stem (Item 14) in the piston (Item 9)
using the two spring straight pins (Item 13); mount the piston gasket (Item 10) and the wear
bushing (Item 11) on the piston outside; install their assembly in the cylinder (Item 7) being
careful not to damage the sealing surface;
- install the stem seal (Item 18) and the gland (Item 19) into the upper bonnet (Item 15) as is
shown in Fig. 12, secure them using the retain ring bore (Item 20); mount the „O”-ring (Item 16)
on the outside diameter of the bonnet; install and secure the bonnet assembly in the cylinder
(Item7) using the retain ring bore (Item 17), being careful not to damage the sealing surface;
- consecutively install the first bearing washer, the thrust needle roller (Item 26), the second
bearing washer (Item 25) and the bearing plate (Item 24) on the acting stem (Item 25), secure the
assembly using the screw (Item 27); screw the acting stem (Item 25) on the bottom side of the
actuator bonnet (Item 22), after that, fasten and lock the assembly into the upper bonnet (Item
22) using the screws (Item 21);
- install the hand wheel (Item 28) and the washer (Item 29) on the acting stem (Item 25); secure
the items using the nut (Item 30).

Fig. 12 - Mounting of the upper stem seal

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7.3.3 Mounting of the valve bonnet - gate assembly (see Fig. 9)

- consecutively install the bottom ring (Item 11), the first set of stem gaskets (Item 12), the
lantern ring (Item 14), the second set of stem gaskets and the gland (Item 13) into the valve
bonnet as is shown in Fig. 13;

Fig. 13 - Mounting of the stem gaskets

- install the lower stem of the actuator through the upper side of the valve bonnet, being careful
not to damage the sealing gaskets; to mount the hydraulic actuator to the valve bonnet, screw an
lock them onto the valve bonnet (Item 8) using screws (Item 17);
- before fastening the gate (Item 5) on the acting stem, fit the gate nut (Item 7) into the gate then,
lock the assembly using the spring straight pin (Item 15).
7.3.4 Valve assembling
To assemble the two subassemblies of the valve (valve bonnet - hydraulic actuator subassembly
and body subassembly), follow the next steps (see Fig. 7):
- fit the ring gasket in the body (Item 6);
- accurately align both the valve bonnet - hydraulic actuator subassembly towards the body studs
and the gate towards the seats; carefully install the subassembly into the body taking care not to
damage any sealing area of the gate or of the seats
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig.
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.
8. Parts replacement
8.1 Overview
The replacing of the parts is necessary when the components are accidentally damaged or they have been
exploited for too long.
A part of the replacement procedure may be performed, if applicable, with the valve installed in the
system. In this situation, the following steps must be taken:
- isolate the valve not to have circulation of under-pressure fluid into it;
- release the pressure from valve body (see. pct. 7.1).

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the valve. Then, release the pressure
from the body.
Before installation, carefully inspect the new components, for any damages that may have occurred
during storage. Install the new components as follows:
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- clean and oil all contact surfaces (seal or threaded) that are in contact with the new components;
- protect with grease all the internal and external threads of the new components.
8.2 Seat and / or seat gasket replacement
Replace the gasket seats and/or of the sets as follows (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8)
- isolate the hydraulic actuating of the valve from the power source;
- to open the valve, fully retire the stem of the manually actuating;
- unfasten the bonnet nuts using an appropriate wrench;
- carefully lift the valve bonnet- hydraulic actuator subassembly, not to damage the sealing surface of
gate or of seats;
- if applicable, remove the guides (Item 4);
- carefully remove the seat (Item 2), not to damage the sealing surface;
- remove the seat gaskets (item 3) fitted in the seats;
- fit the new seats and / or new seat gaskets; make sure the installing position is as shown in Fig. 11;
Note: Change both the seat gasket (Item 3) and the ring gasket (between body and bonnet), if it is
required the replacing of the seats (Item 2).
- replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one;
- accurately align both the valve bonnet - hydraulic actuator subassembly towards the body studs and
the gate towards the seats; carefully install the subassembly into the body taking care not to damage
any sealing area of the gate or of the seats;
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig. 4).
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
8.3 Replacing of the stem gasket
To replace the stem gasket installed in the valve bonnet, follow the next steps (see Fig. 9 and Fig. 13):
- isolate the hydraulic actuating of the valve from the power source;
- to close the valve, fully retire the stem of the manually actuating
- unfasten the bonnet nuts using an appropriate wrench;
- carefully lift the valve bonnet- hydraulic actuator subassembly, not to damage the sealing surface of
gate or of seats;
- remove the spring straight pin (Item 15), and unfasten the gate (Item 5) from the acting stem (Item
- unfasten the screws (Item 17);
- unscrew and carefully lift the hydraulic actuator assembly, not to damage the sealing surface of stem;
- consecutively remove the gland (Item 13), the first set of stem gaskets (Item 12), the lantern ring
(Item 14), the second set of stem gaskets, from the valve bonnet;
- install the new gaskets, lantern ring and gland into the bonnet as shown in Fig. 13;
- install the lower stem of the actuator through the upper side of the valve bonnet, being careful not to
damage the sealing gaskets; to mount the hydraulic actuator to the valve bonnet, screw an lock the
lower bonnet using screws (Item 17);
- before fastening the gate (Item 5) on the acting stem, fit the gate nut (Item 7) into the gate; then, lock
the assembly using the spring straight pin (Item 15).
Note: It is mandatory to change the ring gasket (between body and bonnet), when replacing the stem
gaskets; replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one.
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- replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet (Item 6) with a new one;
- accurately align the valve bonnet towards the body studs and the gate towards the seats; carefully
install the subassembly into the body taking care not to damage any sealing area of the gate or of the
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig. 4).
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
8.4 Gate replacing
To replace the gate, follow the next steps (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 9):
- isolate the hydraulic actuating of the valve from the power source;
- to close the valve, fully retire the stem of the manually actuating;
- unfasten the bonnet nuts using an appropriate wrench;
- carefully lift the valve bonnet- hydraulic actuator subassembly, not to damage the sealing surface of
gate or of seats;
- remove the spring straight pin (Item 15), and unfasten the gate (Item 5) from the acting stem (Item
- before fastening the new gate (Item 5) on the acting stem, fit the gate nut (Item 7) into the gate; then,
lock the assembly using the spring straight pin (Item 15).
Note: It is mandatory to change the ring gasket (between body and bonnet), when replacing the gate;
replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one.
- accurately align the valve bonnet towards the body studs and the gate towards the seats; carefully
install the subassembly into the body taking care not to damage any sealing area of the gate or of the
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig. 4).
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth, after
the assembling of the valve.

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
8.5 Replacing of the metallic ring gasket
To replace the metallic ring gasket follow the next steps (see Fig. 7):
- isolate the hydraulic actuating of the valve from the power source;
- to close the valve, fully retire the stem of the manually actuating;
- unfasten the bonnet nuts using an appropriate wrench;
- carefully lift the valve bonnet- hydraulic actuator subassembly, not to damage the sealing surface of
gate or of seats;
- replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one;
- accurately align the valve bonnet towards the body studs and the gate towards the seats; carefully
install the subassembly into the body taking care not to damage any sealing area of the gate or of the
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig. 4).
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Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
8.6 Replacing of the sealing gasket from the hydraulic actuating
Whenever the replacing of a sealing gasket from the hydraulic actuating, is necessary, it is mandatory to
completely dismantle the actuator and replace all sealing gaskets (see Fig. 10): the piston gasket (Item
10), stem seal (Item 18) and „O”-ring (Item 16).
Replace the gaskets as follows:
- isolate the hydraulic actuating of the valve from the power source;
- to close the valve, fully retire the stem of the manually actuating
- unfasten the bonnet nuts using an appropriate wrench;
- carefully lift the valve bonnet- hydraulic actuator subassembly, not to damage the sealing surface of
gate or of seats;
- unfasten the screw (Item 17);
- unscrew and carefully lift the hydraulic actuator assembly, not to damage the sealing surface of stem;
- unfasten the screws (Item 21) and unscrew the actuator bonnet (Item 22);
- release the retain ring bore (Item 17) from its groove and remove the upper bonnet assembly (Item
15); remove the retain ring bore (Item 20) from the bonnet, extract the gland (Item 19) and the stem
seal (Item 18); remove the „O”-ring (Item 16) from the outside diameter of the bonnet.
- remove the piston-stem assembly from the cylinder (Item 7) being careful not to damage the sealing
surfaces, remove the piston gasket (Item 10) and the wear bushing (Item 11) from outside diameter of
the piston;
- mount the new piston gasket (Item 10) and the new wear bushing (Item 11) on the piston outside
diameter; install their assembly in the cylinder (Item 7) being careful not to damage the sealing
- install the new stem seal (Item 18) and the gland (Item 19) into the upper bonnet (Item 15) as is
shown in Fig. 12, secure them using the retain ring bore (Item 20);
- mount the „O”-ring (Item 16) on the outside diameter of the bonnet; install and secure the bonnet
assembly in the cylinder (Item7) using the retain ring bore (Item 17), being careful not to damage the
sealing surface;
- refasten the actuator bonnet assembly into the upper bonnet (Item 15) and secure them using the
screws (Item 21);
- install the lower stem of the actuator through the upper side of the valve bonnet, being careful not to
damage the sealing gaskets; to mount the hydraulic actuator to the valve bonnet, screw an lock the
lower bonnet using screws (Item. 17);
- before fastening the gate (Item 5) on the acting stem, fit the gate nut (Item 7) into the gate then, lock
the assembly using the spring straight pin (Item 15);
Note: It is mandatory to change the ring gasket (between body and bonnet), when replacing the stem
gasket; replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one.
- replace the old ring gasket between the body and the bonnet with a new one;
- accurately align both the valve bonnet - hydraulic actuator subassembly towards the body studs and
the gate towards the seats; carefully install the subassembly into the body taking care not to damage
any sealing area of the gate or of the seats;
- tighten the nuts on the body studs in a cross-over pattern using an appropriate wrench (see Fig. 4).
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.
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Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
8.7 Bearing replacement
To replace the bearing, follow the next steps (see Fig. 11):
- unscrew the nut (Item 30), dismantle the hand wheel (Item 28) together with the washer (Item 29);
- unfasten the screws (Item 21) and unscrew the actuator bonnet (Item 22);
- unfasten and remove the acting stem (Item 23) through the bottom of the actuator bonnet; unscrew
the screw (Item 27), remove the: remove the: bearing washer (Item 25), the thrust needle roller (Item
26) and the bearing plate (Item 18);
- consecutively install the new bearing (first bearing washer (Item 25), the thrust needle roller (Item
26), the second bearing washer) and the bearing plate (Item 24) on the acting stem (Item 25), secure
the assembly using the screw (Item 27); screw the acting stem (Item 25) on the bottom side of the
actuator bonnet (Item 22);
- after that, fasten and lock the assembly into the upper bonnet (Item 22) using the screws (Item 21);
- install the hand wheel (Item 28) and the washer (Item 29) on the acting stem (Item 25); secure the
items using the nut (Item 30);
Note: Open and close the valve 2-3 times using the manual actuating, to check if handling is smooth,
after the assembling of the valve.

Before replacing any parts of the valve, it is mandatory, to isolate the hydraulic actuator from the
pressure source.
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in hydraulic actuated, surface safety slab gate valves
(C) - cause
(R) - remedy
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss
9.1.1 Losing of the main tightness (gate / seat)
(C1) - damages that may occur on the sealing surfaces that conquer to maintain the tightness, like
seats (Item 2) and / or gate (Item 5);
(R1) - replace the seats and / or gate according to section 8.2 and 8.4.
(C2) - damages of seat seal gaskets, installed in the seats (Item 3);
(R2) - replace the seat seal gaskets according to section 8.2.
(C3) - damage of the seats (Item 2) combined with those of the seat pockets that are machined in
the body (Item 1);
(R3) - rework the damaged surfaces either in specialized workshops or to manufacturer by
machining new pockets in the valve body and new seats in compliance with the new sizes of
body pockets.
Note: The repairing sizes will be agreed together with the manufacturer, who will decide the using the
parts with new dimensions.
9.1.2 Losing of valve stem (lower acting stem) tightness
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in tightness maintaining such as stem seals (Item12, Fig. 2);

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(R1) - restore the stem sealing by injecting of the injectable plastic packing, operation performed
as follows:
- unfasten the injection fitting screw (Item 16, Fig. 2) and attach the injectable plastic packing
injection device;
- inject the injectable plastic packing and fasten back the injection fitting screw.
(R2) - replace the damaged parts, according to section 8.3.
9.1.3 Losing of body - bonnet tightness
(C1) - losing of tight contact between sealing surfaces of metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and body
(Item 1) / bonnet (Item 8) due to the nuts (Item 10) unscrewing;
(R1) - tighten in a cross-over pattern the nuts on the bonnet studs (see Fig. 4).
(C2) - damages of the metallic ring gasket (Item 6);
(R2) - replace the metallic ring gasket according to section 8.5.
(C3) - damages of the metallic ring gasket (Item 6) and / or scratching / dirtying of sealing
surface body-bonnet.
(R3) - replace the metallic ring gasket according to section 8.5, clean and with fine sandpaper
restore the sealing surfaces.
9.1.4 Losing of the grease fitting tightness
(C1) - unscrewing of grease fitting from the body;
(R1) - tighten the grease fitting into the body.
(C2) - losing of the grease fitting tightness due to the damages of the internal parts;
(R2) - replace the grease fitting.
9.2 Losing of hydraulic movement (opening) of the valve
9.2.1 Losing of hydraulic actuator tightness
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in tightness maintaining such as piston gaskets (Item 10)
and / or „O”-ring (Item 16);
(R2) - replace the damaged parts, according to section 8.6.
9.3 Heavy handling of valve or with shocks
9.3.1 Heavy handling of manually device for actuated the valve
(C1) - bearing damaged;
(R1) - replace the bearings according to section 8.7.
9.3.2 Heavy handling of valve
(C1) - increased friction between the moving parts;
(R1) - lubricate the valve body according to section 6.3.2
(C2) - increased friction between the moving parts due to the dirt accumulated inside of valve
(R2) - clean the body, according to section 6.3.3.
10. Repair of surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated
The repair of the valve must be done only in specialized workshops or, by manufacturer, because the
activities involve specialized equipment and devices.
11. Safety rules
To ensure the labor safety, observe the instructions stipulated in this manual, the applicable safety rules
for the end user and the applicable safety rules in accordance with state and / or local requirements as
established by the administrative authority.

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12. Handling and storage

Valves are shipped in the opened position according API 6A.
The end connections are protected with protective plastic or wood.
The valves supplied separately are packed in containers or boxes.
When the valves are handled or carried, their dragging on the floor is prohibited.
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Product removing
The product’s parts may be recycled after their operating life.
The packaging, protectors, replaced used parts and obsolete assembly removal, is the responsibility of the
product user in compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection applicable to the area of
use of the product.
14. Warranty conditions
Warranty conditions are lost if the product is not preserved in its original packing and the protection with
vaseline on machined surfaces is not ensured until it is put into use. The storage must be done in closed
spaces, with a maximum of 60% moisture and a maximum temperature of 30°C. The warranty conditions
will be lost if the buyer does not observe the instructions stipulated in this manual or if the reparation is
performed by another company than the producer or in workshops that are not agreed upon by the
15. Revision control table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 02.04.2014 Initial release 02.04.2014

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1. General……………………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Technical features…………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.2.2Working temperature……………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2.3Working pressure………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2.4Pressure and fluid actuation………………………………………………………….......... 2
1.2.5Material class………………………………………………………………………............ 2
2. Description and operation……………………………………………………………….. 2
2.1 Description………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.2 Valve component………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2.1Surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated………………………………………… 4
2.2.2Hydraulic actuator…………………………………………………………………………. 5
3. Storage and identification criteria………………………………………………………. 6
4. Valves preparing for installation ………………………………………………………. 6
5. Installation………………………………………………………………………………... 6
6. Instructions for use and maintenance…………………………………………………... 7
6.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
6.2 Instruction of use………………………………………………………………………….. 7
6.3 Maintenance instructions………………………………………………………………...... 8
6.3.1Tightening the body-bonnet’s studs & nuts……………………………………………….. 8
6.3.2Body greasing………………………………………………………………………........... 9
6.3.3Body cleaning……………………………………………………………………………... 10
7. Valve mounting / dismantling…………………………………………………………… 10
7.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
7.2 Valve dismantling…………………………………………………………………………. 10
7.2.1Dismantling of the valve into its main subassembly……………………………………….11
7.2.2Dismantling of the body subassembly…………………………………………………….. 11
7.2.3Dismantling of the valve bonnet - gate subassembly……………………………………... 12
7.2.4Dismantling of the hydraulic actuator subassembly………………………………………. 12
7.3 Valve mounting………………………………………………………………………….... 13
7.3.1Mounting of the body subassembly……………………………………………………….. 13
7.3.2Mounting of the hydraulic actuator………………………………………………………... 14
7.3.3Mounting of the valve bonnet - gate assembly……………………………………………. 15
7.3.4 Valve assembling……………………………………………………………………......... 15
8. Parts replacement……………………………………………………………………....... 15
8.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………...… 15
8.2 Seat and / or seat gasket replacement…………………………………………………....... 16
8.3 Replacing of the stem gasket……………………………………………………………... 16
8.4 Gate replacing………………………………………………………………....................... 17
8.5 Replacing of the metallic ring gasket……………………………………………………… 17
8.6 Replacing of the sealing gasket from the hydraulic actuating…………………………….. 18
8.7 Bearing replacement……………………………………………………………………..... 19
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in hydraulic actuated, surface safety slab
gate valves operation…………………………………………………………………….. 19
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss………………………………………………………................... 19
9.1.1Losing of the main tightness (gate / seat)…………………………………………………. 19
9.1.2Losing of the valve stem (actuator lower stem) tightness ………………………………… 19
9.1.3Losing of the body - bonnet tightness……………………………………………………... 20
9.1.4Losing of the body grease fitting tightness ……………………………………………….. 20
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9.2 Losing of hydraulic movement (opening) of the valve……………………………………. 20

9.2.1Losing of hydraulic actuator tightness…………………………………………………….. 20
9.3 Heavy handling of valve or with shocks ………………………………………………….. 20
9.3.1Heavy handling of actuator………………………………................................................... 20
9.3.2Heavy handling of valve………………………………………………............................... 20
10. Repair of surface safety slab gate valve, hydraulic actuated………………………….. 20
11. Safety rules……………………………………………………………………………….. 20
12. Handling and storage ……………………………………………………….…………... 21
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Products removing…………………………………… 21
14. Warranty conditions………………………………………………………….…………. 21
15. Revision control table…………………………………………………………………..... 21

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1. General
1.1 Scope
This manual covers the requirements for acceptance, storage, installing, operation, maintenance and
service for RDF-01/RDR-01 models, positive and adjustable chokes which were made according to
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions

2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 3 1/16 4 1/16
in 2.06 2.56 3.12 3.06 4.06
Minimum bore
mm 52,4 65,1 79,4 77,7 103,2

End connections of the chokes in the system:

- flanges;
- studded;
- threaded (LP, NU, EU according to API 6A).
The dimensions for system connection are according to the manufacturer’s data sheets.
On request, the chokes could have other dimensions for system connection.
1.2.2 Working temperature
The chokes shall be operated in one or more of temperature classes specified below:

Temperature range
Temperature ° °
Min. Max. Min. Max.
K -75 to 180 -60 to 82
L -50 to 180 -46 to 82
N -50 to 150 -46 to 66
P -20 to 180 -29 to 82
S 0 to 150 -18 to 66
T 0 to 180 -18 to 82
U 0 to 250 -18 to 121
V 35 to 250 2 to 121

Minimum temperature is the lowest ambient temperature where the choke can be subjected.
Maximum temperature is the highest temperature of the fluid that may have direct contact with
the choke.

