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25 Simple Amateur Band Aerials

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25 Simple Broadcast Band Aerials

25 Simple Indoor and Window Aerials
25 Simple MW and LW Aerials




Although every care has been taken with the production of this book
to ensure that any projects, designs, modifications and/or programs etc.
contained herein, operate in a correct and safe manner and also that
any components specified are normally available in Great Britain, the
Publishers do not accept responsibility in any way for the failure,
including fault in design, of any project, design, modification or
program to work correctly or to cause damage to any other equipment
that it may be connected to or used in conjunction with, or in respect
of any other damage or injury that may be so caused, nor do the
Publishers accept responsibility in any way for the failure to obtain
specified components.
Notice is also given that if equipment that is still under warranty is
modified in any way or used or connected with home -built equipment
then that warranty may be void.

© 1983 BERNARD BABANI (publishing) LTD

First Published - August 1983

Reprinted - November 1993

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Noll, Edward M.
25 simple amateur band aerials. - (BP125)
1 Antennas (Electronics) - Amateurs' manuals
I. Title
621.38'028'3 TK9956
ISBN 0 85934 100 3

Printed and bound in Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading


Ed Noll is an established American technical author who has

written many books, articles and instruction manuals as well as
having lectured and taught radio communications at various
universities in the U.S.A.
He has worked on the staff of a number of broadcasting
stations and as a consulting engineer.







Many cheap and simple aerials perform very well. Don't let
the "keep up with the Jones's aerial -farm phobia" spoil your
ham radio enjoyment. You don't need the highest aerials and
maximum -gain types to have fun and relaxation. Plan, gather
components and erect your own. Be amazed at the fine results
you can obtain spending limited funds.
The twenty-five aerials, low cost and sure performers, start
with the simple dipole and proceed to beam, triangle and even
a mini -rhombic made from four TV masts and about 400 feet
of surplus wire.
Economy components were used in constructing all of
these aerials over a period of many years. Aerial wire was most
often vinyl -covered 16 SWG (14 AWG) or 18 SWG (16 AWG)
solid wire that can be found in surplus outlets. Bare stranded
16 SWG or 18 SWG wire was also used. A 20 -meter three -
element wire beam no more than 16 feet above ground sent
out a fine QRP signal across the country.
Masts were largely the TV variety or wooden poles. Popular
was the three -section telescoping type, using the bottom two
sections without guying for low aerials and one set of nylon
guys when stretching up to three section heights. Bases were
set down in rocks and sand for a temporary mount, in cement,
for more permanent installation. A four -section mast was used
for some aerials, but none of the twenty-five aerials were
higher than 35 feet (WAC and DXCC were attained with under
200W PEP). Shop for masts at ham and component shops or
surplus stores.
The various cables used were RG59U-58U coaxials, 450 -
ohm open wire, and good quality 300 -ohm twin lead. Coaxial
line was used for the short aerials; parallel lines for the vee's
and rhombics.
A tuner is an excellent investment for the aerial experi-
menter and multiband operator. Often a limited aerial -point
mismatch is not a serious loss problem. The real culprit that
such an aerial mismatch causes is the resultant mismatch
between line and transmitter that can occur. Modern solid-
state transmitter output drops alarmingly with mismatch. A
tuner avoids this difficulty. A tuner is essential when using
parallellines. Additional benefits are the reduction in
harmonic radiation and, on receive, noise level reduction and
less off -channel interference. A big help is an old vacuum -valve
design CW transmitter that can be used in tuning aerials and
adjusting tuners to near final settings before connection is
made to your main transmitter.
After the aerial discussion you will find a complete set of
dimension tables that will help you to spot an aerial on a
particular frequency. Dimensions are given for various style
aerials and other data needed for spacing and cutting phasing
lengths. Dimensions for the new WARC bands are also given.
Now go on and enjoy yourself!
Be certain to read 1 through 7 before skipping back to
other aerial types because many of the ideas introduced can be
used in planning and constructing the aerial types that follow.
Ed Noll


The dipole is a half wavelength aerial and is often considered

the basic type and a reference aerial when making comparisons
with other types. It is usually centre -fed which divides it into
two quarter -wavelength segments. End -effect makes the
resonant length of a dipole physically shorter than the
calculated half -wavelength of free space. In the dimension
chart you will notice that free space half -wavelength dimen-
sions are given as well as the required dipole length to obtain
resonance at a given frequency. This dimension in the chart
considers end -effect.
The dipole aerial has a figure -eight radiation pattern with
maximum direction broadside to the wire direction. The lower
the aerial is mounted, the less directive and sharp the aerial
pattern becomes.
In constructing the aerial it is advantageous to use a dipole -
to -coax connector, Fig. 1. The two free ends of the dipole are
connected to end insulators. The other end of each insulator is
connect to the wire or nylon rope section that attaches to the
mast or other support. An attractive alternative is to use nylon
rope, running it through a support ring and on down to ground
level. Such a halyard provides a convenient means for hoisting
or lowering the aerial for making changes or trim -tuning.
Theoretically the dipole should be mounted high and clear
and run in a straight true line. Don't you believe it! You can
have fun and good results if it is lower, near obstacles, and is
even 30 degrees or more departed from a straight-line direction.
The ultimate is great! However, sometimes you must think,
"Do I need the ultimate to enjoy ham radio?"
More often than not, especially when cutting higher
frequency aerials, the aerial is not resonated at the exact
frequency you desire. Sometimes the difference is unimpor-
tant. However, the influence of aerial's height and nearby
obstacles may require additional trimming. An SWR meter is
helpful in making such adjustments because the resonant
frequency of the aerial system is indicated approximately by
the frequency at which there is minimum SWR reading.

Hi ---1 /4 X --0. H1/4A--7.I

Dipole to
coax connector



Fig. 1. Dipole

The sloper is an economical dipole arrangement that saves

ground area and requires but a single high -support structure.
The lower support can be a metal or wooden fence post. If the
high support is a metal mast, the sloper will have some direct-
ivity in the direction of the tilt as shown in Fig.2.
Another advantage is that the aerial can be tuned to a
degree at the accessible low end as shown. Sections of wire can
be hung on the aerial or a jumper can be used to add a section
of line to the aerial length when required. Thus the aerial can
be tuned for a minimum SWR at chosen segments of the
frequency band. In a typical installation, the top segment
of the dipole can be cut to the centre frequency of a given
band while the lower segment is cut to a higher frequency.
Sections of line can then be jumped or added to this lower
segment to move the net resonant frequency about the band
for lower SWR when changing operation, for example,
between the CW and phone sections of a band.


The popular inverted dipole or inverted -V is shown in Fig.3.

