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Diagnostic Test in PhySci

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NAME: ____________________________________ SCORE: _________________

GRADE and SECTION: _______________________ DATE: __________________


Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. How did the universe start?
A. With the birth of Malakas and Maganda C. with the formation of Earth as its center
B. In a great explosion called the Big Bang D. with the creation of light
_____ 2. Which of the following is NOT a nucleosynthesis?
A. Big Bang nucleosynthesis C. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
B. Exo nucleosynthesis D. Stellar nucleosynthesis
_____ 3. What is the most abundant element in the whole universe?
A. Oxygen B. Helium C. Nitrogen D. Hydrogen
_____ 4. What elements were created during the death of a star?
A. Hydrogen and Helium C. Cobalt and Uranium
B. Beryllium and Iron D. all synthetic elements
_____ 5. What are the fundamental particles of all matter?
A. Electron, proton and neutron C. quarks and lepton
B. Atoms D. Nucleus
_____ 6. What do you call elements having the same atomic number but different atomic mass?
A. Isotone B. Isobar C. Isotope D. Isoprene
_____ 7. Who are the Greek philosophers who proposed that atoms are tiny indivisible part of an object?
A. Socrates and Plato C. Leucippus and Democritus
B. Aristotle and Alexander the Great D. Epicurus and Paracelcus
_____ 8. Which of the following is NOT an idea of the Greek about atoms?
A. There is void, which is empty space between atoms.
B. Atoms are completely solid.
C. Atoms are homogenous with no internal structure.
D. Atoms are all the same in their sizes, shapes, and weight.
_____ 9. Which of the following is NOT a contribution of Alchemy to chemistry?
A. Creation of diamond by applying heat C. making of inks, paints, and cosmetics
B. Metal working D. preparation of extracts and liquors
_____ 10. Which are the goals of Alchemy?
I. Discover the “elixir of life.”
II. Discover the relationship of humans to cosmos to improve human spirit.
III. Create diamonds.
IV. Transmute one element to another by applying heat.
A. I and II only B. I, II and IV only C. I, II and III only D. all of the above
_____ 11. JJ Thompson, an English scientist discovered negatively charged particles. What did he call his Atomic Model?
A. Planetary Model B. Plum-Pudding Model C. Wave Atomic Model D. Electron Cloud Model
_____ 12. Ernest Rutherford proposed that an atom is mostly empty space that has a dense positively charged center.
What was Rutherford’s experiment that gave way to his discovery?
A. Beta-Scattering Effect C. Cathode Ray Tube Experiment
B. Alpha-Scattering Effect D. None of the above
_____ 13. Who proposed the Wave Model of Atom?
A. Neils Bohr B. James Chadwick C. Erwin Schrodinger D. John Dalton
_____ 14. What force keeps the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?
A. Gravitational Force B. Electromagnetic Force C. Weak Nuclear Force D. Strong Nuclear
_____ 15. Given an element 26Fe56 , how many neutrons does the element has?
A. 26 B. 56 C. 82 D. 30
_____ 16. Which of the following is not a radioactive particle?
A. Alpha B. Beta C. Delta D. Gamma
_____ 17. What nuclear reaction involves an emission of electron?
A. Alpha Decay B. Beta Minus Decay C. Beta Plus Decay D. Alpha Bombardment
_____ 18. The molecule BF3 has covalent bond and has no lone pair after electrons were shared. What is the molecular
geometry of BF3?
A. Trigonal Planar B. T-shaped C. Trigonal Pyramid D. Bent
_____ 19. What is the molecular geometry of H2O (water)?
A. Linear B. bent C. t-shaped D. trigonal planar
_____ 20. What intramolecular bond exist between the atoms of metaborate (BO 3 ) molecule? (Electronegativity values: B
= 2.0 : O = 3.5)
A. Pure Covalent BondB. Polar Bond C. Non-polar Bond D. Ionic Bond
_____ 21. What type of bond exist between atoms of molecules where electrons transfer from one atom to another?
A. Pure Covalent BondB. Polar Bond C. Non-polar Bond D. Ionic Bond
_____ 22. What type of intermolecular bond exists between molecules of NH 3?
A. Ion-Dipole B. Dipole-Dipole C. Hydrogen Bonding D. London Dispersion
_____ 23. This is an attractive force between gases like O 2 and N2 which can be liquefied under correct conditions of
pressure and temperature.
A. Ion-dipole B. Dipole-Dipole C. Hydrogen Bonding D. London dispersion
_____ 24. What is the electronegativity difference between atoms in a molecule if they formed through ionic bond?
A. 0 B. <0.5 C. 0.5 – 2.0 D. >2.0
_____ 25. Sodium Fluoride (NaF) has an electronegativity difference of 3.1. What type of intramolecular bond was
A. Pure Covalent B. Non-polar C. Polar D. Ionic
_____ 26. Which of the following is NOT an idea of the Greeks in atoms?
A. All matter is made up of tiny indivisible particles called atoms.
B. Atoms are completely solid.
C. Atoms are heterogenous in structure.
D. Atoms come in different sizes and shapes.
_____ 27. An ingredient used for personal care products which are volatile so we can smell them and are soluble so we
can taste them.
A. Phenol B. Ethyl Acetate C. Fragrant esters D. aliphatic alcohols
_____ 28. Which of the following is not a characteristic of organic compounds?
A. They burn vigorously. C. They are soluble in nonpolar molecules.
B. They have ionic bonds. D. They have low melting and boiling points.
_____ 29. What atomic model is described where negative charge particles are embedded on a positive dough?
A. Nuclear model C. Solar system model
B. Plum-pudding model D. billiard ball model
_____ 30. Which of the following is the importance of lipids in the human body?
A. Primary source of energy needed by the body.
B. Store direct information from cellular growth.
C. Dissolves vitamins needed by the body to absorb.
D. Provides structure in membranes and build cartilages.
_____ 31. It is a substance that increases the rate of reaction without itself being consumed.
A. Reactant B. Catalyst C. Molecules D. none of the above
_____ 32. As the temperature of a reaction is increased, the rate if the reaction increases because the _____________.
A. reactant molecules collide less frequently
B. reactant molecules collide more frequently and with greater energy per collision
C. activation energy is lowered
D. reactant molecules collide less frequently and with greater energy per collision
_____ 33. A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction by ____________.
A. increasing the concentration of reactants C. increasing the activation energy of the overall reaction
B. decreasing the concentration of the reactants D. decreasing the activation energy of the overall reaction
_____ 34. The rate of a reaction depends on __________.
A. Collision frequency B. collision energy C. collision orientation D. all of the above
_____ 35. Which of the following is an example of physical change?
A. Mixing baking soda and vinegar together, and this causes bubbles and foam.
B. A glass cup falls from the counter and shatters on the ground.
C. Lighting a piece of paper on fire and the paper burns up and leaves ashes.
D. Baking a birthday cake for your mother.
_____ 36. Which of the following is an example of chemical change?
A. Filling up a balloon with hot air.
B. Taking a glass of water and freezing it by placing it in the freezer.
C. A plant collecting sunlight and turning it into food.
D. Your dog ripping up your homework.
______ 37. Which change can be easily be reversed?
A. Chemical Change C. Both physical and chemical change
B. Physical Change D. Neither physical nor chemical change
_____ 38. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of a free-falling object? An object in a state of
A. falls with a constant speed of -10 m/s
B. falls with an acceleration of -10m/s/s
C. falls under the sole influence of gravity
D. falls with downward acceleration which has a constant magnitude
_____ 39. As an object freely falls, its __________.
A. speed increases C. acceleration increases
B. both of these D. none of these
_____ 40. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Speed is a scalar quantity. C. Velocity is vector quantity.
B. Both a and b D. None of the above
_____ 41. Carefully study the motion of the body in these cases.
A. A tricycle moving at 45 km/hr around the curve
B. A typhoon moving at 20km/hr SW and changing its path to 50 km/hr W
C. A car moving at 75 km/hr on a straight highway
D. A bus moving on a straight road, slowing down to a stop.
What bodies move with constant velocity?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
_____ 42. A car is moving on a straight highway with a constant speed of 20 m/s for 10s. What is its acceleration?
A. 2m/s2 B. 200 m/s2 C. 0 D. cannot be determined.
For questions 43 -47, choose the Law of Motion that is applicable in the following situations.
A. First Law of Motion C. Third Law of Motion
B. Second Law of Motion D. None of the above
_____ 43. When you stir coffee and stops, the swirling motion continues.
_____ 44. Fire fighters hold the water pipe tightly when water rushes out.
_____ 45. If you jump form a moving jeep, your body is still moving in the direction of the vehicle.
_____ 46. Your fist hurts if you punch it on the wall.
_____ 47. It takes a smaller extra force to propel a small yacht at sea than to propel a supertanker.