When the environmental or circulated fluid temperature it is higher than 45°C, the chokes will be
handled only with protective equipment (protective gloves).
It is recommended to be installed a warning plate in order to alert about working temperature.

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1.2.3 Working pressure

The valves are designed to be used up to the following maximum working pressure:

Pressure class Maximum working pressure

psi psi MPa bar
2000 2000 14 140
3000 3000 21 210
5000 5000 35 350
10000 10000 69 700
15000 15000 103.5 1050

Don’t use the chokes in applications, where their maximum working pressure it is exceeded.
1.2.4 Material class
The valves shall be used for those working fluids that are according to the manufacturing
material class, as follows:
Partial pressure (MPa)
Fluid Relative Material
H2 S CO2
class corrosion class
psi MPa psi MPa
Noncorrosive <7 < 0.05 AA
Usual fluids Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 BB
< 0.05 < 0.35x10-3
(general service) Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 CC
Corrosive fluids Noncorrosive <7 < 0,05 DD
(sour service) Slightly corrosive 7 to 30 0.05 to 0.21 EE
> 0.05 > 0.35x10-3
according Moderately and highly
> 30 > 0.21 FF
NACE MR0175 corrosive
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to choose the material class (see API 6A, Appendix A).
2. Description and operation
2.1 Description
2.1.1 Adjustable choke
Adjustable chokes are used to control the rate of the fluid flow resulted from the variation of the
flow bore, due to the changing of the needle stem position (Item 9) towards the seat (Item 2). To
increase the crossing section and to get the fluid flow increasing, turn on the handle (Item 15)
counter clockwise. Each number marked on the indicator bush (Item 13) represents the
equivalent orifice diameter with area equal to the crossing section obtained. The values marked
on the bush are according to the increment of 1/64”.

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Fig. 1 - Adjustable choke

As result of seat changing and mechanism indicator of the flow section (indicator bush),
adjustable chokes allow, for each nominal size, three ranges for adjustment. The adjustment
ranges are listed in below table:
Nominal Adjustment Nominal Adjustment
size range size range
0 ÷ 1/2” 0 ÷ 1”
2 1/16” 0 ÷ 3/4” 3 1/16” 0 ÷ 1 1/2”
0 ÷ 1” 0 ÷ 2”
0 ÷ 3/4” 0 ÷ 1 1/2”
2 9/16” 0 ÷ 1 1/2” 4 1/16” 0 ÷ 2”
0 ÷ 1” 0 ÷ 3”
0 ÷ 1”
3 1/8” 0 ÷ 1 1/2”
0 ÷ 2”
Note: If the customer does not specify the adjusting range, the adjustable chokes are supplied with seat
and indicator bush with maximum opening as standard.
If the replacement of the seat is necessary (new seat or another dimension), the hammer nut
(Item 5) used to assembly the bonnet (Item 4) with the body (Item 1) provides a quick and easy
access. To safety remove the bonnet, the vent fitting (Item 8) fastened in the body allows the
discharge of the pressure prior to disassembly.
The stem sealing is provided by the special gasket (Item 11), which contains an elastic element,
so that an additional energizing injection of soft packing is not required. Fluid pressure helps in
the process of the sealing.
The bonnet-body sealing is metal / metal type, achieved by the tapered surfaces. Additionally, an
„O”-ring (Item 7) is inserted in the bonnet
Adjustable choke can be easily and quickly convert into positive choke, by the replacing of the
bonnet and seat (see Fig. 2).

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2.1.2 Positive choke

Positive chokes are designed to control the rate of the flow through the positive chokes by choice
of the choke bean (Item 7) provided with the cartridge which has the suitable inside hole.
Positive choke allows installation of the choke beans with standard cartridges (length 2 in), or
long type choke beans (length 6 in) in a wide range of adjustment hole sizes.
The minimum diameter of the hole is 3/64” and the increment is 1/64” or 3/64”.
For an economic use and a high interchangeability, to the positive chokes with nominal sizes
3 1/8" (3 1/16") and 4 1/16"was adopted as a constructive solution using a choke bean adapter
(Item 9). By means of this, to cover the range of small passage holes (3/64 "÷ 96/64") of choke
beans are used choke beans from the positive chokes with nominal sizes 2 1/16" and 2 9/16".

Fig. 2 - Positive choke

Unless the nominal size of the seat is specified by the customer, the positive chokes will be
delivered as standard with 3 choke beans, according to the table below:
Nominal Nominal
Choke bean diameter Choke bean diameter
size size
10/64” (4 mm) 20/64” (8 mm)
2 1/16” 15/64” (6 mm) 3 1/16” 25/64” (10 mm)
20/64” (8 mm) 30/64” (12 mm)
15/64” (6 mm) 20/64” (8 mm)
2 9/16” 20/64” (8 mm) 4 1/16” 25/64” (10 mm)
25/64” (10 mm) 30/64” (12 mm)
20/64” (8 mm)
3 1/8” 25/64” (10 mm)
30/64” (12 mm)

The positive choke bonnet will be provided with a 1/2”-14NPT port and a 1/2”-14NPT blind

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2.2 Choke components

2.2.1 Adjustable choke

Fig. 3 - Adjustable choke. Components

Item Description Item Description
1 Body 9 Stem
2 Seat 10 Bottom ring
3 „O”-ring 11 Stem seal
4 Bonnet 12 Gland
5 Hammer nut 13 Indicator bush
6 Safety ring 14 Slotted set screw
7 „O”-ring 15 Handle
8 Vent fitting 16 Nameplate

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2.2.2 Positive choke

Fig. 4 - Positive choke. Components

Item Description
1 Body
2 Bonnet
3 Hammer nut
4 Safety ring
5 „O”-ring
6 Vent fitting
7 Choke bean
8 Blind plug
9 Choke bean adapter

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3. Storage and identification criteria

Products will be identified by the data from the label of the package; they must comply with the existing
identification nameplate of chokes.
The chokes will be carefully examined to detect any damage occurred during transportation.
The chokes should be kept in their original packages and stored in well ventilated places with low
4. Chokes preparing for installation
Remove the plastic protectors from the ends of chokes.
Inspect the inside of body and ends of the choke, in order to not have any impurities. Any impurity is
removed by an air flow.

Use appropriate protective equipment. Follow the labor regulation and safety procedures.
Clean with a solvent, such as acetone or another equivalent, the machined surfaces protected with grease.

Do not use solvents in enclosure. The solvents will be only used in specially designed enclosures, well
ventilated and free from ignition sources. Failure to comply may result in property damage and serious
personal injury.
If any damages occurred during shipping, these will be inspected and reported to technical department
who will choose either to use the chokes under those conditions or to recondition them.
Before connecting the choke in the system, it is recommended to be tested to the nominal pressure for at
least 3 minutes, or according to the testing requirements specified in API 6A.

The choke pressure test will never exceed their working pressure.
Because the adjustable chokes are supplied in the „OFF” position, before performing the pressure test, the
unscrew the slotted set screw (Item 14) for unlocking the stem then bring the choke in „OPEN” position
in compliance with the sign from the indicator bush.
5. Installing
The chokes can be installed either in horizontal or vertical position.
The choke must be installed such that the direction of the flow is in compliance with that engraved on the
choke body.
To install the valve in system, tighten each nut on the stud using the cross-over pattern (see Fig. 5).
Use appropriate lifting systems and straps for handling the choke on installation.

Fig. 5 - Studs and nuts tightening

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Do not handle the choke by clinging to handle. This will affect the choke operation.
After the installation of adjustable chokes in the system, open and close the chokes 2-3 times without
pressure to check their easy handling. Because the adjustable chokes are delivered in the „CLOSED”
position, before opening and closing the adjustable choke, you must unfasten the slotted set screw (Item
14), which locking the stem in this position.
Before starting the pressure tests on the adjustable choke, it is recommended to bring them in the „OPEN”
position (maximum flow section), to allow working fluid to remove any impurities which can occur after
installation which would cause damage to the inside working surfaces of the chokes.

The chokes pressure test in the system will never exceed their working pressure.

Never stay in front of the adjustable choke during the handling. Stay always aside due to the fact that
stem breaking may cause injury of the personnel.
6. Use and maintenance instructions
6.1 Overview
Prior to operation, the chokes will be carefully inspected in order to detect any damages occurred during
installation operations.
The chokes must be used only in applications which are in compliance with the process data (pressure
class, temperature class, process fluid) stipulated on the nameplate of the choke.
6.2 Instructions for use
6.2.1 Adjustable choke (see Fig. 1)
To obtain the established value of the fluid flow rate through the adjustable choke, turn on the
handle (Item 15) clockwise until the suitable value is read on the indicator bush (Item 13). With
the slotted set screw (Item 14) lock the stem in this position.
6.2.2 Positive choke (see Fig. 2)
To obtain the established value of the fluid flow rate through the positive choke, mount in the
positive choke the choke bean adapter (Item 9) and / or choke bean with the cartridge which has
the appropriate value of the getting-through orifice.
6.3 Maintenance instructions
To ensure a proper operating of the chokes, it is necessary to establish a regular inspection and
maintenance schedule. It is recommended that the following maintenance activities to be monthly
Inspection and maintenance schedule can be modified according to the application requirements where
the chokes are installed.
6.3.1 Tightening the hammer nut
Due to the vibration which may occur in operation, the tightening of the hammer nut used for the
gripping of the bonnet with the body can decrease so that the sealing between body and bonnet
may be loose. Tighten the hammer nut until the tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in
contact with the tapered sealing surface of the body. To obtain this, you must beat the nut’s
hammers using a hammer.

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6.3.2 Stem slotted set screw tightening (adjustable choke)

Due to the vibration which may occur in operation, the locking slotted set screw of stem can be
unscrewed and may lose the locking of the stem. Thus, the handle may rotate and the adjustment
position of the choke could be lost. Using a suitable screwdriver, fasten the slotted set screw
until it is in direct contact with the choke stem.
7. Positive and adjustable choke mounting / dismantling
7.1 Overview
Due to fact that the positive and adjustable choke’s dismantling in component parts requests specialized
equipment and tools, the activity should be done only in workshops by qualified personnel or by the
manufacturer. This activity should be done for replacing the damaged parts or for cleaning the chokes in
the scope of using them on other equipment’s.

To avoid personnel injury or the deterioration of the components, use only wrenches and devices with
appropriate sizes, in good operating condition.
To isolate from the system a choke installed on under pressure equipment the following activities must be
a) isolate the choke to stop the circulation of the pressurized fluid through it;
b) discharge the pressure from the choke’s body, as follows:
- unscrew the screw (Item 8 for adjustable choke or Item 6 for positive choke) of the vent fitting mounted
on the bonnet, gradually, half of turn to allow the releasing of the pressure (see Fig. 6);

Fig. 6 - Body pressure releasing

Do not stand in front of the vent fitting while unscrew the screw. The pressurized fluid flow may cause
personal injury. Operator must stay away from the vent fitting, during the pressure from the valve body
it is eliminated.
The choke’s assemblage is an operation that will be done it in clean places, only by qualified personnel.
Prior to assembly the choke’s components carefully inspect and clean them for checking if any
deteriorations have occurred during the exploitation or storage During the choke’s assemblage, the
following operations will be performed:
- carefully oil all internal parts, not to damage the sealing surfaces (tapered surfaces of the body/bonnet,
cylindrical surface of the stem);
- grease all internal and external threads (nut / body threads, stem thread, seat thread).
7.2 Adjustable choke dismantling
7.2.1 Adjustable choke dismantling into the main parts:
Disassembly the adjustable choke in main parts as follows (see Fig. 7):
- unscrew the hammer nut (Item 5), and lift it together with bonnet assembly, beat the nut’s
hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- with a suitable screwdriver, unfasten the slotted set screws (Item 14) to remove the handle
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(Item 15);
- Remove the safety ring (Item 6) and take out the hammer nut (Item 5).

Fig. 7 - Dismantling of the adjustable choke into main parts

7.2.2 Bonnet subassembly dismantling:
In order to separate the components of the bonnet assembly, the following steps must be done it
(Fig. 8):
- unscrew the slotted set screws (Item 14), to remove the indicator bush (Item 13);
- unscrew the slotted set screws (Item 14), in order to remove the stem (Item 9);

Fig. 8 - Adjustable choke bonnet assembly dismantling

- turn clockwise the stem (Item 9) for to remove it from the bonnet through the bottom side;
- unfasten the gland (Item 12) using an appropriate wrench;
- remove the stem seal (Item 11) and the bottom ring (Item 10) through the bottom side of the
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- remove the „O”-ring (Item 7), from the outside of bonnet.
7.2.3 Body subassembly dismantling:
Further, remove the last components from the body, as follows (see Fig. 9):
- unscrew the seat (Item 2), using the special choke seat wrench delivered with the choke;
- remove the „O”-ring (Item 3) mounted on the seat;
- unscrew the vent fitting, if it is necessary (Item 8).

Fig. 9 - Body assembly dismantling

7.3 Adjustable choke mounting
7.3.1 Body subassembly mounting
The adjustable choke mounting have to be done in the reverse order of the dismantling and starts
with assembling of the body’s parts, as follows (see Fig. 9):
- insert the „O”-ring (Item 3) in the seat (Item 2);
- fasten the seat in the body (Item 1);
- fasten the vent fitting (Item 8), if it is necessary.
7.3.2 Bonnet subassembly mounting
To mount the bonnet subassembly, follow the next steps (see Fig. 8):
- insert the „O”-ring (Item 7) in the bonnet;
- mount the bottom ring (Item 10) and stem seal (Item 11) through the bottom side of the
bonnet; a special attention must be paid to assembly position, as shown in Fig. 10;
- screw the gland (Item 12);
- insert the stem (Item 9) through the bottom side of the bonnet and turn clockwise to fasten it in
the bonnet taking care not to damage the stem seals (Item 11);
- if the slotted set screw (Item 14) was previously removed from the bonnet, screw it (Item 14)
taking care not to fasten fully;
- fit on the stem the indicator bush (Item 13) and lock it with the slotted set screw (Item 14).

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Fig. 10 - Stem seals installing details

7.3.3 Adjustable choke assembling:
In order to have the full installation of choke must be followed the steps (see Fig. 7);
- mount the hammer nut (Item 5) on the bonnet (Item 4), then insert the safety ring (Item 6);
- lower the assembly on the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the tapered sealing
surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the body; beat the nut
hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.
- mount the handle (Item 15) and fix it by fastening the slotted set screw (Item 14);
After the adjustable choke fully assembling, perform the following activities:
a) open and close 2-3 times the choke to check if operating is regular and smooth;

Before operating the choke, check if the slotted set screw (Item 14) does not limit the easy turning of
the stem (Item 9).
b) to establish the “0” position you have to:
- turn the stem clockwise to get a full closing, taking care not to have a tight contact between
the stem bean (Item 9) and seat (Item 2) - see Fig. 11;
- unfasten the slotted set screw (Item 14) adjust the indicator bush (Item 13) position in such a
way that both the sign and the ”CLOSE” marking engraved on the bush are placed on the
bonnet border as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11 - „0” position adjusting

7.4 Positive choke dismantling
Disassembly the positive choke in main parts as follows (see Fig. 12):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 3), lift it together with the bonnet and remove it from the body; beat
the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- extract the safety ring (Item 4) and remove the hammer nut (Item 3);
- remove „O”-ring (Item 5), from the bonnet;
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- unscrew the vent fitting (Item 6), if it is necessary;

- unscrew the choke bean (Item 7) from the adapter choke bean (Item 9) or from the body (Item 1),
using an appropriate choke bean wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- remove the „O”-ring from choke bean;
- unscrew the choke bean adapter (Item 9) from the body (Item 1), using an appropriate choke bean
wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- remove the „O”-ring from choke bean adapter.
Note: The last two operations will be made only for 3 1/8” (3 1/16”) and 4 1/16”positive chokes.

Fig. 12 - Positive choke dismantling

7.5 Positive choke assembling
The positive choke mounting has to be done in the reverse order of the dismantling, as follows (see Fig.
- fit the „O”-ring on the choke bean adapter (Item 9);
- fasten the choke bean adapter (Item 9), in the body (Item 1,) using an appropriate choke bean wrench
delivered with the positive choke;
Note: The first two operations will be made only for 3 1/8” (3 1/16”) and 4 1/16”positive chokes.
- fit the „O”-ring on the choke bean (Item 7);
- fasten the choke bean into the choke bean adapter (Item 9) or into the body (Item 1), using an
appropriate choke bean wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- screw the vent fitting (Item 6), if it is necessary;
- mount the „O”-ring (Item 5) on the bonnet (Item 2);
- screw the hammer nut (Item 3) then the safety ring (Item 4);
- lower the assembly in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the tapered sealing surface
of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the body; beat the nut hammer using
a hammer, if it is necessary.
8. Parts replacement
8.1 Overview
The replacing of the adjustable or positive choke’s parts is necessary in the following situations:
- the components are accidentally damaged or they have been exploited for too long time;
- due to the operating conditions the changing of the choke bean sizes or adjustment range is
If will be strongly necessary, some replacement procedures can be performed with the choke installed in
the system. In this situation, the following steps must be taken:

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- isolate the process fluid from system to avoid it being under pressure in the choke;
- release the pressure from choke body (see chapter 7.1 and Fig. 6).

Before any parts replacement operation, it is strongly necessary, to isolate the choke from the pressure
source, then release the body pressure.
Before installing the new components carefully inspected them for any damage that may have occurred in
storage. To install new components, perform the following activities:
- clean and oil all surfaces, (sealing or threaded) that are in contact with new parts;
- protect with grease all the internal and external threads of the new components.
8.2 Parts replacement - adjustable choke
8.2.1 Seat replacement
To replace the seat, you have to follow the next steps (see Fig. 13):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 3), lift it together with the bonnet and remove it from the body;
beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- unscrew the seat (Item 2) from the body, using an appropriate seat wrench delivered with the
adjustable choke;
- mount the new choke bean with a new „O”-ring (Item 3 - Fig. 9);
- lower the assembly in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the tapered sealing
surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the body; beat the nut
hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.

Fig. 13 - Adjustable choke seat replacement

Note: If the seat (Item 2) replacement is required, you must change also the „O”-ring (Item 3) installed
on the outside of the seats.
If the seat was replaced with a new one which has an inserted cartridge with different hole inside
diameter, then you must replace also the indicator bush with new one which matches the
dimension of the new cartridge. To make this operation, you have to follow the next steps (see
Fig. 8):
- to remove the indicator bush (Item 13), unscrew the slotted set screw (Item 14);
- mount the new indicator bush
Regardless of the situation, a new seat with the same dimension or a new seat with a different
dimension, you must adjust the ”0” position according to paragraph 7.3.3-b.