This is a fine performing aerial and also requires but a single
high -support structure. Popular opinion states that it is more
omnidirectional than the straight horizontal dipole. Also there
seems to be substantial low angle vertical radiation off the
aerial ends, which favors DX operations off the two ends.
Often the ends must be shortened to attain resonance on a
given frequency because of the influences of ground and apex
An advantage of the inverted dipole that should not be
ignored is the ability to tune the aerial at the two accessible
ends using hang -on sections of aerial or additional insulators
and jumper arrangement as shown previously for the sloper in
Fig.2. For example, the quarter -wave segments can be cut at
the high -frequency end, say 3.8 MHz on the 80 meter band.
By adding equal -length segments to the ends, such an aerial
Fig. 3. Inverted dipole
can be made to resonate at a lower frequency position on the
band. On 80 metres a quarter -wave segment for operation at
3.8MHz is 61.6 feet. If you wish to resonate the aerial on
3.6MHz in the CW section of the band you need only add
three and a half feet to each end of the inverted dipole. If you
prefer you can mount two additional fence posts to accom-
modate this extra length, jumping it into operation whenever
you desire. Many styles of aerial that have ends accessible can
be tuned in the same manner.


A space and height saving arrangement is shown in Fig.4. In

this dipole construction visualize the centre of each quarter -
wave segment of a dipole elevated above the feed point and
the two dipole ends. Both the feedpoint and the two aerial
ends are at low level. However, the aerial is more compact and
the height requirements are not as great.
This aerial operated well on both 80 and 160 metres. One
should not expect the operation to be the same as that of a
dipole stretched out to full length. However, its performance
is better than most aerial types that must be compacted into a
small space. Again the aerial ends can be tuned in the manner
described for the two previous types.


Two or three inverted dipoles can be supported by the same

mast. Matching will be excellent on each of the bands with
minimum adjustment of element lengths using the same
dipole -to -coax connector to a single transmission line. Good
performance and minimum interaction is obtained by
mounting the two inverted dipoles at right angles to each
other, Fig. 5 illustrates.
A three -band version may require a bit more touch-up in
adjusting lengths. Maintain a 60 degree separation among the
three inverted dipoles, as shown in Fig. 5. A 20-40-80 meter
1/4 X H

j 1/4 XL

(a) (b)
H = Higher frequency of the two bands
L = Lower frequency of the two bands

Fig. 5. (a) Two-band inverted, (b) Three band inverted

combination does very well.


Gain in certain directions accompanied with decline in other

directions can be obtained by increasing the length of a centre -
fed aerial to 3/2 wavelength. This divides the aerial into two 3/4
wavelength segments as shown in Fig.6. Thus a reasonable
match can be obtained to a coax transmission line because the
aerial resistance is low at the feed point. By orienting the aerial
properly in its mounting position the pattern can be oriented
in favored directions, particularly the four major lobes. Use
the great circle path angles for your particular location to
orient the aerial mounting position for performance at pre-
ferred angles.
A more directional pattern with one pronounced maximum
can be obtained by tilting the legs of the 3/2 wavelength
aerials forward as shown. This construction requires three
support locations but will give you a good maximum in some
specific chosen direction. Angle should be approximately
120 degrees.


The 3/2 wavelength aerial can also be erected in inverted-vee

fashion as shown in Fig.7. Dimensions are the calculated value
for 40 metre operation with each segment 3/4 wavelength
long. Some end -trimming may be necessary to set a particular
frequency on the band. This aerial seems to be a good per-
former with apparent low -angle directivity in the directions of
the wire.
Consider using a tuner with this aerial permitting a low
SWR at the transmitter over the entire band. Tuner advantages
were mentioned in the introduction. An attractive advantage
of tuner use for this particular aerial is its good performance as
a multi -band aerial, from 10 through 80 metres. Performance
on 10, 15 and 40 metres is good, along with quite acceptable
135° 90° 45°
3/2 X

4 3/4 X -110.-141-3/4 X Lill

Coax to Maximum


Fig. 6. (a) 3/4X aerial (b) 3/4X tilted forward

results on 20 and 80 metres. An aerial tuner is a necessity for
multi -band operation.


Still another advantage of a tuner is its ability to provide

reasonable multi -band results with a random length of wire.
This technique may permit you to set up a permanent
installation of acceptable performance in a difficult location or
to serve as a stop -gap or emergency aerial when required.
The length of random wire serves as both aerial and trans-
mission line, connecting directly to the tuner. It is a single -
wire feed arrangement. The overall length of the random wire
should be at least one -quarter wavelength at the lowest
operating frequency. This can usually be accomplished because
the random length is composed of feed -line as well as aerial,
see Fig. 8. For 80 metre operation, for example, this would
only be some 60 feet. A versatile tuner would permit loading
on the higher frequency bands. A disadvantage of this arrange-
ment is the presence of considerable radiation near the tuner
and transmitter, especially on those bands where the overall
length of the random wire reflects a very high impedance to
the tuner output.

A parasitic aerial element has no direct connection with the
driven element or the transmission line. A parasitic reflector is
cut 5% longer than the driven element and the aerial has
maximum directivity away from the reflector as shown in
Fig.9. Parasitic elements can be close -spaced or wide -spaced
from the driven element. With wide -spacing between 0.2-0.25
wavelength the aerial resistance does not decrease an appre-
ciable amount and a resonable match can be made to a 50 -ohm
line. A tuner can be used if you wish to obtain the precise
match to the transmitter and/or take advantage of the other
benefits of a tuner. Close -spacing values are 0.1-0.15 wave -
1/4 X

Transmitter Tuner


Fig. 8. Random wire


1/2 X driven element


34' 9" Reflector

468/f +5% 0.15 A
- 0.25A
1/4X Director 450/fH
Band 1/4X driven 234/f Reflector 492/fL 246/fspacin9 ,..

17'3" 8'7" 15'8"

10 meters 8'2" 11'6" 21'
15 meters 10'11" 23'2"
34'8" 17'3" 31'4"
20 meters 16'5" 34'9" 63'9"
40 meters 33'4" 69'9"
136'8" 68'4" 125'
80 meters 65'

Fig. 9. Dipole-reflector
length. In this arrangement the two -element beam is more
compact and a bit more gain can be obtained. However, there
is a significant decrease in the aerial resistance and some form
of matching arrangement is advisable. Matching stubs will be
covered in connection with the discussion of the three -element
A two -element beam for 40 metres is shown in Fig.9. The
two -elements are spaced a quarter wavelength. Wire aerial
elements are suspended between mast pairs. Also included is a
table of dimensions for the sideband portions of various bands.
Dimensions for other frequencies can be determined from the
extensive dimension charts at the end.


