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1) Smoke in the cargo and baggage compartment of an aircraft is commonly detected by which
of the following detection method
a) Chemical reactor.
b) Photoelectric cell .
c) Sniffer.

2) A metal which can be hammered, rolled or pressed into various shapes without cracking,
breaking or leaving some other detrimental effect
a) Ductility.
b) Malleability.
c) Elasticity .
d) Toughness.

3) Austenite is
a) At elevated temperature, the carbon is dissolved in iron matrix in the form of a solid
b) Carbon particle precipitates as a cloud of very fine carbide particle is called austenite.
c) Carbon in steel exists in the form of particle of iron carbide.

4) Corrosion along grain boundaries is called

a. Intergranular corrosion.
b. Crevice corrosion.
c. Galvanic corrosion.
d. Stress corrosion.

5) Fretting corrosion occur when

a) When two mating surface are subject to slight relative motion.
b) When two mating surface are subject to large relative motion.
c) When two mating surface come in contact with corrosive product.

6) A torque wrench before using is preset to desired torque

a. Dial indicating torque wrench.
b. Micrometer torque wrench.
c. Electronic torque wrench.
d. Flexible beam torque wrench.

7) The basic air cycle cooling system consists of

a) Heaters, coolers, and compressors.
b) A source of compressed air, heat exchangers and a turbine.
c) Ram air source, compressors, and engine bleed air.

8) Sensitivity of coil is 20000 ohm/volt the amount of current required for full scale deflection
a) 5 milli amphere.
b) 5 micro amphere.
c) 30 amphere.

9) The welding method suitable for titanium welding is

a) Electrical are welding
b) Spot welding
c) Tungsten inert gas welding

10) Integrated drive generator employ a type of high output AC generator that utilizes.
a) A brushless system to produce current.
b) Brushed and slip rings to carry generated DC exciter current to the rotating field.
c) Battery current to excite the field.

11) Convert 13.5 to binary

a) 1101.1
b) 1011.1
c) 1111.1

12) The hardness testing gives

a) Result of heat treatment.
b) The state of a metal prior to heat treatment.
c) Gives details of tensile strength, wear resistance.
d) All of the above.

13) Control cables are

a) Strong and light in weight.
b) Easy to route through the a/c.
c) Has high mechanical efficiency and can be set up without backlash.
d) All of the above.

14) While storing aircraft in hanger

a) The fuel tank should be kept empty.
b) The fuel tank should be filled.
c) The fuel tank should be filled to the half of its value.
d) The condition of filling oil will depend on the duration of storage.

15) The function of display controller in an EFIS is to

a) Display alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments.
b) Receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data to
the appropriate display.
c) Allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight

16) Direction of induced EMF

a) Lenz’s law.
b) Fleming right hand rule.
c) Fleming left hand rule.
d) Both (1) and (2).

17) Trickle charging of a storage battery help to

a) Prevent sulphation
b) Keep electrolyte fresh and fully charged
c) Maintain proper electrolyte level
d) Increase its reverse capacity.

18) Zener diode will function as

a) Voltage regulator
b) Current regulator
c) Frequency controller
d) Filter

19) Helicoil is used as

a) Screw thread bushings
b) Restore damaged threaded parts
c) Both (a)and (b)

20) Poor voltage regulation is found in

a) Series generator
b) Shunt generator
c) Combination of series and shunt generator
d) Compound generator
21) In tail wind condition the parked aircraft elevator position should be
a) Locked in up position
b) Locked in neutral position
c) Locked in slightly down position

22) If three landing lights of 20watts are connected to a 12v aircraft system the total current
will be
a) 20 amphere
b) 3 amphere
c) 5.5 amphere
d) 5 amphere

23) Reamers are used for

a) To smooth and enlarge holes to exact size
b) To enlarge the hole in the opposite direction
c) To begin the tapping process

24) Metal used to make stringers, bulkheads, wing skin, formers, etc is
a) Wrought aluminum alloy
b) Casting aluminum alloy
c) Permanent mold aluminum alloy

25) Universal head rivet combination of

a) Counter sunk, brazier head
b) Counter sunk, flat head
c) Flat head, brazier head, and round head

26) Which of the non-ferrous alloy can be case hardened

a) Titanium
b) Aluminum
c) Nickel
d) Monel

27) Leveling of aircraft carried out by

a) A scale used with plumb bob placed with level longitudinally and laterally
b) A scale used with plumb bob placed with level vertically and laterally
c) A scale used with plumb bob and carpenter square
28) H2 indicates
a) Strain hardened and partially annealed
b) Strain hardened and stabilized
c) Strain hardened and fabricated

29) In a NPN transistor application, the solid state device is turned on when
a) Emitter is positive with respect to the base
b) Base is negative with respect to the emitter
c) Base is positive with respect to the emitter

30) Find the decimal equivalent for the binary number 10110101
a) 121
b) 181
c) 254
d) 264

31) (1) An airspeed indicator measures the differential between pitot and static air pressure
surrounding the aircraft at any moment of flight
(2) An airspeed indicator measures the differential between pitot and cabin air pressure at
any moment of flight.
a) Both (1) and (2) are correct.
b) Only (1) is correct.
c) Only (2) is correct.