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8.2.2 Stem replacement

To replace the stem, you have to follow the next steps (see Fig. 14):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 5), lift it together with the bonnet assembly and remove them
from the body; beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- to dismantle the handle (Item 15), fully unfasten the slotted set screw (Item 14) using a suitable
- unscrew the slotted set screw (item 14) to release the stem (Item 9);
- turn the stem clockwise (Item 9) to remove it from the bonnet through the bottom side;
- insert the new stem through the bottom side of the bonnet; turn it counter-clockwise to fasten it
in the bonnet, taking care not to damage the stem seals (Item 11);
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.

Fig. 14 - Adjustable choke stem replacement

Note: If the stem (Item 9) replacement is required, you must change also the stem seals (Item 11),
according to paragraph 8.2.3.
8.2.3 Stem seals replacement
To replace the stem seal, you have to follow the next steps (see Fig. 15):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 5), lift it together with the bonnet assembly and remove them
from the body; beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- to remove the handle, fully unfasten the slotted set screws (Item 14) using a suitable
- unscrew the slotted set screw (Item 14) to release the stem (Item 9);
- unscrew the gland (Item 12) using a suitable key;
- remove the stem seal (Item 11), through the bottom side of the bonnet;
- mount the new seal, as shown in Fig.10, and fasten the gland;
- insert the stem through the bottom side of the bonnet, turn it counter-clockwise (Item 9) to
fasten it in the bonnet, taking care not to damage the stem seals;
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.

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Fig. 15 - Stem seals replacement

8.2.4 Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement
Replace the „O”-ring between body and bonnet, as follows (see Fig. 16):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 5), lift it together with the bonnet assembly and remove them
from the body; beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- remove the safety ring (Item 6), lift the hammer nut to have access to the „O”-ring and remove
- insert the new „O”-ring;
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.

Fig. 16 - Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement

8.3 Parts replacement - positive choke
8.3.1 Choke bean replacement
In order to replace the choke bean follow the steps (see Fig. 17):
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 3), lift it together with the bonnet and remove it from the body;
beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- unscrew the choke bean (Item 7) from the choke bean adapter (Item 9) or directly from the
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body (Item 1), using an appropriate choke bean wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- mount the new choke bean with a new „O”-ring;
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.
Note: If the choke bean (Item 7) replacement is required, you must change also the „O”-ring mounted on
the outside of the choke bean.

Fig. 17 - Choke bean replacement

8.3.2 Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement
Replace the „O”-ring between the body and the bonnet as follows (see Fig. 18);
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 3), lift it together with the bonnet and remove it from the body;
beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- remove the safety ring (Item 4), lift the hammer nut to have access to the „O”-ring (Item 5) and
remove it;
- insert the new „O”-ring;
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.

Fig. 18 - Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement

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8.3.3 Choke bean adapter replacement (this operation is available only for 3 1/8” (3 1/16”) and
4 1/16” nominal sizes of positive chokes)
In order to replace the adapter (item. 9), must be followed the steps:
- unfasten the hammer nut (Item 3), lift it together with the bonnet and remove it from the body;
beat the nut’s hammers using a hammer, if it is necessary;
- unscrew the choke bean (Item 7) from the choke bean adapter (Item 9), using an appropriate
choke bean wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- unscrew the choke bean adapter (Item 9) from the body (Item 1), using an appropriate choke
bean wrench delivered with the positive choke;
- mount the new choke bean adapter with a new „O”-ring;
- mount the new choke bean with a new „O”-ring;
- lower the assembly hammer-bonnet in the body and fasten the hammer nut (Item 5) until the
tapered sealing surface of the bonnet is in tight contact with the tapered sealing surface of the
body; beat the nut hammer using a hammer, if it is necessary.
Note: If the adapter choke bean (Item 9) replacement is required, you must change also the „O”-ring of
the choke bean and the „O”-ring of adapter choke bean.
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in adjustable and positive chokes operation
(C) - cause
(R) - remedy
9.1 Troubleshooting that may occur during in adjustable chokes operation
9.1.1 Losing of the adjustment parameters
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in adjustment maintaining, such as seat and / or stem
(R1) - replacing of damaged parts, according to section 8.2.1 and / or 8.2.2.
(C2) - losing of the stem adjustment due to the slotted set screw (Item 14) loosening;
(R2) - tighten the slotted set screw until the stem is locked.
9.1.2 Losing of stem tightness
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in tightness maintaining, such as stem and / or stem seal;
(R1) - replacing of damaged parts, according to section 8.2.2 and / or 8.2.3.
9.1.3 Losing of body-bonnet tightness
(C1) - damages of the „O”-ring and / or scratches or dirt on body-bonnet sealing surfaces;
(R1) – replace the „O”-ring, according to section 8.2.4, cleaning and rework the sealing surfaces
using fine sandpaper.
(C2) - losing of the contact between the body and the bonnet due to the unfastening of the
hammer nut (Item 3);
(R2) - screw the hammer nut to perform tight contact between the tapered sealing surfaces of the
body-bonnet; use a hammer to beat on the hammers of the nut.
9.2 Troubleshooting that may occur during in positive chokes operation
9.2.1 Losing of the adjustment parameters
(C1) - damages of the cartridge mounted in the choke bean;
(R1) - replace the choke bean according to section 8.3.1.
9.2.2 Losing of body-bonnet tightness
(C1) - damages of the „O”-ring and / or scratches or dirt on body-bonnet sealing surfaces;
(R1) – replace the „O”-ring, according to section 8.2.4, cleaning and rework the sealing surfaces
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using fine sandpaper.

(C2) - losing of the contact between the body and the bonnet due to the unfastening of the
hammer nut (Item 3);
(R2) - screw the hammer nut to perform tight contact between the tapered sealing surfaces of the
body-bonnet; use a hammer to beat on the hammers of the nut.
10. Positive and adjustable chokes repair
The repair of the chokes must be done only in specialized workshops or, by manufacturer, because the
activities involve specialized equipment and devices.
11. Safety rules
To ensure the labor safety, observe the instructions stipulated in this manual, the applicable safety rules
for the end user and the applicable safety rules in accordance with state and / or local requirements as
established by the administrative authority.
12. Handling and storage
Adjustable chokes are shipped in the closed position according API 6A.
The end connections are protected with plastic protectors or wood.
The chokes separately supplied are packed in containers or boxes.
When the chokes are handled or carried, their dragging on the floor is prohibited.
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Product removing
The product’s parts may be recycled after their operating life.
The packaging, protectors, replaced used parts and obsolete assembly removal, is the responsibility of the
product user in compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection applicable to the area of
use of the product.
14. Warranty terms
Warranty conditions are lost if the product is not preserved in its original packing and the protection with
vaseline on machined surfaces is not ensured until it is put into use. The storage must be done in closed
spaces, with a maximum of 60% moisture and a maximum temperature of 30°C. The warranty conditions
will be lost if the buyer does not observe the instructions stipulated in this manual or if the reparation is
performed by another company than the producer or in workshops that are not agreed upon by the
15. Revision control table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 11.06.2012 Initial release 27.06.2012
Change company name from „PETROUZTEL Tech” to
B 10.01.2013 10.01.2013
„REPEDE Pressure Control”
Modified content of chapters: 1.1; 2.1.2; 6.2.2; 7.4; 7.5;
Added chapter 8.3.3;
C 15.05.2014 15.05.2014
Modified content of positive choke table components;
Modified name of figures: 8, 13, 14;
Modified table of contents.

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1. General…………………………………………………………………………….................. 1
1.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2 Technical features…………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2.1Dimensions……………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2.2Working temperature…………………………………………………………………………. 2
1.2.3Working pressure……………………………………………………………………………... 2
1.2.4Material class………………………………………………………………………................. 2
2. Description and operation………………………………………………………………….. 2
2.1 Description……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
2.1.1Adjustable choke……………………………………………………………………………... 2
2.1.2Positive choke…………………………………………………………………........................ 4
2.2 Choke components…………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.2.1Adjustable choke……………………………………………………………………………... 5
2.2.2Positive choke ………………………………………………………………........................... 6
3. Storage and identifications rules …………………………………………………............... 7
4. Chokes preparing for installation………………………………………………………….. 7
5. Installing………………………………………………………………………………………7
6. Use and maintenance instruction…………………………………………………………… 8
6.1 Overview……………………………………………………………………………………… 8
6.2 Instructions of use………………………………………………………………….................. 8
6.2.1Adjustable choke ……………………………………………………………………………... 8
6.2.2Positive choke…………………………………………………………………........................ 8
6.3 Maintenance instructions……………………………………………………………….......... 8
6.3.1 Tightening the hammer nut ………………………………………………………………….. 8
6.3.2 Stem slotted set screw tightening (adjustable choke)………………………….……….……. 9
7. Positive add adjustable chokes mounting / dismantling…………………………………... 9
7.1 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………........ 9
7.2 Adjustable choke dismantling ………………………………………………………………... 9
7.2.1Adjustable choke dismantling in main parts…………………………...................................... 9
7.2.2Bonnet subassembly dismantling……………………………………………………………... 10
7.2.3Body subassembly dismantling…..………………………………………………………........ 11
7.3 Adjustable choke mounting……………………………………………………………............11
7.3.1Body subassembly mounting…………………………………………….…………………… 11
7.3.2Bonnet subassembly mounting…………………………………………….…………………. 11
7.3.3Adjustable choke assembling……………………………………………………..................... 12
7.4 Positive choke dismantling …………………………………………………………………... 12
7.5 Positive choke assembling……………………………………………………......................... 13
8. Parts replacement…………………………………………………………….........................13
8.1 Overview……………………………………………………………………………………… 13
8.2 Parts replacement - adjustable choke…………………………………………………………. 14
8.2.1Seat replacement…………………………………………………………………………........ 14
8.2.2Stem replacement……………………………………………………………………..………. 15
8.2.3Stem seal replacement………………………………………………………………………… 15
8.2.4Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement………………………………………………………....... 16
8.3 Parts replacement – positive choke………………………………………………….............. 16
8.3.1Choke bean replacement…………………………………………………………………........ 16
8.3.2Body-bonnet „O”-ring replacement………………………………………………………....... 17
8.3.3Choke bean adapter replacement…………………………………………………………………….. 18
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in adjustable and positive choke operation…... 18
9.1 Troubleshooting that may occur during in adjustable choke operations…………..…..............18
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9.1.1Losing of the adjustment parameters………………………………………..……………….. 18

9.1.2Losing of stem tightness …………………………………………………………....................18
9.1.3 Losing of body-bonnet tightness….………………………………………………………….. 18
9.2 Troubleshooting that may occur during in positive choke operation…………………………. 18
9.2.1Losing of the adjustment parameters………………………………………..………………... 18
9.2.2Losing of body-bonnet tightness….…………………………………………………………... 18
10. Positive and adjustable chokes repair.………………………………………………........... 19
11. Safety rules…………………………………………………………………………………… 19
12. Handling and storage………………………………………………………………............... 19
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Product removing ……………………………….………. 19
14. Warranty terms……………………………………………………………………………… 19
15. Revision control table…………………………………………………………...................... 19

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1. General
1.1 Scope
This manual covers the requirements for acceptance, storage, installing, operation, maintenance and
service for running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves, RRT BPV model, which were made
according to API6A.
1.2 Technical features
1.2.1 Dimensions
Operated back pressure valves range: 2 HBPV ÷ 4 HBPV
Size range of adapter flange (for connecting in the system)
1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 3 1/16 4 1/16
in 1.81 2.06 2.56 3.12 3.06 4.06
Minimum bore
mm 46 52,4 65,1 79,4 77,7 103,2
Installing RRT for BPV in the system will be made through an adapter flange which has the
same nominal pressure and size with the vertical X-mass tree where the device will run.
The RRT dimensions and strokes are according to the sizes and pressures of vertical X-mass tree
where will be installed or by customer request.
1.2.2 Working pressure
Running and retrieving tools for back pressure valves are manufactured in two pressure classes.
The tool choosing is done according to the maximum working pressure of X-mass tree.

Pressure class Maximum working pressure

psi psi MPa bar
5000 5000 35 350
10000 10000 70 700

Don’t use the RRT for BPV in applications, where their maximum working pressure it is exceeded.
2. Description and operation
2.1 Description
RRT for BPV are used to inserting and removing of back pressure valves and / or testing plugs in tubing
RRT for BPV can be used for one or two way back pressure valves (HBPV / TWCV) or testing plugs
(BPTP) with wired lead fastener system.
RRT for BPV consists of body tool (Item 3), which has attached by screwing: an adapter flange (Item 14)
to one end, used for connection of it in the system and to the opposite end the tool column (Item 2). The
body has two pocket seats where are installed the sealing items, in order to sealed the drive rod (Item 4)
and threaded holes of hydraulic fittings required for tool working.
The drive rod (Item 4) has provided a stopper (Item 5) on the top, screwed on it by the screw (Item 6),
and to the bottom has provided the drive bush (Item 10), locked by the bolt (Item 8) and secured by an
slotted set screw (Item 9).

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The drive rod is driven to axial direction by the hydraulic fluid pressure created by manually operated
hydraulic pump (Item 29), and the rotation around axis required to install / uninstall the back pressure
valve in the tubing hanger it is manually done it, by driving wrench (Item 15) movement.
In order to be lifted and handled the tool has provided a lifting eye bolt (Item 24), screwed in the tool
cover (Item 2).
2.2 Running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves components
Item Description
1 Tool cover
2 Tool column
3 Body tool
4 Drive rod
5 Stopper
6 Screw
7 Spring lock washer
8 Bolt
9 Slotted set screw
10 Drive bushing
11 Bottom ring
12 Stem gasket
13 Packing gland
14 Adapter flange
15 Driving wrench
16a+16b Needle valve
17a+17b Elbow
18 Pipe with joints
19 Swivel run nut tee
20 Swivel union
21 Swivel joint
22 Connector
23 Pressure gauge
24 Lifting eye bolt
25 Nameplate
26 Rivet
27 Adapter for retrieving BPV
28 Adapter for running BPV
29 Manually operated hydraulic pump
30 High pressure hose

Fig. 1 - Running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves. Components
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3. Storage and identification criteria

Products will be identified by the data from the label of the package; they must comply with the existing
identification nameplate of valves.
The RRT for BPV will be carefully examined to detect any damage occurred during transportation.
The RRT for BPV should be kept in their original packages and stored in well ventilated places with low
4. RRT for BPV preparing for installation
Remove the plastic protector from the adapter flange of the RRT for BPV.
The adapter flange, groove gasket, sealing joints integrity and hydraulic fittings and, generally, all parts of
RRT for BPV will be checked.
The RRT for BPV must be clean, without strikes and bending traces.

Use appropriate protective equipment. Follow the labor regulation and safety procedures.
Clean with a solvent, such as acetone or another equivalent, the machined surfaces protected with grease.

Do not use solvents in enclosure. The solvents will be only used in specially designed enclosures, well
ventilated and free from ignition sources. Failure to comply may result in property damage and serious
personal injury.
If any damages occurred on shipping, these will be inspected and reported to technical department who
will choose either to use the RRT for BPV under those conditions or to recondition them.
5. Installing
RRT for BPV is installed on the vertical X-mass tree line, on the last valve (crown valve) mounted above
of X-mass tree cross / tee.
5.1 X-mass tree checking where the RRT for BPV will be installed
In order to install the tool on the x-mass tree, this will be checked as follow:
- check the properly working of the valves (master valves, crown valve) on a below and above the X-
mass tree tee /cross. (opening / closing, seal closing);
- check the properly size and pressure class between X-mass tree crown flange valve and adapter
flange of RRT for BPV;
- measures (with approximate), the distance between upper end flange of the crown valve of X-mass
tree until the tubinghead locking down screws and it is compared with the stroke RRT for BPV value,
written on nameplate, in order to see if it is enough.
5.2 Checking’s of back pressure valves / testing plugs which will be installed
In order to install the back pressure valves (see Fig. 2 and 3) or testing plugs (see Fig. 4), will be done it
the checking as follow:
- check if the back pressure valve or testing plug thread size, marked on body, it is the same with
tubing hanger thread;
- check the HBPV-PTU-LH special thread integrity, from the back pressure valve / testing plug body
which it is getting installed. The back pressure valve / testing plug with damaged threads will not be
- check if the sealing gasket of back pressure valve / testing plug which is getting installed it is in good
conditions; the gaskets with damages (material missing, bending, cuttings, etc.) must be replaced
before installing of back pressure valve / testing plug.

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Fig. 2 - Back pressure valve, one way (HBPV)

Fig. 3 - Back pressure valve, two ways (TWCV)

Fig. 4 - Testing plug for X-mass tree (BPPT)

5.3 Checking of RRT for BPV
- check if the RRT for BPV it is complete together with required tools and accessories (manually
operated hydraulic pump, high pressure hose between pump and tool, hydraulic oil, adapters for
running / retrieving of back pressure valves);
- will be done it some operating tests of tool (see Fig. 5), by follow the steps:
- connect the hydraulic pump (Item 10) to the RRT for BPV, through high pressure hose (Item 11);
close the lower needle valve and open the upper needle valve (Item 2); the hydraulic pressure will
be created helped by the pump, in order to move the drive rod tool (Item 1), in order to be free
constraints moved.
- connect the driving wrench (Item 3) and tighten it on drive rod (Item 1) and rotate it in both
direction; the rod must be rotated without constraints.
- check if the both adapters for inserting / removing of back pressure valve (Item 8 and 9), can be
assembled to drive bushing (Item 10) of RRT for BPV; check if the hanging / drive pins of the both
adapters can be inserted in the milling grooves of back pressure valve / testing plug body, which is
getting to be used.

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Item Description
1 Drive rod
2 Upper needle valve
3 Driving wrench
4 Body tool
5 Lower needle valve
6 Adapter flange
7 Drive bushing
8 Adapter for running BPV
9 Adapter for retrieving BPV
Manually operated hydraulic
11 High pressure hose
12 Lifting eye

Fig. 5 - Running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves. Operating test
RRT for BPV handling will be done it by using of lifting systems and grip belts. For this purpose, the
lifting eye (Item 12) will be used.