A director is cut shorter than the driven element as shown in

Fig.10. Such a two -element combination shows maximum
directivity away from the driven element toward the director.
The director is cut 4% shorter than the drive element and, if
wide -spaced, there is minimum influence on the dipole aerial
resistance. Thus a direct connection can be made to the trans-
mission line. Again a matching arrangement is advisable when
close -spacing is used. Typical director lengths for sideband
operation are given.
A close -spaced two -element 15 metre beam is shown. A
stub -matching plan is shown with both the stub and the trans-
mission line connected to the aerial terminals. In this case the
electrical length of the aerial itself has been shortened and it
displays a capacitive reactance at the resonant frequency. The
shorted stub provides just enough inductive reactance to
cancel the capacitive reactance of the aerial. At the same time
a resistive impedance match is obtained. Director spacing is
only 0.1 wavelength.
The driven element is shortened until it is just slightly
longer than the parasitic director. A coaxial T -junction
connector is employed at the dipole aerial terminals with the
transmission line connected to one side of the T and the
shortened coaxial stub to the other. Dimensions for a quarter -
19' Maximum

4' 8"
LC- 10' 6" -110-] 10' 6" -INN -1

5' 9" Director

Short 468/f -4%

T-junction or splice 1/2 X driven element /

468/f 0.1 X
To set -0.25 X
Band 1/4X driven 234/f Reflector 492/f L 1/4 X spacing Director
246/f 450/f H

10 meters 8'2" 17'3" 8'7" 15'8"

15 meters 10'11" 23'2" 11'6" 21'
20 meters 16'5" 34'8" 17'3" 31'4"
40 meters 33'4" 69'9" 34'9" 63'9"
80 meters 65' 136'8" 68'4" 125'

Fig. 10. Dipole-director

wavelength section of coaxial line with a velocity factor of
0.66 is given in the dimension charts. A quarter -wavelength
section was first used and shorted at the end and then
connected to the T junction. Most likely the SWR reading will
be high. Now cut off tiny sections of the shorted end of the
stub and re-establish the short each time. Do so until a
minimum SWR is obtained. In the sample the ideal match
came when the stub length was 5'9". A standing wave ratio
on the line was 1.05 at 21.3 MHz. Band -end SWR readings
were less than 1.15.


The three -element beam provides additional gain and direct-

ivity. Close -spaced wire beams require less mounting area and,
as shown in Fig.l 1, only four support masts are required.
Plastic lines are suspended between the masts to support the
driven element.
The two beams shown are dimensioned for operation on 40
and 20 metres. Reflectors are 0.15 wavelength from the driven
element; directors, 0.1 wavelength. You will surprised at the
results with the beams no more than 16 feet above ground.
Aerial resistance is low and some form of matching is
required. Stub matching is suitable and effective when using
low -loss parallel lines (450 -ohm open line or good quality 300 -
ohm ribbon line) to connect the beam to the transmitter
tuner. The basic stub arrangements are shown in Fig.11. In the
first quarter -wavelength section of transmission line beginning
at the aerial terminals, the impedance rises from minimum to
maximum. Somewhere along this span there is a point of the
same impedance as the transmission line. The lower the aerial
resistance or the higher the transmission -line impedance, the
greater will be the separation between the aerial terminal and
the point at which the transmission line is attached for best
matching. Try various positions for the transmission line
attachment until you locate the point of minimum SWR using
your aerial tuner and SWR meter.
The second stub indicates an arrangement that can be used
20'11" 13'11"

More less than


Plastic line Spacing

1/4 X driven Reflector Director
Band element
234/f 492/f L 450/f H 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
10 8'2" 17'6" 15'3" 3'5" 6'10"
5'2" 8'6"
15 11' 23'5" 20'11" 4'8" 9'3"
6'11" 11'6"
20 16'6" 35'1" 31'4" 6'11" 10'5" 13'9" 17'4"
40 33'4" 69'9" 63'9" 13'11" 20'11" 27'11" 34'9"
Fig. 11. Three element
if the aerial also displays a reactive component. A somewhat
lower SWR can be squeaked out by making the stub more or
less than a quarter wavelength. However, in a practical situa-
tion with a quality tuner this step is seldom necessary. If you
wish to use the coaxial line the special arrangement of Fig.10
using a foreshortened driven element is convenient and really
brings down the SWR on the line.
Matching adjustments with modern solid-state transmitters
can be touchy because you must be careful when a high SWR
comes on the line in the tuning process. Thus adjustments
initially should be made at as low a power level as possible.
If you have a particular interest in aerial experimentation,
keep an old low -power vacuum -valve transmitter handy. All
early trimming and tuning adjustment to the aerial system can
be made before the aerial is connected to your main trans-
mitter. Now only touch-up adjustments are needed.


A variety of horizontal phased arrays can be constructed at

low cost using wire aerial elements and supports. Two -element
end -fire, broadside and collinear styles provide gain and
directivity as compared to a single dipole.
The end -fire configuration can be spaced for either bi-
directional or uni-directional operation as shown in Fig.12.
Two half -wavelength dipoles separated by half wavelength and
driven out -of -phase, provide a bi-directional good figure -eight
pattern obtaining maximum radiation broadside to the aerial
wire if properly fed and tuned. Resultant gain can approach
approximately 4dB.
A fine unidirectional cardidoid pattern is obtained by using
quarter -wave spacing and quarter -wave feed. As shown in
Fig.12, a quarter -wave section of line is located between dipole
to which the transmission line is attached and second dipole.
Maximum gain is in the direction of dipole that is fed a lagging
90 degrees, shown by the arrow in Fig.12.
The remainder of Fig.12 shows various feed arrangements.
In the first set of three, there are three 180 degree end -fire
16'6" 16'6"

16'6" 0 16'6"

Fig. 12(b).
arrangements. The elongated figure -eight pattern is obtained by
feeding one dipole and then the second one 180 degrees later
with a half -wave section of line. The same results can be
obtained by centre -feeding and then transposing one of the
quarter -wave segments as shown.
The third drawing shows the coaxial feed technique. Note
that the center conductor of one feed section goes to the left
segment of one dipole while the centre conductor of the other
goes to the right segment of the second dipole. As a result the
two dipoles are fed out -of -phase.
The four remaining drawings demonstrate unidirectional
90 degree feed. Note in the simple parallel feed arrangement
that the unidirectional pattern can be shifted by simply trans-
posing the 90 degree feed line that connects between the two
dipoles. Unidirectional pattern is always in the direction of the
dipole that is fed 90 degrees lagging. When erecting such an
aerial you might plan to make it convenient to make such a
transposition. It need not be done at the centre as shown but
can be accomplished at one of the two dipole feed points.
You can do the same thing using T -junction coaxial feed. In
of coax
from one side of the T -junction to one of the dipoles and a
quarter -wave section of feed line to the second. Directivity is
determined by proper connection of the inner conductor and
shield of the coax segments of the two dipole elements, as
shown. Pattern reversal can be obtained simply by transposing
either one of the feed lines at the point where it connects to
its associated dipole.


In a horizontal broadside arrangement the two dipoles are

placed one above the other for a two -element combination as
shown in Fig.13. Horizontal radiation patter is a figure -eight
with maxima broadside to the plane of the two dipole
elements. Both the horizontal and vertical radiation patterns are
shown in Fig.13. The vertical radiation pattern is also a figure -
eight and, therefore, does some concentrating of the vertical

5/8 X


Fig. 13. Broadside

radiation at the favored low angles.
Dipoles must be fed in phase as shown. In the first feed
method there is a half -wave section of line between the
bottom and top dipoles. Ordinarily this would produce an out-
of -phase feed. However, the line is transposed and, therefore,
the two dipoles are fed in -phase. Another way of obtaining in -
phase feed is to use a centre feed point. Two dipoles can be
separated a half wavelength and fed in -phase with this method.
Furthermore any separation between the dipoles can be used
and in -phase feed will result. If space is available you may wish
to try a 5/8 wavelength separation which will result in a
further lowering of the vertical radiation angle.