32) MTCS regarding jacking pads

a) To provide a level surface to the ground
b) As in (a) and to provide a convex contact with concave jack stem
c) To provide convex surface to the ground
d) All of the above

33) Which rivet may be used without further heat treatment

a) 2117-T
b) 1011-T
c) 2024-T

34) If a rigid tube is too short for the flare to seat before tightening, pulling it into the place
before tightening
a) May distort the flare
b) May distort the sleeve and nut
c) May distort the angle of flare

35) Which instrument is used for measuring high range ohm-meter value
a) Megohmeter
b) Milliammeter
c) Micrometer

36) The purpose of dump valve in a pressurized aircraft is to relieve

a) All positive pressure from the cabin
b) Excessive pressure from the cabin
c) Negative pressure from the cabin

37) The Dzus turnlock fastener consist of a stud grommet and a receptacle, in this stud length is
measured in
a) Hundreds of an inch
b) 1/16th of an inch
c) 3/8th of an inch

38) Which instrument are connected to an aircraft static pressure system only
a) Vertical speed indicator and altimeter
b) Airspeed indicator and vertical speed indicator
c) Magnetic compass indicator and directional deviation indicator

39) The angle at which the twist drill should make with soft metal is
a) 180 degree
b) 118 degree
c) 59 degree
d) 90 degree

40) An offset screwdriver may be used

a) When vertical space is limited
b) When horizontal space is limited
c) When inaccessible area is founds

41) Which bolt has high shear and tensile strength

a) Jo-bolt
b) Eye bolt
c) Clevis bolt

42) The lockbolt is generally used in

a) Landing gear fitting
b) Wing splice fitting
c) Fuel cell fitting
d) All of the above

43) Which is not coming under special purpose bolt

a) Clevis bolt
b) Eye bolt
c) Jo-bolt
d) Hex head bolt

44) The type of corrosion along the grain boundaries of an alloy commonly results from a lack
of uniformity in the alloy structure
a) Intergranular corrosion
b) Stress corrosion
c) Filliform corrosion
d) Galvanic corrosion

45) The metal which have excellent bend ability and bend ductility but vulnerable to
contamination is
a) Titanium beta
b) Titanium alpha
c) Combined titanium alpha and beta

46) The process which reduces brittleness imported by hardening is

a) Tempering
b) Normalizing
c) Annealing

47) The diagram which is mainly used for troubleshooting

a) Schematic diagram
b) Installation diagram
c) Block diagram

48) The extra flexible cable used in primary control surface is

a) 7x19
b) 7x7
c) 1x19

49) Draw filling means

a) Cleaning the file using a wire brush
b) Moving the file lengthwise with work to finish in fine manner
c) Both (a) and (b)

50) If a generator is equipped with a vibrator type voltage regulator, the actual time the
voltage regulator points remain open
a) Depends on the load carried by the generator
b) Is increased when the external load is greater than the generator output
c) Is controlled by the reverse current cutout relay point clearance

51) Large indentation in metal which are necessary to start a twist drill are made with
a) Centre punch
b) Drift punch
c) Starting punch

52) Twist drills are made of which material

a) Carbon steel or high speed alloy steel
b) Low carbon steel or monel steel
c) Nickel steel

53) Zener breakdown occurs when

a) Heavily doped
b) Lightly doped
c) Moderately doped

54) The rivets which are to be driven within specified time interval is termed as
a) Ice box rivets
b) Self plugging rivets
c) Wiredraw cherry lock rivets

55) In alloy designation the letter AD indicates

a) Aluminum alloy 2117-T composition
b) Aluminum alloy 2024-T composition
c) Magnesium alloy 5056 composition

56) In AN470DD3-5 the DD indicates

a) Aluminum alloy 2024 T composition
b) Aluminum alloy 2117-T composition
c) Magnesium alloy 5056 composition

57) Hydraulic ground power units can be used for

a) Drain the aircraft hydraulic system
b) Filter the aircraft system hydraulic fluid
c) Refill the aircraft system with clean fluid and check the aircraft hydraulic system for
operation and leak
d) All of the above

58) By pass ratio

a) The ratio of the mass of air moved by the fan to the mass of air moved by the core
b) The ratio of the mass of air moved by the compressor to the mass of air moved to the
core engine
c) The ratio of the mass of air moved to the core engine to the mass of air moved by the

59) The diameter of the control cable determines the

a) Total diameter of the cable
b) Number of strands in the cable
c) Number of wires preformed in the cable

60) The single bottle jacks are used to

a) Raise single wheel during wheel replacement
b) Raise all the main wheels during wheel replacement
c) Raise only nose wheel
d) Raise only the tail section, there by tail hit during jacking is prevented

61) Rivnut is
a) Hollow blind rivet
b) Solid shank rivet
c) Deutch rivet
d) Dill lock rivet
62) The eight bit register that stores the memory output when a memory read operation is
a) MDR
b) MAR
c) MCR
d) MDD

63) In Boolean algebra (A+B THE WHOLE BAR) is equal to

a) A Bar (X) B Bar.
b) A Bar (PLUS) B Bar.
c) A Bar (MINUS) B Bar.

64) The corrosion which is usually visible as pitting and which is often referred to as dissimilar
metal corrosion is termed as
a) Galvanic corrosion
b) Filliform corrosion
c) Intergranular corrosion

65) The drawing which shows the ideal or perfect size of measurement is
a) Dimension
b) Tolerance
c) Allowance

66) Hydraulic fluid lines are marked with color code of

a) Blue and yellow
b) White and yellow
c) Red and blue
d) Yellow and grey

67) When a flexible hose has been repaired then it should be ----------------------before
a) Pressure tested to at least 1.5 times the system pressure
b) Pressure tested to at least 2.5 times the system pressure
c) Pressure tested to at least 1.5 times the system pressure and holding the pressure for
ten minutes

68) Flexible hose may be equipped with

a) Swaged fittings
b) Detachable fittings
c) As in (a) and a slight damage is acceptable
d) Both (a) and (b)

69) In orthographic projection drawing the most common views are

a) One, Two, and Three view
b) Two, Four, Six and Eight view
c) Six and Eight view

70) Digital circuits can be made by the repeated use of

a) NAND Gate
b) NOR Gate
c) X-OR Gate

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