For questions 48 – 52, refer to the diagram below.

_____ 48. What is the speed of the object between time 4s to 6s?
A. 2.5 m/s B. 0 C. 5 m/s D. 10 m/s
_____ 49. At what time interval/s is the object not moving?
A. 4s – 6s B. 0s – 2s C. 8s – 10s D. all of the above
_____ 50. What is happening to the object from time 12s to 16s? The object _____________.
A. went back to its original position C. slowed down
B. has the same speed all through out D. did not move
_____ 51. What is the speed of the object between time interval 6s – 8s?
A. constant B. increasing C. decreasing D. 0
_____ 52. What time interval did the object obtained the fastest speed?
A. 2s – 4s B. 6s – 8s C. 10s – 12s D. 12s – 14s
_____ 53. A heavy truck has more momentum than a passenger car moving at the same speed because the truck _____.
A. has greater mass C. has greater speed
B. is not streamlined D. has a large wheelbase
_____ 54. Momentum is conserved
A. in an elastic collision of two balls C. in an inelastic collision of two balls
B. in the absence of an external force D. in all of the preceding cases
_____ 55. A 1500 kg truck travelling at 80km/hr collides with another car of mass 1000kg travelling at 30 km/hr in the
same direction. The two cars stick together after the collision. Their speed immediately after the collision is _________.
A. 40km/hr B. 60km/hr C. 110km/hr D. 55 km/hr

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