The horizontal collinear is not used too frequently because of

space requirements. However, you may wish to experiment
with this phase combination on 10 or 15 metres. In the
collinear arrangement, Fig.14, two dipole elements are placed
end -to -end. However, for good performance it is necessary that
the two ends be well separated. The collinear pattern is a
sharpened figure -eight that is broadside to the collinear
Two basic feed arrangements are shown. In the first one the
two half -wave elements can be brought near to each other
because a high impedance feed is used. Note that the parallel
line connects to the two ends of the separate half -wavelength
segments. The open -wire line should have an overall length
that is an odd -multiple of a quarter -wavelength so as to present
a low impedance at the point where it connects to the tuner.
The second feed arrangement is a coaxial line, low -
impedance one. Both collinear elements are centre -fed and
their respective feed lines are connected to the main coaxial
transmission line back to the transmitter by way of a T -


The triangle is another low-cost aerial that performs extremely

well. It is a full -wavelength aerial, like the quad and delta loop,
without being so clumsy and subject to weather damage. It is
simple, strong and easy to erect as shown in Fig.15. On 40, 80
and 160 metres, where the other full -wavelength aerials are
just about impossible, the triangle is an easy assembly.
The very centre of the full -wavelength wire is attached at
the top of the support mast with an insulator. The two legs
fan out and fold back on themselves. The ends are returned to
the mast to a dipole connector or other form of insulator. The
triangle can then be stretched out on each side using nylon
rope and two metal fence posts. You will find it is a very rigid
assembly, acting also as partial guying for the mast. It is not
necessary that the triangle be equal -sided (equilateral). In some
mounting situations it may be advantageous to have the
triangle base a different length to the other two sides. The
important thing is to have the loop resonate as a full wave-
length loop.
The base of the triangle need only be 7 to 8 feet above
ground to avoid traffic. Aerial impedance is low because the
base of the triangle is so near ground. As a result you can make
a direct match to coaxial line. The feedpoint at the very centre
of the base is accessible using a short stepladder.
A starting point for calculating the length of the triangle
wire is the equation for a full wavelength in space (Wire
Length = 984 fmHz). The proximity of ground may require
that the triangle be shortened somewhat below this calculated
value after it is erected. It is easy to do so because of the low
height of the wire ends.
When the base of the aerial is raised as it most likely would
be for 10, 15, 20 and even 40 metres, the resonant -wire length
may even be greater than the full -wavelength free -space calcu-
lation. The aerial resistance increases as the triangle is elevated
higher above ground and some form of matching may be
needed. If you use open -wire line and a tuner this need not be
a consideration.
The triangle shows directivity that is broadside to the plane
( X)
driven triangle


Metal fence post


Fig. 15. Triangle

of the triangle. However, omnidirectional performance is quite
good but you may wish to orient it in its mounting position
for some favored direction. Orientation can be changed very
easily from ground level.


A high -frequency triangle can be constructed in the two basic

ways shown in Fig.16. A wire triangle can be constructed
similar to the low -band version. Insulators and nylon rope are
attached to the base angles. It can be pulled out and supported
from ground level. The wind will not blow this loop down.
An alternative approach is to use self-supporting tubing for
the base of the triangle. A thick plastic sheet can be used to
support the base elements to the mast. The ends of the tubing
can then be linked to the apex of the triangle with wire or
additional tubing. Dimensions are given for 20 -metre opera-
tion. Total length of wire is 69 feet. Stub matching to coax or
parallel line can be used. Using parallel line an aerial tuner is
all that is necessary. You will be surprised at the performance
of this single -element aerial that can be built at such little cost.


Reflector and/or director triangles can be added to increase

the gain and sensitivity of a triangular configuration in a pre-
ferred direction. Spacing between driven triangle and parasitic
need only be 0.125 wavelength, Fig.17. This is an 8th wave-
length and can be determined by halving the dimension shown
under the quarter -wavelength free -space values given in the
dimension charts. In general, wire length should be 5% longer
for the reflector and 4% shorter for the director. The driven
element itself in close proximity to the parasitic element may
require additional length. Often the driven element is
dimensioned 1000/f instead of the basic 984/f. Reflector
would be 5% longer and director 4% shorter than this new
Plastic sheet
10( Ref xitic + 5%
Director X-5%


Reflector stub

Fig. 17. Two-element triangle

In so far as 40, 80 and 160 metre operation is concerned a
the two -
single additional support mast is required to support
element beam. This is indeed a low-cost beam compared to
any type of beam that is to be constructed for theseweather
Furthermore it is of sound physical structure and not
prone. strongly
In high -frequency operation it could be supported
element to
by two cross members joining the apex of driven
along with another cross beam between the
apex of parasitic,
centres of the two bases.
The lowness of the 40, 80 and 160 metre triangles means
could be dimen-
the base of the parasitic is accessible. Thus it
director. However, an additional stub
sioned to operate as a
could be added as shown in Fig.17 along with a sliding short.
parasitic will
With the short positioned at the insulator the
operate as a director. By sliding it down the stub the proper
could be operated as a reasonable
length, the same element
reflector as well.
Additional triangles may be mounted within the triangle
similar to the
of the lowest frequency operation. This is
arrangement employed in multiband quads. A 40 and 80 metre
combination is an attractive arrangement. Parasitics could
added in the same manner.


Did you ever wish to experiment with a vee-beam or a

rhombic? You thought it was too expensive and you lack the
vee-beam or rhombic.
space. Not so. You can put up a short
Although performance will not duplicate the performance of a
very long one, the performance of these short beams will
is shown
surprise you. A practical, good performing vee-beam
in Fig.18. Leg lengths can be 95-100 feet which corresponds
40 metres. It does
to approximately 3/4 quarter -wavelength on
fine on 40 metres. Higher -frequency bands have leg wave-
lengths which exceed 3/4 quarter -wavelength and gain and
directivity rise. If you want to send out a good QRP signal in
bands the lil'vee-beam
some favored direction on all of these
deserves a try. Use open -wire line or good -quality 300 -ohm
line and a tuner. The aerial will also load up on 80 metres and
give reasonable results. An apex angle between 65-75 degrees
is acceptable.


The small rhombic of Fig.19 was our good performer for a

number of years. You need a mounting space about 100 foot
square. The four sides are of the same length and all angles are
90 degrees. It is a perfect square. The rhombic was supported
by four 3 -section TV masts, each guyed with nylon rope.
Open -wire line and a tuner were used.
The aerial is fed at one corner while the opposite corner is
left open. This manner of operation establishes a bi-directional
pattern. An acceptable uni-directional pattern is obtained by
terminating the far corner in a 450 -ohm non -inductive resistor.
If you wish to change the aerial pattern on occasion you
may do so by moving the wire jumpers that connect the trans-
mission line to any one of the three remaining corners. You
must remember to move the two jumper wires to the other
two corners when you do so. Halyard arrangements for the
various corners are helpful if it is your intent to change
Excellent performance with this small rhombic was
obtained on 10, 15, and 40 metres. Acceptable results were
obtained on 20 and it would also load for QSO's on 80 metres.
If you wish to operate the aerial in an omni-directional
fashion you can do so by connecting jumpers at all four
corners. Feed the aerial at the centre of one of the sides.


