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Region I

Division of City Schools

Bolosan, Dagupan City
Physical Science
Section: __________________________ ________________________ Subject Teacher: ______________________________
Name: _________________________________________Room No.____ ______Seat No._____________________________

Direction: In each item, select from the given choices (A,B,C,D) the one that correctly answers the questions.
Write your answer on the space provided for.

______1. Modern cosmology supposes that the Universe came from a "big bang" event about 13 billion years ago.
Evidence for this is _________.
A. the uniformity of the abundance of hydrogen and helium. C. the Hubble expansion.
B. the cosmic background radiation. D. all of these answers.
______2. Many things that we use today, such as automobiles, are made from iron. What was the original source
of the iron
mined from Earth?
A. the original Big Bang creation event. C. the core of an exploding supernova.
B. blobs of liquid metal ejected from the Sun. D. mass lost from red giant stars
_____3. How can one explain the fact that nearly all other galaxies appear to be moving farther away from us?
A. The universe is expanding. C. The solar system is at the center of the
B. The apparent motion is just an optical illusion. D. The Doppler effect is causing the distances to expand.
______4. Most of the helium in the Universe is believed to have been produced in_________.
A. red giants. B. the Big Bang. C. supernovae. D. main sequence stars.
______5. What is the Solar Nebula?
A. Another name for the Sun's outer atmosphere. C. Gas ejected from the Sun which fills the
inner Solar System.
B. The disk of gas from which the Sun and planets formed. D. A cloud of gas around the outer edges of
the Solar
_____6. Why is the cosmic background radiation so cool?
A. interstellar dust grains absorbs and cools it. C. the expansion of the Universe has
lengthened its wavelength.
B. we are moving through it so fast it just looks cool. D. it is emitted by cool stars
_____7. Cosmological redshift is the result of the__________.
A. expansion of the universe. C. galaxies speeding away from us.
B. supermassive black holes. D. Tully-Fisher relation.
_____8. Which particles are referred to as nucleons (subatomic particles located in the nucleus)?
A. protons and neutrons B. protons and electrons C. neutrons, only D. neutrons and
_____9. Atoms of 16O, 17O, and 18O have the same number of
A. protons, but a different number of electrons C. protons, but a different number of neutrons
B. electrons, but a different number of protons D. neutrons, but a different number of protons
______10. Compared to the entire atom, the nucleus of the atom is _________.
A.smaller and contains most of the atom’s mass C. larger and contains most of the atom’s mass
B.smaller and contains little of the atom’s mass D. larger and contains little of the atom’s mass
_____11. What subatomic particle was discovered in the cathode ray tube experiment?
A. proton B. electron C. neutron D. gravitron
_____12. The atomic number is always equal to the total number of
A. neutrons in the nucleus C. neutrons plus protons in the atom
B. protons in the nucleus D. protons plus electrons in the atom

_____13. The other name of is _________.

A. Protium B. Deuterium C. Tritium D. Proton
_____14. An atom has a mass number of 23 and atomic number 11. The number of protons are_________.
A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14
_____15. Interaction between highly electron deficient hydrogen and highly electronegative atom is called
A. Covalent bond B. Ionic Bond C. Dipole-dipole d. Hydrogen Bond
_____16. When two identical atoms share electron pairs and exert force on each other then bond form is
A. non-polar covalent bond C. double covalent bond
B. polar covalent bond D. metallic bond
_____17. Strength of intermolecular forces from ionic or covalent bond is
A. weaker B. stronger C. equal D. none of the above

_____18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Intermolecular forces are generally stronger than bonding forces.
B. The potential energy of molecules decreases as they get closer to one another.
C. Energy is given off when the attraction between two molecules is broken.
D. Increasing the pressure on a solid usually causes it to become a liquid.
_____19. Why does a coating of oil slow the oxidation of iron?