Never handle the RRT for BPV, hanged by drive tool or by hydraulic parts (needle valves, pipes, etc.)
This will affect the RRT for BPV operation.
Inserting and studs / nuts tightening which secure the adapter flange with valve from the X-mass tree, it is
opposite and in the cross (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 - Studs and nuts tightening

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6. Use and maintenance instructions

6.1 Overview
Prior to operation, the RRT for BPV will be carefully inspected in order to detect any damages occurred
during installation operations.
The RRT for BPV must be used to working conditions (pressure class, nominal dimension of adapter
flange) which are printed on the nameplate mounted on them.
6.2 Running the back pressure valve / testing plug
Inserting (running) and fixing (locking) of back pressure valve (Item 5) in the tubing hanger (Item 7) is
done following the steps (see Fig. 7a):
- close the crown valve of X-mass tree and release the pressure; if this valve does not seal in the
“CLOSE” position, then the upper master valve will be closed in order to be release the pressure;
- uninstall the X-mass tree top adapter;
- install and secure the adapter for running BPV’s (Fig. 1, Item 28), in the drive bushing (Fig. 1, Item
10) of RRT for BPV;
- the back pressure valve / testing plug will be installed on adapter, then push back pressure valve /
testing plug in the adapter and rotate with 45 degrees;
- connect the high pressure hose (Fig. 1, Item 30) with one end to the manually operated hydraulic
pump (Fig. 1, Item 29), and to the other end to the elbow located on to the top side of RRT for BPV
(Fig.1, Item17a), installed after the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item.16a);
- lift the RRT for BPV and install on the last valve (crown valve) flange from X-mass tree;
- close the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a) and the lower needle valve (Fig. 1, Item16b);
- all valves located on x-mass tree vertical line will be one be one opened and is waiting the pressure
- close the lower needle valve ((Fig. 1, Item16b); after that, the pressure gauge will display the tubing
- close the lower needle valve ( Fig. 1, Item 16b) and open the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item16b),
then pump the hydraulic fluid with higher pressure than tubing pressure, in order to be moved the drive
rod; that operation during until the drive rod it is stopped;
- install the driving wrench (Fig. 1, Item 15) on the drive rod by two wrench parts joint, helped by the
4 screws M12x50 (Fig. 10, Item 3) in the wrench body (Fig. 10, Item 1); the wrench handle (Fig. 10,
Item 2) will be assembly, too;
- helped by driving wrench, the drive rod (Fig. 1, Item 4) will be towards left rotated, until the back
pressure valve / testing plug will complete screwed in the hanger. The drive rod required around 7 ÷ 8
complete turns, that the back pressure valve / testing plug to get screwed;
- close the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a), in order to be drain the pressure from the valves
located in X-mass tree vertical line;
- check the tightness of back pressure valve by opening of lower needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16b)
installed in the bottom side of RRT for BPV; if the pressure gauge does not display any pressure, then
the back pressure valve was correctly installed and has a properly tightness;
- open the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a), in order to be drain the pressure from the hydraulic
circuit of the pump;
- rotate the drive rod with 45 degrees to the right, until the adapter for running BPV’s (Fig. 1, Item 28)
will be outside of the backpressure valve / testing plug;
- unscrew the studs between adapter flange of the RRT for BPV and valve flange where it is installed
and try the slow lifting of it; if the adapter for running BPV’s is not outside of back pressure valve, the
drive rod will be rotated until this will be done it;
- remove the driving wrench and the tool will be lifted.

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Fig. 7a - Running the back pressure valve Fig. 7b - Retrieving the back pressure valve
using the RRT for BPV using the RRT for BPV
Item Description Item Description
1 RRT for BPV 6 Retrieving BPV adapter
2 Last valve (crown valve) of X-mass tree 7 Tubing hanger
3 Running BPV adapter 8 Tubinghead flange
4 First valve (lower master) of X-mass tree 9 Drive rod
5 Back pressure valve 10 Driving wrench

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6.3 Retrieving the back pressure valve / testing plug

The back pressure valve (Item 5) dismantling and retrieving from tubing hanger (Item 7) is made
following the next steps (see Fig. 7b):
- install the adapter for retrieving of BPV’s (Fig. 1, Item 27) in to the drive bushing (Fig. 1, Item 10) of
the RRT for BPV;
- connect the high pressure hose (Fig. 1, Item 30) to one end to the elbow located on the top side of the
RRT for BPV (Fig. 1, Item 17a) and the other end in the hydraulic oil container;
- close the upper needle valve (Fig.1, Item 16a) and open the lower needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16b),
installed on bottom side of the RRT for BPV;
- check if all the X-mass tree vertical line valves are opened;
- lift the RRT for BPV and mount on to the crown valve flange of the X-mass tree;
- install the driving wrench (Fig. 1, Item 15) on the drive rod by two wrench parts joint, helped by the
4 screws M12x50 (Fig. 10, Item 3) in the wrench body (Fig. 10, Item 1); the wrench handle (Fig. 10,
Item 2) will be assembly, too;
- helped by the driving wrench, the drive rod will be right rotated (Fig. 1, Item 4), until the adapter for
retrieving of BPV’s open the back pressure valve; this is signaled by the appearance of pressure
indication in the pressure gauge;
- close the lower needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16b), and open and close the upper needle valve (Fig. 1,
Item 16a);
- still rotate to the left the drive rod (Fig. 1, Item 4), in order to unscrew the back pressure valve from
tubing hanger; in the same time, the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a) will be slowly opened, until
drive rod begin to be moved to the top;
- at the time when the drive rod is moving, close the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a) and the
driving wrench (Fig. 1, Item 15) will be removed from the drive rod, then the two parts of wrench will
be disassembly, by unscrewing of the 4 screws M12x50 (Fig. 10, Item 3) from the body wrench (Fig.
10, Item 1);
- slowly open the upper needle valve (Fig. 1, Item 16a), the inside tubing pressure will move the drive
rod and the back pressure valve / testing plug to the top side; when the drive rod is lifted, all the valves
of X-mass tree vertical line will be one by one closed;
- the last valve (crown valve) of X-mass tree vertical line will be closed, and release the pressure
between crown valve gate and adapter flange of RRT for BPV;
- dismantle the RRT for BPV;
- mount the X-mass tree top adapter.
6.4 Maintenance instructions
To ensure a proper working and increasing of RRT for BPV life, it is necessary to establish a regular
inspection and maintenance schedule.
It is recommended that the following maintenance activities to be performed after each RRT for BPV
6.4.1 RRT for BPV greasing
The outside parts of drive rod and adapter flange will be greased with light grease in order to
protect against corrosions. All protected parts will be cleaned in advance by impurities.
7. RRT for BPV mounting / dismantling
7.1 Overview
Due to fact that the RRT for BPV’s dismantling in component parts requests specialized equipment and
tools, the activity should be done only in workshops by qualified personnel or by the manufacturer. This
activity should be done for replacing the damaged parts or for inside cleaning of impurities.

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To avoid personnel injury or the deterioration of the components, use only wrenches and devices with
appropriate sizes, in good operating condition.
The RRT for BPV’s assemblage is an operation that will be done it in clean places, only by qualified
personnel. Prior to assembly the RRT for BPV’s components carefully inspect and clean them for
checking if any deteriorations have occurred during the exploitation or storage During the RRT for BPV’s
assemblage, the following operations will be performed:
- all internal surfaces will be carefully oiled, in order to not be damaged the sealing surfaces (inside
sealing pockets surfaces, drive rod outside surface);
- all internal and external thread will be greased.
7.2 RRT for BPV dismantling
7.2.1 RRT for BPV dismantling into the main parts
To dismantle the components of the RRT for BPV assembly follow the next steps (see Fig. 8):
- fully open the needle valves;

Don’t stay in the front of needle valves, while are get opened. The pressurized fluid flow (that could be
inside of RRT for BPV), may cause personnel injury. The personnel must stay far away from the
needle valves, while the pressure is released.
- remove the pressure gauge (Item 20) from the swivel union (Item 17);
- dismantle the swivel union (Item 17) from the swivel run nut tee (Item 16);
- dismantle the swivel run nut tee (Item 16) from swivel union (Item 18) and pipe with joints
(Item 15);
- dismantle the swivel joint (Item 15) from the elbow (Item 14);
- dismantle the swivel union (Item 18) from the connector (Item 19);
- dismantle the connector (Item 19) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the elbows (Item 14) from the needle valves (Item 13);
- dismantle the needle valves (Item 13) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the adapter flange (Item 11) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the slotted set screw M10x16 (Item 9) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the OD12x54 bolt (Item 8) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the drive bush (Item 10) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- unscrew the four tightening screws of the drive wrench (Item 12) in order to dismantle the drive
wrench from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the body tool (Item 3) from the tool column (Item 2), and it is carefully taken out,
along the drive rod (Item 4), in order to not happened any scratches or damages on the polished
surface of the rod;
- dismantle the rod drive (Item 4), stopper (Item 5), the spring lock washer B16 (Item 7) and the
M16x35 screw (Item 6) assembly from the column tool (Item 2); this will be carefully done it in
order to not be scratched the polished surface of the rod;
- unscrew the screw M16x35 (Item 6) from rod drive end (Item 4), remove the spring lock
washer B16 (Item 7) and the stopper (Item 5);
- dismantle the column tool (Item 2) from the tool cover (Item 1);
- dismantle the lifting eye bolt (Item 21) from the tool cover (Item 1).

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Fig. 8 - Dismantling of the RRT for BPV into subassemblies and parts

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7.2.2 RRT for BPV body subassembly dismantling into parts

Parts separation of the RRT for BPV body assembly can be done it as follows (see Fig. 9):
- unscrew the four slotted set screws M12x25 (Item 4) from the body I (Item 1);
- remove the body II (Item 2) from the body I (Item 1);
- remove the body III (Item 3) from the body I (Item 1);
- dismantle the glands (Item 5) from the body I and body II (Item 2 and 3);
- carefully removed the gaskets (Item 6) and the bottom rings (Item 7), in order to not be
damaged the sealing surfaces of the body II and body III.

Fig. 9 - Dismantling of the RRT for BPV body subassembly into parts

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7.2.3 Drive wrench subassembly dismantling

Dismantle the components of the drive wrench assembly follow the next steps (see Fig. 10):
- remove the handle (Item 2) from the wrench body (Item 1);
- unscrew the four screws M12x50 (Item 3) from the wrench body (Item 1), in order to have the
two parts of the wrench.
Note: The half parts of wrench body will not be disassembled, because their parts have been machined

Fig. 10 - Driving wrench disassembly

7.3 RRT for BPV assembling
7.3.1 Body tool subassembly mounting
The RRT for BPV’s mounting have to be done in the reverse order of dismantling, and starts
with assembling of the body tool parts, following the next steps (see Fig. 9):
- carefully insert the bottom rings (Item 7) and the gaskets (Item 6) into the body II (Item 2) and
into the body III (Item 3), in order to not be damaged the inside sealing surfaces of body pockets;
a special attention must be paid to the gasket inserting position, as shown in Fig. 11;
- screw the gland (Item 5) by using of special wrench;
- mount the body III (Item 3) into the body I (Item 1);
- mount the body II (Item 2) into the body I (Item 1);
- screw the four screws M12x25 (Item 4) into the body I (Item 1).

Fig. 11 - Sealing gasket mounting into the body tool

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7.3.2 Drive wrench subassembly mounting

To mount the drive wrench subassembly, follow the next steps (see Fig. 10):
- screw the four screws M12x50 (Item 3) into the wrench body (Item 1), for assembly the two
parts of body wrench;
- insert the handle (Item 2) into the wrench body (Item 1).
7.3.3 RRT for BPV assembling
To assemble the RRT for BPV, follow the next steps (see Fig. 8):
- screw the lifting eye bolt (Item 21) on the tool cover (Item 1);
- screw the tool cover (Item 1) on the top end of tool column (Item 2);
- mount the stopper (Item 5) and the spring lock washer B16 (Item 7), helped by M16x35 screw
(Item 6) to the drive rod (Item 4);
- insert the resulted assembly by drive rod (Item 4), stopper (Item 5), spring lock washer B16
(Item 7) and M16x35 screw (Item 6) in the tool column (Item 2); carefully done it in order to not
be scratched the polished surface of drive rod;
- carefully assembled the body tool (Item 3) on the tool column (Item 2), along the drive rod
(Item 4), such that to not happen any scratches or damages on the drive rod polished surfaces or
to not damage the body gaskets;
- mount the drive wrench (Item 12) to the drive rod (Item 4) by tightening the four screws of the
driving wrench such that the wrench to be locked around the drive rod;
- mount the drive bushing (Item 10) on the drive rod (Item 4);
- insert the bolt OD12x54 (Item 8) into the drive rod (Item 4);
- screw the slotted set screw M10x16 (Item 9) into the drive rod (Item 4);
- screw the adapter flange (Item 11) on the body tool (Item 3);
- mount the needle valves (Item 13) on the tool body (Item 3);
- screw the elbows (Item 14) into the needle valves (Item 13);
- screw the connector (Item 19) in the tool body (Item 3);
- screw the swivel joint (Item 18) on the connector (Item 19);
- screw the pipe with joints (Item 15) on the elbow (Item 14);
- screw the swivel run nut tee (Item 16) on the swivel joint (Item 18) and pipe with joints (Item
- screw the swivel union (Item 17) on the swivel run nut tee (Item 16);
- screw the pressure gauge (Item 20) on the swivel union (Item 17).
8. Parts replacement
8.1 Overview
The replacing of the parts is a necessary operation when the components are accidentally damaged or they
have been exploited for too long time.

Before any parts replacement operation, it is strongly necessary, to open the needle valves in order to
be sure that does not exist any hydraulic fluid under pressure, inside of tool.
Before installing the new components carefully inspected them for any damage that may have occurred in
storage. To install new components, perform the following activities:
- clean and oil all surfaces, (sealing or threaded) that are in contact with new parts;
- protect with grease all the internal and external threads of the new components.
8.2 Drive rod gaskets replacement
In order to replace the drive rod gaskets, inserted in the pocket seals of body II and body III (see Fig. 11),
must be followed the steps (see Fig. 8):

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- remove the pressure gauge (Item 20) from the swivel union (Item 17);
- dismantle the swivel union (Item 17) from the swivel run nut tee (Item 16);
- dismantle the swivel run nut tee (Item 16) from swivel union (Item 18) and pipe with joints (Item
- dismantle the swivel joint (Item 15) from the elbow (Item 14);
- dismantle the swivel union (Item 18) from the connector (Item 19);
- dismantle the connector (Item 19) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the elbows (Item 14) from the needle valves (Item 13);
- dismantle the needle valves (Item 13) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the adapter flange (Item 11) from the body tool (Item 3);
- dismantle the slotted set screw M10x16 (Item 9) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the OD12x54 bolt (Item 8) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the drive bush (Item 10) from the drive rod (Item 4);
- unscrew the four tightening screws of the drive wrench (Item 12) in order to dismantle the drive
wrench from the drive rod (Item 4);
- dismantle the body tool (Item 3) from the tool column (Item 2), and it is carefully taken out, along the
drive rod (Item 4), in order to not happened any scratches or damages on the polished surface of the
Further, to the tool body will be done it as follow (see Fig. 10):
- unscrew the four slotted set screws M12x25 (Item 4) from the body I (Item 1);
- remove the body II (Item 2) from the body I (Item 1);
- remove the body III (Item 3) from the body I (Item 1);
- dismantle the glands (Item 5) from the body I and body II (Item 2 and 3);
- carefully removed the gaskets (Item 6) and the bottom rings (Item 7), in order to not be damaged the
sealing surfaces of the body II and body III.
- carefully insert the new bottom rings (Item 7) and the new gaskets (Item 6) into the body II (Item 2)
and into the body III (Item 3), in order to not be damaged the inside sealing surfaces of body pockets; a
special attention must be paid to the gasket inserting position, as shown in Fig. 11;
- screw the gland (Item 5) by using of special wrench;
- mount the body III (Item 3) into the body I (Item 1);
- mount the body II (Item 2) into the body I (Item 1);
- screw the four screws M12x25 (Item 4) into the body I (Item 1).
In order to be finalized the RRT for BPV assembled, the tool body will be installed on his column and
will be assembled the remained parts, following the next steps (see Fig. 8):
- carefully assembled the body tool (Item 3) on the tool column (Item 2), along the drive rod (Item 4),
such that to not happen any scratches or damages on the drive rod polished surfaces or to not damage
the body gaskets;
- mount the drive wrench (Item 12) to the drive rod (Item 4) by tightening the four screws of the
driving wrench such that the wrench to be locked around the drive rod;
- mount the drive bushing (Item 10) on the drive rod (Item 4);
- insert the bolt OD12x54 (Item 8) into the drive rod (Item 4);
- screw the slotted set screw M10x16 (Item 9) into the drive rod (Item 4);
- screw the adapter flange (Item 11) on the body tool (Item 3);
- mount the needle valves (Item 13) on the tool body (Item 3);
- screw the elbows (Item 14) into the needle valves (Item 13);
- screw the connector (Item 19) in the tool body (Item 3);
- screw the swivel joint (Item 18) on the connector (Item 19);
- screw the pipe with joints (Item 15) on the elbow (Item 14);
- screw the swivel run nut tee (Item 16) on the swivel joint (Item 18) and pipe with joints (Item 15);
- screw the swivel union (Item 17) on the swivel run nut tee (Item 16);
- screw the pressure gauge (Item 20) on the swivel union (Item 17).

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9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in RRT for BPV operation

(C) - cause
(R) - remedy
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss
9.1.1 Losing of drive rod tightness
(C1) - damages of the parts involved in tightness maintaining such as drive rod gaskets (Item 6)
(see Fig. 11) and / or drive rod (Item 4) (see Fig. 8);
(R1) - replace the damaged parts, according to section 8.2.
10. RRT for BPV repair
The repair of the RRT for BPV must be done only in specialized workshops or, by manufacturer, because
the activities involve specialized equipment and devices.
11. Safety rules
To ensure the labor safety, observe the instructions stipulated in this manual, the applicable safety rules
for the end user and the applicable safety rules in accordance with state and / or local requirements as
established by the administrative authority.
12. Handling and storage
The running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves is delivered with drive rod retracted in the tool
column and with closed needle valves.
The RRT for BPV is not filled with hydraulic oil at delivery. The hydraulic oil is separately delivered.
The adapter flange is protected by plastic or wooden protector and the free end of elbow it is protected by
a plastic cap.
When the RRT for BPV are handled or carried, their dragging on the floor is prohibited.
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Product removing
The product’s parts may be recycled after their operating life.
The packaging, protectors, replaced used parts and obsolete assembly removal, is the responsibility of the
product user in compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection applicable to the area of
use of the product.
14. Warranty conditions
Warranty conditions are lost if the product is not preserved in its original packing and the protection with
vaseline on machined surfaces is not ensured until it is put into use. The storage must be done in closed
spaces, with a maximum of 60% moisture and a maximum temperature of 30°C. The warranty conditions
will be lost if the buyer does not observe the instructions stipulated in this manual or if the reparation is
performed by another company than the producer or in workshops that are not agreed upon by the
15. Revision control table

Approval Effective
Rev. Description
date date
A 07.03.2014 Initial release 07.03.2014
B 07.06.2014 Renumbered figures and corrected document text 07.06.2014

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1. General……………………………………………………………………………............. 1
1.1 Scope……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2 Technical features………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2.1Dimensions…………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2.2Working pressure…………………………………………………………………………... 1
2. Description and operation………………………………………………………………... 1
2.1 Description…………………………………………………………………………………. 1
2.2 Running and retrieving tool for back pressure valves components……………………….. 2
3. Storage and identification criteria………………………………………………………. 3
4. RRT for BPV preparing for installation ………………………………………………. 3
5. Installing……………………………………………………………………………………3
5.1 X-mass tree checking where the RRT for BPV will be installed………………………….. 3
5.2 Checking’s of back pressure valves / testing plugs which will be 3
5.3 Checking of RRT for BPV………………………………………………………………… 4
6. Use and maintenance instructions……………………………………………………….. 6
6.1 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………… 6
6.2 Running the back pressure valve / testing plug…………………………………………….. 6
6.3 Retrieving the back pressure valve / testing plug…………………………………………. 8
6.4 Maintenance instructions………………………………………………………………...... 8
6.4.1RRT for BPV greasing…………………………………………………………………….. 8
7. RRT for BPV mounting / dismantling………………………………………………….. 8
7.1 Overview…………………………………………………………………………………… 8
7.2 RRT for BPV dismantling…………………………………………………………………. 9
7.2.1RRT for BPV dismantling into the main parts…………………………………………….. 9
7.2.2RRT for BPV body subassembly dismantling into parts…………………………………... 11
7.2.3Drive wrench subassembly dismantling…………………………………………………… 12
7.3 RRT for BPV assembling………………………………………………………………….. 12
7.3.1Body tool subassembly mounting………………………………………………………….. 12
7.3.2Drive wrench subassembly mounting……………………………………………………… 13
7.3.3RRT for BPV assembling………………………………………………………………….. 13
8. Parts replacement……………………………………………………………………....... 13
8.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………...… 13
8.2 Drive rod gaskets replacement…………………………………………………….............. 13
9. Troubleshooting that may occur during in RRT for BPV operation…………………. 15
9.1 Tightness (pressure) loss…………………………………………………………………... 15
9.1.1Losing of drive rod tightness……………………………………………………………… 15
10. RRT for BPV repair………………………………………………................................... 15
11. Safety rules……………………………………………………………………………….. 15
12. Handling and storage ……………………………………………………….…………... 15
13. Packaging / Protectors / Parts / Products removing…………………………………… 15
14. Warranty conditions………………………………………………………….…………... 15
15. Revision control table…………………………………………………………………...... 15