The fundamental vertical aerial is a quarter -wavelength

radiator, Fig.20. This is not a true vertical dipole because the
physical length of the aerial approximates just one-half the
length of a dipole. However, the ground acts as a mirror
rig. 19. Little rhombic squared
1/4 X




Fig. 20(a) /AIX verticals


2" x 3"

l 4. 1 U-bolt

L., 4.: level
Wood Dipole
1" x 2" connector
or Radials
2" x 3" Metal

Fig. 20(6)
quarter -wavelength segment. Ground conditions, in fact, have
The mirror
an influence on performance of the vertical aerial.
segment of the vertical can be ground itself, or it may be a
network of wires or tubing that acts as an artificial ground. If
placed on the surface of the ground or a few inches below
ground, such a low -resistance conducting surface can result in
a substantial improvement in aerial performance and
of matching. Often a metallic ground (called a ground plane) is
quarter wavelength radiator is
also employed when the
elevated above this physical ground. In effect, the ground
plane brings the ground up to the level of the aerial.
An advantage of a vertical aerial is its omni-directional
horizontal pattern. It is circular and indicates the radiation of
equal level signals in all compass directions. Groups of vertical
aerials can be used to obtain a direction pattern when desired.
The vertical radiation pattern approximates a half figure -eight.
This type of pattern concentrates the radiation at low vertical
angles. Little energy is radiated skyward while the favorable
low -angle radiation is obtained.
and 15
Very low-cost verticals can be constructed for 10
metres using strong pieces of plastic as shown in Fig.20. The
same applies to the 20 -metre vertical except that sturdier
components are required. In the case of a 40 -meter vertical a
wooden support system must be constructed to add additional
support for the structure.
The first two examples of Fig.20 show how plastic rods and
plastic tubes of adequate wall thickness can support a short
vertical. The ground rod can be made of the same material as
the radiator itself. Holes are drilled through the radiator tubing
and the plastic rod. Inserted bolts make the connections to
both the radiator and the ground rod. A dipole -to -coax
connector can be jumped between the two sections to permit
connection of the transmission line.
When you can obtain a thick -wall plastic tube the radiator
and ground rod can be inserted into the tube as shown in the
second example. These two simple arrangements will easily
support 10 and 15 metre ground -mounted verticals.
The third arrangement shows how a long plastic rod can
support a light -weight vertical. The vertical fits over the rod
and the inner conductor of the coax line connects to one of
the holding bolts. A separate ground rod is then connected to
the shield of the coax line. No coax connector is needed with
this arrangement.
The fourth arrangement shows how a whip vertical can
be supported on insulators that are mounted on a wooden
1" x 2" or 2" x 3" batten. Inner conductor connects to the
whip and the shield to the ground rod. Ground rod should be
6 to 8 feet long. An alternative is to have a shorter ground rod
and then solder or bolt at least four radials to the rod, placing
them about one or two inches beneath the ground, stretching
them out and separating them by approximately 90 degrees.
Resonant -length 1/4X radials help in matching and holding up
aerial resistance.
The fifth scheme shows our favorite mounting arrangement
In this arrangement the radiator is U -bolted to a wooden
2" x 3" or 2" x 4" batten. The wooden support is 8 foot long
and mounted 3 foot into the ground. A short ground rod is
also driven into the ground and has four radials attached to it
about an inch and a half below ground level. A dipole -to-coax
connector is connected between the bottom U -bolt which
supports the radiator and the ground rod. This affords an easy
arrangement for connecting the coax line. The radiator can be
any size tubing you wish to use for operation on 10, 15 and
even 20 metres.
If you wish a very sturdy mount, the ground rod can be a
metal fence post.
Furthermore the section of the 2" x 3" or 2" x 4" batten
below the vertical radiator can be bolted to the metal fence
post. Separation can be such that the dipole connector can be
spanned between radiator U -bolt and the bolt that fastens the
wooden support to the metal fence post. In our own applica-
tion the radiator was a two -section TV mast that would permit
operation on either 15 or 20 metres because it could be
telescoped. This latter method of assembly was helpful in con-
structing the vertical beams for 15 and 20 metre operation
that will be covered later. For 10 and 15 metre operation, two
telescoping sections of smaller diameter tubing were used.
Shop around at flea markets and surplus outlets, or any place
metal tubing is sold, to find a proper combination.


As mentioned in the previous discussion the ability to

telescope your vertical permits operation on more than one
band. Two 10 -foot telescoping sections provide an easy means
of changing over your vertical between 10 and 15 metre
operation, Fig.21. A 5 foot and 7 foot section provide an easy
means for 10 and 15 metre changeover.
To maintain good connections make certain you have a
snug fit and a good low -resistance connection where the inner
tube leaves the outer tube. If you wish you can drill bolt holes
through the two conductors when the two desired resonant
lengths are found.


Telescoping TV masts function well as vertical quarter -waves

on 40, 80 and 160 metres. A four -section mast can be
extended to the approximate 33 feet needed for 40 metre
operation. The same size mast can also be used on 80 metres
by using aerial wire to extend its resonant length as shown in
Fig.22. The four -section mast can be extended to at least 36
feet. Approximately 24 foot lengths of an aerial wire
connected to the top can produce 80 -metre resonance. Three
lengths of aerial wire can be made to extend away from the
top and then supported at ground level using nylon rope. Such
an arrangement performs very well and matches ideally to
50 -ohm coaxial line. For best low -angle results use about
9 quarter -wave radials stretched out about 2 inches beneath
the surface. Using a 50 -foot telescoping mast fine results were
obtained on 160 metres with umbrella aerial wires about 80
foot long. In all of these umbrella installations it may be neces-
sary to adjust the umbrella wire length to find resonance at a
preferred frequency. However, performance is quite wideband
once you get the resonant length into the band.
16' max


I T--- 11' max


il- 7'

1r 4

Fig. 21. Telescoping verticals

The base of the vertical was mounted in a wood/cement

form and supported by appropriate nylon rope guys. This
might be frowned upon as a base insulator. However, it is an
economical arrangement and performance was fine. A metallic
strap was used to attach the coax connector to the bottom of
the vertical while a stiff wire connected the shield side of the
coax connector to the radial system.
Ae-ial wires
space 120°