A rusting bicycle

Fig. 1

The process of rusting is actually the oxidation of iron, producing iron oxides.
A. The oil stops oxygen from reaching the iron, and therefore decreases the concentration of oxygen in the
rusting reaction
B. The oil cools the chain so that the rusting reaction occurs much slower
C. The oil’s surface decreases the surface area of the chain, slowing the rusting reaction
D. The oil is an “anti-catalyst”, which actually causes the opposite reaction to occur (“anti-rusting”)
_____20. Why does increasing the temperature of the reactants increase the rate of a chemical reaction?
A. Heat energy causes some of the reactants to evaporate, increasing the concentration of the reactants
B. Heat energy increases the size of the molecules of reactants, and therefore the molecules react more
C.Heat energy helps to lower the amount of overall energy that is required for the reaction to occur
D. Heat energy causes the particles of the reactants to move faster, and therefore react with each other more
_____21. Which of the following would decrease the amount of time a glow stick would stay bright?
A. Increase the size of the glowstick
B. Decrease the concentration of one of the reactants
C. Increase the temperature of the reactants
D. Decrease the temperature of the reactants
_____22. Why are many types of food stored in refrigerators?
A. Refrigerators often contain enzymes that slow the rate of food spoiling reactions
B. Bacteria do not grow well in dark places
C. The lower temperatures cause the chemical reactions that spoil food to occur more slowly than usual
D. The volume inside the refrigerator decreases the concentration of the food particles, allowing them to
decompose more slowly
_____23. Which of the following would cause the rate of a chemical reaction to slow?
A. Increase the surface area of the reactants
B. Increase the temperature of the reactants
C. Increase the volume that the reactants take up
D. Increase the concentration of the reactants
_____24. The “burning splint” test is a procedure in a chemistry lab to test for the presence of oxygen. Here, steel
wool is
used instead of burning splint: What concept does the burning splint test illustrate?
A. Increasing temperature increases reaction rate
B. Increasing concentration increases reaction rate
C. Increasing surface area increases reaction rate
D. Increasing volume increases reaction rate
_____25. Which of the following methods for increasing the rate of chemical reaction increases
the effectiveness of the interactions between reactants, instead of just causing the reactant molecules to bump
into each other more frequently?
A. Increasing the temperature of the reactants
B. Increasing the surface area of the reactants
C. Increasing the concentration of the reactants
D. Adding a catalyst to the reactants
_____26. Enzymes are an important component in the human body. Without enzymes, many chemical reactions
could not
occur, or would react much too slowly to be useful. What are enzymes?
A. Simple elements
B. Chemicals that increase surface area
C. Catalysts
D. Molecules used to increase concentration
_____27. A chemical reaction between two substances is occurring in an aqueous solution. What can be done to
increase the
rate of reaction?
A. Rapidly cool the container that the reactants are in
B. Add a catalytic converter
C. Pour the reactants into a large, flat container to increase the surface area
D. Increase the concentration of the reactants by adding more to the solution
_____28. Which of the following is least strong?
A. polar covalent bond C. ionic bond
B. hydrogen bond D. dipole-dipole force

_____29. Ice is less dense than water because:

A. Molecules of ice are held to each other by covalent bonding
B. The molecular structure of ice is less orderly than that of water
C. Ice has a molecular structure in which water molecules are arranged randomly.
D. None of these
_____30. Chlorine is a gas, bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid because:
A. They have different intermolecular forces
B. Their bonds have different polarities
C. The strengths of the dipole-dipole interactions differ in each compound.
D. None of these
_____31. Which of the following elements occurs naturally as a diatomic molecule with three covalent bonds?
A. oxygen B. fluorine C. hydrogen D. nitrogen
_____32. When one atom contributes both bonding electrons in a single covalent bond, the bond is called a(n)…
A. ionic covalent bond C. one-sided covalent bond
B. polar covalent bond D. coordinate covalent bond
_____33. Which of the following can impact the reaction rate?
A. The number of particles B. The pressure C. The temperature D. A, B, & C
Consider the following collisions, each one occurring at the same temperature

Before Collision Collision After Collision

_____34. Which one of the following factors explains why collision one is successful while collision two is not
A. Catalyst C. Concentration
B. Geometry D. Kinetic energy
_____35. To increase the rate of a reaction, there must be
A. Decrease in the frequency of collisions
B. An Increase in the frequency of collisions.
C. A decrease in the frequency of successful collisions
D.An increase in the frequency of successful collisions
_____36. Which of the following would change the value of the activation energy for a heterogeneous reaction?
A. adding an inhibitor
B. changing the surface area
C. changing the temperature
D. changing the average kinetic energy
_____37. What happens to the activation energy as the temperature in a reacting system decreases?
A. the activation energy increases
B. the activation energy decreases
C. the activation energy stays the same
D. the activation energy is converted to kinetic energy
_____38. How does the addition of a catalyst increase the reaction rate of an endothermic reaction?
A. It reduces the ΔH of the reaction.
B. It increases the ΔH of the reaction.
C. It reduces the required activation energy.
D. It causes the reaction to become exothermic.
_____39. The reaction temperature is increased. There are:
A. more collisions and greater collision energy
B. more collisions but the same collision energy
C. the same number of collisions and greater collision energy
D. the same number of collisions but the same collision energy
_____40. A reactant concentration is increased. There are:
A. more collisions and greater collision energy
B. more collisions but the same collision energy
C. the same number of collisions and greater collision energy
D. the same number of collisions but the same collision energy

_____41. A reactant surface area is increased. There are:

A. more collisions and greater collision energy
B. more collisions but the same collision energy
C. the same number of collisions and greater collision energy
D. the same number of collisions but the same collision energy
_____42. In a chemical reaction, which of the following is not true?
A. most collisions are successful
B. successful collisions have favourable geometry
C. successful collisions have sufficient energy
D. a collision is required

What is a nebula, and how does it form a star? (3 marks)

A nebula is a cloud of gases and dust that swirl around in space. When this cloud
of dust and gas gathers into a large clump, it increases the magnitude of its
gravitational force. Once enough gas has bunched together under enough
pressure, a fusion reaction begins, creating a star.

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