This document and the information contained herein are the REPEDE Pressure Control
F-001, rev.0/ 2011 Pg. 16 / 16
property and must not be used or copied without the company agreement
Material 1000005867
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Asy.WH+CE,FO1309rev7,PESECo
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005919 FM009,135/8x133/8SLKx21/16-5M,DD,PU,1 101461-01 1 PC

.1 2 1000005929 VRplug,1.9-11.5SV,DD,LU,3 101892 1 PC
.1 3 1000001840 Hanger PU-22,135/8x95/8,AA÷DD,1/3,1 100344 1 PC
.1 4 1000005940 HgCHM,135/8x95/8BCx10-4ACME,AADD,PU,1,1 101910 1 PC
.1 5 1000006324 RRTool CHM,135/8x95/8BCx10-3.5ACME,4140 101912 1 PC
.1 6 1000005915 TH009,135/8x11x21/16-5M,95/8H,DD,PU,1 101764-02 1 PC
.1 7 1000005929 VRplug,1.9-11.5SV,DD,LU,3 101892 1 PC
.1 8 1000005913 HgHA007,11x31/2TSHx31/2TSH,AA/DD,PU,1,1 101414 1 PC
.1 9 1000005927 CE007,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,DD,PU,1,1 101845 1 PC
.1 10 1000002892 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x8/64,410+ceramica 100454 2 PC
.1 11 1000002896 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x12/64,410+ceramica 100454 2 PC
.1 12 1000002900 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x16/64,410+ceramica 100454 2 PC
.1 13 1000002904 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x20/64,410+ceramica 100454 2 PC
.1 14 1000002908 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x24/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 15 1000002935 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x28/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 16 1000002939 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x32/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 17 1000002943 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x36/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 18 1000002947 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x40/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 19 1000002951 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x44/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 20 1000002955 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x48/64,410+ceramica 100676 2 PC
.1 21 1000002959 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x52/64,410+ceramica 100677 2 PC
.1 22 1000002963 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x56/64,410+ceramica 100677 2 PC
.1 23 1000002967 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x60/64,410+ceramica 100677 2 PC
.1 24 1000002971 Flow bean PC,1 3/4x64/64,410+ceramica 100677 2 PC
.1 25 1000006327 Choke wrench,3 1/8,CS,Zn plt 101985 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 04.03.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 04.03.14 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

23 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
22 Eticheta echipament WH, 6A 100438 - 1 0,044
10 13 21 Prezon 1 5/8" - 8UNx330 PTS-001 - 16 3,420
12 14 15 16
20 Garnitura inelara BX160 100172 - 1 3,000
11 19 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 3 0,130
18 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 3 0,172
17 Robinet cu ac de colt 1/2-14NPT, 6M - - 2 0,637
16 Dop filetat, 2 LP x 1/2-14NPT 100321 - 2 1,480
15 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx160 PTS-001 - 8 0,476
12 17 14 Flansa filetata, 2 1/16 x 2 LP - 3/5M 100319 - 2 11,800
7 13 Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE 100275 - 1 70,600
1.9"-11.5 Sharp vee
18 12 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 32 0,154
11 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx110 PTS-001 - 16 0,327
19 10 Garnitura inelara R24 100318 - 3 0,396
9 Surub blocare tip B, 32x245 100477 - 4 2,250
8 Etansare secundara PU-IS, 13 3/8" 101252 - 2 0,827
5 7 Piulita 1 5/8" - 8UN PTS-002 - 48 0,817
6 Prezon 1 5/8" - 8UNx250 PTS-001 - 16 2,590
4 3 2 1 5 Surub, HH,PT, M10x160 ISO 4014 - 4 0,109
4 Inel aliniere, 13 3/8 SLK 101860 - 1 1,020
3 Set pene, 13 3/8 SLK 101859 - 1 33,500
2 Corp, 13 5/8x13 3/8 SLK-5M 101857 - 1 208,000
1 Flansa cu mufa, 13 5/8x13 3/8SLKx2 1/16-5M 101856 - 1 796,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): FM009, 13 5/8x13 3/8 SLKx2 1/16-5M
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance FM009, 13 5/8x13 3/8 SLKx2 1/16-5M
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
Nota: 31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
Gresoarele (poz.18) se vor monta diametral opus fata de aerisitoare (poz.19). 81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101461-01 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005919
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description FM009,135/8x133/8SLKx21/16-5M,DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006061 BodyFM,135/8x133/8SLKx21/16-5M,4130,PU,1 101856 1 PC

.1 2 1000006062 Body,135/8x133/8SLK-5M,4130,PU,1 101857 1 PC
.1 3 1000006063 Set slips,13 3/8SLK,8620,Carbonit 101859 1 PC
.1 4 1000006064 Aliignment ring,13 3/8SLK,4130 101860 1 PC
.1 5 1000006069 Screw HHPT,ISO4014,M10x160,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4014 4 PC
.1 6 1000006067 Stud 1 5/8-8UNx250,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 7 1000001550 Nut 1 5/8-8UN,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 48 PC
.1 8 1000004030 Sec seal PU-IS,13 3/8,AS+NBR70 101252 2 PC
.1 9 1000002590 Lockdown screw B,32x245,AA/DD,PU,1 100477 4 PC
.1 10 1000001399 Ring gasket R 24,S-4,Zn plt 100318 3 PC
.1 11 1000002249 Stud 7/8-9UNCx110,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 12 1000000800 Nut 7/8-9UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 32 PC
.1 13 1000005507 Valve SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1 100275 1 PC
.1 14 1000001892 Cmp.flg,2 1/16x2LP-3/5M,AA/BB/DD/EE,PU,1 100319 2 PC
.1 15 1000000791 Stud 7/8-9UNCx160,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 8 PC
.1 16 1000001887 Bullplug 2LPx1/2-14NPT,AA/DD,LU,3 100321 2 PC
.1 17 1000002521 Valve RAC,1/2-14NPT,angle,MxF,6M,CS CATALOG PRODUCATOR 2 PC
.1 18 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 3 PC
.1 19 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 3 PC
.1 20 1000001372 Ring gasket BX 160,S-4,Zn plt 100172 1 PC
.1 21 1000005512 Stud 1 5/8-8UNx330,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 22 1000006065 NamFM,135/8x133/8SLKx21/16-5M,1000005919 1 PC
.1 23 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 02.07.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 12.12.12 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 26.06.14 ZC

1 2




2 Inel PU-IS, 13 3/8" 101254 - 2 0,226

1 Garnitura PU-IS, 13 3/8" 101253 - 1 0,375
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Secondary seal PU-IS, 13 3/8"
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Etansare secundara PU-IS, 13 3/8"
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 26.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101252 Rev: B App.by:ZC Data: 26.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 0,827 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000004030
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Sec seal PU-IS,13 3/8,AS+NBR70
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000004031 Ring PU-IS,13 3/8,51CrV4 101254 2 PC

.1 2 1000004035 Gasket PU-IS,13 3/8,NBR70 101253 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 12.12.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 12.12.12 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

3 4 3 2 1



4 Pachet etansare, 32 100481 - 1 0,037

3 Inel de fund, 32 100480 - 2 0,033
2 Presgarnitura, 32 100479 - 1 0,751
1 Surub, 32x245 100478 - 1 1,400
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Locking bolt type B, 32x245
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Surub blocare tip B, 32x245
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100477 Rev: B App.by:ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2,250 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000002590
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Lockdown screw B,32x245,AA/DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000001932 Screw,32x245,4140,PU,1,XYL 100478 1 PC

.1 2 1000002474 Gland,32,4130,BF 100479 1 PC
.1 3 1000002476 Bottom ring,32,CS,BF 100480 2 PC
.1 4 1000002477 Packing seal,32,100481,PTFE 100481 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 21.05.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 15.01.13 ZC
20 21 B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 23.06.14 ZC

27 A

18 16
C 2
19 3
14 25
7 13 456
9 26
10 8 28
6 29

14 19

216 22
B B - Sageata de sens din turnare de pe corp se polizeaza;
- Eticheta (poz.27) se va monta prin lipire de surub special (poz.21); 15
- La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametru 2,1 si lungime 7, pentru prindere eticheta (poz.26).

Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 23.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100275 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 23.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
2 4 5 3 1 1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 70,600 1/2
371,3 Break all sharp edges
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
29 Piulita sertar, 7/8-5ACME 100027 - 1 0,224
28 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
27 Eticheta SGV, 2 1/16 100278 - 1 0,009
26 Eticheta robinete & duze, 6A & CE 100276 - 1 0,015
25 Ungator, 1/8- 27 NPT - - 1 0,010
24 Surub, HH,FT, M6x14 ISO 4017 - 2 0,006
23 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
22 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
21 Surub special, M16 100245 - 1 0,100
20 Roata manevra EGV/SGV, OD310 100236 - 1 2,840
19 Capac rulmenti, 3-12UN 100035 - 1 1,800
18 Inel "O" ID37.5x3.55 - - 1 0,002
17 Stift cilindric crestat 12x60 ISO 8740 - 1 0,053
16 Adapter, tija 25.4 100243 - 1 0,710
15 Colivie cu ace AXK 4565 - - 2 0,019
14 Saiba AS 4565 - - 4 0,014
13 Presetupa, tija 25.4 100033 - 1 0,500
12 Garnitura tija 25.4 (37501000-PARKER) - - 2 0,015
11 Inel de fund, tija 25.4 100031 - 1 0,007
10 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 8 0,154
9 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx90 PTS-001 - 8 0,267
8 Capac EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-3/5M 100257 - 1 8,450
7 Tija EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100258 - 1 0,845
6 Inel etansare, ID98.2 100256 - 1 0,024
5 Sertar SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100264 - 1 3,340
4 Ghidaj EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100265 - 2 0,113
3 Garnitura scaun SGV, 2 1/16 100022 - 2 0,025
2 Scaun SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100274 - 2 0,593
1 Corp EGV/SGV, 2 1/16 -3/5M,FE 100235 - 1 46,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:NM Data: 23.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100275 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 23.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 70,600 2/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005507
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Valve SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000000051 Body EGV/SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,A487-4C,LU,1 100235 1 PC

.1 2 1000000094 Seat SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100274 2 PC
.1 3 1000000808 Seat seal SGV,2 1/16,NBR70+POM 100022 2 PC
.1 4 1000000728 Skirt EGV/SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,CS,Zn plt 100265 2 PC
.1 5 1000000082 Gate SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100264 1 PC
.1 6 1000004221 Seal ring,ID98.2,1010/1015,Zn plt 100256 1 PC
.1 7 1000000027 Stem EGV/SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,LU,1,nit 100258 1 PC
.1 8 1000000205 Bonnet EGV/SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,4130,LU,1 100257 1 PC
.1 9 1000000794 Stud 7/8-9UNCx90,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 8 PC
.1 10 1000000800 Nut 7/8-9UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 8 PC
.1 11 1000000747 Bottom ring,stem 25.4,PA6 100031 1 PC
.1 12 1000000807 Gasket,stem 25.4,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 2 PC
.1 13 1000000017 Gland,stem 25.4,CS 100033 1 PC
.1 14 1000000247 Thrust washer,AS 4565 CATALOG SKF 4 PC
.1 15 1000000249 Thrust needle roller,AXK 4565 CATALOG SKF 2 PC
.1 16 1000000015 Adapter,stem 25.4,CS 100243 1 PC
.1 17 1000000749 Groove cyl pin,ISO8740,OD12x60,LAS ISO 8740 1 PC
.1 18 1000000811 O ring,ID37.5x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 19 1000000019 Bearing cap,3-12UN,CS 100035 1 PC
.1 20 1000000240 Handwhell EGV/SGV,OD310,CS 100236 1 PC
.1 21 1000000025 Special screw,M16,CS 100245 1 PC
.1 22 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 23 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 24 1000000762 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M6x14,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 2 PC
.1 25 1000000810 Grease fitting 1/8-27NPT,CS,Zn plt UMETA HERMANN ULRICHSK 1 PC
.1 26 1000005509 Nameplate SGV,2 1/16-3/55M,FE,1000005507 1 PC
.1 27 1000000759 Nameplate SGV,no. rotation,colant 100278 1 PC
.1 28 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 29 1000000022 Gate nut,7/8-5ACME,410 100027 1 PC
.1 30 1000000859 Grease U185 Li 2 1 KG
.1 40 1000000860 Flange protector Dn 50 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 02.04.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 02.04.14 ZC

19 34,7 48,26 0,12
45 3 30
3,58 0,12
36,2 28,6 120 25,4



- 1.9 VR.
- ISO 10423;
- clasa material;
- Serie/Sarja/Lot TT.

Loc masurare si marcare duritate - H;

Filet Sharp vee cf. NP-005.

Surface finish 12,5

(Rugozitate generala): Valve-removal plug, 1.9 SV
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dop RV, 1.9 SV
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.04.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101892 Rev: A
App.by: ZC Data: 02.04.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
12 - Lansare prototip 12.06.12 ZC
B-B 2 A Lansare in fabricatie 18.12.12 ZC
Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031
B 04.06.14 ZC
M Adaugat la nota poz. 3

3 A-A 8


4 196

9 341

12 Ochi filetat, M10x65 - - 2 0,065

11 11 Surub,HS,PT,M10x50 ISO 4762 - 4 0,044
10 Stift,SSSDP,FT,M10x40 ISO 7435 - 2 0,025
9 9 Surub,HS,PT,M12x60 ISO 4762 - 4 0,073
8 Surub,HS,PT,M10x70 ISO 4762 - 2 0,057
7 Eclisa 100352 - 6 0,020
6 Inel suport, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8" 100351 - 1 9,730
5 Etansare, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8" 100350 - 1 1,870
4 Inel, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8" 100349 - 1 0,677
3 Inel aliniere, 9 5/8" 100347 - 1 1,060
2 Set pene, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8" 100346 - 1 8,770
B 1 Corp agatator PU-22, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8" 100345 - 1 21,400
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Casing hanger PU-22, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8"
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Agatator burlan PU-22, 13 5/8" x 9 5/8"
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
A 31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 04.06.14
Marcare -M:
- Cod ansamblu agatator;
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100344 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 04.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
- Data fabricatiei.
b1 - Serie fabricatie;
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 44,400 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000001840
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Hanger PU-22,135/8x95/8,AA÷DD,1/3,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000001839 Body hanger PU-22,135/8x95/8,1025,1/3 100345 1 PC

.1 2 1000001834 Set slips,9 5/8,8620,Carbonit 100346 1 PC
.1 3 1000001831 Aliignment ring,9 5/8,Al99 100347 1 PC
..2 1 1000001833 Aliignment segment,9 5/8,Al99 100348 6 PC
..2 2 1000001828 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN661),OD3x12,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 661) 7 PC
.1 4 1000001832 Ring,13 5/8x9 5/8,Textolit 100349 1 PC
.1 5 1000001826 Seal,13 5/8x9 5/8,NBR70 100350 1 PC
.1 6 1000001829 Support ring,13 5/8x9 5/8,1025 100351 1 PC
.1 7 1000001827 Shackle,S235JR 100352 6 PC
.1 8 1000001812 Screw HSPT,ISO4762,M10x70,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4762 2 PC
.1 9 1000001813 Screw HSPT,ISO4762,M12x60,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4762 4 PC
.1 10 1000001815 SlotscrewSSSDP,ISO7435,M10x40,5.8,Zn plt ISO 7435 2 PC
.1 11 1000001814 Screw HSPT,ISO4762,M10x50,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4762 4 PC
.1 12 1000001820 Threaded eye,M10x65,5.8,Zn plt CATALOG ROCAST 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 17.02.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 17.02.14 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 26.06.14 ZC



9 5/8" BC
M 342,4

- cod ansamblu;
- serie fabricatie;
- ISO 10423.

2 Garnitura agatator, 13 5/8 x ID322 101899 - 2 0,081

1 Corp agatator CHM,13 5/8x9 5/8BCx10"-4ACME 101911 - 1 78,800
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Hanger CHM,13 5/8x9 5/8BCx10"-4ACME
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Agatator CHM,13 5/8x9 5/8BCx10"-4ACME
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:NM Data: 26.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101910 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 26.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005940
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description HgCHM,135/8x95/8BCx10-4ACME,AADD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006323 BodyCHM,135/8x95/8BCx10-4ACME,4130,PU,1 101911 1 PC

.1 2 1000006262 Gasket hanger,135/8xID322,101899,NBR70 101899 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 17.02.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 17.02.14 ZC


1x45 120

M2 (di=247,8)


H 247,8

9 5/8" BC
M1 120




H-loc masurare si marcare duritate;
- Filetul ACME conform ANSI/ASME B1.8; Diametrul exterior
- Inceputul si sfarsitul filetului ACME se indeparteaza pe1/4 - max. 255,371mm
din spira si se rotunjeste. - min. 254,508mm
- Filet BC conform API, Spec. 5B; Diametrul mediu
- max. 251,688mm
- min. 250,825mm
Marcare - M1: Marcare - M2: Diametrul interior
- cod piesa; - 10-4ACME-LH - max. 247,968mm
- Serie/Sarja/Lot TT;
- min. 247,650mm
- serie fabricatie;
- 9 5/8 BC;
- ISO 10432.