TV mast



Fig. 22. Umbrella vertical


The quarter -wavelength verticals described previously can be

connected into a variety of directional phased combinations.
These combinations produced some surprising DX results
despite the fact that they were ground -mounted. Various
broadside and end -fire arrangements can be set-up as shown in
Fig.23. In example (i), the two verticals are fed in -phase from
a centre junction to which the transmission line is attached.
A T -junction is convenient. The in -phase connection of the
two verticals set up a figure -eight broadside pattern. The two -
element combination is bi-directional perpendicular to the
plane of the two aerials.
By feeding the two verticals end -fire, the bi-directional
pattern can be along the line of the two aerials as shown in
example (ii). In this phasing arrangement the one aerial is fed
with the transmission line while the second by a half -wavelength
section of line that runs between the first and second verticals.
Since your verticals are mounted at ground level it is con-
venient to change over the directional pattern whenever
Example (iii) shows a 90 -degree end -fire connection with
the two radiators separated by a quarter -wavelength or 90
degrees. Since the second radiator is fed 90 degrees lagging the
first radiator by the 90 degree section of interconnecting line,
a cardioid pattern in the direction of the lagging radiator is
set-up. This arrangement was described previously in conjunc-
tion with the coverage of horizontal phased arrays.
Example (iv) shows how the cardioid pattern can be
reversed by using an intervening section of coax line that is
three-quarter wavelength long. By so doing, radiator 1 lags
radiator 2 by 90 degrees. Dimensions are given for 15 metre
operation. Four resonant radials are used. In mounting the
radials do not permit the radial for radiator 1 to touch the
radial of radiator 2.
In using two element phased verticals, particularly when
you plan them to permit change in the directional pattern, it
is advisable to use a tuner to insure optimum transmitter


Two practical broadside verticals with dimensions for 20 and

40 metre operation are given in Fig.24. In this arrangement
centre feed was used to obtain an in -phase feed. It is true that
12 lags I1, by 90
(iii) End fire, 90
1/4 X

1/4 X resonant radials

Fig, 23(h) (iv) 15 Meter end fire
1/2 X

1/4X 1/4X
16'6" 16'6"


1/4A radials 1/4X radials

16'9" 16'9"

(i) 20 Meter broadside

Fig. 24(a) Two-element broadside

1/2 X
68'4" i
1/4 X 1/4 X
32'4" 37'4"

1/4 A radials 1/4X radials

32'8" 32'8"
Transmitter I Tuner

(ii) 40 Meter broadside

Fig. 24(b)
matching is not ideal but reasonable results were obtained
using a tuner ahead of the transmitter. The use of resonant
radials do keep up the impedance of each of the quarter -wave
verticals. Respective radials of the two verticals should not
touch each other. If you are concerned about the matching at
the T -junction 3/4 wavelength sections of line can be used
between each radiator and the T -junction. Use 70 -ohm line for
these two segments. The coaxial line back to the transmitter
should be 50 -ohm line.


The arrangement of Fig.25 demonstrates how to construct

individual phasing loops that can be inserted to alter the
radiation pattern of two quarter -wavelength verticals separated
by something less than a half -wavelength. Good broadside and
end -fire 180 degree patterns are obtained, while the end -fire
90 degree pattern is acceptable but not ideal. Example (i)
shows the broadside configuration with dimensions' given for
15 metre operation. Proper lengths of feed cable after the T -
junction permit end -fire 90 degree unidirectional operation.
Compare (ii) and (iii) to show how the unidirectional pattern
can be reversed using the same pre-cut feed cable. Example (iv)
shows the end -fire 180 degree cabling. This combination feeds
the two verticals out -of -phase and a bi-directional pattern is set
up in line with the two verticals. Recall that the broadside
pattern of example (i) is perpendicular to the plane of the two
Some helpful dimension tables follow. Have a good time
with your antenna experiments!

(i) 15 Meter 1.4* -_<1/2 X_Iopi
broadside 15'3"
1/4 A 1/4 A
10'11" 10'11"
7'71/2" 7'71/2"

1/4 A radials 1/4 A radials

11'2" 11'2"

(ii) End-fire 90*


.1111111 -

(iii) End-fire 90°


(iv) End-fire 180'

Fig. 25. End-fire broadside combine


The following tables supply important data useful in the

practical dimensioning in feet of aerial systems 2 through
160 metres including the new WARC bands. Dimensions are
given for the UK 4 metre band and the USA 6 metre band.
A full range of dimensions are given for the 40 and 80 metre
bands to accommodate the UK bands as well as the wider
USA bands.
Column 1 gives the frequency in MHz. Columns 2 and 3
show the Y4X and la free space dimensions in feet. This data
is helpful in spacing beam elements, both parasitic and phased
arrays. Column 4 is the length, in feet, of each quarter -wave
side of a dipole. Column 5 is the length, in feet, of a three-
quarter side of a 3/2 wavelength aerial. Columns 6 and 7 show
the parasitic reflector and director length in feet for beam
aerials. Column 8 gives the dimensions, in feet, for the full -
wave triangle. Columns 9 and 10 show the length, in feet, of
%X and %X segments for the common 0.66 velocity factor
coaxial line. In using phasing and matching stubs made of
coaxial line the velocity factor must be considered.

7 8 9 10
4 5 6
2 3 Y1X Ydk
Refl. Dir.
Freq. YiX Dipole 0.66 0.66
ft. ft. ft. ft.
MHz ft. ft. Aft.

248.6 543.6 89.5 179.0

271.8 129.3 392.3 271.8
1.81 135.9 540.7 89.0 178.0
128.6 390.1 270.3 247.3
1.82 135.2 270.3 88.5 177.0
388.0 268.8 245.9 537.2
1.83 134.4 268.8 127.9 176.1
267.4 244.6 534.8 88.0
133.7 267.4 127.1 385.9
1.84 243.2 531.9 87.6 175.1
266.0 126.5 383.8 266.0
1.85 133.0 529.0 87.1 174.2
125.8 381.8 264.5 241.9
1.86 132.3 264.5 86.6 173.3
379.7 263.1 240.1 526.2
1.87 131.6 263.1 125.1 172.3
261.7 239.4 523.4 86.2
130.9 261.7 124.5 377.7 171.4
1.88 238.1 520.1 85.7
260.3 123.8 375.7 260.3
1.89 130.2 517.9 85.3 170.5
123.2 373.7 258.9 236.8
1.90 129.5 258.9 515.2 84.9 169.6
122.5 371.7 257.6 235.6
1.91 128.8 257.6 512.5 84.4 168.8
121.9 369.8 256.3 234.4
1.92 128.1 256.3 83.9 167.9
367.9 254.9 233.2 509.1
1.93 127.5 254.9 121.2 167.0
253.6 231.9 507.2 83.5
126.8 253.6 120.6 366.0 166.1
1.94 230.1 504.6 83.1
252.3 120.0 364.1 252.3
1.95 126.2 502.0 82.7 165.3
119.4 362.2 251.0 229.6
1.96 125.5 251.0 499.5 82.2 164.5
118.8 360.4 249.7 228.4
1.97 124.9 249.7
1.98 124.2 248.5 118.2 358.6 248.5 227.3 497.0 81.8 163.6
1.99 123.6 247.2 117.6 356.8 247.2 226.1 494.5 81.4 162.8


3.52 69.9 139.8 66.5 201.7 139.8 127.8 279.5 46.0 92.0
3.54 69.5 139.0 66.1 200.6 139.0 127.1 278.1 45.8 91.5
3.56 69.1 138.2 65.7 199.4 138.2 126.4 276.4 45.5 91.0
3.58 68.7 137.4 65.4 198.3 137.4 125.7 274.8 45.3 90.5
3.60 68.3 136.7 65.0 197.2 136.7 125.0 273.3 45.0 90.0
LA 3.62 '
(..., 68.0 135.9 64.6 196.1 135.9 124.3 271.8 44.7 89.5
3.64 67.6 135.2 64.3 195.1 135.2 123.6 270.3 44.5 89.0
3.66 67.2 134.4 63.9 194.0 134.4 122.9 269.8 44.3 88.5
3.68 66.8 133.7 63.6 192.9 133.7 122.3 267.4 44.0 88.0
3,70 66.5 133.0 63.2 191.9 133.0 121.6 265.9 43.8 87.6
3.72 66.1 132.3 62.9 190.9 132.3 121.0 264.5 43.5 87.1
3.74 65.8 131.6 62.6 189.8 131.6 120.3 263.1 43.3 86.6
3.76 65.4 130.9 62.2 188.8 130.9 119.7 261.7 43.1 86.2
3.78 65.1 130.2 61.9 187.8 130.2 119.0 260.3 42.9 85.7
3.80 64.7 129.5 61.6 186.8 129.5 118.4 258.9 42.6 85.3
3.82 64.4 128.8 61.3 185.8 128.8 117.8 257.6 42.4 84.8
3.84 64.1 128.1 60.9 184.8 128.1 117.2 256.3 42.2 84.4
4 5 6 7 8 10
1 2 3 Tri.
XIX 14X Dipole 34X Refl. Dir. %XX
Freq. 0.66 0.66
MHz ft. ft. Wt. ft. ft. ft. ft.

127.5 60.6 '183.9 127.5 116.6 254.9 42.0 83.9

3.86 63.7
126.8 60.3 182.9 126.8 116.0 253.6 41.8 83.5
3.88 63.4
126.2 60.0 182.0 126.2 115.4 252.3 41.5 83.1
3.90 63.1
125.5 59.7 181.1 125.5 114.8 251.0 41.3 82.7
3.92 62.8
124.8 59.4 180.2 124.8 114.2 249.7 41.1 82.2
3.94 62.4
124.2 59.1 179.3 124.2 113.6 248.5 40.9 81.8
3.96 62.1
123.6 58.8 178.4 123.6 113.1 247.2 40.7 81.4
3.98 61.8
0" 40 METRES

70.1 33.4 101.1 70.1 64.1 140.2 23.1 46.2

7.02 35.0
69.9 33.3 100.8 69.9 63.9 139.8 23.0 46.0
7.04 34.9
69.7 33.2 100.6 69.7 63.7 139.4 22.9 45.9
7.06 34.8
69.5 33.1 100.3 69.5 63.5 139.0 22.9 45.8
7.08 34.7
69.3 33.0 100.0 69.3 63.4 138.6 22.8 45.7
7.10 34.6
69.1 32.9 99.7 69.1 63.2 138.2 22.8 45.5
7.12 34.5
68.9 32.8 99.4 68.9 63.0 137.8 22.7 45.4
7.14 34.5
34.4 68.7 32.7 99.2 68.7 62.8 137.4 22.6 453
68.5 32.6 98.9 68.5 62.7 137.0 22.6 45.1
7.18 34.3
7.20 34.2 68.3 32.5 98.6 68.3 62.5 136.7 22.5 45.0
7.22 34.1 68.1 32.4 98.3 68.1 62.3 136.3 22.4 44.9
7.24 34.0 68.0 32.3 98.1 68.0 62.2 135.9 22.4 44.8
7.26 33.9 67.8 32.2 97.8 67.8 62.0 135.5 22.3 44.6
7.28 33.8 67.6 32.1 97.5 67.6 61.8 135.2 22.3 44.5


14.02 17.5 35.1 16.7 50.6 35.1 32.1 70.2 11.6 23.1
14.04 17.5 35.0 16.7 50.5 35.0 32.1 70.1 11.5 23.1
14.06 17.5 35.0 16.6 50.5 35.0 32.0 70.0 11.5 23.0
14.08 17.5 35.0 16.6 50.4 35.0 32.0 69.9 11.5 23.0
14.10 17.4 34.9 16.6 50.4 34.9 31.9 69.8 11.5 23.0
14.12 17.4 34.8 16.6 50.3 34.8 31.9 69.7 11.5 23.0
14.14 17.4 34.8 16.5 50.2 34.8 31.8 69:6 11.5 22.9
14.16 17.4 34.7 16.5 50.1 34.7 31.8 69.5 11.4 22.9
14.18 17.3 34.7 16.5 50.1 34.7 31.7 69.4 11.4 22.9
14.20 17.3 34.6 16.5 50.0 34.6 31.7 69.3 11.4 22.8
14.22 17.3 34.6 16.5 49.9 34.6 31.6 69.2 11.4 22.8
14.24 17.3 34.5 16.4 49.9 34.5 31.6 69.1 11.4 22.8
14.26 17.3 34.5 16.4 49.8 34.5 31.6 69.0 11.4 22.7
14.28 17.2 34.5 16.4 49.7 34.5 31.5 68.9 11.3 22.7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 'W\
3/X Refl. Dir. TrL YIX
Freq. %X X Dipole
ft. ft. ft. ft. 0.66 0.66
MHz ft. ft. 'aft.
16.4 49.7 34.4 31.5 68.8 11.3 22.7
14.30 17.2 34.4
16.3 49.6 34.4 31.4 68.7 11.3 22.6
14.32 17.2 34.4
49.5 34.3 31.4 68.6 11.3 22.6
14.34 17.2 34.3 16.3
11.13 33.78 23.41 21.41 46.81 7.71 15.41
21.02 11.70 23.41
33.71 2336 21.37 46.72 7.69 15.38
21.06 11.68 23.36 11.11
11.09 33.65 23.32 21.33 46.64 7.68 15.36
21.10 11.66 23.32
(.11 7.66
00 11.64 23.27 11.07 33.59 23.27 21.29 46.55 15.33
33.52 23.23 21.25 46.46 7.65 15.30
21.18 11.61 23.23 11.05
33.46 23.19 21.21 46.37 7.63 15.27
21.22 11.59 23.19 11.03
33.40 23.14 21.17 46.28 7.62 15.24
21.26 11.57 23.14 11.01
33.33 23.10 21.13 46.20 7.61 15.21
21.30 11.55 23.10 10.99
33.27 23.06 21.09 46.11 7.59 15.19
21.34 11.53 23.06 10.97
33.21 23.01 21.05 46.02 7.58 15.15
21.38 11.51 23.01 10.95
33.15 22.97 21.01 45.94 7.57 15.13
21.42 11.48 22.97 10.93