Surface finish . 6,3

(Rugozitate generala): Tool CHM,9 5/8BCx10"-4ACME
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dispozitiv CHM,9 5/8BCx10"-4ACME
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:NM Data: 17.02.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101912 Rev: A
App.by: ZC Data: 17.02.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 13.02.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 13.02.14 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

584 11

350 1.9"-11.5 Sharp vee

276,5 6 5


680 4 7 8

1 2 3

11 Piulita 1 7/8" -8UN PTS-002 - 24 1,167

10 Prezon 1 7/8"-8UNx360 PTS-001 - 12 4,970
9 Garnitura inelara R54 100731 - 1 2,400
8 Robinet cu ac de colt 1/2-14NPT, 6M - - 2 0,637
7 Dop filetat, 2 LP x 1/2-14NPT 100321 - 2 1,480
6 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 32 0,154
5 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx160 PTS-001 - 16 0,476
4 Flansa filetata, 2 1/16 x 2 LP - 3/5M 100319 - 2 11,800
3 Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE 100275 - 2 70,600
2 Garnitura inelara R24 100318 - 4 0,396
1 TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, XXX PU-H 101844 - 1 737,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): TH009, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance TH009, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No:101764-02 Rev: B
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6 App.by: ZC Data: 02.06.14
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005915
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description TH009,135/8x11x21/16-5M,95/8H,DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005916 THD,135/8x11x21/16-5M,95/8H,DD,PU,1 101844 1 PC

.1 2 1000001399 Ring gasket R 24,S-4,Zn plt 100318 4 PC
.1 3 1000005507 Valve SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1 100275 2 PC
.1 4 1000001892 Cmp.flg,2 1/16x2LP-3/5M,AA/BB/DD/EE,PU,1 100319 2 PC
.1 5 1000000791 Stud 7/8-9UNCx160,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 6 1000000800 Nut 7/8-9UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 32 PC
.1 7 1000001887 Bullplug 2LPx1/2-14NPT,AA/DD,LU,3 100321 2 PC
.1 8 1000002521 Valve RAC,1/2-14NPT,angle,MxF,6M,CS CATALOG PRODUCATOR 2 PC
.1 9 1000001467 Ring gasket R 54,S-4,Zn plt 100731 1 PC
.1 10 1000001918 Stud 1 7/8-8UNx360,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 12 PC
.1 11 1000001281 Nut 1 7/8-8UN,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 24 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 13.02.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 13.02.14 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

R54 12 13

350 276,5 1.9"-11.5 Sharp vee

R24 11
680 2
200 1

10 9

BX160 673
8 7 6 5

13 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001

12 Eticheta echipament WH, 6A 100438 - 1 0,044
11 Surub ghidare, 26x175 101423 - 4 1,200
10 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
9 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
8 Inel siguranta, ID264x6 101021 - 1 0,179
7 Ghidaj, 7" x 270 101226 - 1 5,000
6 Inel siguranta, ID281x6 101020 - 1 0,191
5 Etansare PU-H, 7" x 287 101220 - 1 22,800
4 Surub blocare tip B, 32x230 100485 - 8 2,110
3 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 16 0,154
2 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx110 PTS-001 - 16 0,327
1 Flansa tubinghead DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M 101705 - 1 694,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
01 TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, 7 PU-H Wt[kg]: 737,0

Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, XXX PU-H
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, XXX PU-H
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101844 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
13 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
12 Eticheta echipament WH, 6A 100438 - 1 0,044
11 Surub ghidare, 26x175 101423 - 4 1,200
10 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
9 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
8 Inel siguranta, ID264x6 101021 - 1 0,179
7 Ghidaj, 9 5/8" x 270 101019 - 1 3,740
6 Inel siguranta, ID281x6 101020 - 1 0,191
5 Etansare PU-H, 9 5/8x287 101016 - 1 8,440
4 Surub blocare tip B, 32x230 100485 - 8 2,110
3 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 16 0,154
2 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx110 PTS-001 - 16 0,327
1 Flansa tubinghead DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M 101705 - 1 694,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
03 TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, 9 5/8 PU-H Wt[kg]: 737,0

13 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001

12 Eticheta echipament WH, 6A 100438 - 1 0,044
11 Surub ghidare, 26x175 101423 - 4 1,200
10 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
9 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
8 Inel siguranta, ID264x6 101021 - 1 0,179
7 Ghidaj, 8 5/8" x 270 101069 - 1 5,000
6 Inel siguranta, ID281x6 101020 - 1 0,191
5 Etansare PU-H, 8 5/8" x 287 101066 - 1 14,600
4 Surub blocare tip B, 32x230 100485 - 8 2,110
3 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 16 0,154
2 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx110 PTS-001 - 16 0,327
1 Flansa tubinghead DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M 101705 - 1 694,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
02 TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, 8 5/8 PU-H Wt[kg]: 737,0

Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, XXX PU-H
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance TH-DS, 13 5/8x11x2 1/16-5M, XXX PU-H
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101844 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005916
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description THD,135/8x11x21/16-5M,95/8H,DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005918 BodyTHD,135/8x11x21/16-5M,H,4130,PU,1 101705 1 PC

.1 2 1000002249 Stud 7/8-9UNCx110,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 3 1000000800 Nut 7/8-9UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 16 PC
.1 4 1000002463 Lockdown screw B,32x230,AA/DD,PU,1 100485 8 PC
.1 5 1000001720 Botom seal PU-H,9 5/8x287,CS+NBR70 101016 1 PC
.1 6 1000001796 Snap ring,ID281x6,60Cr3 101020 1 PC
.1 7 1000001682 Bit pilot,9 5/8x270,CS,Zn plt 101019 1 PC
.1 8 1000001805 Snap ring,ID264x6,60Cr3 101021 1 PC
.1 9 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 10 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 11 1000005766 Guide screw,26x175,AA/DD,PU,1 101423 4 PC
.1 12 1000005917 Nam THD,135/8x11x21/16-5M,1000005916 1 PC
.1 13 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 13.12.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 13.12.12 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

3 4 3 2 1



4 Pachet etansare, 32 100481 - 1 0,037

3 Inel de fund, 32 100480 - 2 0,033
2 Presgarnitura, 32 100479 - 1 0,751
1 Surub, 32x230 100486 - 1 1,310
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Locking bolt type B, 32x230
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Surub blocare tip B, 32x230
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100485 Rev: B App.by:ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2,110 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000002463
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Lockdown screw B,32x230,AA/DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000001896 Screw,32x230,4140,PU,1,XYL 100485 1 PC

.1 2 1000002474 Gland,32,4130,BF 100479 1 PC
.1 3 1000002476 Bottom ring,32,CS,BF 100480 2 PC
.1 4 1000002477 Packing seal,32,100481,PTFE 100481 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 02.07.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 12.12.12 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 03.07.14 ZC



2 Garnitura PU-H, 9 5/8" x 287 101017 - 1 1,110

1 Inel PU-H, 9 5/8" x 287 101018 - 2 3,670
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Secondary seal PU-H, 9 5/8x287
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Etansare PU-H, 9 5/8x287
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 03.07.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101016 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 03.07.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 8,440 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000001720
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Botom seal PU-H,9 5/8x287,CS+NBR70
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000001744 Ring PU-H,9 5/8x287,CS,Zn plt 101018 2 PC

.1 2 1000001774 Gasket PU-H,9 5/8x287,NBR70 101017 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 21.01.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 21.01.14 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 02.06.14 ZC

3 4 3 2 1



4 Pachet etansare, 26 100357 - 1 0,031

3 Inel de fund, 26 100356 - 2 0,028
2 Presgarnitura, 26 100355 - 1 0,534
1 Surub, 26x175 101424 - 1 0,580
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Guide bolt, 26x175
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Surub ghidare, 26x175
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101423 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 02.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005766
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Guide screw,26x175,AA/DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005767 Screw,26x175,4140,PU,1,XYL 101424 1 PC

.1 2 1000001632 Gland,26,4130,BF 100355 1 PC
.1 3 1000001634 Bottom ring,26,CS,BF 100356 2 PC
.1 4 1000001641 Packing seal,26,100357,PTFE 100357 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 21.05.12 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 15.01.13 ZC
20 21 B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 23.06.14 ZC

27 A

18 16
C 2
19 3
14 25
7 13 456
9 26
10 8 28
6 29

14 19

216 22
B B - Sageata de sens din turnare de pe corp se polizeaza;
- Eticheta (poz.27) se va monta prin lipire de surub special (poz.21); 15
- La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametru 2,1 si lungime 7, pentru prindere eticheta (poz.26).

Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 23.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100275 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 23.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
2 4 5 3 1 1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 70,600 1/2
371,3 Break all sharp edges
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
29 Piulita sertar, 7/8-5ACME 100027 - 1 0,224
28 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
27 Eticheta SGV, 2 1/16 100278 - 1 0,009
26 Eticheta robinete & duze, 6A & CE 100276 - 1 0,015
25 Ungator, 1/8- 27 NPT - - 1 0,010
24 Surub, HH,FT, M6x14 ISO 4017 - 2 0,006
23 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
22 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
21 Surub special, M16 100245 - 1 0,100
20 Roata manevra EGV/SGV, OD310 100236 - 1 2,840
19 Capac rulmenti, 3-12UN 100035 - 1 1,800
18 Inel "O" ID37.5x3.55 - - 1 0,002
17 Stift cilindric crestat 12x60 ISO 8740 - 1 0,053
16 Adapter, tija 25.4 100243 - 1 0,710
15 Colivie cu ace AXK 4565 - - 2 0,019
14 Saiba AS 4565 - - 4 0,014
13 Presetupa, tija 25.4 100033 - 1 0,500
12 Garnitura tija 25.4 (37501000-PARKER) - - 2 0,015
11 Inel de fund, tija 25.4 100031 - 1 0,007
10 Piulita 7/8" - 9UNC PTS-002 - 8 0,154
9 Prezon 7/8" - 9UNCx90 PTS-001 - 8 0,267
8 Capac EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-3/5M 100257 - 1 8,450
7 Tija EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100258 - 1 0,845
6 Inel etansare, ID98.2 100256 - 1 0,024
5 Sertar SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100264 - 1 3,340
4 Ghidaj EGV/SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100265 - 2 0,113
3 Garnitura scaun SGV, 2 1/16 100022 - 2 0,025
2 Scaun SGV, 2 1/16-2/5M 100274 - 2 0,593
1 Corp EGV/SGV, 2 1/16 -3/5M,FE 100235 - 1 46,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 2 1/16-3/5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:NM Data: 23.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100275 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 23.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 70,600 2/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005507
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Valve SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000000051 Body EGV/SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,FE,A487-4C,LU,1 100235 1 PC

.1 2 1000000094 Seat SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100274 2 PC
.1 3 1000000808 Seat seal SGV,2 1/16,NBR70+POM 100022 2 PC
.1 4 1000000728 Skirt EGV/SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,CS,Zn plt 100265 2 PC
.1 5 1000000082 Gate SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100264 1 PC
.1 6 1000004221 Seal ring,ID98.2,1010/1015,Zn plt 100256 1 PC
.1 7 1000000027 Stem EGV/SGV,2 1/16-2/5M,4130,LU,1,nit 100258 1 PC
.1 8 1000000205 Bonnet EGV/SGV,2 1/16-3/5M,4130,LU,1 100257 1 PC
.1 9 1000000794 Stud 7/8-9UNCx90,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 8 PC
.1 10 1000000800 Nut 7/8-9UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 8 PC
.1 11 1000000747 Bottom ring,stem 25.4,PA6 100031 1 PC
.1 12 1000000807 Gasket,stem 25.4,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 2 PC
.1 13 1000000017 Gland,stem 25.4,CS 100033 1 PC
.1 14 1000000247 Thrust washer,AS 4565 CATALOG SKF 4 PC
.1 15 1000000249 Thrust needle roller,AXK 4565 CATALOG SKF 2 PC
.1 16 1000000015 Adapter,stem 25.4,CS 100243 1 PC
.1 17 1000000749 Groove cyl pin,ISO8740,OD12x60,LAS ISO 8740 1 PC
.1 18 1000000811 O ring,ID37.5x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 19 1000000019 Bearing cap,3-12UN,CS 100035 1 PC
.1 20 1000000240 Handwhell EGV/SGV,OD310,CS 100236 1 PC
.1 21 1000000025 Special screw,M16,CS 100245 1 PC
.1 22 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 23 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 24 1000000762 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M6x14,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 2 PC
.1 25 1000000810 Grease fitting 1/8-27NPT,CS,Zn plt UMETA HERMANN ULRICHSK 1 PC
.1 26 1000005509 Nameplate SGV,2 1/16-3/55M,FE,1000005507 1 PC
.1 27 1000000759 Nameplate SGV,no. rotation,colant 100278 1 PC
.1 28 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 29 1000000022 Gate nut,7/8-5ACME,410 100027 1 PC
.1 30 1000000859 Grease U185 Li 2 1 KG
.1 40 1000000860 Flange protector Dn 50 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 02.04.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 02.04.14 ZC

19 34,7 48,26 0,12
45 3 30
3,58 0,12
36,2 28,6 120 25,4



- 1.9 VR.
- ISO 10423;
- clasa material;
- Serie/Sarja/Lot TT.

Loc masurare si marcare duritate - H;

Filet Sharp vee cf. NP-005.

Surface finish 12,5

(Rugozitate generala): Valve-removal plug, 1.9 SV
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dop RV, 1.9 SV
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:EC Data: 02.04.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101892 Rev: A
App.by: ZC Data: 02.04.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
6 7 - Lansare prototip 19.02.14 ZC
3 1/2-9.3# TenarisHydril CS
A Lansare in fabricatie 19.02.14 ZC
A-A B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 25.06.14 ZC

3 1/2-9.3# TenarisHydril CS


3 A A

1 B B

3 1/2-9.3# TenarisHydril CS

8 Conector, GE12L1/4NPT-315bar (PARKER) - - 2 0,067

7 Inel "O" ID26.5x3.55 - - 6 0,002
6 Bucsa CL, OD36 101843 - 2 1,510
5 Surub cu locas hexagonal, M16x76 101878 - 4 0,164
4 Inel "O" ID106x5.3 - - 4 0,002
3 1/2-9.3# TenarisHydril CS (5.05") 3 Etansare agatator, 11"x5.05", CL 101842 - 2 3,540
8 2 Inel presare, 11"x5.05", CL 101841 - 1 14,800
1 Corp agatator HA007,11"x5.05"x3 1/2 -9.3#CS 101415 - 1 90,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . . Tubing hanger,HA007,11"x5.05"x3 1/2 -9.3#CSx3 1/2
(Rugozitate generala): -9.3#CS
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance
Agatator tubing HA007,11"x5.05"x3 1/2 -9.3#CSx3 1/2
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2 -9.3#CS
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 25.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101414 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 25.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005913
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description HgHA007,11x31/2TSHx31/2TSH,AA/DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005914 BodyHA007,11x31/2TSHx31/2TSH,4130,PU,1,1 101415 1 PC

.1 2 1000005907 Pressing ring,11x5.05",CL,4130,Zn plt 101841 1 PC
.1 3 1000005909 Seal hanger,11x5.05",CL,101842,NBR70 101842 2 PC
.1 4 1000005902 O ring,ID106x5.30,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 4 PC
.1 5 1000005980 Screw hex socket,M16x76,8.8,Zn plt 101878 4 PC
.1 6 1000005908 Bushing CL,OD36,4130,Zn plt 101843 2 PC
.1 7 1000005910 O ring,ID26.5x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 6 PC
.1 8 1000004799 Connector,GE12L1/4NPT,SS CATALOG PARKER 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 04.03.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 04.03.14 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 07.07.14 ZC


6 5 2 3 4
7 8



7 9 8


10 Robinet cu ac de linie 1/2-NPT, 5M - - 2 0,547

9 Garnitura inelara R35 100755 - 8 0,567
8 Piulita 1 1/8" - 8UN PTS-002 - 96 0,307
7 Prezon 1 1/8"-8UNx195 PTS-001 - 48 0,270
6 VE003, 3 1/8-5Mx3 1/2-9.3# TSH CS,FE-scurt 101851 - 1 24,300
5 VE003,3 1/8-5Mx3 1/2-9.3#TSHCS,FE-lung 101852 - 1 33,500
4 Duza fixa, 3 1/8-5M,FE 100081 - 2 78,100
3 Robinet de siguranta actionat hidraulic, 3 1/8-5M,FE 101848 - 2 239,000
2 Robinet cu sertar lama, 3 1/8-5M,FE 100325 - 2 136,000
1 Monobloc CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8x5M 101847 - 1 1531,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8-5M
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8-5M
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 07.07.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101845 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 07.07.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005927
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description CE007,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005930 MnblckCE007,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,DD,PU,1 101847 1 PC

.1 2 1000005508 Valve SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1 100325 2 PC
.1 3 1000005937 Valve SSV-HA,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1 101848 2 PC
.1 4 1000005522 Choke PC,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1 100081 2 PC
.1 5 1000005920 TopX,VE003,31/8-5M,FE,L,AA/BB/DD/EE,PU,1 101852 1 PC
..2 1 1000005922 Body,VE003,3 1/8-5M,FE,L,4130,PU,1 101854 1 PC
..2 2 1000005924 Plug top,VE003,31/2TSHCS9.3ppf,4130,PU,1 101855 1 PC
..2 3 1000005925 Nameplate VE003,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005920 1 PC
..2 4 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 6 1000005921 TopX,VE003,31/8-5M,FE,S,AA/BB/DD/EE,PU,1 101851 1 PC
..2 1 1000005923 Body,VE003,3 1/8-5M,FE,S,4130,PU,1 101853 1 PC
..2 2 1000005924 Plug top,VE003,31/2TSHCS9.3ppf,4130,PU,1 101855 1 PC
..2 3 1000005926 Nameplate VE003,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005921 1 PC
..2 4 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 7 1000000798 Stud 1 1/8-8UNx195,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 48 PC
.1 8 1000000801 Nut 1 1/8-8UN,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 96 PC
.1 9 1000001430 Ring gasket R 35,S-4,Zn plt 100755 8 PC
.1 10 1000002517 Valve RAC,1/2-14NPT,straight,MxF,6M,CS CATALOG PRODUCATOR 2 PC
App. Design
A-A Rev Description ECO Date
Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 14.02.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 14.02.14 ZC
Modificare nr. bucati poz. 36 si adaugat poz. 38
B 07.07.14 ZC
Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031


3 A A
C B 18 19 25 13 9 10 12 11

27 D
D 18 16 14 15 14
3 8 22
2 7
4 E
21 5 8 12 11


17 16 15 14 24

Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Monoblock CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x 3 1/8x5M
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Monobloc CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8x5M
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 07.07.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101847 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 07.07.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/2
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
b2 38 Eticheta echipament WH, 6A 100438 - 1 0,044
37 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 14 0,001
37 36 b1 36 Eticheta robinete & duze, 6A & CE 100276 - 6 0,015
35 Prezon 1" - 8UNCx130 PTS-001 - 10 0,500
34 Garnitura inelara RX25 101915 - 2 0,359
33 Piulita 1 1/8" - 8UN PTS-002 - 16 0,307
32 Prezon 1 1/8"-8UNx140 PTS-001 - 16 0,686
31 Conector, GE12L1/4NPT-315bar (PARKER) - - 2 0,067
34 30 Reductie, 1/2X1/4 PTRM (PARKER) - - 2 0,075
28 29 Robinet cu ac de colt 1/2-14NPT, 5M - - 2 0,637
35 28 Eticheta EGV, nr rotatii 100277 - 6 0,008
27 Adapter SGV-CEM, tija 31.8 101914 - 2 1,497
26 Piulita sertar, 1-5ACME 100009 - 6 0,341
25 Ungator, 1/8- 27 NPT - - 6 0,010
24 Surub, HH,FT, M6x14 ISO 4017 - 12 0,006
23 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
28 22 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 7 0,172
21 Surub special, M16 100245 - 6 0,100
20 Roata manevra SGV-CEM, OD380 101416 - 6 3,580
19 Capac rulmenti, 3 1/4-12UN 100017 - 6 1,949
18 Inel "O" ID42.5x3.55 - - 6 0,002
32 17 Stift cilindric crestat 12x60 ISO 8740 - 6 0,053
16 Adapter, tija 31.8 100016 - 4 0,761
15 Colivie cu ace, AXK 5070 - - 12 0,011
33 14 Saiba AS 5070 - - 24 0,015
13 Presetupa, tija 31.8 100015 - 6 0,563
12 Garnitura tija 31.8 (37501250-Parker) - - 12 0,021
11 Inel de fund, tija 31.8 100013 - 6 0,008
10 Piulita 1" - 8UNC PTS-002 - 58 0,221
9 Prezon 1" - 8UNCx105 PTS-001 - 48 0,403
8 Capac SGV-CEM, 3 1/8-3/5M 101913 - 6 15,603
7 Tija EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100273 - 6 1,350
6 Inel etansare, ID140 100272 - 6 0,092
5 Sertar SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100302 - 6 8,186
4 Ghidaj EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100271 - 12 0,221
3 Garnitura scaun SGV, 3 1/8 100004 - 12 0,038
2 Scaun SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100270 - 12 1,363
29 1 Corp monobloc CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8-5M 101846 - 1 1257,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc

30 Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): Monoblock CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x 3 1/8x5M
22 Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
31 Dimensions (d) Tolerance Monobloc CE007, 11x3 1/8x3 1/8x3 1/8x5M
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 07.07.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101847 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 07.07.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
37 38 1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2/2
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005930
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description MnblckCE007,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,DD,PU,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005931 BodyCE007,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,4130,PU,1 101846 1 PC

.1 2 1000000097 Seat SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100270 12 PC
.1 3 1000000809 Seat seal SGV,3 1/8,NBR70+POM 100004 12 PC
.1 4 1000000730 Skirt EGV/SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,CS,Zn plt 100271 12 PC
.1 5 1000000085 Gate SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100302 6 PC
.1 6 1000004229 Seal ring,ID140,1010/1015,Zn plt 100272 6 PC
.1 7 1000000040 Stem EGV/SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,LU,1,nit 100273 6 PC
.1 8 1000005932 Bonnet SGV-CEM,3 1/8-3/5M,4130,PU,11 101913 6 PC
.1 9 1000000797 Stud 1-8UNCx105,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 48 PC
.1 10 1000000802 Nut 1-8UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 58 PC
.1 11 1000000748 Bottom ring,stem 31.8,PA6 100013 6 PC
.1 12 1000001070 Gasket,stem 31.8,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 12 PC
.1 13 1000000018 Gland,stem 31.8,CS 100015 6 PC
.1 14 1000000248 Thrust washer,AS 5070 CATALOG SKF 24 PC
.1 15 1000000250 Thrust needle roller,AXK 5070 CATALOG SKF 12 PC
.1 16 1000000016 Adapter,stem 31.8,CS 100016 4 PC
.1 17 1000000749 Groove cyl pin,ISO8740,OD12x60,LAS ISO 8740 6 PC
.1 18 1000000812 O ring,ID42.5x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 6 PC
.1 19 1000000020 Bearing cap,3 1/4-12UN,CS 100017 6 PC
.1 20 1000006033 Handwhell SGV-CEM,OD380,CS 101416 6 PC
.1 21 1000000025 Special screw,M16,CS 100245 6 PC
.1 22 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 7 PC
.1 23 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 24 1000000762 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M6x14,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 12 PC
.1 25 1000000810 Grease fitting 1/8-27NPT,CS,Zn plt UMETA HERMANN ULRICHSK 6 PC
.1 26 1000000024 Gate nut,1-5ACME,410 100009 6 PC
.1 27 1000005933 Adapter SGV-CEM,tija 31.8,CS 101914 2 PC
.1 28 1000000759 Nameplate SGV,no. rotation,colant 100278 6 PC
.1 29 1000002521 Valve RAC,1/2-14NPT,angle,MxF,6M,CS CATALOG PRODUCATOR 2 PC
.1 30 1000004797 Reduction,1/2x1/4PTRM,SS CATALOG PARKER 2 PC
.1 31 1000004799 Connector,GE12L1/4NPT,SS CATALOG PARKER 2 PC
.1 32 1000002318 Stud 1 1/8-8UNx130,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 16 PC
.1 33 1000000801 Nut 1 1/8-8UN,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 16 PC
.1 34 1000005935 Ring gasket RX 25,S-4,Zn plt 101915 2 PC
.1 35 1000000796 Stud 1-8UNCx130,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 10 PC
.1 36 1000005510 Nameplate SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005508 6 PC
.1 37 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 12 PC
.1 38 1000007036 NamCEblk,11x31/8x31/8x31/8-5M,1000005930 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 31.05.12 ZC
20 21 A Lansare in fabricatie 25.01.13 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 20.06.14 ZC

27 A

16 13
18 C
17 23
13 12
19 12 11
A 24
11 503
8 26
10 B
7 28

2 3


B B 18
- Sageata de sens de pe corp se polizeaza. 14
- Eticheta (poz.27) se va monta prin lipire de surub special (poz.21);
186 - La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametrul 2,1 si lungime 7, pentru prindere eticheta (poz.26).

Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 3 1/8-5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 3 1/8-5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:DS Data: 20.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100325 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 20.06.14
2 4 5 3 1 401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 136,000 1/2
473 This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
29 Piulita sertar, 1-5ACME 100009 - 1 0,341
28 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
27 Eticheta SGV, nr rotatii 100278 - 1 0,008
26 Eticheta DHPA 101769 - 1 0,012
25 Ungator, 1/8- 27 NPT - - 1 0,010
24 Surub, HH,FT, M6x14 ISO 4017 - 2 0,006
23 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
22 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
21 Surub special, M16 100245 - 1 0,100
20 Roata manevra EGV/SGV, OD406 100281 - 1 4,030
19 Capac rulmenti, 3 1/4-12UN 100017 - 1 1,949
18 Inel "O" ID42.5x3.55 - - 1 0,002
17 Stift cilindric crestat 12x60 ISO 8740 - 1 0,053
16 Adapter, tija 31.8 100016 - 1 0,762
15 Colivie cu ace, AXK 5070 - - 2 0,011
14 Saiba AS 5070 - - 4 0,014
13 Presetupa, tija 31.8 100015 - 1 0,563
12 Garnitura tija 31.8 (37501250-Parker) - - 2 0,021
11 Inel de fund, tija 31.8 100013 - 1 0,008
10 Piulita 1" - 8UNC PTS-002 - 8 0,221
9 Prezon 1" - 8UNCx105 PTS-001 - 8 0,403
8 Capac EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-3/5M 100269 - 1 16,642
7 Tija EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100273 - 1 1,350
6 Inel etansare, ID140 100272 - 1 0,092
5 Sertar SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100302 - 1 8,186
4 Ghidaj EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100271 - 2 0,215
3 Garnitura scaun SGV, 3 1/8 100004 - 2 0,039
2 Scaun SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100270 - 2 1,361
1 Corp EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-5M, FE 100234 - 1 92,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Slab gate valve, 3 1/8-5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet cu sertar lama, 3 1/8-5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by: DS Data: 20.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100325 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 20.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005508
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Valve SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000003510 Body EGV/SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,A487-4C,PU,1 100234 1 PC

.1 2 1000000097 Seat SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100270 2 PC
.1 3 1000000809 Seat seal SGV,3 1/8,NBR70+POM 100004 2 PC
.1 4 1000000730 Skirt EGV/SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,CS,Zn plt 100271 2 PC
.1 5 1000000085 Gate SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100302 1 PC
.1 6 1000004229 Seal ring,ID140,1010/1015,Zn plt 100272 1 PC
.1 7 1000000040 Stem EGV/SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,LU,1,nit 100273 1 PC
.1 8 1000000209 Bonnet EGV/SGV,3 1/8-3/5M,4130,LU,1 100269 1 PC
.1 9 1000000797 Stud 1-8UNCx105,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 8 PC
.1 10 1000000802 Nut 1-8UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 8 PC
.1 11 1000000748 Bottom ring,stem 31.8,PA6 100013 1 PC
.1 12 1000001070 Gasket,stem 31.8,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 2 PC
.1 13 1000000018 Gland,stem 31.8,CS 100015 1 PC
.1 14 1000000248 Thrust washer,AS 5070 CATALOG SKF 4 PC
.1 15 1000000250 Thrust needle roller,AXK 5070 CATALOG SKF 2 PC
.1 16 1000000016 Adapter,stem 31.8,CS 100016 1 PC
.1 17 1000000749 Groove cyl pin,ISO8740,OD12x60,LAS ISO 8740 1 PC
.1 18 1000000812 O ring,ID42.5x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 19 1000000020 Bearing cap,3 1/4-12UN,CS 100017 1 PC
.1 20 1000000241 Handwhell EGV/SGV,OD406,CS 100281 1 PC
.1 21 1000000025 Special screw,M16,CS 100245 1 PC
.1 22 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 23 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 24 1000000762 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M6x14,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 2 PC
.1 25 1000000810 Grease fitting 1/8-27NPT,CS,Zn plt UMETA HERMANN ULRICHSK 1 PC
.1 26 1000005510 Nameplate SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005508 1 PC
.1 27 1000000759 Nameplate SGV,no. rotation,colant 100278 1 PC
.1 28 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 29 1000000024 Gate nut,1-5ACME,410 100009 1 PC
.1 30 1000000859 Grease U185 Li 2 5 KG
.1 31 1000000895 Flange protector Dn 80 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 14.03.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 14.03.14 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 30.06.14 ZC

1/2-14NPT pasta etansare



17 B
13 3
10 A
11 1
7 2
6 15 18

- Sageata de sens din turnare de pe corp se polizeaza;

- La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametru 2,1 si lungime 7, pentru prindere eticheta (poz.20).

267 Surface finish . .

B (Rugozitate generala): Safety hydraulically operated valve, 3 1/8-5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
186 Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet de siguranta actionat hidraulic, 3 1/8-5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 30.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101848 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 30.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2 0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
3 5 4 2 1
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/2
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
473 (Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
21 Actionare, SHPA 125x03(3 1/8) 101926 - 1 108,000
20 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
19 Eticheta RASGV 101924 - 1 0,015
18 Gresor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,172
17 Screw, HH,FT, M8x25 ISO 4017 - 2 0,006
16 Injector pasta 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
15 Stift elastic spiral OD6x40 ISO 8750 - 1 0,009
14 Lanterna, tija 38.1 101786 - 1 0,136
13 Presetupa RASGV, tija 38.1 101787 - 1 0,300
12 Garnitura tija 38.1 (37501500-PARKER) - - 3 0,023
11 Inel de fund, tija 38.1 100335 - 1 0,010
10 Piulita 1" - 8UNC PTS-002 - 8 0,221
9 Prezon 1" - 8UNCx105 PTS-001 - 8 0,403
8 Capac RASGV, 3 1/8-3/5M 101785 - 1 20,052
7 Piulita sertar, 1 1/4-8UN 101784 - 1 0,482
6 Inel etansare, ID140 100272 - 1 0,092
5 Sertar RASGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 101783 - 1 8,309
4 Ghidaj EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100271 - 2 0,221
3 Garnitura scaun SGV, 3 1/8 100004 - 2 0,039
2 Scaun SGV, 3 1/8-2/5M 100270 - 2 1,363
1 Corp EGV/SGV, 3 1/8-5M, FE 100234 - 1 92,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Safety hydraulically operated valve, 3 1/8-5M,FE
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Robinet de siguranta actionat hidraulic, 3 1/8-5M,FE
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:NM Data: 30.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101848 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 30.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 2/2
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005937
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Valve SSV-HA,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000003510 Body EGV/SGV,3 1/8-5M,FE,A487-4C,PU,1 100234 1 PC

.1 2 1000000097 Seat SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 100270 2 PC
.1 3 1000000809 Seat seal SGV,3 1/8,NBR70+POM 100004 2 PC
.1 4 1000000730 Skirt EGV/SGV,3 1/8-2/5M,CS,Zn plt 100271 2 PC
.1 5 1000006146 Gate RASGV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,1/2,nit 101783 1 PC
.1 6 1000004229 Seal ring,ID140,1010/1015,Zn plt 100272 1 PC
.1 7 1000006148 Gate nut,1 1/4-8UN,4130 101784 1 PC
.1 8 1000006308 Bonnet RASGV,3 1/8-3/5M,4130,PU,1 101785 1 PC
.1 9 1000000797 Stud 1-8UNCx105,B7M,Zn plt PTS-001 8 PC
.1 10 1000000802 Nut 1-8UNC,2HM,Zn plt PTS-002 8 PC
.1 11 1000004406 Bottom ring,stem 38.1,PA6 100335 1 PC
.1 12 1000000806 Gasket,stem 38.1,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 3 PC
.1 13 1000006151 Gland RASGV,stem 38.1,CS 101787 1 PC
.1 14 1000006152 Lantern ring,stem 38.1,410 101786 1 PC
.1 15 1000006098 Spring straight pin,ISO8750,6x40,A ISO 8750 1 PC
.1 16 1000006100 Packing inj fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 17 1000006155 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M8x25,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 2 PC
.1 18 1000000751 Body grease fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Znplt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 19 1000006306 Nam SSV-HA,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005937 1 PC
.1 20 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 21 1000006307 Actuator,SHPA125x03(31/8),DD,PU,1,1 101926 1 PC
.1 30 1000000859 Grease U185 Li 2 5 KG
.1 40 1000000895 Flange protector Dn 80 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
30 29 28 D - Lansare prototip 14.03.14 ZC

25 A Lansare in fabricatie 14.03.14 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conf. IL-031 30.06.14 ZC
La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametru 2,1 si lungime 7 pentru prinderea eticheta(poz. 31)
32 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 1 0,001
24 31 Eticheta DHPA 101769 - 1 0,012
30 Piulita M12 ISO 4032 - 1 0,016
29 Saiba, OD40x3 101464 - 1 0,027
23 B 28 Roata manevra RASGV, OD380 101925 - 1 3,900
15 27 Surub,HS,FT,M8x12 ISO 4762 - 1 0,044
E 25 26 Colivie cu ace AXK 2035 - - 1 0,006
18 25 Saiba AS 2035 - - 2 0,014
26 24 Placa rulment 100911 - 1 0,021
27 24 19 23 Tija actionare RASGV, 3 1/8 & 3 1/16 101795 - 1 1,080
22 Capac actionare RASGV, 3 1/8 & 3 1/16 101796 - 1 3,140
21 14 20 21 Surub, HH,FT, M6x14 ISO 4017 - 2 0,006
20 Inel siguranta alezaj D68 DIN 472 - 1 0,023
17 22 19 Presetupa RASGV, tija 38.1 101787 - 1 0,300
B A 18 Garnitura tija 38.1 (35501500-PARKER) - - 1 0,023
15 18 17 Inel siguranta alezaj D135 DIN 472 - 1 0,130
19 16 A 16 Inel "O" ID118x5.3 - - 1 0,002
17 15 Capac superior, DHPA 125x03 101793 - 1 3,470
13 20 1086 14 Tija superioara RASGV, 3 1/8 & 3 1/16 101794 - 1 1,820
15 13 Stift elastic spiral OD6x40 ISO 8750 - 2 0,009
2 C 10 12 Tija inferioara RASSV, 3 1/8-2/5M 101928 - 1 5,500
7 11 Bucsa uzura, ID120x9.7 101417 - 1 0,025
7 11 10 Garnitura piston (PUA301250 BUSAK) - - 2 0,042
6 16 9 Piston, DHPA 125x03 101792 - 1 4,610
10 8 Placa suport, OD 145.7 101933 - 1 3,890
13 9 7 Cilindru, SHPA 125x03 101927 - 1 13,300
6 Suport arc, ID159 101931 - 1 1,090
1 9 C 5 Ghidaj arc, OD159 101930 - 1 4,810
4 Arc, ID161 101932 1 10,300
3 Capac inferior, SHPA 125x03 101929 - 1 9,780
2 Inel siguranta alezaj D210 DIN 472 - 2 0,320
12 1 Corp, SHPA 125x3 101934 - 1 41,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
4 13 12
Surface finish
E (Rugozitate generala): Actuator, SHPA 125x03(3 1/8)
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Actionare, SHPA 125x03(3 1/8)
31 d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
244,5 31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:NM Data: 30.06.14
32 81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101926 Rev: B
App.by: ZC Data: 30.06.14
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]:
Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000006307
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Actuator,SHPA125x03(31/8),DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006317 Body,SHPA125x03,P355NL2,PU 101934 1 PC

.1 2 1000006322 Retain ring bore,DIN472,210x5,LAS,FOS DIN 472 2 PC
.1 3 1000006315 Bonnet lower,DHPA125x03,4130,PU 101929 1 PC
.1 4 1000006321 Spring,ID161,60Cr3,Zn plt 101932 1 PC
.1 5 1000006318 Guide spring,OD159,S355J2H,Zn plt 101930 1 PC
.1 6 1000006320 Support spring,ID159,1045,Zn plt 101931 1 PC
.1 7 1000006316 Cylinder,SHPA125x03,4130,PU,1 101927 1 PC
.1 8 1000006319 Support plate,OD145.7,1045 101933 1 PC
.1 9 1000006314 Piston,DHPA125x03,4130,PU,1 101792 1 PC
.1 10 1000006169 Gasket,piston 125,6M,Z20 CATALOG TRELLEBORG 2 PC
.1 11 1000006172 Wear bushing,ID120x9.7,T47 101417 1 PC
.1 12 1000006313 Stem low RASSV,3 1/8-2/5M,4130,PU,1,nit 101928 1 PC
.1 13 1000006098 Spring straight pin,ISO8750,6x40,A ISO 8750 2 PC
.1 14 1000006312 Stem upr RASGV,31/8&31/16,4130,PU,1,nit 101794 1 PC
.1 15 1000006311 Bonnet upper,DHPA125x03,4130,PU,1 101793 1 PC
.1 16 1000006167 O ring,ID118x5.30,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 17 1000006171 Retain ring bore,DIN472,135x4,LAS,FOS DIN 472 1 PC
.1 18 1000000806 Gasket,stem 38.1,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 1 PC
.1 19 1000006151 Gland RASGV,stem 38.1,CS 101787 1 PC
.1 20 1000006170 Retain ring bore,DIN472,68x2.5,LAS,FOS DIN 472 1 PC
.1 21 1000000762 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M6x14,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 2 PC
.1 22 1000006310 Body actuator RASGV,31/8&3/16,4130,PU 101796 1 PC
.1 23 1000006164 Stem act RASGV,31/8&3/16,4140,2 101795 1 PC
.1 24 1000006121 Bearing plate AXK/AS 2035,4130,Zn plt 100911 1 PC
.1 25 1000006105 Thrust washer,AS 2035 CATALOG SKF 2 PC
.1 26 1000006104 Thrust needle roller,AXK 2035 CATALOG SKF 1 PC
.1 27 1000006108 Screw HSFT,ISO4762,M8x12,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4762 1 PC
.1 28 1000006168 Handwhell RASGV,OD380,CS 101925 1 PC
.1 29 1000006122 Washer,OD40xID13x3,CS,Zn plt 101464 1 PC
.1 30 1000005738 Hex nut,ISO4032(DIN934),M12,8,Zn plt ISO 4032 1 PC
.1 31 1000006309 NameplateSHPA,125x03(31/8),1000006307 1 PC
.1 32 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 18.11.2013 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 18.11.2013 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC

2 4 5 11 10



9 58


236 11 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001
10 Eticheta robinete &duze, 6A & CE 100276 - 1 0,042
9 Inel "O" ID67x3.55 - - 1 0,003
8 Adapter scaun PC, 2 7/8"x1 3/4" 101752 - 1 1,160
7 Dop HPM 1/2-14NPTx25 SAE130109E - 1 0,043
# 6 Aerisitor 1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,130
1. Duza poate fi echipata, functie de comanda, cu urmatoarele game de scaune (poz 12) : 5 Inel "O" ID95x5.3 - - 1 0,012
a) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 4/64" la Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 23/64" - nr.desen 100454 4 Inel siguranta, ID108.5x5 100407 - 1 0,055
b) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 24/64" la Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 48/64" - nr.desen 100676
c) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 49/64" la Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 64/64" - nr.desen 100677 3 Piulita cu nas, 5 3/8-3,5 ACME 100217 - 1 7,115
d) Scaun PC, 2 7/8" x 65/64" la Scaun PC, 2 7/8" x 96/64" - nr.desen 101345 2 Capac PC, 3 1/8 - 2/5M 100028 - 1 5,020
e) Scaun PC, 2 7/8" x 97/64" la Scaun PC, 2 7/8" x 128/64" - nr.desen 100834 1 Corp AC/PC, 3 1/8-5M,FE # - 1 0,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
2. Daca nu se specifica altfel in comanda, se va livra impreuna cu urmatoarele scaune: Surface finish . .
a) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 20/64" - nr. desen 100454 (Rugozitate generala): Positive choke, 3 1/8-5M,FE
b) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 25/64" - nr. desen 100676
c) Scaun PC, 1 3/4" x 30/64" - nr. desen 100676 Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Duza fixa, 3 1/8-5M,FE
3. Pentru poz.1, se pot. utiliza urmatoarele desene pentru corp AC/PC : d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
a) Corp AC/PC, 3 1/8 - 5M, FE - nr. desen 101668 - masa ansamblu duza fixa = 78,2 Kg 31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
b) Corp AC/PC, 3 1/8 - 5M, FE - nr. desen 100813 - masa ansamblu duza fixa = 76,3 Kg 81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 100081 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/1
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
Break all sharp edges
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005522
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Choke PC,3 1/8-5M,FE,DD,PU,1,1
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Lev Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000005521 Body AC/PC,3 1/8-5M,FE,4130,PU,1 101668 1 PC

.1 2 1000004857 Bonnet PC,3 1/8-2/5M,FE,4130,PU,1 100028 1 PC
.1 3 1000002839 Hammer nut,5 3/8-3.5ACME,4130,LU 100217 1 PC
.1 4 1000002044 Snap ring,ID108.5x5,60Cr3 100407 1 PC
.1 5 1000004940 O ring,ID95x5.30,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 6 1000000754 Bleeder fitting 1/2-14NPT,4140,Zn plt CATALOG PGI(VESTA) 1 PC
.1 7 1000001391 Plug HPM,SAE130109E,1/2-14NPT,SS SAE 130109E 1 PC
.1 8 1000006032 Adapter choke bean PC,27/8x13/4x55,410 101752 1 PC
.1 9 1000004884 O ring,ID67x3.55,NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 10 1000005520 Nameplate PC,3 1/8-5M,FE,1000005522 1 PC
.1 11 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
Material 1000005942
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Tools+spare parts,FO1309rev7,PESECo
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006260 Wear bushing WB22-01,135/8x133/8,LAS+NBR 101900 1 PC

.1 2 1000006432 Comb tool TBOPWB-01,135/8x41/2IF,LAS+NBR 101905 1 PC
.1 3 1000006262 Gasket hanger,135/8xID322,101899,NBR70 101899 3 PC
.1 4 1000006418 Gasket,2HBPV,NBR70 101909 1 PC
.1 5 1000006264 Wear bushing WB22-01,11x95/8,LAS+NBR 101898 1 PC
.1 6 1000006433 Comb tool TBOPWB-01,11x41/2IF,LAS+NBR 101903 1 PC
.1 7 1000005472 Gasket hanger,11xID256,101390,NBR70 101390 3 PC
.1 8 1000006418 Gasket,2HBPV,NBR70 101909 1 PC
.1 9 1000005943 Back pressure valve 3HBPV,AA÷FF,LU 101893 1 PC
.1 10 1000005944 Back pressure valve 3TWCV,AA÷FF,LU 101896 1 PC
.1 11 1000006257 Gasket,3HBPV,HNBR70 101895 2 PC
.1 12 1000002534 O ring,ID20x5.30,HNBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 3 PC
.1 13 1000002541 O ring,ID35.5x3.55,HNBR70 CATALOG PRODUCATOR 1 PC
.1 14 1000005941 RRT for BPV,C=1830,31/8-5MDUAL 101996-01 1 PC
.1 15 1000000806 Gasket,stem 38.1,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 4 PC
.1 16 1000006029 Tools&accesories,RRT for BPV,10M BTA-001 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 20.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 20.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC



Marcare - M:

-cod ansamblu;
-serie fabricatie.

2 Garnitura agatator, 13 5/8 x ID322 101899 - 2 0,081

1 Bucsa,WB22-01, 13 5/8x13 3/8 101901 - 1 19,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Wear bushing, WB22-01,13 5/8x13 3/8
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Bucsa uzura, WB22-01,13 5/8x13 3/8
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101900 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 19,900 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000006260
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Wear bushing WB22-01,135/8x133/8,LAS+NBR
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006261 Bushing WB22-01,135/8x133/8,4140,Zn plt 101901 1 PC

.1 2 1000006262 Gasket hanger,135/8xID322,101899,NBR70 101899 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 25.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 25.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC

4 -1/2"-IF
(3-133) max.11 max.11

4 4
2 M 3


4 -1/2"-IF

Marcare - M:

- cod ansamblu;
-serie fabricatie.

5 Dop, 1 7/8" - 5 STUB ACME 101907 - 1 0,994

4 Bolt, 1"-8UNCx34 101904 - 2 0,135
3 Dop HPM 1/2-14NPTx25 SAE130109E - 1 0,043
2 Garnitura agatator, 13 5/8 x ID322 101899 - 1 0,081
1 Corp dispozitiv TBOPWB-01, 13 5/8" x 4 1/2 IF 101906 - 1 160,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Combination tool TBOPWB-01, 13 5/8"x4 1/2 IF
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dispozitiv TBOPWB-01, 13 5/8"x4 1/2 IF
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101905 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 162,000 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000006432
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Comb tool TBOPWB-01,135/8x41/2IF,LAS+NBR
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000
Reqd Qty (PC ) 1

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006434 Body toolTBOPWB-01,135/8x41/2IF,4140,XYL 101906 1 PC

.1 2 1000006262 Gasket hanger,135/8xID322,101899,NBR70 101899 1 PC
.1 3 1000001391 Plug HPM,SAE130109E,1/2-14NPT,SS SAE 130109E 1 PC
.1 4 1000006436 Pin,1-8UNCx34,4130,XYL 101904 2 PC
.1 5 1000006437 Plug 1 7/8-5 STUB ACME,LAS+NBR 101907 1 PC
..2 1 1000006438 Plug body,1 7/8-5 STUB ACME,4130,XYL 101908 1 PC
..2 2 1000006418 Gasket,2HBPV,NBR70 101909 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 19.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 19.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC



Marcare M:

-cod ansamblu;
-serie fabricatie.

2 Garnitura agatator, 11 x ID256 101390 - 2 0,129

1 Bucsa, WB22-01, 11x9 5/8 101100 - 1 22,800
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Wear bushing, WB22-01, 11x9 5/8
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Bucsa uzura, WB22-01, 11x9 5/8
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101898 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 23,000 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000006264
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Wear bushing WB22-01,11x95/8,LAS+NBR
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006265 Bushing WB22-01,11x95/8,4140,Zn plt 101100 1 PC

.1 2 1000005472 Gasket hanger,11xID256,101390,NBR70 101390 2 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 25.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 25.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC

4 -1/2"-IF
(3-133) max.11


4 -1/2"-IF

Marcare - M:

- cod ansamblu;
- serie fabricatie.

5 Dop, 1 7/8" - 5 STUB ACME 101907 - 1 0,994

4 Bolt, 1"-8UNCx34 101904 - 2 0,135
3 Dop HPM 1/2-14NPTx25 SAE130109E - 1 0,043
2 Garnitura agatator, 11 x ID256 101390 - 1 0,129
1 Corp dispozitiv TBOPWB-01, 11"x4 1/2 IF 101902 - 1 108,000
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Combination tool TBOPWB-01, 11"x4 1/2 IF
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dispozitiv TBOPWB-01, 11"x4 1/2 IF
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101903 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 109,000 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000006433
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Comb tool TBOPWB-01,11x41/2IF,LAS+NBR
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006435 Body toolTBOPWB-01,11x41/2IF,4140,XYL 101902 1 PC

.1 2 1000005472 Gasket hanger,11xID256,101390,NBR70 101390 1 PC
.1 3 1000001391 Plug HPM,SAE130109E,1/2-14NPT,SS SAE 130109E 1 PC
.1 4 1000006436 Pin,1-8UNCx34,4130,XYL 101904 1 PC
.1 5 1000006437 Plug 1 7/8-5 STUB ACME,LAS+NBR 101907 1 PC
..2 1 1000006438 Plug body,1 7/8-5 STUB ACME,4130,XYL 101908 1 PC
..2 2 1000006418 Gasket,2HBPV,NBR70 101909 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 14.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 14.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC



6 Arc supapa, HBPV 101167 - 1 0,028

5 Garnitura, 3 HBPV 101895 - 1 0,022
4 Inel "O" ID20x5.3 - - 1 0,002
Marcare - M
3 Suport supapa, HBPV 101165 - 1 0,782
2 Ventil supapa,HBPV 101164 - 1 0,208
-serie fabricatie
1 Corp supapa, 3HBPV 101894 - 1 4,470
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Back-pressure valve 3HBPV
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Supapa contrapresiune 3HBPV
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101893 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 5,510 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza) 0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005943
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Back pressure valve 3HBPV,AA÷FF,LU
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006256 Body valve 3HBPV,17-4PH,LU 101894 1 PC

.1 2 1000002532 Globe valve HBPV,410,LU 101164 1 PC
.1 3 1000002533 Valve support HBPV,410,LU 101165 1 PC
.1 4 1000002534 O ring,ID20x5.30,HNBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 1 PC
.1 5 1000006257 Gasket,3HBPV,HNBR70 101895 1 PC
.1 6 1000006421 Spring valve,HBPV,X750 101167 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 17.02.2014 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 17.02.2014 ZC
B Modificare tabel componenta conform IL-031 26.06.2014 ZC


Marcare - M: 6 Inel "O" ID35.5x3.55 - - 1 0,003

-serie fabricatie 5 Garnitura, 3 HBPV 101895 - 1 0,022
4 Inel "O" ID20x5.3 - - 2 0,002
3 Suport supapa, TWCV 101436 - 1 0,966
2 Ventil supapa, TWCV 101437 - 1 0,428
1 Corp supapa, 3TWCV 101897 - 1 4,500
Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
Surface finish . .
(Rugozitate generala): Back-pressure valve, 3TWCV
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Supapa contrapresiune, 3TWCV
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3 Dwn.by:MS Data:26.06.2014
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101896 Rev: B App.by: ZC Data:26.06.2014
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 5,920 1/1
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza) 0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005944
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description Back pressure valve 3TWCV,AA÷FF,LU
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006258 Body valve 3TWCV,17-4PH,LU 101897 1 PC

.1 2 1000002539 Globe valve TWCV,410,LU 101437 1 PC
.1 3 1000002540 Valve support TWCV,410,LU 101436 1 PC
.1 4 1000002534 O ring,ID20x5.30,HNBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM 2 PC
.1 5 1000006257 Gasket,3HBPV,HNBR70 101895 1 PC
.1 6 1000002541 O ring,ID35.5x3.55,HNBR70 CATALOG PRODUCATOR 1 PC
App. Design
Rev Description ECO Date Mach Raw Device Ctrl-q Test Sale
- Lansare prototip 11.04.14 ZC
A Lansare in fabricatie 11.04.14 ZC
B Modificat tabel componenta conf. IL-031 26.06.14 ZC


1 27 10 8 3 18 22 21 19 20 23 aprox.1867

(75) aprox.318

Cursa=aprox. 1830

28 B

Supapa de contrapresiune dublu sens TWCV

(Nu se livreaza cu dispozitivul)
9 4 11 26 25 15 13 17 16 2 5 7 6 14 24

La montaj se vor da 2 gauri diametrul 2,1 si lungime 7, pentru prindere eticheta,(poz.25)

11 Inel de fund, tija 38.1 100335 - 2 0,010

10 Bucsa antrenare, ID38.1 101889 - 1 1,010
9 Stift filetat, M10x12 DIN 551 - 1 0,007
8 Bolt, OD12x54 101863 - 1 0,047
7 Saiba Grower forma "B", 16 DIN 127 otel zincat 1 0,006
28 Adapter extras BPV 101868 - 1 1,830 6 Surub, HH,FT, M16x35 ISO 4017 - 1 0,094
27 Adapter introdus BPV 101871 - 1 1,610 5 Opritor, OD43x10 101922 - 1 0,098
28 Nit, 2x7 ISO 1051 - 2 0,001 4 Tija antrenare, OD38.1x2520 101998 - 1 22,500
25 Eticheta dispozitiv BPV 101921 - 1 0,013 3 Corp dispozitiv BPV 101881 - 1 30,700
24 Inel de ridicare, M20 DIN 580 - 1 0,422 2 Coloana dispozitiv BPV, L=1840 101999 - 1 32,000
23 Manometru,DIA100,1/2-14NPT - - 1 0,558 1 Flansa adapter xxx * - 1 32,600
22 Conector, GE08S1/2NPT(PARKER) - - 1 0,122 Poz. Denumire Nr.desen Material Buc kg/buc
21 Racord leg rotitor,GZ08S(PARKER) - - 1 0,059
Surface finish
20 Racord rotitor manometru,MAV08S1/2NPT(PARKER) 1 0,102 (Rugozitate generala): RRT for BPV, C=1830 (6 ft), xxx
19 Teu leg,EL08SOMD(PARKER) - - 1 0,093
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
18 Teava cu leg,OD8,R08X2(PARKER) 101885 - 1 0,120 Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dispozitiv BPV, C=1830 (6 ft), xxx
17 Cot, WE08S1/2NPT (PARKER) - - 2 0,141 d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
16 Robinet cu ac,1/2-14NPT,linie,MxF,10M(PARKER) - - 2 0,547 Dwn.by:GD Data: 26.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101996-xx Rev: B App.by: ZC Data: 26.06.14
15 Cheie antrenare, ID38.1 101890 - 1 2,680 401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6
14 Capac dispozitiv BPV 101883 - 1 4,610
1001<d<2000 +/-1,2
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Angles(<) +/-0 30' Pressure Control 1/3
13 Presetupa, tija 38.1 100336 - 2 0,700 Break all sharp edges
This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
12 Garnitura tija 38.1 (35501500-PARKER) - - 4 0,023 (Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Nr. Dispozitiv Poz. 1
crt. Denumire Nr. desen Masa Denumire Nr. desen Masa
1 Dispozitiv BPV, C=1830 (6 ft), 3 1/8-5M DUAL 101996-01 139 Flansa adapter, 3 1/8-5M DUAL 101997 32.6


Surface finish
(Rugozitate generala): RRT for BPV, C=1830 (6 ft), xxx
Unspecified tolerances (Tolerante nespecificate)
Dimensions (d) Tolerance Dispozitiv BPV, C=1830 (6 ft), xxx
d<30 +/-0,1 0,2 0,2
31<d<80 +/-0,2 0,3 0,3
Dwn.by:GD Data:26.06.14
81<d<400 +/-0,4 0,4 0,4 Dwn.No: 101996-xx Rev: B
401<d<1000 +/-0,8 0,6 0,6 App.by: ZC Data:26.06.14
+/-0 30'
0,8 0,8 REPEDE Wt[kg]: Material: Sheet
Pressure Control
Break all sharp edges This drawing is the property REPEDE Pressure Control.
(Toate muchiile ascutite se ajusteaza)
0,5....1 This not to be copied or used for other projects unless All dimensions in mm
specifically permitted
Material 1000005941
Plant/Usage/Alt. 1100 / 1 / 01
Description RRT for BPV,C=1830,31/8-5MDUAL
Base Qty (PC ) 1.000

Level Item Object ID Object description Document Quantity Un

.1 1 1000006429 Adapter flange,3 1/8-5MDUAL,4130,LU,2 101997 1 PC

.1 2 1000006426 Column RRT for BPV,L=XX00,S355J2H 101999 1 PC
.1 3 1000006055 Body RRT for BPV,rod31.8,4130 101881 1 PC
.1 4 1000006427 Drive rod,OD38.1xXXXX,1045,Cr plt 101998 1 PC
.1 5 1000006077 Stopper,OD43x10,1045,Zn plt 101922 1 PC
.1 6 1000005962 Screw HHFT,ISO4017,M16x35,8.8,Zn plt ISO 4017 1 PC
.1 7 1000005992 Spring lock washer,DIN127,B16,FSt,Zn plt DIN 127 1 PC
.1 8 1000006044 Pin,OD12x54,4130,Zn plt 101863 1 PC
.1 9 1000005963 SlotscrewSSSFP,ISO4766,M10x16,5.8,Zn plt ISO 4766 1 PC
.1 10 1000006043 Drive bush,ID38.1,4130,Zn plt 101889 1 PC
.1 11 1000004406 Bottom ring,stem 38.1,PA6 100335 2 PC
.1 12 1000000806 Gasket,stem 38.1,5M,PUR+NBR70 CATALOG COFRAROM, PARK 4 PC
.1 13 1000004401 Gland,stem 38.1,CS 100336 2 PC
.1 14 1000005964 Cover RRT for BPV,4130 101883 1 PC
.1 15 1000006037 Driving wrench,ID38.1 101890 1 PC
.1 16 1000006430 Needle val,1/2-14NPT,straight,MxF,5M,CS CATALOG PARKER 2 PC
.1 17 1000006010 Male stud elbow,WE08S1/2NPT,CS CATALOG PARKER 2 PC
.1 18 1000006011 Pipe w/nuts ,OD8,R08X2,CS 101885 1 PC
.1 19 1000006009 Swivel run nut tee,EL08SOMD,CS CATALOG PARKER 1 PC
.1 20 1000006008 Press.gauge swivel union,MAV08S1/2NPT,CS CATALOG PARKER 1 PC
.1 21 1000006007 Swivel union,GZ08S,CS CATALOG PARKER 1 PC
.1 22 1000005982 Connector,GE08S1/2NPT,CS CATALOG PARKER 1 PC
.1 23 1000002004 Pres gauge,5000psi,DIA100,1/2-14NPT,316 CATALOG BADOTHERM 1 PC
.1 24 1000005961 Lifting eye bolt,DIN580,M20,LAS,Zn plt DIN 580 1 PC
.1 25 1000006428 Nameplate RRT for BPV,1000005941 1 PC
.1 26 1000000761 Rivet,ISO1051(DIN660),OD2x8,Al99 ISO 1051(DIN 660) 2 PC
.1 27 1000005987 Running adapter tool BPV,LAS 101871 1 PC
.1 28 1000005990 Retrieving adapter tool BPV,LAS 101868 1 PC

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