8.30 25.17 17.45 15.95 34.89 5.74 11.49
28.2 8.72 17.45 I
28.4 8.66 17.32 8.24 25.00 17.32 15.85 34.65 5.70 11.41
28.6 8.60 17.20 8.18 24.83 17.20 15.73 34.41 5.66 1133
28.8 8.54 17.08 8.13 24.65 17.08 15.63 34.17 5.63 11.25
29.0 8.48 16.97 8.07 24.48 16.97 15.52 33.93 5.59 11.17
29.2 8.42 16.85 8.01 24.32 16.85 15.41 33.70 5.55 11.10
29.4 8.37 16.73 7.96 24.15 16.73 15.31 33.47 5.51 11.02
29.6 8.31 16.62 7.91 23.97 16.62 15.20 33.24 5.47 10.95
50.2 4.90 9.80 4.66 14.14 9.80 8.96 19.60 3.23 6.45
50.6 4.86 9.72 4.62 14.03 9.72 8.89 19.45 3.20 6.40
51.0 4.82 9.65 4.59 13.92 9.65 8.82 19.29 3.18 6.35
51.4 4.79 9.57 4.55 13.81 9.57 8.75 19.14 3.15 6.30
51.8 4.75 9.50 4.52 13.71 9.50 8.69 19.00 3.13 6.25
52.2 4.71 9.43 4.48 13.60 9.43 8.62 18.85 3.10 6.21
52.6 4.68 9.35 4.45 13.50 9.35 8.56 18.71 3.08 6.16
53.0 4.64 9.28 4.42 13.40 9.28 8.49 18.57 3.06 6.11
53.4 4.60 9.21 4.38 13.30 9.21 8.43 18.43 3.03 6.07
53.8 4.57 9.14 4.35 13.30 9.14 8.36 18.29 3.01 6.02
70.1 3.51 7.02 3.34 10.13 7.02 6.42 14.04 2.31 4.62
3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10
1 2
%X %X %? Ref 1. Dir. Tri. 3X X
Freq. Dipole
MHz ft. ft. %Vt. ft. ft. ft. ft. 0.66 0.66

70.3 3.50 7.00 3.33 10.10 7.00 6.40 14.00 2.30 4.61
70.6 3.49 6.97 3.32 10.06 6.97 6.37 13.94 2.29 4.59


144.4 1.70 3.41 1.62 4.92 3.41 3.12 6.81 1.12 2.24
144.8 1.70 3.40 1.62 4.90 3.40 3.11 6.80 1.12 2.23
145.2 1.69 3.39 1.61 4.89 3.39 3.10 6.78 1.12 2.23
rn 145.6 1.69 3.38 1.61 4.88 338 3.09 6.76 1.11 2.23
146.0 1.68 3.37 1.60 4.86 3.37 3.08 6.74 1.11 2.22
146.4 1.68 3.36 1.60 4.85 3.36 3.07 6.72 1.11 2.21
146.8 1.68 3.35 1.59 4.84 3.35 3.07 6.70 1.10 2.21
147.2 1.67 3.34 1.59 4.82 3.34 3.06 6.68 1.10 2.20
147.6 1.67 3.33 1.59 4.81 3.33 3.05 6.67 1.10 2.20


10.02 24.6 49.1 23.35 70.9 49.1 44.9 98.2 16.17 32.33
10.04 24.5 49.0 23.31 70.7 49.0 44.8 98.0 16.14 32.27
10.06 24.5 48.9 23.26 70.6 48.9 44.7 97.8 16.10 32.20
10.08 24.4 48.8 23.21 70.4 48.8 44.6 97.6 16.07 32.14
10.10 24.4 48.7 23.17 70.3 48.7 44.6 97.4 16.04 32.08
10.12 24.3 48.6 23.12 70.2 48.6 44.5 97.2 16.01 32.02
10.14 24.3 48.5 23.08 70.0 48.5 44.4 97.0 15.98 31.95


18.08 13.61 27.21 12.94 39.30 27.21 24.89 54.42 8.96 17.92
18.10 13.59 27.18 12.93 39.23 27.18 24.86 54.36 8.95 17.90
18.12 13.58 27.15 12.92 39.22 27.15 24.83 54.30 8.94 17.88
18.14 13.56 27.12 12.91 39.21 27.12 24.81 54.24 8.93 17.86
18.16 13.55 27.09 12.90 39.21 27.09 24.78 54.18 8.92 17.84


24.92 9.87 19.74 9.39 28.5 19.74 18.06 39.49 6.50 13.00
24.94 9.86 19.73 9.38 28.5 19.73 18.04 39.45 6.50 12.99
24.96 9.86 19:72 9:37 28.4 19.72 18.03 39.42 6.49 12.98
24.98 9.85 19.71 9.36 28.4 19.71 18.01 39.39 6.49 12.97

The table below is an aid in converting feet in decimals to

decimal inches and then to practical tape -lengths. For example,
an element that is 31.5 feet is 31 feet 6 inches. An aerial which
is 12.35 feet is approximately 12' 41/4". These are not exact
values but are practical in terms of cutting a length with a tape
measure. Inches equals decimal part of a foot times 12.

Decimal Decimal Tape

ft. in. in.
.05 0.6 %
.10 1.2 11/4

.15 1.8 17/8

.20 2.4 2 3/8
.25 3.0 3
.30 3.6 3%
.35 4.2 41/4
.40 4.8 47k
.45 5.4 53/8
.50 6.0 6
.55 6.6 65/8
.60 7.2 71/4
.65 7.8 77/8
.70 8.4 83/8
.75 9.0 9
.80 9.6 9%
.85 10.2 101/4
.90 10.8 107/8
.95 11.4 113k


1/4X Free Space = 246/fmHz

1/2X Free Space = 423942//fivifmilzz

1/4X Dipole =
3/4X Dipole = 710/fmHz
Reflector = 492/fmHz
Director = 450/fmHz
Triangle = 984/fmHz
%X x 0.66VF = 162/fmHz
1/2X x 0.66VF = 324/fMHz


Coaxial Open wire Ribbon cable

(RG 59U -58U) (450a) (30011)

Fig. 26. Illustration of types of cables

R. A.Penfold
Whether you have built a very simple short wave receiver or have pur-
chased a most sophisticated piece of equipment, the performance you
achieve will ultimately depend on the aerial to which your set is con-
The subject of aerials is vast but in this book the author has con-
sidered practical aerial designs, including active, loop and ferrite aerials
which give good performances and are relatively simple and inexpensive
to build. The complex theory and mathematics of aerial design have
been avoided.
Also included are constructional details of a number of aerial acc-
essories including a preselector, attenuator, filters and tuning unit.
96 pages 1982
0 85934 080 5' Z1.95
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25 Simple
Amateur Band Aerials
This concise book describes how to build 25 amateur band
aerials thatare simple and inexpensive to construct and
perform well. The designs start with the simple dipole and
proceed to beam, triangle and even a mini -rhombic made from
four TV masts and about 400 feet of wire.

After the aerial discussion you will find a complete set of

dimension tables that will help you spot an aerial on a particu-
lar frequency. Dimensions are given for various style aerials
and other data needed for spacing and cutting phasing lengths.
Also included are dimensions for the new WARC bands.

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